A. Taktakishvili’s research while affiliated with Catholic University of America and other places

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Publications (71)

Fig. 15: Example of a SPARX output. Flux profiles of >10 MeV and >60 MeV protons for an X1.0 flare at N10W20 are shown. The legend displays calculated parameters of the flux profiles.
Fig. 18: STAT simulation of the March 7, 2012 CME/SEP event, showing showing particles widely distributed in longitude. (a) Integrated proton flux >10 MeV as a function of longitude and sine(latitude) at 1 AU. This is a standard output visualization from STAT. The circles indicate the location of EPREM nodes where the calculation is performed. The locations of the two STEREO spacecraft and Earth are shown. (b) Comparison of >10 MeV integrated proton flux with GOES.
Ratios and skill scores for four cases of >50 MeV predictions and one case of >10 MeV predictions.
Observational measurements used as inputs into SEP models.
Review of Solar Energetic Particle Prediction Models
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2023


923 Reads


92 Citations

Advances in Space Research


Ricky Egeland





Solar Energetic Particles (SEP) events are interesting from a scientific perspective as they are the product of a broad set of physical processes from the corona out through the extent of the heliosphere, and provide insight into processes of particle acceleration and transport that are widely applicable in astrophysics. From the operations perspective, SEP events pose a radiation hazard for aviation, electronics in space, and human space exploration, in particular for missions outside of the Earth’s protective magnetosphere including to the Moon and Mars. Thus, it is critical to imific understanding of SEP events and use this understanding to develop and improve SEP forecasting capabilities to support operations. Many SEP models exist or are in development using a wide variety of approaches and with differing goals. These include computationally intensive physics-based models, fast and light empirical models, machine learning-based models, and mixed-model approaches. The aim of this paper is to summarize all of the SEP models currently developed in the scientific community, including a description of model approach, inputs and outputs, free parameters, and any published validations or comparisons with data.


Overview of how each metadata component of the CME Arrival and Impact working team is linked to the others. CME = coronal mass ejection.
Overview of the contingency table. Green corresponds to a correct prediction, while red corresponds to a negative prediction.
Performance diagram showing the POD, SR, Bias, and CSI skill scores using the contingency table as described in Table 10. The dashed diagonal lines correspond to lines of equal Bias while the solid curves correspond to equal CSIs.
Benchmarking CME Arrival Time and Impact: Progress on Metadata, Metrics, and Events

January 2019


300 Reads


71 Citations

Accurate forecasting of the arrival time and subsequent geomagnetic impacts of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) at Earth is an important objective for space weather forecasting agencies. Recently, the CME Arrival and Impact working team has made significant progress toward defining community-agreed metrics and validation methods to assess the current state of CME modeling capabilities. This will allow the community to quantify our current capabilities and track progress in models over time. First, it is crucial that the community focuses on the collection of the necessary metadata for transparency and reproducibility of results. Concerning CME arrival and impact we have identified six different metadata types: 3-D CME measurement, model description, model input, CME (non)arrival observation, model output data, and metrics and validation methods. Second, the working team has also identified a validation time period, where all events within the following two periods will be considered: 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2012 and January 2015 to 31 December 2015. Those two periods amount to a total of about 100 hit events at Earth and a large amount of misses. Considering a time period will remove any bias in selecting events and the event set will represent a sample set that will not be biased by user selection. Lastly, we have defined the basic metrics and skill scores that the CME Arrival and Impact working team will focus on.

Benchmarking CME Arrival Time and Impact: Progress on Metadata, Metrics, and Events

November 2018


45 Reads

Accurate forecasting of the arrival time and subsequent geomagnetic impacts of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) at Earth is an important objective for space weather forecasting agencies. Recently, the CME Arrival and Impact working team has made significant progress towards defining community-agreed metrics and validation methods to assess the current state of CME modeling capabilities. This will allow the community to quantify our current capabilities and track progress in models over time. Firstly, it is crucial that the community focuses on the collection of the necessary metadata for transparency and reproducibility of results. Concerning CME arrival and impact we have identified 6 different metadata types: 3D CME measurement, model description, model input, CME (non-)arrival observation, model output data and metrics and validation methods. Secondly, the working team has also identified a validation time period, where all events within the following two periods will be considered: 1 January 2011-31 December 2012 and January 2015-31 December 2015. Those two periods amount to a total of about 100 hit events at Earth and a large amount of misses. Considering a time period will remove any bias in selecting events and the event set will represent a sample set that will not be biased by user selection. Lastly, we have defined the basic metrics and skill scores that the CME Arrival and Impact working team will focus on.

