A.A. Tashilova’s research while affiliated with The Mountain Institute and other places

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Publications (35)

Figure 2. Small cloud chamber: 1 -plane capacitor, 2 -steam generator A steam generator is included in the installation kit to create steam (Fig. 2), which is a sealed cylinder capable of withstanding pressures up to 50 atm. The steam generator has a heating element, the generator is equipped with a pressure gauge for pressure control, a valve and an electric valve for launching steam into the chamber.
Specific output of crystals in the presence and absence of an electric field as a result of the immersion mechanism implementation
The influence of the electric field on the ice-forming properties of the reagent in the implementation of various mechanisms of crystallization
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2019


48 Reads

IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering

B M Khuchunaev


A A Tashilova


N V Teunova


A Kh Budaev

The features of the formation of ice crystals on reagent particles in a cloudy medium in the presence and absence of an electric field have been studied in the work. A complex of equipment from the laboratory of cloud microphysics of the High-mountain Geophysical Institute, which includes a sublimation chamber, a small cloud chamber, and an installation for bubbling reagent particles, was used. As a result of the experiments, it was found that when the condensation-crystallization mechanism is implemented, the specific yield of ice-forming nuclei in the cloud chamber decreases with increasing electric field intensity. When implementing the immersion mechanism, the electric field does not affect the specific output of ice-forming nuclei. In the case of a contact mechanism, the specific output of ice-forming nuclei is 2–3 orders of magnitude smaller than with the realization of the condensation-crystallization and immersion mechanisms.


Figure 3. Fragment of an array of cluster analysis results (standardized values)
Total Variance Explained
Correlations of the components of the factor model with the average daily electric field intensity of the atmosphere
Correlations of "electric field intensity -factor 1" pairs in clusters 1, 2, 3
Classification analysis of the meteotropic reactions of people depending on the intensity of the electric field of the atmosphere

December 2019


215 Reads

IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering

The results of the study of the influence of the electric field intensity in the atmosphere on the frequency of exacerbations of cardiovascular diseases are presented on the example of the population of Nalchik. The seasonal trends of reducing both the average tension and the number of ambulance calls for diseases has been revealed. It was obtained that the challenges for disease are grouped into homogeneous factor groups. The group combining hypertensive crisis, cardiovascular diseases and angina pectoris (component 1) has a positive statistically significant dependence on the magnitude of the average daily intensity of the electric field of the atmosphere near the surface of the earth. According to the results of cluster analysis, the days with the maximum dependence between factor 1 and variations of the electric field intensity in the atmosphere were revealed.

Modeling Risk Reduction in Agriculture Associated with Dangerous Agrometeorological Phenomena

November 2019


20 Reads


7 Citations

KnE Life Sciences

B A Ashabokov


L M Fedchenko


A A Tashilova




S B Balkarova

The paper discusses possible approaches to reduce the risks associated with dangerous weather conditions. More specifically, the article considers the problem of reducing agricultural losses from such dangerous agrometeorological phenomena as hailstorm and drought. Within the framework of the decision-making theory, the formulation of the problem of reducing the losses of a considering industry from these phenomena is proposed – the objective is making decisions under risk. The features of the information support of this problem and the main tasks arising in the way of its practical use are discussed. The results of calculations that are carried out to analyze the effectiveness of the proposed method are given. The results of the calculations showed that the method is quite effective and can be used to reduce agricultural losses from hail.

Figure 2. The course of average annual temperatures (a), and precipitation sums (b) according to data from 20 weather stations in southern Russia.
Table 3 . Characteristics of the temperature regime of surface air in the different climatic zones of southern Russia.
Table 4 . Hurst exponent for climatic characteristics according to the data from 20 weather stations in the southern Russia.
Analysis of Climate Change in the Caucasus Region: End of the 20th–Beginning of the 21st Century

January 2019


603 Reads


26 Citations


The study of climate, in such a diverse climatic region as the Caucasus, is necessary in order to evaluate the influence of local factors on the formation of temperature and precipitation regimes in its various climatic zones. This study is based on the instrumental data (temperatures and precipitation) from 20 weather stations, located on the territory of the Caucasian region during 1961–2011. Mathematical statistics, trend analysis, and rescaled range Methods were used. It was found that the warming trend prevailed in all climatic zones, it intensified since the beginning of global warming (since 1976), while the changes in precipitation were not so unidirectional. The maximum warming was observed in the summer (on average by 0.3 °C/10 years) in all climatic zones. Persistence trends were investigated using the Hurst exponent H (range of variation 0–1), which showed a higher trend persistence of annual mean temperature changes (H = 0.8) compared to annual sum precipitations (H = 0.64). Spatial-correlation analysis performed for precipitations and temperatures showed a rapid decrease in the correlation between precipitations at various weather stations from R = 1 to R = 0.5, on a distance scale from 0 to 200 km. In contrast to precipitation, a high correlation (R = 1.0–0.7) was observed between regional weather stations temperatures at a distance scale from 0 to 1000 km, which indicates synchronous temperature changes in all climatic zones (unlike precipitation).

