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Abstract and Figures

Objectives. High exercise intensity may be associated with reduced adherence to exercise programmes, possibly because it is perceived as aversive. However, several authors have suggested that an intensity as high as 60% or 70% of maximal aerobic capacity (VO 2max ) is necessary for exercise to elicit positive affective changes. To elucidate this discrepancy, the affective responses to increasing levels of exercise intensity were examined. Design. In total, 30 volunteers rated their affect every minute as they ran on a treadmill while the speed and grade were progressively increased. Method. The methodology was unique in three respects: (1) affect was assessed in terms of the dimensions of the circumplex model instead of distinct affective states, (2) affect was assessed repeatedly before, during, and after exercise, not only before and after, and (3) exercise intensity was standardized across participants in terms of metabolically comparable phases (beginning, ventilatory threshold, VO 2max ) instead of percentages of maximal capacity. Results. Pre‐to‐post‐exercise comparisons indicated affective benefits in the form of increased energetic arousal and decreased tense arousal. During exercise, however, affective valence deteriorated beyond the ventilatory threshold and until VO 2max , a trend that reversed itself instantaneously during cool‐down. Conclusions. Exercise intensity that requires a transition to anaerobic metabolism can have a transient but substantial negative impact on affect and this may, in turn, reduce adherence to exercise programmes.
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The affective bene cence of vigorous
exercise revisited
Eric E. Hall, Panteleimon Ekkekakis* and Steven J. Petruzzello
Department of Kinesiology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Objectives. High exercise intensity may be associated with reduced adherence to
exercise programmes, possibly because it is perceived as aversive. However, several
authors have suggested that an intensity as high as 60% or 70% of maximal aerobic
capacity (VO2m a x) is necessary for exercise to elicit positive affective changes. To
elucidate this discrepancy, the affective responses to increasing levels of exercise
intensity were examined.
Design. In total, 30 volunteers rated their affect every minute as they ran on a
treadmill while the speed and grade were progressively increased.
Method. The methodology was unique in three respects: (1) affect was assessed
in terms of the dimensions of the circumplex model instead of distinct affective states,
(2) affect was assessed repeatedly before, during , and after exercise, not only before
and after, and (3) exercise intensity was standardized across participants in terms of
metabolically comparable phases (beginning, ventilatory threshold, VO2m ax ) instead
of percentages of maximal capacity.
Results. Pre-to-post-exercise comparisons indicated affective bene ts in the form of
increased energetic arousal and decreased tense arousal. During exercise, however,
affective valence deteriorated beyond the ventilatory threshold and until VO2max, a
trend that reversed itself instantaneousl y during cool-down.
Conclusions. Exercise intensity that requires a transition to anaerobic metabolism
can have a transient but substantial negative impact on affect and this may, in turn,
reduce adherence to exercise programmes.
Physical activity surveys indicate that the proportion of the population that engages in
regular physical activity is alarmingly low. Specically, in the United States, the 1998 99
progress review of the Healthy People 2000 programme shows that only 23% of adults
engage in light-to-moderate physical activity ve times per week and only 16% engage
in light-to-moderate physical activity seven times per week (United States National
Center for Health Statistics, 1999). Both  gures have remained virtually unchanged since
British Journal of Health Psychology (2002), 7, 47 –66
2002 The British Psychologi cal Society
*Requests for reprints should be addressed to Panteleimon Ekkekakis, 253 Barbara E. Forker Building, Department of
Health and Human Performance, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA (e-mail:
1985 (22% and 16%, respectively) and both fall short of the targets for the year 2000
(30% for both categories).
In an effort to increase physical activity participation and adherence rates, recently
issued physical activity recommendations have called for activities of moderate inten-
sity, such as walking (National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Panel on
Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health, 1996; Pate et al., 1995; United States
Department of Health and Human Services, 1996). These recommendations were
inuenced by two main considerations. First, there is accumulating evidence that
some activity is better than no activity for accruing health benets. Second, the focus
on moderate intensity activities was motivated by the belief that such activities are
likely to be more enjoyable or at least more tolerable (Brewer, Manos, McDevitt,
Cornelius, & Van Raalte, 2000) and, as a result, they are also ‘more likely to be continued
than are high-intensity activities’ (National Institute of Health Consensus Development
Panel on Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health, 1996, p. 243).
The notion of an inverse relationship between exercise intensity and adherence
has been supported by several studies (Epstein, Koeske, & Wing, 1984; Lee et al., 1996;
Sallis et al., 1986). However, it is still unknown whether this effect is moderated by
the participants’ affective responses to physical activities of different intensities. To
date, no published studies have examined the association between affective responses
to single bouts of activity performed at varying intensities and long-term adherence.
The few studies that have examined the effects of different exercise intensities on
adherence and have included assessments of psychological variables examined only
chronic psychological changes (i.e. changes over the course of the entire training
period, not in response to single bouts of activity). These studies either showed
signicant intensity effects on psychological outcomes but no effect on adherence
(Moses, Steptoe, Mathews, & Edwards, 1989) or no intensity effects on either psycho-
logical outcomes or adherence (Blumenthal, Emery, & Rejeski, 1988; King, Haskell,
Taylor, Kraemer, & DeBusk, 1991; King, Haskell, Young, Oka, & Stefanick, 1995; King,
Taylor, & Haskell, 1993). In summary, although direct empirical evidence is still
lacking, a causal chain from intense exercise to negative affect and, ultimately, to
reduced adherence remains a distinct possibility.
The assumption of high exercise intensity having a negative impact on affect
and adherence, however, appears to be in contrast to a long-held belief in exercise
psychology, namely that, in order to produce affective benets, physical activity must
be performed at an intensity characterized as ‘vigorous’ as opposed to ‘mild’. This
idea has remained popular since Morgan’s (1985) inuential review published under
the title ‘Affective benecence of vigorous physical activity’. In this oft-cited paper,
Morgan asserted that ‘improved a ffective states a ccompany. . . acute . . . physical activity
of a vigorous nature’ (p. 99). Furthermore, it has been suggested that a vigorous
exercise intensity is a necessary condition for affective benets. Specically, some
authors have proposed that, in order to achieve signicant reductions in state anxiety,
exercise intensity should exceed 60% (Raglin & Morgan, 1985) or 70% (Dishman, 1986)
of maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max). Similarly, for mood enhancement (Berger &
Motl, 2000), psychotherapeutic effects (Hays, 1999; Ojanen, 1994), or general psycho-
logical bene ts (Kirkcaldy & Shepherd, 1990), vigorous exercise intensity is believed
to be necessary.
Therefore, the exercise science literature appears to contain a puzzling contra-
diction. On the one hand, there is a belief in the ‘affective benecence’ of vigorous
physical activity. On the other hand, recent physical activity recommendations reect
48 Eric E. Hall et al.
the notion that high exercise intensity may be partly responsible for the high dropout
rates, presumably because it is experienced as aversive. These two views are difcult
to reconcile. Research in general psychology has shown that people are likely to do
what makes them feel good and avoid what makes them feel bad. For example, Emmons
and Diener (1986) showed that the positive affect experienced in a situation was a
good predictor of the amount of time people chose to spend in that situation. If vigo-
rous physical activity is associated with positive affective changes, then why are most
people avoiding vigorous physical activity?
One way to resolve this seeming paradox is to critically reexamine the relationship
between exercise intensity and affective responses. A recent review of this literature
concluded that the extant studies do not allow any denitive statements to be made
regarding the form of the dose-response relationship between exercise and affect
(Ekkekakis & Petruzzello, 1999). This can be attributed to several key conceptual and
methodological issues, including (a) the measurement of affect, (b) the timing of
assessment of affective responses, and (c) the selection of exercise intensity levels.
These issues are discussed in more detail next, along with the tentative solutions
incorporated in the present study.
The measurement of affect
Among the various problems that reviewers of the literature on the relationship
between exercise and affect have identied, the measurement of affect has probably
received most critical attention (Byrne & Byrne, 1993; Ekkekakis & Petruzzello, 1999;
McAuley & Rudolph, 1995; Mutrie & Biddle, 1995; Steptoe, 1992; Tuson & Sinyor, 1993).