Toward a Quantitative Model for Simulation and Forecast of Solar Energetic Particle Production during Gradual Events. I. Magnetohydrodynamic Background Coupled to the SEP Model

September 2018


38 Reads


26 Citations

The Astrophysical Journal

Solar energetic particles (SEPs) are an important aspect of space weather. SEP events possess a high destructive potential, since they may cause disruptions of communication systems on Earth and be fatal to crew members on board spacecraft and, in extreme cases, harmful to people on board high-altitude flights. However, currently the research community lacks efficient tools to predict such a hazardous threat and its potential impacts. Such a tool is a first step for mankind to improve its preparedness for SEP events and ultimately to be able to mitigate their effects. The main goal of the presented research effort is to develop a computational tool that will have the forecasting capability and can serve as an operational system that will provide live information on the current potential threats posed by SEP based on the observations of the Sun. In the present paper we discuss the fundamentals of magnetohydrodynamical simulations to be employed as a critical part of the desired forecasting system. © 2018. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved..

Forecasting Transport and Acceleration of Solar Energetic Particles

August 2018


136 Reads

Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) are a major branch of space weather. Often driven by Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), SEPs have a very high destructive potential, which includes but is not limited to disrupting communication systems on Earth, inflicting harmful and potentially fatal radiation doses to crew members onboard spacecraft and, in extreme cases, to people aboard high altitude flights. We present a new computational tool that provides a forecasting capability for SEP events and can be the basis for operational system that will provide live information on the current potential threats posed by SEPs based on observations of the Sun. The tool comprises several numerical models, which are designed to simulate different physical aspects of SEPs. The background conditions in the interplanetary medium, in particular, the Coronal Mass Ejection driving the particle acceleration, play a defining role and are simulated with the state-of-the-art MHD solver, Block-Adaptive-Tree Solar-wind Roe-type Upwind Scheme (BATS-R-US). The newly developed particle code, Multiple-Field-Line-Advection Model for Particle Acceleration (M-FLAMPA), simulates the actual transport and acceleration of SEPs and is coupled to the MHD code.

Figure 2. Three snapshots of a CME forming in the corona as seen from two angles in HGR: view onto plane of 29.5 • latitude (top) and plane of 208.5 • longitude (bottom). Color shows the speed of the solar wind. 
Figure 3. Simulated flux of SEP exceeding 10 MeV (GOES channel 2): along the extracted lines from the Sun to 1 AU (top) and interpolated between footprints (small blue diamonds) of lines on 1 AU sphere (bottom) 
Figure 4. Time evolution of simulated flux of SEP exceeding 10 MeV (GOES channel 2) at 1 AU on a single line (solid black line) compared to GOES measurements (dashed black line). Time is measured from 
Figure A1. Top: spheromak configuration for β 0 =0.02: meridional (left) and equatorial (right) planes. Magnetic field direction is marked with arrows, off-plane component of the magnetic field is normalized per B 0 (see Eq. 3.1) and shown by color. Local values of plasma parameter β(r) = µ 0 P (r)/B 2 (r) are shown with orange curves corresponding to levels β = 0.04, 0.08, 0.12, 0.16 as marked explicitly. Bottom: radial dependence of thermal pressure, µ 0 P (r)/B 2 0 , (red curve) and magnetic pressure, B 2 (r)/B 2 0 , (blue curve) in the equatorial cut z=0: for β 0 =0.02 (left panel) and for β 0 = − 2.87×10 −2 (right panel) . 
Toward Quantitative Model for Simulation and Forecast of Solar Energetic Particles Production during Gradual Events - I: Magnetohydrodynamic Background Coupled to the SEP Model

June 2018


76 Reads

Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) are an important aspect of space weather. SEP events posses a high destructive potential, since they may cause disruptions of communication systems on Earth and be fatal to crew members onboard spacecrafts and, in extreme cases, harmful to people onboard high altitude flights. However, currently the research community lacks efficient tools to predict such hazardous threat and its potential impacts. Such a tool is a first step for mankind to improve its preparedness for SEP events and ultimately to be able to mitigate their effects. The main goal of the presented research effort is to develop a computational tool that will have the forecasting capability and can be serve in operational system that will provide live information on the current potential threats posed by SEP based on the observations of the Sun. In the present paper the fundamentals of magneto-hydrodynamical (MHD) simulations are discussed to be employed as a critical part of the desired forecasting system.

