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Abstract and Figures

Drinking lots of water is commonly espoused in weight loss regimens and is regarded as healthy; however, few systematic studies address this notion. In 14 healthy, normal-weight subjects (seven men and seven women), we assessed the effect of drinking 500 ml of water on energy expenditure and substrate oxidation rates by using whole-room indirect calorimetry. The effect of water drinking on adipose tissue metabolism was assessed with the microdialysis technique. Drinking 500 ml of water increased metabolic rate by 30%. The increase occurred within 10 min and reached a maximum after 30-40 min. The total thermogenic response was about 100 kJ. About 40% of the thermogenic effect originated from warming the water from 22 to 37 C. In men, lipids mainly fueled the increase in metabolic rate. In contrast, in women carbohydrates were mainly used as the energy source. The increase in energy expenditure with water was diminished with systemic beta-adrenoreceptor blockade. Thus, drinking 2 liters of water per day would augment energy expenditure by approximately 400 kJ. Therefore, the thermogenic effect of water should be considered when estimating energy expenditure, particularly during weight loss programs.
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Water-Induced Thermogenesis
Franz-Volhard Clinical Research Center and Helios-Klinikum-Berlin (M.B., J.S., J.T., F.A., A.M.S., F.C.L., J.J.), Medical
Faculty of the Charite´, Humboldt-University, D-13125 Berlin, Germany; German Institute of Human Nutrition (U.H., S.K.),
D-14558 Potsdam-Rehbru¨ cke, Germany; and McMaster University (A.M.S.), Hamilton General Hospital, L8L 2X2 Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada
Drinking lots of water is commonly espoused in weight loss
regimens and is regarded as healthy; however, few systematic
studies address this notion. In 14 healthy, normal-weight sub-
jects (seven men and seven women), we assessed the effect of
drinking 500 ml of water on energy expenditure and substrate
oxidation rates by using whole-room indirect calorimetry.
The effect of water drinking on adipose tissue metabolism was
assessed with the microdialysis technique. Drinking 500 ml of
water increased metabolic rate by 30%. The increase occurred
within 10 min and reached a maximum after 30 40 min. The
total thermogenic response was about 100 kJ. About 40% of the
thermogenic effect originated from warming the water from
22 to 37 C. In men, lipids mainly fueled the increase in met-
abolic rate. In contrast, in women carbohydrates were mainly
used as the energy source. The increase in energy expenditure
with water was diminished with systemic
blockade. Thus, drinking 2 liters of water per day would aug-
ment energy expenditure by approximately 400 kJ. Therefore,
the thermogenic effect of water should be considered when
estimating energy expenditure, particularly during weight
loss programs. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 88: 6015– 6019, 2003)
RINK LOTS OF water and keep yourself on sched-
ule” is an old health adage. Nevertheless, few data
underscore this homily. Recent studies have demonstrated
that drinking water is, indeed, associated with a substantial
physiological response. For example, water drinking in-
creases systolic blood pressure more than 30 mm Hg in
patients with severe autonomic failure. The pressor response
was apparent within 5 min, reached a maximum after ap-
proximately 35 min, and was sustained for more than 60 min
(1, 2). Water drinking increases blood pressure moderately in
older but not younger control subjects (2). The pressor re-
sponse may be mediated by the sympathetic nervous system
(2–4). In healthy subjects, water drinking increases muscle
sympathetic nerve traffic (3) and venous plasma norepineph-
rine concentrations (2, 3, 5). Furthermore, the pressor re-
sponse can be abolished with systemic ganglionic blockade
(2). The sympathetic nervous system is important in regu-
lating energy metabolism and fuel utilization. Sympathetic
activation increases cellular glucose uptake and metabolism
and stimulates lipolysis (6). We tested the hypothesis that the
sympathetic stimulus provided by water drinking might in-
crease metabolic rate. Moreover, we determined the effect of
water drinking on fuel mobilization and utilization system-
ically and at the adipose tissue level in normal men and
women. Finally, we reasoned that the metabolic water effect
might be attenuated with systemic or locally applied
adrenoreceptor blockade.
Subjects and Methods
Fourteen healthy subjects [seven men: age, 29 3 yr; body mass index
(BMI), 24.20 0.94 kg/m
; seven women: age, 27 2 yr; BMI, 20.80
0.88 kg/m
; P 0.05 for BMI] participated in the metabolic studies. In
eight healthy subjects (two men and six women; age, 25 1 yr), we
determined the effect of water drinking on plasma osmolarity. All sub-
jects were drug-free and nonsmoking. The institutional review board
approved all studies, and written informed consent was obtained before
study entry.
Subjects did not eat 12.5 h before and did not drink 1.5 h before testing.
Three separate studies were conducted. In the first study, we assessed
the effect of drinking 500 ml of water on energy expenditure and sub-
strate oxidation rates by using indirect calorimetry. In the second study,
we used the microdialysis technique to characterize the effect of drinking
500 ml of water on adipose tissue blood flow and metabolism. In a
subgroup, studies were conducted twice, once after ingestion of placebo
and once after ingestion of 100 mg of the
-adrenoreceptor blocker
metoprolol (Stada Arzneimittel AG, Bad Vilbel, Germany). The medi-
cations were ingested in a single-blinded fashion 1 h before water drink-
ing. In the third study, we determined venous plasma osmolarity at
baseline and 30 and 60 min after water drinking.
Oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide production were measured by
using a respiratory chamber to assess changes in energy expenditure,
respiratory quotient (RQ; CO
consumed), and carbohy-
drate and lipid oxidation rates, respectively. In previous studies in 16
healthy subjects, the maximal spontaneous change in metabolic rate over
a 3-h period was 0.2 0.09 kJ/min (3%). Throughout the study, subjects
remained seated. After a run-in period of 15 min, resting energy ex-
penditure was determined for 30 min. Then, the subjects ingested 500 ml
water (22 C). In a subgroup, we also tested the effect of 500 ml of 37 C
warm water. After completion of drinking, measurements were contin-
ued for another 90 min.