In most studies of this type, affect has been operationalized in terms of distinct states,
such as anxiety, depression, or various sets of moods. This approach is termed
‘categorical’ because it reects the assumption that affective states are unrelated,
organized in conceptually distinct categories. In contrast, ‘dimensional’ approaches
are based on the assumption that affective states are systematically interrelated, such
that their relationships can be modelled by a parsimonious set of dimensions. Both
categorical and dimensional models have relative strengths and weaknesses, therefore
the decision to adopt one or the other depends on the nature of the research problem.
The main advantage attributed to dimensional models is their parsimony; that is, they
can account for a large portion of the variation in affective states in terms of only a few
basic dimensions (Larsen & Diener, 1992). Thus, they can provide a broad investigative
scope, which is particularly useful when the goal is to describe the nature of the
affective changes that occur in a given situation. Discussing the implications of this issue
for the study of the affective changes associated with physical activity, Gauvin and
Brawley (1993) noted that:
. . . (a dim ensional approach) see ms better suited to the study of exercise and affect because
the models stemming from it are intended to be broad, encompassing conceptualizations
of affective experience. Because the affective experience that accompanies exercise has not
been thoroughly described, a model of affect that has a wider breadth is more likely to
capture the essence of exercise-induced affect than a model that, at the outset, limits the
focus of investigation to specic emotions (p. 152).
Thus, since there is at present no evidence that changes in anxiety or depression (for
example) are the most salient affective changes associated with exercise, a narrow focus
on these distinct variables is unlikely to capture the impact of exercise on affect in
general (Ekkekakis, Hall, & Petruzzello, 1999). To address this problem in the present
Affect and vigorous exercise 49
study, in accordance with Gauvin and Brawley’s (1993) and Ekkekakis and Petruzzello’s
(1999) suggestions, affect was examined from a dimensional perspective.
Specically, the two-dimensional circumplex model of affect was used, as described
by Russell (1978, 1980, 1989, 1997). According to the circumplex, the affective space
is dened by two bipolar and orthogonal dimensions: an affective valence dimension
and an activation dimension. Affective states are construed as combinations of varying
degrees of these two constituent dimensions, such that they can be conceptualized
as located around the perimeter of a circle dened by the dimensions of valence and
activation. A division of the circle into quadrants produces the following meaningful
variants: (1) unactivated pleasant affect, characteristic of relaxation and calmness,
(2) unactivated unpleasant affect, characteristic of boredom, fatigue, or depression,
(3) activated unpleasant affect, characteristic of tension and distress, and (4) activated
pleasant affect, a state characteristic of excitement and enthusiasm (see Fig. 1).
Timing of assessment of affective responses
Typically, studies examining the effects of acute exercise on affect have included one
assessment of affect before and one or more assessments after the bout of exercise.
Assessments of affect during the exercise bout have been rare, mainly as a consequence
of measuring affect through multi-item questionnaires that are impractical to administer
repeatedly during exercise. However, affect changes in a continuous and dynamic
fashion. It is, therefore, unlikely that changes from pre- to post-exercise are linear.
Assessments of affect made after exercise may only reect the effects of the few seconds
or minutes of recovery from exercise rather than the effects of the entire preceding
50 Eric E. Hall et al.
Figure 1. The circumplex model of affect
exercise bout. Affective changes during exercise may present a different and diverse
pattern. Consistent with this possibility, Ekkekakis and Petruzzello (1999) noted that,
although the majority (54%) of the studies that involved assessments of affect only
before and after exercise showed no evidence of reliable dose-response effects, six
of the seven studies that involved repeated assessments of affective valence during
exercise showed a reliable dose-response pattern. Specically, as exercise intensity
increased, affective valence was consistently shown to deteriorate (Acevedo, Rinehardt,
& Kraemer, 1994; Hardy & Rejeski, 1989; Partt & Eston, 1995a; Partt, Eston, &
Connolly, 1996; Partt, Markland, & Holmes, 1994).
Furthermore, the studies that included repeated assessments of affect both during
and after exercise have shown that an instantaneous improvement takes place as soon
as the exercise bout is terminated (Par tt et al., 1994; Steptoe & Bolton, 1988; Tate &
Petruzzello, 1995). This pattern of responses is consistent with the predictions of
the opponent-process theory of affect (Solomon, 1980, 1991; Solomon & Corbit, 1974).
When applied to exercise, this theory suggests that the initial affective reaction to
vigorous exercise is driven by a so-called ‘a-process’, resulting in negative affect.
However, the a-process arouses an opponent process, the so-called ‘b-process’, which
is characterized by the opposite affective quality (i.e. positive affect). The interaction
of these processes over time controls the intensity and the quality of the resultant
affect. The b-process is hypothesized to be of longer latency, slower build-up, and
slower decay relative to the a-process. Thus, its effects persist after the termination of
the exercise bout and may be responsible for the feelings of lowered tension and
exhilaration that are typically found post-exercise. If the opponent-process theory is
correct, then what is typically referred to as the ‘exercise-associated feel-better
phenomenon’ should be more accurately described as the ‘exercise recovery-associated
feel-better phenomenon’, since the effects of exercise and exercise recovery may in
fact be different. To investigate this possibility, in the present study, affective responses
were assessed repeatedly during and after exercise.
Selection of exercise intensity levels
One of the main challenges in studies examining the effects of exercise on affect has
been the standardization of exercise loads across individuals. Until now, the preferred
solution has been to use percentages of maximal capacity (VO2max, maximal heart
rate, or heart rate reserve). This is because, although an absolute workload (e.g. 100 W)
may induce a different metabolic response in trained versus untrained individuals
(i.e. requiring purely aerobic effort in trained but possibly eliciting an anaerobic
component in untrained), a percentage of maximal effort (e.g. 70% VO2max ) is assumed
to represent a metabolically equivalent stimulus across individuals.
However, this assumption appears to be false (Katch, Weltman, Sady, & Freedson,
1978; Meyer, Gabriel, & Kindermann, 1999). For example, Katch et al. (1978) reported
that, in a sample of 31 participants, when exercise was performed at 80% of maximal
heart rate (62.5% VO2max), 17 participants were working at a level above, whereas 14
were working at a level below metabolic acidosis (a sign of anaerobiosis). Given the
signicant differences in ventilatory, biochemical, and endocrine parameters between
aerobic and anaerobic effort, the assumption that the exercise stimulus can be
effectively standardized across individuals by selecting percentages of maximal capacity
is untenable.
As a potential solution, Ekkekakis and Petruzzello (1999) proposed taking into
Affect and vigorous exercise 51
account individually determined metabolic landmarks such as the lactate or ventilatory
(gas exchange) threshold and the level of critical power or power-time asymptote
(Gaesser & Poole, 1996). These metabolic landmarks have a profound adaptational
signicance, as the metabolic prole changes dramatically when exercise is performed
slightly below or slightly above them. Below the lactate threshold, the intensity is
characterized as ‘moderate’. Within this range, one can exercise for prolonged periods
of time, as blood lactate concentration and oxygen uptake remain stable and the
capacity for sustained energy repletion is not exceeded. From the lactate threshold
to the level of critical power (the highest work rate at which blood lactate can be
stabilized), the intensity is characterized as ‘heavy’. In this domain, lactate appearance
and removal rates are balanced, but at elevated blood lactate concentration levels.
Finally, from the level of critical power to VO2max , the intensity is characterized as
‘severe’. In this range, neither oxygen consumption nor blood lactate can be stabilized.
Both rise inexorably until exhaustion. In the present study, to achieve a more effective
standardization of exercise intensity across individuals, exercise intensity was dened
relative to individually determined metabolic landmarks, namely the ventilatory thresh-
old (as a less intrusive index of the lactate threshold, which requires repeated blood
sampling for its determination) and VO2max.
Affective responses to vigorous exercise reconceptualized
After almost three decades of research on the affective changes associated with acute
exercise, the substrates of these changes remain elusive. Several hypotheses have
been proposed and tested, but none seems to offer a comprehensive interpretive frame-
work and none has received unequivocal empirical support (for reviews, see Hateld,
1991; La Forge, 1995; Morgan, 1997a; Petruzzello, Landers, Hateld, Kubitz, & Salazar,
1991). This may be due to the fact that researchers have been searching for an
explanation of changes believed to be exclusively positive. If the possibility of negative
affective responses is acknowledged, as the empirical evidence suggests it should
(Ekkekakis & Petruzzello, 1999), then the phenomenon is placed under a new light.
According to evolutionary conceptualizations, affective responses represent adaptive
responses or, in other words, responses that have evolved to promote survival within
a specic context (Nesse, 1990, 1998). Thus, the affective responses to vigorous
exercise may be seen as adaptive responses that signal survival-critical metabolic
changes in the body. As many theorists have noted, affect represents the primary
means by which information about critical disruptions of bodily homeostasis enters
consciousness (Cabanac, 1995; Damasio, 1995; Panksepp, 1998a, b; Schulze, 1995).
With this as a backdrop, consider the implications of the typology of exercise
intensity described above from an adaptational standpoint. Within both the moderate
and the heavy domains, the maintenance of a physiological steady state is possible and,
therefore, there is no immediate threat to survival. However, the transition to anaerobic
metabolism constitutes a signicant challenge for the energy system as its performance
becomes dependent upon the nite pool of anaerobic energy sources. Above the level
of critical power, the energy supply system is overwhelmed and the maintenance of
a steady state is no longer possible. For successful adaptation, the importance of the
situation must enter consciousness, both when the organism rst experiences a
challenge (i.e. in the heavy domain) and most certainly when the organism is faced
with the impending exhaustion of metabolic resources (i.e. in the severe domain).
This conceptualization leads to the formulation of the following hypotheses. When
52 Eric E. Hall et al.
exercise intensity is in the moderate range, the maintenance of homeostasis is not
threatened and, consequently, affective responses, if any, are largely independent of
physiological changes. In the heavy domain, affective responses serve the function
of ‘alerting’ consciousness to the strain placed upon the metabolic system. In this
domain, affective responses depend partly on physiological changes and partly on
various individual-difference and cognitive factors related to coping. Thus, affective
responses are likely to vary from individual to individual and may be positive or nega-
tive. Finally, in the severe domain, affective responses represent an evolutionarily
primitive ‘alarming’ function, which, much like pain, is aimed to stop and withdraw
from the activity that is causing the severe homeostatic perturbation. In this domain,
affective responses are, therefore, likely to be driven mainly by physiological changes
and be mostly negative.
The present study
The primary purpose of the present study was to examine the pattern of affective
responses to increasing levels of exercise intensity through the prism of the conceptual
and methodological elements described in the previous sections. Thus, (a) affect was
examined from a dimensional, rather than a categorical, perspective, (b) affective
responses were assessed repeatedly, throughout the exercise bout and for several
minutes into recovery, and (c) exercise intensity was dened relative to the ventilatory
threshold and VO2max. A graded treadmill protocol was used as the methodological
platform because it allowed the examination of affective responses through the entire
range of exercise intensities. Because of the relatively short total duration of the
sessions, accumulated fatigue over increasing levels of intensity was not expected to
inuence the responses.
A total of 30 healthy university students (13 women, 17 men; mean age 6SD 523.963.6years;
mean weight 6SD 571 .7611.2kg; mean VO2m ax 6SD 549.666.1ml kg21´min21) volunteered
to participate in the study. They were paid $10 each in compensation for their time. Prior to their
involvement in the study, all participants had read and signed an informed consent form approved
by the University’s Institutional Review Board.
Affect was measured from the perspective of the circumplex model, using both multi-item and
single-item instruments, the latter being more appropriate for repeated assessments during
exercise. The Feeling Scale (FS; Hardy & Rejeski, 1989) was used as a single-item measure of
affective valence and the Felt Arousal Scale (FAS) of the Telic State Measure (Svebak & Murgatroyd,
1985) was used as a single-item measure of perceived activation. The Activation Deactivation
Adjective Check List (AD ACL; Thayer, 1989) was used as a multi-item measure of the four
quadrants of circumplex affective space (see Fig. 1). All self-report measures were administered
with the standard instructions provided by their developers.
The FS (Hardy & Rejeski, 1989) is an 11-point, single-item, bipolar measure of pleasure-
displeasure, which is commonly used for the assessment of affective responses during exercise
(Ekkekakis & Petruzzello, 1999). The scale ranges from 25to 15. Anchors are provided at zero
(‘Neutral’) and at all odd integers, ranging from ‘Very Good’ (15) to ‘Very Bad’ (25). In previous
Affect and vigorous exercise 53
work in our laboratory, the FS has exhibited correlations ranging from .51 to .88 with the valence
scale of the Self Assessment Manikin (SAM; Lang, 1980) and from .41 to .59 with the valence scale
of the Affect Grid (AG; Russell, Weiss, & Mendelsohn, 1989).
The FAS (Svebak & Murgatroyd, 1985) is a 6-point, single-item measure of perceived activation.
The scale ranges from 1 to 6, with anchors at 1 (‘Low Arousal’) and 6 (‘High Arousal’). In previous
work in our laboratory, the FAS has exhibited correlations ranging from .45 to .70 with the arousal
scale of the SAM and from .47 to .65 with the arousal scale of the AG. The FAS has been used
extensively in the context of reversal theory research, including exercise-related studies (Kerr &
Vlaswinkel, 1993; Kerr & Van den Wollenberg, 1997).
The AD ACL is a multi-item measure of the bipolar dimensions of Energetic Arousal (EA) and
Tense Arousal (TA), as described by Thayer (1989). Each dimension is represented by ten 4-point
Likert-type items. The EA dimension ranges from Energy to Tiredness, whereas the TA dimension
ranges from Tension to Calmness. Thayer (1978, 1986, 1989) has provided extensive validity and
reliability information on the AD ACL. In the present study, the AD ACL was used within a
circumplex framework. As shown in Fig. 1, the Energy pole (high EA) is theorized to map the high-
activation pleasure quadrant of the circumplex, Tension (high TA) maps the high-activation
displeasure quadrant, Tiredness (low EA) maps the low-activation displeasure quadrant, and
Calmness (low TA) maps the low-activation pleasure quadrant (also see Thayer, 1989, pp. 133–
134, p. 164; Yik, Russell & Feldman-Barrett, 1999, for an empirical demonstration).
Finally, the Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE; Borg, 1998) was used as a measure of perceived
effort during exercise. The RPE is a 15-point scale ranging from 6 to 20, with anchors ranging from
‘Very, very light’ to ‘Very, very hard’.
On arrival at the laborator y, each participant was greeted, given an overview of the procedures to
be followed, and asked to read and sign an informed consent form. The purpose of the study was
described as an investigation of ‘some physiological and psychological responses to vigorous
exercise’. This was followed by the tting of a heart-rate monitor (model Vantage XL; Polar Electro
Oy, Finland). Once the integrity of the signal from the monitor was established, the participants
were asked to complete a pre-exercise battery of questionnaires that included the FS, FAS, and AD
ACL. Next, the participants were shown to a treadmill, were presented with a description of the
exercise protocol, and were tted with a face mask equipped with a low-resistance one-way valve
(Hans Rudolph, Kansas City, MO) for the collection of expired gases, ensuring that respiration was
unobstructed and comfortable.
The graded exercise protocol was as follows. First the oxygen and carbon dioxide analysers
(models S-3A/I and CD-3A, respectively; Ametek Applied Electrochemistry, Pittsburgh, PA) were
calibrated using a gas with a known mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide and room air. Then the
participants’ expired gases were analysed for 2 min while they were seated on a stool, to ensure
the proper functioning of the various components of the metabolic analysis system. This was
followed by a 3-m in walk at 4.8 km hr21(0% grade), which served as a warm-up. Once the warm-
up was completed, the speed of the treadmill was increased to 8 km hr21(0% grade). Beyond this
point, the workload was increased every 2 min by alternatin g between increases in speed by
1.6 km hr21and increases in grade by 2%. This procedure was continued until each participant
reached the point of volitional exhaustion. This was veried by at least two of the standard criteria
for reaching VO2max , namely (a) reaching a peak or plateau in oxygen consumption (changes of
less tha n 2 ml kg21min21) followed immediately by a decrease in consumption with increasing
workloads; (b) attaining a respiratory exchange ratio equal to or higher than 1.1; and (c) reaching
or exceeding age-predicted maximal heart rate (i.e. 220 2age). The participants then cooled
down by walking on the treadmill for 2 min at 4.8 kmhr21and 0% grade. Finally, the participants
sat in a chair doing nothing for a recovery period of 20 min.