The results of laboratory studies of groundwater samples
Laboratory test results for surface water samples by chemical indicators and ingredients
Results of carrying out engineering and environmental surveys at design of small hydroelectric power station

January 2019


235 Reads


1 Citation

E3S Web of Conferences

Engineering and environmental surveys are one of types of the main engineering researches which are carried out for ecological justification of construction and other economic activity for the purpose of prevention, decrease or elimination of adverse environmental and related social, economic and other effects and also preservation of optimal conditions of life of the population. The purpose of engineering and environmental surveys is obtaining sufficient data on the existing state of environment around arrangement of a construction object (reconstruction). An object of research is the condition of the surrounding environment around placement of Verkhnebalkarskaya small hydroelectric power station.

Changes of temperature and precipitation regimes in the south of European Russia in 1961 - 2015

October 2018


22 Reads


1 Citation


This work summarises the analysis of temperature and precipitation regimes in different climate zones of the south of European Russia over the seasons and annually in 1961-2015. Linear trends (the slope ratio, the contribution of the trend in the explained dispersion) over the period from 1976 through 2015 supplement the description of the changes of the value in question since the year of conventional beginning of the modern warming. The analysis uses the data of 5 weather stations situated in different climate zones of the south of European Russia to include two mountain stations – Akhty (1,281 above sea level), Teberda (1,335 m asl), high-mountain station Terskol (2,144 m asl) and two weather stations in the piedmont and the plain (steppe) regions of Nalchik (500 m asl) and Prokhladnaya (198 m asl). The study determines common and different features of changes in the air temperature and precipitation regimes in different climate zones. It was revealed, that the growth rate of average summer temperatures is statistically significant for all the stations in all the climate zones to include Terskol. The annual average temperature varies steadily at the high-mountain station Terskol while in the other climate zones it grows. The changes in the precipitation regime are much more complex due to the heterogeneous and discrete nature of their distribution. With the overall years-long trend towards increasing precipitation and daily maximums at some weather stations, seasonal precipitation totals (in summer and winter) tend to decrease.

Development of Methods of Active Influence on the Processes of Precipitation Formation in Clouds in Order to Solve Environmental and Economic Problems

September 2018


9 Reads

The paper discusses some approaches to the development of methods of active influence on clouds, which develop in the High-Mountain geophysical institute. We considered the problems of determination in the cloud the region in which to make the particles of the reactants, concentration of these particles, the beginning and completion of seeding. Such questions should be solved on the basis of numerical modeling of clouds. The most common approach to the development of methods of active influence on clouds is a simulation of different variants of any particles of reagent in the cloud and choose the most effective one from the point of view of achieving the objectives of impact compared to a natural development of the cloud. Another approach to the development of the method of sedimentation control in the clouds is to consider this problem in the framework of optimal control theory. Despite the difficulties in implementing this approach, it is very effective and produces optimal results.

Analysis of Changes in the Natural and Climatic Conditions of the Functioning of the Construction Industry (Operation of Buildings and Structures) in the Region

September 2018


5 Reads


4 Citations

The manifestations of climatic changes on the territory of the south of the European part of Russia are considered. The estimates for the changes in the seasonal and annual average, maximum and minimum air temperatures, in the seasonal and annual sum of precipitation, daily maximum precipitation as well as the dynamics of the number of their extreme values in different climatic zones of southern Russia and in different seasons are obtained. Possible effects of climate change on the functioning of the construction industry in different climatic zones of the region are considered.

Mathematical Modeling of the Influence of the Wind Field Structure in the Atmosphere on the Cloud Formation Processes

January 2018


164 Reads


2 Citations

Atmospheric and Climate Sciences

Citations (11)

... Как известно, модели временных рядов применяются в исследованиях динамики значительного числа реальных процессов различной природы. В статье [6] были определены некоторые количественные характеристики рядов селевых сходов, средней температуры и сумм осадков в высокогорной зоне КБР, построены линейные тренды, характеризующие долговременную изменчивость исследуемых рядов в теплые сезоны 1953-2015 гг. Под долговременной изменчивостью понимается вклад в процесс изменения параметров ряда либо тренда, либо долговременного колебания, то есть колебания с периодом, гораздо больше одного года. ...


Sinusoidal regression model for assessment of mudflows dynamics
Analysis of the dynamics of mudflows amid climate changes in the high mountain zone of Kabardino-Balkaria
  • Citing Article
  • January 2024

Nauka Innovatsii Tekhnologii

... Исходя из совокупного анализа осадков и испарения [3,20,21] с водосбора в последние десятилетия, можно сделать вывод, что эти основные элементы водного баланса на водосборе не являются статистически значимыми и не могли привести к существенным изменениям стока как относительно его сезонных величин, так и годовых. ...

