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Carotenoids are pigments which play a major role in the protection of plants against photooxidative processes. They are efficient antioxidants scavenging singlet molecular oxygen and peroxyl radicals. In the human organism, carotenoids are part of the antioxidant defense system. They interact synergistically with other antioxidants; mixtures of carotenoids are more effective than single compounds. According to their structure most carotenoids exhibit absorption maxima at around 450 nm. Filtering of blue light has been proposed as a mechanism protecting the macula lutea against photooxidative damage. There is increasing evidence from human studies that carotenoids protect the skin against photooxidative damage.
Antioxidant activity of carotenoids
Wilhelm Stahl
, Helmut Sies
Institut f
uur Biochemie und Molekularbiologie I, Heinrich-Heine-Universit
uusseldorf, P.O. Box 101007,
D-40001 Duusseldorf, Germany
Carotenoids are pigments which play a major role in the protection of plants against
photooxidative processes. They are efficient antioxidants scavenging singlet molecular oxygen
and peroxyl radicals. In the human organism, carotenoids are part of the antioxidant defense
system. They interact synergistically with other antioxidants; mixtures of carotenoids are more
effective than single compounds. According to their structure most carotenoids exhibit ab-
sorption maxima at around 450 nm. Filtering of blue light has been proposed as a mechanism
protecting the macula lutea against photooxidative damage. There is increasing evidence from
human studies that carotenoids protect the skin against photooxidative damage.
Ó2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Carotenoids are among the most common natural pigments, and more than 600
different compounds have been characterized until now, with b-carotene as the most
prominent (Olson and Krinsky, 1995). Carotenoids are responsible for many of the
red, orange, and yellow hues of plant leaves, fruits, and flowers, as well as the colors
of some birds, insects, fish, and crustaceans. Only plants, bacteria, fungi, and algae
can synthesize carotenoids, but many animals incorporate them from their diet.
Carotenoids serve as antioxidants in animals, and the socalled provitamin A car-
otenoids are used as a source for vitamin A. Carotenoids attracted attention, because
a number of epidemiological studies have revealed that an increased consumption
of a diet rich in carotenoids is correlated with a diminished risk for several degen-
erative disorders, including various types of cancer, cardiovascular or ophthalmo-
logical diseases (Mayne, 1996). The preventive effects have been associated with their
antioxidant activity, protecting cells and tissues from oxidative damage (Sies and
Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-211-811-2711; fax: +49-211-811-3029.
E-mail address: (W. Stahl).
0098-2997/$ - see front matter Ó2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Molecular Aspects of Medicine 24 (2003) 345–351
Stahl, 1995). Carotenoids also influence cellular signaling and may trigger redox-
sensitive regulatory pathways (Stahl et al., 2002).
2. Structures of carotenoids
The unique structure of carotenoids determines their potential biological func-
tions and actions (Britton, 1995). Most carotenoids can be derived from a 40-carbon
basal structure, which includes a system of conjugated double bonds. The central
chain may carry cyclic end-groups which can be substituted with oxygen-containing
functional groups. Based on their composition, carotenoids are divided in two
classes, carotenes containing only carbon and hydrogen atoms, and oxocarotenoids
(xanthophylls) which carry at least one oxygen atom.
The pattern of conjugated double bonds in the polyene backbone of carotenoids
determines their light absorbing properties and influences the antioxidant activity
of carotenoids. According to the number of double bonds, several cis/trans (E/Z)
configurations are possible for a given molecule. Carotenoids tend to isomerize and
form a mixture of mono- and poly-cis-isomers in addition to the all-trans form.
Generally, the all-trans form is predominant in nature.
Carotenoids are lipophilic molecules which tend to accumulate in lipophilic
compartments like membranes or lipoproteins. The lipophilicity of these compounds
also influences their absorption, transport and excretion in the organism (Stahl et al.,
3. Antioxidant activity––singlet oxygen quenching, peroxyl radical scavenging
As an attribute to aerobic life the human organism is exposed to a variety of
different prooxidants capable to damage biologically relevant molecules, such as
DNA, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids (Sies, 1986; Halliwell, 1996). Among the
various defense strategies, carotenoids are most likely involved in the scavenging of
two of the reactive oxygen species, singlet molecular oxygen (1O2), and peroxyl
radicals. Further, they are effective deactivators of electronically excited sensitizer
molecules which are involved in the generation of radicals and singlet oxygen
(Truscott, 1990; Young and Lowe, 2001).
