January 2002
36 Reads
5 Citations
Acta Geologica Hispanica
A sedimentological analysis has been carried out in the uppermost Raethian-Sinemurian, Cortes de Tajuña, Lécera and Cuevas Labradas (lower part) Fms., in the outcrops of the Sierra de Arcos (central Iberian Chain, NE Spain). Three facies have been distinguished: gypsum-anhydrite with dolomitic intercalations, breccias (with evaporitic and dolomitic clasts) and massive dolomites. These facies were deposited in inner platform areas, ranging from shallow sabkha to intertidal flat environments. Breccias were originated by dissolution during the early stages of the diagenesis. The presence of evaporites reflects the development of supratidal areas, oversaturated in salts. Thick evaporites successions change laterally to breccias, showing a gradual environmental transition. Overall thickness variation in the uppermost Raethian-Hettangian units was controlled by local basin subsidence due to normal faulting, rather than late burial dissolution of evaporitic levels.