Fig. 2. Average absolute error of CME arrival time predictions at Earth, STEREO-A, STEREO-B, and all together for four different time periods. 
Table 2 . Brief description of skill scores derived from the contingency table. The false alarm rate is also known as the probability of false detection (POFD) and the hit rate as the probability of detection (POD). 
Fig. 6. Success ratio, false alarm ratio, accuracy score, bias score, POD, POFD, and HK (defined in Table 2) of total modeled CME events which predict hits at Earth, STEREO-A, STEREO-B, and all locations combined. Error bars derived from Wilks (2011). 
Fig. 7. Success ratio, false alarm ratio, bias score, and hit rate skill scores based on whether the observed K p max falls within the predicted K P range, grouped by forecast time period. 
Verification of real-time WSA-ENLIL+Cone simulations of CME arrival-time at the CCMC from 2010-2016

January 2018


405 Reads


109 Citations

The Wang-Sheeley-Arge (WSA)-ENLIL+Cone model is used extensively in space weather operations world-wide to model CME propagation. As such, it is important to assess its performance. We present validation results of the WSA-ENLIL+Cone model installed at the Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) and executed in real-time by the CCMC space weather team. CCMC uses the WSA-ENLIL+Cone model to predict CME arrivals at NASA missions throughout the inner heliosphere. In this work we compare model predicted CME arrival-times to in-situ ICME leading edge measurements at STEREO-A, STEREO-B, and Earth (Wind and ACE) for simulations completed between March 2010-December 2016 (over 1,800 CMEs). We report hit, miss, false alarm, and correct rejection statistics for all three locations. For all predicted CME arrivals, the hit rate is 0.5, and the false alarm rate is 0.1. For the 273 events where the CME was predicted to arrive at Earth, STEREO-A, or STEREO-B, and was actually observed (hit event), the mean absolute arrival-time prediction error was 10.4 +/- 0.9 hours, with a tendency to early prediction error of -4.0 hours. We show the dependence of the arrival-time error on CME input parameters. We also explore the impact of the multi-spacecraft observations used to initialize the model CME inputs by comparing model verification results before and after the STEREO-B communication loss (since September 2014) and STEREO-A sidelobe operations (August 2014-December 2015). There is an increase of 1.7 hours in the CME arrival time error during single, or limited two-viewpoint periods, compared to the three-spacecraft viewpoint period. This trend would apply to a future space weather mission at L5 or L4 as another coronagraph viewpoint to reduce CME arrival time errors compared to a single L1 viewpoint.

Verification of real-time WSA-ENLIL+Cone simulations of CME arrival-time at the CCMC from 2010-2016

January 2018

The Wang-Sheeley-Arge (WSA)-ENLIL+Cone model is used extensively in space weather operations world-wide to model CME propagation. As such, it is important to assess its performance. We present validation results of the WSA-ENLIL+Cone model installed at the Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) and executed in real-time by the CCMC space weather team. CCMC uses the WSA-ENLIL+Cone model to predict CME arrivals at NASA missions throughout the inner heliosphere. In this work we compare model predicted CME arrival-times to in-situ ICME leading edge measurements at STEREO-A, STEREO-B, and Earth (Wind and ACE) for simulations completed between March 2010-December 2016 (over 1,800 CMEs). We report hit, miss, false alarm, and correct rejection statistics for all three locations. For all predicted CME arrivals, the hit rate is 0.5, and the false alarm rate is 0.1. For the 273 events where the CME was predicted to arrive at Earth, STEREO-A, or STEREO-B, and was actually observed (hit event), the mean absolute arrival-time prediction error was 10.4 +/- 0.9 hours, with a tendency to early prediction error of -4.0 hours. We show the dependence of the arrival-time error on CME input parameters. We also explore the impact of the multi-spacecraft observations used to initialize the model CME inputs by comparing model verification results before and after the STEREO-B communication loss (since September 2014) and STEREO-A sidelobe operations (August 2014-December 2015). There is an increase of 1.7 hours in the CME arrival time error during single, or limited two-viewpoint periods, compared to the three-spacecraft viewpoint period. This trend would apply to a future space weather mission at L5 or L4 as another coronagraph viewpoint to reduce CME arrival time errors compared to a single L1 viewpoint.

