June 2022
37 Reads
Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the pharamacognostic parameters for the plant M. senegalensis, to ensure its purity, quality and safety. Methodology: Whole powdered leaves and methanolic extract were used. Pharmacognostic standards were determined according to the guidelines given by the World Health Organization (WHO). Parameters determined are macroscopic and microscopic characters (quantitative and qualitative), physicochemical parameters as well as preliminary phytochemical tests. Results: Macroscopically the leaves of M. senegalensis are alternately arranged with glabrous surface, serrated margin, and a characteristic taste and odor. Microspically, the leaves have stomata that is anomocytic type on both upper (SN= 80.50-70.00-59.50, SI= 10.81-12.72-14.63) and lower epidermis (SN= 101.78-88.50-75.23, SI= 10.65-12.53-14.41), the epidermal cells were polygonal in shape and trichomes were absent. The vein islet number was determined to be 23.46-20.40-17.34 and the vein let termination number was 17.94-15.60-13.26. Transverse sections of the leaves revealed a dorsiventral type having a singled layered epidermis, palisade cell beneath the upper epidermis, with some vascular bundles at the center covered by a bundle carp, and some spongy mesophyll. Chemo-microscopical study revealed the presence of cellulose cell wall, lignified fibers, starch grains, calcium oxalates, fixed oil and fats. Other determinations include: moisture content (9.33 % w/w ± 0.01), total ash (7.83.00 % w/w ± 0.004) acid-insoluble ash (01.67% w/w ± 0.01), alcohol-soluble extractive values (12.00% w/w ± 0.10), and water-soluble extractive values (13.25%w/w ± 0.04). Preliminary phytochemical screening of the methanolic leave extract reveals the presence alkaloids, saponins, tannins, anthraquinones, cardiac glycosides, carbohydrates and flavonoids. Conclusion: The drug can be stored in powdered form for a long time without worrying about its purity based on the moisture content value obtained. The high digestibility of the plant when eaten is indicated by the low total ash and acid-insoluble ash values obtained (i.e can be safely eaten). The drug may be very significant in the development of phytomedicines, according to the results of the phytochemical screening.