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Publications (7)

Measurement of the nonlinear diffusion of the proton beam halo at the CERN LHC
  • Preprint
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October 2024


40 Reads

C. E. Montanari


R. B. Appleby





In circular particle accelerators, storage rings, or colliders, mitigating beam losses is critical to ensuring optimal performance, particularly for rings that include superconducting magnets. A thorough understanding of beam-halo dynamics is essential for this purpose. This paper presents recent results for the measurement of the nonlinear diffusion process of the beam halo at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The novel approach used in this paper is based on the analytical framework of the Nekhoroshev theorem, which provides a functional form for the diffusion coefficient. By monitoring the beam loss signal during controlled movements of the collimator jaws, we determine the beam losses at equilibrium for various amplitudes and analyze the beam-halo distribution. Post-processing of these measurements provides the nonlinear diffusion coefficient, which is found to be in excellent agreement with the theoretical assumptions. Measurements from an experiment investigating the effectiveness of beam-beam compensation using beam-beam compensation wires also provide a direct assessment of the compensation's effectiveness on beam-tail diffusion.


First experimental evidence of a beam-beam long-range compensation using wires in the Large Hadron Collider

July 2024


35 Reads


2 Citations

Physical Review Accelerators and Beams

In high intensity and high energy colliders, such as the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and its future high-luminosity upgrade, interactions between the two beams around the different interaction points impose machine performance limitations. In fact, their effect reduces the beam lifetime, and therefore, the collider’s luminosity reach. Those interactions are called beam-beam long-range (BBLR) interactions, and a possible mitigation of their effect using dc wires was proposed for the first time in the early 2000’s. This solution is currently being studied as an option for enhancing the HL-LHC performance. In 2017 and 2018, four demonstrators of wire compensators have been installed in the LHC. A 2-yearlong experimental campaign followed in order to validate the possibility to mitigate the BBLR interactions in the LHC. During this campaign, a proof-of-concept was completed and motivated an additional set of experiments, successfully demonstrating the mitigation of BBLR interactions effects in beam conditions compatible with the operational configuration. This paper reports in detail the preparation of the experimental campaign, including the corresponding tracking simulations and the obtained results, and draws some perspectives for the future. Published by the American Physical Society 2024

LHC Upgrades in preparation of Run 3

May 2024


96 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Instrumentation

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Long Shutdown 2 (2019–2021), following LHC Run 2, was primarily dedicated to the upgrade of the LHC Injectors but it included also a significant amount of activities aimed at consolidation of the LHC machine components, removal of known limitations and initial upgrades in view of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) to favour the intensity ramp-up during Run 3 (2022–2025). An overview of the major modifications to the accelerator and its systems is followed by a summary of the results of the superconducting magnet training campaign to increase the LHC operation energy beyond the maximum value of 6.5 TeV reached during Run 2. The LHC configuration and the scenarios for proton and ion operation for Run 3 are presented considering the expected performance of the upgraded LHC Injectors and the proton beam intensity limitations resulting from the heat load on the cryogenic system due to beam-induced electron cloud and impedance.

First Experimental Evidence of a Beam-Beam Long-Range Compensation Using Wires in the Large Hadron Collider

March 2022


35 Reads

In high intensity and high energy colliders such as the CERN Large Hadron Collider and its future High Luminosity upgrade, interactions between the two beams around the different Interaction Points impose machine performance limitations. In fact, their effect reduces the beam lifetime and therefore the collider's luminosity reach. Those interactions are called Beam-Beam Long-Range interactions and a possible mitigation of their effect using DC wires was proposed for the first time in the early 2000's. This solution is currently being studied as an option for enhancing the HL-LHC performance. In 2017 and 2018, four demonstrators of wire compensators have been installed in the LHC. A two-year long experimental campaign followed in order to validate the possibility to mitigate the BBLR interactions in the LHC. During this campaign, a proof-of-concept was completed and motivated an additional set of experiments, successfully demonstrating the mitigation of BBLR interactions effects in beam conditions compatible with the operational configuration. This paper reports in detail the preparation of the experimental campaign, the obtained results and draws some perspectives for the future.

FIG. 1. Schematic representation (not to scale) for the head on collision, the beam beam long range kicks at the interaction regions and the reserved longitudinal position at the left and right of the IP1 and IP5 in the case of a future use of wire compensators in HL-LHC.
FIG. 3. (a) Beta function (β x , β y ) and phase advance (μ x , μ y ) at the IR5 for β Ã ¼ 15 cm. (b) At the left of the IP5 the Lorentz force generated from a wire (green triangles) that is placed at 12σ from the weak beam (black rhombus), the force from a composed nonlinear map that include the BBLR kicks and the optics between them (magenta circles) and the total force from the composed non-linear map and the dc wire (yellow solid line) at the crossing plane. (c) Footprint plots for three different configurations: only head on collisions (red), head on & BBLR kicks (blue), head on & BBLR kicks & wire compensation (green).
FIG. 4. HL-LHC nominal scenario at the end of the luminosity leveling. (a) The minimum DA difference from the case without wire (Δ DA min ) for different dc wire configurations and (b) DA values vs angles for the wire configurations that guarantee DA min ≥ DA min (no wire). (c) Δ DA min for PACMAN bunches using different wire configurations. (d) Δ DA min for different wire configurations and zero Landau octupoles (I o ¼ 0 A).
FIG. 5. HL-LHC ultimate scenario at the end of luminosity leveling. (a) and (b) Δ DA min from different working points for the case without and with wire compensator, respectively, (c) Δ DA min for different wire configurations and (d) DA values vs angles for wire configurations that guaranty DA min ≥ DA min (no wire).
FIG. 6. HL-LHC at the end of luminosity leveling. (a) and (b) with half crossing angle at IP1 and IP5 200 μrad and N p ¼ 1.52 × 10 11 ppb the Δ DA min for different wire configurations and the DA values vs angles for the wire configurations that guaranty DA min ≥ DA min (no wire), respectively. (c) and (d) with half crossing angle at IP1 and IP5 190 μrad and N p ¼ 1.2 × 10 11 ppb the Δ DA min for different wire configurations and the DA values vs angles for the wire configurations that guaranty DA min ≥ DA min (no wire), respectively.