Microdialysis studies were conducted in the supine position as de-
scribed previously (7, 8). Briefly, one (systemic
-adrenoreceptor block-
ade) or two (local
-adrenoreceptor blockade) microdialysis probes were
inserted into sc adipose tissue at the level of the umbilicus. BeforeAbbreviations: BMI, Body mass index; RQ, respiratory quotient.
0021-972X/03/$15.00/0 The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 88(12):6015–6019
Printed in U.S.A. Copyright © 2003 by The Endocrine Society
doi: 10.1210/jc.2003-030780
insertion of the probes, the respective area was anesthetized superficially
with EMLA cream (AstraZeneca GmbH, Wedel, Germany). On the day
with systemic
-adrenoreceptor blockade, the subjects ingested meto-
prolol (Stada Arzneimittel AG) before testing, and the probe was per-
fused with Ringers solution (Serumwerke Bernburg AG, Bernburg,
Germany) supplemented with 50 mm ethanol (B. Braun Melsungen AG,
Melsungen, Germany), for monitoring changes in blood flow, and 10
ascorbate (Jenapharm GmbH & Co. KG, Jena, Germany). On the day
with local
-adrenoreceptor blockade, the subjects ingested placebo
before testing, and the perfusate for one microdialysis probe was sup-
plemented with 100 nm of the nonselective
-adrenoreceptor blocker
propranolol (Obsidan; ALPHARMA-ISIS, Langenfeld, Germany).
CMA/60 microdialysis probes and CMA/102 microdialysis pumps
(both from CMA Microdialysis AB, Solna, Sweden) were used. The flow
rate was 2
Analytical methods
Ethanol concentration was determined in the perfusate (inflow) and
dialysate (outflow) using a standard enzymatic assay (6). Dialysate
concentrations of glycerol, glucose, and lactate were determined by
standardized enzymatic colorimetric methods using the CMA/600 au-
tomatic analyzer (CMA Microdialysis AB). Plasma osmolarity was de-
termined with the freezing point depression method (Model A Osmom-
eter, Precision Scientific, Winchester, VA).
Calculations and statistics
Energy expenditure and substrate oxidation rates were calculated
according to Ferrannini (9). Changes in blood flow were determined
using the ethanol dilution technique based on Ficks principle (911).
Accordingly, a decrease in the ratio between ethanol in the dialysate and
perfusate [(EtOH)
] corresponds to an increase in blood flow
and vice versa. Dialysate glycerol concentration was measured to assess
changes in lipolysis and/or lipid mobilization (12). Dialysate concen-
trations of glucose and lactate were determined to characterize glucose
supply and glycolysis, respectively. In previous studies, in situ recovery
for glycerol, glucose, and lactate in the dialysate was found to be ap-
proximately 30% using near-equilibrium dialysis at 0.3
l/min (13). All
data are given as means sem. Statistical analyses were carried out by
ANOVA with repeated measures using with
-adrenoreceptor blockade
or without
-adrenoreceptor blockade and time as factors to determine
the significance of differences in energy metabolism and hemodynamic
and metabolic response in adipose tissue to water in normal weight men
and women, respectively. For testing, a statistical program (InStat, Ver-
sion 3.0; Graphpad Software Inc., San Diego, CA) was used. Significant
F ratios from the ANOVA were followed by post hoc comparisons among
means using Bonferronis multiple t test.
Energy metabolism
Resting energy expenditure was 5.06 0.30 kJ/min in men
and 4.02 0.17 kJ/min in women (P 0.001, men vs.
women). Within 10 min after drinking water, energy expen-
diture started to increase. Sixty minutes after drinking water,
energy expenditure increased 30% in men and 30% in women
(Fig. 1A, P 0.001). Resting RQ was 0.841 0.013 and
0.794 0.009 in men and women, respectively (Fig. 1B, P
0.01, men vs. women). In women, RQ did not change sig-
nificantly until 30 min after water drinking (Fig. 1B). After 40
min, RQ decreased significantly to a minimum of 0.75. The
sharp decrease in RQ was followed by an increase up to 0.88
between 50 and 90 min (Fig. 1B). In contrast, in men, RQ
decreased to 0.79 after 30 min and remained at that value for
the next 30 min (Fig. 1B). RQ approached the baseline value
after 90 min (Fig. 1B). Carbohydrate oxidation rate did not
change significantly in men during 90 min after water drink-
ing (Fig. 1C). In contrast, in women, carbohydrate oxidation
FIG. 1. Changes in energy expenditure
(EE), RQ, carbohydrate oxidation rate
(COX), and lipid oxidation rate (LOX)
after drinking 500 ml water (22 C). Val-
ues at t 0 min refer to baseline (before
water drinking). Data are given as
means SE (n 7 for both men and
women). EE increased by about 30% in
both men and women (P 0.001) after
water drinking. Resting RQ was signif-
icantly higher in men vs. women (P
0.05). Sixty minutes after water drink-
ing, RQ was significantly lower in men
but significantly higher in women when
compared with baseline (P 0.05). COX
was significantly increased in women
(P 0.001) but unchanged in men after
water drinking. In contrast, LOX was
significantly increased in men (P
0.001) but unchanged in women after
water drinking.
6016 J Clin Endocrinol Metab, December 2003, 88(12):60156019 Boschmann et al. Water and Thermogenesis
increased about 2-fold (not significant) during the first 50
min after water drinking and about 3-fold (P 0.05) during
the following 40 min after water drinking. (Fig. 1C). During
the first 40 min, the lipid oxidation rate increased in both men
(100%) and women (50%). During the next 30 min, the
lipid oxidation rate remained elevated in men, whereas it
declined back to baseline values in women (Fig. 1D). After 90
min, the lipid oxidation rate was still elevated in men,
whereas it decreased below baseline values in women
(Fig. 1D).
