Ace Suryadi’s research while affiliated with Indonesia University of Education and other places

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Publications (67)

Model of Multisector And Multidimensional Approaches: An Effort to Stunting Prevention Education in Kuantan Singingi Regency, Indonesia
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2024


5 Reads

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA


Oong Komar


Ace Suryadi


This study aims to determine how the multisector and multidimensional approach model is in efforts to prevent stunting in Kuantan Singingi Regency. The method used qualitative descriptive approach. The selection of informants using a purposive sample of 5 people : 1 person from the Population Control, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service (DP2KBP3A), 1 person Health Service, 1 person Health Center, 1 person the Stunting Acceleration Team (TPPS) and 1 person from the head of Posyandu. Data collection used in-depth interviews, participatory observation and documentation studies. Data analysis used qualitative analysis. The results showed that the multisector approach model was integrated from the central level, provincial level, district/city, external to village. Collaborating with the Education, Health, social, economic, agricultural, plantation sectors, etc. involving the central and regional governments, Community Institutions, community leaders and the general public. Multidimensional targets are mothers, toddlers, teenagers, prospective brides, pregnant women, children, and the elderly. The results show that stunting rates are decrease. Supporting factors are government support and an integrated stunting prevention education model with various sectors. Obstacles factors are the quality of human resources, the social culture of the local community and the stigma of stunting as negative


Fashion Design Learning System: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Apparel Design Programs in Education and Training Institutions

December 2024


6 Reads

AL-ISHLAH Jurnal Pendidikan

Ria Rizkia Alvi


Babang Robandi





The mismatch between graduate skills and labor market needs remains a challenge in education and training due to limited industry involvement in curriculum design. LPP Ariyanti’s Fashion Design Training Program stands out by producing work-ready graduates capable of entrepreneurship in fashion design. This study evaluates the program's learning system to understand its effectiveness. A qualitative descriptive approach was used, involving observation (checklist), interviews (guide), and document analysis (sheet). A purposive sampling method selected three informants: a marketing communication representative, a fashion instructor, and a training participant. Data analysis followed four steps: collection, reduction, presentation, and conclusion drawing. The program succeeded across all evaluated aspects. Raw inputs revealed participants with diverse educational backgrounds and ages, yet uniformly productive. Instrumental inputs included skilled instructors, a standards-aligned curriculum, and sufficient infrastructure. Environmental inputs involved engagement in events and institutional partnerships with government and industry. The process incorporated blended, participatory, and project-based learning, complemented by effective formative and summative evaluations. Outputs demonstrated improvements in participants’ cognitive, affective, and psychomotor abilities. Outcomes highlighted increased graduate incomes, though few participants have yet started their own businesses. The comprehensive design of LPP Ariyanti’s training program, integrating industry partnerships, effective teaching methods, and robust infrastructure, contributes to its success. However, further support is needed to encourage entrepreneurship among graduates. The Fashion Design Training Program at LPP Ariyanti effectively equips participants with skills for employment and entrepreneurship, offering a model for industry-aligned education.

Citations (25)

... Pemerintah melalui Kemendikbudristek (Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi) meluncurkan berbagai inisiatif seperti platform pembelajaran daring dan program subsidi kuota internet untuk memungkinkan siswa dan guru tetap berinteraksi secara virtual. Kebijakan ini membantu menjaga kontinuitas belajar mengajar meskipun dalam situasi yang penuh tantangan (Darmawan et al., 2024). ...


Dinamika Kebijakan Pendidikan di Indonesia: Sebuah Analisis Administratif
Changes in National Education Policy in Indonesia
  • Citing Chapter
  • November 2024

... This issue is not particular to principals alone: it also applies to business educators. For a nonprofessional lecturers to handle any courses in business education is a very delicate problem because it concerns the intellectual, moral, and emotional phases of students' lives (Fafunwa, 1992). Due to the critical nature of their work, highly skilled teaching personnel are required to sustain every educational system. ...

