Adam T. Ford’s research while affiliated with University of British Columbia and other places

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Publications (131)

Study area map of the Revelstoke Valley, British Columbia, Canada—the traditional territories of the Secwepemc, Ktunaxa, and Okanagan Nation Indigenous peoples. From 2004 to 2020, the locations of 39 adult female moose (red) were recorded from Global Positioning Satellite telemetry. Management Units 4–39 and 4–38 separate the west (limited motorized access) and the east sides of Lake Revelstoke (light blue). The dark blue areas show forestry cutblocks harvested between 1961 and 2020 within the study area (inset, top right). Annual area of forest harvested between 1961 and 2020, measured in hectares.
Panel (a) moose habitat selection of cutblocks in the Revelstoke Valley, British Columbia, as a function of years since cut (combined seasons) derived from resource selection functions and a generalized additive mixed model. The smoother intercepts with 0 at 14 and 36 years since cut, indicating that moose avoid (red) cutblocks 0–14 years since cut and >36 years since cut while selecting (blue) for cutblocks that are 14–36 years since cut. Panel (b) optimal aged cutblocks (14–36 years since cut) available, which we define as carrying capacity, from 2003 to 2020 in the Revelstoke Valley, British Columbia.
Panel (a) observed (dashed blue line) number of moose harvested in the Revelstoke Valley, British Columbia, from 2003 to 2020. Simulated total moose harvests (dotted red line) based on the mean pre‐reduction (1994–2002) annual moose harvest rate (2.5%) forecasted through 2020. The black line represents a 6% harvest rate. Simulated moose harvests were applied to our projected moose population based on observed changes to landscape carrying capacity (K) for moose. Panel (b) changes in moose abundance (N) (dotted black line) based on aerial surveys. The red line is the ratio of calf to adult moose observed in aerial surveys. The light grey dotted trend line is Kill Per Unit Effort (KPUE), an index of moose hunter harvest success. After 2003, when moose reduction was initiated, the Pearson's correlation between Moose N and KPUE = 0.83.
Effects of per capita habitat availability (ha of optimal habitat per moose) on calves per 100 cows in the Revelstoke Valley, British Columbia. For illustrative purposes, the line of fit is for derived years only in which wolf reduction was not applied. Moose population surveys during wolf removal years are shown in red (2018 and 2019), and surveys prior to wolf removal are shown in blue (2003, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2014 and 2017). The Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) = 0.79, p value = 0.056 and degrees of freedom = 4.
Panel (a) projected moose density based on moose carrying capacity under different forest harvest scenarios. The dashed line is the threshold density of moose in which wolf densities would be low enough to satisfy caribou recovery (Serrouya et al., 2021). Panel (b) wolf densities following the Messier (1994) moose–wolf conversion equation projected from 2020 to 2040 based on carrying capacity of the moose population. The horizontal dashed line is the threshold density of wolf density low enough to achieve caribou population stability (Serrouya et al., 2021). All scenarios assume no moose antlerless harvest regime was enacted. Gold star represents the observed, 2020 moose density estimate (0.56 moose per km²).
Density‐dependent responses of moose to hunting and landscape change
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2025


53 Reads

Mateen Hessami






Adam T. Ford

In many areas of the boreal forests and temperate mountains of Canada, resource extraction activities have created forage conditions that are favourable to the growth of moose (Alces alces) populations. In turn, these increased moose populations buoy the abundance of wolves (Canis lupus), which then have negative impacts on caribou (Rangifer tarandus) populations. Consequently, caribou have been declining where increased resource extraction, moose, and wolves occur. To abate unsustainable predation pressure on caribou by wolves, the moose hunting quota was expanded for 17 years to reduce and then stabilize the moose population in the Revelstoke Valley, British Columbia, Canada. However, a reduction in forestry activity paired with habitat protections slowed the early seral conditions that favour moose. Consequently, both hunter‐caused mortality and habitat loss may have been contributing to observed moose declines that occurred during this period. Within this changing regulatory and biophysical landscape, we sought to address two research objectives. First, we evaluated how increasing the moose hunting quota influenced the total yield of harvested animals. We expected that density‐dependent responses by the moose population would bolster the number of harvestable animals on the landscape. Second, we tested how different forest harvest scenarios might influence moose habitat, wolf densities, and thus caribou population growth rates into future decades. We used data from moose GPS collars (39 individuals), eight aerial population surveys, hunter harvest statistics, estimates of carrying capacity thresholds, and forest harvest records. The latter data series spanned 1961–2020 and informed the resource selection function and calculations for our first research objective as well as the predictive modelling for our second research objective. Between 2003 and 2020, we found that the habitat amounts for moose declined by 44.8%. There were 42% more moose harvested under increased moose hunting quotas than were projected to be harvested under a simulated status quo quota. As the moose population declined and stabilized, we observed higher recruitment rates (e.g. calf:cow ratios) that further contributed to the number of harvested moose. Our simulations indicated that the only forest harvesting scenario where moose carrying capacity would be low enough to stabilize caribou population growth rates by 2040 was to cease forest harvesting entirely in 2020. Practical implication: an increased observed moose harvest quota mitigated the negative effects of forestry on caribou, aided in caribou recovery, and struck a balance that also provided food security and recreational opportunities for moose harvesters.