In a subset of volunteers (n 7), the effect of systemic
-adrenoreceptor blockade on the water-induced increase in
energy expenditure was tested. Again, all seven subjects
showed an increase in energy expenditure from 292 21 to
359 23 kJ/h (Fig. 2A). In six subjects,
blockade almost completely prevented the increase in energy
expenditure after water drinking (Fig. 2B). In one woman,
energy was only slightly attenuated with
In another subset of volunteers (n 4), the influence of
water temperature on the water-induced increase in energy
expenditure was tested. The water-induced change in energy
expenditure was about 70 kJ at 22 C and about 40 kJ at 37 C,
a difference of about 30 kJ between the two temperatures.
(Fig. 3). Water drinking elicited a consistent decrease in ve-
nous osmolarity. Plasma osmolarity was 296 1 mosmol/
liter before water drinking and 289 1 mosmol/liter after
water drinking (P 0.01).
Adipose tissue metabolism
The baseline ethanol ratio was 0.39 0.03 and 0.29 0.05
(P 0.05, men vs. women) in adipose tissue of men and
women, respectively. Water drinking did not affect the eth-
anol ratio. Additionally, the ethanol ratio remained un-
changed during both systemic and local
blockade (data not shown). Baseline dialysate glucose was
0.76 0.14 and 1.02 0.21 mmol/liter (P 0.05, men vs.
women) in men and women, respectively. These values did
not change significantly after water drinking in both groups,
either in the absence or in the presence of local or systemic
-adrenoreceptor blockade (data not shown). Baseline dia-
lysate lactate was 0.42 0.12 and 0.47 0.08 mmol/liter in
men and women, respectively. Water drinking elicited a
significant 45% increase in dialysate lactate in men (Fig. 4).
Interestingly, that increase was almost completely prevented
by systemic but not by local
-adrenoreceptor blockade (Fig.
4). In contrast, dialysate lactate did not change in women
after water drinking. However, dialysate lactate increased
50% in women in the presence of systemic but not local
-adrenoreceptor blockade (Fig. 4). Baseline dialysate glyc-
erol was 58 15 and 96 16
mol/liter in men and women,
respectively (P 0.05, men vs. women). After water drink-
ing, a slight but nonsignificant increase in dialysate glycerol
(20%) was noted in men, which was prevented by systemic
but not by local
-adrenoreceptor blockade (Fig. 4). How-
ever, in women, no changes in dialysate glycerol were ob-
served (Fig. 4).
The novel finding in this study is that drinking 500 ml of
water increases metabolic rate by 30% in both men and in
women. The increase in metabolic rate was observed within
10 min after completion and reached a maximum 3040 min
after water drinking. The effect was sustained for more than
an hour. The cardiovascular changes after water drinking
that we described earlier exhibited a similar time course (13,
1012). Based on our measurements, we estimate that in-
creasing water ingestion by 1.5 liters would augment daily
energy expenditure by approximately 200 kJ. Over 1 yr,
energy expenditure would increase by 73,000 kJ (17,400 kcal),
the energy content of 2.4 kg adipose tissue. By comparison,
ingestion of 50 mg of ephedrine thrice daily increases energy
expenditure by approximately 320 kJ/d (13). The substrates
that fueled the increase in metabolic rate differed between
men and women. In men, water drinking led to a marked
increase in lipid oxidation. Carbohydrate oxidation did not
change after water drinking. In contrast, in women, carbo-
hydrates mainly fueled the increase in metabolic rate after
water drinking.
Our data strongly suggest that the increase in metabolic
rate with water is related to sympathetic activation and in-
creased stimulation of
-adrenergic receptors. Indeed, the
maximal increase in metabolic rate after water drinking cor-
responds to the maximal sympathetic activation in previous
studies (2, 3). Systemic
-adrenoreceptor blockade substan-
tially attenuated the water-induced increase in metabolic
rate. Based on this observation, one might speculate that
water drinking during
-adrenoreceptor blockade may re-
duce body temperature. Unfortunately, we did not deter-
mine body temperature. We propose that limb vasoconstric-
FIG. 2. Changes in energy expenditure (EE) after drinking 500 ml
water (22 C) alone (A) or with systemic
-adrenergic blockade by
metoprolol (B). Cumulative values over 1 h are given. Data are given
as means SE.*,P 0.05 when compared with baseline (rest).
FIG. 3. Effect of water temperature (22 C or 37 C) on changes in energy
expenditure after drinking of 500 ml water. Cumulative values over 1 h
are given. Data are given as means SE.*,P 0.05, 22 C vs. 37 C.
Boschmann et al. Water and Thermogenesis J Clin Endocrinol Metab, December 2003, 88(12):60156019 6017
tion after water drinking (3) may be sufficient to maintain
thermal homeostasis even in the absence of an increase in
metabolic rate.
We used the microdialysis technique to monitor metabolic
changes, both systemically and at the tissue level. Water
drinking did not change adipose tissue blood flow as deter-
mined by the ethanol dilution technique (7, 8, 14, 15). There-
fore, changes in metabolite concentrations after water drink-
ing cannot be explained by local blood flow changes. We
were particularly interested to learn whether or not the ox-
idized lipids were derived from sc stores. In men, interstitial
glycerol increased substantially after water drinking. The
response was abolished by systemic but not local
receptor blockade. Thus, in men, water drinking increases
lipid mobilization through stimulation of
However, the lipids are not derived from sc abdominal ad-
ipose tissue. In women, dialysate glycerol did not change
after water drinking regardless of the presence or absence of
-adrenoreceptor blockade.
