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Medicine. Do defaults save lives?



The article discusses how should policy-makers choose defaults regarding organ donors. First, consider that every policy must have a no-action default, and defaults impose physical, cognitive, and, in the case of donation, emotional costs on those who must change their status. Second, note that defaults can lead to two kinds of misclassification, willing donors who are not identified or people who become donors against their wishes. Changes in defaults could increase donations in the United States of additional thousands of donors a year. Because each donor can be used for about three transplants, the consequences are substantial in lives saved.
Since 1995, more than 45,000 people in
the United States have died waiting
for a suitable donor organ. Although
an oft-cited poll (1) showed that 85% of
Americans approve of organ donation, less
than half had made a decision about donat-
ing, and fewer still (28%) had granted per-
mission by signing a donor card, a pattern
also observed in Germany, Spain, and
Sweden (24). Given the shortage of
donors, the gap between approval and ac-
tion is a matter of life and death.
What drives the decision to become a
potential donor? Within the European
Union, donation rates vary by nearly an or-
der of magnitude across countries and these
differences are stable from year to year.
Even when controlling for variables such as
transplant infrastructure, economic and ed-
ucational status, and religion (5), large dif-
ferences in donation rates persist. Why?
Most public policy choices have a no-
action default, that is, a condition is im-
posed when an individual fails to make a
decision (6,7). In the case of organ dona-
tion, European countries have one of two
default policies. In presumed-consent
states, people are organ donors unless they
register not to be, and in explicit-consent
countries, nobody is an organ donor with-
out registering to be one.
According to a classical economics view,
preferences exist and are available to the de-
cision-maker—people simply find too little
value in organ donation. This view has led
to calls for the establishment of a regulated
market for the organs of the deceased (8,9),
for the payment of donors or donors’ fami-
lies (10,11), and even for suggestions that
organs should become public property upon
death (12). Calls for campaigns to change
public attitudes (13) are widespread. In clas-
sical economics, defaults should have a lim-
ited effect: when defaults are not consistent
with preferences, people would choose an
appropriate alternative.
A different hypothesis arises from re-
search depicting preferences as constructed,
that is, not yet articulated in the minds of
those who have not been asked (14–16). If
preferences for being an organ donor are
constructed, defaults can influence choices
in three ways: First, decision-makers might
believe that defaults are suggestions by the
policy-maker, which imply a recommended
action. Second, making a decision often in-
volves effort, whereas accepting the default
is effortless. Many people would rather
avoid making an active decision about dona-
tion, because it can be unpleasant and stress-
ful (17). Physical effort such as filling out a
form may also increase acceptance of the de-
fault (18). Finally, defaults often represent
the existing state or status quo, and change
usually involves a trade-off. Psychologists
have shown that losses loom larger than the
equivalent gains, a phenomenon known as
loss aversion (19). Thus, changes in the de-
fault may result in a change of choice.
Governments, companies, and public
agencies inadvertently run “natural experi-
ments” testing the power of defaults.
Studies of insurance choice (20), selection
of Internet privacy policies (21, 22), and
the level of pension savings (23) all show
large effects, often with substantial finan-
cial consequences.
Defaults and Organ Donations
We investigated the effect of defaults on
donation agreement rates in three studies.
The first used an online experiment (24):
161 respondents were asked whether they
would be donors on the basis of one of
three questions with varying defaults. In
the opt-in condition, participants were told
to assume that they had just moved to a
new state where the default was not to be
an organ donor, and they were given a
choice to confirm or change that status.
The opt-out condition was identical, except
the default was to be a donor. The third,
neutral condition simply required them to
choose with no prior default. Respondents
could at a mouse click change their choice,
largely eliminating effort explanations.
The form of the question had a dramat-
ic impact (see figure, left): Revealed dona-
tion rates were about twice as high when
opting-out as when opting-in. The opt-out
condition did not differ significantly from
the neutral condition (without a default op-
tion). Only the opt-in condition, the current
practice in the United States, was signifi-
cantly lower.