Indonesian Education: Past, Present, and Future
  • Citing Book
  • November 2024

... Model pemberdayaan remaja menjadi penting dalam konteks ini. Pemberdayaan remaja melibatkan proses peningkatan pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan yang memungkinkan mereka untuk membuat keputusan yang tepat mengenai kesehatan reproduksi dan gizi [9]. Melalui pemberdayaan, remaja diharapkan dapat memiliki kesiapan yang lebih baik dalam menghadapi peran sebagai orang tua, serta mampu mendukung terciptanya keluarga yang sehat dan bebas dari stunting. ...

Youth Empowerment Model Through Preventive Education Stunting for Prospective Husband and Wife Couples in the Bogor Region, Indonesia

International Journal of Religion

... Melalui bimbingan teknis, UMKM dapat mempelajari metode produksi yang lebih baik dan teknologi yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk mereka (Wahyudin et al., 2023). ...

Bimbingan teknis pengelolaan nomor induk berusaha (NIB) berbasis online single submittion (OSS) bagi pelaku UMKM Binaan Perkumpulan Rumah Pintar Di Kabupaten Kuningan
  • Citing Article
  • November 2023

Abdimas Siliwangi

... gi semua pihak yang terlibat. Insentif dalam bentuk akses ke sumber daya dan jaringan yang lebih luas juga menjadi faktor pendorong partisipasi dalam kolaborasi pentahelix. Melalui kolaborasi ini, UMKM dapat memperoleh akses ke sumber daya dan jaringan yang sebelumnya sulit dijangkau, seperti teknologi, pasar yang lebih luas, atau sumber pendanaan.(Najmudin et al., 2023) ...

Implementasi model kolaborasi pentahelix dalam pengembangan sumber daya manusia UMKM
  • Citing Article
  • November 2023

Abdimas Siliwangi

... The meticulous collection and processing of this organic waste into compost not only contribute to the nourishment of campus plants but also play a crucial role in reducing landfill waste. This practice aligns with global efforts to mitigate climate change by minimizing methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas released during the decomposition of organic matter in landfills (Khairunnisa, 2023;Supinganto et al., 2022). The conversion of organic waste into compost is supported by various studies that highlight the importance of community involvement and awareness in effective waste management practices (Rahayu, 2023;Supinganto et al., 2022;Fadhullah et al., 2022). ...

Waste Care Education for Housewives

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA

... The National Accreditation Board for PAUD & Non-Formal Education (2021) identified seven main PKBM programs: 1. Package A Equality Education 2. Package B Equality Education 3. Package C Equality Education 4. Playgroups 5. Daycare Centers 6. Courses and Training, and 7. Literacy Education. Furthermore, Kamil et al. (2023) also identified seven program input components developed by PKBM: raw input, instrumental input, environmental input, process, output, other input, and impact. ...


Comm-Edu (Community Education Journal)

... One of the fundamental principles underlying CLCs in Indonesia is local empowerment and decision-making [48]. These centers often involve local communities in the planning, managing, and evaluating of educational programs. ...

Management studies of Shimin center in Japan and community learning center (CLC) in Indonesia
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2023

AIP Conference Proceedings

... Pada titik inilah jelas terlihat bahwa proses belajar mengajar menjadi proses paling fundamental terhadap konstruksi keagamaan seorang individu (Permadi & Wahyudi, 2022). Konstruksi itulah yang pada akhirnya membentuk pola pikir yang akan menuntun seseorang untuk berlaku toleran maupun intoleran (Purwati et al., 2022). ...

Peran Pendidikan dalam Menangkal Penyebab Radikalisme dan Ciri Radikalisme

Jurnal Basicedu

... Teknologi memungkinkan adaptasi konten pembelajaran untuk memenuhi kebutuhan individual setiap anak berkebutuhan khusus. Guru dapat menggunakan alat pembelajaran yang disesuaikan untuk menyediakan pengalaman pembelajaran yang relevan dan efektif (Manullang et al., 2022). ...

Teachers' Challenges During COVID-19

IJDS Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies