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Phytic acid added to white-wheat bread inhibits fractional apparent magnesium absorption in humans


Abstract and Figures

Phytic acid has been reported to impair the absorption of minerals and trace elements such as calcium, zinc, and iron in humans. However, limited information is available on the effect of phytic acid on magnesium absorption. The objective was to evaluate the effect of phytic acid on fractional apparent magnesium absorption in humans. Two stable-isotope studies were performed with 8-9 healthy adults per study. Test meals were based on 200 g phytic acid-free wheat bread; test meals with and without added phytic acid were served on days 1 and 3 according to a crossover design. Phytic acid was added in amounts similar to those naturally present in whole-meal (1.49 mmol) and in brown bread (0.75 mmol). Each test meal was labeled with 0.7 mmol (25)Mg or 1.1 mmol (26)Mg. The total magnesium content was standardized to 3.6 mmol in all test meals. Apparent magnesium absorption was based on fecal monitoring. The addition of phytic acid lowered fractional apparent magnesium absorption from 32.5 +/- 6.9% (no added phytic acid) to 13.0 +/- 6.9% (1.49 mmol added phytic acid; P < 0.0005) and from 32.2 +/- 12.0% (no added phytic acid) to 24.0 +/- 12.9% (0.75 mmol added phytic acid; P < 0.01). The inhibiting effect of phytic acid was dose dependent (P < 0.005). The results show that fractional magnesium absorption from white-wheat bread is significantly impaired by the addition of phytic acid, in a dose-dependent manner, at amounts similar to those naturally present in whole-meal and brown bread.
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Phytic acid added to white-wheat bread inhibits fractional apparent
magnesium absorption in humans
Torsten Bohn, Lena Davidsson, Thomas Walczyk, and Richard F Hurrell
of minerals and trace elements such as calcium, zinc, and iron in
humans. However, limited information is available on the effect of
phytic acid on magnesium absorption.
Objective:Theobjectivewas to evaluate the effect of phytic acid on
fractional apparent magnesium absorption in humans.
Design: Two stable-isotope studies were performed with 8–9
healthy adults per study. Test meals were based on 200 g phytic
acid–freewheatbread;testmealswithandwithoutadded phytic acid
were served on days 1 and 3 according to a crossover design. Phytic
acid was added in amounts similar to those naturally present in
whole-meal(1.49 mmol) and in brownbread (0.75 mmol). Each test
meal was labeled with 0.7 mmol
Mg or 1.1 mmol
Mg. The total
magnesium content was standardized to 3.6 mmol in all test meals.
Apparent magnesium absorption was based on fecal monitoring.
Results: The addition of phytic acid lowered fractional apparent
magnesium absorption from 32.5 6.9% (no added phytic acid) to
13.0 6.9% (1.49 mmol added phytic acid; P0.0005) and from
32.2 12.0% (no added phytic acid) to 24.0 12.9% (0.75 mmol
addedphyticacid;P0.01).Theinhibitingeffectof phytic acid was
dose dependent (P0.005).
from white-wheat bread is significantly impaired by the addition of
phyticacid, in a dose-dependent manner, at amountssimilartothose
naturally present in whole-meal and brown bread. Am J Clin
Nutr 2004;79:418–23.
KEY WORDS Magnesium absorption, phytic acid, wheat
bread, stable isotopes, fecal monitoring
Phytic acid, myo-inositol hexakisphosphate, is widely distrib-
uted in nature because it is the major storage form of phosphorus
in cereals, legumes, and oil seeds (1). It is typically found in the
outer (aleuron) layers of cereal grains and in the endosperm of
legumesand oil seeds. For example,cereal products such as bran
andwhole-mealbreadarerich in phytic acid (2). The daily intake
of phytic acid has been estimated to be 200800 mg in indus-
trialized countries and 2 g in developing countries (3).
Although an inhibiting effect of phytic acid on mineral and
trace element absorption has been reported for iron, zinc, cal-
cium,and manganese (4–10), information on the effectof phytic
acid on magnesium absorption is limited. Negative magnesium
balances were reported to correlate with dietary phytic acid in-
take, on the basis of observations in 2 human subjects (11), and
magnesium absorption was shown to be significantly impaired
when phytic acid was added to white-wheat bread (12). In addi-
tion, chemical balance studies have indicated significantly in-
creased magnesium absorption after dephytinization of bran
muffins (13). However, the dose-dependent effect of phytic acid
on magnesium absorption has not been evaluated with the use of
isotopic techniques in humans.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of
phytic acid on magnesium absorption in adult humans. Test
meals were based on phytic acid free–white-wheat bread; phytic
acid was added to simulate the native content of phytic acid in
whole-meal and brown-wheat bread. Fractional apparent mag-
nesiumabsorptionwasevaluatedwitha stable-isotope technique
based on extrinsic labeling of the meals and fecal monitoring of
the excreted labels.
Twenty (10 women and 10 men) apparently healthy free-
living adults were recruited. Exclusion criteria included preg-
nancy and lactation. No medication, except for oral contracep-
tives, was allowed during the study. Intake of mineral and
vitamin supplements was not permitted 2 wk before the start of
and during the study. All subjects were informed about the aims
and the procedures of the study orally and in writing, and written
informed consent was obtained from all participants. The partic-
ipants were instructed not to change their dietary habits or life-
style during the study. The study protocol was reviewed and
approvedbythe Ethical Committee at the SwissFederalInstitute
of Technology, Zurich.
Isotopic labels
Highly enriched
MgO (1.04 0.01%
Mg, 98.73 0.01%
Nutrition, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich.