In the last two decades, a number of
European countries have had opt-in or opt-
out default options for individuals’ deci-
sions to become organ donors. Actual deci-
sions about organ donation may be affected
by governmental educational programs, the
Do Defaults Save Lives?
Eric J. Johnson* and Daniel Goldstein
The authors are at the Center for Decision Sciences,
Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA.
*To whom all correspondence should be addressed:
82 79
Opt-In Opt-Out Neutral
Percent consenting
to being donors
Effective consent rates, online experiment,
as a function of default.
17.17 12
99.98 98 99.91 99.97 99.5 99.64
Effective consent percentage
United Kingdom
Effective consent rates, by country.Explicit consent (opt-in, gold) and presumed consent (opt-
out, blue).
efforts of public health organizations, and
cultural and infrastructural factors. We ex-
amined the rate of agreement to become a
donor across European countries with ex-
plicit and presumed consent laws. We sup-
plemented the data reported in Gäbel (25)
by contacting the central registries for sever-
al countries, which allowed us to estimate
the effective consent rate, that is, the number
of people who had opted in (in explicit-con-
sent countries) or the number who had not
opted out (in presumed-consent countries).
If preferences concerning organ donation
are strong, we would expect defaults to have
little or no effect. However, as can be seen in
the figure (page 1338, bottom), defaults ap-
pear to make a large difference: the four opt-
in countries (gold) had lower rates than the
six opt-out countries (blue). The two distri-
butions have no overlap, and nearly 60 per-
centage points separate the two groups. One
reason these results appear to be greater than
those in our laboratory study is that the cost
of changing from the default is higher; it in-
volves filling out forms, making phone
calls, and sending mail. These low rates of
agreement to become a donor come, in
some cases, despite
marked efforts to in-
crease donation rates. In
the Netherlands, for ex-
ample, the 1998 cre-
ation of a national donor
registry was accompa-
nied by an extensive ed-
ucational campaign and
a mass mailing (of more
than 12 million letters in
a country of 15.8 mil-
lion) asking citizens to
register, which failed to
change the effective
consent rate (26).
Do increases in
agreement rates result
in increased rates of do-
nation? There are many reasons preventing
registered potential donors from actually
donating. These include: families’ objec-
tions to a loved one’s consent, doctors’ hes-
itancy to use a default option, and a mis-
match with potential recipients, as well as
differences in religion, culture, and infra-
To examine this, we analyzed the actual
number of cadaveric donations made per
million on a slightly larger list of countries,
with data from 1991 to 2001 (27). We ana-
lyzed these data using a multiple regression
analysis with the actual donation rates as de-
pendent measures and the default as a pre-
dictor variable. To control for other differ-
ences in countries’ propensity to donate,
transplant infrastructure, educational level,
and religion, we included variables known to
serve as proxies for these constructs (5) and
an indicator variable representing each year.
This analysis presents a strong conclu-
sion. Although there are no differences
across years, there is a strong effect of the de-
fault: When donation is the default, there is a
16.3% (P< 0.02) increase in donation, in-
creasing the donor rate from 14.1 to 16.4
million (see figure, this page, blue line).
Using similar techniques, but looking only at
1999 for a broader set of European countries,
including many more from Eastern Europe,
Gimbel et al. (5) report an increase in the
rate from 10.8 to 16.9, a 56.5% increase (see
figure, this page, red line). Differences in the
estimates of size may be due to differences in
the countries included in the analysis: Many
of the countries examined by Gimbel et al.
had much lower rates of donation.
How should policy-makers choose defaults?
First, consider that every policy must have a
no-action default, and defaults impose physi-
cal, cognitive, and, in the case of donation,
emotional costs on those who must change
their status. As noted earlier, both national
surveys and the no-de-
fault condition in our ex-
periment suggest that
most Americans favor
organ donation. This im-
plies that explicit con-
sent policies impose the
costs of switching on the
apparent majority (28).
