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Roderick GK, Navajas M. Genes in new environments: genetics and evolution in biological control. Nat Rev Gen 4: 889-899



The availability of new genetic technologies has positioned the field of biological control as a test bed for theories in evolutionary biology and for understanding practical aspects of the release of genetically manipulated material. Purposeful introductions of pathogens, parasites, predators and herbivores, when considered as replicated semi-natural field experiments, show the unpredictable nature of biological colonization. The characteristics of organisms and their environments that determine this variation in the establishment and success of biological control can now be explored using genetic tools. Lessons from studies of classical biological control can help inform researchers and policy makers about the risks that are associated with the release of genetically modified organisms, particularly with respect to long-term evolutionary changes.
The goal of biological control is to suppress the popula-
tion density of a pest organism through the use of preda-
tors, parasites, pathogens or herbivores. These organisms
might be indigenous, in which case natural enemies are
augmented or their effects on pests are facilitated, or they
might be non-indigenous, in which case the organisms
are purposefully introduced
(BOX 1).The latter case is
referred to as classical biological control
and involves
the introduction of whole genomes into a new environ-
ment. Some species that have been introduced for bio-
logical control purposes have also been artificially
selected in the laboratory or manipulated genetically to
express traits that are desirable for pest control.
Classical biological control is more than a century
old. Despite its age, researchers have questioned whether
the field has reached the status of a predictive science
In contrast to other modern practical sciences, such as
medicine, engineering and meteorology, in which we
customarily expect high rates of experimental success,
the probability that any given attempt at classical biolog-
ical control will lead first to establishment and subse-
quently to the control of a pest is relatively low
estimates indicate that in the biological control of
arthropods only 34% of all introductions have resulted
in establishment, only 47% of which provided control
of the targeted pest, giving an overall success rate of
.The biological control of weeds has a better rate
of establishment (60–63%) but a similar rate of overall
success in control (10–18%)
There are large gaps in our understanding of classical
biological control and, in particular, of what determines
the success of colonization and establishment. To com-
pound matters, unexpected consequences have dogged
the field, with some notable outcomes. Of particular
concern is whether species that are introduced to control
one pest will feed on other
HOSTS in the same environ-
ment. These so-called non-target effects can vary in
,but in extreme cases they have included the
extinction of non-target hosts
.Clearly, we need to
understand more about the factors that determine estab-
lishment and success to avoid what Peter Kareiva, a
noted ecologist, described as “hit-or-miss pest control,
with the misses possibly disrupting natural communities
far more than they reduce pest populations
Here,we outline the present possibilities for genetics
as a tool in biological control and note areas in which
progress is likely to accelerate in the future. We discuss
the probable roles of evolution and
logical control, and contrast findings in this area that
focus on microorganisms with those that focus on
George K. Roderick* and Maria Navajas
The availability of new genetic technologies has positioned the field of biological control as a
test bed for theories in evolutionary biology and for understanding practical aspects of the release
of genetically manipulated material. Purposeful introductions of pathogens, parasites, predators
and herbivores, when considered as replicated semi-natural field experiments, show the
unpredictable nature of biological colonization. The characteristics of organisms and their
environments that determine this variation in the establishment and success of biological control
can now be explored using genetic tools. Lessons from studies of classical biological control can
help inform researchers and policy makers about the risks that are associated with the release of
genetically modified organisms, particularly with respect to long-term evolutionary changes.
Prey for organisms that are
introduced for biological control.
*Environmental Science,
Policy and Management,
201 Wellman Hall MC 3112,
University of California,
Berkeley, California
94720-3112, USA.
Institut National de la
Recherche Agronomique,
Centre de Biologie
et Gestion des Populations,
Campus International
de Baillarguet, CS 30 016,
34980 Montferrier sur Lez,
Correspondence to G.K.R.
e-mail: roderick@nature.
Evolution as a result of selection.
Ancestral population; the pest
might have descended from this
population recently or many
generations in the past.
890 | NOVEMBER 2003 | VOLUME 4
Genetic markers for population origins and spread.
Because of the genealogical nature of genetic material,
so-called neutral genetic markers are ideal for tracing
the movement patterns of organisms. This information
can be used to determine the population origins and
spread of target pests, as well as the patterns of establish-
ment and spread of organisms that have been intro-
duced for biological control
The usual strategy for finding species that are suit-
able for classic biological control involves searching in
regions where the pest is indigenous, according to the
hypothesis that the most specific and efficient natural
enemies are to be found in the localities from which the
pest originates
.Every attempt is usually made to focus
the search for natural enemies on the
of the pest, which can be inferred from genetic data.
Unfortunately, recently founded populations of pests
macroorganisms. Finally, we examine the risks that are
associated with biological control and ask whether
research into this subject can be used to inform
researchers and policy makers as to the risks of using
genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
Genetics in biological control
Advances in genetics have already contributed much to
our understanding of biological control and with
genomic tools becoming available for more and more
species, progress is likely to increase exponentially
Three areas of genetic research have been especially influ-
ential: the development of genetic markers to examine
population origins and spread; the isolation of genes that
are involved in development, reproduction and behav-
iour, with much progress from new genomic informa-
tion; and the development of gene-transfer technology.
Box 1 | Ty pes of biological control
The biological control of pests can
involve several different types of
.In classical biological
control (
a), non-indigenous predators,
parasites, pathogens or herbivores are
typically, although not always,
collected in the native habitat of the
. The organisms to be released
are quarantined to address biosafety
concerns while non-target-host testing
and other tests take place
Introductions can involve large
numbers of individuals in one
environment or smaller numbers in
several different habitats or localities.
After establishment, the introduced
species and the pest are both expected
to persist indefinitely at low numbers,
which provides long-term control.
This method is suitable if long-term
persistence is desired and if non-target
risks are low.
In inoculation biological control (
the organisms are intentionally
released with the expectation that they
will then multiply and control the pest
species for an extended period, but not
permanently. The organisms
reproduce after release, but
establishment is neither expected nor desired. For this reason, this
method is well suited to ecosystems that are periodical or contained,
such as glass houses
.Because establishment and long-term
persistence do not occur, the procedure must be repeated regularly.
In inundative biological control (
c), the organisms to be released are
reared, often commercially, to increase their numbers before release
and control is then achieved exclusively by the released organisms themselves. In contrast to inoculation biological control, reproduction is not expected
after release — this distinction is often important for regulatory agencies. Of course, unexpected inoculative effects might occur if reproduction does
take place after release.
In conservation biological control (
d), aspects of the habitat or cultural practices are altered to increase the number or efficiency of predators,
parasites, pathogens or herbivores. Such alternations might include providing increased spatial complexity of the habitat, for example through
providing further crops, or changing the timing of various aspects of cultivation or other means of pest control, such as pesticide applications.
