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High carbohydrate diets and Alzheimer’s disease


Abstract and Figures

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a common, progressive, neurodegenerative disease that primarily afflicts the elderly. A well-defined risk factor for late onset AD is possession of one or more alleles of the epsilon-4 variant (E4) of the apolipoprotein E gene. Meta-analysis of allele frequencies has found that E4 is rare in populations with long historical exposure to agriculture, suggesting that consumption of a high carbohydrate (HC) diet may have selected against E4 carriers. The apoE4 protein alters lipid metabolism in a manner similar to a HC diet, suggesting a common mechanism for the etiology of AD. Evolutionarily discordant HC diets are proposed to be the primary cause of AD by two general mechanisms. (1) Disturbances in lipid metabolism within the central nervous system inhibits the function of membrane proteins such as glucose transporters and the amyloid precursor protein. (2) Prolonged excessive insulin/IGF signaling accelerates cellular damage in cerebral neurons. These two factors ultimately lead to the clinical and pathological course of AD. This hypothesis also suggests several preventative and treatment strategies. A change in diet emphasizing decreasing dietary carbohydrates and increasing essential fatty acids (EFA) may effectively prevent AD. Interventions that restore lipid homeostasis may treat the disease, including drugs that increase fatty acid metabolism, EFA repletion therapy, and ketone body treatment.
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High carbohydrate diets and Alzheimer’s disease
Samuel T. Henderson
Accera Inc. and Institute for Behavioral Genetics, University of Colorado, 1480 30th Street, Boulder,
CO 80303, USA
Received 30 June 2003; accepted 26 November 2003
Summary Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a common, progressive, neurodegenerative disease that primarily afflicts the
elderly. A well-defined risk factor for late onset AD is possession of one or more alleles of the epsilon-4 variant (E4) of
the apolipoprotein E gene. Meta-analysis of allele frequencies has found that E4 is rare in populations with long
historical exposure to agriculture, suggesting that consumption of a high carbohydrate (HC) diet may have selected
against E4 carriers. The apoE4 protein alters lipid metabolism in a manner similar to a HC diet, suggesting a common
mechanism for the etiology of AD. Evolutionarily discordant HC diets are proposed to be the primary cause of AD by two
general mechanisms. (1) Disturbances in lipid metabolism within the central nervous system inhibits the function of
membrane proteins such as glucose transporters and the amyloid precursor protein. (2) Prolonged excessive insulin/IGF
signaling accelerates cellular damage in cerebral neurons. These two factors ultimately lead to the clinical and
pathological course of AD. This hypothesis also suggests several preventative and treatment strategies. A change in
diet emphasizing decreasing dietary carbohydrates and increasing essential fatty acids (EFA) may effectively prevent
AD. Interventions that restore lipid homeostasis may treat the disease, including drugs that increase fatty acid
metabolism, EFA repletion therapy, and ketone body treatment.
c2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The clinical course of Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
typically begins in the seventh or eighth decade
and is characterized by disturbances in memory,
language, and spatial skills, all of which worsen as
the disease progresses. Upon autopsy, extensive
neuritic plaques and neurofibrillar tangles are
found in the brain, as well as gross structural
changes, such as loss of neurons in the hippocam-
pus, nucleus basalis and other areas (for overview
see [1]). There are no effective treatments and the
disease invariably progresses until death.
The cause of AD has been the subject of intense
debate. The current favored model is the amyloid
cascade hypothesis, which proposes that peptides
generated from the amyloid precursor protein
(APP) are the causative factor and reducing the
generation or accumulation of these peptides will
treat the disease (for overview see [2]). However,
others have proposed that diet may be the primary
cause. In 1997, William Grant correlated the
amounts and types of foods consumed in different
countries with the prevalence of AD and found a
positive association between both total calories
and total fat and the incidence of the disease [3].
Kalmijn et al. [4] also noted a correlation between
fat intake and dementia in a study of 5386 partic-
ipants in Rotterdam. These important studies
pointed toward a strong environmental component
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Medical Hypotheses (2004) 62, 689–700
to AD and suggested that dietary modification
might prevent the disease. However, follow-up
studies have failed to confirm this link [5]. This
highlights the difficulties in identifying environ-
mental risk factors in large diverse populations
with many variables, some of which may be omit-
ted or hidden by cultural bias. For example, as-
sumptions on what is considered normal intake of
fat, protein and carbohydrate depends greatly on
where and when you look.
The analysis presented here suggests that AD
results not from high-fat diets, but rather from
high-carbohydrate diets (HC). This view is sup-
ported by the genetic association of AD with the
epsilon 4 allele of the apolipoprotein E gene (E4),
the role of lipids in APP processing, and the role of
insulin/IGF signaling in aging. A molecular model is
presented as well as preventative and treatment
strategies. Furthermore, this analysis supports the
view that AD is similar to type II diabetes, obesity,
and coronary heart disease, in that it results from
the conflict between our Paleolithic genetic ma-
keup and our current Neolithic diet.
Agriculture was abomination
The conflict between our genetic makeup and our
diet is similar to the concept of the “thrifty geno-
type” proposed by James Neel in a landmark work
to explain prevalence of type II diabetes in modern
society. “thrifty” was used to mean “... being ex-
ceptionally efficient in the intake and/or utilization
of food.” [6]. He proposed that pre-agricultural
hunter-gatherers went through cycles of feast or
famine which led to the selection of a metabolism
that would readily store fat, and obesity and type II
diabetes result when this genetic makeup is con-
fronted with the modern abundance of food. An
alternative to this model is that the abundance of
food did not change, rather the type of food did.