Dialysate glucose concentrations did not change after wa-
ter drinking. This observation suggests that the balance be-
tween glucose supply and glucose utilization in adipose tis-
sue did not change with water. In men, dialysate lactate
increased even though systemic carbohydrate oxidation was
not increased. The increase in lactate is consistent with in-
creased glycolysis. The effect was suppressed by systemic
but not local
-adrenoreceptor blockade. Thus, the lactate is
not generated in sc adipose tissue. We speculate that the
increase in lactate production may result from an increase in
glucose release from the liver that is suppressed with
adrenoreceptor blockade. In women, dialysate lactate was
not increased. Presumably, glucose was more completely
oxidized in women, as evidenced by the increase in carbo-
hydrate oxidation. Paradoxically, dialysate lactate increased
after water drinking during systemic but not local
noreceptor blockade. Perhaps a decrease in lipid mobiliza-
tion and oxidation was followed by an increase in glycolysis.
The gender-specific effect of water might be related to dif-
ferences in body composition or hormonal factors (16).
The mechanism that elicits sympathetic activation with
water drinking remains unclear (17). The pressor response
does not seem to be influenced by water temperature (2). Part
of the increase in energy expenditure may have been due to
the energy required to heat the water from room temperature
to body temperature (500 ml 15 C 7500 cal 30 kJ). The
calculated energy expenditure attributed to heating the wa-
ter closely matched the difference between the thermogenic
effect of 22 C water and 37 C water in our metabolic chamber
studies. Thus, approximately 6070% of the water-induced
thermogenesis cannot be attributed to the heating of the
ingested water. Gastric distension increases sympathetic ac-
tivity in humans (18). However, at the time of the maximal
response, less than 125 ml water remain in the stomach (19).
We observed a mild but nevertheless consistent reduction in
plasma osmolarity after water drinking, which mirrored the
time course of the metabolic response. In humans, infusion
of hypo-osmolar solutions through a gastric tube causes a
greater increase of sweat production, a sympathetic re-
sponse, than infusion of isosmolar solutions (20). Perhaps the
sympathetic activation with water drinking involves osmo-
receptive or sodium-sensitive afferent nerve fibers (21, 22).
One important implication of our study is that the effect of
FIG. 4. Relative changes in dialysate
lactate and glycerol in adipose tissue in
men (n 7) and in women (n 7) after
drinking 500 ml water (22 C). CTRL,
Control, Ringers solution only; BBL, lo-
-adrenergic blockade by 100 nM
propranolol added to the perfusion
medium; BBS, systemic
blockade by ingestion of 100 mg meto-
prolol. Data are given as means SE.In
men, dialysate lactate increased signif-
icantly (P 0.01) after water drinking,
and this effect was prevented by sys-
temic but not local
-adrenergic block-
ade. In contrast, in women, dialysate
lactate did not change significantly af-
ter water drinking alone but increased
significantly (P 0.05) in the presence
of systemic
-adrenergic blockade. Di-
alysate glycerol increased slightly but
nonsignificantly in men. However, that
increase was not observed during
adrenergic blockade. In women, no
changes at all were observed in dialy-
sate glycerol with any protocol used.
6018 J Clin Endocrinol Metab, December 2003, 88(12):60156019 Boschmann et al. Water and Thermogenesis
water on energy expenditure and fuel utilization should be
recognized as a powerful confounding factor in metabolic
studies. Indeed, water drinking-induced thermogenesis is an
important and unrecognized component of daily energy ex-
penditure. If confirmed in other studies, this cost-free inter-
vention may be a useful adjunctive treatment in overweight
and obese individuals to attain an increase in energy
Received May 5, 2003. Accepted August 14, 2003.
Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Jens Jordan,
M.D., Clinical Research Center, Wiltbergstrasse 50, D-13125 Berlin, Ger-
many. E-mail:
This work was supported in part by the Deutsche Forschungsge-
meinschaft. J.J. is a recipient of a Helmholtz fellowship of the Max-
Delbrueck-Center of Molecular Medicine.
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Boschmann et al. Water and Thermogenesis J Clin Endocrinol Metab, December 2003, 88(12):60156019 6019
... DH has also been reported to decrease insulin sensitivity and the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)-mediated intracellular pathway, which is directly involved in the regulation of muscle growth, regeneration, and protein synthesis (8). Therefore, hydration status and intracellular water volume can interfere with both the structure and function of myofibrillar proteins, as well as the metabolic activity of skeletal muscle tissue (4,9,10). It is also noteworthy that DH is also associated with elevated levels of renal injury markers, thus being a potential aggravating factor for the health of individuals of any age, leading to higher mortality rates and poorer disease prognosis (11). ...
... Previous studies have examined the impact of water intake on metabolic parameters in humans. It was found that consuming 500 mL of water increased metabolic rate in both men and women, primarily through lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, respectively (10). In addition, a clinical trial found that plasma volume deficit due to furosemideinduced DH led to alterations in lipid metabolism, resulting in elevated levels of circulating triglycerides and cholesterol (40). ...
... Although we do not have a clear explanation for the differences found between glycolytic and oxidative muscles, it is possible that the increase in water content in the SOL muscle could contribute to maintaining its function (4,9,10), since it is a postural muscle with slow-twitch fibers that are constantly recruited (64). Supporting these findings, SOL muscles in rats subjected to 96 h of WD showed increased absolute twitch and tetanic tension whereas EDL muscles did not (16). ...
