December 2012
7 Reads
European Psychiatry
Mental Health Department with Pain Unit is integral of Institute of Gerontology from its beginning in 1987. Our activities have developed in accordance with Main postulate of psychogeriatry: multiprofessional team and individual approach at homes of our patients.Main activities of department have been focused on early detection of mental disorders among patients of Institute (about 1500 on daily basis), their treatment in due time and prevention of complication along with support of their families and their rehabilitation in everyday activities.Pain Unit (subdivision for pain evaluation and treatment) was established during summer 2007. Development of this capacity within Mental Health Department is very important as pain treatment is within reach of functionally dependent elderly who suffer pain in various conditions accompanying old age outpatients population.As a result of expereince in everyday managing of dementia patients with BPSD and patient with affective disorders or elderly psychotic patients and in delirium due to various causes, many projects and education were brought.Interantional cooperation is achived through cooperation with WHO, IPA and WPA.