Abdullah Emin Akay’s research while affiliated with Bursa Orhangazi University and other places

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Publications (2)

Figure 1. Study area.
Figure 2. Optimum routes for the first (left) and the second (right) scenario.
The average logging truck speed (km/hour) for road types and conditions.
The road safety score for road types and conditions.
Transportation costs summary for the first scenario.


Determination of the Safest Route for Logging Trucks Based on Road Types and Conditions
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2020


164 Reads


1 Citation

Environmental Sciences Proceedings

Abdullah E. Akay

Hauling of wood-based forest products is a complex problem that requires evaluation of many alternative routes. Forest transportation has been generally done by using logging trucks with high carrying capacity. Logging truck driving is one of the dangerous occupations in forestry, particularly in Turkey, where forest lands are mostly located in mountainous regions with steep slopes. The safety risk of truck driving mainly depends on the road standards and conditions. The majority of the forest roads in Turkey have low standards that limit the maneuverability of logging trucks. In such conditions, forest transportation should be planned by considering not only transportation costs but also the safety of logging truck driving. In this study, the GIS-based network analysis method was used to develop the optimum transportation plans for two scenarios. In the first scenario, an optimum plan that minimized the total transportation cost was developed, while a transportation plan that ensured the safest logging truck driving was optimized in the second scenario. A safety score was assigned to each road section based on the road type (asphalt, gravel, forest road) and road conditions (good, medium, poor). In the study area, located in the city of Bursa in Turkey, there were three forest depots and five landings. The results indicated that the transportation cost increased by 15.76% when the safety of logging truck driving was prioritized. In this scenario, forest products from three landings were transported to different depots, compared to the first scenario.


Citations (1)

... The inclination is about 18%. The soil properties before performing the rainfall simulations are presented in Table 2 [47]. C: clay content, Si: silt content (USDA), S: sand content, pH: soil reaction measured in saturation paste, Salt: total salt content measured in saturation paste, SOM: soil organic matter content, FC: field capacity (moisture content at −33 kPa suction), PWP: permanent wilting point (moisture content at −1500 kPa suction), AWC: available water content for the plant, SAT: water content in saturation paste, BD: bulk density, WAS: wet aggregate stability of macro-aggregates of 1-2 mm particle size, K sat : saturated hydraulic conductivity. ...


Tillage Impacts on Initial Soil Erosion in Wheat and Sainfoin Fields under Simulated Extreme Rainfall Treatments
The effect of traditional and reduced tillage systems on the sediment yield of plots constructed in the Mediterranean climate zone caused by natural rainfall
  • Citing Article
  • January 2020

International Journal of Global Warming