A. R. E. Sinclair’s research while affiliated with University of British Columbia and other places

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Publications (203)

Location of the 5 CEMP monitoring sites in the southern and central Yukon. Red points represent focal monitoring areas within each site.
Food web for the boreal forest in the southern and central Yukon. The species being monitored in at least two of the CEMP sites are shaded. Only the major feeding linkages are shown. Two major data gaps in what we measure are the lack of monitoring of trends in abundance of birds and the large mammals.
Summer (June to August, top panel) and winter (November to February, bottom panel) average temperatures measured at Environment Canada’s Haines Junction Weather Station for the period 1970 to 2022. Decadal averages as triangles. For summer annual temperatures r² =0.17; for winter annual temperatures r² =0.14, n = 52.
Average white spruce cone counts at Kluane for 1986 to 2022 and for all CEMP sites since 2005. Green cones are counted from the top 3 m of a tagged set of trees each August. These index counts are converted to total cones per tree by the LaMontagne conversion (LaMontagne et al., 2005). Mean cones per individual tree ± 95% confidence limits.
The interval in years between high white spruce (Picea glauca) cone counts at Kluane Lake since 1985. This trend is correlated with the warming climate in the southern Yukon. The linear regression and its 95% confidence limits are shown.


Long-term monitoring in the boreal forest reveals high spatio-temporal variability among primary ecosystem constituents
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2023


422 Reads


8 Citations






Alice J. Kenney

The boreal forest, the world’s largest terrestrial biome, is undergoing dramatic changes owing to anthropogenic stressors, including those of climate change. To track terrestrial ecosystem changes through space and time, robust monitoring programs are needed that survey a variety of ecosystem constituents. We monitored white spruce (Picea glauca) cone crops, berry (Empetrum nigrum, Shepherdia canadensis) production, above-ground mushroom abundance, and the abundance of small mammals (Clethrionomys rutilus, Peromyscus maniculatus), North American red squirrels (Tamiascirus hudsonicus), snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus), and carnivores (Lynx canadensis, Canis latrans, Vulpes vulpes, Martes americana, Mustela erminea) across 5 sites in the Yukon, Canada. Monitoring began in 1973 at Lhù’ààn Mân’ (Kluane Lake) and additional protocols were added until a complete sequence was fixed in 2005 at all 5 sites and continued until 2022. White spruce cone counts show mast years at 3–7-year intervals. Ground berries and soapberry counts were highly variable among sites and counts did not correlate among sites or between years for different species. Red-backed voles showed clear 3–4-year cycles at Kluane and probably at the Mayo and Watson Lake sites, but showed only annual cycles in Whitehorse and Faro. Snowshoe hares fluctuated in 9–10-year cycles in a travelling wave, peaking one year earlier at Watson Lake but in synchrony at all other sites, with no clear sign of peak density changing or cyclic attenuation over the last 50 years. Red squirrel numbers at Kluane exhibit marked inter-year variability, driven mainly by episodic white spruce cone crops and predation from Canada lynx and coyotes as hare densities undergo cyclic decline. Snow track counts to index mammalian predators have been conducted on our Kluane and Mayo sites, indicating that lynx numbers rise and fall with a 1–2-year lag at these two sites, tracking the hare cycle. Coyotes and lynx at Kluane peak together following the hare cycle, but coyote counts are also depressed during deep snow years. To summarize, we noted considerable inter-site variability in the population dynamics of many boreal forest ecosystem constituents, but the keystone species (snowshoe hare, Canada lynx) exhibit remarkably similar population trends across the region. We continue to monitor wildlife abundance, cone crops, berry production, and mushroom biomass to determine changes associated with increasing temperature and fluctuating rainfall. The Yukon boreal forest is changing as climate shifts, but the changes are slow, variable across sites, taxa specific, and of uncertain predictability.


Stabilizing effects of group formation by Serengeti herbivores on predator-prey dynamics

August 2022


206 Reads


4 Citations

Predator-prey theory often assumes that potential prey individuals are solitary and evenly distributed in space. This assumption is violated in social, mobile prey, such as many ungulates. Here we use data from 80 monthly field censuses to estimate the parameters for a power relationship between herd density and population density for eight species of large herbivores commonly found in the diet of Serengeti lions, confirming a power relationship proposed from a preliminary Serengeti dataset. Here we extend our analysis of that model to demonstrate how parameters of the power function relate to average herd size and density-dependent changes in herd size and evaluate how interspecific variation in these parameters shapes the group-dependent functional response by Serengeti lions for eight prey species. We apply the different prey-specific functional response models in a Rosenzweig-MacArthur framework to compare their impact on the stability of predator–prey dynamics. Model outcomes suggest that group formation plays a strong role in stabilizing lion–herbivore interactions in Serengeti by forcing lions to search over a larger area before each prey encounter. As a consequence of grouping by their prey, our model also suggests that Serengeti lions are forced to broaden their diets to include multiple species of prey in order to persist, potentially explaining the generalist foraging by lions routinely recorded across multiple ecosystems.