The interaction of carotenoids with 1O2depends largely on physical quenching
which involves direct energy transfer between both molecules. The energy of singlet
molecular oxygen is transferred to the carotenoid molecule to yield ground state
oxygen and a triplet excited carotene. Instead of further chemical reactions, the
carotenoid returns to ground state dissipating its energy by interaction with the
surrounding solvent. In contrast to physical quenching, chemical reactions between
the excited oxygen and carotenoids is of minor importance, contributing less than
0.05% to the total quenching rate. Since the carotenoids remain intact during
physical quenching of 1O2or excited sensitizers, they can be reused several fold
in such quenching cycles. Among the various carotenoids, xanthophylls as well as
346 W. Stahl, H. Sies / Molecular Aspects of Medicine 24 (2003) 345–351
carotenes proved to be efficient quenchers of singlet oxygen interacting with reaction
rates that approach diffusion control (Foote and Denny, 1968; Baltschun et al., 1997;
Conn et al., 1991; Di Mascio et al., 1989).
The efficacy of carotenoids for physical quenching is related to the number of
conjugated double bonds present in the molecule which determines their lowest
triplet energy level. b-Carotene and structurally related carotenoids have triplet
energy levels close to that of 1O2enabling energy transfer. In addition to b-carotene,
also zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin, and a-carotene, all of which are detected in human
serum and tissues, belong to the group of highly active quenchers of 1O2. The most
efficient carotenoid is the open ring carotenoid lycopene, which contributes up to
30% to total carotenoids in humans (Di Mascio et al., 1989).
For clinical use, b-carotene is applied to ameliorate the secondary effects of the
hereditary photosensitivity disorder erythropoietic protoporphyria (Mathews-Roth,
1993). It is suggested that the carotenoid intercepts the reaction sequence that leads
to the formation of singlet oxygen; the latter is thought to be the damaging agent
responsible for the skin lesions observed in this disease.
Among the various radicals which are formed under oxidative conditions in the
organism, carotenoids most efficiently react with peroxyl radicals. They are gener-
ated in the process of lipid peroxidation, and scavenging of this species interrupts the
reaction sequence which finally leads to damage in lipophilic compartments. Due to
their lipophilicity and specific property to scavenge peroxyl radicals, carotenoids are
thought to play an important role in the protection of cellular membranes and
lipoproteins against oxidative damage (Sies and Stahl, 1995). The antioxidant ac-
tivity of carotenoids regarding the deactivation of peroxyl radicals likely depends on
the formation of radical adducts forming a resonance stabilized carbon-centered
A variety of products have been detected subsequent to oxidation of carotenoids,
including carotenoid epoxides and apo-carotenoids of different chain length (Ken-
nedy and Liebler, 1991). It should be noted that these compounds might possess
biological activities and interfere with signaling pathways when present in unphys-
iologically high amounts (Wang and Russell, 1999).
The antioxidant activity of carotenoids depends on the oxygen tension present in
the system (Burton and Ingold, 1984; Palozza, 1998). At low partial pressures of
oxygen such as those found in most tissues under physiological conditions, b-caro-
tene was found to inhibit the oxidation. In contrast, the initial antioxidant activity of
b-carotene is followed by a prooxidant action at high oxygen tension. It has been
suggested that prooxidant effects of b-carotene may be related to adverse effects
observed under the supplementation of high doses of b-carotene.
4. Cooperative effects of carotenoids with other antioxidants
The antioxidant defense system of the organism is a complex network and com-
prises several enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants (Sies, 1993). It has been
suggested that interactions between structurally different compounds with variable
W. Stahl, H. Sies / Molecular Aspects of Medicine 24 (2003) 345–351 347
antioxidant activity provides additional protection against increased oxidative stress.
