... The body image is a multi-dimensional construct with cognitive, affective, and behavioral components (Thompson, 2004). Dysfunctions involving one or several components can lead to the overestimation of the size of body features (Farrell, Lee, & Shafran, 2005), negative feelings and thoughts about the body (Rekkers, Scheffers, van Busschbach, & van Elburg, 2021;Troisi, 2020), body checking and body avoidance (Shafran, Fairburn, Robinson, & Lask, 2004). Research has demonstrated that BID is positively correlated with negative psychological well-being, including low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety (Cruz-Sáez, Pascual, Wlodarczyk, & Echeburúa, 2020;Junne et al., 2019), higher risk of suicide (Naivar Sen, Gurleyik, & Psouni, 2020), and anhedonia (Wang et al., 2018), which often persist after recovery (Bachner-Melman, Zohar, & Ebstein, 2006). ...