Schematic diagram showing the four stages of the predation process. Stage 1 is the movement of predators and prey. Stage 2 illustrates the temporal and spatial intersection of those movement paths, which defines an encounter. Stage 3 shows the decision by a predator to attack a potential prey and Stage 4 depicts a successful attack which results in a capture and kill.
Characterization of temporal predation patterns in the western corridor of Serengeti National Park. Bars with 95% confidence intervals show the probability/hour encounters, attacks and kills across different time periods and seasons based on the number of events per hour of monitoring as well as the conditional probability of an attack given an encounter and kill given an attack. Daytime was defined as 7:00–18:00; nighttime as 19:00–6:00; and crepuscular as 6:00–7:00 (dawn) and 18:00–19:00 (dusk). The dry season was June through October and the wet season November through May. The probabilities across all time periods and seasons are also show.
Where and when does the danger lie? Assessing how location, season and time of day affect the sequential stages of predation by lions in western Serengeti National Park

November 2021


1,150 Reads


5 Citations

Predation is a fundamental ecological process influencing the distribution and abundance of animal populations and underlying how prey species perceive risk. The predation process is composed of four sequential stages – search, encounter, attack and kill – each of which has been used to describe risk across the landscape. Here, we used direct observational data of free‐ranging, radio‐collared African lions in Serengeti National Park's western corridor to (1) investigate daily and seasonal predation stage probabilities and (2) using two analytical approaches, compare four mechanisms – prey distribution, intra‐specific competition, spatially anchored landscape features and predator hunting method – that potentially drive spatial predation stage patterns. Results showed that lions encountered potential prey at night significantly less than during diurnal or crepuscular periods. Nocturnal observations were predominantly during full‐moon phases, so if this lower nocturnal encounter rate was due to moon phase it may contribute to lions' typically poor full‐moon hunting success. Predation stage probabilities did not differ between seasons despite high variability in seasonal prey abundance. Spatially, lions encountered potential prey in prey‐rich, open areas near water and spatial range centres. Compared with available areas within seasonal ranges, lion attacks were more likely where prey abundance was high, and kill locations were associated with prey‐rich areas near water and range centres, collectively suggesting opportunistic hunting. However, compared with preceding predation stage locations, attacks occurred near range peripheries and kills where hunting cover was greater, suggesting ambush predation. Our results indicate substantial temporal and spatial variation across the different stages of the predation process. They also highlight first, that results can vary in important ways depending on how analyses are approached, and second, that understanding predator‐prey dynamics depends on analyses of the different stages of predation.

The Cores, Corridors, and Carnivores (3Cs) model of rewilding (adapted from Soulé & Noss, 1998)
The wilderness continuum (after Carver [2014], Lesslie & Taylor [1985], and Van Maanen & Convery [2016])
Guiding principles for rewilding

June 2021


3,719 Reads


128 Citations

There has been much recent interest in the concept of rewilding as a tool for nature conservation, but also confusion over the idea, which has limited its utility. We developed a unifying definition and 10 guiding principles for rewilding through a survey of 59 rewilding experts, a summary of key organizations’ rewilding visions, and workshops involving over 100 participants from around the world. The guiding principles convey that rewilding exits on a continuum of scale, connectivity, and level of human influence and aims to restore ecosystem structure and functions to achieve a self‐sustaining autonomous nature. These principles clarify the concept of rewilding and improve its effectiveness as a tool to achieve global conservation targets, including those of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and post‐2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Finally, we suggest differences in rewilding perspectives lie largely in the extent to which it is seen as achievable and in specific interventions. An understanding of the context of rewilding projects is the key to success, and careful site‐specific interpretations will help achieve the aims of rewilding.

Fig. 1 Ungulate and ostrich sampling transects in the Serengeti ecosystem.
Long-term surveys of age structure in 13 ungulate and one ostrich species in the Serengeti, 1926-2018

October 2020


109 Reads

Scientific Data

The Serengeti ecosystem spans an extensive network of protected areas in Tanzania, eastern Africa, and a UNESCO Wold Heritage Site. It is home to some of the largest animal migrations on the planet. Here, we describe a dataset consisting of the sample counts of three age classes (infant, juvenile and adult) of 13 ungulate and one ostrich species. Sample counts were tallied visually from the ground, or, in some instances, aerial photographs, during a period extending from 1926 to 2018. Observed animals were assigned to age classes based on specific criteria for each species. For nine of the 14 species of this dataset, the number of sampling years is over 30. This resulted in a total of 533 different records of count across age classes. By computing age-class ratios, these data can be used to measure long-term recruitment success at different ages of the tallied species. In particular, the temporal extent of these data allows comparison of patterns to other long-term processes, such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO).

