A. Matyukhin’s research while affiliated with Moscow State University of Civil Engineering and other places

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Publications (34)

Political prerequisites for the transition to a circular economy in Russia
  • Article

February 2025

Journal of Political Research

A. Matyukhin


Yu. Davydova


D. Chernova

The article reveals the essence and structure of the closed-loop economy (EEOC) in the context of Russia's potential transition to an import substitution policy based on the internal resources of the state. It is noted that there is no unified approach in the scientific literature in understanding the specifics of a closed-loop economy. In this article, a closed-loop economy or a circular economy is understood as an economic cycle based on the principles of resource renewal and conservation of the socio-ecological and economic system, as a result of which waste is minimized and resources are used as efficiently as possible. The policy of transition to a closed-loop economy has a positive effect on the development of domestic production, which promotes import substitution and strengthens the country's economic autonomy. The closed-loop economy stimulates small and medium-sized businesses, forcing them to develop and apply new economic models. The circular economy increases the social responsibility of business to society, since the use of "green technologies" in a closed cycle contributes to solving environmental problems. The purpose of our research is to identify the main political prerequisites for the transition to a closed–loop economy model in Russia, as well as the difficulties and challenges associated with this transition. The article uses a multimethodological approach. Both theoretical methods were actively used - analysis, synthesis, systematization, classification, generalization, logical method, and empirical methods. An expert survey of experts in the field of ECTS was important for the focus of the article. According to the authors, summing up the results of the expert survey allows us to form a more substantive understanding of the main political prerequisites for the transition to a closed-cycle domestic economy. In the final part of the article, the SWOT analysis method was used, which allowed us to draw reasonable conclusions. The results of the expert interview made it possible to draw an unambiguous conclusion that at present in Russia the principles of a closed-loop economy are just beginning to be introduced into the economic system. The legislative framework for the circular economy is also in the process of formation. The need for a comprehensive strategy for the transition to a closed-loop economy, close cooperation between government agencies and large-scale public investments were highlighted as the leading political factors. Such factors as disinterest and poor awareness of citizens, weak investment from the state, lack of qualified personnel and low level of environmental education in Russian society were identified as barriers to the "green transition". At the same time, experts have highlighted a number of advantages of introducing a closed-loop economy. Among them: increasing the sustainability and stability of the Russian economy, solving import substitution problems, preserving resources and funds within the country, and greening the domestic economy. The article concludes that the introduction of a circular economy requires significant efforts by the state, business and society, but in the long term, this economic model has significant potential and is able to solve important economic, social and political challenges facing our country.

Description of a new Ornithomya Latreille, 1802 (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) species with a key to all species of this genus

December 2024


59 Reads

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS

The family Hippoboscidae Samouelle, 1819 includes approximately 213 species. The genus Ornithomya Latreille, 1802 (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) is one of the largest louse fly genera and now includes 31 species. These flies are parasites of different small birds from the order Passeriformes. Many of them specifically prefer swallows as hosts. Swallows have a wide beak, short legs, dense plumage and poor preening abilities. They feed in flight and therefore do not associate insects in their nests with food. A new species of the genus Ornithomya, O. delichoni sp. nov., is described. A female of O. delichoni sp. nov. was collected in the Spassk district of Primorskiy Territory (Far East, Russia) from western house martin. The new species differs from other Ornithomya species from this region in its combined length of the head and thorax, eye width, number of large setae on the scutellum, and arrangement of microtrichia on the wings. The new species is named after the bird from which the fly was collected. An updated key for 32 species of the genus Ornithomya, including the new one, is provided. These key is based on the following morphological features: head and thorax length combined, wing length, number of scutellum and mesonotum setae, ratio of sections of costal vein between junctions of R1 and R2+3 and between junctions of R2+3 and R4+5 and arrangement of wing microtrichia. Additionally, known data on the hosts and distribution of the Ornithomya species are provided.