Second, note that de-
faults can lead to two
kinds of misclassifica-
tion: willing donors
who are not identified
or people who become
donors against their
wishes. Balancing these
errors with the good
done by the lives saved
through organ transplantation leads to deli-
cate ethical and psychological questions.
These decisions should be informed by fur-
ther research examining the role of the three
causes of default effects. For example, one
might draw different conclusions if the ef-
fect of defaults on donation rates is due pri-
marily to the physical costs of responding,
than if they were due to loss aversion.
The tradeoff between errors of classifi-
cation and physical, cognitive, and emo-
tional costs must be made with the knowl-
edge that defaults make a large difference
in lives saved through transplantation.
Our data and those of Gimbel et al. sug-
gest changes in defaults could increase do-
nations in the United States of additional
thousands of donors a year. Because each
donor can be used for about three trans-
plants, the consequences are substantial in
lives saved. Our results stand in contrast
with the suggestion that defaults do not
matter (29). Policy-makers performing
analysis in this and other domains should
consider that defaults make a difference.
References and Notes
1. The Gallup Organization, “The American Public’s
Attitude Toward Organ Donation and Trans-
plantation” (Gallup Organization,Princeton, NJ,1993).
2. S. M. Gold, K. Shulz, U. Koch,
The Organ Donation
Process: Causes of the Organ Shortage and
Approaches to a Solution
(Federal Center for Health
Education, Cologne, 2001),
3. H. Gäbel, H. N. Rehnqvist,
Transplant. Proc.
4. C. Conesa
et al
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35,1276 (2003).
5. R. W. Gimbel, M. A. Strosberg, S. E. Lehrman, E.
Gefenas, F. Taft,
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13,17 (2003).
6. R. H. Thaler, C. Sunstein,
Univ. Chicago Law Rev.
7. C. Camerer, S. Issacharoff, G. Loewenstein, T.
O’Donoghue, M. Rabin,
Univ. Penn. Law Rev.
2111 (2003).
8. M. Clay, W. Block,
J. Soc. Polit. Econ. Stud.
9. J. Harris, C. Erin,
325,114 (2002).
10. C. E. Harris, S. P. Alcorn,
Issues Law Med.
3,213 (2001).
11. D. Josefson,
324,1541 (2002).
12. J. Harris,
J. Med. Ethics
29,303 (2003).
13. J. S.Wolf, E. M. Servino, H. N. Nathan,
Transplant. Proc.
29,1477 (1997).
14. J. W. Payne, J. R. Bettman, E. J. Johnson,
Annu. Rev.
43,87 (1992).
15. P. Slovic,
Am. Psychol.
50,364 (1995).
16. D. Kahneman, A. Tversky, Eds.,
Choices, Values, and
(Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2000).
17. J. Baron, I. Ritov,
Org. Behav. Hum. Decision Processes
59,475 (1994).
18. W. Samuelson, R. Zeckhauser,
J. Risk Uncertainty
19. A. Tversky, D. Kahneman,
Q. J. Econ.
106(4), 1039
20. E. J. Johnson, J. Hershey, J. Meszaros, H. Kunreuther,
Risk Uncertainty
7,35 (1993).
21. S. Bellman, E. J. Johnson, G. L. Lohse,
Commun. ACM
Assoc. Comput. Machin.
) 44,25 (February 2001).
22. E. J. Johnson, S. Bellman, G. L. Lohse,
Marketing Lett.
13,5 (February 2002).
23. B. C. Madrian, D. Shea,
Q. J. Econ.
116(1), 1149 (2001).
24. Methods and details of analysis are available as sup-
porting material on
25. H. Gäbel,“Donor and Non-Donor Registries in Europe”
(on behalf of the committee of experts on the
Organizational Aspects of Co-operation in Organ
Transplantation of the Council of Europe, Brussels,
26. M. C. Oz
et al.