Restoring historical moose densities results in fewer wolves killed for woodland caribou conservation

October 2024


100 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Wildlife Management

Woodland caribou ( Rangifer tarandus caribou ) are declining across much of their distribution in Canada in response to habitat alteration, leading to unsustainable predation, particularly by wolves ( Canis lupus ). Habitat alteration can benefit the primary prey species of wolves (moose [ Alces alces ] and deer [ Odocoileus spp.]) by creating early seral conditions that contain more of their preferred food types. This increase in primary prey populations results in elevated wolf abundance and heightened predation pressure on caribou. In response to the elevated wolf populations and the risks to caribou, managers have reduced wolf abundance in key areas. Ecological theory suggests that reducing wolf abundance would release moose from the top‐down effects of wolf predation, potentially allowing moose populations to grow. Elevated moose abundance thus has the potential to cause wolf populations to rebound quickly each year following reductions, suggesting a possible link between moose abundance and the number of wolves killed for caribou conservation. To test this idea we used a unique management situation in British Columbia and Alberta, Canada, where lethal wolf removals were annually conducted across specific southern mountain caribou population ranges and, in some places, moose populations were concurrently reduced via liberalized hunting. We used indices of moose abundance and wolf removal data to test the hypothesis that reducing moose populations to a historical abundance target by hunting leads to fewer wolves killed for caribou conservation. After controlling for habitat quality, wolves removed per km ² was 3.2 times lower in areas with reduced moose density ( = 1.55 wolves/1,000 km ² ± 0.33 [SE]) than in those without reduced moose density ( = 5.02 wolves/1,000 km ² ± 0.52). However, the average number of wolves removed per year decreased under both conditions. After 9 years, there was a 35% reduction in the predicted difference in the annual removal between areas with and without moose reduction. Our results suggest that policies that do not reduce or stabilize moose abundance will result in the removal of more wolves to increase caribou abundance. Like wolf reductions, moose reductions can also be controversial and affect local harvesters. Thus, understanding the consequences of actions that support caribou recovery is essential to supporting evidence‐based policy discussions.