Supported by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (grant
Reprints not available. Address correspondence to L Davidsson, Labo-
ratory for Human Nutrition, Institute for Food Science and Nutrition,
Seestrasse 72, PO Box 474, 8803 Ru¨schlikon, Switzerland. E-mail:
Received May 15, 2003.
Accepted for publication August 4, 2003.
418 Am J Clin Nutr 2004;79:418–23. Printed in USA. © 2004 American Society for Clinical Nutrition
0.11 0.01%
Mg, and 99.50 0.01%
Mg) labels were
purchased from Chemotrade (Du¨sseldorf, Germany). The en-
Mglabel(28 mmol as
Mglabel(43 mmol
MgO) were dissolved in 10 mL of 4 mol HCl/L and diluted
to 100 mL with water. Solid NaHCO
(Merck, Darmstadt, Ger-
many) was added to adjust the solution to a pH of 6. Concentra-
tions of the
Mg and
Mg isotope labels in solution were de-
termined by isotope dilution mass spectrometry against a
commercialmagnesiumstandardofnaturalisotopic composition
(Titrisol;Merck).Unlessotherwisespecified,all chemicals were
of analytic grade, and acids were further purified by surface
distillation. Only 18 Mwater (Milli Q Water System; Milli-
pore, Zurich, Switzerland) was used for the laboratory analyses
and test meal preparation.
Test meals
All test meals were based on 200 g phytic acidfree white-
wheat bread. Bread rolls were prepared by mixing 1 kg white-
wheat flour (Migros, Zurich, Switzerland) with water (600 g),
salt (10 g), sugar (32 g), and dry yeast (15 g). The dough was left
to ferment for5hatroom temperature. The bread rolls were
baked for 15 min at 200 °C. Individual servings were weighed
andstoredfrozen(Ҁ25 °C)untilserved.Themagnesiumcontent
of all test meals was standardized by adding a solution of MgCl
(Merck) to the white-wheat bread before serving. Phytic acid in
its dodecasodium form (Sigma, Buchs, Switzerland) was dis-
solved in water (73.5 mmol/L), and aliquots of phytic acid and
stable-isotope labels in solution were pipetted onto the wheat
bread 1 h before administration. The rare earth elements ytter-
bium and europium (in chloride form; Aldrich, Buchs, Switzer-
land) were added to 600 mL water, which was served as a drink
with the labeled bread.
Study design
A fecal sample was collected to determine baseline magne-
sium isotope ratios before intake of the labeled test meals. Bril-
liant blue (100 mg; Warner Jenkinson Europe, Kings Lynn,
UnitedKingdom),adyeusedasafecalmarker,was administered
in a gelatin capsule on the day before intake of the first labeled
test meal to indicate the start of the fecal pooling. After the
subjects fasted overnight, a venous blood sample (10 mL) was
drawn into a heparin-treated glass tube (Evacuated Tube Sys-
tems, Plymouth, United Kingdom) for the measurement of
plasma magnesium concentrations. Plasma was separated by
centrifugation(Omnifuge2.0RS; Heraeus, Zurich, Switzerland)
at 20 °Cand500҂g(5 min) and storedin acid-washed plastic
vials at Ҁ25 °C until analyzed.
andB)wererandomlyallocatedtobeserved in each study on day
1orday3(Table1). Test meal A consisted of 200 g wheat bread
prepared from 150 g flour, to which phytic acid and
Mg were
added. Test meal B (no added phytic acid) consisted of 200 g
wheat bread labeled with
Mg (Table 1). Because of the lower
analytic precision in the measurement of
Mg than in that
Mg, a higher dose of
Mg was administered. Water
(600 mL) was served as a drink. Test meals were divided into 2
identical portions and served at breakfast (07300830) and
lunch (12001300) on the same day. No food or drink was
allowedbetween the intake of the 2 labeledtest meals and for3 h
after intake of the second labeled test meal served at lunchtime
(days 1 and 3). Standardized dinners (frozen pizza and white-
wheat crisp bread) and drinking water (2 L) were provided on
days 1 and 3. No additional food or drink was allowed on days 1
and 3. Diet was unrestricted at all other times.
Preweighed polypropylene containers (Semadeni, Oster-
subjectscollectedallstoolsseparately,starting immediately after
intake of the first labeled test meal on day 1. On day 8, a second
brilliant blue capsule was administered. Fecal collections were
continued until excretion of the second brilliant blue marker.
Stool samples were stored frozen (Ҁ25 °C) until processed.
Preparation of fecal pools and mineralization
Each individual stool sample was freeze-dried (Modulyo; Ed-
stool samples, beginning with the first fecal sample dyed by the
firstbrilliant blue marker until,but not including, thestools dyed
by the second marker, were included in the fecal pool. After
undergoing a drying step in a drying chamber (Binder, Tuttlin-
gen,Germany)at20hat65 °Ctostandardizehumidity,followed
were weighed and milled (mill with 1-mm pores, ZM1; Retsch,
Haan, Germany), starting with the first (most enriched) samples.
