Agneta Nilsson’s research while affiliated with Chalmers University of Technology and other places

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Publications (11)

The main internal influencing events in period two: Initiating Usability Integration. To help the reader, these events are listed in their chronological order and in the same order as narrated in the summary of the corresponding period.
The main internal events in period three: Initiating UX Integration. To help the reader, these events are listed in their chronological order and in the same order as narrated in the summary of the corresponding period.
Integrating UX Principles and Practices into Software Development Organizations: A Case Study of Influencing Events
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2019


1,930 Reads


60 Citations

Journal of Systems and Software



Agneta Nilsson

Current studies on User eXperience (UX) integration often do not investigate or reflect on the transition companies go through from only developing Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) to also considering usability and more recently UX. Understanding this transition provides a more holistic and realistic picture of integration and can be a rich source of knowledge for improving UX integration in the software industry. Applying case study and grounded theory research we show that UX integration, like other organizational changes, can include a mixture of planned and emergent initiatives, and is influenced by various intertwined events; not only those that reside inside an organization but also those external to it. We also show that different decisions that are made outside the authority of UX practitioners have an inevitable impact on enabling or prohibiting UX integration. In addition, we found that for a successful integration, practitioners need to explicitly consider and address the characteristics of UX, otherwise, the integration efforts may have a lopsided focus on the pragmatic aspect of UX, consequently, leave the hedonic aspect unaddressed. Based on our findings, we present four lessons learned and five pitfalls companies should consider to go beyond GUI design and usability to also address UX.


Table 2 The interviewees who participated in this study. 
Table 3 UX characteristic and their implications for the identified challenges as supported by our data. 
Figure 10 Challenges concerning communication and collaboration between UX and non-UX practitioners (Theme ).
Integrating User eXperience practices into software development processes: implications of the UX characteristics

October 2017


861 Reads


72 Citations

User eXperience (UX) is a key factor in the success of software systems. Many software companies face challenges in their work with UX. Existing research does not analyze UX practices and challenges in relation to other software quality characteristics or, in particular, in relation to usability. A better understanding of these challenges can help researchers and practitioners better address them in the future. In this empirical study, we have interviewed 17 practitioners with different backgrounds and occupations from eight software development companies. Their responses are coded, and analyzed with thematic analysis. We report eight themes of challenges that practitioners face in their work with UX. While some of these challenges partly overlap with those reported in existing literature about usability or other software quality characteristics, the participants of our study either view many of the challenges as unique to UX, or more severe in the case of UX. Although at a superficial level challenges of UX and other quality characteristics overlap, we differentiate these challenges at a deeper level through the five main characteristics of UX: subjective , holistic , dynamic , context-dependent and worthwhile . In particular, we identified that these characteristics have at least 20 implications (i.e. additional difficulties) for day-to-day work of practitioners. We found that 11 of these implications have been previously reported in literature. However, to the best of our knowledge, the remaining nine implications are unique to our study. These implications can explain why practitioners perceive the challenges to be more severe than for other quality characteristics. Most importantly, they can explain the industry’s lopsided focus on the pragmatic aspect of UX. Our findings can be useful for researchers in identifying new and industry-relevant research areas and for practitioners to learn from empirically investigated challenges in UX work, and base their improvement efforts on such knowledge. Identifying and investigating the overlaps underlines the importance of these challenges, and can also help finding research areas not only for enhancing UX work but also software quality in general. It also makes it easier for practitioners to spot, better understand as well as find mitigation strategies for UX, through learning from past experiences and developments in the area of software quality.

Fig. 1. A UX-aware model of requirements  
A Conceptual UX-Aware Model of Requirements

August 2016


522 Reads


3 Citations

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

User eXperience (UX) is becoming increasingly important for success of software products. Yet, many companies still face various challenges in their work with UX. Part of these challenges relate to inadequate knowledge and awareness of UX and that current UX models are commonly not practical nor well integrated into existing Software Engineering (SE) models and concepts. Therefore, we present a conceptual UX-aware model of requirements for software development practitioners. This layered model shows the interrelation between UX and functional and quality requirements. The model is developed based on current models of UX and software quality characteristics. Through the model we highlight the main differences between various requirement types in particular essentially subjective and accidentally subjective quality requirements. We also present the result of an initial validation of the model through interviews with 12 practitioners and researchers. Our results show that the model can raise practitioners' knowledge and awareness of UX in particular in relation to requirement and testing activities. It can also facilitate UX-related communication among stakeholders with different backgrounds.