Vitamin C, for instance, the most powerful water-soluble antioxidant in human
blood plasma, acts as a regenerator for vitamin E in lipid systems (Niki et al., 1995).
b-Carotene might also play a role in such radical transfer chains (Truscott, 1996;
oohm et al., 1997). There is evidence from in vitro studies, that b-carotene regen-
erates tocopherol from the tocopheroxyl radical. The resulting carotenoid radical
cation may subsequently be repaired by vitamin C. Synergistic interactions against
UVA-induced photooxidative stress have been observed in cultured human fibro-
blasts when combinations of antioxidants were applied with b-carotene as main
component (B
oohm et al., 1998a,b). In comparison to the individual antioxidants,
vitamins E, C and b-carotene exhibited cooperative synergistic effects scavenging
reactive nitrogen species (B
oohm et al., 1998a,b). The cooperative interaction between
b-carotene and a-tocopherol was also examined in a membrane model (Palozza and
Krinsky, 1992). A combination of both lipophilic antioxidants resulted in an inhi-
bition of lipid peroxidation significantly greater than the sum of the individual in-
hibitions. Antioxidant activity of carotenoid mixtures was assayed in multilamellar
liposomes, measuring the inhibition of the formation of thiobarbituric acid-reactive
substances (Stahl et al., 1998). Mixtures were more effective than single compounds,
and the synergistic effect was most pronounced when lycopene or lutein was present.
The superior protection of mixtures may be related to specific positioning of different
carotenoids in membranes.
5. Photoprotection in humans
In biological systems, light exposure leads to the formation of reactive oxygen
species which are damaging to biomolecules and affect the integrity and stability of
subcellular structures, cells and tissues (Stahl and Sies, 2001; Krutmann, 2000).
Photooxidative processes play a role in the pathobiochemistry of several diseases of
light-exposed tissues, the eye and the skin.
Age-related macular degeneration is a major cause for irreversible blindness
among the elderly in the Western world and affects the macula lutea (yellow spot) of
the retina, the area of maximal visual acuity (Landrum and Bone, 2001). Lutein and
zeaxanthin are the pigments responsible for coloration of this tissue; other carote-
noids such as lycopene, a-carotene or b-carotene are not found in the macula lutea.
Epidemiological data support the concept that the macular pigment has a protective
role (Beatty et al., 2001). Protection against photooxidative processes has been re-
lated to the antioxidant activities of the macular carotenoids and/or their light fil-
tering effects.
The efficacy of carotenoids to filter blue light was investigated in unilamellar
liposomes (Junghans et al., 2001). Liposomes were loaded in the hydrophilic core
space with a fluorescent dye, excitable by blue light, and various carotenoids were
incorporated into the lipophilic membrane. The fluorescence emission in carotenoid-
containing liposomes was lower than in controls when exposed to blue light, indi-
cating a filter effect. In this model, lutein and zeaxanthin showed a better filtering
348 W. Stahl, H. Sies / Molecular Aspects of Medicine 24 (2003) 345–351
efficacy than b-carotene or lycopene. It was suggested that the more prominent ef-
ficacy of lutein and zeaxanthin is due to differences in the location of the incorpo-
rated molecules within the liposomal membrane. Such differences may also be a
reason why lutein and zeaxanthin can be incorporated into membranes in higher
amounts than other carotenoids like b-carotene or lycopene.
When skin is exposed to UV light, erythema is observed as an initial reaction.
There is evidence from in vitro and in vivo studies that b-carotene prevents photo-
oxidative damage and protects against sunburn (erythema solare) (Stahl and Sies,
2001). When b-carotene was applied alone or in combination with a-tocopherol for
12 weeks, erythema formation induced with a solar light simulator was significantly
diminished from week 8 on (Stahl et al., 2000). Such protective effects were also
achieved with a dietary intervention (Stahl et al., 2001): ingestion of tomato paste,
corresponding to a dose of 16 mg lycopene/day over 10 weeks, led to increases in
serum levels of lycopene and total carotenoids in skin. Erythema formation was
significantly lower in the group that took tomato paste as compared to the control.
Thus, protection against UV-light-induced erythema can be achieved by modulation
of the diet.
6. Conclusion
Carotenoids are efficient antioxidants protecting plants against oxidative damage.
They are also part of the antioxidant defense system in animals and humans. Due to
their unique structure it can be suggested that they possess specific tasks in the anti-
oxidant network such as protecting lipophilic compartments or scavenging reactive
species generated in photooxidative processes. They may further act as light filters
and prevent oxidative stress by diminishing light exposure. The possible role of
carotenoids as prooxidants and the implication of their prooxidant activity in ad-
verse reactions remains to be elucidated.
