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Upregulation of CB1 receptors and agonist-stimulated [35S]GTPS binding in the prefrontal cortex of depressed suicide victims


Abstract and Figures

Endogenous and exogenous cannabinoids (CBs) acting through the CB(1) receptors have been implicated in the regulation of several behavioral and neuroendocrine functions. Modulation of endocannabinoidergic system by ethanol in mouse brain, and the association of suicide and mood disorders with alcoholism suggest possible involvement of the cannabinoidergic system in the pathophysiology of depression and suicide. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to examine the levels of CB(1) receptors and mediated signaling in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) of subjects with major depression who had died by suicides (depressed suicides, DS). [(3)H]CP-55,940 and CB(1) receptor-stimulated [(35)S]GTPgammaS binding sites were analyzed in membranes obtained from DLPFC of DS (10) and matched normal controls (10). Upregulation (24%, P<0.0001) of CB(1) receptor density (B(max)) was observed in DS (644.6+/-48.8 fmol/mg protein) compared with matched controls (493.3+/-52.7 fmol/mg protein). However, there was no significant alteration in the affinity of receptor (DS; 1.14+/-0.08 vs control; 1.12+/-0.10 nM). Higher density of CB(1) receptors in DS (38%, P<0.001) was also demonstrated by Western blot analysis. The CB(1) receptor-stimulated [(35)S]GTPgammaS binding was significantly greater (45%, P<0.001) in the DLPFC of DS compared with matched controls. The observed upregulation of CB(1) receptors with concomitant increase in the CB(1) receptor-mediated [(35)S]GTPgammaS binding suggests a role for enhanced cannabinoidergic signaling in the prefrontal cortex of DS. The cannabinoidergic system may be a novel therapeutic target in the treatment of depression and/or suicidal behavior.
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Upregulation of CB
receptors and agonist-stimulated
S]GTPcS binding in the prefrontal cortex of depressed
suicide victims
BL Hungund
, KY Vinod
, SA Kassir
, BS Basavarajappa
, R Yalamanchili
, TB Cooper
JJ Mann
and V Arango
New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY, USA;
Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, Orangeburg, NY,
Department of Psychiatry, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA;
of Anatomy and Cell Biology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
Endogenous and exogenous cannabinoids (CBs) acting through the CB
receptors have been
implicated in the regulation of several behavioral and neuroendocrine functions. Modulation of
endocannabinoidergic system by ethanol in mouse brain, and the association of suicide and
mood disorders with alcoholism suggest possible involvement of the cannabinoidergic
system in the pathophysiology of depression and suicide. Therefore, the present study was
undertaken to examine the levels of CB
receptors and mediated signaling in the dorsolateral
prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) of subjects with major depression who had died by suicides
(depressed suicides, DS). [
H]CP-55,940 and CB
receptor-stimulated [
S]GTPcS binding sites
were analyzed in membranes obtained from DLPFC of DS (10) and matched normal controls
(10). Upregulation (24%, Po0.0001) of CB
receptor density (B
) was observed in DS
(644.6748.8 fmol/mg protein) compared with matched controls (493.3752.7 fmol/mg protein).
However, there was no significant alteration in the affinity of receptor (DS; 1.1470.08 vs
control; 1.1270.10 nM). Higher density of CB
receptors in DS (38%, Po0.001) was also
demonstrated by Western blot analysis. The CB
receptor-stimulated [
S]GTPcS binding was
significantly greater (45%, Po0.001) in the DLPFC of DS compared with matched controls. The
observed upregulation of CB
receptors with concomitant increase in the CB
mediated [
S]GTPcS binding suggests a role for enhanced cannabinoidergic signaling in the
prefrontal cortex of DS. The cannabinoidergic system may be a novel therapeutic target in the
treatment of depression and/or suicidal behavior.
Molecular Psychiatry (2004) 9, 184–190. doi:10.1038/
Keywords: CB
receptor; [
S]GTPgS binding; depression; suicide; prefrontal cortex
Cannabinoid (CB) receptors received their name
as those receptors that bind cannabinoidergic
drugs, such as 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (D
derived from Cannabis sativa and its biologically
active synthetic analogs. D
-THC is the major
psychoactive component in marijuana extracts
and can produce a multiplicity of effects in
humans, including alterations in mood, percep-
tion, cognition and memory.
is currently the most widely abused drug second
to alcohol. However, the functional significance
of the cannabinoidergic system in health and
disease is just beginning to emerge.
Significant progress has been made in characteriz-
ing CB receptors both centrally and peripherally, and
in studying the role of second messenger systems at
the cellular level. To date, two types of CB receptors,
and CB
, have been identified
and have been
shown to belong to G-protein coupled receptor
(GPCR) family. Two endogenous cannabimimetic
substances, characterized to be N-arachidonyl etha-
nolamide (AEA/anandamide) and 2-arachidonylgly-
cerol (2-AG), were discovered and shown to act as
agonists for CB receptors.
The CB
receptor is
distributed primarily in neural tissue, whereas CB
receptor is expressed mainly in the peripheral
immune system.
These receptors exhibit seven
transmembrane domains, linked to G
protein to
inhibit adenylyl cyclase.
Interestingly, the CB
receptor is one of the most abundant neuromodula-
tory receptors in the brain and is expressed predomi-
nantly in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus,
cerebellum and basal ganglia.
Received 20 January 2003; revised 7 March 2003; accepted 10
March 2003
Correspondence: Dr BL Hungund, Nathan Kline Institute for
Psychiatric Research, Bldg 39, 140 Old Orangeburg Road,
Orangeburg, NY 10962, USA;
BLH and KYV contributed equally to this work.
Molecular Psychiatry (2004) 9, 184 190
2004 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 1359-4184/04
Numerous studies have implicated alterations in
several receptors and G-protein function in the
pathophysiology of various neurological and psychia-
tric disorders. Decreased CB
receptor binding in
neurodegenerative diseases related to extrapyramidal
function has been reported.
