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Volume 10, Number 1, 2004, pp. 133–143
© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Electrophysiological Evidence of Intuition: Part 1.
The Surprising Role of the Heart
Objectives: This study aims to contribute to a scientific understanding of intuition, a process by which in-
formation normally outside the range of conscious awareness is perceived by the psychophysiological systems.
The first objective, presented in two empirical papers (Part 1 and Part 2), was to replicate and extend the re-
sults of previous experiments demonstrating that the body can respond to an emotionally arousing stimulus sec-
onds before it is actually experienced. The second objective, to be presented in a third paper (Part 3), is to de-
velop a theory that explains how the body receives and processes information involved in intuitive perception.
Design: The study used a counterbalanced crossover design, in which 30 calm and 15 emotionally arousing
pictures were presented to 26 participants under two experimental conditions: a baseline condition of normal
psychophysiologic function and a condition of physiological coherence. Primary measures included: skin con-
ductance; the electroencephalogram (EEG), from which cortical event-related potentials and heartbeat-evoked
potentials were derived; and the electrocardiogram (ECG), from which cardiac decelerations/accelerations were
derived. These measures were used to investigate where and when in the brain and body intuitive information
is processed.
Results: The study’s results are presented in two parts. The main findings in relation to the heart’s role in
intuitive perception presented here are: (1) surprisingly, the heart appears to receive and respond to intuitive
information; (2) a significantly greater heart rate deceleration occurred prior to future emotional stimuli com-
pared to calm stimuli; (3) there were significant gender differences in the processing of prestimulus informa-
tion. Part 2 will present results indicating where in the brain intuitive information is processed and data show-
ing that prestimulus information from the heart is communicated to the brain. It also presents evidence that
females are more attuned to intuitive information from the heart.
Conclusions: Overall, we have independently replicated and extended previous research documenting pre-
stimulus responses. It appears that the heart is involved in the processing and decoding of intuitive informa-
tion. Once the prestimulus information is received in the psychophysiologic systems, it appears to be processed
in the same way as conventional sensory input. This study presents compelling evidence that the body’s per-
ceptual apparatus is continuously scanning the future. To account for the results presented in Parts 1 and 2,
Part 3 will develop a theory based on holographic principles explaining how intuitive perception accesses a
field of energy into which information about future events is spectrally enfolded.
ost people at some time have experienced “intuitive”
perceptions about distant objects or future events that
later turned out to be correct. In many cases, these percep-
tions are really cognitive inferences, extrapolations based on
forgotten memories of prior experience that seep into con-
sciousness (Sarbin et al., 1960). However, there are instances
HeartMath Research Center, Institute of HeartMath, Boulder Creek, CA.
Institute for Whole Social Science, Carmel, CA.
when so-called “gut feelings” or “intuitive insights” are
found to be valid and related to circumstances so unique that
these intuitions do not seem explicable on the basis of prior
experience. It is postulated that such intuitive perception in-
volves connection to a field of information beyond normal
conscious awareness (Loye, 1983).
The Concise Oxford Dictionary
(1964) defines intuition
as “immediate apprehension by the mind without reasoning,
immediate apprehension by a sense, and immediate in-
Roberto Assagioli (1971) observes that intuition is
“a synthetic function in the sense that it apprehends the to-
tality of a given situation or psychological reality. It does
not work from the part to the whole—but apprehends a to-
tality directly in its living existence.” In these terms, intu-
ition is defined as a process by which information normally
outside the range of cognitive processes is immediately
sensed and perceived in the body and mind as certainty of
knowledge or feeling about the totality of a thing distant or
yet to happen. The “thing” can be an object, entity, or event
in the material world, or an intellectual construct, such as a
thought or idea. Often the feeling of certainty is absolute—
the intuition is experienced as beyond question or doubt—
and the feeling can encompass positive emotions, such as
optimism and excitement, or negative emotions such as
dread, fear, or terror. This experience of an immediate, to-
tal sense of the thing as a whole is quite unlike the infor-
mational processing experience of normal awareness. In nor-
mal awareness, the contents of the mind are updated
incrementally, as the moment-by-moment sequences of sen-
sory experience unfold.
Within this context, our study investigated the temporal
dimension of intuition: the proposition that the bodies psy-
chophysiologic systems receive and process information
about a future event before the event actually happens. We
present compelling electrophysiological evidence that shows,
under controlled experimental conditions, that both the brain
and the heart process information about the emotionality of
a stimulus before this stimulus is presented to research par-
Although ours is among the latest in a long line of stud-
ies that document phenomena involving perception of fu-
ture information (see below), most scientists regard such
findings as anomalous. Even among those who study it, in-
tuitive perception is viewed largely as the result of past ex-
perience. Thus, most recent work sees intuition as a func-
tion of the unconscious mind accessing existing information
within the brain from forgotten experience (Agor, 1984;
Eisenhardt and Zbaracki, 1992; Hogarth, 2001; Laughlin,
1997; Myers, 2002; Torff and Sternberg, 2001).