Threaded-Field-Lines Model for the Low Solar Corona Powered by the Alfven Wave Turbulence

September 2016

We present an updated global model of the solar corona, including the transition region. We simulate the realistic tree-dimensional (3D) magnetic field using the data from the photospheric magnetic field measurements and assume the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Alfv\'en wave turbulence and its non-linear dissipation to be the only source for heating the coronal plasma and driving the solar wind. In closed field regions the dissipation efficiency in a balanced turbulence is enhanced. In the coronal holes we account for a reflection of the outward propagating waves, which is accompanied by generation of weaker counter-propagating waves. The non-linear cascade rate degrades in strongly imbalanced turbulence, thus resulting in colder coronal holes. The distinctive feature of the presented model is the description of the low corona as almost-steady-state low-beta plasma motion and heat flux transfer along the magnetic field lines. We trace the magnetic field lines through each grid point of the lower boundary of the global corona model, chosen at some heliocentric distance, R=Rb1.1 RR=R_{b}\sim1.1\ R_\odot well above the transition region. One can readily solve the plasma parameters along the magnetic field line from 1D equations for the plasma motion and heat transport together with the Alfv\'en wave propagation, which adequately describe physics within the heliocentric distances range, R<R<RbR_{\odot}<R<R_{b}, in the low solar corona. By interfacing this threaded-field-lines model with the full MHD global corona model at r=Rbr=R_{b}, we find the global solution and achieve a faster-than-real-time performance of the model on 200\sim200 cores.

Citations (32)

... For the 9 significant events (BFO dose > 5 mGy-Eq), 4 predictions are close to ARRT results (events 2, 3, 4, and 8 in Fig. 8, right), 2 predictions are approximately half of ARRT results (events 6 and 7), and 3 forecasted doses are just the lower limit (events 4 and 8) or near the limit (event 1). Together with 1 missed significant event, the failure rate of UMASEP-100 dose prediction for significant events during 1997-2013 is about 40%, indicating significant events forecasting cannot rely only on UMASEP-100 but need work together with other SPE forecasting tools (Whitman et al., 2022). Nevertheless, for the 32 hit insignificant events, this model correctly predicts 31 event doses in the range of the lower limit, with a success rate 97%. ...


Real-time dose prediction for Artemis missions
Review of Solar Energetic Particle Prediction Models

Advances in Space Research

... Laperre, Amaya & Lapenta 2020 ; Maharana et al. 2024 ) time series. It is possible that different metrics highlight different solutions as the 'best run', and more work is necessary in this direction to e v aluate ho w to best benchmark CME arri v al time and magnetic field configuration within a single, combined metric (see Verbeke et al. 2019 , for an o v erview of some initial efforts on the matter). ...

Benchmarking CME Arrival Time and Impact: Progress on Metadata, Metrics, and Events

... On the other hand, the physics-based models are developed based on the first principles in physics and different kinds of sophisticated computational techniques (e.g., Ng & Reames 1994;Ng et al. 2003;Sokolov et al. 2004;Kóta et al. 2005;Aran et al. 2006;Luhmann et al. 2007;Zhang et al. 2009;Dröge et al. 2010;Strauss & Fichtner 2015;Hu et al. 2017;Borovikov et al. 2018;Linker et al. 2019;Wei et al. 2019;Wijsen et al. 2019;Li et al. 2021;Tenishev et al. 2021;Zhang et al. 2023;Palmerio et al. 2024;Zhao et al. 2024). These models leverage our current understanding of particle acceleration and transport in the SC and IP space to analyze the properties associated with SEP events. ...