Long‐term monitoring of Serengeti bird species occurrence, abundance, and habitat

December 2019


56 Reads


1 Citation

The Serengeti ecosystem contains one of the most diverse bird assemblages in Africa. We present here a data set consisting of abundances of bird species in different habitats of the Serengeti ecosystem over a 87‐yr time frame. This data set comprises 66,643 georeferenced occurrences for 568 species from 1929 to 2017. Most records contain feeding location, food source, distribution status, and observation locality. The records originate from three different but complementary methodologies: points, sites, and transects. The point method (bird species records 1929–2017) is based on ad hoc observations and includes rare species or those in special habitats. These points came from published records as well from the research program of A. R. E. Sinclair and colleagues. The site method (1966–2017) is based on structured observations at sites selected to represent specific habitats, and replicated within habitats and over time. At each site, birds were recorded by sight and sound over a radius of 50 m for 10 min. The transect method (1997–2011) is based on road transects covering different areas of the ecosystem. Road transects were traversed using a vehicle with observers travelling at 30 km/h. Bird species were those easily seen from a vehicle out to 50 m either side. As most transects were traversed multiple times, this method provides information on temporal change in abundance for a select set of species. No copyright restrictions apply to the use of this data set other than citing this publication.

Rarefaction analysis of different bird guilds in two habitats (small-tree complex and large-tree complex)
The mean abundance (individuals per hour per site) of different guilds in the small-tree complex and large-tree complex The same group of species was used for each guild
The Bray-Curtis measure of similarity (1-B) of the birds in different guilds between small-tree and large-tree habitats
Bird community responses to changes in vegetation caused by increasing large mammal populations in the Serengeti woodlands

January 2019


186 Reads


3 Citations

Wildlife Research

Context: The increase in density of large tree species, Vachellia robusta and V. tortilis, in the Serengeti Ecosystem of Tanzania has resulted in a decline of small tree species Senegalia senegal, V. hockii, Commiphora spp. This change has occurred since the late 1970s, a consequence of an increase in wildebeest following the extirpation of rinderpest, which reduced the dry grass fuel for fires, resulting in low fire frequencies. Change in tree species raises the question of whether there are indirect consequences for the avifauna that depend on the large trees for food and nesting. Aims: To determine how an increase in large mammals could influence diversity and distribution of avifauna communities in the Serengeti ecosystem woodlands. Methods: Data used to estimate changes in density of large and small trees were measured by Point Centre Quarter (PCQ). Bird species were recorded in 19 small-tree sites and 18 large-tree sites in the Serengeti National Park. Richness of bird guilds was calculated in the two habitat complexes (small and large trees), and the 'rarefaction' method was used to assess the difference in richness in habitats of the study area. Mean abundance for each species was calculated over the total number of sites for each habitat and compared using the Wilcoxon Rank Sum test to examine how the abundance of avifauna changes with each habitat type. Key results: There was an increase in the density of large trees in some areas in which they have replaced the original small trees. Such changes have resulted in greater richness of hole nesters and bark feeders, and a greater abundance of large-hole nesters and gleaner bird species. Conclusions: Because the increase in tree density was caused by an increase in large mammals, we conclude that this increasing mammal population is indirectly increasing richness and abundance of birds using the trees. Implications: Understanding the influence of large mammal populations on bird distributions has important conservation implications because the Serengeti ecosystem is classified as an important, endemic bird area.

Citations (76)

... Note that site use intensities are on the logarithmic scale (log 10 ). (Krebs et al., 2023) and, to a lesser extent, the Great Basin Desert (Bartel et al., 2008;Clark, 1972). Given the link between jackrabbit prey and canid predators in our system, if jackrabbits undergo cyclic dynamics similar to other systems, then over longer time scales than our study, predator-prey dynamics might be governed by coupled population cycles strongly modulated by climate (Bowler et al., 2014;Peers et al., 2020). ...


Dryland state transitions alter trophic interactions in a predator–prey system
Long-term monitoring in the boreal forest reveals high spatio-temporal variability among primary ecosystem constituents

... Elevations are 1484-1859 m above sea level, with higher elevations in the eastern half of the study area (NASA et al., 2018). The climate is warm with stable temperatures averaging around 21°C (Metzger et al., 2015), and most precipitation occurs during November-May (Norton-Griffiths et al., 1975). Serengeti | 3 of 11 VAN den BOSCH et al. ...

3. Scales of Change in the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem / Kristine L. Metzger, Anthony R. E. Sinclair, Sandy Macfarlane, Michael Coughenour, and Junyan Ding
  • Citing Chapter
  • April 2015

... In open systems in which large ungulates move extensively across the landscape in herds, population regulation is by bottom-up control through food limitation in response to rainfall, as shown for multiple ungulate species in Kruger (Owen-Smith and Ogutu, 2003). In turn, lion populations are also regulated by bottom-up control, with lion recruitment in Serengeti, for example, being correlated with the recruitment of wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus), which is regulated by rainfall operating through the food supply (Fryxell et al., 2015). ...