This viewpoint stems from the common assumption in
neuropsychology that conscious awareness, memory, and
unconscious perception are emergent properties of the brain
and nervous system alone. It is believed that the mind is
emergent from the brain, and therefore subject to the same
physical constraints as all biologic systems, in which time
is believed to flow from the past to the future. From this
perspective, awareness is thought to be restricted to per-
ceptions of present sensory input, intermingled with mem-
ories of the past.
The dilemma over intuition (whether it is based on mem-
ory of past experiences or involves actual perception of some
thing apart in space or ahead in time) is comparable, in many
respects, to the dilemma of physics in the early twentieth
century. A number of now famous “anomalous” experiments
in quantum physics repeatedly demonstrated that the sub-
atomic world is a domain in which there is virtually instan-
taneous “communication” of information between particles
separated by vast regions of space, and in which particles
act is if they have “knowledge” of events before these events
actually happen. Although this defied explanation by clas-
sical physics, these phenomena of nonlocal communication
are now accepted as established scientific fact (Aczel, 2002;
Nadeau and Kafatos, 1999; Penrose, 1989), and have led to
the revolutionary understanding that such space/time-defy-
ing communication of information is the result of the in-
herently interconnected nature of the quantum world
(Bekenstein, 2003; Bohm and Hiley, 1993; Nadeau and
Kafatos, 1999).
In the same way that nonlocal communication was once
regarded as anomalous in physics, evidence of intuition to
this point has been largely marginalized by science. Yet, in
our view, the rigorous investigation of this phenomenon has
potential to yield a fundamental shift in scientific under-
standing—even transforming the way we view ourselves in
relation to the world. Thus, this study aims to contribute to
the development of a scientific explanation for intuition, in
an effort to enlarge scientific understanding of human per-
ception: of how the body receives and processes informa-
tion about objects or events distant in space or ahead in time.
Central to this endeavor is the description of how informa-
tion about future events is communicated to and processed
by the sensory perception system.
For the purposes of presentation, this work has been di-
vided into three publications. The first two publications are
empirical and describe an experiment conducted to deter-
mine where and when in the body information about a fu-
ture event is registered and processed. This experiment was
designed to replicate and extend the results of previous elec-
trophysiological studies of the prestimulus response by
adding measures of brain and heart activity well suited to
investigate information processing. Part 1, presented here,
reports results on skin conductance and heart rate decelera-
tions/accelerations. Part 2, to be published in the next issue
of this
, reports results on measures of brain activ-
As defined here, intuition may appear similar to the concept of
precognition: “a form of extrasensory perception involving fore-
knowledge of a future event” (
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scien-
tific and Technical Terms
, 1994). However, in light of our empir-
ical results, we develop a distinction between these two concepts
in Part 2.
ity and on the interaction between the heart and brain in pro-
cessing information about a future stimulus. Part 3, a forth-
coming work, develops a theory to explain intuitive per-
ception. This theory draws on the principles of holographic
organization to describe how the body is connected, via sen-
sory perception, to a field of energy that spectrally enfolds
information about future events.
Previous research
The notion that intuitive perception is purely a function
of the unconscious mind accessing forgotten prior experi-
ence has been challenged by several recent studies. Using
rigorous experimental protocols, these studies have shown
that the body often responds to a future emotionally arous-
ing stimulus 4 to 7 seconds prior to experiencing the stim-
ulus (Bierman, 2000; Radin, 1997b, 2003; Spottiswoode and
May, 2003).
A number of studies examining the brain’s prestimulus
response (to be reviewed in Part 2) have demonstrated
significant differences in event-related potentials
presentation of the target stimali compared to nontarget stim-
uli (Don et al., 1998; McDonough et al., 2002; Warren et
al., 1992a, 1992b). Recently, researchers have also explored
physiologic predictors of future events by investigating
whether the human autonomic nervous system can uncon-
sciously respond to randomly selected future emotional
stimuli. Radin (1997a, 1997b) designed experiments to
evoke an emotional response using randomly selected emo-
tionally arousing or calming photographs.
Indicators of au-
tonomic activity included skin conductance level (SCL) and
photoplethysmographic measures of heart rate and blood
volume. Comparison of SCL response between emotional
and calm trials showed a significantly greater change in elec-
trodermal activity approximately 5 seconds before a future
emotional picture than before a future calm picture. These
results have since been replicated (Bierman and Radin,
1997; Bierman, 2000; Bierman and Scholte, 2002; Radin,
A further study, using a free-running protocol,
found significant skin conductance changes in the pre-stim-
ulus period (Spottiswoode and May, 2003).