Toward a Quantitative Model for Simulation and Forecast of Solar Energetic Particle Production during Gradual Events. I. Magnetohydrodynamic Background Coupled to the SEP Model
  • Citing Article
  • September 2018

The Astrophysical Journal

... Currently, the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center uses the WSA-ENLIL heliospheric model with a hydrodynamic CME cone model for CME forecasting purposes (A. M. Wold et al. 2018). Observational evidence of magnetic flux ropes in CMEs, the importance of internal magnetic field structure for the evolution of CMEs in the heliosphere, and the need for space weather predictions of the CME magnetic field at Earth have motivated the development of models that include CMEs with an internal magnetic field in the heliospheric domain. ...

Verification of real-time WSA-ENLIL+Cone simulations of CME arrival-time at the CCMC from 2010-2016

... Thus, coronal heating cannot be directly maintained by acoustic waves from the photosphere, and it is widely believed that the magnetic field plays an essential role in the transportation of energy from the photosphere to the corona [37]. At present, almost all possible magnetic field effects, such as Alfvénic waves (e.g., [38][39][40]), fast/slow magneto-acoustic waves (e.g., [41][42][43]), and magnetic reconnections (e.g., [44,45]), have been applied to the explanation of coronal heating, which is closely related to various magnetic phenomena observed by ground and space instruments with higher and higher spatial and temporal resolution [46][47][48]. ...

Threaded-Field-Lines Model for the Low Solar Corona Powered by the Alfven Wave Turbulence

The Astrophysical Journal

... ENLIL has been validated by comparing seven Carrington rotations (CR2056-CR2062) background solar wind with observations from Ulysses spacecraft while it was orbiting near-Earth at middle to high latitudes during the late declining phase of solar cycle 23 (L. K. Jian et al. 2015Jian et al. , 2016. The "European heliospheric forecasting information asset" (EUHFORIA) model was developed (J. ...

Validation for global solar wind prediction using Ulysses comparison: Multiple coronal and heliospheric models installed at the Community Coordinated Modeling Center

... This model prediction proved to be a little early, with the main CME actually arriving at around 0100 UTC on 18 February. By using the SWMF model, a series of research works [65][66][67][68][69] were conducted on the formation and propagation of CMEs and their interaction with the surrounding solar wind environment, successfully reproducing the morphology and evolutionary characteristics of CMEs. The CMEs in these cases were modeled by the Titov and Dmoulin [70] flux rope or the analytical Gibson-Low (GL) [71] flux rope and its improved version, called Eruptive Event Generator Gibson-Low (EEGGL), which was developed to automatically determine the GL flux rope parameters from the observations. ...

Data Constrained Coronal Mass Ejections in A Global Magnetohydrodynamics Model

The Astrophysical Journal

... The results are in agreement with findings from Gressl et al. (2014). Jian et al. (2015) performed a comparison of several models installed at CCMC (ENLIL , MAS, WSA, SWMF) with solar wind in situ measurements and revealed strengths and weaknesses of each model. Common to all studies is the fact that different magnetogram inputs have a huge impact on the model performance. ...

How Reliable Is the Prediction of Solar Wind Background?
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • April 2015

... Within this framework, CMEs can be inserted at the interface between the WSA and Enlil domains, i.e. 0.1 au, corresponding to the outer corona. The employed CME ejecta morphology consists of a tilted ellipsoid (see Mays et al. 2015 ) and lacks an internal magnetic field -we shall refer to this set-up as Enlil + Cone. A CME ejecta described as a hydrodynamic pulse is not appropriate for modelling and reproducing its magnetic field configuration; nevertheless, the WSA-Enlil + Cone framework has been shown to be adequate for e v aluating multispacecraft CME arri v al times (Odstrcil 2023 ). ...

Propagation of the 7 January 2014 CME and Resulting Geomagnetic Non-Event

The Astrophysical Journal

... ENLIL has been validated by comparing seven Carrington rotations (CR2056-CR2062) background solar wind with observations from Ulysses spacecraft while it was orbiting near-Earth at middle to high latitudes during the late declining phase of solar cycle 23 (L. K. Jian et al. 2015Jian et al. , 2016. The "European heliospheric forecasting information asset" (EUHFORIA) model was developed (J. ...

Validation for Solar Wind Prediction at Earth: Comparison of Coronal and Heliospheric Models Installed at the CCMC: CCMC Model Validation
  • Citing Article
  • April 2015