Description of a new species of Icosta Speiser, 1905 (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) from Southern Vietnam with the updated key to the subgenus Icosta

November 2024


41 Reads

International Journal for Parasitology Parasites and Wildlife

Aleksandra Yatsuk






Alexandr Matyukhin

The family Hippoboscidae, commonly known as “louse flies,” comprises pupiparous Diptera that are ectoparasites of birds and mammals, with significant impacts on their hosts and epidemiological importance. The louse fly fauna of Vietnam is relatively understudied compared to other countries in the Southeast Asia region. In this study, we describe a new species of the genus Icosta Speiser, 1905 (Diptera: Hippoboscidae), Icosta korzunisp. n., collected from the lesser coucal Centropus bengalensis (Gmelin, JF, 1788) in Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam. This new species is distinguished from other Icosta species by the morphology of laterite 3, wing length, arrangement of wing microtrichia, body coloration, and its geographical distribution. Additionally, we provide an updated key to the subgenus Icosta Speiser, 1905.

The spiritual values of the «Russian world» as a factor of political consolidation during the period of the SVO

September 2024


2 Reads

Journal of Political Research

The article analyzes the concept of the "Russian World" and its value components. In the context of a difficult international situation and the conduct of a Special military operation, government agencies and civil society are faced with the task of finding a worldview, ideological concept capable of consolidating society and spiritually mobilizing it to successfully complete the current tasks facing our country. Such a unifying integral idea can be the concept of the "Russian World", which is based on objective factors characterizing our civilizational path. The authors proceed from the position that this concept is based on the idea of a special, original path of development of Russia as a civilization, but it is aimed not at isolating our country, but at cooperation with states that profess and transmit traditional values. The insufficient research of the theory of the "Russian World", the lack of fundamental works on this issue provides significant opportunities for study. The purpose of our article is to search for the ability of the traditional values of the "Russian World" to become a fruitful ideological construct that will become the basis for the political consolidation of Russian society in the conditions of ITS implementation and the increasing pressure of the West. "Russian World" To this end, it was necessary to solve the following tasks: to identify the main supporting elements of the concept of the "Russian World", as well as to identify the attitude of the population of Russian regions, primarily young people to the main ideas of the "Russian World". The article used both theoretical methods – comparative analysis, synthesis, generalization, a systematic approach, and empirical methods - expert survey and online survey of residents of such regions as Moscow and the Rostov region. Moscow has the peculiarity of a central region, and the Rostov region is a border region, a frontier region, therefore, the comparison of the results was of particular interest. Among the active participants of the survey, students of Russian universities, as well as residents of these regions of older age categories, representatives of different professions can be distinguished. Based on the conducted expert survey, the main elements of the concept of the "Russian World" are highlighted. "Russian Ark", "Russian Monastery", alternative to the West, traditional values as a derivative of Christian virtues are at its core, the authors note. The concept of the "Russian Ark" as an association of Russian peoples while preserving the identity of their culture, in contrast to multiculturalism, based on the idea of a "melting pot", is particularly significant." The idea of a "Russian monastery" as a spiritual unity of people from different social strata is also of undoubted interest. There is an age difference when answering the question about the importance of religious values: young people show less commitment to religion than the adult generation. According to the authors, the theory of the "Russian World", an alternative to Western globalism, is in harmony with the concept of a multipolar world, which Russia actively defends in the international arena. The article concludes that the role of the consolidating national idea of the "Russian world" in the conditions of a Special military operation objectively increases in the strategy of public administration. According to the authors, representatives of the academic community, public and party activists, opinion leaders, and volunteers should actively participate in this consolidating work, which is so important for modern Russia in the era of historical challenge. Today, during the period of the SVO, it becomes clear that the fate of our country largely depends on the quality of our common work to popularize the values of the "Russian World".