  • Citing Article
  • January 2021

Nauka Innovatsii Tekhnologii

... Например, для определения сезонности и циклов временного ряда температур проводят спектральный и автокорреляционный анализ [3,15,20]. Также исследователи используют сингулярно-спектральный анализ -это позволило провести анализ и прогноз рядов летних температур юга европейской территории России (ЕТР) [14,19]. Использование данных методов подтверждает проблему глобального потепления, на их основе также строят прогностические модели [1,13,16]. ...

  • Citing Article
  • January 2020

Nauka Innovatsii Tekhnologii

... Очевидно, что решение этих проблем требует проведения исследований изменений климата и их последствий для различных сфер деятельности, формулировки задач адаптации отраслей экономики к из- УСПЕХИ СОВРЕМЕННОГО ЕСТЕСТВОЗНАНИЯ № 9, 2022   ФИЗИКО-МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ (25.00.30)  менениям климата и разработки методов их решения, разработки методов снижения рисков, связанных с экстремальными погодными явлениями и т.д. [12][13][14]. ...

Analysis of Changes in the Natural and Climatic Conditions of the Functioning of the Construction Industry (Operation of Buildings and Structures) in the Region

... Очевидно, что решение этих проблем требует проведения исследований изменений климата и их последствий для различных сфер деятельности, формулировки задач адаптации отраслей экономики к из- УСПЕХИ СОВРЕМЕННОГО ЕСТЕСТВОЗНАНИЯ № 9, 2022   ФИЗИКО-МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ (25.00.30)  менениям климата и разработки методов их решения, разработки методов снижения рисков, связанных с экстремальными погодными явлениями и т.д. [12][13][14]. ...

Modeling Risk Reduction in Agriculture Associated with Dangerous Agrometeorological Phenomena

KnE Life Sciences

... Малая ГЭС -гидроэлектростанция, вырабатывающая сравнительно малое количество электроэнергии и основано на гидроэнергетических установках мощностью от 1 до 3000 кВт. Одно из главных преимуществ малых гидроэлектростанций -это нанесение экологии гораздо меньшего вреда, чем большими ГЭС [1][2][3][4]. Для того, чтобы определить степень негативного воздействия на окружающую среду в период строительства для Усть-Джегутинской Малой ГЭС была проведена инвентаризация источников выбросов загрязняющих веществ в атмосферу и проведен расчет их рассеяния [5,6]. ...

Results of carrying out engineering and environmental surveys at design of small hydroelectric power station

E3S Web of Conferences

... Spatially, there was no clear pattern in changes in extreme precipitation indicators across seasons in 1960-2022. In winter, the maximum increase in indicators was observed on the coast of the Caspian Sea, where SDII, Rx1day and Rx5day increased by 0.23 mm/day per decade (Makhachkala), Ashabokov et al. (2018) also demonstrated an increase in annual precipitation in the high-altitude and foothill regions of the North Caucasus from 1961 to 2015, increased at a rate from 1.99 to 21.12 mm/decade. They also reported that this increase occurred mainly due to an increase in precipitation in spring, autumn and, partly, in the winter season (Ashabokov et al. 2018), which is also consistent with the results of our study. ...

Changes of temperature and precipitation regimes in the south of European Russia in 1961 - 2015


... All these challenges are also characteristic of the mountainous regions of the Caucasus. Over the past 30-40 years, the Caucasus has seen an increase in annual and seasonal temperatures, especially in summer, by an average of 0.5-0.7°C, a drier climate, and a growing frequency and intensity of meteorological extremes (Assessment 2022; Kozachek et al. 2017;Shvarev et al. 2021;Tashilova et al. 2019). Rapid glacier retreat (Solomina et al. 2024;Tielidze et al. 2022;Toropov et al. 2019) has cut off a lot of water in places where it is already scarce, such as the South Caucasus and the eastern flank of the North Caucasus. ...

Analysis of Climate Change in the Caucasus Region: End of the 20th–Beginning of the 21st Century


... Reference [45] describes that in all climatic zones of the region, changes in mean annual temperatures, unlike precipitation, were synchronous in time (Figure 2). In addition to the main climate-forming factors (radiation and circulation), climate of the Caucasus region is greatly influenced by the relief of the terrain, the orography of the terrain, and the distance of weather stations from each other. ...

  • Citing Article
  • January 2017

Fundamental and Applied Climatology

... However, climate change, manifested in an increase in humidification deficiency, may slow down this development (Lukyanets and Bragin 2021). Despite an overall positive dinamics in annual precipitation across the southern regions of Russia, the increase in precipitation is highly uneven throughout the area (Ashabokov et al. 2017;Vyshkvarkova 2021). As a result, specific regions within the South, such as, for example, the eastern part of the Rostov region and the Republic of Kalmykia, have experienced humid warming alongside heightened precipitation in certain time frames (Shumova 2020;Gudko et al. 2023). ...

Trends in precipitation parameters in the climate zones of southern Russia (1961–2011)
  • Citing Article
  • March 2017

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology