January 2024
68 Reads
1 Citation
Physical Review A
We investigate the phenomenon of disorder-free localization in quantum systems with global permutation symmetry. We use permutation group theory to systematically construct permutation-symmetric many-fermion Hamiltonians and interpret them as generators of continuous-time quantum walks. When the number of fermions is very large we find that all the canonical basis states localize at all times, without the introduction of any disorder coefficients. This time-independent localization is not the result of any emergent disorder, distinguishing it from existing mechanisms for disorder-free localization. Next we establish the conditions under which the localization is preserved. We find that interactions that preserve and break the global permutation symmetry sustain localization. Furthermore, the basis states of systems with reduced permutation symmetry localize even for a small number of fermions when the symmetry-reducing parameters are tuned accordingly. We show that similar localization also occurs for a permutation-symmetric Heisenberg spin chain and permutation-symmetric bosonic systems, implying that the localization is independent of the superselected symmetry. Finally, we make connections of the Hamiltonians studied here to the adjacency matrices of graphs and use this to propose a prescription for disorder-free localization in continuous-time quantum walk systems. Many of the models proposed here feature all-to-all connectivity and can be potentially realized on superconducting quantum circuits, trapped ion systems, and ultracold atoms.