Challenges with UX work, identified through 17 interviewes
We identified five issues essential to the very nature of UX (in particular its subjective and emergent nature). These issues can explain the extra difficulties that practitioners face in their work with UX compared to other quality characteristics
Integrating User eXperience Practices into Software Development Processes: Implications of Subjectivity and Emergent Nature of UX

May 2016


741 Reads


19 Citations

Many software companies face challenges in their work with User eXperience (UX) and how to integrate UX practices into existing development processes. A better understanding of these challenges can help researchers and practitioners better address them. Existing research does not analyse UX challenges in relation to other software quality characteristics including usability. In this empirical study, we have interviewed 17 practitioners from eight software development companies. Their responses are coded and analysed with thematic analysis. We report 11 challenges that practitioners face in their work with UX. Some of these challenges partly overlap with those reported in existing literature about usability or software quality characteristics. In contrast to these overlaps, the participants of our study either view many of the challenges unique to UX, or more severe than for usability or other quality characteristics. Although at a superficial level challenges with UX and other quality characteristics overlap, we differentiate these challenges at a deeper level through two main aspects of UX: subjectivity and emergent nature. In particular, we identify at least five issues that are essential to the very nature of UX, and add at least seven extra difficulties to the work of practitioners. These difficulties can explain why practitioners perceive the challenges to be more severe than for other quality characteristics. Our findings can be useful for researchers in identifying industrially relevant research areas and for practitioners to learn from empirically investigated challenges and base their improvement efforts on such knowledge. Investigating the overlaps can help finding research areas not only for enhancing practice of UX but also software quality in general. It also makes it easier for practitioners to spot, better understand as well as find mitigation strategies for UX challenges.

Fig. 2. A part of the indirect-events timeline. Each box represents one event, and is color coded to reflect in which unit of the company that has happened.
Fig. 3. A part of one of the timelines being annotated in the beginning of the cross-section EBT retrospective meeting. As shown, to prevent misunderstandings definition of the terms used on the timelines was printed on each timeline.  
A part of the indirect-events timeline.
Indirect-events are activities that have been performed for other purposes but indirectly influenced UX integration. 
 Each box represents one event, and is color coded to reflect in which unit of the company that has happened.
Indicated events are those events that
A part of the direct-events timeline. Each box represents one event, and is color coded to reflect in which unit of the company that has happened.
Direct-events are those activities that have been performed with an explicit aim to improve UX integration.
Annotating the timelines in the retrospective meeting, using post-it-notes
Cross-Section Evidence-based Timelines for Software Process Improvement Retrospectives: A Case Study of User eXperience Integration

May 2016


215 Reads


1 Citation

Although integrating UX practices into software development processes is a type of Software Process Improvement (SPI) activity, this has not yet been taken into account in UX publications. In this study, we approach UX integration in a software development company in Sweden from a SPI perspective. Following the guidelines in SPI literature, we performed a retrospective meeting at the company to reflect on their decade of SPI activities for enhancing UX integration. The aim of the meeting was to reflect on, learn from, and coordinate various activities spanned across various organizational units and projects. We therefore supported the meeting by a pre- generated timeline of the main activities in the organization that is different from common project retrospective meetings in SPI. This approach is a refinement of a similar approach that is used in Agile projects, and is shown to improve effectiveness of, and decrease memory bias. We hypothesized that this method can be useful in the context of UX integration, and in this broader scope. To evaluate the method we gathered practitioners' view through a questionnaire. The findings showed our hypothesis to be plausible. Here, we present that UX integration research and practice can benefit from the SPI body of knowledge; We also show that such cross-section evidence-based timeline retrospective meetings are useful for UX integration, and in a larger scale than one project, especially for identifying and reflecting on 'organizational issues'. This approach also provides a cross- section longitudinal overview of the SPI activities that cannot easily be gained in other common SPI learning approaches.