Alterations in the
serotonergic (for a review see, Arango et al
) and
receptors in the pathophysiology of
depression and suicidal behavior are well documen-
ted. Recently, Dean et al,
reported increased CB
receptor density in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
(DLPFC) in schizophrenia.
The increased levels of endocannabinoids and
downregulation of CB
receptor in response to
chronic ethanol intake in mouse brain suggest
modulation of the endocannabinoidergic system by
(for a review, see Hungund et al
). The
mood and cognition altering ability of exogenous
cannabinoids and alcohol, and the association be-
tween depression, suicide and alcohol abuse raise the
question whether endogenous cannabinoidergic sys-
tem plays any role in the etiology of depression and
suicidal behavior. Therefore, to address this question,
we studied the density of CB
receptors and CB
receptor-mediated [
S]GTPgS binding in prefrontal
cortex of subjects with major depression who had
died by suicides. Further studies of the role of the
cannabinoidergic system in various neuropsychiatric
disorders would be of great interest.
Materials and methods
Human brain tissue
Brain samples of prefrontal cortex were obtained from
autopsy material derived from the brain tissue
collection of the Department of Neuroscience at the
New York State Psychiatric Institute (NYSPI) and
Columbia University, NY, USA. All tissue used in this
study was provided by the Allegheny County Coroner
in accordance with protocols approved by the
Institutional Review Board of the University of
Pittsburgh. Brains were collected and bisected at
autopsy. The right hemispheres were cut coronally
into 1.5-cm thick sections. Blocks were placed on a
glass slide, immersed in freon (201C) and stored at
801C in tightly sealed, thick plastic bags until
sectioning. After a control and suicide were matched,
coronal sections (20 mm) from the hemicerebrum were
taken from a level just anterior to the genu of the
corpus callosum with a large format Leica Cryopoly-
cut cryostat. Interleaved sections every 200 mm were
sectioned at 50 mm and stained with cresylecht violet
for cytoarchitectonics. Once the sectioning was
completed, Brodmann area 9 was identified using
gyral and sulcal landmarks, cytoarchitecture and a
standardized coronal atlas (Robert Perry and Edward
Bird, personal communication), as previously de-
Tissue from Brodmann area 9 (B1.5 g) was
dissected frozen, the white matter was removed as
much as possible, and tissue returned immediately to
–801C until membrane preparation.
The study was conducted with approval from the
NYSPI Institutional Review Board. Dorsolateral pre-
frontal cortex postmortem samples (Brodmann area 9)
from 10 normal controls (age range: 15–79 years) were
studied with a matched group of 10 subjects who had
a lifetime diagnosis of major depression and died by
suicide (age range: 13–77 years). The groups com-
prised pairs of depressed suicides (DS) and control
cases matched for age, sex, postmortem interval (PMI)
and ethnic group. There were nine pairs of caucasians
and one pair of African-Americans (2nd pair in Table
1). This distribution reflects the ethnic make-up of
Allegheny County, where the samples were collected.
There were no significant differences in age, sex and
PMI distribution between DS and control subjects.
The demographic variables, such as sex, age, PMI and
cause of death, as well as toxicology results, are
summarized in Table 1. The Coroner determined the
cause of death and reached the verdict of suicide.
Toxicological analyses were performed on all the
cases, ruling out recent consumption of substance of
abuse or psychoactive medication except in three
samples where an anxiolytic drug (n ¼ 1) and ethanol
(n ¼ 3) were detected. Two individuals received
lidocaine as part of resuscitation efforts at the
emergency room. All cases were free of neuropathol-
ogy. Both suicides and controls were examined
psychiatrically by structured interviews with family
members and/or close friends. The psychiatric diag-
noses were made according to DSM-III-R criteria.
The psychological autopsies revealed that all suicide
victims had a lifetime diagnosis of major depression
and all controls were free of psychopathology. The
samples were coded to mask investigators to the
diagnostic group of all subjects. All the assays were
carried out in a paired design under the same
experimental conditions.
Membrane preparation
Brain tissue (B1 g) was homogenized in 20 volumes
of ice-cold TME buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, 3 mM MgCl
and 1 mM of EDTA, pH 7.4) containing 0.32 M sucrose
and freshly added protease inhibitor cocktail. The
homogenate was centrifuged at 1000 g for 10 min at
41C. The resulting supernatant was then centrifuged
at 22 000 g for 20 min. The pellet was dissolved in
TME buffer and recentrifuged at 22 000 g for 20 min.
The final pellet, dissolved in TME buffer, was made
aliquots and stored at –801C until the assay.
Determination of protein content
The protein content of the membrane fraction was
determined by Lowry’s method
using bovine serum
albumin (BSA) as the standard. Protein content of the
membrane, also normalized by silver staining, was
used for Western blot analysis.
H]CP-55,940 binding assay
An aliquot of membrane (100 mg protein) was incu-
bated with TME buffer, [
H]CP-55,940 (0.05–5.0 nM)
and 0.1% fatty acid-free BSA in silicone-treated test
receptors-mediated signaling in brain of DS
BL Hungund et al
Molecular Psychiatry
tubes for 1 h at 371C. The nonspecific binding of
radioligand was defined by CP-55,940 (10 mM). The
reaction was terminated by the addition of 2 ml ice-
cold termination buffer (0.1% BSA in 50 mM Tris-
HCl, pH 7.4). The reaction mixture was rapidly
filtered through polyethyleneimine (0.1%) pretreated
glass fiber filters using a Brandel 24-position cell
harvester (Brandel, Gaithersburg, MD, USA). Filters,
washed three times with the termination buffer, were
transferred to scintillation vials containing 5 ml of
scintillation cocktail (ICN biochemicals, USA), and
were incubated overnight at room temperature. The
radioactivity was measured by liquid scintillation
spectroscopy (Beckman) at an efficiency of 47% for
receptor-stimulated [
S]GTPgS binding assay
The functional coupling between CB
receptor and
G-protein was assessed by [
S]GTPgS binding assay
as described previously
with minor modification.
