September 2023
39 Reads
1 Citation
Clinical Case Reports and Clinical Study
Existing for over 100 years, the biochemical model is insufficient to explain the phenomenon of life. Translating everything into the criteria of classical chemistry or electrochemistry feels like going backwards. In addition to the traditional, well-known chemical reactions, a new reality is opening up based on the bioelectronic model of life. In this model, the human body is understood as an electronic integrated circuit made of piezoelectric, pyroelectric and semiconductor elements, with a biochemical, bioelectronic, information and biocybernetic structure, which is responsible for modeling the structure and function of biological, optical and quantum biocomputers, managed by quantum processes in an electronic manner surrounded by electrostasis, filled with bioplasma emitting a biological field to the outside (Sedlak 1984, p.183). (Adamski 2021).