J. Heart Lung Transplant.
27. We used a times series analysis to account for possi-
ble changes in transplant technology and infrastruc-
ture, as well as the effects of continuing public edu-
cation campaigns.
28. An alternative advocated by the American Medical
Association (
) is mandated choice, which imposes
the cost of making an active decision on all.This prac-
tice is currently employed in the state of Virginia, but,
consistent with the constructive preferences perspec-
tive, about 24% of the first million Virginians asked
said they were undecided (
29. A. L. Caplan,
272,1708 (1994).
30. American Medical Association, “Strategies for cadav-
eric organ procurement: Mandated choice and pre-
sumed consent” (American Medical Association,
Chicago, 1993).
31. A. C. Klassen, D. K. Klassen,
Ann. Intern. Med.
32. This research has been supported by the Columbia
University Center for Decision Science and the
Columbia Business School Center for Excellence in E-
Business. We thank L. Roels for providing the data on
actual donation rates.
Supporting Online Material
Opt-in Opt-out
Donation rate per million
Estimated donation rate,opt-in versus
opt-out, as a function of default,
1991–2001. Means ± SEM; this paper,
blue; Gimbel
et al
), red.
... Rather than objectively evaluating the pros and cons of new alternatives, individuals affected by status quo bias are often driven by perceived risks and uncertainties [2]. The reluctance to embrace change has been observed in various contexts, including retirement savings and organ donation [3,4]. The effects of this bias extend beyond individual behavior, influencing broader economic and organizational decision-making. ...
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This research examines the role of status quo bias in shaping monetary policy decision-making during the 2008 financial crisis, focusing on the responses of the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank (ECB). Status quo bias, a cognitive bias that leads individuals and institutions to resist change, often results in delayed decisions and sub-optimal outcomes. This study employs a comparative case study methodology, analyzing the timing and nature of central bank interventions, such as interest rate cuts and quantitative easing during the crisis. By systematically reviewing policy actions and utilizing qualitative content analysis, the research identifies how status quo bias contributed to delayed responses and inadequate adjustments. The findings indicate that while the Federal Reserve, despite initial hesitation, quickly implemented unconventional measures that helped stabilize the U.S. economy, the ECB's adherence to traditional frameworks led to critical delays, resulting in a slower recovery in the Eurozone. These insights underscore the significant influence of cognitive biases on monetary policy, with implications for future crisis management strategies. Addressing the effects of status quo bias could lead to more agile and adaptive central banking policies, ultimately enhancing economic resilience during times of crisis.
... From the psychological literature, it is known that defaults tend to have a strong behavioral effect (Johnson andGoldstein 2003, Ben-Shahar andPottow 2005). If this effect is critical, the fact that minimal protection is defined as the default should induce the highest number of customers to choose this version of the contract. ...
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In an experiment on the large language model GPT-4o, a supplier always makes a higher profit if it replaces uniform contract terms with a set of terms between which the customer may choose. The extra profit results from price discrimination. There is a first order and a second order effect. The first order effect results from heterogeneous willingness to pay for a more protective term. The second order effect results from the possibility that contract choice is a signal for general willingness to pay for the traded commodity. In the experiment, the effect is bigger if the least protective version is labelled as the default, and more protective terms as an "upgrade". The effect is smaller if, conversely, the most protective version is labelled as the default and less protective (and cheaper) versions as an opportunity for "savings". The effect is also bigger if the supplier only sets the price after it knows which version of the contract the consumer chooses. The profit increasing effect of giving the consumer a choice is strong. There is no piece of demographic information that has a stronger effect. Most pieces of demographic information (which the supplier might, for instance, learn through cookie data) have a significantly smaller effect on profit. If the supplier combines cookie information about demographic markers with contract choice, it always makes an extra profit.
