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Undesirable Evolutionary Consequences of Trophy Hunting

  • Alberta Fish & Wildlife

Abstract and Figures

Phenotype-based selective harvests, including trophy hunting, can have important implications for sustainable wildlife management if they target heritable traits. Here we show that in an evolutionary response to sport hunting of bighorn trophy rams (Ovis canadensis) body weight and horn size have declined significantly over time. We used quantitative genetic analyses, based on a partly genetically reconstructed pedigree from a 30-year study of a wild population in which trophy hunting targeted rams with rapidly growing horns, to explore the evolutionary response to hunter selection on ram weight and horn size. Both traits were highly heritable, and trophy-harvested rams were of significantly higher genetic 'breeding value' for weight and horn size than rams that were not harvested. Rams of high breeding value were also shot at an early age, and thus did not achieve high reproductive success. Declines in mean breeding values for weight and horn size therefore occurred in response to unrestricted trophy hunting, resulting in the production of smaller-horned, lighter rams, and fewer trophies.
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A network of 14 meteorological stations was installed across the Annapurna range before
the 1999 monsoon season, and expanded to 19 stations encompassing 28 rain gauges in
2000. Rainfall is totalled every 30 min. ‘Look-down’ distance rangers and
-ray loggers
measure snow depth and total water content, respectively, once a day at high elevations
(.2,500 m in the Greater Himalaya). Only liquid precipitation is measured in the Tibetan
zone, such that the annual (but not the monsoon) total is underestimated here. The data
presented here (Fig. 2b) represent monsoon averages based on the longest record available
from each station.
Apatite fission-track dating
Following mineral separation, apatites were polished, etched and irradiated. Standard and
induced track densities were determined on Brazil ruby muscovite external detectors
(geometry factor 0.5), and fossil track densities were determined on internal mineral
surfaces. Ages were calculated using z ¼ 359 ^ 20 for dosimeter glass CN-5. All ages are
central ages and are reported with 1
errors. Long-term erosion rates are conservatively
estimated on the basis of the fission-track age, and assuming a geothermal gradient of
100 8Ckm
and an annealing temperature of 140 8C.
Topographic analysis
A 3-arcsec (,90 m) digital elevation model (DEM) is the basis of all topographic analyses.
Hillslope angles are calculated at every pixel in the DEM based on a 3 £ 3 pixel
(,180 £ 180 m) grid. Mean hillslope angles were extracted from a moving, 5-km-radius
window centred on the Marsyandi River. Maximum, minimum and mean elevation (Fig.
2) were calculated along a 50-km-wide swath oriented perpendicular to the strike of the
range and centred on the Marsyandi River (or the Nar-Phu River above its confluence with
the Marsyandi).
Equilibrium-line altitude
Glacial areas were calculated from present and reconstructed ice margins mapped on aerial
photographs, and transferred first to 1:50,000 scale topographic maps and then to the
digital topography. Based on glacial hypsometry, equilibrium-line altitudes were
estimated with an assumed accumulation-area ratio of 0.65. To avoid uncertainty
introduced by avalanches on to glaciers from adjacent high peaks, 29 small glaciers (95%
are ,2.5 km
), lacking high headwalls, were analysed. The regional equilibrium-line
altitude gradient shows little sensitivity to accumulation-area ratios ranging from 0.4 to
Specific stream power
Analysis was focused on catchments ranging from 3 to 7 km
within the non-glaciated part
(,4,200 m elevation) of the study area. These basins drain approximately half of the
landscape and are sufficiently large to be fluvial, as opposed to colluvial/debris flow,
channels. Monsoon rainfall was smoothed across the meteorological network to define an
average precipitation gradient perpendicular to the strike of the topography. This gradient
was then extrapolated parallel to strike across the study area. For each river segment
$500 m long, channel gradients (S) were extracted from the DEM, and discharge (Q)was
calculated as the product of upstream area and rainfall. Discharge is overestimated because
all rainfall is assumed to enter channels. Channel width (W) is calculated as 10
Specific stream power (in GJ m
) is calculated as r
QS/W, where r
is the density of
water and g is gravitational acceleration. Channel gradients and specific stream power are
binned every 5 km.
Received 20 June; accepted 4 November 2003; doi:10.1038/nature02187.
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6. Burchfiel, B. D. et al. The South Tibetan detachment system, Himalayan orogen: Extension
contemporaneous with and parallel to shortening in a collisional mountain belt. Geol. Soc. Am. Spec.
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metamorphism. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 146, E1–E7 (1997).
8. Catlos, E. J. et al. Geochronologic and thermobarometric constraints on the evolution of the Main
Central Thrust, central Nepal Himalaya. J. Geophys. Res. 106, 16177–16204 (2001).
9. Robinson, D. M. et al. Kinematic model for the Main Central thrust in Nepal. Geology 31, 359–362
10. Hurtado, J. M. Jr, Hodges, K. V. & Whipple, K. Neotectonics of the Thakkhola Graben and
implications for Recent activity on the South Tibetan fault system in the central Nepal Himalaya. Geol.
Soc. Am. Bull. 113, 222–240 (2001).
11. Dodson, M. H. in Lectures in Isotope Geology (eds Jaeger, E. & Hunziker, C. J.) 194–202 (Springer, New
York, 1979).
12. Stu
we, K., White, L. & Brown, R. The influence of eroding topography on steady-state isotherms.
Application to fission track analysis. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 124, 63–74 (1994).
13. Willett, S. D. & Brandon, M. T. On steady states in mountain belts. Geology 30, 175–178 (2002).
14. Zeitler, P. K. Cooling history of the NW Himalaya, Pakistan. Tectonics 4, 127–151 (1985).
15. Tippett, J. M. & Kamp, P. J. J. Fission track analysis of the Late Cenozoic vertical kinematics of
continental Pacific crust, South Island, New Zealand. J. Geophys. Res. 98, 16119–16148 (1993).
16. Porter, S. C. Some geological implication of average Quaternary glacial conditions. Quat. Res. 32,
245–261 (1989).
17. Ehlers, T. A., Armstrong, P. A. & Chapman, D. S. Normal fault thermal regimes and the interpretation
of low-temperature thermochronometers. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 126, 179–194 (2001).
18. Fort, M. B. Glacial extension and catastrophic dynamics along the Annapurna Front, Nepal Himalaya.
ttinger Geogr. Abh. 81, 105–121 (1986).
19. Duncan, C. C., Klein, A. J., Masek, J. G. & Isacks, B. L. Comparison of Late Pleistocene and modern
glacier extents in central Nepal based on digital elevation data and satellite imagery. Quat. Res. 49,
241–254 (1998).