H.S. is a Fellow of the National Foundation of Cancer Research (NFCR),
Bethesda, MD.
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his study aimed to examine the effect of light wavelength on cell growth and carotenoid production in the freshwater green microalga Tetradesmus reginae during culti- vation in bubble column photobioreactors (multi-cultivators) under different light colors (450 nm, blue; 660 nm, red; and CW5700K, white). The microalga cultured under white light showed the fastest specific cell growth rate (1.19 ± 0.00 /day) and highest fresh cell concentration (9.04 ± 0.01 g/L) on day 6. Next, the microalgal cells were cultivated under white light for 5 days to evaluate the effect of light wavelength on carot- enoid production. Furthermore, the culture medium was replaced with an N- and P-depleted medium, and the microal- gal cells were subjected to different light spectra to induce carotenoid production. Culture under blue light showed the highest carotenoid concentration (19.40 ± 0.19 mg/L) and the highest carotenoid productivity (2.08 ± 0.06 mg/L/day); how- ever, cell concentration was the lowest (4.12 ± 0.00 mg/g dry cell weight) owing to the high carotenoid content. These results clearly show that effective growth and carotenoid pro- duction may be induced in Tetradesmus reginae at an appro- priate light intensity and quality parameters. Thus, this study provides a basis for developing a light-supply strategy to increase microalgal biomass and carotenoid productivity.
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... Vitamins are indispensable nutrients for the human body and have been extensively investigated in relation to SP (Cereda et al. 2022;Kato et al. 2024;Nasimi et al. 2021). Carotenoids are pigments essential for protecting plants from photooxidation and are a vital part of the human body's antioxidant defense system (Stahl and Sies 2003). The study findings revealed that elevated carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels were independently associated with increased strength indexes (Semba et al. 2003). ...
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Sarcopenia (SP), an age‐associated condition marked by muscle weakness and loss has been strongly connected with metabolic factors according to substantial evidence. Nevertheless, the causal correlation between SP and serum metabolites, and the biological signaling pathways involved, is still not well understood. We performed a bidirectional two‐sample Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis to examine the causal relationships between 1091 levels and 309 ratios of metabolites with SP traits, alongside investigating the relevant biological signaling pathways. Additionally, we explored the differential expression of plasma metabolites and potential biological signaling pathways in an animal model of SP. When SP was utilized as the outcome, we identified 11 robust causal associations between seven metabolite levels/ratios and SP‐related traits using Bonferroni's correction (threshold: p < 0.05). We verified the stable causal association of glycine levels and SP in the validation. As for the reverse MR analysis, there were 11 strong causal relationships with 11 plasma metabolite levels/ratios remaining after multiple contrast correction. Additionally, biological signaling pathway analysis showed that glycine metabolism, insulin resistance, and cAMP signaling pathways may contribute to the connection between metabolites and SP. Mendelian validation of various datasets and observations in animal serum metabolomics suggests a strong association between glycine metabolism and SP. Our results indicate that the identified metabolites and biosignaling pathways could serve as important circulatory metabolic biomarkers for the screening and prevention of SP in clinical settings. Additionally, they represent potential molecules for future exploration of mechanisms and selection of drug targets.
... Chlorophyll has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties [29]. In addition, carotenoids and their derivatives have a variety of biological activities [30][31][32]. Regular consumption of foods rich in these compounds can reduce cardiovascular disease, have anti-cancer effects, and delay aging. However, the human body generally does not synthesize carotenoids, so it is of great significance to select leaf mustard varieties with high carotenoids content [33]. ...