Operationally, an important implication of these studies’
findings, for our research purpose, is that the prestimulus re-
sponse, to a future event is related to the degree of emo-
tionality of that event. In short, we can hypothesize that the
greater the emotional significance of a future stimulus, the
larger will be the physiologic response prior to experienc-
ing the stimulus.
We adopted Radin’s (1997b) basic experimental protocol
while including additional measures of brain and heart ac-
tivity well suited to investigate information processing. This
was done to determine where and when in the brain and
body information about the future event was registered and
processed. In addition to SCL, we included the electrocar-
diogram (ECG) for heart rate variability (beat-to-beat de-
celerations/accelerations) measurement. A 19-channel elec-
troencephalogram (EEG) for cortical event-related potential
and heartbeat-evoked potential measurements was also in-
cluded; details of these measurements and results will be
provided in Part 2. These measures have all been used to in-
dex specific aspects of sensory information processing, and
can be interpreted according to well-established operational
criteria (see Discussion).
This study utilized a counterbalanced crossover design
with two experimental conditions.
Each research subject
participated in the protocol twice: once in his/her baseline
psychophysiological state (condition 1), and once after hav-
ing maintained a physiologically coherent state for 15 min-
utes prior to participation in the session (condition 2) (Fig.
1). The post-physiological coherence condition was included
to test the hypothesis that an enhanced prestimulus response
is related to the maintenance of a state of physiological co-
We previously introduced the term
physiological co-
in documenting a physiologic mode frequently as-
sociated with sustained positive emotions. This mode en-
compasses distinct but related physiologic phenomena
including entrainment, resonance, and synchronization,
which reflect more efficient and harmonious interactions
among the body’s subsystems (McCraty and Childre, 2002,
2004; Tiller et al., 1996). Correlates of physiologic coher-
ence include: increased synchronization between the two
branches of the autonomic nervous system, a shift in auto-
nomic balance toward increased parasympathetic activity,
increased heart–brain synchronization, increased vascular
resonance, and entrainment between diverse physiologic
Event-related potentials are voltage fluctuations that are asso-
ciated in time with some physical, mental, or emotional occurrence.
These potentials can be recorded from the scalp and extracted from
the ongoing EEG by means of filtering and signal averaging.
The research subjects were instructed to press a computer
mouse button to begin each trial. After the button-press the com-
puter screen remains blank for 5 seconds, and then an image ran-
domly selected from one of the two picture sets is shown for 3 sec-
onds. This is followed by a blank screen for 10 seconds. At the
end of this period, a message appears on the screen stating that
when ready, the participant can press the mouse button to begin
the next trial.
Bem DJ. Precognitive habituation: Replicable evidence for a
process of anomalous cognition. Unpublished manuscript, 2003.
The participants did not press a button and were completely un-
aware of when an audio startle stimulus would be randomly presented.
The counterbalanced design was necessary to control for ex-
posure effects. Half the participants completed the experimental
protocol in condition 1 first, whereas the other half completed the
protocol in condition 2 first.
oscillatory systems. The coherent mode is reflected by a
smooth, sine wave-like pattern in the heart rhythms and a
narrow-band, high-amplitude peak in the low frequency
range of the heart rate variability power spectrum, at a fre-
quency of about 0.1 Hz (Tiller et al., 1996).
We have previously found that increased heart rhythm
coherence correlates with significant improvements in per-
formance on tasks requiring attentional focus and subtle dis-
crimination (McCraty, 2002; McCraty and Atkinson, 2003),
which may be important elements of the intuitive effect stud-
ied here.
Twenty-six (26) adult participants, 11 males, 15 females,
ranging in ages from 28–56 (mean age, 45), were recruited
from e-mail notices to people who had prior training in the
HeartMath emotional management techniques, which facil-
itate the self-generation and maintenance of the physiolog-
ical coherence mode (McCraty and Childre, 2002). Partici-
pants were in good health and had normal or corrected-
to-normal vision. All participants gave informed consent.