Briefly, an aliquot of membrane (50 mg protein) was
incubated in assay buffer (TME buffer and 0.1% fatty
acid-free BSA and 100 mM NaCl) containing GDP
(40 mM), and [
S]GTPgS (0.05 nM) in silicone-treated
test tubes for 1 h at 371C. The CB
receptor agonist,
CP-55,940 (1 mM), was used to study CB
stimulated [
S]GTPgS binding. The nonspecific bind-
ing of radioligand was determined in the presence of
10 mM GTPgS. The termination and filtration (without
presoaking the filters in polyethyleneimine) of
reaction mixture was performed as described for
H]CP-55,940 binding assay. The radioactivity was
measured by liquid scintillation spectroscopy at an
efficiency of 95% for
Western blot analysis
Briefly, aliquots of membrane protein (30 mg), sepa-
rated by 10% polyacrylamide gel, were electrophor-
etically transferred to nitrocellulose membrane. The
membrane was treated with blocking buffer (TTBS
(10 mM Tris, 0.9% NaCl; 1% Tween 20 containing 3%
milk powder) of pH 7.4) for 1 h at room temperature.
The membrane was incubated with human anti-CB
receptor antibody (1 : 500) overnight at 41C. The blot
was washed three times with TTBS and then
incubated with alkaline phosphatase-conjugated
anti-IgG for 1 h at room temperature. After washing
the blot for 3–4 times with TTBS, the immunoreactive
band was visualized by CDP-star reagent. The blot
was reprobed with a-tubulin antibody to ensure equal
protein loading.
Data and statistical analysis
The B
(maximal binding sites) and K
dissociation constant) values were determined from
saturation isotherms using nonlinear regression ana-
lysis to fit the data to the single-site binding equation
(Prism; GraphPad software). The density and affinity
of CB
receptor was expressed as fmol/mg protein and
nM, respectively. The CB
Table 1 Demographic characteristics of DS and their matched control subjects
Diagnosis Sex (M/F) Age at death (years) PMI (h) Cause of death Toxicology
1. MDD M 13 18 Suicide, NaOH poisoning None
Control M 15 16 Homicide, GSW None
2. MDD M 14 16 Suicide, hanging None
Control M 17 14 Homicide, GSW Alcohol
3. MDD M 17 17 Suicide, GSW None
Control M 16 18 Accident, asphyxia None
4. MDD M 25 18 Suicide, GSW Alcohol
Control M 25 18 Accident, explosion Alcohol
5. MDD F 28 19 Suicide, fall from height None
Control F 27 15 MVA, pedestrian None
6. MDD F 34 04 Suicide, hanging None
Control F 38 07 Homocide, GSW None
7. MDD F 43 12 Suicide, poisoning ANX, OPIA, ACE
Control F 42 16 Homicide, GSW None
8. MDD F 61 11 Suicide, hanging None
Control F 56 18 MVA, passenger None
9. MDD M 64 19 Suicide, GSW LIDO
Control M 66 19 Natural, cardiovascular None
10. MDD M 77 18 Suicide, hanging None
Control M 79 10 Natural, cardiovascular LIDO
MDD (10) 6M/4F 37.677.2 15.971.4
Control (10) 6M/4F 38.17 7.1 15.071.2
The data are presented as mean7SEM. MDD, major depressive disorder; GSW, gun shot wound; MVA, motor vehicle
accident; PMI, postmortem interval (rounded to near hours); ANX, anxiolytic; LIDO, lidocaine; OPIA, opiates; ACE,
acetaminophen; Low level of alcohol was detected in three cases (0.02–0.03%).
receptors-mediated signaling in brain of DS
BL Hungund et al
Molecular Psychiatry
S]GTPgS binding expressed as fmol/mg protein’ is
a percentage of stimulation over the basal activity.
Statistical analysis performed using nonparametric
analysis of variance (Mann–Whitney U) and para-
metric (paired Student t’-test). Differences were
considered to be significant at Po0.05. Immunoblots
were analyzed using the NIH image software program.
Data are expressed as mean7SEM from two to three
experiments, each run in at least duplicate unless
otherwise indicated.
S]GTPgS and [
H]CP-55,940 were purchased from
DuPont NEN (Boston, MA, USA). Fatty acid-free BSA,
protease inhibitor cocktail, GDP and GTPgS were
procured from Sigma Co (St Louis, MO, USA). Glass
fiber filters (GF/B) were purchased from Brandel Inc.
(Gaithersburg, MD, USA). CP-55,940 was a gift from
Pfizer Pharmaceutical (Groton, CT, USA). Human
receptor was obtained from Biosource Inter-
nationals (California, CA, USA). Anti-a-tubulin
monoclonal antibody was from Amersham Bioscience
(Piscataway, NJ, USA). Alkaline phosphatase-conju-
gated anti-IgG was obtained from Promega (Madison,
WI, USA). CDP-star chemiluminescence kit was
purchased from Tropix (Bedford, MA, USA). Other
chemicals, of analytical grade, were purchased from
standard commercial sources.
The density of CB
A saturation analysis suggests that [
binding is saturable below 5.0 nM concentration.
The nonspecific binding was about 15% of total
H]CP-55,940 binding. A Scatchard analysis of the
binding data indicates a monophasic binding of
radioligand, and Hill’s coefficient of near unity
suggests the binding of radioligand to a single class
of receptor at the concentration used. A representa-
tive saturation isotherm and Scatchard plot is shown
in Figure 1.