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Dehydration, characterized by the loss of total body water and/or electrolytes due to diseases or inadequate fluid intake, is prevalent globally but often underestimated. Its contribution to long-term chronic diseases and sarcopenia is recognized, yet the mechanisms involved in systemic and muscle protein metabolism during dehydration remain unclear. This study investigated metabolic adaptations in a 36-hour water deprivation (WD) model of mice. Male C57BL/6 mice underwent 36-h WD or pair-feeding at rest, with assessments of motor skills along with biochemical, and metabolic parameters. Dehydration was confirmed by hypernatremia, body mass loss, hyporexia, and increased activity of vasopressinergic and oxytocinergic neurons compared to controls. These results were associated with liver mass loss, decreased glycaemia, and increased cholesterolemia. Additionally, increased VO 2 and a decreased respiratory exchange ratio indicated reduced carbohydrate consumption and potentially increased protein use during dehydration. Thus, skeletal muscle protein metabolism was evaluated due to its high protein content. In the oxidative muscles of the WD group, total and proteasomal proteolysis increased, which was associated with decreased Akt-mediated intracellular signaling. Interestingly, there was an increase in fiber cross-sectional area, likely due to higher muscle water content caused by increased intracellular osmolality induced by protein catabolism products. Conversely, no changes were observed in protein turnover or water content in glycolytic muscles. These findings suggest that short-term WD imposes a pro-catabolic state, depleting protein content in skeletal muscle. However, skeletal muscle may respond differently to dehydration based on its phenotype and might adapt for a limited time.
... In addition to its basic functions, water increases the rate of lipolysis and energy expenditure by sympathetic stimulation and induction of thermogenesis [4][5][6]. It is stated that there is a relationship between water consumption and body composition and that sufficient water consumption can improve body composition [7•]. ...
... The first study to prove the concept of water-induced thermogenesis was performed by Boschmann et al. [5] on 14 (7 men, 7 women) healthy, normal body weight individuals. In this study, in which the effect of 500 mL water consumption on energy expenditure using indirect calorimetry was evaluated, it was observed that 500 mL water consumption increased the metabolic rate by 30%. ...
... This suggested that the sympathetic system was responsible for this increase in energy consumption. In this study, it was stated that the consumption of 2 L of water per day would increase the energy expenditure by approximately 400 kJ [5]. Another study was planned by the same study group to test whether water consumption would provide the same thermogenic effect in obese as in normal-weight individuals, and 16 (8 men, 8 women) overweight or obese individuals were included in the study. ...
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Purpose of Review Water, which is of vital importance, has a critical role in maintaining the normal function of the body, and even mild dehydration can play a role in the development of various diseases. Therefore, it is of great importance to meet the recommended daily water consumption amounts. In addition to the numerous roles of water in metabolism, its effect on energy metabolism should not be overlooked. Water consumption can increase energy expenditure and be an additional tool for weight management. Therefore, the importance of water consumption, which is like a hidden component for treating of obesity, should be emphasized. This review was written to explain the possible mechanisms of water consumption in energy expenditure and body weight management. Recent Findings Because water consumption is associated with sympathetic activity, which increases metabolic rate (thermogenesis) and daily energy expenditure, the increase in sympathetic activity caused by water consumption is an important and unrecognized component of daily energy expenditure. In addition to the concept of water-based thermogenesis, water, which is a potential improvement factor in body composition, also plays an auxiliary role in body weight loss with both less energy intake and increased fat oxidation. From this perspective, water consumption may have critical importance in the fight against increasing obesity worldwide. Summary Considering its effect on energy metabolism in various ways, it becomes necessary to focus more on the importance of water on human health. Graphical Abstract (Created by
... This 1.2-fold increase in EE of the AFL-Low and control group is likely caused by the pretreatment, which included anesthesia, shaving, and depilation of 30% TBSA, resulting in heat loss, dermal inflammation, and stress. [32][33][34][35] It has been estimated that heat loss due to shaving and depilation can increase metabolic demand up to 3-fold above baseline when mice are kept at room temperature. 36 In our study, mice were kept at thermoneutrality throughout the course of the experiment, and therefore, shaving and depilation only increased the metabolic demand 1.4-fold over the baseline. ...
... 34,35,37 AFL injuries also caused damage of the epidermal barrier and increased capillary permeability, which resulted in a significant fluid loss via water evaporation and consequently resulted in an increase in water consumption of the mice. 18,38 Additionally, the increased water uptake is a significant contributor to the observed metabolic effects after FL treatment, as it has been previously shown that an increase in water consumption has a positive effect on body weight and fat mass loss and correlates positively with EE. 32,39 The increased EE in FL treated mice is also in part fueled by an evaporative heat loss from burn wounds. 40 Compared to the AFL modality, NAFL treatments caused significantly smaller and shallower individual lesions, resulting in faster wound healing, reduced heat and water loss, and decreased energetic requirement. ...
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Fractional laser (FL) treatment is a common dermatologic procedure that generates arrays of microscopic treatment zones separated by intact tissue, promoting fast wound healing. Using a mouse model, we introduced a large area fractional laser treatment (LAFLT) method to study metabolic effects. Using two laser modalities, ablative FL (AFL) and non-ablative FL (NAFL), and exposing different percentages of mice’s total body surface area (TBSA), we followed changes in metabolic parameters in real time using metabolic cages. Additionally, body composition, markers of inflammation, neurohormonal signaling, and browning of adipocytes were investigated. LAFLT, especially in high TBSA groups, had specific metabolic effects such as significantly increased average daily energy expenditure, increased fat mass loss, systemic browning of adipocytes, and inflammatory states, without compromising other organs. The ability of LAFLT to stimulate metabolism in a controlled way could develop into a promising therapeutic treatment to induce positive metabolic changes that replace or augment systemic drugs.
... Boschmann et al. 21) found that drinking 500 mL of water increased the metabolic rate by 30% in 14 healthy individuals, whereas drinking 2 L of water per day increased the energy expenditure by approximately 400 kJ. Boschmann et al. 22) also demonstrated a 24% increase in energy expenditure 60 minutes after drinking 500 mL of water in eight individuals with obesity and eight without. Overall, these findings underscore the crucial role of water intake in supporting weight management. ...