From the beginning of the incremental phase (8 km hr21; 0% grade) until the end of the cool-
down, the participants gave self-ratings on the RPE, FS, and FAS every minute by pointing out their
54 Eric E. Hall et al.
selections on a poster-size version of the scales which was placed directly in front of them. After
each response, a research assistan t repeated the participant’s selection out loud to ensure that the
information would be recorded correctly. Immediately after the cool-down, as well as 10 and 20
min later, the participants completed the FS, FAS, and AD ACL again.
Data reduction and analysis
Given that the duration of the graded treadmill protocol varied between individuals, exercise
intensity was standardized using the following times, which were considered to reect metabo-
lically comparable conditions across all participants: (a) the beginning of exercise, (b) the
ventilatory threshold (VT), and (c) the end of exercise. Two methods were followed to determine
the VT, one graphical and one quantitative. The graphical method, described by Davis, Frank,
Whipp, and Wasserman (1979), entails plotting the ventilatory equivalents for oxygen (VE/VO2)
and carbon dioxide (V
E/VCO2) across work rates and visually identifying the point at which there
is a systematic increase in VE/VO2without a corresponding increase in V
E/VCO2. The quantitative
method involves an iterative regression procedure, described by Jones and Molitoris (1984),
that can identify the ‘break point’ between two regression lines running through the data points
dened by oxygen consumed and carbon dioxide produced. These techniques have been shown
to lead to a determination of the VT with satisfactory accuracy (Ahmaidi et al., 1993; Caiozzo et al.,
Following the identication of the VT, the FS and FAS ratings made at the following ten time
points during exercise were retained: the rst 2 min, the minute before the VT, the minute of the
VT, 2 minutes following the VT, the last 2 min, and the 2 min of the cool-down period. In order to
reduce the number of data points in the repeated-measures analyses, the patterns in the data were
examined and the following  ve time points were entered in statistical analyses: minute 2, the
minute of the VT, the second minute after the VT, the last minute, and the second cool-down
minute (i.e. every alternate one of the above 10 time points).
For all multivariate analyses, the self-report scales were organized in two pairs, with each pair
considered to provide an independent representation of the circumplex affective space. One pair
consisted of EA and TA and the second pair consisted of the FS and FAS. As noted earlier, the
affective dimensions represented by EA and TA were theorized to be 458rotational variants of the
dimensions represented by FS and FAS (see Fig. 1).
A central purpose of the present investigation was to contrast the patterns of affective change
that emerge from protocols limited to pre- and post-exercise assessments as opposed to repeated
assessments during exercise. To address this issue, two sets of analyses were performed. The  rst
set involved an examination of change across four time points: pre-exercise, post-09, post-109, and
post-209. These analyses involved both EA/TA and FS/FAS. The second set examined changes in
affect during exercise using the FS/FAS.
Analyses of change across time began with repeated-measures multivariate analyses of
variance (MANOVAs) on each of the two sets of self-report scales. Statistically signicant  ndings
were followed up by univariate analyses and an examination of simple effects within each scale,
using Fisher-Hayter tests (qFH ) for pairwise comparisons. Moreover, effect sizes were computed
[d5(Mi2Mj)/SDpooled] to assess the magnitude of the differences.
The average duration of exercise until the point of volitional exhaustion was 11.3
minutes (SD 52.29 minutes; range 8–17 minutes). The average terminal RPE was 17.77
(SD 51.89; between ‘Very hard’ and ‘Very, very hard’).
To ensure that the AD ACL scales performed satisfactorily, their internal consistency
was examined. Indeed, the acoefcients ranged from .84 to .91 for EA and from .70 to
.78 for TA.
Affect and vigorous exercise 55
The rst set of analyses examined changes in affect from pre-exercise to post-09, post-
109, and post-209. A positive effect was found, evidenced by both EA/TA and FS/FAS. A
repeated-measures MANOVA (pre, post-09, post-109, post-209) on EA and TA showed a
signicant main effect of Time, Wilks’ l5.167,F(6,23)519.169,p< .001, attributable
to both EA (F(3,84)515.134,p< .001) and TA (F(3,84)521.808,p< .001). The results
of the multiple comparisons for EA and TA are shown in Table 1. Immediately after the
exercise bout, there was an increase in EA compared to baseline, followed by decreases
in TA at post-109and post-209(see Fig. 2).
56 Eric E. Hall et al.
Table 1. Descriptive statistics (means, SD) and results of statistical comparisons (Fisher-Hayter
tests, effect sizes) of EA and TA scores at pre- and post-exercise time points
M6SD Post-09Post-109Post-209
EA Pre 26.41 65.61 1.13* * 0.44 0.08
Post-0932.41 64.95 20.73 21.10* *
Post-10928.76 65.03 20.38
Post-20926.83 65.20
TA Pre 21.41 63.81 0.38 20.81* 21.02*
Post-0922.86 63.77 21.19* * 21.44* *
Post-10918.31 63.87 20.14
Post-20917.79 63.27
*: p<.05; * *: p<.01 (based on Fisher-Hayter tests).
Figure 2. Responses to the EA and TA scales of the AD ACL plotted in circumplex space. The scales
were rotated 458for plotting using trigonometric procedures
Similarly, a repeated-measures MANOVA on FS and FAS showed a signicant main
effect of Time, Wilksl5.203,F(6,23)515.030,p< .001, attributable to both the FS
(F(3,84)516.174,p< .001) and the FAS (F(3,84)510.409,p< .001). The results of the
multiple comparisons for FS and FAS are shown in Table 2. Compared to baseline, there
was a signicant improvement in affective valence (i.e. FS) across all post-exercise time
points. Perceived activation (i.e. FAS) showed a signicant decrease at post-109and post-
209compared to baseline and post-09.
The second set of analyses examined the affective responses during exercise. A
repeated-measures MANOVA on FS and FAS showed a signicant main effect of Time,
Wilks’ l5.120,F(8,21)519.327,p< .001, attributable to both the FS (F(4,112)5
57.052,p< .001) and the FAS (F(4,112)530.203,p< .001). The results of the multiple
comparisons are shown in Table 3. Affective valence, as indexed by FS, showed a
marked decline from the second minute after the VT and until exhaustion. Immediately
after exercise was terminated and the cool-down began, however, there was an instan-
taneous improvement (see Fig. 3). Perceived activation, as indexed by the FAS, increased
throughout the exercise bout and decreased during the cool-down (see Fig. 3).
The purpose of the present study was to examine the immediate affective responses
to increasing levels of exercise intensity. Three conceptual and methodological inno-
vations were incorporated into this experiment.
First, affect was examined from a dimensional perspective as opposed to the
commonly employed categorical approaches that focus on a few, distinct affective
variables. The broad and balanced scope afforded by the circumplex model was
expected to enable the identication of any salient affective changes, regardless of
direction. Consistent with this expectation, mapping the affective responses on the
two-dimensional circumplex space revealed a diversity of patterns and dynamic changes
in response to the stages of the exercise protocol. Specically, it was found that, in the
early incremental stages, affective change was characterized primarily by an increase
in activation, with little change in affective valence. After the transition to anaerobic
Affect and vigorous exercise 57
Table 2. Descriptive statistics (means, SD) and results of statistical comparisons (Fisher-Hayter tests,
effect sizes) of FS and FAS scores at pre- and post-exercise time points
M6SD Post-09Post-109Post-209
FS Pre 2.07 61.58 0.63* * 0.81* * 0.96* *
Post-093.00 61.34 0.20 0.32
Post-1093.31 61.49 0.07
Post-2093.41 61.18
FAS Pre 3.00 61.13 0.10 20.46* * 20.83* *
Post-093.10 61.11 20.55* * 20.94* *
Post-1092.48 61.15 20.33
Post-2092.14 60.92
*: p<.05; * *: p<.01 (based on Fisher-Hayter tests).
metabolism, however, the continued increase in perceived activation was coupled with
a substantial shift toward affective negativity, leading to an activated unpleasant state
presumably indicative of effort-related tension. Once the strenuous exercise was ter-
minated and the cool-down began, there was an instantaneous drop in activation in
conjunction with a marked improvement in valence, leading, in the course of 1 min, to a
deactivated pleasant state presumably associated with calmness and relaxation. Further-
more, when the pre-exercise state was compared to the post-exercise state using AD
ACL, a transient increase in energetic arousal was found, followed by a drop in tension
and an increase in calmness. Tapping into this phenomenological diversity would have
arguably been impossible had affect been measured through ‘categorical’ instruments
(i.e. by assessing only a few, distinct affective variables).
Second, affective responses were assessed repeatedly during and after the exercise
bout, as opposed to assessment protocols that only examine changes from pre- to post-
exercise. In previous research examining the effects of graded exercise protocols on a
variety of affective variables from pre- to post-exercise, the results have been perplexing
in their inconsistency, running the gamut of possible outcomes (Goldfarb, Hateld,
Sforzo, & Flynn, 1987; Hateld, Goldfarb, Sforzo, & Flynn, 1987; Koltyn, Lynch, & Hill,
1998; Morgan, Horstman, Cymerman, & Stokes, 1980; O’Connor, Petruzzello, Kubitz, &
Robinson, 1995; Pronk, Crouse, & Rohack, 1995; Steptoe, Kearsley, & Walters, 1993). In
the present study, by using single-item scales and, thus, minimizing the burden placed
on the participants, it was possible to track the dynamics of affect throughout the
58 Eric E. Hall et al.
Table 3. Descriptive statistics (means, SD) and results of statistical comparisons (Fisher-Hayter
tests, effect sizes) of FS and FAS scores during exercise and cool-down
M6SD VT VT 12 End Cool 2
FS Min 1 2.24 61.43
Min 2 2.34 61.40 20.27 20.67* * 22.08* * 0.38*
VT-1 2.14 61.55
VT 1.93 61.62 20.42* * 21.77* * 0.61* *
VT 11 1.79 61.90
VT 12 1.14 62.12 21.22* * 0.95* *
End-1 0.07 61.94
End 21.48 62.18 2.32* *
Cool 1 2.76 61.53
Cool 2 2.90 61.54
FAS Min 1 2.83 61.04
Min 2 2.97 60.94 1.03** 1.53* * 1.81* * 0.13
VT-1 3.69 60.60
VT 3.79 60.62 0.72* * 1.15* * 20.83* *
VT 11 4.00 60.65
VT 12 4.31 60.81 0.53* * 21.32* *
End-1 4.65 60.97
End 4.83 61.10 21.63* *
Cool 1 3.59 61.09
Cool 2 3.10 61.01
*: p<.05; * *: p<.01 (based on Fisher-Hayter tests).
exercise bout and recovery with sufcient temporal resolution to ensure that no mean-
ingful changes could escape detection. A comparison of the patterns that emerged
from pre-to-post versus repeated assessments (see Figs 2 and 3) shows that taking
into consideration only the pre- and post-exercise time points would have led to a
misrepresentation of the impact of exercise on affect. It is also apparent that affect
continued to change during the cool-down and recovery. Therefore, the timing of
affect assessments can substantially inuence the results from studies of the exercise–
affect relationship and this factor should, therefore, be considered in future research.
Third, the intensity of exercise was standardized in terms of phases considered to be
metabolically equivalent across individuals, such as the beginning of exercise, the VT,
and VO2max . This was based on the premise that affective responses to acute exercise,
particularly under conditions of vigorous effort, are tied to adaptationally important
metabolic events. The results of the present study revealed a clear dose-response
pattern, thus providing indications of a causal link between exercise-induced homeo-
static perturbations and affective responses. The decline in affective valence 2 minutes
after the occurrence of the VT suggests that the transition to anaerobic metabolism
represents an inherently negatively-charged stimulus. It is possible that this response
reects an evolutionarily primitive mechanism that has remained functional in con-
temporary humans due to its adaptational value. Much like pain, this negative affective
reaction has a strong impact on consciousness and reinstates survival as the top priority;
if the heavy demand on metabolic resources continues, exhaustion, and possibly death,
are inevitable.
Although words like ‘pain’ and ‘struggle’ are often used by sedentary people to
Affect and vigorous exercise 59
Figure 3. Responses to FS and FAS across the stages of exercise, cool-down, and recovery plotted
in circumplex space
describe the experience of vigorous exercise and the popular media abound with
messages about products that promise weight loss and health benets without having
to ‘suffer through exercise’, the possibility of acute exercise having a negative affective
impact has yet to be widely acknowledged in the exercise science literature. When
negative effects are identied, they are typically dismissed as being transient and,
instead, emphasis is placed on the fact that they are succeeded by longer-lasting and
more robust positive changes. For example, Morgan and Ellickson (1989) discounted
the ndings of increased state anxiety scores during and immediately after vigorous
exercise, characterizing the response as reecting ‘eustress rather than stress’ (p. 172).
This is because the increase is followed by ‘a sudden decrease in state anxiety during
the post-exercise recovery period’ (p. 172). Likewise, Partt and Eston (1995b), based
on ndings of decreasing FS scores with increasing exercise intensities among low-
active individuals (Par tt & Eston, 1995a; Partt et al., 1994, 1996), recommended that
these individuals simply ‘be encouraged to focus upon how they feel after exercise has
ended in order to facilitate them interpreting their physiological cues more positively’
(p. 876). However, it should be emphasized that there is presently no evidence to
support the notion that the positive post-exercise effect can outweigh any negative
during-exercise effects in shaping motivational tendencies. To ensure that the exercise
stimulus will not be paired to negative affect in memory, perhaps a more reasonable
choice would be to avoid any negative effects altogether.
As noted earlier, the transition to anaerobic metabolism presents the exerciser with
a challenge, as a multitude of salient interoceptive cues charged with negative affect
enter consciousness. This, however, does not necessarily mean that all individuals are
likely to respond with negative affect. This is because individual differences in prefer-
ence for (Berger, 1994; Morgan, 1997b) or tolerance of (Mogil, 1999) intense stimulation
or relevant cognitive variables such as self-efcacy (McAuley, Talbot, & Martinez, 1999)
may play a role in modulating affective experiences. In the present study, it was only 2
min after the occurrence of the VT that average self-ratings of affective valence exhibited
a signicant decline compared to the beginning of exercise. This generalized decline
may reect what Edwards (1983) called the ‘straw that breaks the camel’s back’ (p. 21).
According to Edwards, there is a point during exercise where vertically organized (i.e.
across levels of organizations, from the muscle cell to the brain) protective mechanisms
cause a failure in neuronal or muscular excitation in order to avoid the depletion of
energy stores. Edwards speculated that this work rate may trigger a ‘conscious or
unconscious need to cease the bombardment of afferent signals’ (p. 21). It is possible
that beyond this point the intensity of interoceptive cues becomes such that it
overpowers the effects of individual-difference and cognitive variables, leading to
uniformly negative affective responses.
Consistent with previous research (see Ekkekakis & Petruzzello, 1999, for a
review), the results of the present study showed a pronounced and instantaneous
rebound from affective negativity to affective positivity as soon as the vigorous
exercise stimulus was terminated. As discussed in the introduction, this pattern is
consistent with the predictions of the opponent-process theory of affect (Solomon
1980, 1991; Solomon & Corbit, 1974). Although the substrates of this phenomenon
remain elusive, it is theoretically and practically interesting and warrants further
research attention. For example, it is unclear at this point whether, as Solomon
(1991) suggested, the post-exercise improvement will only occur if the during-
exercise affective deterioration exceeds a certain threshold. It is also unknown
whether there is a relationship between the a- and b-processes, such that a more
60 Eric E. Hall et al.
pronounced negative affective response during exercise will be followed by a
stronger or longer-lasting improvement post-exercise.
An overarching question is whether vigorous exercise can indeed produce positive
affective changes, as is commonly believed. The data from the present study showed
that, on average and within the range of intensities examined, this was not the case.
Only a few individuals showed improvements in affective valence during exercise.