Implementation of digital technologies in political campaigns

July 2024


54 Reads

Journal of Political Research

The article reveals the specifics of the use of digital technologies in political campaigns. In particular, based on a comparative analysis, the experience of using these technologies in the political process of the USA, the EU and the Russian Federation is compared. It is noted that artificial intelligence technologies are most often used in political campaigns, namely targeted advertising, Big Data and the use of cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology to finance political campaigns. It is in this direction that the development of regulatory legal acts regulating the use of digital technologies is also underway. Insufficient elaboration of the issues of the use of digital technologies in the political sphere provides significant opportunities for research. The purpose of the article is to identify the main directions of using digital technologies in political campaigns. The following general scientific methods were used to analyze the results obtained: description, analysis, synthesis. An important role was played by the method of comparative analysis, which allows comparing the use of digital technologies in the USA, EU countries and Russia, as well as obtaining the most representative indicators. The authors have developed criteria and indicators for comparing the use of basic digital technologies by different countries and evaluated them on a 5-point scale. The article also used SWOT analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the introduction of digital technologies in political campaigns, as well as to demonstrate the opportunities and threats of their use. The results of comparative and SWOT analysis showed that the use of digital technologies in the Russian Federation and the European Union are approximately at the same level, with the exception of the introduction of Big Data - it is much higher in the EU. The highest degree of implementation of digital technologies is typical for the United States. The article reveals a direct relationship between the degree of regulatory regulation of end-to-end technologies and the level of their dissemination, which indicates the need to maintain a reasonable balance in the legislative regulation of innovative technologies. There is also a tendency to increase the use of digital technologies in Russian political practice, which increases the responsibility of political actors for ensuring the security of personal data of citizens. The article concludes that the development and implementation of digital technologies in modern Russian political life requires the development of a regulatory framework to protect the privacy of citizens and ensure the ethics and transparency of their application. The state should act as a coordinating intermediary between political actors and IT campaigns in order to develop and integrate digital technologies into political campaigns at various levels.

The positions of Russia and the United States on nuclear security issues and the prospects for new agreements
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2024


43 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Political Research

In the modern complex system of international relations, in a situation of escalating confrontation between Russia and the United States, increasing tension in relations between Western countries and the "Global South", arms control, primarily nuclear, as well as non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, continues to be one of the most important areas of Russian foreign and defense policy. The Russian Federation pays priority attention to strengthening and developing the system of international treaties in the fields of strategic security and arms control. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to consider the prospects for one of the key aspects of the Russian-American agreements - nuclear arms control and the achievement of sustainable strategic stability. This led to the active use of such methods as analysis and synthesis of data on the current state of nuclear strategic security, a historical approach that identifies the previous context of agreements, as well as a comparative analysis focused on comparing the basic approaches, interests, goals and priorities of the Russian and American sides. Based on foreign policy imperatives, including consolidating Russia's role as a guarantor of international stability and arms control, the authors propose a non-standard scenario for restoring the viability of the key START Treaty of 2010. The article suggests the outlines of possible concrete solutions and potential elements of agreements that can become the basic topic for the resumption of bilateral consultations on strategic stability and an integral part of the new agreement. The authors conclude that reaching mutually acceptable agreements on this topical issue will have a positive impact on reducing the military threat and reducing the risks of unleashing a nuclear conflict, which meets the strategic interests of Russian national security and global stability.


Artificial intelligence in political management: trends and prospects

December 2023


68 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Political Research

The article discusses the main directions of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the political life of society. It is noted that the level and quality of life of the population depends on the pace of AI implementation in various spheres of public life. The analysis of the conducted research in the format of an expert interview allows us to identify the key trends, advantages and challenges faced by the Russian political system in the implementation of AI. The results of the expert survey provide valuable practical recommendations and a basis for discussing possible directions for the development of AI in political management in Russia. The article notes the insufficient elaboration of the problems of artificial intelligence in the Russian scientific, in particular, political science discourse, which, in turn, is seen as promising in increasing research opportunities. The aim of the work is to identify the main trends in the use of artificial intelligence in political management and the prospects for its development in the political sphere of society. The consideration of the problem was based on the results of an initiative political and sociological study in the format of an expert interview (N=7). The following general scientific methods were used to analyze the results obtained: description, analysis, synthesis, classification. The study also used SWOT analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of using AI in the field of domestic state policy and electoral systems, as well as to show the opportunities and threats of its use. The analysis of the results of the expert survey showed that artificial intelligence is most in demand in such areas as analytics, decision-making, scenario forecasting, political communications, improving the efficiency of political institutions, especially the electoral system, monitoring voter sentiment, and in the field of security. Highlighting the shortcomings in the use of AI, experts noted the possible subjectivity and bias in decision-making, the problem of transparency and protection of personal data. As solutions to this problem, the development of appropriate regulations protecting the human right to confidentiality and privacy, "transparent" algorithms, and careful selection of data on the basis of which AI makes decisions were proposed. The prospect of further research lies in the development of ethical standards that can ensure transparency and security in the implementation of AI in political systems. An important conclusion of the article is the conclusion that there is an objective need to develop a regulatory framework and conduct regular inspections of AI systems to maintain trust and effective use of digital technologies in politics.