Testing procedure
The two testing sessions were scheduled 2 weeks apart,
with the order of the two experimental conditions randomly
assigned for each participant. To test participants in their
baseline psychophysiologic mode (condition 1), they were
instructed not to engage in any meditative practices or prac-
tice of the HeartMath techniques on the testing day. To test
participants in the physiological coherence mode (condition
2), participants practiced the Heart Lock-In emotional re-
structuring technique for 15 minutes before beginning the
session. The Heart Lock-In technique, which combines in-
tentional heart focus with the self-generation of a genuine
positive emotion, such as appreciation or care, has been pre-
viously shown to induce development and maintenance of
the physiological coherence mode (for details of this tech-
nique, see Childre and Martin, 1999; McCraty and Childre,
In the experimental sessions, each participant was seated
in a comfortable chair in a sound-attenuated testing room,
temperature-regulated to approximately 72°F. A video mon-
itor was located approximately 1 meter in front of the par-
ticipant at eye level, and a computer mouse was attached to
the arm of the chair for the participant to click when ready
to initiate each trial.
To record SCL, surface silver–silver chloride electrodes
were attached to the pads of the participant’s nondominant
hand on the index and second fingers. An isotonic skin con-
ductance electrode gel was used to improve electrical con-
tact. The signal was amplified by a Grass model 7P122G
DC amplifier (Grass, West Warwick, RI).
The ECG was measured using a lead-one configuration.
A Grass model 7P6C ECG amplifier was used to detect the
signals. A photoplethysmographic sensor was attached to the
left earlobe to determine when the blood pressure wave
reached the brain.
Each participant was fitted with an electrode cap for
recording of the EEG (details will be presented in Part 2).
Respiration was also measured with a respiration belt placed
around the chest.
Stimulus presentation was controlled by a program written
by David Joffe in Microsoft Visual C
5.0 (Microsoft Cor-
poration, Redmond, WA). The stimulus control program gen-
erated a TTL pulse on one of the parallel port channels each
time the participant pressed the mouse button to initiate the
subsequent trial, and a second TTL pulse on a separate paral-
lel port channel at the exact moment the stimulus image was
presented on the video screen. The TTL timing signals were
continuously collected throughout the session together with
the physiologic data using a Data Translations DT3016 32-
channel, 16-bit data acquisition board (Data Translation, Inc.,
Marboro, MA) and Capital Equipment Corp. TestPoint ver-
sion 3.4a software (Capital Equipment Corp., Billerica, MA).
Data acquisition occurred at a rate of 256 samples per second.
Participants were told that they were participating in a
study to test their response to different types of emotionally
stimulating photographs, and were unaware of the study’s
true purpose. They were instructed to press the mouse but-
ton when ready to begin each trial. After “button press,” the
monitor remained blank for 6 seconds, after which the com-
puter randomly selected a photo and displayed it for 3 sec-
onds (as illustrated in Fig. 2). A blank screen followed for
10 seconds. After this cool-down period, a message appeared
on the monitor, instructing participants to begin the next trial
when ready. At the beginning of each experimental session,
the stimulus control software’s pseudorandom number gen-
erator was reseeded with the subject’s number followed by
the current date as a six-digit number.
After a demonstration trial to familiarize the participant
with the process, the experimenter left the room. Each par-
ticipant viewed 45 pictures in each of the two sessions; each
session consisted of 30 calm pictures and 15 emotional pic-
tures selected from the International Affective Picture Sys-
tem (IAPS). This 2:1 ratio was used to avoid physiologic
habituation to the emotional pictures (Boucsein, 1992).
FIG. 1. Research design.
Radin DI. Evidence for an anomalous anticipatory effect in the
autonomic nervous system. Unpublished manuscript, 2002.
Data from a total of 2340 trials were collected across the
two sessions for all participants.
Stimulus photos were selected based on ratings of arousal
level determined by the IAPS. Calm pictures were randomly
selected from a pool of 60 images with the lowest arousal
ratings; these included landscapes, seascapes, fruit, trees, an-
imals, and common household objects. Emotional pictures
were randomly selected from a pool of 30 images with the
highest arousal ratings; these portrayed a range of erotic, vi-
olent, and emotionally stimulating subjects. All pictures
were digitally displayed in color, at 600
800 screen res-
olution, on a 17-inch monitor. If, during a session, a given
picture was randomly selected twice, another picture of sim-
ilar emotionality was selected in its place; thus, no photos
were repeated within a session.
Data and statistical analysis
Data editing was blind to stimulus category (calm or emo-
tional targets). Data processing and statistical analysis used
DADISP 4.1 (DSP Development Corp., Newton, MA),
MATLAB 6.1 (The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA), and
SPSS 8.0 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL) software.
Skin conductance measures
. To reduce the data gener-
ated by sampling at 256 samples per second, the low-fre-
quency skin conductance channel was resampled at 8
samples per second. Because measurement focused on
how the physiology changed from the moment a given
trial was initiated, each sample in each trial was trans-
formed into a percentage difference score relative to the
SCL value at the moment the participant pressed
the button to initiate the given trial (“button press”). To
compute the percentage difference score (
), the first data
point in each trial was subtracted from each of the 152
points (19 seconds
8 samples per seconds) in the se-
ries. Then each point in the series was divided by the
original value of the first data point of the series to yield
the percentage difference series, in which the first point
is always zero.
