Longtime mud therapy (pelotherapy) is a therapeutic technique that is widely used throughout Europe, mainly in Spas, Thermal Centers and Rehabilitation Centers, for the treatment of different rheumatologic processes (rheumatism, osteoarthritic degenerative, inflammatory processes etc.) and some dermatological diseases, such as psoriasis, which have excellent medical results and, lately, also cosmetic.
This report describes the specific technique used in each pathology, the properties of the elements or raw materials included in the different types of peloids.Medical and cosmetic instructions, information technologies etc. There is a comprehensive study of systematic review carried out to find out scientific evidence of this technique, including for that purpose more than thousand seven hundred references.
The therapeutic effects of Pelotherapy are not very-well known among the medical groups, being techniques used by medical specialists trained post-Bachelor hydrologists in the specialty, way MIR. This report intends to disseminate the new knowledge medical-therapeutics as a new therapeutic tool, of high efficiency and effectiveness. Medical groups can get more efficient results than using other drugs, being at the same time a non-aggressive technique and very well tolerated by all type of patients (rheumatism, dermatologists, with certain vascular pathologies or in processes of rehabilitation osteoarticular). Furthermore, the Pelotherapy is a technical that, could even be used in their own homes with the minimum training.
JUSTIFICATION of the publication and interest
It is an innovative report in medical therapy because of the lack of awareness about this technology as well as its feasible results. Its implementation could guess a reduction of pharmaceutical costs on healthcare system, getting the same or better efficacy and effectiveness than other products in the Pharmacopoeia, through the combination of physical and pharmacological therapies. The cost/effectiveness of the pelotherapy technology study is higher than other anti-inflammatory and analgesic products.
The dissemination of this report is especially relevant for rehabilitation physicians, rheumatologists, dermatologists, IMSERSO and spas. This report describes likewise the properties of the different peloid types, the pathologies as well as the obtained results.
This report has a multidisciplinary approach thanks to the participation of forty-four authors and collaborators, medical specialists (hydrologists), pharmacists, hydrogeologists, physiotherapists and nurses in order to achieve a better understanding. The authors, come from the autonomous regions of Andalusia, Galicia and Aragon as well as from Italy and Argentina. They are great experts of the Pelotherapy techniques and technologies
The literature searching by chapters has been made independently by each author. The presentation of bibliographic repertory responds to a systematic order by subject, included at the end of each chapter. On this way, the consultation of bibliographical references is simplified, as his group corresponds to the specific topic consulted, providing bibliographic information on each type of condition. Within each chapter, the management of authors is alphabetical or sequential, according to their appearance in other issues, using the Vancouver standard nomenclature.
It has been conducted a systematic search of the available scientific literature until the middle of 2012In order to analyse the volume and quality of the publications about Pelotherapy. The databases analysed are the following,:MEDLINE (PubMed), EMBASE, TRIP Database, The Cochrane Library (Cochrane database of systematic reviews and clinical trials)DARE (Database of Abstract of Reviews of Effects), NHS EED (Economic Evaluation Database) and HTA database (Health Technology Assessment) the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) of the University of York, without restrictions of language or date in the recovery of the bibliographical references. The searching terms have been selected according to the characteristic of every thesaurus database. Different searching strategies are presented in the chapter on systematic reviews.
This report explains the techniques and medical technology used in Pelotherapy, describing all their instructions and applications according to the different complaints. . This report has taken two and a half years due to the issue and the large group of authors involved in..
The use of Pelotherapy (hot spring resorts, Spas, centers and hospital rehabilitation services, centres of aesthetic medicine and cosmetic centers), can get meaningful cosmetic and therapeutic results not only applicable to targeted groups of elderly people. On the contrary, the rest of the population may benefit from the evident preventive and healing results of Pelotherapy on different pathologies.
Therefore, it is important to assess and pay attention to the study of the treatments with Peloids and the practical interest that they may represent. Its potential influence on ageing people and its ability to provide more efficient therapeutic solutions, i.e. same effective than others but cheaper, providing quality of life free of disability, evident clinical improvement, consumption decreasing of certain drugs, absenteeism at work and school.