Milled fecal material was transferred back into its original con-
Total magnesium content, added stable-isotope labels, added phytic acid, and molar ratio of phytic acid to magnesium in different test meals
Study 1 (n҃9) Study 2 (n҃8)
Test meal A Test meal B Test meal A Test meal B
Magnesium (mmol) 3.63 0.04
3.64 0.05 3.63 0.04 3.65 0.03
Stable-isotope label (mmol)
Mg 0.65 0.02 0.65 0.02
Mg 1.12 0.01 1.12 0.01
Phytic acid (mmol) 1.488 0.022 ND 0.746 0.002 ND
Phytic acid:magnesium (molar ratio) 0.41 ND 0.21 ND
Fecal marker (nmol)
Ytterbium 31.38 0.58 31.38 0.58
Europium 33.17 0.26 33.17 0.26
Test meals A and B were based on 200 g phytic acidfree white-wheat bread and 600 mL water served as a drink. Both meals, in each study, were served
as 2 identical portions at breakfast and lunch on days 1 and 3. ND, not detectable; the limit of detection was 0.5
mol/100 g.
tainer, dried again for 20 h at 65 °C, cooled for4hatroom
a single pool were combined in a 2-L polyethylene container
(Semadeni) and mixed for 90 min with a rotator (UG 70/20;
Micro Motor, Basel, Switzerland). Aliquots of freeze-dried
pooledstoolsamples (1.01.6g),freeze-dried wheat bread (0.25
g), and plasma (1 g), were mineralized in a microwave digestion
system (MLS 1200; MLS GmbH, Leutkirch, Germany) in a
mixture of 14 mol HNO
/L and 8.8 mol H
/L (Merck). All
samples were mineralized in duplicate.
Separation of magnesium
Magnesiumwasseparated from the mineralized stool samples
by cation-exchange chromatography with a strongly acidic ion-
exchange resin (AG 50W X-8, 200400 mesh; Bio-Rad, Her-
cules, CA). Aliquots containing 30
mol Mg were evaporated
todryness,redissolvedin1mL of 0.7 mol HCl/L, and transferred
onto the top of a column (1-cm inner diameter; Bio-Rad) filled
with the ion-exchange resin to a height of 7 cm. The column was
rinsed with 56 mL of 0.7 mol HCl/L, followed by 24 mL of 0.9
mol HCl/L to elute sodium and potassium. Magnesium was
elutedwith12mLof1.4 mol HCl/L.Thesolutionwasevaporated
todrynessandredissolvedin 50
evaluated with a diluted magnesium standard solution (Titrisol;
Merck), was found to be 94.8 1.8% (n҃10). Resins were
regenerated with 30 mL of 6 mol HCl/L and replaced after the
fifth run. Only acid-washed polytetrafluoroethylene and poly-
ethylene laboratory ware were used during sample processing.
Mgisotopelabelwereprocessedin parallel with
eachbatch for blank monitoring,from ion-exchange chromatog-
raphy onward. Sample contamination due to natural magnesium
was 10.8 7.0 nmol (n҃9) for combined sample preparation
and filament loading, which was 0.4of the amount of mag-
nesium separated.
Isotopic analysis by thermal ionization mass spectrometry
About 20 nmol Mg, separated from fecal samples, was loaded
onto the metal surface of the evaporation filament of a double-
rhenium filament ion source. Magnesium was coated with 510
g silica gel 100, 0.8
mol boric acid, and 30 nmol Al as AlCl
(all chemicals were from Merck). Compounds were loaded in
aqueous solution and dried electrothermally at 0.8 A after each
step.Finally,theevaporation filament was heated to dull red heat
(1.6 A) for 30 s. The ionization filament remained unloaded.
Isotope ratios were determined with a single-focusing magnetic
many) equipped with a Faraday cup multicollector device for
simultaneous ion-beam detection. The evaporation filament was
heated to 1230 °C according to a standardized procedure. The
ionization filament was heated gradually to 12501350 °C until
a stable Mg
ion beam of 12҂10
A was obtained. Each
measurementconsisted of 30consecutive isotope ratio measure-
ments. Repeatability (5 independent analyses) was 0.2% (rel-
ative SD) for the
Mg isotope ratio and 0.4% for the
Mg isotope ratio. A standard reference material (stan-
dard reference material 980; National Institute of Standards and
Technology, Gaithersburg, MD) was analyzed in parallel. The
results (0.12631 0.00029 for the
Mg isotope ratio and
0.138760.00059 for the
Mgisotope ratio) agreed with
isotope ratios from the International Union of Pure and Applied
Chemistry: 0.12663 0.00013 and 0.13932 0.00026, respec-
tively (14).
Magnesium analysis by atomic absorption spectroscopy
Quantitative magnesium analysis of the mineralized and di-
lutedsamplesofplasma,bread,andfecalmaterial was performed
by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (SpectrAA 400; Var-
ian, Mulgrave, Australia). Plasma samples were measured by
external calibration with the use of a commercial magnesium
standard (Titrisol; Merck). All other samples were measured by
aninternal calibration technique (standardaddition)to minimize
matrix effects. In addition, all measured solutions contained
at 5000 mg La/L to suppress precipitation of magne-
sium salts. Certified reference materialsSeronorm Trace Ele-
ments Serum (Nycomed, Oslo) and wheat flour 1567a (National
allel. Ytterbium and europium were measured by electrothermal
atomic absorption spectroscopy by external calibration with the
use of a standard solution containing ytterbium and europium
(Titrisol; Merck). Mineralized fecal samples were diluted with 1
molHCl/L, and aliquots (10
L)were injected into pyrolytically
coated graphite tubes. Heating procedures and absorption wave-
lengths were used according to the manufacturer (15).
Phytic acid analysis
Samples of bread rolls were freeze-dried and ground in a
mortar.Phyticacid was extracted from a1-galiquotwith 0.5 mol
HCl/L. The extract was purified by anion-exchange chromatog-
raphy, evaporated to dryness, and redissolved in water before
analysis with the use of reversed-phase HPLC (16).