Methods calculating the disturbance intensity, recovery speed and duration with specific examples
A Illustrates the difference of daily activity (ODBA) and displacements (days 1–10) from the long-term means (days 11–20). First, we calculated daily (days 1–10) activity (ODBA) and displacements. Subsequently, we related derived values to the long-term mean (days 11–20). The analysis was conducted identically for activity and displacements. B To calculate the disturbance intensity, we related daily averaged values (displacement, activity) to the respective mean during days 11–20. The upper example illustrates the disturbance intensity of Propithecus verreauxi, with increased displacements on the first days, before converging towards the long-term mean; the lower illustrates the disturbance intensity in activity of Canis aureus, with decreased activity during the initial days of tracking. C Recovery speed was calculated as the ∣slope∣ on day one post-release, and recovery duration was determined as the time when animals reverted to their long-term mean for the first time post-release. The upper example illustrates the recovery speed and duration in activity of Cervus elaphus, the lower one of Canis lupus.
Disturbance intensity: Impacts of collaring on activity and displacements during the initial 10 days post-release
Daily differences to the long-term mean of activity (upper) and displacements (lower) split by diet: herbivores (left), omnivores (middle), and carnivores (right) for 42 mammal species, n = 1585. All species with p ≤ 0.05 are shown as solid lines and species with p > 0.05 or n < 5 as dotted lines. Activity: R² = 0.374, Dev. explained = 46.4%, displacements: R² = 0.25, Dev. explained = 37.6%. Predictions are derived from two Generalized Additive Mixed Models with Gamma error distributions to assess the effect of disturbance intensity on activity and displacements of the focal species over time. The dotted blue line represents the long-term mean (average for days 11−20). In the legend following each species name, the first number refers to the number of individuals for activity and the second for displacements.
Recovery speed described in relation to dietary type, an individual’s sex, and the human Footprint index of the study area
A, B Recovery speed (of activity) described in relation to sex and the Human Footprint index (HFi), n = 1241. High recovery speed values indicate a fast recovery. High HFi values indicate a strong anthropogenic influence, and low values indicate a high degree of remoteness. The inset (A) shows the density plots of the sample size distribution for each dietary guild in regard to HFi. B Predictions are presented for values of the lower (12.37), median (18.68), and upper (25) quartiles of HFi. Insets here (B) present exemplary satellite imagery of sites with differing HFi; left to right: an area with little infrastructure and some habitat fragmentation [HFi: 10]; agricultural fields with small forest patches, road infrastructure, and some settlements [HFi: 17]; a more degraded landscape with a quarry and an adjacent solar park [HFi: 25] (ⓒLandsat / Copernicus, GoogleEarth 2020-2023⁸⁸). Landscapes with extreme HFi values (close to zero: representing pristine, undisturbed areas; close to 50: representing dense populated urban areas) were less present in the dataset and, as such, examples are not shown. C, D Recovery speed (of displacements) described in relation to body mass (C) and dietary type (D), n = 1014. Recovery speed describes the speed of change in activity or displacements as a percentage of the respective long-term mean on day one. Dots (A, C) represent calculated values. Dots (B, D) and the solid lines (A, C) represent mean modeled values, and bars (B, D) as well as the gray shaded area (A, C) are 95% confidence intervals. Note that the y-axis is sqrt-transformed.
Mammals show faster recovery from capture and tagging in human-disturbed landscapes

September 2024


1,543 Reads


1 Citation

Wildlife tagging provides critical insights into animal movement ecology, physiology, and behavior amid global ecosystem changes. However, the stress induced by capture, handling, and tagging can impact post-release locomotion and activity and, consequently, the interpretation of study results. Here, we analyze post-tagging effects on 1585 individuals of 42 terrestrial mammal species using collar-collected GPS and accelerometer data. Species-specific displacements and overall dynamic body acceleration, as a proxy for activity, were assessed over 20 days post-release to quantify disturbance intensity, recovery duration, and speed. Differences were evaluated, considering species-specific traits and the human footprint of the study region. Over 70% of the analyzed species exhibited significant behavioral changes following collaring events. Herbivores traveled farther with variable activity reactions, while omnivores and carnivores were initially less active and mobile. Recovery duration proved brief, with alterations diminishing within 4–7 tracking days for most species. Herbivores, particularly males, showed quicker displacement recovery (4 days) but slower activity recovery (7 days). Individuals in high human footprint areas displayed faster recovery, indicating adaptation to human disturbance. Our findings emphasize the necessity of extending tracking periods beyond 1 week and particular caution in remote study areas or herbivore-focused research, specifically in smaller mammals.

of themes that emerged from participant responses to questions about how they—as individuals and communities—care for the Land, the values that are inherent their approaches (top), and priorities for environmental monitoring and research initiatives (bottom). Participants spoke of these values emerging from creation and the Natural Law—depicted in the centre—and good relationships with the land, culture and people is what allows these values to thrive—depicted by the relationships thread (red) weaving everything together. Image created by Alexandra Langwieder from Align Illustration.
Sharing Indigenous values, practices and priorities as guidance for transforming human–environment relationships