The "World Revolution" in Russian Anarchism

October 2023


40 Reads

Journal of Political Research

The purpose of this article is to identify the specifics of the theory of the "world revolution" in the ideological and political heritage of Russian anarchism. Historical, comparative, hermeneutic methods of scientific research were actively used to write the article. The ideologists of Russian anarchism in their interpretation of the "world revolution" competed with Marxist doctrine, with its popular dialectical theory of socio-economic formations and class struggle, where the final stage of historical progress was to be the achievement of global communism. Rejecting the Marxist concept of "dictatorship of the proletariat", the Russian anarchists proceeded from an alternative methodology that emphasizes the primacy of natural, biological factors of social processes. According to anarchists, the basic factor of progress is the natural inclination of people to solidarity and mutual assistance. Hence the Russian anarchists opposed the natural nature of the evolution of mankind to any "forced" forms of social organization. This applied, first of all, to the institution of the state, regardless of its external form – communist, liberal-democratic, despotic. The basic parameters of the social ideal in the theory of Russian anarchism were the principles of anarchy and freedom, the building of social existence on the basis of self-organization, self-government and a global decentralized confederation structured "from the bottom up". The former territorial and political borders were abolished, nations were abolished. The anarchists saw the achievement of this ideal as an exclusively revolutionary way, gradually embracing all new countries, regions, continents. The article emphasizes the constant appeal of Russian anarchists to the arguments of universal morality - "freedom", "justice", "brotherhood", "justice", "equality" in justifying the need for a world anarchist revolution, which in practice turned into political abstractions with destructive consequences for societies. At the same time, the "secondary" ideology of Russian anarchism as an intellectual product is noted in relation to Marxism and natural science theories of the XVIII-XIX centuries, as well as the tendency of anarchists to utopian thinking, to speculative building of their global social ideal.

Citations (12)

... Later, 3 species -O. triselevae Matyukhin, Yatsuk et Nartshuk, 2023, O. krivolutskii Yatsuk, Matyukhin et Nartshuk, 2023 and O. strigilis Nartshuk, Yatsuk et Matyukhin, 2022(Nartshuk et al. 2022) -were described. Species of Ornithomya are considered to be widespread but they inhabit mainly the middle latitudes of the Old World (Hutson 1984). ...


Description of a new Ornithomya Latreille, 1802 (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) species with a key to all species of this genus
A New Species of the Genus Ornithomya Latreille (Diptera, Hippoboscidae) from Iturup (Kuril Islands)

Entomological Review

... Previously, for flies from Hippoboscidae, the relation between the morphofunctional elements of the attachment apparatus and the evolution of the family was revealed (Yatsuk et al. 2023(Yatsuk et al. , 2024. The attachment apparatus determines the ability of successful moving and mating in the host's vestiture, where these flies spend the most part of their life (Kemper 1951;Doszhanov 1980). ...

On the Morphotypes of Louse Flies (Diptera, Hippoboscidae) Based on the Morphology of Pulvilli and Empodia in the Context of the Host Spectrum
  • Citing Article
  • March 2023

Biology Bulletin Reviews

... The family Hippoboscidae contains three subfamilies: Hippoboscinae, Lipopteninae and Ornithomyinae. Ornithophilic louse flies generally belong to the Ornithomyinae subfamily [4]; however, members of the Hippoboscinae subfamily (e.g. Hippobosca equina and Hippobosca longipennis) can also parasitize birds [5]. ...

New records of ornithophilous louse-flies (Diptera: Hippoboscidae: Ornithomyinae) from the Russian Far East

Far Eastern entomologist

... isabellina)-strongly rely on them as nesting sites (Buyandelger and Otgonbayar 2022). The Güldenstädt's redstart and the desert wheatear mainly nest in rock cavities (de Zwaan et al. 2022), although the latter species is known to build nests in burrows of mammals (Matyukhin et al. 2022). During the time of our study, both species may have been still feeding hatchlings (Kuznetsov 2010), but the frequency of visits does not suggest that. ...