When indigenous natural enemies are involved, this method presents limited risks to non-target hosts.
a Classical
b Inoculation
c Inundative
d Conservation
Establishment of
control agent
Control agent
reproduces but
does not persist
Habitat altered to
favour natural
control agent
Control agent
does not reproduce
Biological control agent
Control agents propagated
before release
Pest species
growth rate
and pathways of dispersal
releases of species for biological control provide an
opportunity to test these approaches. For example,
known numbers of the cane toad Bufo marinus were
serially introduced into the Pacific islands and Australia
to control a beetle pest of sugar cane, which allowed
replicated assessments of genetic bottlenecks that were
associated with the introduction and of the subsequent
population growth
Genetic markers are also powerful tools for moni-
toring biological control releases and for assessing rele-
vant biological traits. In quarantine situations, for
example, genetic markers can be used to examine the
effect that rearing populations of a biological control
agent can have on genetic diversity, or simply for diag-
nostics and quality control
.In the field, the impor-
tance of particular traits in the success of establishment
and control can be assessed. Introductions of individu-
als from different sources or from laboratory colonies
that were selected for different characteristics, such as
insecticide resistance
or host detection
, can be exam-
ined after introduction to determine which phenotypes
or genotypes have prevailed
.As a way of identifying
individuals in the field, marker genes have recently
been used to genetically modify organisms before their
release. These genes can be subsequently monitored to
track the organisms and their offspring in nature, as
well as to test hypotheses about the risks that are associ-
ated with the release of GMOs. Green fluorescent pro-
tein (GFP), which was originally isolated from jellyfish,
is the best known, but similar markers in other colours,
such as DsRed, are also available
.The validity of marker
genes to trace the fate of genotypes in the environment
rests on the assumption that these genes are selectively
neutral — this has yet to be tested in the field.
and most organisms that are introduced for biological
control do not satisfy the assumptions of traditional pop-
ulation-genetic approaches that assess dispersal and gene
flow — in particular, recently founded populations are
unlikely to be at
(BOX 2).When potential source populations have diverged
that trace the his-
tory of single genes can be used for determining origins
studies of the West Nile virus
and the invasive weed
Ta m a r i x
are examples in which this approach was used.
Unfortunately, these approaches are typically not applica-
ble to macroorganisms, particularly those that have been
artificially introduced, often serially, worldwide
such organisms, potential source populations often have
not been isolated from other populations for long
enough to diverge genetically. Consequently, markers are
rarely unique to particular source populations and no
single genetic locus can provide a clear genetic signature
of history for these species
The lack of divergence in recently established popu-
lations is compounded by a reduced level of genetic
variation as a consequence of genetic bottlenecks in
the founding populations
.The recent application
MULTI-LOCUS GENETIC APPROACHES coupled with the use of
ASSIGNMENT TESTS now provides a means to
determine the origins of populations with some statisti-
cal confidence
(BOX 3).These approaches use
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and
well as being used to determine population origins, such
markers can be used to trace the spread of new geno-
types after their introduction
New analytical approaches that involve
now make it possible to estimate population parameters,
such as the effective number of colonists
, ancestral and
The random change in allele
The balance between the loss of
alleles through genetic drift and
the gain of alleles through
The use of estimated gene
genealogies to study the
geographical history and
structure of populations or
Genetic methods that make use
of information from many loci;
such approaches use nuclear loci
because mitochondrial genes are
typically inherited as one locus.
Statistical procedures in which
individuals can be assigned to
probable source populations.
Genetic markers that allow the
determination of both alleles at a
diploid locus (for example,
microsatellites, allozymes and
single nucleotide
polymorphisms); these differ
from dominant markers in
which the determination of
heterozygotes is not always
possible (or example, RAPDs
and AFLPs).
Co-dominant nuclear DNA
markers that consist of sets of
repeated short nucleotide
Co-dominant nuclear DNA
markers that consist of enzymes
that differ in their mobility on a
charged gel.
A computational technique for
the efficient numerical
calculation of likelihoods.
A statistical perspective that
focuses on the probability
distribution of parameters before
and after observing the data.
Box 2 | Migration–drift equilibrium
Populations are often modelled with the assumption of
migration–drift genetic equilibrium, in which groups of
populations exchange migrants and also undergo
Under these conditions, populations exchange migrants (Nm),
where N is the effective size of each population and m is the
proportion of individuals that migrate. Nm — shown in the figure
as 3 red individuals — is a useful parameter. For example, for a
large population (population 1), in which genetic drift is low, if
Nm = 3, the proportion that migrates is relatively small; whereas,
with the same number of migrants in a small population
(population 2), the proportion that migrate is relatively large, as is
the effect of genetic drift. So, regardless of population size, new
alleles that arrive in a population by migration are balanced by the
loss of alleles through genetic drift. Genetic equilibrium of this
type might take in the order of N or more generations to be
established, but the exact time that is necessary depends on many
factors, including the nature of the population structure, the
constancy of migration rates through time and the extent to
which new populations arise or go extinct
conditions occur when migration and drift are not in balance; for example, when one population has been recently
founded by colonists from another population (
b).Accordingly, genetic approaches that rely on the assumption of
migration–drift equilibrium are not appropriate for the study of recently founded populations.
a Equilibrium
b Non-equilibrium
892 | NOVEMBER 2003 | VOLUME 4
corn and cotton
.Surprisingly, the factors that under-
lie the original evolution of the Bt toxin in Bacillus are
unknown. Insecticidal toxins have also been identified
from scorpions and mites and have been tested in insect
The rate of identification of new genes that are
involved in the development, reproduction and behav-
iour of organisms that are used for biological control is
likely to accelerate as the availability of genomic infor-
mation increases. For example, rapid progress has been
made in identifying mosquito genes using a comparative
approach with the genomes of Drosophila and the mos-
quito Anopheles gambiae
.Also, microarray technology
is already contributing to studies of species that are used
for biological control, especially to topics such as virus
transmission, host adaptation and other general biologi-
cal questions, for example, predator–prey interactions
Gene-transfer technology. Gene transfer has been impor-
tant in crops such as maize, cotton, potatoes and rice,
which, as mentioned above, have been genetically
manipulated to express the Bt protein to control insect
pests, primarily Lepidoptera. Such crops are now in
Identification and isolation of genetic elements.
Molecular genetic techniques have been used to identify
traits of interest for potential use in biological control.
These traits originate both from the organism that is to
be used for biological control and from other species,
the genes of which can be used for the genetic manipu-
lation of other organisms
Tr aditional breeding is one way to modify natural
enemies before their release for biological control, with
the best-studied cases involving selection for insecticide
.Other traits have also been proposed,
characteristics, fecundity and tem-
perature tolerance. In a transgenic example, the insect
gene that encodes chitinase, which was originally iso-
lated from the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta, was
inserted into tobacco. It had a notable influence on
infestations of both the hornworm and the tobacco
budworm Heliothis virescens when combined with
non-lethal doses of the bacterial Bt insectical protein-
containing insecticide
. Bt has been isolated from the
bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis and, in its various
forms, has been used as a live inoculant, insecticide and
most recently as a transgene in crops such as potato,
The population size that
responds identically to that
modelled genetically; that is, the
size of the population that
matters for genetic concerns.
A resting stage for insects,
typically during winter or dry
A procedure in phylogenetic
reconstruction in which a tree is
chosen that maximizes the
probability of the data given the
model and the tree hypothesis.
A procedure in phylogenetic
reconstruction in which a tree is
chosen because it requires the
fewest possible mutations to
explain the data.
A statistical parsimony
procedure that constructs sets of
nested clades. With knowledge
of geographic distribution, the
clades can be examined for
evidence of processes that are
associated with geographic
structure, such as isolation by
distance, allopatric
fragmentation and long-distance
Box 3 | Genetic approaches for determining population origins
Tw o general approaches for determining the
population origins of individuals
are shown. In the
phylogeographic approach (
a), haplotypes are typically
sampled from potential source populations as well as
from the population under study (denoted by an
asterisk). A genealogy of haplotypes is inferred using
one of a range of methods, which include
The locality from which each haplotype was collected is
noted on the resulting tree or network, and the origin of
the haplotype under study can be determined by its
inferred genealogical history. In the figure, each
haplotype is connected to others and the lines show one
mutational step. The white circles (denoted by a plus
sign) are the inferred haplotypes that were either not
sampled or have since become extinct. The origin of the
haplotype under study is inferred from the genealogy.