Moreover, these changes were transient and inconsistent, and were limited to intensities
below and up to a minute beyond the VT. The improvements in affective valence that
were found, although large and shared by all participants, only occurred once the
vigorous exercise stimulus was terminated. Therefore, it is more accurate to state that
this positive response accompanied the cessation of exercise and the beginning of
recovery rather than the vigorous exercise itself. It is interesting to contrast these
ndings to those of a recent study examining affective responses to 10–15 min bouts of
walking at intensities much lower than those used in the present study (i.e. 14%–22% of
maximal age-predicted heart rate reserve, approximately equivalent to 14% 22%
VO2max ). In this study, Ekkekakis, Hall, VanLanduyt, and Petruzzello (2000) found
signicant, albeit short-lived, improvements in affective valence both during and after
the activity. This suggests that ‘affective benecence’ may be achieved with physical
activities performed at lower intensities and for shorter durations than originally
Despite the effort that was made in the present study to improve the standardization
of exercise intensity across individuals by taking into account the balance between
aerobic and anaerobic metabolism, it would be imprudent to attempt any generaliza-
tion of the  ndings to other populations without further study. The fact that only
young, healthy, and mostly physically active individuals participated in the present study
raises the possibility that part of the ndings were inuenced by these characteristics. It
is reasonable to assume, however, that if older, less  t, or medically vulnerable popu-
lations exhibit a different pattern of responses, the differences would probably be on
the side of accentuated negativity rather than positivity. It is important that, even in the
present sample, exercise intensity that required substantial anaerobic effort (i.e.
exceeded the VT) led to a signicant decline in affective valence during exercise.
This nding has signi cant practical implications. Exercise practitioners should
consider these ndings in conjunction with the following two points. First, in sedentary
adults and elderly individuals, the lactate and ventilatory thresholds can occur at 50%
VO2max or less. Given that these populations are typically characterized by a low
absolute level of tness, this means that exceeding these thresholds could be brought
about by activities generally considered as mild. Second, exercise performed at
intensities above the lactate and ventilatory thresholds has not been shown to confer
any additional tness benets compared with exercise performed at or slightly below
these thresholds in previously untrained individuals (Belman & Gaesser, 1991; Weltman
et al., 1992). Therefore, considering the potential for a negative impact on affect and
long-term adherence that exercise intensity above these thresholds entails, it may be
benecial to emphasize careful self-regulation, particularly to novice exercisers. Inter-
estingly, research has shown that the lactate and ventilatory thresholds correspond to
stable ratings of perceived exertion that are unaffected by gender, training, or exercise
modality (DeMello, Cureton, Boineau, & Singh, 1987; Hetzler et al., 1991; Hill, Cureton,
Grisham, & Collins, 1987; Purvis & Cureton, 1981). Similarly, Acevedo et al. (1998)
reported that a running velocity only 10% higher than the onset of blood lactate
accumulation (i.e. 4 mmol l21) led to a signicant decline in affective valence. This
Affect and vigorous exercise 61
nding, which is consistent with the ndings of the present study, suggests that, in
addition to perceptual cues associated with perceived exertion, affective cues, such as
a decline in affective valence, could be used to aid exercisers in recognizing the tran-
sition to anaerobic metabolism.
In conclusion, the nding that ‘vigorous’ exercise has a transient but signicant
negative impact on affect might shed some light on the prevalence of inactivity and the
high dropout rates from exercise programmes. Although negative affective responses
are but one possible explanation, they might prove to be an important one. Thus,
exercise practitioners should be sensitized to the importance of prudent and conserva-
tive selection of workloads and teaching novice exercisers to self-monitor and self-
regulate the intensity of their efforts.
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Received 9 March 2000; revised version received 22 September 2000
66 Eric E. Hall et al.
... Expired gas samples were collected breath-by-breath during the test using a portable metabolic device (JAEGER Oxycon Mobile, CareFusion, Hochberg, Germany). RPE was determined using the Borg scale (6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20) at the end of each. 18 VȮ 2 peak is the highest value of VȮ 2 observed over 30 seconds during the test's final stages. ...
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Background: Obesity dramatically elevates the risk of mortality and morbidity associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Obese people exhibit left ventricular structure abnormalities at an early age, in addition to having diminished resting systolic and diastolic function. Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest that autonomic dysfunction may play a role in the increased prevalence of CVD among obese individuals. Engaging in vigorous exercises may place excessive strain on the cardiovascular system, rendering it inappropriate for inactive, obese individuals. Objective: The crossover design with randomization study aimed to compare the immediate effects of moderate-intensity interval (MIIE) and continuous exercises (MICE) on hemodynamics, heart rate variability (HRV), affective, and enjoyment responses in young obese men. Materials and methods: A total of eighteen male participants, consisting of nine individuals with normal weight and nine individuals classified as obese, were involved in this study. The participants completed two 30-minute cycling protocols consisting of MIIE (3×5-minute at 90% ventilatory threshold; VT) interspersed with 3×5-minute active recovery cycling at 50% VT) or MICE at 70% VT with a 3-minute warm-up and cool-down at free load. Hemodynamic, HRV, enjoyment, and affective responses were measured at rest and at 5-, 10-, 15-, 20-, 25-, and 30-minute intervals during the exercise sessions of each protocol. Results: There were no significant differences in stroke volume index, cardiac index, ejection fraction, or systolic blood pressure between the MICE and MIIE protocols after each stage of the exercise protocols, both in normal-weight and obese participants. The MIIE protocol led to significantly lower ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) (p<0.05) and higher enjoyment (p<0.05) and affective responses (p<0.01) relative to MICE after each stage of exercise in obese participants. In addition, the MICE protocol led to a significantly lower standard deviation of normal-to-normal intervals (p<0.01) and a very low frequency (p<0.01) when compared to the MIIE in obese participants. Conclusion: Our study’s findings indicate that the MIIE and MICE protocols elicit similar cardiac responses in normal-weight and obese participants. Furthermore, the MIIE protocol results in significantly less RPE and exercise-induced fatigue and greater levels of enjoyment and affective response. The potential for heightened enjoyment and affective responses within the MIIE protocol may have significant implications for fostering exercise adherence among individuals with obesity.
... The specificity of the intensity and setting of these activities can become a enjoyable practice for those who perform it and has the ability to boost the mood of the practitioner (Werneck & Navarro, 2011). However, intense exercise can cause changes in mood (Arruda et al., 2013;Hall et al., 2002;Sakuragi & Sugiyama, 2011), acute feelings of fatigue (Silva et al., 2018) and concentration problems (Meeusen et al., 2006;Nederhof et al., 2008). Moreover, some studies report divergent psychological responses to high-intensity exercise, with benefits (Arent et al., 2007;Tharion et al., 1991), negative effects and even no change in mood (Arruda et al., 2013). ...
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The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of aerobic exercise with different levels of blood flow restriction pressure on mood in military personnel. The sample consisted of 13 military men (age = 20.6 ± 2.2 years; body mass = 68.1 ± 7.7 kg; height = 1.69 ± 0.05 cm). The walking protocols with and without BFR were carried out over 18 minutes, as follows: a) CW+50%BFR - continuous treadmill walking (40% vVO2max) with 50% BFR; b) CW= continuous treadmill walking without BFR (40% vVO2max); c) CW+80%BFR= continuous treadmill walking (40% of vVO2max) with 80% BFR and d) CW+100%BFR= continuous treadmill walking (40% of vVO2max) with 100%BFR. Mood was measured using the Brunel scale (BRUMS) before exercise, immediately after exercise, 30 and 60 minutes after exercise. There was a significant reduction in the perception of vigor in the exercise protocols with BFR greater than in the CW protocol without BFR immediately after exercise (p< 0.05); b) there was a significant reduction in the perception of vigor up to 60 minutes in the exercise protocols with BFR (p< 0.005); c) there were significant increases in the perception of fatigue in the exercise protocols with BFR immediately after exercise (p< 0.005). We conclude that AE with different levels of BFR increases the perception of muscle fatigue and pain/discomfort immediately post-exercise, and sustains a reduction in the perception of vigor up to 60 minutes post-exercise when compared to the effects perceived with aerobic exercise without BFR. Keywords: Physical exercise, Military, Mood state, Aerobic training, Perceptual Skills.
... Obese individuals, in particular, may encounter difficulties in tolerating high-intensity exercise [8]. Continuous high-intensity exercise can induce unpleasant feelings, posing challenges to sustaining adherence to the exercise regimen [9][10][11]. This notion is aligned with the Dual Model Theory [12], which postulates that when exercise intensity exceeds physiological limits (e.g., ventilatory threshold 2), affective responses tend to be more negative, influenced by interoceptive factors such as lack of exercise. ...