20. Hallet, B., Hunter, L. & Bogen, J. Rates of erosion and sediment evacuation by glaciers: A review of
field data and their implications. Glob. Planet. Change 12, 213–235 (1996).
21. Hodges, K. V., Parrish, R. R. & Searle, M. P. Tectonic evolution of the central Annapurna Range,
Nepalese Himalayas. Tectonics 15, 1264–1291 (1996).
22. Burbank, D. W. et al. Bedrock incision, rock uplift, and threshold hillslopes in the northwestern
Himalaya. Nature 379, 505–510 (1996).
23. Whipple, K. E., Kirby, E. & Brocklehurst, S. H. Geomorphic limits to climate-induced increases in
topographic relief. Nature 401, 39–43 (1999).
24. Sklar, L. & Dietrich, W. E. Sediment supply, grain size and rock strength controls on rates of river
incision into bedrock. Geology 29, 1087–1090 (2001).
25. Wang, Q. et al. Present-day crustal deformation in China constrained by Global Positioning System
measurements. Science 294, 574–577 (2001).
26. Willett, S. D., Slingerland, R. & Hovius, N. Uplift, shortening, and steady state topography in active
mountain belts. Am. J. Sci. 301, 455–485 (2001).
27. Seeber, L. & Gornitz, V. River profiles along the Himalayan arc as indicators of active tectonics.
Tectonophysics 92, 335–367 (1983).
28. Pandey, M. R., Tandukar, R. P., Avouac, J. P., Lave, J. & Massot, J. P. Interseismic strain accumulation
on the Himalayan crustal ramp (Nepal). Geophys. Res. Lett. 22, 751–754 (1995).
Acknowledgements This work benefited from discussions with K. Hodges, J. Lave
, A. Heimsath,
K. Whipple, P. Koons, M. Brandon and T. Ehlers. We thank P. Molnar and C. Beaumont for
comments and suggestions. Logistical support from Himalayan Experience and the Nepalese
Department of Hydrology and Meteorology is gratefully acknowledged. This work was funded by
the NSF Continental Dynamics program and by NASA.
Competing interests statement The authors declare that they have no competing financial
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to D.W.B.
Undesirable evolutionary
consequences of trophy hunting
David W. Coltman
, Paul O’Donoghue
, Jon T. Jorgenson
, John T. Hogg
Curtis Strobeck
& Marco Festa-Bianchet
Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield,
Sheffield S10 2TN, UK
Alberta Department of Sustainable Development, Fish and Wildlife Division,
Box 1059, Canmore, Alberta T0L 0M0, Canada
Montana Conservation Science Institute, Missoula, Montana 59803, USA
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Alberta T6G 2E9, Canada
partement de biologie, Universite
de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Que
bec J1K 2R1,
Phenotype-based selective harvests, including trophy hunting,
can have important implications for sustainable wildlife manage-
ment if they target heritable traits
. Here we show that in an
evolutionary response to sport hunting of bighorn trophy rams
(Ovis canadensis) body weight and horn size have declined
significantly over time. We used quantitative genetic analyses,
based on a partly genetically reconstructed pedigree from a
30-year study of a wild population in which trophy hunting
targeted rams with rapidly growing horns
evolutionary response to hunter selection on ram weight and
horn size. Both traits were highly heritable, and trophy-harvested
rams were of significantly higher genetic ‘breeding value’ for
weight and horn size than rams that were not harvested. Rams of
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NATURE |VOL 426 | 11 DECEMBER 2003 | 655
high breeding value were also shot at an early age, and thus did
not achieve high reproductive success
. Declines in mean breed-
ing values for weight and horn size therefore occurred in
response to unrestricted trophy hunting, resulting in the pro-
duction of smaller-horned, lighter rams, and fewer trophies.
Sport harvesting is one of the most pervasive and potentially
intrusive human activities that affect game mammal populations
. Hunters are willing to pay large sums to hunt trophy
mountain ungulates in various parts of the world, and many
mountain sheep (Ovis canadensis and O. dalli) populations in
North America are managed primarily to produce large-horned
trophy rams for sport hunters. A world-class trophy ram is an
extremely valuable commodity, and hunting permits have been
auctioned for hundreds of thousands of dollars
. One sport hunter
paid over Can$1 million in 1998 and 1999 for special permits to
hunt trophy rams in Alberta, Canada
. In many parts of North
America, sport harvest of mountain sheep is often restricted only
by the availability of rams whose horns reach a minimum size
prescribed by regulations. Although the use of income generated
from sport hunting towards enhancing and conserving mountain
ungulate habitat can be seen in a positive light
, so far little attention
has been paid to the potential evolutionary consequences, and
hence the sustainability, of harvest regimes
Wildlife management has traditionally focused on demographic
and ecological factors that affect numbers and growth rates in
harvested populations
. However, the life-history changes experi-
enced by species subject to commercial fisheries strongly suggest
that intensive harvesting practices can elicit an evolutionary
response in wild stocks
. Experimental size-selective harvesting
treatments on an exploited fish demonstrated evolutionary effects
on somatic growth and population productivity in the opposite
direction of the size bias of the harvest
. Recent reviews have called
attention to the potential selective effects of sport hunting on wild
ungulates, in which large-horned or large-antlered males are selec-
tively targeted
. The increased frequency of tuskless elephants in
many African populations has also been suggested to have occurred
in response to selective ivory poaching
. Here we use data from the
long-term study of a harvested bighorn sheep population at Ram
Mountain, Alberta, Canada, to investigate the evolutionary con-
sequences of more than 30 years of selective hunting of trophy rams.
Fifty-seven rams have been shot at Ram Mountain since 1975, or
about 40% of the rams legally available for harvest in each year (see
Methods), for a yearly harvest of between zero and six rams
. Most
trophy-harvested rams were shot before reaching 8 years of age (45
of 57 rams), and nine were shot as early as the age of 4 years. In
bighorn sheep, much of the total horn length is added from the ages
of 2 to 4 years, and at Ram Mountain the probability of a ram being
shot before the age of 6 years is positively correlated with cumulative
horn growth over this interval
. Animal model’
genetic analysis of 395 horn-length and 447 weight measurements
taken from 192 rams at ages 2, 3 and 4 years from 1971 to 2002
revealed narrow-sense heritabilities of 0.69 ^ 0.10 and 0.41 ^ 0.11
Figure 1 Selection against high-breeding-value rams imposed by trophy hunting.
a, Breeding values (means ^ s.e.m.) for horn length and weight of trophy-harvested
rams (filled bars) and non-trophy-harvested rams (open bars). b, Relationship between
the age at harvest for trophy-harvested rams and their breeding value. c, Relationship
between the number of paternities assigned to trophy-harvested rams in their lifetime and
their breeding value.
Figure 2 Observed changes in mean weight and horn length and in the population size
from 1972 to 2002. a, Relationship between weight (mean ^ s.e.m.) of 4-year-old rams
and year (N ¼ 133 rams). b, Relationship between horn length (mean ^ s.e.m.) of
4-year-old rams and year (N ¼ 119 rams). c, Changes in population size (taken as the
number of ewes aged at least 2 years plus yearlings
) over time.
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NATURE | VOL 426 | 11 DECEMBER 2003 |
(means ^ s.e.m.), respectively (see Methods), and a strong positive
additive genetic correlation between the two (þ0.84 ^ 0.10). Com-
parison of expected genetic ‘breeding values’ (twice the expected
deviation of an individual’s offspring phenotype from the popu-
lation mean owing to the additive effect of the offspring’s inherited
) extracted from this model (Fig. 1a) indicates that hunters
selectively harvest rams with high breeding values for horn length
(trophy-harvested mean, þ 0.61 ^ 0.28; non-harvested mean,
21.24 ^ 0.48; t-test: t
¼ 24.16, P , 0.001) and weight (tro-
phy-harvested mean, þ0.70 ^ 0.28; non-harvested mean,
20.89 ^ 0.48; t-test: t
¼ 23.26, P ¼ 0.0014).
Within seasons, mating success in bighorn sheep increases with
dominance rank
, age and horn length
. The positive effect of large
horns on mating success increases from about 6 years of age
, when
rams are capable of defending oestrous ewes during the rut. The age
at which a high-breeding-value ram is harvested is therefore likely to
have an important impact on the number of offspring he can sire.
We found a negative relationship between the age at which a trophy-
harvested ram was shot and his breeding value for horn length
(generalized linear model (GLM) with Poisson errors: x
¼ 4.64,
P ¼ 0.031; Fig. 1b) but not for weight (GLM: x
¼ 1.80, P ¼ 0.18;
data not shown). Trophy-harvested rams with high breeding values
for body and horn size were therefore less likely to reach the ages at
which they achieve high rates of paternity in this population
consequence, there was a negative relationship between breeding
value for horn length and lifetime mating success, measured as the
number of paternities assigned over their lifetime, among trophy-
harvested rams (GLM with negative binomial error: x
¼ 8.56,
P ¼ 0.0034; Fig. 1c). The mean sire breeding value of individuals
fathered by trophy-harvested rams was therefore significantly less
than zero for both weight (one-sample t-test: mean ¼ 22.41,
s.e.m. ¼ 0.37, t
¼ 26.50, P , 0.001) and horn length
(mean ¼ 21.84, s.e.m. ¼ 0.19, t
¼ 29.68, P , 0.001). The
mean sire breeding value of individuals fathered by rams that
died a natural death was also significantly less than zero for both
weight (one-sample t-test: mean ¼ 21.24, s.e.m. ¼ 0.17,
¼ 27.14, P , 0.001) and horn length (mean ¼ 22.10,
s.e.m. ¼ 0.16, t
¼ 220.43, P , 0.001). The low breeding values
of rams not harvested (Fig. 1a) and the reduced longevity and
potential reproductive output of the higher-quality trophy-har-
vested rams (Fig. 1b, c) combine to suggest that the selection
imposed by trophy hunting had a negative impact on the evol-
utionary trajectory of horn length and body weight in this popu-
lation during our study.
Is there evidence of a response to selective harvesting at the
population level? Significant declines in both ram weight (linear
mixed-effect model including year of birth and individual as a
random effects, and age, time and resource index as fixed effects:
¼ 20.30, s.e.m. ¼ 0.09, t
¼ 23.42, P ¼ 0.0021) and horn
length (linear mixed-effect model including year of birth and
individual as a random effects, and age, time and resource index
as fixed effects: b
¼ 20.35, s.e.m. ¼ 0.12, t
¼ 22.97,
P ¼ 0.0068) were observed over the course of the study (Fig. 2a,
b) after controlling for environmental effects such as population
density (Fig. 2c) using an index of resource availability (see
Methods; weight: b
¼ 0.81, s.e.m. ¼ 0.17, t
¼ 4.72,
P , 0.001; horn length: b
¼ 0.72, s.e.m. ¼ 0.22,
¼ 3.32, P ¼ 0.0030). These are very rapid rates of phenotypic
,correspondingto20.30/12.9 ¼ 20.023 and 20.35/
13.6 ¼ 20.026 standard deviations per year, or 20.14 and 20.15
haldanes (ref. 20) assuming a generation time of 6 years. Analyses of
breeding values are consistent with genetically based responses (Fig.
3). Declines in breeding value (see Methods) were observed for both
ram weight (linear mixed-effect model including year of birth as a
random effect, and time and resource index as fixed effects:
¼ 0.037, s.e.m. ¼ 0.025, t
¼ 1.49, P ¼ 0.15;
¼ 20.071, s.e.m. ¼ 0.012, t
¼ 26.02, P , 0.001) and
horn length (linear mixed-effect model including year of birth as
a random effect, and time and resource index as fixed effects:
¼ 0.050, s.e.m. ¼ 0.024, t
¼ 2.08, P ¼ 0.045;
¼ 20.075, s.e.m. ¼ 0.011, t
2 6.76, P , 0.001). Such
declines in breeding value over time are indicative of a microevolu-
tionary response to selection
in the Ram Mountain population.
