October 2016
121 Reads
Since the publication of the protocol elaborated by International experts convened by the WHO in Cairo 1993, practical experience has been gained by groups working on Asian schistosomiasis. Based on the analysis of their work and our own experience, we propose some modifications to improve the protocol. For the standard investigations we propose: 1. to omit all measurements from standard investigations except for the portal stem. 2. ultrasound pictures should be compared to standard image patterns (IP) covering both, interseptal fibrosis (“network patterns”) and portal fibrosis. 3. combined network- and portal fibrosis patterns are proposed. 4. network patterns should be sub-devided into two classes with predominant mesh size <2.5 and >2,5 cm. 5. to obtain a more finegrained grading in “inbetween”- findings and to reduce intra- and inter-observer variance we porpose that the ultrasonographist should have a second image pattern (IP) choice. 6., risk scoring for gastrointestinal bleeding should be simplified by a score built by the IP-score and the portal vein (PV) quotient (PVQ= PV/height. 7., all reports on hepatic abnormalities due to schistosomiasis must state how many patients have been screened for hepatic co-infections such as liver flukes, HBV, HCV, HDV. Additional investigations should include: 1., height-adjusted spleen length and depth to allow the evaluation of the relation to portal hypertension and hypersplenism in non-malaria endemic areas. 2., gallbladder changes including sludge, calculi as well as the response to the ultrasonographic Murphy manoevre. With the advent of more sophisticated portable ultrasound machines including Doppler facilities as well as in hospital settings of emerging or industrialized countries comparison of ultrasound findings with other techniques including elastography of liver and spleen, contrast ultrasonography, CT and MRI the knowledge will increase with respect to the nature and dynamics of intestinal, hepatic, portal circulatory and splenic abnormalities encountered in hepatosplenic schistosomiasis.