Molaramounts and ratiosof the
Mgisotope labels
in the samples were calculated on the basis of double-isotope
dilution principles (17, 18). Fractional apparent magnesium ab-
sorption was calculated on the basis of the dose (
mol) of the
stable isotope label of magnesium administered (D
) and the
amount of the label excreted in feces (F
AA(%) (DoFo/Do)100 (1)
The recovery of the rare earth elements ytterbium and europium
was used to evaluate the completeness of the stool collections.
Calculations were made by using commercial software:
EXCEL 97 (Microsoft, Chicago) and SPSS 10.0 (SPSS Inc,
Chicago).Results are presented as arithmetic means SDs.The
normal distribution of magnesium absorption data was verified
with the use of the Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test. Homogeneity
between groups was tested by Levenes test. Paired Studentst
test (two-tailed) was used to compare magnesium absorption
fromthe 2 different test meals within eachstudy. The dose effect
of phytic acid on magnesium absorption was evaluated with the
use of an unpaired Studentsttest based on absorption ratios
(with/without added phytic acid). In addition, a linear mixed
model was used to evaluate the dose effect of phytic acid on
tion as the dependent factor and meal (with or without added
phytic acid) and study (1.49 or 0.75 mmol added phytic acid) as
fixed factors. Subject, as a random factor, was nested within
study. Pvalues 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Subjects and test meals
The ages and body mass indexes (in kg/m
) of the subjects
were 27 12 y and 22.1 3.8, respectively, in study 1 (n҃9)
and 24 2 y and 21.7 1.0 in study 2 (n҃8). Mean plasma
magnesium concentrations were 0.77 (range: 0.670.85)
mmol/L and 0.84 (range: 0.770.90) mmol/L in studies 1 and 2,
respectively. Two subjects had slightly lower magnesium con-
centrations (0.67 and 0.73 mmol/L) than the reported normal
range (0.750.96 mmol/L) (19).
Thenativecontentofphyticacidinthewheatbread was below
thedetection limit (0.5
mol/100g; n҃3). The nativecontent
of magnesium in the wheat bread was 0.96 0.03 mmol/100 g
(n҃3). The magnesium and phytic acid contents of the labeled
test meals are presented in Table 1.
Magnesium absorption
Addition of 1.49 mmol phytic acid to 200 g phytic acidfree
bread inhibited apparent magnesium absorption significantly:
B) (P0.0005, Figure 1). One subject was excluded from the
evaluation because of a low recovery of ytterbium (85%). The
exclusion criteria were based on the estimated relatively high
combined uncertainty of the recovery of rare earth elements in
fecal material and on previous studies that used rare earth ele-
ments as fecal markers (20, 21). For all other subjects, mean
ytterbium recovery was 99.5% (range: 86.4107.1%) and mean
europiumrecoverywas 101.7% (range: 89.5116.3%). Addition
of 0.75 mmol phytic acid to 200 g bread inhibited magnesium
absorption significantly: 32.2 12.0% (test meal A) compared
with 24.0 12.9% (test meal B) (P0.01; Figure 2). Two
subjects were excluded from the evaluation because of low yt-
terbium recovery. For all other subjects, mean ytterbium recov-
ery was 105.4% (range: 97.5115.6%) and europium recovery
was96.9%(range:90.2120.6%).The inhibitory effect of phytic
acid on magnesium absorption was dose dependent (P0.005,
unpaired Studentsttest). On the basis of a linear mixed model,
a statistically significant effect of meal (with or without added
phyticacid; P0.001) on magnesium absorptionwas observed,
but no significant effect of study was observed (1.49 or 0.75
mmol added phytic acid). The study-by-meal interaction was
statistically significant (P0.005), which indicated that mag-
nesiumabsorptionwas significantly influenced by the amountof
phytic acid added to the meal.
The mean loss of fecal material during stool pool preparation,
determined by weighing the pools before and after milling, was
1.91.1%.The measured isotopic enrichment of the stoolpools
was 5.2 1.9% (
Mg) and 8.4 2.7% (
Mg) on
the basis of differences in the measured isotope ratios of fecal
pools and natural isotope ratios of a standard (Titrisol; Merck)
divided by the measured isotope ratio of the standard.
Mean fractional apparent magnesium absorption was 60%
lower when phytic acid was added to phytic acidfree white-
wheat bread at an amount similar to that in whole-meal wheat
bread (1.49 mmol/200 g) and 25% lower when added at an
amount similar to that in brown bread (0.75 mmol/200 g). The
inhibiting effect of phytic acid was dose dependent (P0.005).
Although this is the first time that the inhibition of magnesium
absorption by phytic acid was observed with single meals, such
an effect was indicated by chemical balance studies in humans
that evaluated phytic acid added to white bread (12) and dephy-
tinized bran (13). In these earlier studies, a somewhat more lim-
ited inhibitory effect of phytic acid on fractional apparent mag-
nesium absorption was found at molar ratios of phytic acid to
magnesium that were similar to those used in the present study,
ie, absorption of 13% and 38% at molar ratios of 0.2 and 0.4,
FIGURE1.Apparentfractional magnesium absorptionfrom200gwhite-
wheat bread with 1.49 mmol added phytic acid (test meal A) compared with
that from 200 g white-wheat bread with no added phytic acid (test meal B) in
9 subjects. Individual data are represented by triangles. The mean value is
indicated by the solid, horizontal line.