Unrestricted harvesting of trophy rams has thus contributed to a
decline in the very traits that determine trophy quality. Hunters
have selectively targeted rams of high genetic quality before their
reproductive peak, depleting the genes that confer rapid early body
and horn growth. Wildlife harvesting that is selective and suffi-
ciently severe might elicit an undesired evolutionary response when
the target trait is heritable. There might also be unexpected effects
on genetically correlated traits, such as female body weight or
disease resistance
, that could result in further genetic deterioration
of harvested populations as anthropogenic selection pushes traits
away from their naturally selected optima. Because such changes
will be extremely difficult to reverse, wildlife managers must
consider the genetic effects and the evolutionary implications of
alternative harvest strategies
. The move to adopt a ‘full curl’
restriction in parts of Alberta in 1996, which limits harvest to
rams with horns whose tip extends beyond the tip of the nose, is one
strategy to minimize further deterioration of the genetic quality of
bighorn sheep. A
Population and study site
The bighorn sheep population on Ram Mountain, Alberta, Canada (528 N, 1158 W,
elevation 1,080–2,170 m) has been monitored closely since 1971 (refs 17, 23). Immigration
to Ram Mountain from the main species range has not been documented, and is probably
rare because of isolation of the population by about 30 km of coniferous forest. Each year,
sheep were captured in a corral trap baited with salt from late May to early October, and
marked with coloured plastic ear tags or canvas collars for individual identification. Adult
rams were captured once or twice in most summers from early June to mid-July. At each
capture, sheep were weighed to the nearest 250 g with a Detecto spring scale. Horn length
along the outside curvature was measured with tape. The longer of the left and right horn
measurements was used, because rams can have a varying amount of horn removed by
wear. For further details on field methods see refs 17, 23 and 24.
Bighorn males on Ram Mountain can be legally harvested by Alberta resident hunters
from late August to the end of October. Until 1996, rams with horns describing at least
four-fifths of a curl (‘trophy’ rams) could be harvested by any hunter holding a trophy
sheep licence
. As any resident could purchase a licence, the harvest was limited only by
the availability of trophy rams. A change in regulations in 1996 limited harvest to ‘full-curl’
rams. Consequently, only three rams have been shot since 1996. Individual weight and
horn length measurements from rams captured between 1971 and 2002 were adjusted to
5 June (ref. 24). Because the youngest age at which rams were shot by hunters was 4 years,
we used weight and horn length data from ages 2, 3 and 4 years to avoid bias due to hunter
Pedigree reconstruction
Maternity was known from field observations for 709 of the 894 (79.3%) marked sheep
Figure 3 Changes in the mean breeding value of cohorts born between 1967 and 2002.
a, Relationship between breeding value (mean ^ s.e.m.) for weight and year of birth
(N ¼ 783 individuals). b, Relationship between breeding value (mean ^ s.e.m.) for horn
length and year of birth (N ¼ 783 individuals).
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whose fates have been followed since 1971. Tissue sampling for DNA analyses started in
1988. Blood samples were taken from all captured sheep until 1993 and stored in
preservative at 220 8C. Sampling resumed in 1997, when hair samples were taken from all
captured sheep by plucking 50–100 hairs including roots from the back or flank. Hairs
were kept either in paper envelopes or plastic bags containing about 5 g of silica at room
temperature. From 1998 to 2002, a tissue sample from each captured sheep was taken from
the ear with an 8-mm punch. Ear tissue was kept at 220 8C in a solution of 20%
dimethylsulphoxide saturated with NaCl. We sampled 433 marked individuals over the
course of the study.
DNAwas extracted from blood with a standard phenol–chloroform method, and from
either 20–30 hairs including follicles or about 5 mg of ear tissue, using the QIAamp tissue
extraction kit (Qiagen Inc., Mississauga, Ontario). Polymerase chain reaction
amplification at 20 ungulate-derived microsatellite loci, 15 as described previously
MCM527, BM4025, MAF64, OarFCB193 and MAF92 (refs 25, 26), and fragment analysis
were performed as described elsewhere
. After correction for multiple comparisons, we
found no evidence for allelic or genotypic disequilibria at or among these 20 loci.
Paternity of 241 individuals was assigned by using the likelihood-based approach
described in CERVUS
at a confidence level of more than 95% with input parameters
given in ref. 5. After paternity analysis, we used KINSHIP
to identify 31 clusters of 104
paternal half-sibs among the unassigned offspring. A paternal half-sibship consisted of all
pairs of individuals of unassigned paternity that were identified in the KINSHIP analysis as
having a likelihood ratio of the probability of a paternal half-sib relationship versus
unrelated with an associated P , 0.05 (ref. 28). Members of reconstructed paternal half-
sibships were assigned a common unknown paternal identity for the animal model
analyses. Paternal identity links in the pedigree were therefore defined for 345 individuals.
Animal model analyses
Breeding values, genetic variance components and heritabilities were estimated by using a
multiple trait restricted-estimate maximum-likelihood (REML) model implemented by
the programs PEST
and VCE
. An animal model was fitted in which the phenotype of
each animal was broken down into components of additive genetic value and other
random and fixed effects: y ¼ Xb þ Za þ Pc þ e, where y was a vector of phenotypic
values, b was a vector of fixed effects, a and c were vectors of additive genetic and
permanent environmental, e was a vector of residual values, and X, Z and P were the
corresponding design matrices relating records to the appropriate fixed or random
. Fixed effects included age (factor) and the average weight of yearling ewes in the
year of measurement (covariate), which is a better index of resource availability than
population size because it accounts for time-lagged effects
. The permanent
environmental effect grouped repeated observations on the same individual to quantify
any remaining between-individual variance over and above that due to additive genetic
effects, which would be due to maternal or other long-term environmental and non-
additive genetic effects.
The total phenotypic variance (V
) was therefore partitioned into three components:
the additive genetic variance (V
), the permanent environmental variance (V
) and the
residual variance (V
), thus: V
¼ V
þ V
þ V
. Heritability was calculated as h
¼ V
. The VCE
program returns standard errors on all variance components and ratios.
Best linear unbiased predictors of individual breeding values were quantified by using
REML estimates of the variance components obtained with PEST
. All statistical tests
were conducted in SPLUS 6.1.
Received 11 August; accepted 17 October 2003; doi:10.1038/nature02177.
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17. Jorgenson, J. T., Festa-Bianchet, M. & Wishart, W. D. Effects of population density on horn
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18. Lynch, M. & Walsh, B. Genetics and Analysis of Quantitative Traits (Massachusetts, Sinauer,
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20. Hendry, A. P. & Kinnison, M. T. Perspective: The pace of modern life: measuring rates of
contemporary microevolution. Evolution 53, 1637–1653 (1999).
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22. Coltman, D. W., Pilkington, J., Kruuk, L. E. B., Wilson, K. & Pemberton, J. M. Positive genetic
correlation between parasite resistance and body size in a free-living ungulate population. Evolution
55, 2116–2125 (2001).
23. Jorgenson, J. T., Festa-Bianchet, M. & Wishart, W. D. Harvesting bighorn ewes
consequences for
population-size and trophy ram production. J. Wildl. Mgmt 57, 429–435 (1993).