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Introdução: O treinamento intervalado de alta intensidade com resistência elástica (EL-HIIT) tem se destacado promovendo estímulos cardiorrespiratórios em jovens ativos. Ainda não se sabe se indivíduos obesos apresentarão adaptações favoráveis de desempenho físico e na composição corporal. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos do EL-HIIT na aptidão cardiorrespiratória, composição corporal e resposta afetiva em uma mulher obesa. Métodos: Participante com IMC: 34,5 kg/m2, 42 anos, fisicamente inativa. Foram aplicados antes e após 12 semanas de treinamento: Teste cardiopulmonar de exercício na esteira, bioimpedância e o teste cardiopulmonar com resistência elástica. O EL-HIIT foi aplicado 2x por semana por 12 semanas (60s:60s – esforço: recuperação), prescrito na intensidade do limiar ventilatório 2, iniciando com 6 séries, e progredindo para mais uma série/semana, até alcançar 10 séries. A intensidade e a valência afetiva (FC, PSE, OMNI-RES, Escala afetiva) foram monitoradas durante e até 30 min após sessão. Resultados: O EL-HIIT aumentou o V̇O2máx (21,5%) e o V̇O2 do limiar ventilatório 1 (73,5%) e do limiar ventilatório 2 (46,6%). A massa livre de gordura aumentou (3,9%), e massa muscular esquelética aumentou (5,9%). A resposta afetiva aumentou durante (1ª = 1,2; 6ª = 1,5; 12ª = 2,3) e pós-sessão (1ª = 1,7; 6ª = 3,0; 12ª = 3,5). Conclusão: O EL-HIIT aplicado por 12 semanas em uma mulher obesa promoveu melhorias substanciais na aptidão cardiorrespiratória, resposta afetiva positiva além de melhora discreta na composição corporal.
... For people higher in behavioural disengagement may be difficult or stressful to cease smoking because they do not expect to succeed (Carver et al., 1989) or because they are motivated to fulfil craving and avoid nicotine withdrawal (Loewenstein, 1999). However, individuals low in behavioural disengagement may effectively manage stress through other means (Hall et al., 2002) or may be more comfortable experiencing stress (Tamir, 2009), negating the need to rely on smoking for stress reduction. Successful smoking cessation interventions were performed in two reviewed articles. ...
The aim of this paper is to present a discourse of behavioural economics with its nudge theory in public health policy. Considering the great number of papers dealing with this phenomenon in the past few years, the study identifies various focus areas and suggests areas for future research using peer-reviewed journal articles. They have been properly selected from the Web of Science and Scopus databases in the three-year period of 2018 to 2020 based on the approach of Hohenstein et al. (2014). The overall effectiveness of the reviewed nudging strategies was over 80%. A range of explored areas such as obesity or addictions is associated with high costs for the health care and social systems and with lowered quality of life. Therefore, this review suggests a movement towards more research and publications in all the focus areas and collecting more data of nudges so that health policymakers and other stakeholders may use their indisputable potential.
... Это хорошо соотносится с результатами, полученными исследователями, что неприятные ощущения, связанные с высокоинтенсивной физической нагрузкой, «отскакивают» (т. е. возвращаются на прежний или более высокий уровень) сразу после прекращения тренировки [3,10]. Поэтому, предположительно, после заключительной части занятия многие испытуемые чувствовали себя лучше, чем перед тренировкой. ...
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Objective of the study was to objectify the dynamics of affective valence in a group of healthy recreationally inactive females in response to low-volume, highintensity interval training with their own body weight (whole-body HIIT). Methods and structure of the study. Recreational-inactive healthy female students (n=11) who met the inclusion criteria took part in the experiment. Affective valence, heart rate and external parameters of physical activity were recorded. Results and conclusions. Affective valence significantly decreased from 3.0 (3.0– 3.0) to 0.0 (-1.0–1.0) points after overcoming the 85% threshold of the maximum predicted heart rate value, but after a cool-down (( 3.0 (3.0–5.0) points)) the majority of subjects (54.5%) felt better than before the training ((3.0 (2.0–3.0) points)), which confirms presence of affective rebound. Thus, it is fair to conclude that the state of affective elation experienced after training may be one of the factors of adherence to low-volume whole-body HIIT. Цель исследования – объективизация динамики аффективной валентности в группе здоровых рекреационно-неактивных лиц женского пола, в ответ на малообъемную высокоинтенсивную интервальную тренировку с весом собственного тела (whole-body HIIT). Методика и организация исследования. В эксперименте приняли участие рекреационно-неактивные здоровые студентки (n=11), соответствующие критериям включения. Фиксировались аффективная валентность, частота сердечных сокращений и внешние параметры физической нагрузки. Результаты исследования и выводы. Аффективная валентность достоверно снижалась с 3,0 (3,0–3,0) до 0,0 (-1,0–1,0) баллов после преодоления 85% порога от максимально прогнозируемого значения частоты сердечных со- кращений, однако после заключительной части занятия (3,0 (3,0–5,0) балла) большинство испытуемых (54,5%) чувствовали себя лучше, чем перед тре- нировкой (3,0 (2,0–3,0) балла), что подтверждает наличие аффективного от- скока. Таким образом, справедливым является вывод, что состояние аффек- тивного подъема, испытываемого после тренировки, может являться одним их факторов приверженности малообъемным whole-body HIIT.
... In addition, given that our sample is comprised of people from the general population, we do not know whether those participants who perceive themselves as active athletes are professional athletes (yet this information would help us to make stronger assumptions regarding the difference in intensity of physical activity between those who consider themselves a recreationist and athletes). Our study findings contradict the study findings of those who reported the existence of a negative association between practicing more intense and strenuous physical activity and PA (e.g., Hall et al., 2002). This is also visible from the positive association that we found between the weekly frequency of leisuretime activity and PA (knowing that strenuous activity has the highest ponder in the composite score calculated from the GLTEQ).We also have found a positive association between the weekly frequency of leisure-time activity and SWB which is also in line with earlier studies. ...
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The current study was designed to examine the relationship between physical activity and mental health. We investigated whether individuals who perceive themselves as physically inactive, recreationists, or active athletes differ in positive (positive affect, subjective well-being, unconditional self-acceptance) and negative mental health outcomes (depression, anxiety, stress, negative affect, conditional self-acceptance). Furthermore, we investigated whether the total level of leisure-time physical activity predicted different mental health indicators. Analysis revealed that physically active respondents (recreationists and active athletes) seem to have better overall mental health status than physically inactive ones. Precisely, physically inactive individuals scored higher on all measures of negative mental health indicators, and lower on all measures of positive mental health indicators, compared with the participants from the two other groups. At the same time, there were no significant differences in these measures between recreationists and active athletes. Besides, a positive association was found between the weekly frequency of leisure-time activity and only two positive indicators of mental health (positive affect and subjective well-being)of all tested. The obtained results suggest that it is often more relevant for mental health whether someone is physically active or not, in general, than how frequently they exercise.
... The FS measures affective valence at the present moment with one item "How do you feel right now?" on an 11-point scale from −5 (Very bad) to +5 (Very good) (Hardy and Rejeski, 1989). The FS is a valid and reliable measure of affective valance and is shown to correlate with other measures of affect (Hall et al., 2002). It has been widely used to measure affective valence in physical activity studies (Ekkekakis, 2003). ...
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Background Most adults are insufficiently active. Mindfulness training may increase moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) adoption and adherence. However, physiological and psychological factors underlying these effects are not well understood. This study examined the effects of an acute bout of MVPA, mindfulness training, and combined MVPA and mindfulness training on physiological and psychological outcomes. Methods Healthy adults (N = 29, Mage = 28.6) completed 20-min counterbalanced conditions: (a) mindfulness training (MIND); (b) moderate intensity walking (PA), and (c) moderate intensity walking while listening to MVPA-specific guided mindfulness training (PAMIND). Heart rate (HR), Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE), Feeling Scale (FS) and Blood Pressure (BP) were measured at rest, at regular intervals during each condition, and post-condition. Mindfulness, state anxiety, and self-efficacy were assessed pre- and post-condition. Results Average and peak HR, systolic BP (SBP), and RPE were significantly higher, and average and peak FS were significantly lower during the PA and PAMIND conditions compared to MIND (p < 0.001). Average RPE was significantly higher for PA compared to PAMIND (p < 0.001). Heart rate, feeling scale, body and mental events mindfulness, and self-efficacy for walking increased from pre to post (all p’s < 0.001) for all conditions. Time by condition interactions were significant for change in heart rate, mental events mindfulness, and state anxiety from pre- to post-condition. Conclusion The physiological response to MVPA and PAMIND were similar. However, RPE was rated lower in the PAMIND condition, which could have implications for MVPA adoption and maintenance. Future work should further explore RPE combining MVPA and mindfulness training.