For example, the haplotype under study is one
mutational step from that found in the second potential
source population (red), and is therefore more closely
related to those individuals than individuals from any
other population. In this case, the haplotype under
study was not actually sampled in the presumed source
population. This approach is possible when the rate of
mutation of the haplotype involved is high relative to
the time since the potential source populations
diverged genetically.
In the frequency-assignment approach (
a multilocus genotype is determined not only for
the individual in question but also for a large sample
of individuals from the potential source populations.
Assignment tests are used to statistically assign the
genotype in question to one of the potential sources. There are several variations of this approach, each with its own
advantages and disadvantages
.Because this approach uses the frequency of alleles at several loci, it can be used even
when potential source populations do not have unique population-specific haplotypes.
Potential source populations
a Phylogeographic approach
b Frequency-assignment approach
Potential source populations
Locus 1
Locus 3
Locus 2
+ +
immediate effects on rabbit populations in each loca-
tion, including high infectiousness and lethality
(FIG. 1).
However, within a year, some rabbits evolved resistance
in Australia. Re-sampling viruses over time and com-
paring their virulence against susceptible rabbits made
it clear that the virus became less virulent, at least ini-
tially, in each location. Recent studies have provided
insights into the genetics of this interaction. The myx-
oma virus genome encodes several gene products that
interfere with and/or modulate apoptosis in specific cell
types, immune responses and the recruitment of
inflammatory cells. Viral immunomodulatory mole-
cules that have been characterized include: M-T1,
which is a chemokine-binding protein; M-T2, which is
a soluble homologue of the tumour necrosis factor
(TNF)-receptor; M-T7,which is a soluble interferon-γ
(IFN-γ)-receptor homologue that also binds chemokine
receptors; myxoma growth factor (MGF), which is a
member of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family;
M-T4, M-T5 and M11L,all of which modulate the
apoptosis of host cells; and three
and SERP3)
.Finally, in culture, myxoma virus also
down-modulates major histocompatability complex
(MHC) class 1 by inducing the loss of cell-surface MHC
class I and by preventing the movement of newly synthe-
sized MHC class I from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER).
Evolutionary change associated with organisms that
move into new habitats is not uncommon
and the
rapid co-evolution of the rabbit and the myxoma virus
might not be an isolated event — other such interac-
tions might go unnoticed, particularly if the players are
not economically important
A similar but less well-documented case involves the
introduction of the fungus Entomophaga maimaiga
from Japan into Massachusetts in the United States for
gypsy moth control in 1910. The fungus was not
detected again until 1989, when it caused massive epi-
zootics in gypsy moth populations in New England. The
evolution of a strain with increased virulence was put
forward as one hypothesis to explain both the reappear-
ance and the increased effect of the fungus after the long
period of latency; it might also be that the original strain
died out and was replaced by another
.In some situa-
tions, the evolutionary response of microorganisms to
new environments might be accelerated by the acquisi-
tion of new genetic material through mechanisms such
as recombination or transposable elements. For exam-
ple, co-infection studies have shown that the host ranges
of baculoviruses can be expanded, which indicates that
genetic exchange between strains has occurred
.Also, in
bacteria that have been genetically marked, gene transfer
from a resident population to an introduced bacteria
has been detected
Macroorganisms. In contrast to microorganisms, in
introduced macroorganisms there is little or no evidence
that genetic adaptation is important for the success of
biological control, or even that evolution occurs in such
macroorganisms within the time period over which bio-
logical control is usually monitored
.This result seems
to hold even in cases for which there is evidence of
widespread production
.Gene transfer has also been
important in the study and use of baculoviruses for bio-
logical control. Several toxin genes have been inserted
into baculoviruses to increase their effectiveness in killing
their insect hosts; for example, Buthus eupeus (lesser
Asian scorpion) insect toxin 1 (BeIT), Androctonus
australis (North African scorpion) insect toxin (AaHIT)
and female mite Pyemotes tritici insect toxin (TxPI),
which have been used to genetically manipulate the
Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus
.Gene-transfer technology also provides a
way of creating transgenic pest strains or unwanted vec-
tors of disease that eventually die out on their own. This
strategy, termed
AUTOCIDAL CONTROL, is not new, but with
transgenic strains the lethal transgenes can be designed
to activate in response to changes in environmental con-
ditions (such as temperature or diet) or in the presence
of another new gene
.Sex-ratio distortion, perhaps
mediated by symbiotic organisms such as Wolbachia,has
also been proposed as a strategy of control
for the last two tactics, issues of risk and ecological safety
have yet to be determined.
Evolution in biological control
A common assumption that underlies the effectiveness
of classical biological control is that predators, parasites,
pathogens and herbivores will adapt to exploit the new
habitat and the target pest
.Ifadaptation is important
in biological control, then preserving high levels of
genetic diversity in introduced populations is also
important. Although there is abundant evidence to
indicate that introduced microorganisms, such as
viruses and bacteria, do adapt quickly to new condi-
tions, there is little evidence for the importance of adap-
tation in effective biological control that involves
macroorganisms, such as insect parasites,
.Whether this difference reflects a disparity
in generation time between microorganisms and macro-
organisms or whether there is something fundamentally
different about the role of evolution in biological con-
trol that involves microorganisms and macroorganisms
is not known, but the issue is crucial for long-term risk
Microorganisms. Studies of microorganisms clearly
show that adaptive evolution can take place as part of
purposeful introductions and that such evolution
affects the dynamics of biological control. The biologi-
cal control of domestic European rabbits (Oryctolagus
cuniculus) with the myxoma pox virus
in Europe
and in Australia, where they were introduced in 1950,
best illustrate the point. The myxoma virus is indige-
nous to South America, where its natural reservoir is
the Brazilian rabbit Sylvilagus brasiliensis and its vectors
are biting mosquitoes. In S. brasiliensis,myxoma pro-
duces localized skin lesions that heal but are a source of
infection for the virus. In European rabbits, soon after
infection, the virus replicates in the lymphocytes and
destroys them
.Myxoma virus was first introduced to
Australia in 1950, and subsequently to France and
Britain in 1952 and 1953, respectively, with almost
The introduction of an
organism that causes its own
population to decline without
interaction with other species.
An insect that kills only one host
individual in its lifetime and has
a free-living adult stage; this
differs from a predator, which
kills many host individuals in its
lifetime, and from a parasite,
which typically does not kill the
host and can persist for several
generations in one host.
Irreversible inhibitors of serine
proteases that regulate a diverse
array of physiological processes,
including apoptosis,
inflammation, angiogenesis,
complement activation,
fibrinolysis and coagulation.
894 | NOVEMBER 2003 | VOLUME 4
For example, in a study of plants that grew taller when
they were invasive,
that this was a plastic response to the new environment
there was no evidence of post-invasion evolution despite
the increased size in colonizing populations.
Only one study, to our knowledge, has been designed
specifically to test whether adaptation has occurred in
macroorganisms after introduction. In a study of an
aphid parasitoid that was introduced from France to
New York, Hufbauer
compared presumed source and
introduced populations and found no evidence of adap-
tation. In fact, the introduced populations lost abilities
that would have made them more successful as para-
sites. These results, and others from continuing studies
indicate that genetically based adaptation has not
occurred in macroorganisms that have been introduced
for biological control over the timescales in which
they have been studied. It should be noted that genetic
variation might be crucial to initial establishment, but
expansion of host range and other non-target effects. In
a review of 10 biological control projects that involved
non-target effects, Louda et al.
argued that adaptation
was neither observed nor seemed important. The
authors noted, however, that these studies were not
specifically designed to test for adaptation. Several other
studies have failed to document changes associated with
species introduced for biological control that could not
be accounted for by pre-adaptation; that is, traits that
were present before introduction
.In an examination
of 352 introductions of insects for the biological control
of weeds, the cited examples of so-called ‘host shifts’
from the targeted weed species did not seem to result
from adaptive genetic change
;in other words, the use of
non-target hosts involved host species that would be
considered part of the
introduced herbivores. Even when introduced organisms
show marked morphological change after colonization,
there need not be a genetic basis for such modifications.