24. Festa-Bianchet, M., Jorgenson, J. T., King, W. J., Smith, K. G. & Wishart, W. D. The development of
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25. Crawford, A. M. et al. An autosomal genetic linkage map of the sheep genome. Genetics 140, 703–724
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27. Marshall, T. C., Slate, J., Kruuk, L. E. B. & Pemberton, J. M. Statistical confidence for likelihood-based
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Federal Research Center of Agriculture (FAL) (Mariensee, Germany, 1995).
Acknowledgements We thank the many students, colleagues, volunteers and assistants that
contributed to this research over the past 30 years.B. Wishart initiated the Ram Mountain project.
Our research was funded by the Alberta Conservation Association, Alberta Fish and Wildlife
Division, Alberta Recreation, Sports, Parks and Wildlife Foundation, Eppley Foundation for
Research, Foundation for North American Wild Sheep, National Geographic Society, Natural
Environment Research Council (UK), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (Canada), and the Universite
de Sherbrooke. We are
grateful for the logistical support of the Alberta Forest Service.
Competing interests statement The authors declare that they have no competing financial
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to D.W.C.
emergence of infectious diseases
Rustom Antia
, Roland R. Regoes
, Jacob C. Koella
& Carl T. Bergstrom
Department of Biology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322, USA
Laboratoire de Parasitologie Evolutive, Universite
Pierre et Marie Curie,
75252 Paris, France
Department of Biology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195,
It is unclear when, where and how novel pathogens such as
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), monkeypox and severe
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) will cross the barriers that
separate their natural reservoirs from human populations and
ignite the epidemic spread of novel infectious diseases. New
pathogens are believed to emerge from animal reservoirs when
ecological changes increase the pathogens opportunities to enter
the human population
and to generate subsequent human-to-
human transmission
. Effective human-to-human transmission
requires that the pathogen’s basic reproductive number, R
should exceed one, where R
is the average number of secondary
infections arising from one infected individual in a completely
susceptible population
. However, an increase in R
, even when
insufficient to generate an epidemic, nonetheless increases the
number of subsequently infected individuals. Here we show that,
letters to nature
NATURE | VOL 426 | 11 DECEMBER 2003 |
... Additionally, management practices, such as selective culling, may impact the size of horns or antlers (Pozo et al. 2016;Balčiauskas et al. 2017). Body and antler size are important criteria for hunters' preferences (Allendorf and Hard 2009;Solberg et al. 2000), which can have long-term consequences for animal populations and result in genetic and phenotypic deterioration of harvested populations (Coltman et al. 2003;Pigeon et al. 2016). ...
... Hunting is a common tool in ungulate management worldwide. It may significantly influence not only population dynamics but also many other aspects of animal ecology including behavior (Ericsson and Wallin 1996), space and habitat use (Reyna-Hurtado and Tanner 2005; Mols et al. 2022), sex ratio and age structure (Langvatn and Loison 1999) as well as size of sexually selected organs such as horns and antlers (Coltman et al. 2003). In some countries, including Poland, trophy hunting is dominating motivation for hunting cervid males (moose, red deer, roe deer) with selection rules depending mainly on antler characteristics and age. ...
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Hunting directly impacts the population dynamics of ungulates and can have a significant effect on the quality of phenotypic traits such as horns or antlers. In Poland, following a demographic collapse in the 1990s and the introduction of a hunting ban in 2001, the population of moose (Alces alces) has increased from 1,800 to over 20,000 individuals, recolonising its former range. As the moose is a charismatic species and a popular subject for nature photography, we analysed changes in antler size and shape in this cervid between 2005 and 2021 based on photos of male moose and antler casts provided by photographers or available in social media. Our findings indicate that during the hunting ban, the probability of observing the cervina antler type significantly decreased over time, from 47% in 2012 to 28% in 2021. Meanwhile, the probability of observing the intermediate and palmate antler types significantly increased from 44 to 53% and from 9 to 19%, respectively. The mean number of tines significantly increased from 3.2 in 2005 to 4.7 in 2021, and the antler size index significantly increased from 3.4 to 3.9. The most likely mechanism behind the observed changes could be the ageing of a population released from hunting pressure. We also observed regional variation in antler size, which is likely related to differences in environmental conditions. Our study serves as an example of how passive citizen science can contribute to our understanding of ecological trends and the quantification of population patterns. It also has important implications for management of species affected by trophy hunting.
... Many fisheries exert size-selective harvesting [1,2], and such selective removal of the larger individuals can cause marked phenotypic [3,4] and genetic [5,6] changes in the population. Size-selective harvesting promotes traits, such as faster juvenile growth, early maturation, smaller adult body size, lower schooling cohesion and fecundity compared with the effects of a random (with regard to phenotype) reduction in population size [1,4,[7][8][9][10]. ...
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Overfishing is one of the greatest threats to fish populations. Size-selective harvesting favours faster juvenile growth, younger maturation, small adult body size and low reproductive output. Such changes might be slow to recover and ultimately threaten population fitness and survival. To study the recovery potential of exploited experimental populations, we compared life-history traits in three differently size-selected experimental lines (large-selected, small-selected and random-selected) after five generations of harvesting and 10 subsequent generations of recovery (i.e. cessation of harvesting). We show that after a recovery period twice as long as the harvesting period, the differences in adult body size among the selection lines have eroded. While there was still a significant body size difference among the selection lines, this did not translate to differences in reproductive success. Although size-selective harvesting causes phenotypic changes in exploited fish populations, we show that such changes are reversible if the recovery period is long enough.
... TH is a divisive topic; some argue that, when well-managed, it offers conservation benefits to target species, conservation incentives for areas of land used for hunting, and socioeconomic benefits to local communities that live in or near hunting areas [2][3][4][5][6][7]. Others contend that TH is linked to negative conservation impacts [6,[8][9][10][11][12], unethical hunting practices [4][5][6]13], adverse evolutionary effects [14][15][16][17][18], and socioeconomic problems for local communities that are intended beneficiaries of the TH programs [5,7,[19][20][21]. ...
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This study examines the perceived influence of corruption on the practice of trophy hunting in South Africa, the largest trophy exporter in Africa. Corruption is a major problem in South Africa, where it takes the form of bribery and embezzlement. To investigate its perceived effects on the practice of trophy hunting, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 trophy hunting stakeholders in South Africa. Interviews were conducted via Zoom, recorded, transcribed, and coded using a qualitative content analysis. Six of the 15 respondents had personally witnessed corruption in the trophy hunting industry in South Africa, and 13 respondents had heard accounts of corruption witnessed or experienced by others. Respondents identified several perceived problems caused by corruption in the trophy hunting industry and suggested ways to mitigate corruption. Based on these results, a multi-pronged approach for addressing corruption within the trophy hunting industry in South Africa may be necessary.