September 2024


227 Reads


2 Citations

Achieving more effective and equitable environmental conservation practices and policies involves shifting from a human‐centric, top‐down perspective of environmental conservation to a perspective that respects and cares for all living and non‐living beings. Many Indigenous Peoples from around the globe embody approaches to environmental care that are rooted in values such as responsibility, respect and reciprocity (a.k.a. relational values), which, through meaningful engagement and support of Indigenous self‐determination, can guide Western society towards a fundamental shift in perspective, practices and relationships. We conducted interviews and sharing circles with 40 individuals from 12 Indigenous communities across Canada to describe: (1) the values, teachings and customs that are inherent to the way Indigenous Peoples relate to and care for the Land, (2) how these values and practices have changed over time and (3) ways to create environmental initiatives that are rooted in Indigenous values. Generally, participants emphasized the critical link between people and place, and how this leads to environmental practices rooted in values such as respect, reciprocity, humility and responsibility. They also reflected on the negative impacts of colonialism, environmental change and modernization on their connections to the Land and opportunities to practice these values, but highlighted that cultural revitalization efforts have started to restore traditional values and practices. To create environmental initiatives that are rooted in important values, research participants called for building better relationships both with nature and with each other through nature. Ultimately, uplifting Indigenous values systems and, specifically, the ways Indigenous Peoples relate to and care for the natural world stands to heal our relationship with the Land and safeguard it into the future. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.

Examples of real‐world connectivity conservation actions at different levels of effort. The left image shows a community‐made road sign informing drivers of a prominent turtle crossing area. The right shows a wildlife crossing over a freeway. Photo credit: Adam T. Ford.
A representation of the broad categories of connectivity described in the manuscript. (1) Biological realism attempts to capture biological realities of connectivity models by considering demographic factors including causes of mortality preventing movement (i.e., predation), and species interactions (i.e., food sources, obligate interactions) influencing movement capacity. (2) Directional connectivity acknowledges that movements may not occur equally in all directions as directional forces (such as water currents) may cause movements to preferentially occur in one direction. (3) Climate connectivity modeling aims to determine where organisms will need to disperse to follow changing climatic conditions such as by shifting elevation or latitude or moving to areas of climate refuge like riparian areas. (4) Multi‐ versus single‐species connectivity modeling considerations. Single‐species modeling may use surrogate or umbrella species in an attempt to capture the movement behavior of many species (dotted lines) or multi‐species modeling considers the movement of multiple species including their different dispersal and habitat needs.
Advances and challenges in ecological connectivity science

September 2024


469 Reads


2 Citations

Maintaining and restoring ecological connectivity will be key in helping to prevent and reverse the loss of biodiversity. Fortunately, a growing body of research conducted over the last few decades has advanced our understanding of connectivity science, which will help inform evidence‐based connectivity conservation actions. Increases in data availability and computing capacity have helped to dramatically increase our ability to model functional connectivity using more sophisticated models. Keeping track of these advances can be difficult, even for connectivity scientists and practitioners. In this article, we highlight some key advances from the past decade and outline many of the remaining challenges. We describe the efforts to increase the biological realism of connectivity models by, for example, isolating movement behaviors, population parameters, directional movements, and the effects of climate change. We also discuss considerations of when to model connectivity for focal or multiple species. Finally, we reflect on how to account for uncertainty and increase the transparency and reproducibility of connectivity research and discuss situations where decisions may require forgoing sophistication for more simple approaches.

Figure 3: Changes in the spatial distribution of nitrogen (N) from beginning to end of simulations with total
Spatial fingerprint of consumer body size and habitat preference on resource distribution

June 2024


21 Reads

Consumers shape spatial patterns on landscapes by amplifying or dampening environmental heterogeneity through feeding, excretion, and movement of resources. The degree to which the environment is modified by consumers depends on species’ traits, including body mass, movement behavior, sociality, and habitat specialization. Global change is altering the size and traits of consumer populations, but our understanding of how this may impact resource heterogeneity is limited. Here, we developed an individual-based model of habitat specialists’ and generalists’ movement and activity in a patchy landscape and investigated the impact of changes in population and mean body sizes on landscape-scale resource heterogeneity. We found that consumers specializing on low-resource habitats (a common risk avoidance strategy) increased spatial resource heterogeneity regardless of their population and body size. By contrast, generalists eroded differences among habitats, and we further found that resource heterogeneity decreased with the average body size of generalist consumers, even while controlling for total consumer biomass. These nuanced spatial outcomes of consumer-resource interactions emerge from the unique metabolic demands of specialists vs. generalists, which scale nonlinearly with body size. Since global change disproportionately impacts larger species and specialists, indirect consequences on ecosystems may arise via biotic processes, affecting spatial heterogeneity of future landscapes.