Outbreaks of organisms that
feed on other organisms.
Categories of virus virulence
that are based on host (rabbit)
survival (measured in days) and
case mortality (expressed as a
The actual host range of a
species before any evolutionary
Ecological transplant studies in
which organisms are reared
under identical conditons.
0 1234
1950 1960
1950 198019701960
a Rabbit case mortality
b Myxoma virulence
Figure 1 | Co-evolution and biological control. An illustration of the co-evolution of European rabbits and the myxoma pox virus,
which is associated with biological control in Australia, Britain and France
. a | Rabbit mortality is shown as the percentage
mortality of a group of infected rabbits (green) that have been challenged with the grade III strain of the virus (mean rabbit survival
time 17–28 days), as a function of the number of
EPIZOOTICS that the source population had experienced. b | Myxoma virulence is
plotted as the proportion of all field samples that fall into the following classes of
VIRULENCE GRADES sampled over time: grades I and II
combined (red; mean rabbit survival time <16 days and case mortality >95 %), and grades III–V combined (blue; mean rabbit
survival time >16 days and case mortality <95 %). Virulence might be higher in Britain than in France because one species of rabbit
flea, Spilopsyllus cuniculi, is probably the only important vector.
Co-evolution. Relatively little is known about the
genetics of the interactions between hosts and natural
enemies that are associated with biological con-
.As is the case with rabbits and the myxoma
virus, several pest insects have evolved resistance to
the microorganisms that were used to control them
and even to particular components of control, such as
the Bt protein
.Less is known about the genetic
interactions between pests and macroparasites or
predators. The few studies that have been carried out
indicate that genetic variation in both pests and ene-
mies is not limiting. Controlled quantitative genetic
experiments have found genetic differentiation
among host-associated populations for both para-
sitoids and pests
.These results are consistent with
molecular-marker data that document statistical dif-
ferences in gene frequencies between parasitoid pop-
ulations. For example, Vaughn and Antolin
genetic differences at a local scale between parasitoid
populations that were associated with two host aphid
Why co-evolutionary responses have not been
observed more often in biological control manipula-
tions is not clear. As argued above, there might not have
been sufficient time to see these responses in macroor-
ganisms — studies of older introductions can test this
hypothesis. Alternatively, it has been argued that co-
evolution that involves reciprocal changes in virulence
and resistance is unlikely because of a lack of genotype-
specific virulence and defence
.Another hypothesis is
that natural selection in such systems might be relatively
weak as a result of subdivision among populations, with
each population being under slightly different selective
.Yet another model indicates that if the fre-
quency of encounters fluctuates between generations,
generalist host resistance and partial specialist parasitoid
virulence are favoured, which is consistent with the idea
of the host ‘hedging its bets’ in an unpredictable envi-
.This work indicates that asymmetries might
develop in host–parasitoid co-evolution, an idea that
has gained support from recent field studies
.In each of
these scenarios, genetic population structure and geo-
graphic variation of both pests and natural enemies are
clearly important
Neither the roles of hybridization and horizontal
gene exchange nor the interactions that are associated
with symbiosis have been well studied in the context of
biological control
.Insight into these issues will not
only add to our understanding of how evolution oper-
ates in managed systems, but will also bear directly on
the effectiveness of biological control. For example, it has
been argued that the lack of an evolutionary response by
pests allows biological control to be more evolutionarily
stable than chemical forms of pest control
.It has also
been proposed that hosts that are not adapted to their
parasites are more likely to be controlled, in what has
been referred to as the ‘new-association hypothesis’
and many cases of successful biological control involve
new associations. Whether biological control efforts that
involve new associations are successful more often than
those that do not has yet to be rigorously tested
that we only subsequently observe the successful geno-
types (that is, there is a non-reporting bias). Despite the
lack of evidence for any genetic basis for adaptation in
the above studies, ecological changes are common,
which shows that the introduced species already pos-
sessed the ability to exploit expanded ecological ranges.
If genetic adaptation is not important in the success
of biological control, then preserving the genetic diver-
sity of biological control organisms for this reason is not
crucial. Indeed, many invasive species thrive while expe-
riencing a genetic bottleneck that is associated with
the colonization of a new habitat
. One example is
the varroa mite, which is a parasite that switched from
the eastern honeybee Apis cerana to the European hon-
eybee Apis mellifera when the latter was introduced into
Asia for
.The parasite has spread
almost worldwide in the past 30 years. Interestingly,
only 2 of the 18 Asian varroa
HAPLOTYPES that parasitize
A. cerana in Asia have switched to the new host
. One
of these two haplotypes has been successful in coloniz-
ing new geographical regions, despite the fact that its
genetic variability is low (M. Solignac et al., unpublished
observations). This haplotype has also subsequently
developed strong pesticide resistance
,which shows
that widespread ecological success does not depend
on initial genetic variability. One possible reason for
this is that diversity might recover quickly after a bot-
,long before new alleles can arise through
(BOX 4).Alternatively, many insects might
be well adapted to withstand low genetic diversity; for
example, many successful insect parasitoids have low
levels of genetic diversity because of brother–sister
or because of the effects of MICROBE-ASSOCIATED
That genetic adaptation is not important in the suc-
cess of biological control introductions is a bold supposi-
tion in light of the abundant evidence that indicates that
insects might switch plant hosts in evolutionary time,
often leading to the formation of new species
studies that have examined adaptation over several hun-
dreds of years, such as those of Rhagoletis fruitflies on
hawthorn and apple
, show that plant host shifts can
lead to genetic divergence and even
In Hawaii, the moth genus Hedylepta contains five
species that feed on banana, which must have evolved
since the Polynesian introduction of banana to Hawaii
within the past 1,000 years
.So,why has adaptation not
been seen in systems that are the subject of biological
control? One explanation is that adaptation in macroor-
ganisms does occur, but there have not been enough
controlled studies to provide evidence
in the ecological timescale under which biological con-
trol takes place, there might not have been sufficient
time to see the evolutionary responses associated with
colonization that are typically observed over longer
.For example, adaptation in Rhagoletis fruitflies
spans several hundred years; similar genetic changes in
organisms that are used for biological control might be
expected over the same time period. We might therefore
be observing only the first stages of more complex and
unpredictable evolutionary events in biological control.
The practice of bee
The allelic configuration of
multiple genetic markers that is
present on a single chromosome
of a given individual.
The occurrence of reproduction
without males, which is caused
by the presence of a microbe.
Genetic divergence that leads to
species formation in the same
896 | NOVEMBER 2003 | VOLUME 4
and Stiling
note that forecasting the impacts of non-
indigenous species is an imprecise science, yet we know
that the effects of non-indigenous species can be devas-
tating both environmentally and economically
comparison with the use of GMOs, classical biological
control can involve inserting entire non-indigenous
genomes into ecosystems. Adaptation and genetic
change is often assumed to be important in the success
of species that are used for biological control. By con-
trast, the manipulation of GMOs involves inserting
genes into genomes with the goal of creating an organ-
ism with superior properties for a trait of interest. As
yet, the risks that are associated with genetic modifica-
tion are not fully known, although there is a recognized
risk of their spread or hybridization with wild-type
organisms. Interestingly, scientific and public concern
over the unintended effects of classical biological control
is mild compared with concern over the release of
GMOs, despite the fact that the insertion of genes into an
organism that is already present in a given environment
might have considerably less effect than the introduc-
tion of a fully functional genome into a new environ-
ment. So, why is there limited protest about releasing
entire new genomes when so much concern is raised
over releasing organisms with a few new genes?