... As natural predators are absent from many human-dominated areas, hunting by humans has become the most important mortality factor for many species 25,26 . Hunting can exert selection on morphological 27,28 and behavioural traits [29][30][31] . In addition, different hunting methods, varying in intensity of disturbance, can cause various behavioural reactions in hunted species 32 . ...
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Human-induced disturbances of the environment are rapid and often unpredictable in space and time, exposing wildlife to strong selection pressure favouring plasticity in specific traits. Measuring wildlife behavioural plasticity in response to human-induced disturbances such as hunting pressures is crucial in understanding population expansion in the highly plastic wild boar species. We collected GPS-based movement data from 55 wild boars during drive hunts over three hunting seasons (2019–2022) in the Czech Republic and Sweden to identify behavioural plasticity in space use and movement strategies over a range of experienced hunting disturbances. Daily distance, daily range, and daily range overlap with hunting area were not affected by hunting intensity but were clearly related to wild boar hunting experience. On average, the post-hunt flight distance was 1.80 km, and the flight duration lasted 25.8 h until they returned to their previous ranging area. We detected no relationship in flight behaviour to hunting intensity or wild boar experience. Wild boar monitored in our study showed two behavioural responses to drive hunts, “remain” or “leave”. Wild boars tended to “leave” more often with increasing hunting experience. Overall, this study highlights the behavioural plasticity of wild boar in response to drive hunts.
... In those models which also exhibit the greatest evolutionary change, we also impose selection that is stronger than typically observed in the field. We consequently caution against claims of evolution in a generation or two (Coltman et al. 2003) as likely being flawed given our results suggest a few tens of generations are required before compelling evidence of evolution is likely to be detectable (see also Hadfield et al. (2010)). not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. ...
Micro-evolutionary predictions are complicated by ecological feedbacks like density dependence, while ecological predictions can be complicated by evolutionary change. A widely used approach in micro-evolution, quantitative genetics, struggles to incorporate ecological processes into predictive models, while structured population modelling, a tool widely used in ecology, rarely incorporates evolution explicitly. In this paper we develop a flexible, general framework that links quantitative genetics and structured population models. We use the quantitative genetic approach to write down the phenotype as an additive map. We then construct integral projection models for each component of the phenotype. The dynamics of the distribution of the phenotype are generated by combining distributions of each of its components. Population projection models can be formulated on per generation or on shorter time steps. We introduce the framework before developing example models with parameters chosen to exhibit specific dynamics. These models reveal (i) how evolution of a phenotype can cause populations to move from one dynamical regime to another (e.g. from stationarity to cycles), (ii) how additive genetic variances and covariances (the G matrix) are expected to evolve over multiple generations, (iii) how changing heritability with age can maintain additive genetic variation in the face of selection and (iii) life history, population dynamics, phenotypic characters and parameters in ecological models will change as adaptation occurs. Our approach unifies population ecology and evolutionary biology providing a framework allowing a very wide range of questions to be addressed. The next step is to apply the approach to a variety of laboratory and field systems. Once this is done we will have a much deeper understanding of eco-evolutionary dynamics and feedbacks.
... Population abundance is particularly crucial in the case of big game species, where intensive management regimes favor very high levels of density (Mysterud, 2010), which can cause habitat deterioration (Perea and Gil, 2014) and ecosystem health risks (Abrantes and Vieira-Pinto, 2021;Vicente et al., 2013;Gortázar et al., 2006). In some cases, management can also have notable effects on managed populations in terms of their demographics, age and sex structure (Coltman et al., 2003;Martínez-Jauregui et al., 2005), behavior, mating systems and genetic variability Torres-Porras et al., 2014), which could have evolutionary consequences (Mysterud, 2011) and can result in domestication processes (Mysterud, 2010). Also, small game hunting contributes with additional mortality and can produce population-level impacts (Sandercock et al., 2011;Weinbaum et al., 2013), which in declining species can aggravate their status (Keane et al., 2005;Moreno-Zarate et al., 2021). ...
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Sustainability of land use is a guiding paradigm for natural resource policy in the 21st century and should also be pursued in wildlife management. We have bridged the theoretical sustainability framework with practical policy implementation by defining a certification scheme whereby landowners implement game management systems that are aligned with sustainability standards and audited by accredited bodies. Oversight is provided by a governance committee, comprising scientists, public officers, and certification body representatives, ensuring adaptability to evolving societal attitudes and regulatory changes. Using the Delphi method with a panel of 78 experts we defined key sustainability criteria for sustainable game management following a criterion of consensus. The agreed criteria were structured around three dimensions: game population, habitat, and socioeconomic aspects, forming a coherent framework. The seven most important criteria for defining a certification system focused on maintaining or improving: 1) game population abundance, distribution, structure, and behavior compatible with conservation; 2) natural genetic characteristics of game populations; 3) diversity and conservation status of native game species; 4) diversity of native non-game species; 5) conservation status and diversity of habitats; 6) socioeconomic functions and conditions of the activity; and 7) customer satisfaction. We discuss how the label derived from this certification could serve as an identity brand with positive effects on the recreational hunting market, but also that the promotion of this system requires the commitment of policy makers as well as the valuing of hunters against other options less respectful of the natural environment.
... Human activities can also impact populations more directly, with equally pronounced evolutionary consequences. For example, the selective targeting by trophy hunters of male bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensis, with the largest horns has led to an evolutionary decline in body size and horn size in rams within just a few generations (Coltman et al., 2003). These kinds of rapid evolutionary responses of wildlife to human activities are likely to become more frequent and more pronounced during the next decades of the Anthropocene, as the breadth and severity of human impacts intensify. ...
