September 2019
1,516 Reads
9 Citations
LUMAT International Journal on Math Science and Technology Education
The cross-sectional study examined primary and secondary teachers’ and students’ views regarding technology integration into teaching and learning in Muscat, Oman. The target group consisted of teachers (N=44) and students (N=219) from two bilingual and two international schools in Oman. Results showed that the majority of students use technology to do projects and research. Both teachers and students enjoy the use of technology in teaching and learning, they feel competent in using it and they similarly evaluate the effectiveness of available technologies. Although the majority of teachers agreed that teaching has become easier and faster with technology, only a small percentage integrates technology into teaching. Factors hindering technology integration concern curriculum design, network issues, time constraint and other. In theory, the study contributes to our understanding of the reasons why teachers’ and students’ find it challenging to use technological innovations in school. Methodologically, this study provides the basis for examining Technological Pedagogical Knowledge in certain socio-geographical contexts. In practice, the study provides educational authorities with suggestions on how technology can be used to support, enhance and extend the curriculum.