Numerical optimization of dc wire parameters for mitigation of the long range beam-beam interactions in High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider

July 2021


108 Reads


6 Citations

Physical Review Accelerators and Beams

Several configurations of the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider, whose performance at collision is mainly limited due to the strong beam-beam long-range interactions, are studied in the presence of dc wire compensators. This analysis is based on analytical and numerical calculations where the main observables are the dynamic aperture (correlated to the beam lifetime) and the frequency map analysis. It is demonstrated that, with a proper optimization of the wire compensator parameters (distance from the beam and wire current) and without violating the machine protection restrictions, these long range beam-beam interactions can be very well mitigated, making these scenarios viable and complementary with respect to the present HL-LHC baseline. The impact in the integrated luminosity and the operational flexibility gained are also presented.

Achromatic telescopic squeezing scheme and by-products: From concept to validation

February 2021


22 Reads


1 Citation

Physical Review Accelerators and Beams

The achromatic telescopic squeezing (ATS) scheme has brought an essential conceptual foundation to the HL-LHC project, making possible a strong and clean (achromatic) reduction of β*, an important parameter with respect to which several HL-LHC sub-systems were dimensioned (e.g., the 150 mm aperture of the new inner triplet quadrupoles) or justified (crab-cavities for mitigating the geometric luminosity loss factor at low β* and subsequent large crossing-angle). The basic mechanics of the scheme is shortly reminded, highlighting as well some of its by-products (Landau damping, long-range beam-beam mitigation with octupoles), and a recent improvement which made possible an early, but still partial, implementation of ATS optics in the LHC for the 2017 and 2018 LHC physics runs. The main focus of the paper will be on the experimental validation of the scheme, via the development of dedicated machine configurations and high-intensity beam tests which took place in Run 2. The paper will conclude on the configuration presently in mind to operate the LHC during its third exploitation period (Run 3), while trying to ensure a smooth enough transition toward the HL-LHC, in terms of optics, beam parameters, and dedicated beam manipulations (β*-leveling).

Citations (5)

... Furthermore, these measurements were performed with different configurations of Beam-Beam Compensator Wires (BBCW) [33] on LHC Beam 2. BBCWs are devices used to mitigate the adverse effects of long-range beam-beam interactions (see, e.g., [33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40] and references therein), which occur when particles in one beam exert electromagnetic forces on particles in the opposing beam. To compensate for these effects, BBCWs generate a magnetic field that counteracts the perturbations and are therefore expected to improve the beam lifetime without affecting the beam emittance. ...


Measurement of the nonlinear diffusion of the proton beam halo at the CERN LHC
First experimental evidence of a beam-beam long-range compensation using wires in the Large Hadron Collider

Physical Review Accelerators and Beams

... It consists of two sub-systems located in different insertion regions (IRs), the betatron cleaning system in IR7 and the momentum cleaning system in IR3. Nowadays, the collimation system comprises a total of more than 100 collimators for both beams [2,3]. The betatron collimation system was originally designed to prevent magnet quenches in case of a beam lifetime drop to 0.2 hours for a period of up to 10 seconds. ...


Journal of Instrumentation

... 23 Laser modification has been selected as a potential surface treatment to be applied inside the Q5 standalone magnets of the straight sections next to CMS and ATLAS during LS 3. It is anticipated that the electron could build-up in these magnets will result in a deterioration of the proton beam quality, potentially leading to beam losses or instabilities. 2,[24][25][26] While the cryogenic complexes in the arcs of the LHC, including the main dipole and quadrupole magnets, are operated at 1.9 K, the cryogenic reservoir of the standalone magnets in the straight sections of the LHC are held at 4.2 K. To compensate the consequences of the higher base temperature and to ensure the cryopumping of hydrogen molecules 27 in the beam vacuum, the Q5 magnets are equipped with so-called cryosorbers made of carbon fiber fabric. This carbon based tissue has a very large effective surface and is attached to the CuBe pumping slot shields fixed on the cooling lines outside the BS (see Fig. 1). ...

LHC Upgrades in preparation of Run 3

Journal of Instrumentation

... The second reason for assessing multiple DA values is that optimising the ring configuration is a crucial aspect of the circular accelerator design and operation. This is usually achieved by evaluating numerous machine configurations and examining the hyper-surface that represents the DA as a function of the machine parameters, identifying regions that maximise the DA and produce minimal DA variation close to the peak (see, e.g., Ref. [22,23]). ...

Numerical optimization of dc wire parameters for mitigation of the long range beam-beam interactions in High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider

Physical Review Accelerators and Beams

... ∈ [62.1, 62.5] and ∈ [60.1, 60.5], with steps of size 5 × 10 −3 , ′ ∈ [0, 30], with steps of size 2, MO ∈ [−40 A, 40 A], with step size 5 A, and 60 realisations of the magnetic errors for both beams. Furthermore, we trained the model on the 2016 and 2023 LHC optics for comparison; the main difference between them is the implementation of the Achromatic Telescopic Squeezing (ATS) [14,15] optics in the 2023 LHC configuration. ...

Achromatic telescopic squeezing scheme and by-products: From concept to validation

Physical Review Accelerators and Beams