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In this study, we analyzed the nutritional components and antioxidant capacity of 17 leaf mustard cultivars, including 13 cultivars from Leshan, 2 from Ya’an, and 2 from Yibin. Significant variations were observed among the cultivars in terms of their nutritional composition and antioxidant properties. Our findings revealed that cultivar LS12 exhibited the highest levels of total chlorophyll, total anthocyanidin, flavonoids, total phenolics, and ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). Cultivar YB2 showed higher contents of soluble sugar, soluble protein, ABTS antioxidant capacity, and total glucosinolates. On a regional basis, the cultivars from Leshan had higher total phenolics compared to those from Ya’an and Yibin, while cultivars from Yibin exhibited the highest total glucosinolate content. Additionally, purple-leaf mustard demonstrated superior flavonoid and total phenolic contents, as well as higher FRAP values, compared to the cultivars of green-leaf mustard. However, green-leaf mustard contained higher levels of total glucosinolates than their purple counterpart. Based on a comprehensive evaluation using a membership function analysis, LS12 was identified as the cultivar with the best nutritional quality and antioxidant capacity. This study provides valuable insights into the nutritional attributes and antioxidant capacity of different leaf mustard cultivars and offers guidance for selecting varieties to promote a healthy diet.
... Studies have demonstrated that a carotenoid-rich diet positively impacts health by reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases [31][32][33][34], obesity [35], certain cancers [36,37], and diabetes [38]. Carotenoids also enhance the immune system [39,40], improve eye health [41][42][43] by protecting the retina from damaging blue light (lutein and zeaxanthin), and offer antioxidant benefits [44,45]. ...
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To ensure food and feed security, modern maize hybrids must not only perform well under changing climate conditions but also consistently achieve higher and stable yields, exhibit maximum tolerance to stress factors, and produce high quality grains. In a study conducted in 2022 and 2023, 50 maize hybrids were developed from crosses of five elite (highly productive) inbred lines and ten lines possessing favorable genes for carotenoid content. These hybrids were tested under particularly unfavorable conditions for maize cultivation. The aim was to identify which lines effectively transmit the de- sired traits to the offspring (general combining ability—GCA), and to identify superior hybrids in terms of productivity, adaptability, and quality (specific combining ability— SCA). The study revealed that total carotenoids ranged from 2.30 to 40.20 µg/g for the inbred lines and from 7.45 to 25.08 µg/g for hybrids. A wider distribution of values was observed in the inbred lines compared to the hybrids for key carotenoids such as lutein, zeaxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin, and β-carotene. Among the hybrids, notable performers in yield, adaptability, and carotenoid content included E390×D302, A452×D302, and A447×D302. The paternal inbred line D302 exhibited a high general combining ability for yield (1446 kg ha−1 ) and, when crossed with several inbred lines, produced hybrids with enhanced yields and higher levels of zeaxanthin, lutein, and β-carotene, as well as improved unbroken plants percent.
... The oxidative balance score (OBS) is a composite measure that reflects the overall balance of antioxidants and pro-oxidants consumed through diet and lifestyle factors (14-18), including nutrient intake, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, and body mass index (BMI). Pro-oxidant factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, iron intake, and high-fat diets can increase ROS levels (19)(20)(21)(22), whereas antioxidants such as vitamin C and carotenoids help mitigate oxidative damage (23,24). While epidemiological studies have assessed the association between OBS and various diseases-including periodontitis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and others (25)(26)(27))-its relationship with DKD in patients with T2DM remains underexplored. ...
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Objective The oxidative balance score (OBS) is a comprehensive measure of oxidative stress that is calculated from the combined prooxidant and antioxidant scores of 16 dietary components and four lifestyle factors. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between OBS and the risk of diabetic kidney disease (DKD) in individuals with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Methods Data were obtained from the NHANES. A cross-sectional study was conducted using multiple logistic regression. Covariate effects of this relationship were also examined using subgroup analysis. Results We evaluated 3,669 T2DM participants, among whom DKD prevalence was 30.87%. In a fully adjusted logistic regression model, the risk of DKD among participants with OBS, lifestyle OBS, and dietary OBS in the highest quartile group was 0.50 times (95% CI: 0.39 to 0.65), 0.54 times (95% CI: 0.41–0.71), and 0.45 times (95% CI: 0.32–0.63), respectively, than that in the lowest quartile group, respectively. In addition, participants who scored in the top quartiles of OBS were more likely to possess higher levels of education and income. A stratified analysis demonstrated the robustness of these findings. Conclusion OBS negatively correlates with the risk of DKD among individuals with T2DM.