This article examines the intersection between liberal democracy, behavioural governance, and communication, highlighting their uses, potentialities, and risks. Behavioural economics has introduced innovative approaches in the formulation of public policies, rising new forms of governance and communication with citizens in order to optimise their behaviour. Two decades after the concept appeared, this article takes a current picture of behavioural governance in the world. The research identifies the leading regions and countries, the nature of the units of behaviour and their governmental relationship, as well as their main areas of activity. The findings highlight the prominence of interventions in health, environment and communication, reflecting a global trend towards the use of behavioural knowledge to improve the communication of public policies and overcome cognitive biases enhanced by the media. The authors focus attention on the need for robust regulatory frameworks to ensure ethical deployment and protection of individual rights in this evolving landscape.
Time-of-use flexible rate plans charge varying prices for electricity use by hour of day to discourage on-peak use and encourage off-peak use. Residential uptake of these plans may benefit themselves and contribute to the transition to low-carbon economy. The current take-up rate in Chinese households remains suboptimal. Setting defaults and framing messages are popular low-cost strategies informed by behavioral economics to promote consumer behavior change. However, little existing literature examines their effectiveness in enhancing the plans acceptance in Chinese residents. Using an online survey data over 2,860 respondents, this paper finds that, setting the default choice to enroll in the TOU plans noticeably increases willingness to adopt. Moreover, people’s intention to participate grow remarkably after receiving information on the potential economic benefits of uptake. Furthermore, economically-loss framing (describing missed potential savings if not involved) is discovered to be more effective than gain-framing. Implications for designing better promotional information are discussed. JEL Classification: D12
Purpose In light of increasing public concern over social media privacy breaches, this study aims to unveil the context-dependent and individual-specific nature of social media disclosure decisions. In particular, this paper aims to examine the disclosure choices of maximizers and satisficers in the presence of privacy setting defaults on social networking sites (SNSs). Design/methodology/approach Data are collected through an online scenario-based experiment with 200 Mechanical Turk participants. The study uses a 2 (Privacy setting default: No Sharing [“Only Me”] vs. Public Sharing [“Everyone”]) × 2 (Decision mindset: maximizing vs. satisficing) between-subject design. Findings Analyzing responses using ordered logistic regression models, this paper found a general tendency toward default settings, with maximizers exhibiting a stronger default preference than satisficers. For instance, maximizers were eight times more likely, and satisficers were only three times more likely to choose “Everyone” in the presence of the “Everyone” (vs. “Only Me”) default when deciding who can post on their private page. The perceived level of privacy risk further shaped satisficers and maximizers’ preferences.
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Affective feelings exert a powerful influence on decision making, even when the source of those feelings is incidental, i.e., unrelated to the decision at hand. Research on the role of affect in decision making has typically focused on how incidental affect shapes evaluations of an individual target, and thus decisions about how to engage with that target. It is less clear, however, if and how individuals use their incidental affective feelings when evaluating and comparing multiple competing targets and deciding which one to choose. To investigate this, we modified the Affect Misattribution Procedure (AMP) to include two competing targets, presented sequentially, that individuals needed to choose between. In two pre-registered studies (N = 196 and N = 214), participants were presented with pairs of landscape images (e.g., beaches, lakes) and asked to choose which image in the pair they liked more. Each landscape was preceded by an affective prime: a briefly flashed image of a face that was either smiling (a positive prime), scowling (a negative prime), or neutral (a neutral prime). We found that participants were significantly more likely to choose landscapes preceded by primes of more positive valence, and this effect was driven by trials on which the positive prime came second. Our studies demonstrate that decision makers use their incidental affective feelings when making choices among competing alternatives, and introduce a novel methodology for understanding the constructive role of affect in preference formation.
We conduct three experiments with over 1600 subjects to examine the impact of dynamic norms on organ donation. We find that dynamic norms (low‐prevalence behaviors framed as increasing in popularity over time) significantly increase organ donor registration, and that this effect is mainly driven by dynamic trends (prevalence of behaviors with a growth trend). The positive effect of dynamic trends on organ donor registration is better than that of combined norms (low‐descriptive but high‐injunctive behaviors). The underlying mechanism may be future norm perceptions and moral emotions (elevation). Our paper presents a novel and effective strategy to increase organ donation.