The average density (B
receptor in DLPFC
of normal control subjects was 493.3752.7 fmol/mg
protein. The apparent dissociation constant (K
) was
1.1270.10 nM, suggesting a high affinity of the
receptor for the radioligand. All the comparisons
shown below utilized Mann–Whitney U and paired
t’-tests. Greater density of CB
receptor was observed
in the DLPFC of DS (644.6748.8 fmol/mg protein;
24%, Po0.0001) compared with matched controls
(Figure 2). However, there was no difference in the
affinity of receptor for radioligand (DS; 1.1470.08 vs
control; 1.1270.10 nM), suggesting an upregulation of
the density of receptor in the absence of altered
affinity of the receptor. A significant increase (38%,
Po0.001) in CB
receptor immunoreactivity was also
demonstrated by Western blot analysis. A representa-
tive CB
receptor immunoblot of a DS and matched
control (3A) and levels of CB
receptor immunoreac-
tivity of all the subjects (3B) are shown in Figure 3.
receptor-stimulated [
S]GTPgS binding
The CB
receptor-stimulated [
S]GTPgS binding was
used to assess the coupling efficiency between a
receptor and its G-protein. Using the CB
agonist, CP-55,940 stimulated-[
S]GTPgS binding as
the outcome measure, maximum stimulation of
S]GTPgS binding was observed when cortical
membranes were incubated with 1 mM CP-55,940
and 40 mM of GDP (data not shown). The increase in
receptor-stimulated [
S]GTPgS binding was 45%
greater in cortical membranes of DS (31.174.7 fmol/
mg protein; Po0.001) compared with matched con-
trols (16.972.5 fmol/mg protein) (Figure 4). However,
no significant group difference in basal [
binding was observed.
Although our understanding of clinical aspects of
depression has advanced, the precise underlying
neurobiological basis of this disorder remains to be
elucidated. Disturbances in pre- and postsynaptic
proteins in DS have been reported.
A number of
0 100 200 300 400 500 60
Bound / Free
0 1 2 3 4 5
Specific binding (fmol/mg protein)
Figure 1 The saturation binding of [
H]CP-55,940 (0.5–
5.0 nM) to prefrontal cortical membrane of DS and matched
control. The inset represents the Scatchard transformation
of the same binding data.
Density CB
(fmol/mg protein)
Figure 2 The density of CB
receptor was estimated in
prefrontal cortical membranes of DS (10) and matched
controls (10). Data are mean7SEM of two to three experi-
ments, each assayed in duplicate. ***Po0.0001.
receptors-mediated signaling in brain of DS
BL Hungund et al
Molecular Psychiatry
studies have found differences in serotonergic and
adrenergic receptors in the prefrontal cortex of DS
Recently, Gurevich et al,
suggested that
alterations in the postmodification regulation of gene
expression of serotonin might play a role in the
etiology of major depression. It is likely that the
pathobiology of depression cannot be attributed to
dysfunction in a single neurotransmitter pathway.
Therefore, the search for other neurochemical ab-
normalities associated with depression is continuing.
Recent studies from our laboratory have suggested
the participation of cannabinoidergic system in
alcoholism and related behaviors.
Existence of
comorbidity between alcoholism and depression led
us to investigate the role of cannabinoid signaling in
depression. Indeed, the present study for the first time
reveals greater CB
receptor density and coupling
between these receptors and G
-protein in DLPFC of
DS subjects. CB
receptor immunoblot analysis found
more CB
receptor protein immunoreactivity, sub-
stantiating the radioligand binding results.
Many transmembrane signaling processes of extra-
cellular hormone and neurotransmitters are mediated
by receptor interaction with heterotrimeric (a,b,g)
guanosine nucleotide binding proteins (G-protein).
The receptor activation alters the conformation of
G-proteins leading to the exchange of GDP by GTP
on G
-subunit. The conformational change promotes
the dissociation of G-protein into active G
-GTP and
These two subunits later regulate
the activity of several effector molecules within the
cell. Recently, a nonhydrolyzable GTP analogue,
S]GTPgS, has been employed to asses the coupling
efficacy of several neurotransmitter receptors and G-
proteins in cortical membranes of human postmortem
The results of the present study suggest greater CB
receptor-stimulated [
S]GTPgS binding in DLPFC of
DS compared to matched controls. The observed
increase in [
S]GTPgS binding may be due to more
receptors. Interestingly, we observed low percen-
tage of stimulation of CB
S]GTPgS binding either in DS or matched controls.
Despite the high density of CB
receptors, the reason
for low agonist-stimulated [
S]GTPgS binding is not
known at this time. However, lower efficiency of CB
receptor coupling to G
-protein, compared to other
GPCRs has been suggested.
This is borne out from
direct comparison between the efficacy of cannabi-
noids and opiates in which opiates signaling was
found to be 20-fold more efficient than cannabinoid
Therefore, it is speculated that the CB
receptor signaling functions as a subtle, fine-tuning
mechanism for cells. The high density of receptors
makes the CB
receptor highly sensitive to agonists;
however, the poor coupling efficiency ensures that
overactivation of the system will not occur.
The consequence of elevated CB
signaling in the pathophysiology of depression is not
known. Abnormalities in cAMP signaling in depres-
sive disorders have been reported. Dowlatshahi
receptor immunoreactivity
(Arbitrary number)
Figure 3 (a) A representative immunoblot of the CB
receptor (top) and the same blot was reporbed with a-
tubulin (bottom) to ensure equivalent total protein loading.
(b) Levels of CB
receptor immunoreactivity in prefrontal
cortical membranes of DS (10) and normal controls (10)
reexpressed in mean7SEM of arbitrary densitometric units.
% Stimulation
(fmol/mg protein)
Figure 4 CB
receptor-stimulated [
S]GTPgS binding was
done in prefrontal cortical membranes of DS (10) and
matched controls (10). Data, presented as percentage of
stimulation over the basal, are mean7SEM values of two to
three experiments, each assayed in triplicate. **Po0.001.
receptors-mediated signaling in brain of DS
BL Hungund et al
Molecular Psychiatry
et al,
found decreased cAMP signaling in the brain
of depressed suicides. The increased CB
density and its mediation in [
S]GTPgS binding
suggest the sensitization of cannabinoidergic signal-
ing, which may lead to the decreased cAMP content
of the cell as these receptors are negatively coupled
to AC.