La presente obra contribuye a fortalecer la Línea de Generación y Aplicación del Conocimiento (LGAC) denominada Caracterización de Productos Alimenticios y Técnicas Culinarias que forma parte del Grupo de Investigación del Programa Educativo de Gastronomía de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, del Instituto de Ciencias Económico Administrativas. Constituye un punto de encuentro para generar conocimiento a partir de revisiones de estudios científicos sobre los antioxidantes y su importancia en los alimentos y en la salud humana. De esta forma el libro se centra en unificar información de los antioxidantes en el área de alimentos desde el punto de vista químico, distribución en alimentos de origen animal, vegetal e incluso en productos con denominación de origen; sin olvidar la importancia de estos compuestos en la salud humana y los posibles riegos, técnicas para su determinación y cambios que pueden sufrir durante su procesamiento. Finalmente, permite el trabajo multidisciplinario con investigadores nacionales e internacionales para propiciar la colaboración.
The effects of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), and beta-carotene as antioxidants and their cooperative action against the oxidation of lipid in solution, membranes, and lipoproteins have been studied and reviewed. Ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol act as potent, and probably the most important, hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidants, respectively. They function at their own site individually and furthermore act synergistically. beta-Carotene has lower reactivity toward radicals than does alpha-tocopherol and acts as a weak antioxidant in solution. It is more lipophilic than alpha-tocopherol and is assumed to be present at the interior of membranes or lipoproteins, which enables it to scavenge radicals within the lipophilic compartment more efficiently than does alpha-tocopherol. The cooperative interaction between vitamin C and vitamin E may be quite probable, that of vitamin C and beta-carotene is improbable, whereas that between vitamin E and beta-carotene may be possible.
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Considerable interest has been shown in the carotenoids for many years due to their wide ranging roles in photochemistry, photobiology and photomedicine and their possible use as a chemopreventative treatment for cancer. Studies about 20 years ago identified the triplet—triplet absorption of β-carotene; this work was of importance in understanding the protective role of these molecules in photosynthesis and bacterial photosynthesis and in porphyric disease treatment. Recently, attention has turned to the very weak fluorescence of these systems using picosecond measurements; results are related to the antenna role of carotenoids in photosynthesis. Photoisomerization continues to be studied with many of the recent developments based on pump-probe measurements using time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopy for monitoring both the triplet state and the forbidden (1Ag−*) excited singlet state. Interest is also currently centred on the interaction of singlet oxygen with carotenoids; these studies are of value in photophysics (e.g. determination of the carotenoid lowest triplet energy level) and in photomedicine (e.g. evaluation of the use of carotenoids as chemopreventative drugs).
The bimolecular rate constants kq for quenching of singlet oxygen (1Δg state) by 26 different natural and novel synthetic carotenoids were determined at 37 °C in a mixture of chloroform and ethanol. The steady-state technique used involves the generation of 1O2 by thermal decomposition of disodium 3,3′-naphtalene-1,4-diyl-dipropionate endoperoxide (NDPO2) and the detection of its luminescence intensity at 1270 nm. Excitation energies (π,π*, 11Ag → 11Bu) and absorption maxima (430–590 nm) vary in the broadest range. Deeply coloured blue carotenoids are also included in the studies for the first time. An empirical correlation between the π,π* (11Ag → 11Bu) excitation energy and carotenoid structure (effective chain length Neff) was found: E(S) = 12642 cm−1 + 92027 cm−1 × 1/Neff. The quenching ability of the investigated carotenoids depends on the excitation energy of their transition at long wavelengths in a characteristic way showing as limiting factors either the thermal Arrhenius activation or the diffusion-controlled rate. This dependence and the suspected relationship between singlet E(S) and triplet E(T) energies, respectively, are discussed.
As a normal attribute of aerobic life, structural damage to organic compounds of a wide variety (DNA, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids) may occur as a consequence of oxidative reactions. Oxidative damage inflicted by reactive oxygen species has been called “oxidative stress”. Biological systems contain powerful enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidant systems, and oxidative stress denotes a shift in the prooxidant/antioxidant balance in favor of the former. Diverse biological processes such as inflammation, carcinogenesis, ageing, radiation damage and photobiological effects appear to involve reactive oxygen species. This field of research provides new perspectives in biochemical pharmacology, toxicology, radiation biochemistry as well as pathophysiology.