Five years after the beginning of the COVID pandemic, one thing is clear: The East Asian countries of Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea outperformed the United States in responding to and controlling the outbreak of the deadly virus. Although multiple factors likely contributed to this disparity, we propose that the culturally linked psychological defaults (“cultural defaults”) that pervade these contexts also played a role. Cultural defaults are commonsense, rational, taken-for-granted ways of thinking, feeling, and acting. In the United States, these cultural defaults include optimism and uniqueness, single cause, high arousal, influence and control, personal choice and self-regulation, and promotion. In Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea, these defaults include realism and similarity, multiple causes, low arousal, waiting and adjusting, social choice and social regulation, and prevention. In this article, we (a) synthesize decades of empirical research supporting these unmarked defaults; (b) illustrate how they were evident in the announcements and speeches of high-level government and organizational decision makers as they addressed the existential questions posed by the pandemic, including “Will it happen to me/us?” “What is happening?” “What should I/we do?” and “How should I/we live now?”; and (c) show the similarities between these cultural defaults and different national responses to the pandemic. The goal is to integrate some of the voluminous literature in psychology on cultural variation between the United States and East Asia particularly relevant to the pandemic and to emphasize the crucial and practical significance of meaning-making in behavior during this crisis. We provide guidelines for how decision makers might take cultural defaults into account as they design policies to address current and future novel and complex threats, including pandemics, emerging technologies, and climate change.
Political egalitarians hold that there is a distinct ideal of political equality, which defines and justifies democracy. So what is political equality? The orthodox view says it is equality of opportunity for political influence, not equality of political influence. The first goal of this article is to argue against this view about the nature of political equality. From 1962 to 1983, Australia’s First Nations citizens had the right to vote, but unlike other citizens they did not have the duty to vote. First Nations citizens were made politically unequal without being given any less opportunity for influence; the most plausible explanation for why they were made politically unequal is instead that they were made to exert less influence. The second goal is to use this challenge to illuminate the point of political equality. The orthodox view is typically undergirded by taking political equality to be concerned with some cosmic injustice that inheres in states of affairs, depending on the distribution of power. This is doubly mistaken. The point of political equality is deontic, not telic; and what it prescribes is not distributive, but relational. More specifically, the point of political equality is for the state to treat each citizen as an equal coauthor of the law. The overarching goal is to catalyze a more vigorous debate about political equality, akin to the long-standing debates about other dimensions of equality.
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A series of studies examines whether certain biases in probability assessments and perceptions of loss, previously found in experimental studies, affect consumers' decisions about insurance. Framing manipulations lead the consumers studied here to make hypothetical insurance-purchase choices that violate basic laws of probability and value. Subjects exhibit distortions in their perception of risk and framing effects in evaluating premiums and benefits. Illustrations from insurance markets suggest that the same effects occur when consumers make actual insurance purchases.
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One of the main themes that has emerged from behavioral decision research during the past 2 decades is the view that people's preferences are often constructed in the process of elicitation. This concept is derived in part from studies demonstrating that normatively equivalent methods of elicitation often give rise to systematically different responses. These "preference reversals" violate the principle of procedure invariance that is fundamental to theories of rational choice and raise difficult questions about the nature of human values. If different elicitation procedures produce different orderings of options, how can preferences be defined and in what sense do they exist? Describing and explaining such failures of invariance will require choice models of far greater complexity than the traditional models. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Differences in opt-in and opt-out responses are an important element of the current public debate concerning on-line privacy and more generally for permission marketing. We explored the issue empirically. Using two on-line experiments we show that the default has a major role in determining revealed preferences for further contact with a Web site. We then explore the origins of these differences showing that both framing and defaults have separate and additive effects in affecting the construction of preferences.
