December 2023
7 Reads
1 Citation
Vestnik NSU Series Information Technologies
Year by year researchers use the method of electrotomography more extensively to solve a wide variety of tasks. For example, electrotomography can be applied in archaeological excavations, in the tasks of controlling mine tailings, in engineering surveys, to study fault structures, for monitoring studies in seismically active areas. It is necessary to perform sufficiently long-term observations to form approaches in solving the problem of predicting seismic events. This leads to the need to consider large arrays of initial data and interpret a significant amount of field data. In this regard, it is important to use and develop modern computer tools for processing and interpreting the results of regular observations. The purpose of this work is to modernize and develop the Direct-Inverse-Solver (DiInSo) software package for solving direct and inverse problems for processing, interpreting and analyzing electrotomography monitoring data.