Adam Adamski’s research while affiliated with University of Silesia in Katowice and other places

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Publications (18)

The Functioning of the Heart is Conditioned by the Soliton Wave and The Electromagnetic Field
  • Article
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September 2023


39 Reads


1 Citation

Clinical Case Reports and Clinical Study

Adam Adamski

Existing for over 100 years, the biochemical model is insufficient to explain the phenomenon of life. Translating everything into the criteria of classical chemistry or electrochemistry feels like going backwards. In addition to the traditional, well-known chemical reactions, a new reality is opening up based on the bioelectronic model of life. In this model, the human body is understood as an electronic integrated circuit made of piezoelectric, pyroelectric and semiconductor elements, with a biochemical, bioelectronic, information and biocybernetic structure, which is responsible for modeling the structure and function of biological, optical and quantum biocomputers, managed by quantum processes in an electronic manner surrounded by electrostasis, filled with bioplasma emitting a biological field to the outside (Sedlak 1984, p.183). (Adamski 2021).


Artificial awareness, as an innovative learning method and its application in science and technology

February 2023


22 Reads


1 Citation

Annals of Biomedical Science and Engineering

The creation of the information society is associated with the creation of new intellectual, cultural, spiritual and material values, as well as with new principles and methods of social and interpersonal communication. Achieving this goal is impossible without changes in teaching methodology, teaching technologies and teacher’s work. The article is an overview and focuses on the following issues. In the information society, the era of biocomputers and quantum computers is coming, which will use not only artificial intelligence, but also artificial consciousness for simulation. Artificial awareness builds the foundations for the development of robots that will be widely used in various fields of industry and science. - Artificial awareness combined with artificial intelligence can be an innovative method in education and communication; - Quantum computers and biocomputers will find wide application in human education and social life;

Spin Wave and Soliton Wave Activity as Well as Biocomputer Imulation in Visual Perception

June 2022


15 Reads

East African Scholars Journal of Engineering and Computer Sciences

All the material presented in this thesis as well as the author’s implications/conclusions prove that a living organism can be perceived as a complex electronic device similar to technical devices, whereas biological materials (proteins, DNA, RNA) - as components of electronic devices. These arguments allow us to state that a biological system can be considered to be a quantum computer that functions on the basis of entangled quantum states and optoelectronic phenomena. Melanin and neuromelanin are involved in the central control of all biological, physiological and psychological processes. Numerous modular communication systems and signalling pathways that transmit signals into cells are generated under the influence of light. Melanin and neuromelanin function as multireceptors of a full range of electromagnetic, acoustic, and soliton waves, torsion fields and bioplasma, which does not receive so much information as the senses do, but receive it constantly. The role of photoreceptors, receptors of hearing and touch is limited to a single reception of a stimulus, whereas melanin and neuromelanin play an integrative function, combining stimulus elements into a whole, namely combining movement with space and time, sound with light, space and time. From the psychological point of view, melanin and neuromelanin are responsible for the entire process of adaptation to the environment, mental development, the development of attention and perceptual experience, which, together with an increase in melanin and neuromelanin, acquire better sharpness and quality. Bioplasma controls these processes.

Quantum-Information Processes in Awareness Management

February 2022


17 Reads

Biomedical Research and Clinical Reviews

Human mental life is a form of existence of information not only electromagnetic, but also acoustic, spin, soliton and bioplasm. That is, the layout the biological human in addition to the biochemical way uses the message of information using energy and information converters in living cells. The human biological system creates the pictorial structure of the world not only through sensory perception, but also on the basis of soliton, spin and bioplasm waves. The action of solitons in the biological system of man gives the basis for seeing the psychobiological structures of man in a different light, as presented in biology, medicine and psychology. The science to date recognizes only the action of an electromagnetic wave on the sense of sight. It can be concluded that we are dealing with a second center that creates the structure of the world image and is responsible for health and the development of diseases in humans. According to the authors, consciousness cooperates with the cosmos and is guided by the laws of quantum mechanics. Under its law, there is room for artificial consciousness. In their deliberations, the authors will understand that it is a dynamic structure of quantum-cybernetic-information team processes taking place in the bioplasm of the brain, which is in synergistic interaction with biocomputer simulation, guided by the emission of coherent light, modulated by a soliton wave.