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Permission marketing requires consumers' consent before a Web site can track them with cookies, or send them marketing email, or sell their data to another company. Yet a study conducted by Cyber Dialogue Inc. found that 69% of U.S. Internet users did not know they had given their consent to be included on email distribution lists. Using the right combination of question framing and default answer, an online organization can almost guarantee it will get the consent of nearly every visitor to its site. Although lists of people who have supposedly opted-in for permission marketing schemes are valuable sources of revenue for Web sites, high response rates alone do not mean these lists contain valuable customers. They systematically explored the influence of question framing and response defaults on consumers' apparent privacy preferences in two online experiments detailed. Participants in these experiments were members of the Wharton Virtual Test Market, an online panel of over 30,000 Internet users representative of the U.S. Internet population. Results of experiments highlight the need for all online consumers to pay close attention to what they agree to when they send responses to a Web site. If consumers had fixed policies about the privacy of their data, then asking them to opt-out or opt-in to a Web site's privacy policy would make no difference to their answer.
Context Few studies on presumed consent and environmental predictors of cadaveric organ donation in Europe have been published. Objective To determine if a presumed consent policy and other variables can be used to predict the cadaveric organ donation rate per million population. Design Secondary analysis of published data. Setting Europe. Participants The unit of analysis for this study is the individual country. Main Outcome Measure Cadaveric organ donation rate per million population. Results Original and transformed data were subjected to ordinary least-squares regression. All 4 independent variables were significant predictors of cadaveric donation rate, including (1) having a presumed consent (opting-out) policy in practice, (2) number of transplant centers per million population, (3) percentage of the population enrolled in third-tier education, and (4) percentage of population that is Roman Catholic. Conclusion Findings may be useful to academics and professionals responsible for organ procurement. Additional research is necessary for practical application of findings. Generalizing these findings beyond Europe may be problematic because of external validity constraints.
The American Medical Association has just voted to encourage studies that would determine whether financial incentives would increase the pool of donor organs from cadavers.1 The association is only eight years behind a proposal that we made, outlining probably the only circumstances in which a market in donor organs could be achieved ethically and in a way that minimised the dangers of such a scheme. This is how an ethical market in live organs would work. To meet legitimate ethical and regulatory concerns any such scheme must have built into it safeguards against wrongful exploitation and show concern for vulnerable people, as well as taking into account considerations of justice and equity. If all this can be done then a market in human body products will be shown to be, at the very least, not prima facie unethical.2 One way of attending to this need for prudent regulation would be to establish a monopsony, a situation where only one buyer exists for the products of several sellers.3 The one legitimate purchaser in the marketplace would be required to take on responsibility for ensuring equitable distribution of all organs and tissues purchased. This would prevent the rich using their purchasing power to exploit …
THE SCARCITY OF ORGANS FOR TRANSPLANTATION The shortage of organs for transplantation is becoming more critical every year. Because of improvements in transplantation procedures, beginning with the advent of immunosuppressive therapies in the early 1980s, more patients now benefit from organ transplantation. As a result of transplantation's success, waiting lists for donor organs are increasingly crowded. Between December 1987 and June 1991, for example, the total number of patients on organ transplant waiting lists increased 75.3%, from 13153 to 23 056 patients.1
Behavioral decision research: A constructive processing perspective
Regulation by the state can take a variety of forms. Some regulations are aimed entirely at redistribution, such as when we tax the rich and give to the poor. Other regulations seek to counteract externalities by restricting behavior in a way that imposes harm on an individual basis but yields net societal benefits. A good example is taxation to fund public goods such as roads. In such situations, an individual would be better off if she alone were exempt from the tax; she benefits when everyone (including herself) must pay the tax.
Much experimental evidence indicates that choice depends on the status quo or reference level: changes of reference point often lead to reversals of preference. The authors present a reference-dependent theory of consumer choice, which explains such effects by a deformation of indifference curves about the reference point. The central assumption of the theory is that losses and disadvantages have greater impact on preferences than gains and advantages. Implications of loss aversion for economic behavior are considered. Copyright 1991, the President and Fellows of Harvard College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.