One reason for the greater concern about GMOs is
that single genes with relatively simple effects are usu-
ally inserted. So, evolutionary responses to a change in a
single gene might be more easily ascertained than
responses to an entire organism. Selection pressure is
also increased when the trait of interest is expressed
Community genetics. Recently, the topic of ‘community
genetics’ has emerged in community biology
.It recog-
nizes that non-equilibrium conditions are common, if
not the norm, in ecological communities and that evolu-
tion is important in community studies particularly in
species interactions. Although the need for a separate
name for this topic has been questioned — it can be con-
sidered as a combination of population and ecological
— its discussion has helped to re-emphasize
two important, although perhaps often forgotten, points:
that all ecological interactions have evolutionary histo-
ries and that interactions can evolve, even over short
periods of time
.Observations of species that are
involved in biological control can be interpreted in this
light — agents of biological control have the elements
that are necessary for adaptive change, namely heritable
genetic variation, and this variation is associated with
different hosts, at least in some cases. What is not under-
stood about biological control in this context is whether
the ability to feed on new hosts is the result of adaptation
or merely a consequence of a pre-existing wide funda-
mental host range. A community genetics viewpoint also
makes it obvious that there is no real distinction between
ecological and evolutionary timescales, but rather that
both ecology and evolution are important features of
biological communities.
GMOs versus biological control
The assessment of the risks that are associated with bio-
logical control is difficult and might even be impossible
— in a well-publicized review of the topic, Simberloff
Box 4 | What determines genetic diversity after a bottleneck?
Genetic bottlenecks occur when
samples of individuals are drawn from
larger populations, which is common
for populations of invasive species or
organisms that are introduced for
biological control
.In this process,
heterozygosity initially decreases, but
eventually is restored depending on the
size of the bottleneck and the growth
rate of the population. Alleles are also
lost, particularly rare ones.
Importantly, this loss of alleles is faster
than the loss of heterozygosity.
Accordingly, after the bottleneck there
is a transient excess in heterozygosity
relative to that predicted on the basis of
the number of alleles. The important
elements of this process are the period
of time since the beginning of the
bottleneck, the ratio between the
effective population size (N
) before
and after the bottleneck, the per-locus mutation rate and the sample size of genes. Cornuet and Luikart
several ways in which this excess in heterozygosity can be used to estimate the size of a bottleneck. Their analysis shows
that the time of the maximum excess and the magnitude of the excess will differ depending on the number of alleles —
see the comparison between two alleles (red) and five alleles (blue) in the example depicted. They also showed that loci
that follow the infinite-allele model, in which each unique allele is assumed to evolve only once, are the best suited for
detecting bottlenecks.
Heterozygosity excess
Time after bottleneck (in 2N
5 alleles
2 alleles
detailed scientific guidelines for the biological-safety
testing of transgenic crops. The project involves rep-
utable scientists in developed and developing countries
who coordinate and implement the guidelines as a
dynamic process that will build local scientific and
technical expertise and communication among scien-
tists and policy makers. The aim of this project is to
rapidly publish sections of the guidelines as they are
completed and to revise previously published sections
in a timely manner. The underlying principle is that the
development and release of transgenic products should
only take place when a firm understanding of the
manipulated system and its potential environmental
implications has been achieved and maximum
biosafety measures are in place
.Whether similar
efforts are possible for assessing the risk associated with
biological control is not clear, but efforts are underway
as a result of a European Union-financed project to
evaluate the environmental risk of inundative biologi-
cal control
(BOX 1) introductions into Europe
.In this
project, risk evaluation centres around host range.
Particularly difficult to address in this regard will be the
potential role of evolution in biological control systems,
given their recent history and non-equilibrium nature.
The future of biological control
Given the present public concern about the use of
, there is a question as to whether classical bio-
logical control has a future. The answer, in large part,
rests on the level of risk that policy makers and the pub-
lic are willing to accept, as well as on economic factors.
This risk can be assessed — pre-release host testing is
the norm for weed biological control programmes and
is becoming more common for the biological control
of other organisms, particularly insects
.The extent
of pre-testing that is possible is usually determined by
economics. Of course, acceptable levels of risk are con-
text dependent and the effectiveness and risks that are
associated with other methods of control (such as
chemical insecticides and GMO crops), as well as the
perception of the seriousness of the pest problem, are of
crucial importance. With the public endorsing ‘food
safety’ and agriculture with a low environmental
impact, carefully practiced biological control is still a
strong alternative to chemical pesticides and GMOs.
The assessment of risk would be easier if there was
a better understanding of what causes some organisms
to extend their host range or even to switch hosts.
Many biological control releases represent a series of
semi-natural experiments, each of which offers infor-
mation about factors that influence rates of establish-
ment and success. Understanding these experiments
requires post-release monitoring, which is typically
difficult to fund. The application of biological control
would gain in both precision and predictive power if
genetic and ecological approaches were combined in
experimental work.
One possibility would be to improve biological con-
trol organisms before their release — either through
gene transfer or traditional breeding — as has been done
for mites and insecticide resistance. Host specificity is
continually. For example, insects are likely to develop
resistance to transgenic crops with one new gene that
codes for a simple toxin that is constantly expressed,
and this has, indeed, occurred — Bt is a noted exam-
.Specific risks, such as the likelihood that gene flow
will move inserted genes into new populations or new
,might be more easily identified for GMOs
than for introduced organisms
.For example, the
potential non-target species that are at risk might not
be well characterized, or even known, and many indi-
rect non-target effects are possible. Nevertheless, both
modelling and empirical studies have shed light on the
factors that are important in predicting the risks associ-
ated with classical biological control; these include the
potential for establishment, dispersal, host range, direct
and indirect non-target effects, competitiveness relative
to wild types and features of the environment
Risk assessment in biological control might be best
developed in studies of GM baculoviruses for which
there is a conceptual framework to organize relevant
factors in relation to one another
.This framework has
three main components: the identification of effects, the
identification of exposure and the evaluation of effects.
The first assesses whether genetic modification has pro-
duced changes in the virus beyond those that were
intended, such as changes to host range, sublethal
effects, genetic identity and toxicology of the foreign
gene product. The identification of exposure examines
genetic and environmental stability and the routes by
which a baculovirus might be dispersed from the release
site. Impact evaluation combines these data to predict
the potential influence of the baculovirus on the envi-
ronment, particularly non-target effects that are usually
assessed by phylogenetic extrapolation. There might
also be indirect effects, for example, mediated through
KEYSTONE SPECIES or indirect competition. Many factors,
such as environmental stability and dispersal routes, can
only be assessed by studies of wild-type baculovirus. For
example, models have been constructed to predict
whether an engineered strain of baculovirus will outcom-
pete wild-type strains. Results indicate that dominance of
one strain over another is likely, with the outcome depen-
dent on the speed with which the baculovirus kills its
host and how infectious it is
.Most recombinant
strains kill their hosts faster but are less infectious. The
difference in infectiousness must be small for engineered
viruses to have competitive advantage. However, even if
engineered strains are at a competitive disadvantage, they
might remain in the environment for decades before
going extinct. Both environmental variables and the
densities of introduced material might also affect com-
petitive interactions. Similar to the studies of bac-
uloviruses, studies of bacteria have documented few dif-
ferences in survival, spread, persistence in the field and
ecological effects between GM bacteria and the corre-
sponding unmodified parent strains
. Likewise, studies
of the predatory mite Metaseiulus occidentalis have com-
pared biological traits between transgenic and wild
colonies under laboratory conditions
Capalbo et al.
have recently documented progress
in the development of scientific principles and have
Species in ecological
communities that have
disproportional direct and
indirect effects on other species,
which are usually regulated
through top-down processes,
such as predation.