Heart rate variability
. The ECG data used for heart rate
variability (HRV) analysis were all normal sinus intervals.
All aberrant beats and artifacts were removed from the
records: a computer algorithm eliminated intervals that var-
ied by more than 30% of the mean of the previous four in-
tervals, and any remaining artifacts were removed during
second-stage editing by an experienced technician who vi-
sually inspected the records. A regularly spaced time series
was derived from the succession of normal RR intervals by
linear interpolation of the irregularly spaced series and then
resampled at 8 samples per second.
Statistics for SCL and HRV
. To reduce the possibility of
false-positive findings, a deliberate decision was made to
use statistically conservative procedures for data analysis.
Therefore, randomized permutation analysis (RPA) was
used to determine statistical significance of the differences
between emotional and calm curves during the prestimulus
period, because it controls for autocorrelations inherent to
physiologic signals and their underlying non-normal distri-
butions (Blair and Karniski, 1993). Applied separately to
each individual’s SCL and HRV data, RPA generates two
standard deviates, or
scores, per person:
pre, the differ-
ential prestimulus value, and
post, the differential post-
stimulus value (Good, 1994; Hjorth, 1994; Radin, 1997b).
Operationally, RPA involved the following: The stimulus
output from each individual’s experimental session of 45 tri-
als was a random sequence of 30 calm and 15 emotional tar-
gets. For each trial, we computed percentage difference scores
), as described above. Then for each of the 152 samples we
calculated the mean of the
values for the 15 emotional tri-
als and the mean
for the 30 calm trials. These mean differ-
ence values are labeled
. Next we computed the dif-
ference between each of the 152
and 152
values during
the 6-second pre-stimulus period (i.e.,
d 5 D
), and
summed these differences,
, where this expression denotes
the observed summed difference.
Then we randomized the original calm and emotional tar-
get classifications to create 30 new “pseudo-calm” and 15
new “pseudo-emotional” trials, while keeping the data in
their original form and retaining the original ratio of 30 calm
to 15 emotional trials. We then processed the data exactly
as before, creating mean emotional and mean calm curves,
calculating the difference between the two curves, and com-
puting a summed difference value,
Next we repeated this process 2000 times to construct a
distribution of randomly permuted
values. After each new
permuted value was generated, we updated the mean (
) and
the standard deviation (
) of the distribution along with a stan-
dard normal deviate measure,
z 5
d 2 m
. This
(calculated using the mean and standard deviation from the
2000 randomized summed differences) is a statistical mea-
sure of the difference between emotional and calm physio-
logic responses, and was computed separately for the pres-
timulus and poststimulus response periods. These
were combined, using the Stouffer
method, to provide an
overall measure of the prestimulus differential or poststimu-
lus orienting response across subjects (Rosenthal, 1978).
FIG. 2. Experimental protocol.
Univariate analysis
Skin conductance level
. The results of the RPA of the 6-
second prestimulus period (
pre) for all subjects revealed no
significant findings in SCL in either of the two experimen-
tal conditions (Table 1 and Fig. 3). The expected upward
anticipatory trend is observed for both types of future stim-
ulus. In the poststimulus data, there is a large upward slope
for the emotional photos, indicating sympathetic nervous
system activation.
In both conditions the SCL response to the emotional pho-
tos was significantly greater than to the calm photos (con-
dition 1:
p ,
0.001; condition 2:
p ,
Heart rate variability
. In contrast to the SCL findings,
the HRV data did show significant differences between the
calm and emotional trials in condition 1 (
5 2
p 5
0.001) (Table 1 and Fig. 4), although there were no signif-
icant HRV differences in condition 2. In condition 1, the
HRV curves for the calm and emotional photos clearly di-
verge, starting around 4.5 seconds prior to the stimulus.
Regression analysis
. To confirm the expected relation-
ship between the perceived emotionality of the stimulus and
the prestimulus response, each participant’s maximum pre-
stimulus and poststimulus SCL percent difference values
from both calm and emotional session average waveforms
were analyzed using linear regression. A significant rela-
tionship was found between the maximum prestimulus SCL
value and the maximum poststimulus SCL value in both ex-
perimental conditions (condition 1,
p ,
condition 2,
p ,
We also tested for an expectancy artifact related to photo
sequence. If present, the pre-stimulus SCL response would
increase as the number of sequential calm trials increased,
due to growing anticipation of the next emotional stimulus.