FIGURE2.Apparentfractional magnesium absorptionfrom200gwhite-
wheat bread with 0.75 mmol added phytic acid (test meal A) compared with
that from 200 g white-wheat bread with no added phytic acid (test meal B) in
8 subjects. Individual data are represented by triangles. The mean value is
indicated by the solid, horizontal line.
respectively.However,itisimportantto stressthatthemagnitude
oftheinhibitoryeffect might have been influenced by the control
diets, which were not completely free of phytic acid, or by ad-
aptation to decreased dietary magnesium bioavailability.
phytic acid or protein-magnesiumphytic acid complexes are
formed in the intestine, which are insoluble at a pH 6 (2224)
and thus are not absorbable. However, the stability of the mag-
nesiumphytic acid complex is weaker than phytic acid com-
plexes with iron, copper, and zinc (25, 26). It is also important to
stress that endogenous losses of magnesium represent a signifi-
cant fraction of total magnesium losses and that phytic acid can
be expected to form complexes with both food magnesium and
endogenous magnesium in the gastrointestinal tract. However,
on the basis of rat studies, it is not certain whether the reabsorp-
tion of endogenous magnesium is inhibited by phytic acid (27,
In the present study, all test meals were based on phytic acid
free wheat bread and differed only by whether phytic acid was
differences in ingredients, food-preparation methods, or both.
The phytic acid content and molar ratios of phytic acid to mag-
nesiuminthetest meals were similar to those reported forwhole-
meal and brown bread. In whole-meal bread, the phytic acid
molar ratio is between 0.2 and 0.5; in brown bread, the corre-
sponding values are 0.10.4 mmol/100 g, and the molar ratio
is0.10.3 (2). The additionof phytic acid would seem a useful
approachtosimulatenativephytic acid because phytic acid com-
plexes are largely soluble at a pH of 23, as in the stomach, and
mineral binding is weak (23, 24). Thus, under these conditions,
an exchange of minerals bound to phytic acid can be expected to
occur. This approach was used previously in human studies, for
example, to evaluate the effect of phytic acid on iron absorption
(29). The magnitude of the inhibitory effect of added phytic acid
on iron absorption in the study by Hallberg et al (29) was similar
to that reported for native phytic acid by Hurrell et al (30).
Our data indicate that fractional magnesium absorption from
whole-mealandbrown bread is significantly inhibited compared
withthatfromphyticacidfree white-wheat bread. However, the
absolute amounts of magnesium absorbed from whole-meal and
brown bread can be expected to be higher than those from white
bread because of the 23-fold higher magnesium content (31),
unless other components in whole-meal and brown bread (such
as dietary fiber, minerals, and trace elements) influence magne-
sium absorption or modify to a great extent the effect of phytic
acid on magnesium absorption.
In conclusion, the results of the present study indicate that
fractional magnesium absorption from white-wheat bread is sig-
nificantly inhibited by phytic acid, in a dose-dependent manner,
when it is added at amounts similar to those naturally present in
whole-meal and brown bread.
Allauthorscontributed tothestudydesign. TBwasresponsiblefor thedata
The manuscript was prepared by TB and LD and revised by TW and RFH.
None of the authors reported any conflict of interest.
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... The 17 included studies encompass a wide range of geographical and socio-economic contexts. Research was conducted in developed countries such as Switzerland [26,30], Sweden [27,35], and the USA [29,33], as well as in low-resource settings such as Guatemala [32,38] and Rwanda [39]. Further, these studies also range in settings, from controlled laboratory environments [34,37] to real-world settings, such as community feeding programs [38] and home-based interventions [32]. ...
... Out of the 17 studies, eight studies specifically examined the absorption of iron. More specifically, four of these studies confirmed that phytic acid inhibits iron absorption [26,27,39,40]. For example, high phytic acid content was consistently associated with reduced fractional iron absorption [39,40]. ...
... Also, six other studies examined zinc absorption. Half of these studies confirmed that phytic acid inhibits zinc absorption [26,31,32]. For example, diets rich in phytic acid were associated with lower fractional zinc absorption [36]. ...
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Background: Phytic acid is abundant in plant-based diets and acts as a micronutrient inhibitor for humans and non-ruminant animals. Phytases are enzymes that break down phytic acid, releasing micronutrients and enhancing their bioavailability, particularly iron and zinc. Deficiencies in iron and zinc are significant public health problems, especially among populations with disease-associated malnutrition or those in developing countries consuming phytic acid-rich diets. This narrative review aimed to summarize findings from human intervention studies on the interactions between phytic acid, phytase, and micronutrient bioavailability. Methods: An extensive PubMed search (1 January 1990 to 8 February 2024) was conducted using MeSH terms (phytic acid, phytase, IP6, “inositol hexaphosphate,” micronutrient, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc). Eligible studies included human intervention trials investigating the bioavailability of micronutrients following (a) phytase supplementation, (b) consumption of phytic acid-rich foods, or (c) consumption of dephytinized foods. In vitro, animal, cross-sectional, and non-English studies were excluded. Results: 3055 articles were identified. After the title and full-text review, 40 articles were eligible. Another 2 were identified after cross-checking reference lists from included papers, resulting in 42 included articles. Most studies exploring the efficacy of exogenous phytase (9 of 11, 82%) or the efficacy of food dephytinization (11 of 14, 79%) demonstrated augmented iron and zinc bioavailability. Most phytic acid-rich food-feeding studies (13 of 17, 77%) showed compromised iron and zinc bioavailability. Conclusions: Strong evidence supports decreased iron and zinc bioavailability in phytic acid-rich diets and significant improvements with phytase interventions. Studies of longer periods and within larger populations are needed.