898 | NOVEMBER 2003 | VOLUME 4
planned, the organism will multiply faster in the field
than in the laboratory and disperse freely, thereby obvi-
ating the need for a commercial rearing facility.
For GMOs (and synthetic pesticides), patent rights and
the need to continually manufacture the product to sell
it, allow organizations to continue to profit from their
research investment. So, although the transgenetic alter-
ation of natural enemies has much merit, in reality it is
still not feasible.
As a test bed, biological control has much to offer —
efforts in classical biological control have resulted in
numerous semi-natural field experiments that can be
used to test hypotheses about the factors that influence
establishment in new habitats and successful pest con-
trol. In particular, much is to be learned at the interface
of genetics and community ecology. Whether biological
control can be a predictive science is less obvious, but
clearly the answer will depend on the timescale over
which studies are possible.
crucial in the selection and approval of new biological
control agents, and so would be the highest priority
attribute for genetic manipulation. Yet, identifying and
transferring the appropriate genes would pose consider-
able challenges. Diverse organisms are now used for bio-
logical control and great effort would be required for
each new agent. Also, the reasons why a particular bio-
logical control agent is effective or ineffective depend on
a complex interaction of factors: adaptation to local
environment, susceptibility to predators or parasites,
adaptation to the target and so on. Unfortunately, solv-
ing one of these problems by genetic manipulation does
not guarantee that the agent will not be limited by
another. As well as insufficient funding for pre-release
testing and post-release monitoring, there is little eco-
nomic incentive to develop more efficient biological
control agents. Once an agent is released it becomes
public property and no one company can monopolize
the profits. Also, if biological control proceeds as
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We thank R. Gillespie, R. Hufbauer, O. Edwards, B. Croft, M. Hoddle,
L. Smith and three anonymous reviewers for valuable insights and
suggestions. This work is supported by grants from the National
Science Foundation, the United States Department of Agriculture, the
California Department of Food and Agriculture, the University of
California and the French Institut National de la Recherche
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... In addition, the regulation of classical biological control introductions in many countries has evolved to strongly emphasize minimizing the nontarget impacts of introduced agents, which consequently reduces the number of potential agents and expands the degree of research required for their evaluation. Any biological control introduction is contingent on an agent's host specificity that needs to be assessed experimentally before introduction, and the possibility of post-release evolution also needs to be considered and monitored (Messing and Wright 2006;Roderick and Navajas 2003;Messing and Brodeur 2018). The process usually starts after the invasion process is well-underway or complete, and when subsequent eradication attempts have been deemed unfeasible. ...
... In natural ecosystems, the co-adaptation of insect parasitoids and their host often results in balanced population densities (Price et al. 1980). However, it is a misconception to assume that introduced parasitoids will adapt equally well to a non-native habitat as its host (Roderick and Navajas 2003). Many environmental factors, such as local climatic and landscape traits or habitat mismatching (e.g., alternative host or host plants, crop domestication), can impose ecological constraints and negatively affect the establishment of introduced parasitoids. ...
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Biological control introduction is one of the safest, most environmentally benign, and cost-effective methods for sustainable and landscape-level management of invasive pests. Frugivorous tephritids are among the most diverse and economically important horticulture pests worldwide. The prominent groups of tephritid pests in the United States are invasive species of Afrotropical, Oriental, or Neotropical origin in the genera Anastrepha, Bactrocera, Ceratitis, and Zeugodacus, as well as North American native Rhagoletis. In this chapter, we review and highlight major achievements of biological control of tephritid pests in the United States, especially for major invasive pests in Hawaii (Mediterranean fruit fly, melon fly, oriental fruit fly, and solanaceous fruit fly), California (olive fruit fly), Florida (Caribbean fruit fly), as well as cherry fruit flies on the mainland of the United States. We discuss current opportunities for biological control of the Mediterranean fruit fly, the melon fly, the olive fruit fly, and the solanaceous fruit fly, as well as some challenges for classical biological control (e.g., regulation issues, ecological factors, climatic changes). We hope to stimulate new interests, ideas, and future research directions to improve biological control of tephritid pests in the United States and globally.
... Species translocations, the human-aided movement of species from one location to another (IUCN 1987), are used effectively in conservation management (Griffith et al. 1989;Seddon, Strauss, and Innes 2012) as well as in classical biological control (Fauvergue et al. 2012;Roderick and Navajas 2003). When a species is translocated outside its historical range, it is subject to novel evolutionary processes because of the interaction between co-adapted alleles and novel environmental conditions (Allendorf and Lundquist 2003;Pérez et al. 2006). ...
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Species translocations are increasingly being used in conservation and for biological control. The success of a translocation can be strongly influenced by the evolutionary processes occurring during the early phase of the introduction and the subsequent spread to new regions. In this study, morphological variation and population genetic structure were assessed in the African dung beetle Digitonthophagus gazella, a species that was intentionally introduced to Australia for biological control in 1968 and subsequently spread widely across the northern part of the continent. A dataset based on 1594 neutral single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci that were genotyped in 187 individuals from 12 sites revealed significant genetic divergences between sites (global FST = 0.118) and provides evidence of restricted gene flow among established populations at small to moderate spatial scales (74–500 km). Geometric morphometric analyses revealed significant divergence among populations in the shape of the foretibia, a trait ecologically important for tunnelling in soil and dung. Moreover, phenotypic divergence in this trait for both sexes was significantly higher than genetic differentiation at selectively neutral loci (PST > FST), suggesting that directional selection is contributing to the phenotypic divergences among populations. Our study shows how population structure can establish quickly in an introduced species and highlights the importance of considering local adaptation when performing translocations on established populations.
... These innate behaviours are typically well-suited to environments where conditions remain constant (Breder and Halpern, 1946;Bjorklund, 2015) or where changes are so erratic that the past experiences provide no reliable guidance for future behaviour (Kim et al, 2017). For example, an organism in a completely stable environment might not need to learn new ways to find food or avoid predators, as the necessary behaviours are already encoded in its genes (Yaeger, 1994;Roderick and Navajas, 2003). Similarly, in a highly unpredictable environment, where conditions change randomly and without pattern, learning might not offer any advantage because previous experiences may not apply to future situations (Mineka and Kihlstrom, 1978). ...
This review delves into the complexities of insect behaviour, particularly the interplay between innate and learned behaviours and the factors influencing learning in organisms. Innate behaviours, such as reflex actions and fixed action patterns are genetically hard-wired and manifest without prior experience. In contrast, learned behaviours, acquired through experience, include habituation, imprinting, classical conditioning, and operant conditioning. The propensity to learn is influenced by environmental variability, with organisms benefiting from learning in environments with predictable patterns. The study explores the specialization versus generalization in behaviour, highlighting how coevolution and mutualism drive specialization in certain organisms, but also how this can lead to co-extinction due to interdependence. Conversely, generalists may exhibit better learning abilities in environments with greater variability. The role of lifespan, body size and the size of mushroom bodies in the brain, which store sensory memories, are also considered, suggesting that larger organisms with longer lifespans might have higher learning capacities. However, smaller organisms, like hover flies, demonstrate that learning ability is not solely dependent on size or lifespan. The social brain hypothesis is examined, proposing that social insects may have advanced learning abilities due to task specialization, but solitary insects, performing multiple tasks, may be more adept learners overall. INTRODUCTION Behaviour, broadly defined, is the range of actions, reactions and mannerisms exhibited by individuals, organisms, systems, or artificial entities within a specific environment (Bechtel, 1997; Smith, 1977). These behaviours are the result of a complex interplay between an organism's internal mechanisms and external stimuli. The study of behaviour spans various disciplines, but within the biological sciences, ethology stands out as the scientific and objective study of animal behaviour. Ethology focuses particularly on behaviour observed under natural conditions, seeking to understand how these behaviours have evolved as adaptive traits that contribute to an organism's survival and reproduction (Smith, 1977). Ethology is deeply rooted in evolutionary biology, with a significant focus on understanding the "why" and "how"
... It is critical to decipher the population structure of both native and invasive populations to identify an invasive alien species (IAS), manage established populations and prevent further introductions . Managing introduced populations requires a comprehensive understanding of the invasion dynamics, including evaluating factors such as the frequency of new introductions, the number of introduction events and the connections between various populations within native and invaded ranges (Roderick & Navajas, 2003). Molecular markers are particularly effective tools commonly used in this context . ...