Recent studies have suggested age-dependent al-
terations in many neurotransmitter receptors. Aged
rats exhibited a marked decrease in CB
receptors and
its mediated [
S]GTPgS binding sites in rat brain.
this study, we also observed (data not shown) reduced
receptor density associated with increasing age in
normal control subject, suggesting that receptor losses
are related to the aging process. This observation is
consistent with previous reports.
Several studies have suggested that age, sex, PMI
and psychoactive drug medications may be respon-
sible for the alterations in neurotransmitter receptors
and G-proteins. The brain samples analyzed in this
study were well matched with regards to sex, age,
ethnic background and postmortem interval. Suicide,
however, is often associated with major depression,
and postmortem studies are often unable to resolve
whether the observed abnormalities are due to the
presence of major depression or whether they reflect
abnormalities that characterize suicidal behavior. In
this study, we are unable to tease out the effect of
suicide vs the effect of depression. Although suicid-
ality is often associated with multiple depressive
symptoms, future studies should test for the differ-
ences between suicide victims with a history of major
depression and nondepressed suicides and or de-
pressed and normal subjects who died by similar
cause of death. The next question whether the
observed abnormalities in DS victims are a conse-
quence of pathobiology or antidepressant medication
is of particular relevance. However, in the present
study, only three patients had medications or alcohol
at the time of death and no psychoactive drugs were
detected in the remaining patients. Therefore, the
present findings in brains of DS are related to the
illness, be it suicide or major depression, rather than
to antemortem drug treatment.
It has been suggested that cannabis use aggravates
existing psychosis.
Two endocannabinoids, which
act on CB receptor, anadamide and palmitoylethano-
lamide, were shown to be increased in the cerebrosp-
inal fluid (CSF) of schizophrenics.
Increased CB
receptor density in the DLPFC of schizophrenia has
also been recently reported.
It has been suggested
that the clinical signs of chronic cannabis consump-
tion may resemble negative symptoms of schizophre-
Several common symptomatologies do exist
between schizophrenia and mood disorders. From a
neuopharmacological standpoint, the psychoses of
schizophrenia and the mania of bipolar disorder can
both be treated with antipsychotic drugs. Some
prominent negative symptoms of schizophrenia such
as affective flattering, alogia and avolition are most
commonly observed in depression.
Therefore, it
may be assumed that the observed elevated CB
receptor and mediated signaling may be a pathologi-
cal consequence of depression and/or schizophrenia.
However, the reported elevation of endocannabinoids
in CSF of schizophrenics
reflects the overall
metabolism of brain, rather than region-specific
alteration. To understand the overall status of the
endocannabinoidergic system in depression and
other psychiatric illnesses, the study on endocanna-
binoid levels in different brain regions is essential
and such studies are currently underway.
Regulation of receptor sensitization and desensiti-
zation is a complex phenomenon. The consequence of
elevated CB
receptor-mediated response observed in
this study is not known. The hyperactivity of
cannabinoidergic signaling could be an adaptive
feedback in response to the decreased levels of
endocannabinoids. The mechanism, physiological
role and regulation of endocannabinoidergic system
are yet to be understood. Recently, it has been shown
that endocannabinoids are involved in retrograde
signaling, and CB
receptor activation suppresses
neurotransmitter release by inhibiting a calcium-
dependent step in vesicle release,
thus decreasing
the local release of synaptic vesicles
However, we
cannot rule out increased endocannabinoid levels,
which, if combined with observed hyperactivity of
receptor-mediated signaling, and hence elevated
retrograde cannabinoidergic neurotransmission in the
pathophysiology of depression or suicidal behavior.
In summary, the upregulation of CB
receptors with
concomitant increase in the CB
S]GTPgS binding strongly suggests a role for the
participation of abnormal endocannabinoidergic neu-
rotransmission in the etiology of depression and
suicide. The pharmacological manipulation of endo-
cannabinoid system may serve as a new therapeutic
target in the treatment of depression.
This study was supported by Grants AA13003 and
NARSAD independent investigator award (BLH);
AA09004 and MH40210 (VA); MH62185 (JJM). The
preliminary findings of this study were presented at
Neuroscience meeting. We thank Dr Veeranna, Centre
for Dementia Research, NKI, for his technical advice.
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BL Hungund et al
Molecular Psychiatry
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receptors-mediated signaling in brain of DS
BL Hungund et al
Molecular Psychiatry
... Studies related to major depressive disorder (MDD) found a significant upregulation (24%, p < 0.0001) of CB1 receptor density (Bmax) in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of depressed suicide individuals (644.6 ± 48.8 fmol/mg protein) compared to matched controls (493.3 ± 52.7 fmol/mg protein) (Hungund et al., 2004). These findings were replicated by Mato et al., who found increased CB1 expression in suicide individuals with mood disorders in the PFC compared to matched controls. ...
... In summary, studies on the cannabinoid system and suicide are conflicting. Six studies reported upregulation of CB1 receptors in suicides that included mostly depressed individuals and those with alcohol use disorder (Erdozain et al., 2015a;Hungund et al., 2004;Mato et al., 2018;Vinod et al., 2005Vinod et al., , 2010Salort et al., 2020). Three studies reported a reduction of CB1 receptors in suicides that included mostly individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia and alcohol use disorder (Eggan et al., 2010;Erdozain et al., 2015a;Urigüen et al., 2009), and one study did not find any difference between depressed individuals who died by suicide and controls (Eggan et al., 2010). ...
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This systematic review investigates the association between the endocannabinoid, vanilloid, opioid, and galaninergic systems and suicide, focusing on post-mortem evidence. Findings indicate increased cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) densities in the prefrontal cortex, particularly in individuals with alcohol use disorder and mood disorders who died by suicide. Conversely, a decrease in CB1 receptors was observed in individuals with schizophrenia treated with antipsychotics, suggesting that this reduction may be more closely related to underlying psychopathology than directly to suicidal behavior. Limited evidence on the vanilloid system suggests stress-related alterations could influence suicide, warranting further exploration. Similarly, the opioid and galaninergic systems show alterations in individuals who died by suicide, with increased mu-opioid receptor (MOR) expression possibly representing an adaptive response to altered endogenous peptide levels. The review underscores the need for more extensive research to clarify the roles of these biological pathways in suicide, advocating for studies comparing individuals who died by suicide with and without psychiatric disorders to non-psychiatric controls to advance our understanding of these complex interactions and their implications.