... The use of probiotics will help boost the bird's immunity and especially their metabolism and hence help reduce or eliminate the effects of the adverse weather conditions (such as heat stress), improve their overall performances and prevent bacterial antibiotic resistance (Mountzouris et al.,2007;Midilli et al., 2008;Awad et al., 2009;Francesca et al., 2010;Taheri et al., 2010;Zhou et al., 2010;Hume, 2011;Huyghebaert et al., 2011;Sohail et al., 2011;Kral et al., 2012;Tellez et al., 2012;Palamidi et al.,2016 andPender et al. 2016). The Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and/or the phytase enzyme have been recorded by researchers in other parts of the world to be of beneficial effects to the overall performances of poultry (Bohn et al., 2004;Muraoka and Miura, 2004;Cowieson et al., 2011;Ahmed et al,.2014;Li et al.,2015;Liao et al., 2016;Savita et al., 2017;Wu et al., 2018;Broch et al., 2018;Gautier, 2018) and it would be interesting to see how these agents work in birds in this region and under the harsh climatic conditions of the hot season associated with the region. ...
... Phytate are not digestible by non-ruminant animals such as birds as well as human beings as their digestive system lacks the enzyme to solubilize them. Hence, the undigested phytate in the small intestine negatively affect absorption of minerals and other nutrients (Bohn et al., 2004). It inhibits utilization of certain digestive enzymes in the intestinal tract of animals. ...
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This research looks into the effects of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (Ba-BPD1) Probiotics and Phytase enzyme on the Performance indices of broiler birds in Vom, Plateau State , Nigeria, used Signly or in combination ; the research atempts to find out if there is a synergistic effects of the two feed additives or not on the performance indices of broiler birds like the feed Conversion rates(FCR) and Body Weight gain(BW) amongst other parameters.
... Phytic acid has a chelating characteristic that causes it to attach to minerals and render them inaccessible. Iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, and manganese absorption have all been shown to be inhibited by phytic acid (Bohn et al., 2004;Phillippy, 2006) [11,42] . Eliminating phytic acid improves the meal's nutritional value by increasing the bioavailability of several cations. ...
... Phytic acid has a chelating characteristic that causes it to attach to minerals and render them inaccessible. Iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, and manganese absorption have all been shown to be inhibited by phytic acid (Bohn et al., 2004;Phillippy, 2006) [11,42] . Eliminating phytic acid improves the meal's nutritional value by increasing the bioavailability of several cations. ...
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The highest agricultural plant source of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), which are vital to human nutrition, is flax seeds, which have an oil content of around 36-40%. PUFA are quite prone to oxidation. As an Omega-6 fatty acid, linoleic acid makes up around 16 percent of the overall fatty acid content, whereas ALA makes up roughly 57%. Many experts have identified linseed as a modest double powerhouse in illness prevention due to its nutritional content. In present investigation, a total of ninety-two lines was evaluated for ten different biochemical parameters. Maximum protein percentage was found in genotype LMS-2015-81 followed by IC0585324 and SLS-140. The highest methionine content was investigated in genotype LMS-2015-22 tracked by IC0118861 and LMS-2015-42. While the highest proline amount was found in genotype IC049915 tracked by IC0498795 and IC0498843. The maximum phenol content was recorded in linseed line IC0096540 trailed by IC0498866 and LMS-2015-42. Maximum flavonoid content was contributed by genotype IC0448872 tracked by SLS-140. Maximum sugar content was recorded in genotype IC0967423 tracked by IC0448921 and IC0498538. Whereas, maximum antioxidant activity was evidenced in line IC0499156 tracked by IC0118861. While highest phytic content was recorded in linseed line IC0096672 tracked by IC0498866. Further these lines may be used to combine other traits in breeding programme to breed a high yielding cultivar along with nutrient rich.
... Maize contains about 127 mg of magnesium per 100 g of whole kernels (Table 12). It has been established that magnesium forms complexes with phytates that hinder its absorption [104]. However, magnesium content increased significantly after nixtamalisation and subsequent preparation into dough and tortillas, from 165 mg/100 g in unprocessed maize to 180 mg/100 g in dough and tortillas [105]. ...
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South Africa produces high-quality maize, yet food insecurity and malnutrition are prevalent. Maize is a staple for most South Africans and is often eaten as pap, gruel cooked from maize meal (corn flour) and water without diet diversification. Considering the reliance on maize in low-income communities, could nixtamalised maize products be developed that are nutritious, homemade and consumer-acceptable? Nixtamalisation could offer a solution. However, its acceptability and nutritional benefits remain in question. We aimed to develop a product using consumer-led methods. Consumer panels evaluated and selected products using overall acceptability (9-point hedonic scale), Just-About-Right (JAR) and penalty analysis. Consumer-acceptable nixtamalised chutney-flavoured maize chips were moderately liked (7.35) and reached acceptable JAR scores (74.2%). The nixtamalised products were liked and liked very much (56%), 61% of panel members agreed and strongly agreed to purchase and prepare, and 50% to consume nixtamalised products. Nutrient analysis of the chutney chips showed high energy (2302 kJ/100 g) and total fats (23.72), of which saturated fats were 11.47%. Total fibre (17.19 g/100 g), protein (6.64 g/100 g), calcium (163.3) and magnesium (53.67 g/100 g) were promising, while high phosphorous (566.00 mg/100 g) may indicate anti-nutrients present. Nixtamalisation can alleviate food insecurity and malnutrition in countries such as South Africa.