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1. Describing the genetic structure and diversity of invasive insect pest populations is essential to better understand a species’ invasion history and success throughout its distribution range. Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) is a destructive pest of tomato and many other solanaceous crops, with very high economic impacts. Its invasion threatens food security in a large part of the globe, in areas such as sub-Saharan Africa where the agricultural resilience has already been weakened by rapid human-induced changes due in particular to population growth, increased trade and global change. 2. This work aimed to investigate the diversity and genetic structure of 60 populations of T. absoluta using microsatellite markers, with a particular focus on sub-Saharan Africa. 3. Our results revealed distinct differentiation and diversity patterns between T. absoluta native versus invaded areas, and high genetic homogeneity among the African populations sampled. However, for the first time, two weakly differentiated but distinct genetic clusters in Africa were identified. 4. The results suggest few introduction events of the species in Africa or multiple introductions from genetically close areas, significant gene flow between outbreaks and seem to indicate the existence of two distinct clusters in Africa. This new data enable us to formulate hypotheses on the species’ invasion patterns and the dynamics of its invasive populations. 5. These hypotheses must be verified with more extensive sampling over the whole range of T. absoluta, especially in its presumed native area.
... Specifically, our finding of low genetic diversity overall and a single haplotype dominating the invasion suggest that a biocontrol solution for L. japonicum might be feasible. The strategy for finding a biocontrol agent usually involves searching within the native range of the invasive species for natural enemies that are both host specific and damaging to the invasive species (Roderick and Navajas 2003). In the case of the Japanese climbing fern, work on L. microphyllum serves as an example. ...
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Japanese climbing fern (Lygodium japonicum) is a vine native to the open forests of eastern Asia that has become an invasive species in the U.S. Herbarium records first noted this species in the U.S. in 1903 (Georgia), with spread to eight states by the end of the 1930s and current establishment in 10 states of the southeastern U.S. We aimed to ask three questions regarding the introduction of L. japonicum: (1) Was there a single Japanese climbing fern introduction or were there multiple introductions? (2) What is the distribution of genotypes in the U.S.? and (3) What are the source population(s) from the native range in Asia? We sequenced the chloroplast genome from 74 L. japonicum herbarium specimens representing 24 native and 50 invasive range populations. Seventeen haplotypes were found in the native range compared to three in the invasive range. Our results indicate L. japonicum has low genotypic diversity in the invasive range relative to the native range. Even with low genotypic diversity, these data suggest at least three introductions of L. japonicum. However, we were unable to define the native source population(s) of invasive L. japonicum.
... Pseudophilothrips ichini has shown adaptability and persistence beyond its initial release sites (Wheeler et al. 2022). Mitochondrial DNA of this biological control agent can be used in population genetic studies, shedding light on the genetic diversity and dynamics of P. ichini in the introduced habitats to determine its adaptability, persistence, and longterm effectiveness, as observed in other studies (Roderick and Navajas 2003;Roehrdanz et al. 2006). ...
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Pseudophilothrips ichini (Hood) (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) is a recently released biological control agent for one of the most invasive plants (Brazilian peppertree) in Florida. Limited genetic information hinders efforts to develop effective genetic surveillance techniques. To address this gap, we present the first full mitogenome sequence of this biological control agent, isolated from the colony reared at the University of Florida Norman C. Hayslip Biological Control Research and Containment Laboratory. The complete length of the P. ichini mitogenome is 15,281 base pairs with 83.8 % AT content. Its sequence is most similar to the mitogenome sequence of Acaciothrips ebneri (Karny) (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae), with an 86.8 % sequence identity. This complete mitochondrial sequence is an important new genomic resource to understand the phylogenetic and evolutionary relationships of the species, offering valuable insight for developing molecular tools for study and enhancement of this biological control agent.
... Accurate host specificity is crucial to avoid unintended impacts on native or endemic plant species (Williams et al., 2005). Increasingly, research indicates that the most effective and host-specific natural enemies are often from the same locality as the invasive species Roderick & Navajas, 2003). This entails not only identifying indigenous natural enemies, but also recognizing the potential influence of plant genotypes on hostenemy associations (Williams et al., 2005), emphasizing the need for genetic diversity studies to improve management strategies. ...
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Cedrela odorata is considered the second most invasive tree species of the Galapagos Islands. Although it is listed in CITES Appendix II and there are population losses in mainland Ecuador, in Galapagos it is paradoxically a species of concern due to its invasive potential. Genetic studies can shed light on the invasion history of introduced species causing effects on unique ecosystems like the Galapagos. We analyzed nine microsatellite markers in C. odorata individuals from Galapagos and mainland Ecuador to describe the genetic diversity and population structure of C. odorata in the Galapagos and to explore the origin and invasion history of this species. The genetic diversity found for C. odorata in Galapagos (He = 0.55) was lower than reported in the mainland (He = 0.81), but higher than other invasive insular plant species, which could indicate multiple introductions. Our results suggest that Ecuador's northern Coastal region is the most likely origin of the Galapagos C. odorata, although further genomic studies, like Whole Genome Sequencing, Rad‐Seq, and/or Whole Genome SNP analyses, are needed to confirm this finding. Moreover, according to our proposed pathway scenarios, C. odorata was first introduced to San Cristobal and/or Santa Cruz from mainland Ecuador. After these initial introductions, C. odorata appears to have arrived to Isabela and Floreana from either San Cristobal or Santa Cruz. Here, we report the first genetic study of C. odorata in the Galapagos and the first attempt to unravel the invasion history of this species. The information obtained in this research could support management and control strategies to lessen the impact that C. odorata has on the islands' local flora and fauna.
... For example, loss of genetic variation through biocontrol efforts could limit the potential for populations to adapt to future conditions, ultimately decreasing long-term fitness of native and released populations (Frankham, 2005;Rhymer & Simberloff, 1996;Roderick & Navajas, 2003). Alternately, human-mediated releases may act to homogenize populations via admixture, and thereby reduce the potentially deleterious effects of localized pervasive inbreeding thus reinforcing the need to track the effects of gene flow and admixture due to human-mediated releases of species. ...