Assessing the health-fitness dynamics of endangered mountain caribou and the influence of maternal penning

The health of wildlife plays a crucial role in population demography by connecting habitat and physiology. Southern mountain caribou, a population of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou (Gmelin, 1978)) found in the mountains of southwest Canada, are facing significant threats. We evaluated the health of the Klinse-Za subpopulation within the central group of southern mountain caribou, which is part of an Indigenous-led conservation initiative aimed at enhancing caribou population growth through seasonal maternal penning. We collected health metrics from 46 female Klinse-Za caribou between 2014 and 2021. The health metrics included trace minerals, cortisol, biomarkers for inflammation, and pathogen prevalence. We compared these health metrics between penned and non-penned animals, reproductive and non-reproductive females, and nearby subpopulations. We provide correlative evidence linking reproductive success to trace nutrients but find no evidence for relationships with stress, exposure to pathogens, or biomarkers of inflammation. Based on the health metrics considered, Klinse-Za caribou were generally healthy relative to neighboring subpopulations and repeat capture for penning did not appear to create accumulated health issues. Penned caribou had lower fecal cortisol levels and inflammation markers compared to free-ranging animals. This work provides a baseline assessment of southern mountain caribou health and provides guidance on maternal penning activities in support of caribou recovery.

(a) Map of southern mountain caribou subpopulations in British Columbia and Alberta, Canada. Numbers for each subpopulation correspond to subpopulation identification numbers in Figure 2 and are numbered by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) recovery ecotype. Northern Group: 1–9, Central Group: 10–22, Southern Group: 23–41. Population growth trend for each subpopulation during the decade preceding recovery actions implementation (declining: r < −0.01, stable: r > −0.01 and r < 0.01, and increasing: r > 0.01) shown as choropleth. Because population growth estimates for individual subpopulations in (a) is based on the 10 years prior to recovery actions, it therefore does not necessarily reflect long‐term or current population trends. Refer to Figure 2 for overall population trends for each subpopulation. Functionally extirpated subpopulations are outlined in red (<10 adult females or total population <20). (b) Overall southern mountain caribou population trend from 1991 to 2023. An observed (modeled) trajectory under the recovery actions implemented is shown in green as well as a counterfactual where no recovery actions were implemented (status quo) in orange. The number of subpopulations receiving recovery actions are shown along the bottom of the plot, with values for every second year shown. The number of subpopulations with demographic data (at least one of the following: abundance, recruitment, or survival) are shown along the top of the plot, with values for every second year shown. We display this restricted (>1990) temporal span instead of the full period (1973–2023) because relatively few subpopulations have demographic data before 1990, compared to after 1990, so predictions in these earlier periods heavily rely on information from prior distributions for most subpopulations. Demographic data were available for at least half (>20) the subpopulations by 1990, so we chose this more data‐rich period as the beginning of our time frame to display the overall population trajectory. The timing of each documented subpopulation functional extirpation is shown as points along the trend. While 15 subpopulations are known to have been functionally extirpated between 1973 and 2023, three are not shown here because they occurred between 1973 and 1990, and one, Scott West, is not shown due to uncertain timing.
Median posterior estimates of abundance for each southern mountain caribou subpopulation from the integrated population model shown as orange line with 90% credible interval displayed as orange band. Extirpated and functionally extirpated subpopulations (<10 adult females or total population <20) highlighted in red. Observed minimum counts and abundance estimates shown as black dots with 90% CIs. Rug plots at top show years with survival, recruitment, or abundance data. Posterior estimates for years without demographic data rely on prior distributions as well as past and future population size. Posterior estimates before initiation of demographic data collection for each subpopulation should be interpreted cautiously. Percentage habitat loss (500 m buffered human‐caused habitat loss [Environment and Climate Change Canada, 2022b]) shown by numerical labels for each subpopulation. Individual plots for each subpopulation can be found in Lamb (2024) under CaribouIPM?BCAB/plots/by_herd/with_treatments.
Posterior distribution of estimated annual instantaneous rate of increase (r) from integrated population model for each southern mountain caribou recovery action or combination of actions. Reference condition was estimated from herd‐years when no recovery actions were applied. Rug plots along the bottom of the distributions show the average growth rate for each subpopulation the recovery action was applied to.
Posterior distributions of change in annual vital rates (after recovery action minus before) from the integrated population model for each southern mountain caribou recovery action. Rug plots along the bottom of the distributions show the average change in the rate for each subpopulation the recovery action was applied to.
(a) Effectiveness of individual southern mountain caribou recovery actions at standard application intensity assessed via generalized linear models and (b) simulated outcomes of each recovery action compared to a status quo (no recovery action) scenario. Only wolf and moose reductions were applied in isolation across multiple subpopulations and years. The remainder of the estimates is primarily derived from partitioning the individual treatment effect from a combination of actions applied concurrently and assuming effects were additive. Note that combinations of recovery actions achieve greater abundances than the sum of individual effects due to the effects of exponential growth, so small increases in population growth can yield large returns in abundance over the long term.
Effectiveness of population‐based recovery actions for threatened southern mountain caribou