... A serious limitation to the methodology of this research is the fact that mRNA levels do not necessarily correspond with actual protein expression (Dragon and Obuchowicz 2021). In depressed suicide victims, Hungund et al. (2004) also revealed that CB1R density in DLPFC was meaningfully superior to their controls who died from other reasons. The same dependence was observed concerning CB1R-mediated stimulation of G-protein, which was found to be 45% higher in depressed suicide victims. ...
... Also, Amancio-Belmont et al. (2020) noticed the higher expression of CB1 receptor in the nucleus accumbens of adult Wistar male rats exposed to maternal separation and social isolation stress, likewise in the paper by Smaga et al. (2017a) even though the latter study was performed on Wistar Kyoto rats. Those findings are quite relevant as they are consistent with some results of clinical studies conducted in brain tissue collected from suicide victims like in the paper by Vinod et al. (2005) or Hungund et al. (2004). It has to be kept in mind that the central nervous system is a dynamic structure, and it alters with the development of an organism that is clearly stated in the paper by Hill et al. (2019), where time of assay influences a lot of measurements regarding ECS. ...
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As major depressive disorder is becoming a more and more common issue in modern society, it is crucial to discover new possible grip points for its diagnosis and antidepressive therapy. One of them is endocannabinoid system, which has been proposed as a manager of emotional homeostasis, and thus, endocannabinoid alterations have been found in animals undergoing various preclinical models of depression procedures as well as in humans suffering from depressive-like disorders. In this review article, studies regarding those alterations have been summed up and analyzed. Another important issue raised by the researchers is the impact of currently used antidepressive drugs on endocannabinoid system so that it would be possible to predict reversibility of endocannabinoid alterations following stress exposure and, in the future, to be able to design individually personalized therapies. Preclinical studies investigating this topic have been analyzed and described in this article. Unfortunately, too few clinical studies in this field exist, what indicates an urgent need for collecting such data, so that it would be possible to compare them with preclinical outcomes and draw reliable conclusions.
... Selective reduction (36%-41%) in mRNA and protein expression of the regulatory RIIβ and the catalytic Cβ was observed. Hungund, et al. (2004) compared depressed suicides with non-psychiatric controls and concluded that, "The observed upregulation of CB1 receptors with concomitant increase in the CB 1 receptor-mediated [ 35 S]GTPγS binding suggests a role for enhanced cannabinoidergic signaling in the prefrontal cortex of [depressed suicides]" (p. x). ...
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Formal models of the economy and suicide: Bijou Yang 1-13 Suicide in firefighters: David Lester 14-29 Suicide in those with Alzheimer’s disease: David Lester 29-31 Methodological problems in ecological studies of suicide: David Lester 32-39 A review of research on suicide in 2004: David Lester 40-110 Schema therapy and suicide: Sevginar Vatan & David Lester 112-115 Factors impacting suicide in military veterans: David Lester & Clyde Crossan: 116-118
... In humans, some studies have found lower CB1R densities in the anterior cingulate cortex of MDD patients, in comparison to patients with other forms of psychopathology such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder [21,22]. In contrast, other postmortem investigations have observed enhanced CB1R densities in the prefrontal cortex [23,24] and ventral striatum [25]. Furthermore, higher concentrations of 2-AG [24] have been found in the brains of suicide victims. ...
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Background Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) are two high-prevalent conditions where the Endocannabinoid system (ECS) is believed to play an important role. The ECS regulates how different neurotransmitters interact in both disorders, which is crucial for controlling emotions and responses to stress and reward stimuli. Measuring peripheral endocannabinoids (eCBs) in human serum and plasma can help overcome the limitations of detecting endocannabinoid levels in the brain. This systematic review aims to identify levels of peripheral eCBs in patients with MDD and/or AUD and find eCBs to use as diagnostic, prognostic biomarkers, and potential therapeutic targets. Methods We conducted a systematic literature search according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines from the earliest manuscript until October 22, 2023, in three electronic databases. We included studies of human adults who had a current diagnosis of AUD and/or MDD and evaluated plasma or serum endocannabinoids. We carefully considered known variables that may affect endocannabinoid levels. Results We included 17 articles in this systematic review, which measured peripheral eCBs in 170 AUD and 359 MDD patients. Stressors increase peripheral 2-arachidonyl-glycerol (2-AG) concentrations, and 2-AG may be a particular feature of depression severity and chronicity. Anxiety symptoms are negatively correlated with anandamide (AEA) concentrations, and AEA significantly increases during early abstinence in AUD. Studies suggest a negative correlation between Oleoylethanolamide (OEA) and length of abstinence in AUD patients. They also show a significant negative correlation between peripheral levels of AEA and OEA and fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) activity. Eicosapentaenoylethanolamide (EPEA) is correlated to clinical remission rates in depression. Included studies show known variables such as gender, chronicity, symptom severity, comorbid psychiatric symptoms, length of abstinence in the case of AUD, and stress-inducibility that can affect peripheral eCBs. Conclusions This systematic review highlights the important role that the ECS plays in MDD and AUD. Peripheral eCBs appear to be useful biomarkers for these disorders, and further research may identify potential therapeutic targets. Using accessible biological samples such as blood in well-designed clinical studies is crucial to develop novel therapies for these disorders.
... However, current research investigating the involvement of CB1 receptors in depression and mood disorders is conflicting. For example, post-mortem findings of individuals with MDD and those who have died by suicide have shown an increased concentration and signalling of CB1 receptors in the prefrontal cortex [13,14], while decreased CB1 receptor density was found in MDD patients treated with SSRIs compared to healthy controls, suggesting that pharmaceutical treatment may alter expression of CB1 receptors [15]. ...
