June 2019
4 Reads
Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)
In recent hobbing, the technologies of dry cutting have been developed in an attempt to improve the working environmental and prevent global environmental pollution. In this study, we investigated wear behavior (tool life), crater wear and finished surface roughness of various coated cutting tools when hardness of work material was changed by heat treatment in dry hobbing. Experiments were conducted by simulating hobbing by fly tool cutting on a milling machine. The results helped clarify the following points: (1) When the hardness of workpiece material SCM415 was changed to HB131, HB144 and HB161, the tool life obtained with all of the four kinds of coated cutting tools used in this experiment in the cases of cutting HB131 (annealing) and HB161 (as rolled) work materials is longer than the case of cutting HB144 (normalizing) work material. Especially AlCrSiN-coated tool is effective. (2) For various coated tools, the crater wear tends to decrease in the order of cutting HB144, HB131 and HB161 work materials, and when cutting HB161 work material with AlCrSiN-coated tool, the crater wear is small. (3) Even if the hardness of the workpiece is changed, the finished surface roughness is as small as 1 μm when cutting with the AlCrSiN-coated tool compared to other coated tools. (4) From the viewpoints of tool life, crater wearand finished surface roughness comprehensively, AlCrSiN-coated tool is effective when the hardness of the work material is changed.