April 2024


270 Reads


4 Citations

Habitat loss is affecting many species, including the southern mountain caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) population in western North America. Over the last half century, this threatened caribou population's range and abundance have dramatically contracted. An integrated population model was used to analyze 51 years (1973–2023) of demographic data from 40 southern mountain caribou subpopulations to assess the effectiveness of population‐based recovery actions at increasing population growth. Reducing potential limiting factors on threatened caribou populations offered a rare opportunity to identify the causes of decline and assess methods of recovery. Southern mountain caribou abundance declined by 51% between 1991 and 2023, and 37% of subpopulations were functionally extirpated. Wolf reduction was the only recovery action that consistently increased population growth when applied in isolation, and combinations of wolf reductions with maternal penning or supplemental feeding provided rapid growth but were applied to only four subpopulations. As of 2023, recovery actions have increased the abundance of southern mountain caribou by 52%, compared to a simulation with no interventions. When predation pressure was reduced, rapid population growth was observed, even under contemporary climate change and high levels of habitat loss. Unless predation is reduced, caribou subpopulations will continue to be extirpated well before habitat conservation and restoration can become effective.

Citations (83)

... Moreover, alternatives to capture and handling exist for some species (Wiley et al., 2023;Wilson et al., 2023). Importantly, these effects do not occur systematically, with some species (and potentially individuals within species) being less sensitive to capture and handling than others because of differences in physical condition, physiology, personality, ecology or previous exposure to humans (Duarte, 2013;Petrusková et al., 2021;Stiegler et al., 2024). ...


Plugging biologging into animal welfare: An opportunity for advancing wild animal welfare science
Mammals show faster recovery from capture and tagging in human-disturbed landscapes

... Through semi-structured interviews, we spoke to participants about their personal relationship to the Land, as well as the values and priorities that should guide environmental monitoring and research in their territory, and beyond. Rather than focusing on the meaning of each value expressed in interviews (as in Menzies et al. 2024), conversations were centered around finding practical examples of what each value could look like in practice. This allowed us to, subsequently, apply what was shared by participants to develop a wildlife camera monitoring program to address the research questions and priorities of MFN, while placing community values--specifically respect, interconnection, reciprocity, collaboration, and relationship--at the forefront. ...

Sharing Indigenous values, practices and priorities as guidance for transforming human–environment relationships

... Furthermore, effective measures to manage fragmentation will improve habitat loss and degradation simultaneously (Banks-Leite et al. 2020). Modelling functional connectivity has several advantages, including that it is more realistic, more informative and is possible to incorporate climate change and population dynamics (Liczner et al. 2024). ...

Advances and challenges in ecological connectivity science

... Resource extraction has transformed old-growth forests to open-canopy, early seral plant communities (Wittmer et al., 2007) that provide increased forage for moose (Alces alces), deer (Odocoileus spp.), and elk (Cervus canadensis) in some areas (Hervieux et al., 2013;Seip, 1992). White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in particular are also expanding their range in recent decades due to a warming climate and habitat alteration (Dawe & Boutin, 2016;Dickie et al., 2024). The result of human-induced landscape, predator-prey management, and climate change have buoyed moose, elk and white-tailed deer populations, leading to an elevated abundance of wolves (Canis lupus)-which in turn, increases wolf-caribou interactions and accelerates caribou decline (Bradley & Neufeld, 2012;Dickie et al., 2017;Latham et al., 2011;Seip, 2008). ...

