A. Milicevic Kalasic’s research while affiliated with Institute for Educational Research, Belgrade, Serbia and other places

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Publications (5)

P-730 - Managing of elderly patients with mental disorders-our expereince
  • Article

December 2012


7 Reads

European Psychiatry

A. Milicevic Kalasic


Mental Health Department with Pain Unit is integral of Institute of Gerontology from its beginning in 1987. Our activities have developed in accordance with Main postulate of psychogeriatry: multiprofessional team and individual approach at homes of our patients.Main activities of department have been focused on early detection of mental disorders among patients of Institute (about 1500 on daily basis), their treatment in due time and prevention of complication along with support of their families and their rehabilitation in everyday activities.Pain Unit (subdivision for pain evaluation and treatment) was established during summer 2007. Development of this capacity within Mental Health Department is very important as pain treatment is within reach of functionally dependent elderly who suffer pain in various conditions accompanying old age outpatients population.As a result of expereince in everyday managing of dementia patients with BPSD and patient with affective disorders or elderly psychotic patients and in delirium due to various causes, many projects and education were brought.Interantional cooperation is achived through cooperation with WHO, IPA and WPA.

P02-265 - Discrimination of older people in Serbia

December 2011


8 Reads

European Psychiatry

Abuse of older people is a single or a repeated act or a failure to act happening in a relationship between two persons based on trust that causes pain or disturbance on the part of the older person. Red Cross of Serbia is the initiator and the founding member of Humanas (the network of 15 civil society organisations dealing with the issues of older people) and is spearheading a campaign of sensitisation of the public in relation to discrimination, neglect and abuse of older people. Humanas has educated volunteers in Elder Abuse and Discrimination prevention. A survey has been done in 8 cities in Serbia polling 250 older people of both sexes, age 65 or above. The survey results demonstrate that 44% of all the polled people are familiar with the existence of abuse. Alarmingly, as high as 32% of older people have been exposed to some form of abuse, with the most frequent form being verbal abuse (11.2%) The polled older people have stressed that they hate being called names, made fun of and called stupid or illiterate, within their families as well as in the general community. As for prevention, 52% of the polled older people think that ‘everybody’, meaning both public and civil sector should play a role in prevention. Conclusion The problem of abuse of older people has to be approached from a multi-sector and multi-disciplinary perspective. The emphasis should be on new, deeper surveys, education of professionals, family members and other care takers.

S37-01 Elder abuse

December 2009


7 Reads

European Psychiatry

Elder abuse is a serious problem-each year hundreds of thousands of seniors are abused. Although the problem is described, defined and legislatures exist in many countries elder abuse is not still recognized as public health problem. Red Cross of Serbia has organized education of volunteers in Elder Abuse and Discrimination topic which is very important in sensibilisation among community-dwelling. Volunteers (N=226) were informed with generally accepted definitions, research in the field and legislature in Serbia concerning this issue and proposed network for prevention of elder abuse. Interactive workshops gave us data: distribution and types of elder abuse in their local communities and obstacles in referring and positive examples from practice as problem solving models.

S38-02 Mental health of elderly in Serbia-from strategy to reality

December 2009


1 Read

European Psychiatry

National Mental Health Policy and Action Plan was adopted in January 2007 by Government of Republic Serbia. Elderly persons were brought in focus as growing population with growing number of elderly with mental disorders and services incapable to face this challenge. Last October, Institute of Gerontology promoted Geriatric Manual, published and distributed in Primary Care Facilities in Belgrade as it was supported by Municipal Secretariat of Health. Psychogeriatric issues took a part in Geriatric Manual with recognition of early detection of psychological disorders in elderly and importance of diagnose acute confusion state in everyday practice. It was just the beginning of education of primary care physicians in Belgrade. There were many meetings in Ministry of Health with aim of spreading this knowledge all around Serbia. Mental Health Department of Institute of Gerontology has ran education in psychogeriatric issues for primary care within Project supported by Municipal Secretariat of Health, Belgrade with main aim of developing network for caring of elderly mentally disturbed people. Very important part of network is within social institutions and in a private sector. On other hand in the same time round table within project was a part of antistigma campaign in primary care facilities and in community. A baseline report on health and social institutions accommodating with special focus on elderly with mental disorders were launched under WHO support.