Breeding Biology of the Desert Wheatear (Oenanthe deserti, Muscicapidae, Aves) in Northwestern Kazakhstan

Biology Bulletin

... Later, 3 species -O. triselevae Matyukhin, Yatsuk et Nartshuk, 2023, O. krivolutskii Yatsuk, Matyukhin et Nartshuk, 2023 and O. strigilis Nartshuk, Yatsuk et Matyukhin, 2022(Nartshuk et al. 2022) -were described. Species of Ornithomya are considered to be widespread but they inhabit mainly the middle latitudes of the Old World (Hutson 1984). ...

A new species of the genus Ornithomya (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) from the Far East
  • Citing Article
  • October 2022

Zoosystematica Rossica

... Evidence for the presence of Babesia spp., Wolbachia spp., and Trypanosoma corvi was recently reported in Ornithomya avicularia and Ornithomya biloba (Čisovská Bazsalovicsová et al., 2023). Transmission of flies most often occurs in the nest, where they can parasite on nestlings and their parents, but it can also occur in places where adult birds aggregate, e.g., during communal feeding and roosting on migration stopover sites (Nartshuk et al., 2022). Also, louse flies parasitizing long-distance migrants can travel long distances with their avian hosts, facilitating large-scale pathogen dispersal across landscapes and geographic regions (Bartos et al., 2020). ...

Parasitic Louse Flies (Diptera, Hippoboscidae) and Their Associations with Bird Hosts in the South of the Russian Far East

Entomological Review

... Currently, keys exist only for individual geographic regions and are often incomplete [e.g., Maa (1963); Hutson (1984); Doszhanov (1980Doszhanov ( , 2003; Oboňa et al. (2022)]. The sex ratio in populations is often more than 2:1 in favor of females (Doszhanov 2003;Nartshuk et al. 2020;Davydova et al. 2021). Due to the difficulty of obtaining material, many species have been described from a single female specimen (Maa 1969a). ...

  • Citing Article
  • January 2021

International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research (Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований)

... Ornithomya rupes Hutson, 1981, is known only from France, Greece, Spain, and Switzerland (Frederik and Petersen, 2013;Hutson et al., 1981;Le Guillou and Chapelin-Viscardi, 2022). Ornithomya comosa (Austen, 1930) was reported from western Russia (Kaliningrad Province) (Nartshuk et al., 2019a) and recently from Belgium, France, and Slovakia (Le Guillou and Chapelin-Viscardi, 2022;Oboňa et al., 2022). ...

First record of the parasitic louse fly Ornithomya comosa (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) in Europe and western Russia

Zoosystematica Rossica

... Pseudolynchia garzettae (Figure 1) est présentée par Beaucournu et al. [1985] comme une espèce tropicale. Elle est toutefois connue d'Europe : Italie (une donnée), Russie (cinq données) [Nartshuk et al., 2019], Suisse (une donnée) [Theodor & Oldroyd, 1964], Ukraine (une donnée) [Nartshuk et al., 2019] et Grande-Bretagne (trois femelles dont deux gravides en 2022) [Wawman, 2023]. Les auteurs précisent : « l'aire de répartition principale de P. garzettae se trouve en Afrique au sud du Sahara (Sierra Leone, Cameroun, Soudan, Ouganda, Tanzanie, Mozambique, République démocratique du Congo, Nigeria, Zimbabwe) et en Asie (Thaïlande, Taïwan, Philippines) ». ...

First record of louse fly Pseudolynchia garzettae Rondani, 1879 (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) in East Europe


... Not all louse flies could be collected, as is common in similar studies (Oboňa et al., 2019b). Louse fly specimens were identified to species level under a stereomicroscope following updated The four louse flies collected are considered polyxenous species attacking multiple bird species (Droz & Haenni, 2011;Nartshuk & Matyukhin, 2019;Lehikoinen et al., 2021). Ornithomyia avicularia, O. fringillina and O. metallica are common louse fly species reported across many European countries (Oboňa et al., 2019a). ...

The Louse Flies Ornithophila metallica (Schiner, 1864) and O. gestroi (Rondani, 1878) (Diptera, Hippoboscidae): Distribution and Association with Birds in the Palaearctic

Entomological Review