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Background Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a highly prevalent mental health disorder with females experiencing higher rates of depression (11.6%), anxiety (15.7%) and physiological distress (14.5%) than males. Recently, the Endocannabinoid system (ECS) has been proposed to be a key contributing factor in the pathogenesis and symptom severity of MDD due to its role in neurotransmitter production, inflammatory response and even regulation of the female reproductive cycle. This review critically evaluates evidence regarding ECS levels in female-sexed individuals with depressive disorders to further understand ECS role. Materials and methods A systematic literature review of available research published prior to April 2022 was identified using PubMed (U.S. National Library of Medicine), CINAHL (EBSCO), Web of Science, AMED and Scopus (Elsevier). Studies were included if they reported ECS analysis of female-sexed individuals with depression and were excluded if they did not differentiate results between sexes, assessed mental health conditions other than depression, tested efficacy of endocannabinoid/n-acylethanolamine/cannabis or marijuana administration and that were unable to be translated. Critical appraisal of each included study was undertaken using the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Tool for Systematic Reviews. Results The 894 located citations were screened for duplicates (n = 357) and eligibility by title and abstract (n = 501). The full text of 33 studies were reviewed, and 7 studies were determined eligible for inclusion. These studies indicated that depressed female-sexed individuals have altered levels of ECS however no significant pattern was identified due to variability of study outcomes and measures, limiting overall interpretation. Discussion This review suggests potential involvement of ECS in underlying mechanisms of MDD in female sexed-individuals, however no pattern was able to be determined. A major contributor to the inability to attain reliable and valid understanding of the ECS levels in female-sexed individuals with depression was the inconsistency of depression screening tools, inclusion criteria’s and analysis methods used to measure eCBs. Future studies need to implement more standardised methodology to gain a deeper understanding of ECS in female-sexed individuals with depressive disorders. Trial registration This review was submitted to PROSPERO for approval in April 2022 (Registration #CRD42022324212).
... The underlying involvement of the brain's endocannabinoid system in depression neurobiology was initially elucidated through a post-mortem analysis conducted on individuals who had tragically succumbed to suicide while experiencing depressive symptoms. This study unveiled an increased expression of endocannabinoid cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) receptors within the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC), a brain region extensively implicated in depression [9,10]. Of particular significance, the PFC exhibits a high density of serotonergic and cannabinoid receptors and a remarkable innervation by serotonin neurons [11], further establishing its association with depressive states [12]. ...
Background: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a disabling multifactorial neuropsychiatric disorder in which several neurobiological systems and signaling pathways are involved. Physical activity improves mood and displays antidepressant effects. However, the exact mechanism underlying these effects from different exercise sessions has not been comprehensively studied. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of short-term exercise on depressive behaviors and also its possible modulatory effects on three critical pathways, which are dysregulated in depressive pathophysiology, including serotonergic tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2), mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) including p38 and c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK), and cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) systems in the stress-induced rat model of depression. Methods: Following seven weeks of chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) protocol, male Wistar rats were exposed to 60 minutes of treadmill-running exercise (10 min preparatory; 50 min training session, 10 m/min) for five consecutive days. Then, the anti-depressive effects were evaluated by the forced swimming test (FST) and the open field test (OFT), and finally, rats were decapitated, and their prefrontal cortex (PFC) was extracted for further analysis. Results: The results showed that CUMS induced a significant increase in immobility time in the FST (p < 0.01), which was reversed by short-term exercise (p < 0.01), and a slight decrease in horizontal distance in the OFT. Moreover, CUMS increased the protein expressions of CB1 and p-JNK/JNK in PFC (p < 0.001), and no effect of exercise was observed on these markers (p > 0.05). Interestingly, we found that the CUMS-induced p-p38/p38 ratio increment was reversed by the training session (p < 0.001). Meanwhile, short-term exercise also significantly upregulated TPH2, whose level was diminished in CUMS rats. Conclusions: Our results reveal that short-term exercise alleviates depression behavior induced by chronic stress and improves the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) neurotransmission regulating enzyme, TPH2. In addition, the observed reduction of p38 phosphorylation may play a key modulatory role in the anti-depressive-like properties of short-term exercise, which needs further study to approve the exact mechanisms.
... A meta-analysis by Kong et al. unveiled a strong link between the CB2rs2501432 polymorphism and depressive disorders, whereas no such association was found for the CB1rs1049353 polymorphism [152]. Furthermore, women with depression displayed notably reduced levels of AEA and 2-AG in their peripheral serum [153], while the increased expression of CB1 receptors was observed in the dorsolateral PFC of depressed suicides [154]. ...
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Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a common term for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, is a chronic, relapse-remitting condition of the gastrointestinal tract that is increasing worldwide. Psychiatric comorbidities, including depression and anxiety, are more prevalent in IBD patients than in healthy individuals. Evidence suggests that varying levels of neuroinflammation might underlie these states in IBD patients. Within this context, microglia are the crucial non-neural cells in the brain responsible for innate immune responses following inflammatory insults. Alterations in microglia’s functions, such as secretory profile, phagocytic activity, and synaptic pruning, might play significant roles in mediating psychiatric manifestations of IBD. In this review, we discuss the role played by microglia in IBD-associated comorbidities.
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Suicide is a serious global public health problem, with a worrying recent increase in suicide rates in both adolescent and adult populations. However, it is essential to recognize that suicide is preventable. A myriad of factors contributes to an individual’s vulnerability to suicide. These factors include various potential causes, from psychiatric disorders to genetic and epigenetic alterations. These changes can induce dysfunctions in crucial systems such as the serotonergic, cannabinoid, and hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axes. In addition, early life experiences of abuse can profoundly impact an individual’s ability to cope with stress, ultimately leading to changes in the inflammatory system, which is a significant risk factor for suicidal behavior. Thus, it is clear that suicidal behavior may result from a confluence of multiple factors. This review examines the primary risk factors associated with suicidal behavior, including psychiatric disorders, early life adversities, and epigenetic modifications. Our goal is to elucidate the molecular changes at the genetic, epigenetic, and molecular levels in the brains of individuals who have taken their own lives and in the plasma and peripheral mononuclear cells of suicide attempters and how these changes may serve as predisposing factors for suicidal tendencies.