Figure 1 2,3,4 shows the worker behind a counter with a mask.
Figure 3 Employee after 3 hours of work.
Figure 4 Eemployee after 6 hours of work.
Non-conventional Covid treatment methods 19

April 2021


47 Reads


1 Citation

MOJ Biology and Medicine

In bioelectronic terms, the organism is understood as an integrated circuit of biological piezo, pyroelectrics, ferromagnets and semiconductors, filled with bioplasm and managed electronically by quantum processes. The presence of semiconductors in a biological system is synonymous with the presence of an electronic integrated device, therefore a living organism can be seen as a complex electronic device, analogous to technical devices. Proteins, DNA, RNA, melanin from the biology side, it is a biological structure, from the biochemistry side, they are chemical compounds with different chemical formulas, again from the bioelectronics side it is an electronic material that can serve as structural elements in a bioelectronic device which is an organism. Enzyme transistors were constructed in technical devices from these materials.1

Citations (11)

... At ω ≪ ω res soliton dynamic mass coincides with the effective mass of a free soliton, while in fast oscillating MFs, at ω ≫ ω res , soliton dynamic mass coincides with the effective mass of an electron, since the lattice deformation due to the shift of heavy atoms from their equilibrium can't follow fast oscillations of light electron, although electron still remains in a bound soliton state. Another important consequence of the self-consistent account of the lattice deformation is soliton radiation due to the term ρ 1 (x, t) which is given by the expression (36). ...


Soliton radiation and role of the energy dissipation in soliton dynamics in an oscillating magnetic field
The Functioning of the Heart is Conditioned by the Soliton Wave and The Electromagnetic Field

Clinical Case Reports and Clinical Study

... Te uncertainties surrounding reinfection and the prohibitive cost of conventional therapy for this infection, particularly in developing nations, have driven many individuals to explore nonconventional and alternative therapies for both treating and preventing COVID-19 [10][11][12][13][14]. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) or nonconventional therapies involve the utilization of substances or procedures in ailment management that lack authentication or recommendation by medical authorities, often employed by patients without prescription or monitoring [15,16]. ...

Non-conventional Covid treatment methods 19

MOJ Biology and Medicine

... These new information carriers should be used in science, especially computer science, to build new educational programs, and in medicine and psychology for prevention and treatment of various diseases. (Adamski [55]). A good knowledge of bioplasma and the laws of consciousness, as well as a broader study of the Bose-Einstein condensate in biological systems will allow us to understand the existence of solitons in living organisms, their important role in education and human adaptation to the environment. ...

Quantum Nature of Coronavirus and Method of Treatment

... They can also be regarded as energy-informational system in whole organisms, brain and its components such as proteins, DNA and bioplasm (Adamski, 2019, Melkikh and Meijer, 2018. Soliton interactions with macromolecules result in self-trapping of electrons in localized soliton states. ...

The Historical Aspect of the Development of Quantum Consciousness at the Beginning of the XXI Century
  • Citing Article
  • January 2019

Gerontology & Geriatrics Studies

... In terms of spin wave action, its place is found in melanin synthesis, melatonin, in free radicals, protein synthesis and in the whole metabolic metabolism (Adamski [62]). The human biological system creates a pictorial structure of the world not only by means of sensory perception, but also on the basis of soliton waves, spin waves and bioplasma. ...

The Biochemical Model of Life Loses: Its Scientific Value
  • Citing Article
  • January 2019

... The main popularizer of the archetype concept Carl Jung (Adamski, 2011) described archetypes as universal and innate, being the background of all most powerful ideas in history, the central concepts of religion, science, philosophy and ethics. Used in marketing, archetypes can help to provide shared meaning and values across cultures, and to be a base for developing a global brand myth (Siraj & Kumari, 2011). ...

Archetypes and Collective Unconscious Compared to Development Quantum Psychology
  • Citing Article
  • September 2011


... Artificial Consciousness (AC) [99][100][101][102] , building upon AI, aims to endow computer systems with capabilities akin to human consciousness [103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115] . AC systems not only handle data, information, and knowledge but also engage in interactions and decision-making at the levels of wisdom and purpose. ...

Role of Bose-Einstein Condensate and Bioplasma in Shaping Consciousness
  • Citing Article
  • January 2016


... De Coster (2010) argues that archetypes are visual symbols or energetic imprints that exist in our psyches. Jung believes that symbols are combined together with the archetypes and the collective unconscious and they are recognized as the language of the soul (Adamski, 2011). According to Chirila (2011), the archetypes become symbols, capable of entering into dialogue with the psyche and providing insight into the deeper representing behind their presence. ...

Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious of Carl G. Jung in the Light of Quantum Psychology
  • Citing Article
  • January 2011