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The Anthropocene is seeing the human footprint rapidly spreading to all of Earth's ecosystems. The fast‐changing biotic and abiotic conditions experienced by all organisms are exerting new and strong selective pressures, and there is a growing list of examples of human‐induced evolution in response to anthropogenic impacts. No organism is exempt from these novel selective pressures. Here, we synthesise current knowledge on human‐induced evolution in eukaryotic parasites of animals, and present a multidisciplinary framework for its study and monitoring. Parasites generally have short generation times and huge fecundity, features that predispose them for rapid evolution. We begin by reviewing evidence that parasites often have substantial standing genetic variation, and examples of their rapid evolution both under conditions of livestock production and in serial passage experiments. We then present a two‐step conceptual overview of the causal chain linking anthropogenic impacts to parasite evolution. First, we review the major anthropogenic factors impacting parasites, and identify the selective pressures they exert on parasites through increased mortality of either infective stages or adult parasites, or through changes in host density, quality or immunity. Second, we discuss what new phenotypic traits are likely to be favoured by the new selective pressures resulting from altered parasite mortality or host changes; we focus mostly on parasite virulence and basic life‐history traits, as these most directly influence the transmission success of parasites and the pathology they induce. To illustrate the kinds of evolutionary changes in parasites anticipated in the Anthropocene, we present a few scenarios, either already documented or hypothetical but plausible, involving parasite taxa in livestock, aquaculture and natural systems. Finally, we offer several approaches for investigations and real‐time monitoring of rapid, human‐induced evolution in parasites, ranging from controlled experiments to the use of state‐of‐the‐art genomic tools. The implications of fast‐evolving parasites in the Anthropocene for disease emergence and the dynamics of infections in domestic animals and wildlife are concerning. Broader recognition that it is not only the conditions for parasite transmission that are changing, but the parasites themselves, is needed to meet better the challenges ahead.
Rapid adaptation is thought to be critical for the survival of species under global change, but our understanding of human-induced evolution in the wild remains limited. We show that widespread deforestation has underpinned repeated color shifts in wild insect populations. Specifically, loss of forest has led to color changes across lineages that mimic the warning coloration of a toxic forest stonefly. Predation experiments suggest that the relative fitness of color phenotypes varies between forested and deforested habitats. Genomic and coloration analyses of 1200 specimens show repeated selection at the ebony locus controlling color polymorphism across lineages. These findings represent an example of human-driven evolution linked to altered species interactions, highlighting the possibility for populations to adapt rapidly in the wake of sudden environmental change.
Conference Paper
This paper presents an innovative technological approach to ensure the sustainability of state-controlled nature park hunting tourism and to protect wildlife. The developed smart fire control systems utilize artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced image processing techniques to prevent firing by activating the safety pin in various situations. Through an integrated camera module and a minicomputer from the Jetson family, animals can be detected in real-time, and various data analysis techniques, along with object recognition algorithms, allow for ethical intervention in many situations that are invisible to the human eye and could be exploited by hunters. Particularly in various national parks, the frequent reports of accidental or uninformed hunting of rare and endangered species, especially during their breeding seasons, underline the importance of this technology. Furthermore, hunters’ preference for the most dominant animal in a herd as a trophy poses a significant threat in evolutionary terms. This technology contributes significantly to the conservation of wildlife while promoting ethical and sustainable practices in hunting tourism. The study addresses the development, testing, and implementation of this technology and adds a technological dimension to wildlife conservation strategies.
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We evaluate methods for measuring and specifying rates of microevolution in the wild, with particular regard to studies of contemporary, often deemed "rapid," evolution. A considerable amount of ambiguity and inconsistency persists within the field, and we provide a number of suggestions that should improve study design, inference, and clarity of presentation. (1) Some studies measure change over time within a population (allochronic) and others measure the difference between two populations that had a common ancestor in the past (synchronic). Allochronic studies can be used to estimate rates of "evolution," whereas synchronic studies more appropriately estimate rates of "divergence." Rates of divergence may range from a small fraction to many times the actual evolutionary rates in the component populations. (2) Some studies measure change using individuals captured from the wild, whereas others measure differences after rearing in a common environment. The first type of study can be used to specify "phenotypic" rates and the later "genetic" rates. (3) The most commonly used evolutionary rate metric, the darwin, has a number of theoretical shortcomings. Studies of microevolution would benefit from specifying rates in standard deviations per generation, the haldane. (4) Evolutionary rates are typically specified without an indication of their precision. Readily available methods for specifying confidence intervals and statistical significance (regression, bootstrapping, randomization) should be implemented. (5) Microevolutionists should strive to accumulate time series, which can reveal temporal shifts in the rate of evolution and can be used to identify evolutionary patterns. (6) Evolutionary rates provide a convenient way to compare the tempo of evolution across studies, traits, taxa, and time scales, but such comparisons are subject to varying degrees of confidence. Comparisons across different time scales are particularly tenuous. (7) A number of multivariate rate measures exist, but considerable theoretical development is required before their utility can be determined. We encourage the continued investigation of evolutionary rates because the information they provide is relevant to a wide range of theoretical and practical issues.
We report the first extensive ovine genetic linkage map covering 2070 cM of the sheep genome. The map was generated from the linkage analysis of 246 polymorphic markers, in nine three-generation full-sib pedigrees, which make up the AgResearch International Mapping Flock. We have exploited many markers from cattle so that valuable comparisons between these two ruminant linkage maps can be made. The markers, used in the segregation analyses, comprised 86 anonymous microsatellite markers derived from the sheep genome, 126 anonymous microsatellites from cattle, one from deer, and 33 polymorphic markers of various types associated with known genes. The maximum number of informative meioses within the mapping flock was 222. The average number of informative meioses per marker was 140 (range 18-209). Linkage groups have been assigned to all 26 sheep autosomes.
Recent theoretical investigations suggest that the rate of river incision into bedrock depends nonlinearly on sediment supply, challenging the common assumption that incision rate is simply proportional to stream power. Our measurements from laboratory abrasion mills support the hypothesis that sediment promotes erosion at low supply rates by providing tools for abrasion, but inhibits erosion at high supply rates by burying underlying bedrock beneath transient deposits. Maximum erosion rates occur at a critical level of coarse-grained sediment supply where the bedrock is only partially exposed. Fine-grained sediments provide poor abrasive tools for lowering bedrock river beds because they tend to travel in suspension. Experiments also reveal that rock resistance to fluvial erosion scales with the square of rock tensile strength. Our results suggest that spatial and temporal variations in the extent of bedrock exposure provide incising rivers with a previously unrecognized degree of freedom in adjusting to changes in rock uplift rate and climate. Furthermore, we conclude that the grain size distribution of sediment supplied by hill-slopes to the channel network is a fundamental control on bedrock channel gradients and topographic relief.