Background: This study aimed to determine the link between water consumption and abdominal obesity in individuals aged 19 years and above, utilizing a sample from the 8th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Methods: Participants were divided into two groups based on their water intake: those meeting adequate intake (≥5 cups for men and ≥4 cups for women) and those with inadequate intake (<5 cups for men and <4 cups for women). Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs), adjusted for potential confounders. Results: Compared with the inadequate water intake group, the adequate water intake group showed a lower adjusted OR for abdominal obesity (adjusted OR, 0.874; 95% CI, 0.770-0.992). In the subgroup analysis, the adjusted OR for abdominal obesity in the 19-39 age group was 0.712 (95% CI, 0.520-0.974). However, no significant association was observed in the 40-64 and 65 or higher age groups. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that sufficient water consumption may be negatively associated with abdominal obesity in adults, particularly among young adults; however, this association may not extend to older age groups.
... Although water intake during or after a meal has been claimed to interfere with digestion by diluting stomach acid and digestive enzymes, there is little evidence for the claim itself and its impact on body weight. Regarding water temperature, drinking cold water was reported to increase energy expenditure by requiring extra energy for heating up the water to body temperature [4], and to reduce energy intake by suppressing gastric motility [5]. Thus, addressing potential interaction of amount of water intake with timing of drinking and water temperature is critical to examining the relationship between water intake and adiposity. ...
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Water intake has been suggested to be associated with weight control, but evidence for optimal water intake in terms of amount, timing, and temperature is sparse. Additionally, genetic predisposition to obesity, which affects satiety and energy expenditure, might interact with water intake in regulating individual adiposity risk. We conducted a cross-sectional study recruiting 172 Korean adults. Information on water intake and lifestyle factors was collected through self-reported questionnaires, and height, weight, and waist circumference (WC) were measured by researchers. The oral buccal swab was performed for genotyping of FTO rs9939609, MC4R rs17782313, BDNF rs6265 and genetic risk of obesity was calculated. Linear regression was performed to estimate mean difference in body mass index (BMI) and WC by water intake and its 95% confidence interval (95% CI). As a sensitivity analysis, logistic regression was performed to estimate odds ratio (OR) of obesity/overweight (BMI of ≥23kg/m²; WC of ≥90cm for men and of ≥80cm for women) and its 95% CI. Drinking >1L/day was significantly associated with higher BMI (mean difference: 0.90, 95% CI 0.09, 1.72) and WC (mean difference: 3.01, 95% CI 0.62, 5.41) compared with drinking ≤1L/day. Independent of total water intake, drinking before bedtime was significantly associated with lower BMI (mean difference: -0.98, 95% CI -1.91, -0.05). The results remained consistent when continuous BMI and WC were analyzed as categorical outcomes. By perceived temperature, drinking >1L/day of cold water was associated with higher BMI and WC compared with drinking ≤1L/day of water at room-temperature. By genetic predisposition to obesity, a positive association between water intake and WC was confined to participants with low genetic risk of obesity (P interaction = 0.04). In conclusion, amount, timing, and perceived temperature of water intake may be associated with adiposity risk and the associations might vary according to genetic predisposition to obesity.
... They also stated that the percentage reduction in meal energy intake after the water preload was unrelated to gender, age, BMI, or habitual daily water consumption. In metabolic studies (6), the effect of water on energy expenditure and fuel utilisation should be recognised as a significant confounding factor. Indeed, water consumption-induced thermogenesis is a significant and underappreciated component of daily energy expenditure. ...
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Introduction and Aim: Intake of water before meal is associated with weight loss. There is a paucity of literature with comparative evaluation of taking warm water or regular water after meals on weight and BMI. Hence, we designed a randomized controlled trial with regular and warm water after meals to investigate the comparative efficacy of warm and regular water intake after meals on weight and BMI in overweight adults. Methodology: Fifty participants were randomized into two groups, with Group H instructed to drink 200-250 ml of warm water after each meal and Group C to drink the same amount of regular water. Results: The demographic data prior to the study in both the groups were similar. Compliance was high in both groups, and after three months, the warm water group experienced a significant reduction in weight and BMI compared to the regular water group (p=0.000). In Group H, weight and BMI came down from 76 to 73 and 29 to 27 respectively. Conclusion: The study concluded that warm water intake after meals may contribute to weight loss without major side effects. This is the first attempt to investigate the influence of warm water on weight reduction.
... Drinking enough water is associated with weight loss because drinking-induced thermogenesis is effective in daily energy expenditure, so increasing daily water intake may be a useful and inexpensive intervention to achieve an increase in energy expenditure in overweight and obese individuals (Boschmann et al., 2003). For every 100-kcal increase in energy intake, there were increases in water intake from beverages and foods (Lee et al., 2016). ...
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This study has four interrelated main objectives. First, to examine the distribution of the variables of nutrient content, water consumption, exercise goal, and exercise outcome expectation period. Second, to compare water consumption levels for each of the nutrient content and exercise goal variables. Third, to determine students' attitudes towards sports. Fourth, to evaluate the potential impact of the variables of nutrient content, exercise goal, expectation time after exercise, and level of water consumption on attitudes towards sports. 225 female university students participated voluntarily. Personal information form and attitudes scale towards sport were used as data collection tools. As a result, nutrient content, water consumption, exercise goal, and exercise outcome expectation period were examined separately within themselves, there was a statistically significant difference (p
Healthy aging is a crucial goal in aging societies of the western world, with various lifestyle strategies being employed to achieve it. Among these strategies, hydrotherapy stands out for its potential to promote cardiovascular and mental health. Cold water therapy, a hydrotherapy technique, has emerged as a lifestyle strategy with the potential capacity to evoke a wide array of health benefits. This review aims to synthesize the extensive body of research surrounding cold water therapy and its beneficial effects on various health systems as well as the underlying biological mechanisms driving these benefits. We conducted a search for interventional and observational cohort studies from MEDLINE and EMBASE up to July 2024. Deliberate exposure of the body to cold water results in distinct physiological responses that may be linked to several health benefits. Evidence, primarily from small interventional studies, suggests that cold water therapy positively impacts cardiometabolic risk factors, stimulates brown adipose tissue and promotes energy expenditure—potentially reducing the risk of cardiometabolic diseases. It also triggers the release of stress hormones, catecholamines and endorphins, enhancing alertness and elevating mood, which may alleviate mental health conditions. Cold water therapy also reduces inflammation, boosts the immune system, promotes sleep and enhances recovery following exercise. The optimal duration and temperature needed to derive maximal benefits is uncertain but current evidence suggests that short-term exposure and lower temperatures may be more beneficial. Overall, cold water therapy presents a potential lifestyle strategy to enhancing physical and mental well-being, promoting healthy aging and extending the healthspan, but definitive interventional evidence is warranted.
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Objetivo: Quantificar por meio de imagens termográficas a atividade do tecido adiposo marrom (TAM) através da ação do termogênico pimenta e protocolo frio em indivíduos com obesidade. Métodos: Nove voluntários com obesidade submetidos ao protocolo de ativação do TAM pelo frio e pelo uso de capsinóide, num estudo duplo cego. No primeiro dia, houve a uma coleta de imagem basal e, em seguida, foram submetidos ao protocolo frio e após o protocolo termogênico duplo-cego, com intervenção da cápsula. A coleta de imagens ocorreu durante 2h30. No segundo dia, foram registradas as imagens após a intervenção da cápsula por 2h30, conforme descrito no primeiro dia. As imagens foram analisadas pela média dos valores da escala cinza para verificação de alteração significativa. Resultados: Não houve ativação do TAM para o protocolo frio e placebo e houve ativação do TAM para protocolo de capsinóide. Discussão: A ativação do TAM foi relacionada aos tipos de receptores termossensoriais que são diferentes para o frio e para capsinóide e que sofrem influência com o ciclo circadiano, fatores ambientais e quantidade de tecido adiposo branco. Conclusão: Este estudo demonstrou a correlação dos hábitos e a composição corporal na ativação do TAM em obesidade.
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We have investigated the feasibility of monitoring local skeletal muscle blood flow in the rat by including ethanol in the perfusion medium passing through a microdialysis probe placed in muscle tissue. Ethanol at 5, 55, or 1100 mM did not directly influence local muscle metabolism, as measured by dialysate glucose, lactate, and glycerol concentrations. The clearance of ethanol from the perfusion medium can be described by the outflow/inflow ratio ([ethanol]collected dialysate/[ethanol]infused perfusion medium), which was found to be similar (between 0.36 and 0.38) at all ethanol perfusion concentrations studied. With probes inserted in a flow-chamber, this ratio changed in a flow-dependent way in the external flow range of 5-20 microliters min-1. The ethanol outflow/inflow ratio in vivo was significantly (P less than 0.001) increased (to a maximum of 127 +/- 2.8% and 144 +/- 7.4% of the baseline, mean +/- SEM) when blood flow was reduced by either leg constriction or local vasopressin administration, and significantly (P less than 0.001) reduced (to 62 +/- 6.4% and 43 +/- 4.4% of baseline) with increases in blood flow during external heating or local 2-chloroadenosine administration, respectively. Dialysate glucose concentrations correlated negatively with the ethanol outflow/inflow ratio (P less than 0.01) and consequently decreased (to 46 +/- 7.6% and 56 +/- 5.6% of baseline) with constriction and vasopressin administration and increased (to 169 +/- 32.5% and 262 +/- 16.7% of baseline) following heating and 2-chloroadenosine administration. Dialysate lactate concentrations were significantly increased (approximately 2-fold, P less than 0.001) during all perturbations of blood flow. In conclusion, this technique makes it possible to monitor changes in skeletal muscle blood flow; however, methods of quantification remain to be established. The fact that blood flow changes were found to significantly affect interstitial glucose and lactate concentrations as revealed by microdialysis indicates that this information is critical in microdialysis experiments.
Background— Orthostatic symptoms and syncope are common, even in apparently healthy subjects. In patients with severe autonomic dysfunction, water drinking elicits an acute pressor response and improves orthostatic hypotension. We tested the hypothesis that water drinking also improves orthostatic tolerance in healthy subjects. Methods and Results— In a randomized, controlled, crossover fashion, 13 healthy subjects (9 men, 4 women, 31±2 years) ingested 500 mL and 50 mL of mineral water 15 minutes before head-up tilt on two separate days. Finger blood pressure, brachial blood pressure, heart rate, thoracic impedance, and blood flow velocity in the brachial artery and the middle cerebral artery were measured. Orthostatic tolerance was determined as the time to presyncope during a combined protocol of 20 minutes of 60° head-up tilt alone, followed by additional increasing steps of lower body negative pressure (−20, −40, and −60 mm Hg for 10 minutes each or until presyncope). Drinking 500 mL of water improved orthostatic tolerance by 5±1 minute (range, −1 to +11 minutes, P<0.001). After drinking 500 mL of water, supine mean blood pressure increased slightly (P<0.01) as the result of increased peripheral resistance (P<0.01). It also blunted both the increase in heart rate and the decrease in stroke volume with head-up tilt. Cerebral blood flow regulation improved after water drinking. Conclusions— Water drinking elicits an acute hemodynamic response and changes in cerebrovascular regulation in healthy subjects. These effects are associated with a marked improvement in orthostatic tolerance.
Indirect calorimetry is the method by which the type and rate of substrate utilization, and energy metabolism are estimated in vivo starting from gas exchange measurements. This technique provides unique information, is noninvasive, and can be advantageously combined with other experimental methods to investigate numerous aspects of nutrient assimilation, thermogenesis, the energetics of physical exercise, and the pathogenesis of metabolic diseases. Since its use as a research tool in metabolism is growing, the theoretical bases of indirect calorimetry are here reviewed in a detailed and orderly fashion. Special cases, such as the occurrence of net lipid synthesis or gluconeogenesis, are formally considered with derivation of explicit stoichiometric equations. The limitations of indirect calorimetry, both theoretical and technical, are discussed in the context of circumstances of clinical interest in metabolism.