There was no expectancy effect in the regression results
p 5
0.379). We tested for the same ex-
pectancy artifact in the HRV data and also found no effect
p 5
Bivariate analysis
Analysis by gender
. Results showed that neither the fe-
males nor males evidenced a significant difference in SCL
levels between the calm and emotional trials in the pre-
stimulus period (Table 1).
By contrast, both males and females had significant dif-
ferences in HRV between the calm and emotional trials in
condition 1 (females
5 2
p 5
0.004; males
5 2
p 5
0.03). However, in condition 2 the fe-
males demonstrated a significant HRV difference (
p 5
0.01), whereas the males did not (Table 1).
This study’s purpose was to independently replicate and
extend previous experiments demonstrating that the body
can respond to an emotional stimulus prior to experiencing
the future stimulus. While confirming this finding overall,
we were unable to replicate the skin conductance results.
This lack of skin conductance evidence is likely due to a
different subject population than was used in the Radin stud-
ies. In a poststudy conversation, Dr. Radin informed us that
he had excluded experienced meditators because he had
found they do not have the expected skin conductance re-
sponse (D.I. Radin, personal communication, November
2002). Our population consisted of individuals who not only
had previous experience with meditation, but were also ex-
perienced practitioners of the HeartMath emotional man-
agement tools who could enter the physiological coherence
mode at will. Thus, we have replicated Radin’s unpublished
Prestimulus Poststimulus
Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 1 Condition 2
All Subjects
SCL 0.59 ns 0.76 ns 7.27 0.000 6.89 0.000
HRV 23.19 0.001 21.33 ns 23.64 0.000 23.24 0.001
SCL 20.08 ns 0.97 ns 5.70 0.000 6.18 0.000
HRV 22.66 0.004 22.26 0.01 23.08 0.001 23.69 0.000
SCL 1.00 ns 0.04 ns 4.52 0.000 3.38 0.000
HRV 21.82 0.030 0.49 ns 22.02 0.02 20.77 ns
SCL, skin conductance level; HRV, heart rate variability; ns, not significant.
observations and have also found a likely physiologic ex-
planation for them. Event-related potential data relevant to
this will be presented in Part 2.
Our working premise is that no matter how intuitive in-
formation is initially introduced into the psychophysiologic
systems, once received it is processed in the same way as
information obtained through the familiar sensory systems.
Although, to our knowledge, this is the first study to exam-
ine beat-to-beat changes in heart rate in the context of “in-
tuitive” information processing, there is a substantial body
of literature discussing the interpretation of cardiac decel-
erations/accelerations in relation to the processing of sen-
sory information (Jennings and van der Molen, 2002; Lacey
and Lacey, 1974; van der Molen et al., 1985, 1987; Van der
Veen et al., 2001). During a typical anticipatory (prestimu-
lus) period, a triphasic heart response curve is usually ob-
served—an initial deceleration, followed by a small accel-
erative component, and then a larger deceleration. However,
FIG. 3. Mean skin conductance level (SCL) response for the group as a whole (
5 26) for calm versus emotional trials. Data are
shown for experimental condition 1 (baseline psychophysiologic mode) and condition 2 (postphysiological coherence). The “0” time
point denotes stimulus onset. There were no significant differences in the prestimulus SCL response to future calm versus emotional
stimuli in either experimental condition.
FIG. 4. Mean heart rate variability (HRV) response for the group as a whole (
5 26) for calm versus emotional trials. Data are shown
for experimental condition 1 (baseline psychophysiologic mode) and condition 2 (postphysiologic coherence). The “0” time point de-
notes stimulus onset. Significant differences (
5 0.01) in the prestimulus response to calm versus emotional stimuli were observed in
condition 1, where the HRV curves for the calm and emotional photos begin to diverge approximately 4.5 seconds prior to the partici-
pants viewing the photos.
when the individual is preparing for a known noxious stim-
ulus, the accelerative component is wiped out and the re-
sponse curve is characterized, instead, by a strong deceler-
ative trend throughout the foreperiod (van der Molen et al.,
1987). Interestingly, this pattern is consistent with our pres-
timulus HRV result, as shown in Figure 4. In other words,
the body seems to process the unknown stimulus in the same
way it does when the future stimulus is known.
Interpreting the processing of intuitive information within
the classical framework just described, our HRV data indi-
cate that, on average, the informational input to the heart re-
garding the future emotional stimulus occurred about 4.75
seconds before the stimulus was actually presented. This is
where the slope of the deceleration curve for the emotional
trials clearly starts to diverge from the slope for the calm
A system-wide process?