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Hippodamia convergens—the convergent lady beetle, has been used extensively in augmentative biological control of aphids, thrips, and whiteflies across its native range in North America, and was introduced into South America in the 1950s. Overwintering H. convergens populations from its native western range in the United States are commercially collected and released across its current range in the eastern USA, with little knowledge of the effectiveness of its augmentative biological control. Here we use a novel ddRADseq‐based SNP/haplotype discovery approach to estimate its range‐wide population diversity, differentiation, and recent evolutionary history. Our results indicate (1) significant population differentiation among eastern USA, western USA, and South American populations of H. convergens, with (2) little to no detectable recent admixture between them, despite repeated population augmentation, and (3) continued recent population size expansion across its range. These results contradict previous findings using microsatellite markers. In light of these new findings, the implications for the effectiveness of augmentative biological control using H. convergens are discussed. Additionally, because quantifying the non‐target effects of augmentative biological control is a difficult problem in migratory beetles, our results could serve as a cornerstone in improving and predicting the efficacy of future releases of H. convergens across its range.
The white back planthopper (WBPH), Sogatella furcifera (Horváth) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), is an important destructive rice pest in Asia that has caused serious economic losses in the main rice‐producing areas of China. To effectively manage this rice pest, it is necessary to investigate its genetic variation and genetic structure and speculate the migration route in China. In this study, we used 12 nuclear microsatellite loci to analyse the genetic variation, gene flow and genetic structure of WBPH in 25 geographic populations in China. Overall, high levels of genetic diversity and genetic differentiation among most populations were detected. Neighbour‐joining dendrograms, STRUCTURE and principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) revealed three genetically distinct groups and exhibited an admixed phylogeographic structure. There was a significant low positive correlation between genetic and geographic distances ( r ² = 0.105, p = 0.001), which indicated the role of geographic isolation in the genetic structure of WBPH. Migrant routes detection indicated frequent gene flow exchange between North China and Central China, and low bidirectional gene flows between Northeast China and other regions were detected. Accordingly, this study provides useful data for resolving the genetic relationships and large‐scale migration route of the WBPH and thus contributes to developing more effective management strategies for controlling this pest.
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Much progress has been made on inferring population history from molecular data. However, complex demographic scenarios have been considered rarely or have proved intractable. The serial introduction of the South-Central American cane toad Bufo marinus in various Caribbean and Pacific islands involves four major phases: a possible genetic admixture during the first introduction, a bottleneck associated with founding, a transitory population boom, and finally, a demographic stabilization. A large amount of historical and demographic information is available for those introductions and can be combined profitably with molecular data. We used a Bayesian approach to combine this information with microsatellite (10 loci) and enzyme (22 loci) data and used a rejection algorithm to simultaneously estimate the demographic parameters describing the four major phases of the introduction history. The general historical trends supported by microsatellites and enzymes were similar. However, there was a stronger support for a larger bottleneck at introductions for microsatellites than enzymes and for a more balanced genetic admixture for enzymes than for microsatellites. Very little information was obtained from either marker about the transitory population boom observed after each introduction. Possible explanations for differences in resolution of demographic events and discrepancies between results obtained with microsatellites and enzymes were explored. Limits of our model and method for the analysis of nonequilibrium populations were discussed.
Arthropod pests can have an enormous impact on human life. Insect vectors are responsible for the spread of some of the world’s major diseases, which in the tropics represent some of the most serious problems in health care. For example, the number of clinical cases of malaria per annum has been estimated at 350–450 million, including 1.4–2.6 million deaths (World Health Organization 1995). The impact of insect pests of agriculture is even more widespread. They can have dramatic effects on communities in developing countries when they are responsible for large yield losses in food crops, and are also of major significance in the developed world.
When a population experiences a reduction of its effective size, it generally develops a heterozygosity excess at selectively neutral loci, i.e., the heterozygosity computed from a sample of genes is larger than the heterozygosity expected from the number of alleles found in the sample if the population were at mutation drift equilibrium. The heterozygosity excess persists only a certain number of generations until a new equilibrium is established. Two statistical tests for detecting a heterozygosity excess are described. They require measurements of the number of alleles and heterozygosity at each of several loci from a population sample. The first test determines if the proportion of loci with heterozygosity excess is significantly larger than expected at equilibrium. The second test establishes if the average of standardized differences between observed and expected heterozygosities is significantly different from zero. Type I and II errors have been evaluated by computer simulations, varying sample size, number of loci, bottleneck size, time elapsed since the beginning of the bottleneck and level of variability of loci. These analyses show that the most useful markers for bottleneck detection are those evolving under the infinite allele model (IAM) and they provide guidelines for selecting sample sizes of individuals and loci. The usefulness of these tests for conservation biology is discussed.
The evolution of associations between herbivorous insects and their parasitoids is likely to be influenced by the relationship between the herbivore and its host plants. If populations of specialized herbivorous insects are structured by their host plants such that populations on different hosts are genetically differentiated, then the traits affecting insect-parasitoid interactions may exhibit an associated structure. The pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) is a herbivorous insect species comprised of genetically distinct groups that are specialized on different host plants (Via 1991a, 1994). Here, we examine how the genetic differentiation of pea aphid populations on different host plants affects their interaction with a parasitoid wasp, Aphidius ervi. We performed four experiments. (1) By exposing pea aphids from both alfalfa and clover to parasitoids from both crops, we demonstrate that pea aphid populations that are specialized on alfalfa are successfully parasitized less often than are populations specialized on clover. This difference in parasitism rate does not depend upon whether the wasps were collected from alfalfa or clover fields. (2) When we controlled for potential differences in aphid and parasitoid behavior between the two host plants and ensured that aphids were attacked, we found that pea aphids from alfalfa were still parasitized less often than pea aphids from clover. Thus, the difference in parasitism rates is not due to behavior of either aphids or wasps, but appears to be a physiologically based difference in resistance to parasitism. (3) Replicates of pea aphid clones reared on their own host plant and on a common host plant, fava bean, exhibited the same pattern of resistance as above. Thus, there do not appear to be nutritional or secondary chemical effects on the level of physiological resistance in the aphids due to feeding on clover or alfalfa, and therefore the difference in resistance on the two crops appears to be genetically based. (4) We assayed for genetic variation in resistance among individual pea aphid clones collected from clover fields and found no detectable genetic variation for resistance to parasitism within two populations sampled from clover. This is in contrast to Henter and Via's (1995) report of abundant genetic variation in resistance to this parasitoid within a pea aphid population on alfalfa. Low levels of genetic variation may be one factor that constrains the evolution of resistance to parasitism in the populations of pea aphids from clover, leading them to remain more susceptible than populations of the same species from alfalfa.
We describe a model-based clustering method for using multilocus genotype data to infer population structure and assign individuals to populations. We assume a model in which there are K populations (where K may be unknown), each of which is characterized by a set of allele frequencies at each locus. Individuals in the sample are assigned (probabilistically) to populations, or jointly to two or more populations if their genotypes indicate that they are admixed. Our model does not assume a particular mutation process, and it can be applied to most of the commonly used genetic markers, provided that they are not closely linked. Applications of our method include demonstrating the presence of population structure, assigning individuals to populations, studying hybrid zones, and identifying migrants and admixed individuals. We show that the method can produce highly accurate assignments using modest numbers of loci—e.g., seven microsatellite loci in an example using genotype data from an endangered bird species. The software used for this article is available from
Recently there has been a great deal of interest in the potential use of genetically engineered baculoviruses as environmentally benign insecticides. Because baculoviruses often have a significant impact on the population dynamics of their hosts, any effort to assess the environmental impact of releasing engineered viruses must confront the question: Will genetically engineered baculoviruses outcompete wild-type strains, thereby altering the natural population dynamics of the host? To begin to answer this question, we develop a mathematical model of competitive interactions between genetically engineered and wild-type baculoviruses. We find that the interactions between these viruses are characterized mostly by dominance of one strain or the other, and that the chance that an engineered strain will outcompete a wild-type strain depends on its particular combination of speed of kill and infectiousness. That is, baculoviruses must kill their host to become infectious, so the faster speed of kill of most rec...