The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between muscle fiber type distribution and enzymatic characteristics in sedentary male and female subjects. Muscle biopsy samples from the vastus lateralis muscle of 38 females and 37 males were analyzed to determine the fiber type composition (I, IIa, and IIb), the fiber size, and maximal activities of enzyme markers of energy metabolic pathways. Significant correlations were found (p less than 0.05) between percent fiber type I area and hexokinase (r = -0.39), phosphofructokinase (r = -0.39), lactate dehydrogenase (r = -0.41), and oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (r = 0.33) activities, whereas such correlations with total phosphorylase (r = -0.02), malate dehydrogenase (r = 0.12), and 3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase (r = 0.12) activities were not significant. The results of the present study also suggest the presence of a significant but low covariation of less than 30% between the fiber type distribution and muscle enzyme activities. They confirm the presence of an important metabolic heterogeneity independent of the muscle fiber type distribution in sedentary male and female subjects. Moreover, these results indicate that sedentary males exhibit a lower mean value of percent fiber type I and higher glycolytic enzyme activities than sedentary females.
The hepatic vagus nerve contains various thermosensitive afferent fibers which are widely varied in their sensitivity. Their Q10 values lie between 4 and 16. The discharge rate is positively correlated with increase of liver temperature (warm fiber type). The result supports the existence of a thermosensitive structure in the liver which may possibly contribute to maintain thermal homeostasis. Neural responses to the osmotic changes in the perfusion solution have been analyzed. It was found that two different types of osmosensitive afferent fibers exist in the hepatic vagus; one is characterized by increasing the frequency of spike discharges in response to higher osmotic pressure, while the other shows the same response to lowered levels. Behavioral changes caused by hepatic vagotomy were observed. These results provide evidence for the existence of an osmoreceptor mechanism. The role of these hepatic afferent nerves in homeostasis are briefly discussed.
A quantitative validation of the microdialysis ethanol technique was performed in cat gastrocnemius muscle. Six to eight microdialysis probes were inserted into the isolated muscle preparation and perfused (0.5-10.0 microliters/min) with Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing between 5 and 1,000 mmol/l ethanol. Skeletal muscle blood flow was held constant in the range of 4-99 ml.100 g-1.min-1 by a servo-controlled roller pump and was determined with the microdialysis ethanol technique as well as by timed collection of venous outflow. The ethanol concentration outflow-to-inflow ratio ([ethanol]collected dialysate/[ethanol]infused perfusion medium) decreased in a nonlinear fashion when microdialysis perfusion flow rates of 0.5 and 1.0 microliter/min were employed. However, a linear decrease was found between 4 and approximately 45 ml.100 g-1.min-1 (r = -0.92 to -0.99). The lower outflow-to-inflow ratio was at 4 ml.100 g-1.min-1 (i.e., due to a low probe perfusion flow rate or a large dialysis membrane), the greater the sensitivity of the method was. It is concluded that this nonradioactive technique provides a simple and valid method for determining nutritive blood flow in skeletal muscle.
After 24-h water deprivation, five men (23-41 yr; 78 +/- 3.6 kg) consumed, within 4.0-6.2 min, 12 mL/kg of one of six fluid formulations (16.5 C) once a week over a period of 6 weeks: water, hypotonic saline (0.045% Na+), isotonic saline (0.36% Na+), hypertonic glucose (9.7% glucose), and two commercial mildly hypertonic 9.7% carbohydrate drinks. Blood samples were drawn 5 min before and 3, 9, 15, 30, and 70 min after completion of drinking. Ingestion induced no significant change in plasma Na+, K+, osmotic, or protein concentrations; blood pressure; or heart rate. Plasma volume (PV) was increased (P < 0.05) between 30-70 min with isotonic saline and the two commercial drinks. Ingestion induced a decrease in plasma AVP (PAVP) at 3 min, which was maximal (P < 0.05) at 15 min with all drinks. Thus, the act of drinking, independent of the composition or osmolality of the fluid absorbed, leads to a prompt inhibition of PAVP secretion in man. With the exception of rehydration with isotonic saline, this prompt response was followed by a long lasting inhibition of PAVP. There was no change in PRA, plasma aldosterone, atrial natriuretic peptide, or epinephrine, but an increase in plasma norepinephrine occurred immediately after ingestion, which suggests, like that for PAVP depression, a drinking-stimulated neural mechanism.
Although the enteric nervous system is usually described as a separate and independent entity, animal studies show that gastric distension causes a reflex increase in arterial pressure and a sympathetically mediated increase in heart rate and peripheral vascular resistance. To assess the influence of gastric distension on sympathetic outflow and blood pressure, we recorded muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) from the peroneal nerve by microneurography in eight healthy volunteers. The stomach was distended by means of a barostat, using a single staircase protocol by which pressure was increased by 2 mmHg every 3 min. Gastric sensory function was assessed at each distension step by using a visual analog scale (VAS) for sensations of fullness, nausea and pain. For comparison, we also performed a cold pressor test. The MSNA increased on barostat-induced gastric distension with an almost concomitant elevation of blood pressure. The increase in both was proportional to the intragastric pressure and both decreased towards initial values after the end of distension. Heart rate increased inconsistently and only at higher distension pressures that were associated with high VAS scores. The opposite was found for the cold pressor test. The results of this study confirm the existence of a functional relationship between gastrointestinal distension and cardiovascular function. Decrease in this gastrovascular response may play a role in postprandial hypotension in the elderly, since the MSNA responses to simulated microgravity decrease with age.