We have presented compelling evidence that the heart
plays a surprising role in the processing of prestimulus in-
formation. More evidence for this important point will be
presented in Part 2, where we will show that while both the
heart and the brain are directly involved, there is evidence
that the heart may receive the pre-stimulus information be-
fore the brain. This suggests that, instead of being localized
to the brain alone, the apprehension of information pertain-
ing to future emotional events is a system-wide process in-
volving the heart and the brain, and even the body as a
The observed deceleration in heart rate, indicating a shift
in informational content, is usually interpreted as the result
of an increase in parasympathetic outflow controlled solely
by the brain. However, it is also possible that the decelera-
tion originated within the heart itself, and that the resulting
change in afferent neural signals to the brain either signaled
the brain about the future event, or facilitated its processing
of the intuitive information, or both.
This possibility is also corroborated by recent work in
neurocardiology, which has established that the heart is a
sensory organ and an information encoding and processing
center with an extensive intrinsic nervous system, enabling
it to learn, remember, and make functional decisions inde-
pendent of the cranial brain. The heart’s intrinsic nervous
system not only makes adjustments to the heart’s rhythmic
activity on a beat-to-beat basis, but can even override inputs
from the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
(Armour and Ardell, 1994; Armour, 2003). Moreover, there
is substantial evidence that patterns of cardiac afferent neu-
rological input to the brain not only affect cardiovascular
regulation, but also influence higher brain centers involved
in perception and emotional processing (Frysinger and
Harper, 1990; McCraty and Childre, 2004; Sandman et al.,
1982). For instance, extensive experimental data have doc-
umented that cardiac afferent input modulates a wide range
of processes such as reaction times (Lacey and Lacey, 1974),
pain perception (Randich and Gebhart, 1992), hormone pro-
duction (Drinkhill and Mary, 1989), electrocortical activity,
and cognitive functions (Rau et al., 1993; Sandman et al.,
1982; van der Molen et al., 1985).
In short, in light of the heart’s extensive involvement in
so many different psychophysiological functions and sys-
tems, it may not be so surprising after all that the heart is
also involved in the processing of intuitive information.
Correlates of intuition
Reviewing the results of our bivariate analysis of skin
conductance and HRV offers some initial evidence on the
relationship between gender and the body’s prestimulus re-
sponse in the two experimental conditions. Although there
was not a significant skin conductance response for either
gender, for HRV the males showed a prestimulus response
only in the baseline physiologic mode, whereas the females
had a significant response in both the baseline and coherent
modes. It is possible that the target photos may have been
perceived differently by the two genders. In fact the HRV
data from condition 2 (data not shown) suggest that overall,
males enjoyed the emotionally arousing stimuli while the
females did not. It is also possible that once emotionally
centered after Heart Lock-In, the males were less emotion-
ally responsive to stimuli. More extensive evidence on dif-
ferences in relation to gender and the two experimental con-
ditions will be presented in Part 2.
Potential sources of spuriousness
There are a number of sources of potential artifacts that
we have examined and ruled out as an explanation for the
intuitive effect observed here. These and other factors have
been examined in depth by other researchers (Bierman and
Scholte, 2002; Radin, 1997b, 2003; Spottiswoode and May,
2003) and were carefully considered in the design and exe-
cution of our experiments.
Sensory or statistical cueing and participant anticipation
. To eliminate the effects of participant anticipation
and prior exposure, subjects were not informed of the true
purpose of the experiment, and their participation in the two
sessions was spaced 2 weeks apart. To avoid sensory cue-
ing resulting from sounds generated by the hard disk’s re-
trieval of the upcoming photo, the target photos were not
retrieved from the hard disk until after the physiologic data
from the prestimulus time period had already been recorded.
To avoid statistical cueing from a nonrandom presentation
of the photos, the randomness of the sequence of photos was
checked before administration and verified as adequately
random. To check for a participant expectancy effect related
to the number of sequential calm trials (Radin, 2003; Spot-
tiswoode and May, 2003), we analyzed the data for evidence
of such an effect and found none; thus, participant antici-
pation could not account for the prestimulus effects ob-
Measurement, data collection, or data analysis artifacts
To avoid these kinds of operational artifacts, the electro-
physiological data representing the prestimulus response
were already recorded in the computer’s memory before the
target was displayed. A second source of potential spuri-
ousness here concerns the type of random number genera-
tor used—pseudorandom number generators versus hard-
ware-based random number generators. However, several
research groups have now used both types of random num-
ber generators and found that the type used made no dif-
ference in the study outcomes (Radin, 2003).
The software was designed to annotate all physiologic
data in real time and mark current conditions of the session
to insure correct synchronization with external events. To
avoid violations of the distributional assumptions associated
with parametric statistical tests, nonparametric randomized
permutation analysis was used to evaluate results. Overall,
it is unlikely that the hardware, software, or data collection
mechanisms employed are sources of systematic bias that
might explain our observed results. If any unknown opera-
tional or analysis artifacts were present, they would have af-
fected the emotional and calm trials alike.