Habitat alteration or climate: What drives the densities of an invading ungulate?

Global Change Biology

... lethal) forms of wolf reduction , which are often portrayed as unethical and costly (Johnson et al., 2022). Indeed, wolf reductions are a viable tool to reduce predation on endangered caribou (Bergman & Åkerberg, 2006;Lamb et al., 2024;Wikenros et al., 2015), but wolf reduction efforts carry immense social and political pressure to be curtailed or cancelled (Johnson et al., 2022). ...

Effectiveness of population‐based recovery actions for threatened southern mountain caribou

... The traditional methods for treating roadbed frost damage mainly include replacement and filling method, chemical improvement method, insulation method, improvement of roadbed and pavement structure, installation of waterproof and drainage materials, etc. Various methods are based on physical or chemical modification to change the moisture content or thermal conductivity of the roadbed, which plays a certain preventive and improvement role in the freeze-thaw damage of the roadbed. However, various traditional methods have shortcomings such as high construction costs (Wen et al. 2010), poor applicability (Sahui et al. 2020), low durability (Zhou et al. 2022), susceptibility to environmental impact (Cui et al. 2024), or triggering secondary disasters such as "coverage effect" (Winiwarter et al. 2024). ...

Extraction of Forest Road Information from CubeSat Imagery Using Convolutional Neural Networks

... bardziej intensywna. Pozyskiwanie nowych terenów pod zabudowę, rolnictwo, komunikację, pozyskiwanie energii z nieodnawialnych źródeł itp. powoduje zubożenie różnorodności biologicznej na różnych jej poziomach. Działalność człowieka przyczynia się do fragmentacji krajobrazu, co z kolei powoduje przekształcanie siedlisk wielu gatunków, w tym ssaków (Burton i in. 2024). Dla niektórych gatunków ssaków przekształcenia środowiska życia mogą przyczynić się do całkowitego zaniku ich populacji w danym rejonie. Efekt ten może być minimalizowany poprzez rozwój i ochronę korytarzy ekologicznych -nienaruszalnych systemów połączeń pomiędzy płatami danych siedlisk w krajobrazie danego regionu. Z drugiej strony ob ...

Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape

Nature Ecology & Evolution

... Migrations around the world are disappearing rapidly, almost always before we understand how migratory behaviour developed and spread throughout the population. Anthropogenic barriers, exploitation and climate change pose the greatest threats to migratory species, leading to a cessation of migrations in many cases (Cooke et al., 2024) or significantly altering population structure in others . But understanding how animals learn to migrate can promote the restoration of migratory behaviours. ...

Animal migration in the Anthropocene: threats and mitigation options

Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society

... Fortunately, recognizing more than 10,000 years of coexistence between people, sea otters, and shellfish (Fedje et al. 2005, McKechnie & Wigen 2011 and the resilience of their socialecological relationships prior to the incursion of settler-colonial law charts a pathway forward to the possibility of future regional coexistence (Burt et al. 2020, Pinkerton et al. 2019. Supporting Indigenous-led management of the relationships among people, sea otters, and shellfish with spatially explicit Indigenous practices of hunting sea otters, constructing clam gardens, and trading resources among neighboring Nations allows new solutions to this conflict to emerge (Kobluk et al. 2024, Salomon et al. 2023. Spatial management of these relationships would lead to a regional mosaic of forest-and shellfish-dominated rocky reefs as well as productive soft sediment habitats for both sea otters and people, supporting regional habitat and functional diversity, both of which are well known to confer resilience to disturbances such as extreme climatic events and disease outbreaks. ...

Relational place-based solutions for environmental policy misalignments

Trends in Ecology & Evolution

... Worldwide, native animals are experiencing long-term coexistence with invasive plants and are obliged to adapt to the reshaping of habitats by these plants, resulting in diverse behavioral variations (Stewart et al. 2021). This behavior change mediated by invasive species may spark an ecological chain reaction, affecting predator-prey dynamics (Kamaru et al. 2024). ...

Disruption of an ant-plant mutualism shapes interactions between lions and their primary prey