... This finding is particularly significant as phytic acid is an antinutritional compound capable of interfering with the absorption of essential micronutrients such as iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium and manganese due to its chelating properties (Bohn et al., 2004;Gupta et al., 2015;Phillippy, 2006). The decrease of phytic acid improves the bioavailability of various cations, thereby enhancing functionality and nutritional value of pre-fermented ingredients (Coulibaly et al., 2011;Gupta et al., 2015). ...
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Anti-nutrient factors are inherently present in almost all major crops, which impede the absorption of crucial vitamins and minerals upon human consumption. The commonly found anti-nutrients in food crops are saponins, tannins, lectins, and phytates etc. Currently, there is a lack of computational server for identification of proteins that encode for anti-nutritional factors in plants. Consequently, this study represents a computational approach aimed at distinguishing between proteins encoding anti-nutritional factors and those providing essential nutrients. In this work, machine learning algorithms have been employed to identify plant specific anti-nutrient factor proteins from protein sequences by using compositional features. Achieving a five-fold cross-validation training performance of 94.34% AUC-ROC and 94.13% AUC-PR with extreme gradient boosting surpasses the performance of other methods such as support vector machine, random forest, and adaptive boosting. These results suggest the proposed approach is highly reliable in predicting plant-specific anti-nutritional factor proteins. The resulting prediction models have led to the development of an online server named ANPS, freely available at
Magnesium (Mg2+) is a crucial mineral involved in numerous cellular processes critical for neuronal health and function. This review explores the multifaceted roles of Mg2+, from its biochemical interactions at the cellular level to its impact on cognitive health and behavioral regulation. Mg2+ acts as a cofactor for over 300 enzymatic reactions, including those involved in ATP synthesis, nucleic acid stability, and neurotransmitter release. It regulates ion channels, modulates synaptic plasticity, and maintains the structural integrity of cell membranes, which are essential for proper neuronal signaling and synaptic transmission. Recent studies have highlighted the significance of Mg2+ in neuroprotection, showing its ability to attenuate oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and mitigate excitotoxicity, thereby safeguarding neuronal health. Furthermore, Mg2+ deficiency has been linked to a range of neuropsychiatric disorders, including depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline. Supplementation with Mg2+, particularly in the form of bioavailable compounds such as Magnesium-L-Threonate (MgLT), Magnesium-Acetyl-Taurate (MgAT), and other Magnesium salts, has shown some promising results in enhancing synaptic density, improving memory function, and alleviating symptoms of mental health disorders. This review highlights significant current findings on the cellular mechanisms by which Mg2+ exerts its neuroprotective effects and evaluates clinical and preclinical evidence supporting its therapeutic potential. By elucidating the comprehensive role of Mg2+ in neuronal health, this review aims to underscore the importance of maintaining optimal Mg2+ levels for cognitive function and behavioral regulation, advocating for further research into Mg2+ supplementation as a viable intervention for neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative conditions.
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Antinutrients, also known as anti-nutritional factors (ANFs), are compounds found in many plant-based foods that can limit the bioavailability of nutrients or can act as precursors to toxic substances. ANFs have controversial effects on human health, depending mainly on their concentration. While the positive effects of these compounds are well documented, the dangers they pose and the approaches to avoid them have not been discussed to the same extent. There is no dispute that many ANFs negatively alter the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and proteins in addition to inhibiting some enzyme activities, thus negatively affecting the bioavailability of nutrients in the human body. This review discusses the chemical properties, plant bioavailability, and deleterious effects of anti-minerals (phytates and oxalates), glycosides (cyanogenic glycosides and saponins), polyphenols (tannins), and proteinaceous ANFs (enzyme inhibitors and lectins). The focus of this study is on the possibility of controlling the amount of ANF in food through fermentation. An overview of the most common biochemical pathways for their microbial reduction is provided, showing the genetic basis of these phenomena, including the active enzymes, the optimal conditions of action, and some data on the regulation of their synthesis.
Mineral deficiencies result in a variety of health issues in humans, and alternative sources of minerals are greatly needed to address this problem. Clanis bilineata tsingtauica larvae are nutrient-rich and are prepared using several different cooking methods in China. In this study, the concentrations of ten different mineral elements were determined in the larvae of C. bilineata tsingtauica . The guts of larvae that had wriggled in soil contained abundant macro- and micronutrients at 4,800 and 271.68 mg/kg, respectively. Larvae that wriggled in soil contained high levels of phytic acid (1707.07 μg/g) and had the lowest mineral bioavailability. Expression studies indicated that genes related to phytic acid highly expressed in the hemolymph of larvae that had not wriggled in soil. This study shows that C. bilineata tsingtauica larvae are vital sources of minerals and that long-established dietary habits have a scientific basis, thus providing insight into the use of this alternative food source to improve human health.
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The absorption of manganese from soy formula was studied in adult volunteers by extrinsic labeling of test meals with 54Mn, followed by whole-body retention measurements for approximately 30 d after intake. Eight subjects participated twice in each of the two studies, acting as his or her own control. Soy formula containing the native content of phytic acid was compared with a similar dephytinized formula: geometric mean manganese absorption increased 2.3-fold from 0.7% (range: 0.2-1.1%) to 1.6% (range: 1.0-7.2%) (P < 0.01) with the dephytinized formula. In addition, the effect of the ascorbic acid content of the phytic acid-containing formula was investigated. Manganese absorption was not influenced by an increase in the ascorbic acid from 625 mumol/L (110 mg/L) to 1250 mumol/L (220 mg/L): the geometric mean manganese absorption was 0.6% (range: 0.3-1.0%) and 0.6% (range: 0.3-1.1%), respectively. In conclusion, fractional manganese absorption was approximately doubled by the dephytinization of soy formula but was not influenced by an increase in the ascorbic acid content of a soy formula containing the native amount of phytic acid.