Participant or experimenter fraud
. To protect against par-
ticipant fraud, the study’s purpose, technical procedures, and
access information to the databases were kept confidential.
The data collection computer is not connected to the Inter-
net, and cannot be accessed from outside the laboratory.
Moreover, no unauthorized personnel had access to the lab-
oratory. Participant fraud based on unauthorized body move-
ments during the experiments is a nonissue because these
body movements generate false data signals that are readily
identifiable. Experimenter fraud, such as deliberate decep-
tion or misrepresentation of the data, did not occur, as cor-
roborated by this study’s replication of the basic findings of
several other independent research groups.
This study has several limitations. First, most participants
had previous experience in meditation and all currently prac-
ticed the HeartMath techniques. This background could have
affected their responsiveness to the future stimuli, so that
the results may not necessarily be characteristic of the
general population. For comparative purposes, the same
physiologic measures should be studied in a population of
individuals who do not have experience in emotional self-
management practices. Another limitation is that the emo-
tional stimuli may not have been as effective in eliciting re-
sponses in the male participants. This may be compounded
by the tendency of photographic stimuli to elicit idiosyn-
cratic responses (e.g., a picture with high emotional affec-
tivity to one participant may have low affectivity to another),
which reduces the potential contrast between arousing and
calming stimuli and introduces an unwanted source of vari-
ance in the data. Also, the perceived emotional valence of
the stimuli likely varied among participants, particularly
across genders. Future studies should address these issues,
as it is possible that positive stimuli of high emotionality
will elicit different prestimulus responses than negative
emotional stimuli. Finally, there is the issue that the research
design used for this study introduces a conscious anticipa-
tion effect, in that it requires that the subject press a button
in order to initiate a trial. Although this does not appear to
be a source of spurious results, this design does not allow
for the intuitive effect to be generated and detected in rela-
tion to spontaneous future stimuli. This is an issue for fu-
ture research investigating intuition in more natural settings.
This report has presented a portion of the results from a
larger study of intuitive perception investigating how the
body receives and processes prestimulus information about
a future event. Overall, we have replicated the general find-
ing of previous studies by providing further evidence of a
physiologic response to a future emotional stimulus occur-
ring before the stimulus is actually experienced.
Our main findings reported here in Part 1 of this work
are: (1) the heart appears to receive and respond to intuitive
information; (2) a significantly greater heart rate decelera-
tion occurred prior to future emotional stimuli compared to
calm stimuli; (3) there were significant gender differences
in the processing of prestimulus information. Part 2 (to be
published in the next issue of this
) presents results
on measures of brain activity and on the interaction between
the heart and brain in processing prestimulus information.
Of greatest significance here is our major finding:
namely, the electrophysiological evidence that the heart is
directly involved in the processing of information about a
future emotional stimulus seconds before the body actually
experiences the stimulus. To our knowledge, this is the first
study to measure heart rate decelerations/accelerations in
connection with intuitive perception, and this finding thus
constitutes a significant addition to previous research on in-
tuition. What is truly surprising about this result is the fact
that the heart appears to play a direct role in the perception
of future events; at the very least it implies that the brain
does not act alone in this regard. If verified by future stud-
ies, this is an important finding that may open the door to
an enlarged scientific understanding of the heart’s role in
human perception, consciousness, and behavior.
Also significant is our related finding that once the pre-
stimulus information is received, it appears to be processed
in the same way as conventional sensory input. Thus, while
other aspects of the phenomenon of intuitive perception may
require a new explanatory framework (to be discussed in
Part 3), the body’s processing of information about future
external events appears interpretable within a classical phys-
iologic information processing context.
In closing, although our finding that the heart is involved
in intuitive perception may be surprising from one perspec-
tive, it is worth noting that in virtually all human cultures,
ancient and modern, the heart has long been regarded as a
conduit to a source of information and wisdom beyond nor-
mal awareness. Thus, our data may be seen as providing sci-
entific evidence for an intuitive capacity that humankind has
known and used for many millennia.
The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Dean Radin
(Institute of Noetic Sciences) for his time in discussing re-
search protocols and David Joffe (Lexicor Health Systems,
Inc.) for writing the stimulus presentation software. We also
thank the anonymous reviewers of this paper for their help-
ful suggestions and are grateful to Dana Tomasino (Heart-
Math Research Center), who made a significant contribu-
tion in improving the clarity of the manuscript.
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Address reprint requests to:
Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
HeartMath Research Center
Institute of HeartMath
14700 West Park Avenue
Boulder Creek, CA 95006