January 2014
108 Reads
Shiism and Alawism originated from the love and loyalty felt for Hazrat Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet. Having a meaning as a term of comrade, supporter and friend, Shia is a word used to define those having loyalty for Hazrat Ali and his sons. Shiism has a long story with a wide geographical feature. Therefore, depending on the factor of time and place, it was called as Taqrib, Imamiyah, Zaydiyah, Ismailiyah, Alawism, Nosayrism. Studies with regard to Shiism and Alawism in the Islamic world starting in almost 7th are still fresh in the current time. As a 14th century thinker, Ibn Khaldun could not remain indifferently for these debates going on and mentioned about the topics related to Shiisms in his book, Muqaddimah. Ibn Khaldun discussed the issues concerning Shiism in slightly critical way but rather in a descriptive method. The basic aim of the current study comprised of the introduction of the views with regard to Shiism in Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldun. In this context, Muqaddimah was used as the basic resource in the current study and the views of some other writers were referred when necessary.