During a 20 day period of high fiber consumption in the form of bread made partly from wheaten wholemeal, two men developed negative balances of calcium, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus due to increased fecal excretion of each element. The fecal losses correlated closely with fecal dry matter and phosphorus. Fecal dry matter, in turn, was directly proportional to fecal fiber excretion. Balances of nitrogen remained positive. Mineral elements were well-utilized by the same subjects during a 20 day period of white bread consumption.
Absolute values have been obtained for the isotopic abundance ratios of magnesium, using surface emission mass spectrometry. Samples of known isotopic composition, prepared from nearly pure separated magnesium isotopes, were used to calibrate the mass spectrometers. The resulting absolute values are 25Mg/24Mg = 0.12663 ±0.00013 and 26Mg/24Mg = 0.13932 ± 0.00026, yielding an atomic weight (12C = 12) of 24.30497 ±0.00044. The indicated uncertainties are overall limits of error based on 95 percent confidence limits for the mean and allowances for effects of known sources of possible systematic error.
The effect of phytate on the solubility of some minerals (Mg2+, Ca2+, Fe3+, Cu2+ and Zn2+) has been investigated in vitro at 37°C, under pH conditions which may be encountered in the duodenum. The observed solubility trends as a function of phytate concentration and pH result from the formation of complexes having different stoichiometries and solubilities as the conditions are varied. Possible structures for these complexes are proposed. In view of the ever-increasing concern over cadmium toxicity and a recent report which indicates that intestinal absorption of Cd2+ is affected by phytate, this ion was included as part of this study.
ABSTRACTA HPLC method was developed for separation and quantitative determination of inositol tri-, tetra-, penta-, and hexaphosphates. The method included extraction of inositol phosphates with HCI, separation of the inositol phosphates from the crude extract by ion-exchange chromatography, and ion-pair C18 reverse phase HPLC analysis using formic acid/methanol and tetrabutylammonium hydroxide in the mobile phase. The inositol 3–6 phosphates of raw and extruded bran, soy flour, and intestinal contents were determined by HPLC and compared to phytate determinations by two iron precipitation methods. Inositol 3–5 phosphates were found in extruded products and intestinal contents. The HPLC method was rapid and gave reproducible values, which differed from those obtained by the precipitation methods in some samples.
The interactions of Mg(II), Co(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II) with phytic acid to form soluble complexes have been studied by calorimetry. The reactions were examined at metal ion:phytate mol ratios ranging from 1–6. The heats of reaction were endothermic over this range of mol ratios. Enthalpies were calculated in terms of cal mol−1 phytate. These enthalpies are a composite of a number of factors, among which are the heat of complex formation, the heat of dehyrdation of both the phytate and the various metal ions, the heats of ionization of the phytate, and the heat of hydration of protons released from the phytate. The enthalpies of complex formation of these metal cations with phytic acid are compared to those of two other metal cations, Mn(II) and Cu(II), which were studied under similar conditions. Based on the enthalpies, it is suggested that the order of affinity of these various metal cations for phytic acid is Cu(II) ≥ Zn(II) > Mn(II) > Mg(II) > Co(II) > Ni(II)In one instance, Mg(II), the heat of precipitation (which includes binding, solvation changes, etc.) to form the insoluble Mg(II)-phytate complex was determined. The reaction was endothermic and had an enthalpy of 12.9 kcal mol−1. This quantity is markedly different from the reported heats of precipitation reactions involving Cu(II), Zn(II), Mn(II), Ca(II), Co(II), and Ni(II) with phytate. From measurements of the Mg(II) concentration, it was calculated that 5.2 mol Mg(II) binds per mol of precipitated phytate.
Fractional iron absorption from a breakfast meal was determined in Peruvian children employing stable iron isotopes as labels. Iron isotopic analysis was performed by the recently developed negative thermal ionization technique for high-precision iron isotope ratio measurements using FeF4 – ions. By increasing the ascorbic acid content of the standard breakfast meal as served within the Peruvian school-breakfast program from 27 mg to 70 mg, it was possible to increase the geometric mean fractional iron absorption significantly from 5.1% (range 1.6–13.5%) to 8.2% (range 3.1–25.8%). Fractional iron absorption was calculated according to isotope dilution principles and by considering the non-monoisotopic character of the used spikes.
An Ultrafiltration (UF) based reactor system for continuous hydrolysis of proteins was developed to overcome limitations of the traditional batch process. A continuous stirred tank reactor was coupled to a hollow fiber module in a semiclosed loop configuration. Capacity of the reactor, defined as quantity of hydrolysate produced/time/weight of enzyme, was a sensitive function of enzyme concentration between 55 and 94% substrate conversion levels for the Pronase-Promine D system. Increasing flow rate also improved capacity, but substrate concentration and reactor volume had small effects on capacity within the levels of expected use. Productivity (defined as weight of hydrolysate/weight of enzyme) was at least 10-20 times greater for the continuous UF reactor than a batch reactor operating under otherwise identical conditions.
Methods available for myoinositol phosphate measurement, effects of processing and role of myoinositol phosphates in human nutrition, including possible anticancer functions and other positive effects, will be discussed in contrast to the detrimental effects of myoinositol phosphates on mineral element bioavailability. The phytic acid content in diets will also be discussed.