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A potent, synthetic cannabinoid was radiolabeled and used to characterize and precisely localize cannabinoid receptors in slide-mounted sections of rat brain and pituitary. Assay conditions for 3H-CP55,940 binding in Tris-HCl buffer with 5% BSA were optimized, association and dissociation rate constants determined, and the equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) calculated (21 nM by liquid scintillation counting, 5.2 nM by quantitative autoradiography). The results of competition studies, using several synthetic cannabinoids, add to prior data showing enantioselectivity of binding and correlation of in vitro potencies with potencies in biological assays of cannabinoid actions. Inhibition of binding by guanine nucleotides was selective and profound: Nonhydrolyzable analogs of GTP and GDP inhibited binding by greater than 90%, and GMP and the nonhydrolyzable ATP analog showed no inhibition. Autoradiography showed great heterogeneity of binding in patterns of labeling that closely conform to cytoarchitectural and functional domains. Very dense 3H-CP55,940 binding is localized to the basal ganglia (lateral caudate-putamen, globus pallidus, entopeduncular nucleus, substantia nigra pars reticulata), cerebellar molecular layer, innermost layers of the olfactory bulb, and portions of the hippocampal formation (CA3 and dentate gyrus molecular layer). Moderately dense binding is found throughout the remaining forebrain. Sparse binding characterizes the brain stem and spinal cord. Densitometry confirmed the quantitative heterogeneity of cannabinoid receptors (10 nM 3H-CP55,940 binding ranged in density from 6.3 pmol/mg protein in the substantia nigra pars reticulata to 0.15 pmol/mg protein in the anterior lobe of the pituitary). The results suggest that the presently characterized cannabinoid receptor mediates physiological and behavioral effects of natural and synthetic cannabinoids, because it is strongly coupled to guanine nucleotide regulatory proteins and is discretely localized to cortical, basal ganglia, and cerebellar structures involved with cognition and movement.
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The primary psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, Δ^9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ^9-THC), affects the brain mainly by activating a specific receptor (CB1). CB1 is expressed at high levels in many brain regions, and several endogenous brain lipids have been identified as CB1 ligands. In contrast to classical neurotransmitters, endogenous cannabinoids can function as retrograde synaptic messengers: They are released from postsynaptic neurons and travel backward across synapses, activating CB1 on presynaptic axons and suppressing neurotransmitter release. Cannabinoids may affect memory, cognition, and pain perception by means of this cellular mechanism.
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ABSTRACT Agonists stimulate guanylyl 5'- [y-[35S] thiol-triphosphate (GTP[y-35S]) binding to receptor-coupled guanine nucleotide binding protein (G proteins) in cell membranes as revealed in the presence of excess GDP. We now report that this reaction can be used to neuroanatomically localize receptor-activated G proteins in brain sections by in vitro autoradiography of GTP[y-35S] binding. Using the mu opioid-selective peptide [D-Ala2,N-MePhe4,Gly5-ol]enkephalin (DAMGO) as an agonist in rat brain sections and isolated thalamic membranes, agonist stimulation of GTP[y-35S] binding required the presence of excess GDP (1-2 mM GDP in sections vs. 10-30 µM GDP in membranes) to decrease basal G-protein activity and reveal agonist-stimulated GTP[y-35S] binding. Similar concentrations ofDAMGO were required to stimulate GTP[y-35S] binding in sections and membranes. To demonstrate the general applicability of the technique, agonist-stimulated GTP[v-35S] binding in tissue sections was assessed with agonists for the mu opioid (DAMGO), cannabinoid (WIN 55212-2), and y-aminobutyric acid type B (baclofen) receptors. For opioid and cannabinoid receptors, agonist stimulation of GTP[y-35S] binding was blocked by incubation with agonists in the presence of the appropriate antagonists (naloxone for mu opioid and SR-141716A for cannabinoid), thus demonstrating that the effect was specifically receptor mediated. The anatomical distribution of agonist-stimulated GTP[y-35S] binding qualitatively paralleled receptor distribution as determined by receptor binding autoradiography. However, quantitative differences suggest that variations in coupling efficiency may exist between different receptors in various brain regions. This technique provides a method of functional neuroanatomy that identifies changes in the activation of G proteins by specific receptors.
In this paper the historical and scientific background that led to the use of substituted benzamides In two apparently unrelated clinical conditions namely dysthymic disorder and schizophrenia will be reviewed, in order to understand if a common mechanism of action may support this dual therapeutic indication. The dopaminergic antidepressant action of substituted benzamides such as sulpiride, has been proposed, since the late 1970s, by several authors and extensively explored in preclinical experiments by our group. In Italy the first marketing authorization obtained for the new substituted benzamide amisulpride, was with the sole Indication of dysthymia and therefore a solid clinical experience exists in the use of substituted benzamides in mild forms of depression, with more than 1000 000 patients being treated in the last 7 years. The proposed mechanism of action of substituted benzamides Implies a selective modulation of the dopaminergic system in the mesocorticolimbic area, important for cognitive processing of internal and external cues, related to survival. The selective antagonism of dopamine D2-D3 receptors has been evoked to explain, in small to moderate doses (i.e 50-100 mg day(-1)), the antidepressant effect and, in moderate to medium doses (100-400 mg day(-1)), the reported efficacy on negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Thus, substituted benzamides could represent the first class of atypical antipsychotics successfully employed for both depressive states and schizophrenia. Interestingly, recent evidence in the literature suggests that depressive episodes belonging to the bipolar spectrum are among 'alternative indications' of other atypical antipsychotics such as olanzapine and risperidone.