Models for Integrating UX into Software Engineering Practice: an Industrial Validation

September 2014


445 Reads


6 Citations

The user's overall experience and perception of functionalities and qualities of a product, User eXperience (UX), is becoming increasingly important for success of software products. Yet, many software companies face challenges with their UX practices, hence fail to achieve a good UX in their products. Part of these challenges are rooted in inadequate knowledge and awareness about UX but also in that UX models are commonly not well integrated with existing software engineering (SE) models and concepts. Therefore, we present two SE-specific models of UX for practitioners: (i) a layered model that shows the relation between functional, quality, and UX requirements, and (ii) a general, UX-aware software process overview model that shows the additional concepts and activities that can help achieve a good UX. Validation of the models in interviews with 12 practitioners and researchers generally found the models useful for practice; for instance to raise knowledge and awareness about UX, improve communications regarding UX and facilitating making UX-aware decisions in the development process. In total, we identified six different areas of use for the models.

Citations (8)

... In recent years, there has been an increasing number of literature exploring how to better integrate software engineering (SE) and UX design [57,60,61]. Several systematic literature reviews (SLRs) have focused on the idea of integrating UX design into agile model [19,70,85,103], summarizing the distinction between agile and UX design [103], with a focus on the integration [101], new frameworks that combine common practices and processes [70], and UX management approaches [52]. ...


Who is to Blame: A Comprehensive Review of Challenges and Opportunities in Designer-Developer Collaboration
Integrating UX Principles and Practices into Software Development Organizations: A Case Study of Influencing Events

Journal of Systems and Software

... In recent years, there has been an increasing number of literature exploring how to better integrate software engineering (SE) and UX design [57,60,61]. Several systematic literature reviews (SLRs) have focused on the idea of integrating UX design into agile model [19,70,85,103], summarizing the distinction between agile and UX design [103], with a focus on the integration [101], new frameworks that combine common practices and processes [70], and UX management approaches [52]. ...

Integrating User eXperience practices into software development processes: implications of the UX characteristics

... Kashfi et al. (2016) identified four aspects (they called them activities): people (contributing to UX), direct events (aiming to improve UX), indirect events (indirectly improving UX), and UX artefacts (outputs from UX practices). We used the same aspects; however, we did not separate events into direct and indirect as this separation was not relevant to our investigation, all events with direct or indirect contribution to UX were regarded as important. ...

Evidence-Based Timelines for User eXperience Software Process Improvement Retrospectives

... However, Morville's model does not often target software products, making the UX measurements less indicative and less robust. Literature reports three categories of UX measurements: those accomplished by users using questionnaires [16], [17]; those conducted by UX experts based on rules (heuristics) models [18], [19]; and those using complex hybrid models [20]. Questionnaire models are considered the simplest ones as they require users to rate their emotional behavior toward the actual software use based on a predefined list of questions. ...

A Conceptual UX-Aware Model of Requirements

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

... This occurs via the UI as shown at Figure 1. As such, UX is a key success factor of software systems [30]; it leads to pleasant use and better engagement for users. The fact that the intent of the designer is not always linked to the perception of users [22] raises the need to study UX for interface design. ...

Integrating User eXperience Practices into Software Development Processes: Implications of Subjectivity and Emergent Nature of UX

... Second, companies should concentrate on the interplay between UX experts, developers and other stakeholders during the actual design and development . We present our early breaking results on stakeholder involvement that are found through a case study in a Swedish software development company (for more details, see [14]). ...

Cross-Section Evidence-based Timelines for Software Process Improvement Retrospectives: A Case Study of User eXperience Integration

... Admittedly, various UX models have been developed so far, mainly in the field of HCI [4,10]. But such models are often too complex and use terminologies less familiar to practitioners with SE or similar technical backgrounds [11]. In addition, these models do not clearly present the interrelation between UX and other software quality characteristics and their corresponding models (e.g., ISO/IEC 25010). ...

Supporting Practitioners in Prioritizing User Experience Requirements

... In today's competitive markets, a high level of UX is critical for gaining market share, adds to increased work motivation and performance, and can have a serious impact on end users' well-being. 18,19 To achieve this, IT companies should apply appropriate HCI practices, which can increase the likelihood of delivering a desirable UX. However, merely implementing these techniques in isolation is insufficient according to studies. ...

Models for Integrating UX into Software Engineering Practice: an Industrial Validation