7. Climate-Induced Effects on the Serengeti Mammalian Food Web / John M. Fryxell, Kristine L. Metzger, Craig Packer, Anthony R. E. Sinclair, and Simon A. R. Mduma
  • Citing Chapter
  • April 2015

... The overall higher betadiversity signals the value of this network of wetlands for supporting water bird diversity. Our mean values of spatial betadiversity ( sor = 0.93) and spatial turnover ( sim = 0.88 ) are higher than those of previously studied bird communities on terrestrial islands situated in an artificial lake ( sor = 0.77, sim = 0.62 ) and bird communities in woodland lots ( sor = 0.48, sim = 0.38 ) (Jankowski et al., 2015;Si et al., 2015). Bird assemblages in sites with lower species richness are not simply subsets of assemblages at sites with higher species richness. ...

13. Bird Diversity of the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem: Spatial Patterns of Taxonomic and Functional Richness and Turnover / Jill E. Jankowski, Anthony R. E. Sinclair, and Kristine L. Metzger
  • Citing Chapter
  • April 2015

... Termite activity in litter decomposition may thus operate in two distinct phases: initial selection of the litter based on its traits, evident from the rates of sheeting, followed by the impact of these traits on the extent of mass loss post-colonization. Our research questions are therefore as follows: (1) Serengeti-Mara ecosystem, which includes the SNP, is an expansive and well-preserved tropical savanna ecosystem renowned for its abundant and diverse wildlife, including termites (Sinclair et al., 2008). The area is inhabited by different genera of fungusgrowing termites, such as Macrotermes spp. ...

Historical and Future Changes to the Serengeti Ecosystem
  • Citing Chapter
  • October 2008

... The Serengeti ecosystem is a mega biodiversity hotspot with an enormous number of wildlife species and a key area for understanding and managing disease ecology, including parasite infestation [14, 39,40]. The presence of third instar larvae in zebra and its rare occurrence in the African lion (Panthera leo) [15] reveals a substantial venture to investigate host-parasite dynamics, ecological interactions, and evolutionary adaptations. ...

Serengeti III: Human Impacts on Ecosystem Dynamics
  • Citing Book
  • January 2008

... S14 and S15; see the supplementary materials). Accounts that grazers partition grass stems and leaves without reference to plant identity (9) were integral to the classic grazing-succession model (5) and later elaborations (7,(11)(12)(13)36). The generally high overlap in plant taxa eaten by zebra and wildebeest is compatible with this mechanism and with both facilitative and competitive interpretations, although the differential selectivity for grass species (Fig. 4C) aligns with the fine-scale competitive displacement inferred from movement data (Fig. 3B). ...

Spatial Dynamics and Coexistence of the Serengeti Grazer Community
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2008

... The buffalo formed larger and more defensible group in response to the presence of lions (Tambling et al (2012)). Group formation in Serengeti wildebeest is a common observable pattern to reduce the risk of predation by their predators lion (Fryxell et al (2022)). ...

Stabilizing effects of group formation by Serengeti herbivores on predator-prey dynamics

... Climate conditions such as temperature and humidity in different provinces will affect microbial activities in manure and affect regional methane concentration [51]. Differences in manure management practices, such as how manure (cow manure) is stored and disposed of, can lead to different levels of regional methane concentration, such as the presence of smaller farms and fewer cows in Atlantic Canada; provinces with smaller or fewer dairy processors are less likely to accumulate and release methane, especially New Brunswick [52,53]. Both NL and MB are worth mentioning, where the difference between dairy farms and dairy factories is large, with dairy processors' concentration ranking higher than the overall ranking and dairy processors' concentration ranking lower than the overall ranking. ...

Savannas are vital but overlooked carbon sinks


... Such trade-offs between risks and rewards are harder to manage during periods of resource scarcity, such as the dry season in African savanna systems, when prey may endure higher predation risk to meet their resource requirements (Palmer et al., 2017). Predation risk includes the risks of encounter, attack and kill (Creel, 2018), all of which vary spatially and temporally (Kittle et al., 2022), and differ between predator-prey species dyads (Rigoudy et al., 2022). Ambush predators seek high encounter rates with prey in habitats allowing close approaches (Christianson et al., 2018), so, when hunting, can be linked to habitats conducive to hunting success (Donadio & Buskirk, 2016), leading to long-term predation risk for prey in those areas (Droge et al., 2017). ...

Where and when does the danger lie? Assessing how location, season and time of day affect the sequential stages of predation by lions in western Serengeti National Park