... Basing exercise intensity on RPE is thought to be more reliable than heart rate since the former is more closely associated with an individual's maximal fitness capacity (Goss et al., 2011;Haile et al., 2015). In general, individuals choose to exercise at or just below VT1 (Ekkekakis & Lind, 2006;Lind et al., 2005) and experience decreased pleasure and increased desire to cease exercise as intensities approach VT2 (Ekkekakis et al., 2004;Hall et al., 2002). ...
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Evidence suggests that inhibitory control during high intensity exercise is suppressed. Mindfulness and aerobic exercise forms of cognitive training have been shown to enhance inhibitory control and might serve to reduce loss of inhibitory control during high exercise intensity. However, it is unclear whether they may have synergistic effects for cognitive enhancement. Our aims were to investigate effects of exercise intensity on inhibitory control and to test if integrating mindfulness techniques into exercise training provided heightened enhancement of inhibitory control over exercise training alone. Fifty-five active, healthy young adults (30 females; 23 ± 4 years) completed a Go/NoGo task while simultaneously stationary cycling at light, moderate and hard intensities before and after completing multiple brief sessions of cognitive training based on mindfulness and exercise, or exercise alone. A third, control condition completed reading in place of exercise and mindfulness training. Go/NoGo task error rates, response latency and intraindividual variance in response latency did not differ significantly between exercise intensity conditions. Moreover, there was no significant effect of, or differences between, cognitive training conditions on Go/NoGo task performance. Inhibitory control during exercise is not influenced by exercise intensity, at least at the intensity levels induced in this experiment. Furthermore, exercise and mindfulness + exercise does not appear to lend benefits to inhibitory control in situations where inhibitory control during exercise is already high.
Biscardi, LM, Miller, AD, Andre, MJ, and Stroiney, DA. Self-efficacy, effort, and performance perceptions enhance psychological responses to strength training in National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I athletes. J Strength Cond Res 38(5): 898–905, 2024—This study examined the effect of self-efficacy, effort, and perceived performance on positive well-being (PWB) and psychological distress (PD) following high-intensity resistance training sessions in collegiate student-athletes. An observational field study design was used to collect data before and after resistance training sessions in a 4-week preseason strength training block. A multilevel model assessed day-level and person-level variance in acute PWB and PD. Interaction terms were also tested at the day level. Alpha was set at 0.05. Within a 4-week training block, training session intensity did not predict changes in acute psychological responses. After controlling for an athlete's preexercise psychological state, higher self-efficacy, daily effort, and perceived performance predicted higher PWB and lower PD following training ( p < 0.05). Self-efficacy moderated the relationships of daily effort and performance with PD ( p < 0.05). When athletes experienced lower self-efficacy, producing a higher effort and perceiving better performance reduced the negative psychological response. These findings highlight the important mediating role of cognitive variables in the acute psychological response to high-intensity resistance training. Coaches should identify and mitigate low cognitive states to facilitate a positive psychological response to resistance training. This strategy promotes a positive psychological response without altering training prescription.
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Background Although aerobic exercise is the primary modality recommended for the treatment of hypertension, it remains unclear whether high-intensity all-out sprint interval training (SIT) can result in greater reductions of blood pressure (BP) and cardiorespiratory health. This systematic review aims to compare the impact of SIT versus Moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) on improvements in resting systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and maximal oxygen uptake (VO 2 max) among adults. Methods We conducted a systematic search of three online databases (PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science) from January 2000 to July 2023 to identify randomized controlled trials that compared the chronic effects of SIT versus MICT on BP in participants with high or normal blood pressure. We extracted information on participant characteristics, exercise protocols, BP outcomes, and intervention settings. Furthermore, the changes in VO 2 max between the two groups were analyzed using a meta-analysis. The pooled results were presented as weighted means with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results Out of the 1,874 studies initially were found, eight were included in this review, totaling 169 participants. A significant decrease in SBP (MD = −2.82 mmHg, 95% CI [−4.53 to −1.10], p = 0.08, I ² =45%) was observed in the SIT group compared to before the training, but no significant decrease in DBP (MD = −0.75 mmHg, 95% CI [−1.92 to 0.42], p = 0.16, I ² = 33%) was observed. In contrast, both SBP (MD = −3.00 mmHg, 95% CI [−5.31 to −0.69], p = 0.68, I ² = 0%) and DBP (MD = −2.11 mmHg, 95% CI [−3.63 to −0.60], p = 0.72, I ² = 0%) significantly decreased in the MICT group with low heterogeneity. No significant difference was found in resting SBP and DBP between SIT and MICT after the intervention. Both SIT and MICT significantly increased VO 2 peak, with SIT resulting in a mean difference (MD) of 1.75 mL/kg/min (95% CI [0.39–3.10], p = 0.02, I ² = 61%), and MICT resulting in a mean difference of 3.10 mL/kg/min (95% CI [1.03–5.18], p = 0.007, I ² = 69%). MICT was more effective in improving VO 2 peak (MD = −1.36 mL/kg/min, 95% CI [−2.31 to 0.40], p = 0.56, I ² = 0%). Subgroup analysis of duration and single sprint time showed that SIT was more effective in reducing SBP when the duration was ≥8 weeks or when the sprint time was <30 s. Conclusion Our meta-analysis showed that SIT is an effective intervention in reducing BP and improving cardiorespiratory fitness among adults. Consequently, SIT can be used in combination with traditional MICT to increase the variety, utility, and time efficiency of exercise prescriptions for different populations.
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Understanding emotional disorders requires understanding the evolutionary origins and functions of normal emotions. They are special states, shaped by natural selection to adjust various aspects of the organism in ways that have tended to give a selective advantage in the face of the adaptive challenges characteristic of a particular kind of situation. They are designed to maximize reproductive success, not happiness. Negative emotions such as anxiety and low mood are not disorders, but, like the capacity for pain, evolved defences. Excessive anxiety or low mood is abnormal, but we will not have confidence about what is excessive until we understand their functions better than we do. Emotional disorders arise often from social emotions because of the conflicts inherent in social life, and because of the strategic advantages of demonstrating commitments to follow through on threats and promises. An evolutionary understanding of individuals in terms of their relationship strategies and the social emotions offers great promise for psychotherapists.
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Two studies were conducted to examine the internal consistency and validity of the state anxiety subscale of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (SAI) in the context of acute exercise. SAI responses typically found in the exercise literature were replicated. Analysis at the item level revealed divergent response patterns, confounding the total SAI score. During moderate and immediately after vigorous exercise, scores on items referring to cognitive antecedents of anxiety decreased, whereas scores on items assessing perceived activation increased. Indices of internal showed exercise-associated decreases. A principal-components analysis of responses immediately postexercise revealed a multidimensional structure, distinguishing "cognitive" and "activation" items. By failing to discern exercise-induced and anxiety-related increases in activation from anxiety-antecedent appraisals, the SAI exhibits compromised internal consistency and validity in the context of acute exercise.
This review examines the effects of exercise and physical activity on the psychological well-being of older adults. Unlike most of the literature in this area, this review focuses primarily on those psychosocial outcomes that are generally positive in nature. As well as considering the overall effects of physical activity, the roles of program length, subject sex, age, physical fitness, and measurement are considered. Overall, the results of the 38 studies reviewed are overwhelmingly positive, with the majority reporting positive associations between physical activity and psychological well-being. This relationship appears to be moderated by the length of the exercise programs; longer programs consistently report more positive results. There is little evidence that exercise has differential psychological effects on men and women or on individuals of differing ages. Whereas training protocols seem to result in significant changes in physical fitness and well-being, such improvements appear to be unrelated. The review concludes with a brief discussion of possible mechanisms underlying the physical activity/psychological health relationship, and several directions are recommended for future research.