Abstract Parasite resistance and body size are subject to directional natural selection in a population of feral Soay sheep (Ovis aries) on the island of St. Kilda, Scotland. Classical evolutionary theory predicts that directional selection should erode additive genetic variation and favor the maintenance of alleles that have negative pleiotropic effects on other traits associated with fitness. Contrary to these predictions, in this study we show that there is considerable additive genetic variation for both parasite resistance, measured as fecal egg count (FEC), and body size, measured as weight and hindleg length, and that there are positive genetic correlations between parasite resistance and body size in both sexes. Body size traits had higher heritabilities than parasite resistance. This was not due to low levels of additive genetic variation for parasite resistance, but was a consequence of high levels of residual variance in FEC. Measured as coefficients of variation, levels of additive genetic variation for FEC were actually higher than for weight or hindleg length. High levels of additive genetic variation for parasite resistance may be maintained by a number of mechanisms including high mutational input, balancing selection, antagonistic pleiotropy, and host-parasite coevolution. The positive genetic correlation between parasite resistance and body size, a trait also subject to sexual selection in males, suggests that parasite resistance and growth are not traded off in Soay sheep, but rather that genetically resistant individuals also experience superior growth.
The topographic development and the relationship of elevation to erosion within major collisional mountain ranges are investigated through analytical and numerical solutions of the diffusion equation for a continuously uplifted terrain. The solutions are conditioned by observations of topographic and uplift patterns from the Southern Alps of New Zealand. A simple one-dimensional steady state solution for elevation as a function of uplift rate (v), ridge-stream spacing (L), and the effective erosional diffusivity (K*) demonstrates that one-dimensional steady state elevations vary linearly with uplift rate, as the square of channel spacing and inversely with K*. The Southern Alps ridge peak pattern is a function of the response of the slope forming processes to the imposed major stream gradients and is established within ~250 ka for K* ~107 m2/Ma. The ridge-peak pattern within the high rainfall region of the western slope is shown to be an intrinsic topographic pattern for many different uplift rate and diffusivity patterns and is similar to that observed in the Himalayan collision zone. -from Author
The consumptive use of wildlife, in particular trophy hunting and game ranching of ungulates, has been advocated as a tool for conservation in Africa. We show that these methods of harvesting differ significantly from natural predation, with trophy hunting showing extreme selection for adult males and game ranching leading to disproportionate harvests of young males. Little information, either theoretical or empirical, exists concerning the effect of these harvesting regimes on the long-term population dynamics of ungulate populations. Despite that, the potential effects of sex-skewed harvests are numerous. In this paper, we investigate one potentially deleterious effect of sex-skewed harvests. Both theory and experimental data suggest that male ungulates are limited in their absolute ability to inseminate females. Using a Leslie-Matrix model and published data on impala, we show that the interaction between sperm limitation and harvests with highly male-biased sex ratios can lead to greatly reduced female fecundity (defined as the number of young born) and population collapse. These results are robust and suggest that present methods of harvesting may not be optimal, or viable, in the long term.
We evaluate methods for measuring and specifying rates of microevolution in the wild, with particular regard to studies of contemporary, often deemed "rapid," evolution. A considerable amount of ambiguity and inconsistency persists within the field, and we provide a number of suggestions that should improve study design, inference, and clarity of presentation. (1) Some studies measure change over time within a population (allochronic) and others measure the difference between two populations that had a common ancestor in the past (synchronic). Allochronic studies can be used to estimate rates of "evolution," whereas synchronic studies more appropriately estimate rates of "divergence." Rates of divergence may range from a small fraction to many times the actual evolutionary rates in the component populations. (2) Some studies measure change using individuals captured from the wild, whereas others measure differences after rearing in a common environment. The first type of study can be used to specify "phenotypic" rates and the later "genetic" rates. (3) The most commonly used evolutionary rate metric, the darwin, has a number of theoretical shortcomings. Studies of microevolution would benefit from specifying rates in standard deviations per generation, the haldane. (4) Evolutionary rates are typically specified without an indication of their precision. Readily available methods for specifying confidence intervals and statistical significance (regression, bootstrapping, randomization) should be implemented. (5) Microevolutionists should strive to accumulate time series, which can reveal temporal shifts in the rate of evolution and can be used to identify evolutionary patterns. (6) Evolutionary rates provide a convenient way to compare the tempo of evolution across studies, traits, taxa, and time scales, but such comparisons are subject to varying degrees of confidence. Comparisons across different time scales are particularly tenuous. (7) A number of multivariate rate measures exist, but considerable theoretical development is required before their utility can be determined. We encourage the continued investigation of evolutionary rates because the information they provide is relevant to a wide range of theoretical and practical issues.
Fission track analysis of apatite and zircon is used to investigate the late Cenozoic vertical kinematics (amount, age, and rate of rock uplift) of the Pacific continental crust in South Island, New Zealand. New data which constrain the spatial variations in the amount, age, and rate of late Cenozoic rock uplift across the leading edge of the Pacific plate presently in collision with the Australia plate are presented. The pattern of late Cenozoic rock uplift is strongly asymmetrical with respect to the Alpine fault and varies from a maximum of about 19 km at the Alpine fault near Fox Glacier to about 3 km at the east. Late Cenozoic uplift rates have averaged no more than 2.8 mm/yr right at the Alpine fault near Fox Glacier but have been sufficient in 5-8 m.y. to expose amphibolite grade schist near the fault. From 6.7 to 1.3 Ma, cooling rates were of the order of 22 C/m.y., and inferred uplift rates of 0.8 mm/yr are too low to have significantly perturbed the geotherms.
The Thakkhola graben is one of many north-trending rifts that define the Neogene structural pattern of the southern Tibetan Plateau. Lying at the southern margin of the plateau and extending to the crest of the Himalaya, the graben provides an opportunity to evaluate the kinematic relationships between east-west extensional strain in southern Tibet and north-south extensional strain in the Himalaya. Neotectonic and structural mapping of the Dangardzong fault along the western margin of the graben reveals a southward-decreasing component of normal slip coupled with a southward-increasing component of right-lateral slip that affects Pleistocene basin-fill sediments. We present 14C ages for river terraces in the Thakkhola graben that provide a ca. 17.2 ka minimum age on the latest stage of Dangardzong fault movement. Near the southern termination of the graben, the Dangardzong fault apparently offsets the Annapurna detachment, an early (Miocene) strand of the east-striking South Tibetan fault system. However, the Dangardzong fault itself terminates against a young (i.e., younger than ca. 17.2 ka) strand of the South Tibetan fault system, the Dhumpu detachment. Structural relationships among the Dangardzong, Annapurna, and Dhumpu faults suggest that the Dangardzong structure is a tear fault in the South Tibetan allochthon that accommodates differential amounts and rates of displacement along the South Tibetan fault system. Thus, although the South Tibetan fault system first developed as part of the structural architecture of the Himalaya in Miocene time, at least some strands have been active as recently as the Pleistocene. In a regional context, the South Tibetan fault system serves to accommodate the strain gradient between extension in Tibet and shortening in the Himalaya.