July 1973
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35 Citations
Journal of Theoretical Biology
Intercellular communication of molecules between normal cells by tight junctions, and lack of this in some cancer cells (Loewenstein), can explain contact inhibition of cellular division in tissues. A general theory has been based on assuming the continual rise and fall (intrinsic oscillation) of a key substance x in each cell, with the period of the cell cycle. Periods are asynchronous in different cells, and x is exchanged between cells in contact by diffusion. A reduction in the resultant amplitude of fluctuation of x results, so that it does not reach the threshold xt required for division to ensue; hence contact inhibition.The mathematical model is defined in its simplest form, and the sets of differential equations for arrays of cells are solved, from the isolated cell to the cell in an infinite sheet. The relative probability of division, P, is computed by numerical analysis from the area of resultant curves of x that lies above the threshold xt. P depends on four dimensionless parameters, the order of coupling n (the number of cells directly communicating with a given cell), the total number of cells N in the aggregate, the communication constant K, and xt, as a fraction of the amplitude of the intrinsic oscillation. The degree of synchrony, measured by the coefficient of variation σ of the periods, is important. If σ < ± 4%, contact inhibition is much reduced. The theory predicts that a paradoxical “contact-facilitation” is possible for very small aggregates of cells. For a cell in an infinite sheet, the amplitude of oscillation of x is reduced approximately by the factor . For normal cells K is probably > 1, for cancer cells that lack communication, K is probably «< 1. However, two other basic causes for lack of regulation of tissue growth (cancer) could be excessive intrinsic oscillation of x, cf. xt, and partial or complete synchronization of groups of cells by some unknown mechanism.