In a translation of the classic Indian text The
Ramayana, the adoption of agriculture is depicted
not as a revolution, but as an abomination. “In the
Golden Age, agriculture was abomination... For the
existence of sin in the form of cultivation, the
lifespan of people became shortened.” [7]. Such a
view is consistent with the hypothesis that agri-
culture (The Neolithic Revolution) arose out of ne-
cessity rather than cleverness. Several authors have
argued that present day hunter-gatherers are well
aware of the concepts of agriculture but do not
practice it because it requires too much labor [8].
Instead they propose that humans adopted agri-
culture only when wild game became scarce and
they had no other choice (for overview see [9]). In
fact, Paleolithic hunter-gatherers are likely to have
caused the scarcity of wild game. Recent evidence
suggests that they were extremely productive
hunters, especially of big game, and over hunting
was a major factor in the extinction of mega-fauna
in North America [10] and Australia [11].
To understand the dietary shift brought about by
the Neolithic Revolution it is necessary to recon-
struct the Paleolithic diet. In an earlier work, Eaton
and Konner estimated a plant:animal ratio of 65:35
and a fat:protein:carbohydrate ratio of 21:34:45
[12]. In an updated analysis, Cordain et al. [13]
estimate a much higher fat intake. They conclude
that most hunter-gatherers (73%) derived greater
than 50% of their diet from animal sources, sug-
gesting a reversal of the plant:animal ratio from
65:35 to 35:65. They also propose a macronutrient
range of approximately 40:30:30. Both studies
conclude that protein was a significant part of the
diet, while fat and carbohydrate content varied by
location. Those living at higher latitudes tended to
eat more fat, while those in more tropical latitudes
tended to eat more plant matter. Yet, most hunter-
gatherers ate animal matter when available [13].
Such a large protein intake is consistent with the
tall stature of Upper Paleolithic humans [14], and of
pre-agricultural Native Americans [15]. Male Late
Paleolithic hunter-gatherers are estimated to have
been an average of 177 cm tall, similar to average
male heights in the developed world today [16].
It should be noted that the carbohydrates con-
sumed during the Paleolithic period were very dif-
ferent from the high-glycemic carbohydrates found
in modern diets and from the breads and grains
consumed by Neolithic farmers. Consumption of
plant matter does not necessarily result in a large
intake of carbohydrates. For some plant matter, as
much as 30–100% of the energy is released in the
form of short chain fatty acids produced by hind gut
fermentation of fiber [17]. A good analogy might be
modern primate diets. In an analysis of gorilla diet,
which consists almost exclusively of fruits and
vegetables, a macronutrient profile of fat:pro-
tein:carbohydrate was calculated at approximately
3:24:16, with the remaining 57% of the energy in the
form of short chain fatty acids derived from fiber
[18]. Therefore, Paleolithic diets, rich in animal
products and fruits and vegetables, may have been
a low-carbohydrate diet (~20% of energy).
The diets of Neolithic farmers were of much
poorer quality than Late Paleolithic hunter-
gatherers and this has been implicated in the
overall decline in health during the Neolithic period
(for overview see [19]). For example, average
height of a male Late Neolithic farmer was 161 cm,
690 Henderson
a full 16 cm shorter than a male Late Paleolithic
hunter-gatherer [16]. Stature is known to be
strongly influenced by diet, especially protein in-
take, and is frequently used as a measure of nu-
tritional status [16]. It is likely that the Neolithic
diet was very high in carbohydrates and low in
protein, consistent with depletion of wild game as
a major motivator for the development of agri-
culture. This dependence on grain-based agricul-
ture resulted in a long period of reduced stature in
humans. Only in modern times has average height
returned to Late Paleolithic standards [12].
ApoE4 and agriculture
While the shift to HC diets during the Neolithic Rev-
olution resulted in a general decline in health, it
proved particularly disastrous to carriers of the ep-
silon 4 allele of apolipoprotein E. Currently, the only
well defined genetic risk factor for late onset Alz-
heimer’s disease is allelic variation in the apolipo-
protein E gene (apoE). The main function of the apoE
protein is lipid transport, but as such, it has an im-
pact on a variety of cellular processes. There are
three common allelic variants of apoE: epsilon 2 (E2),
3 (E3) and 4 (E4) (for review see [20]). Possession of
the E4 variant increases the risk of developing AD and
behaves in a dominant dose dependent manner [21].
E4 is also a risk factor for coronary heart disease [22]
and poor recovery from head trauma [23]. Why such
a “deleterious” allele would be selected against in
some populations but not in others may provide an
important clue to the etiology of AD.
The alleles E2, E3 and E4 are not evenly dis-
tributed in all populations. In a meta-analysis of
published apoE allele frequencies, Corbo and
Scacchi noted that E4 is under-represented in
populations with long historical exposure to agri-
culture, and they proposed that E4 may be a thrifty
allele [24]. Populations with the lowest frequencies
of E4 include long time agriculturalists, such as
Greeks (0.068) and Turks (0.079), while popula-
tions with the highest frequencies include long
time hunter-gatherers, such as African Pygmies
(0.407), Papuans (0.368), and Inuits (0.214) [24].
This has been supported by a study of Arab popu-
lations living in northern Israel who had the lowest
E4 frequency ever recorded (0.04) [25]. One in-
terpretation of this distribution is genetic drift due
to migration of populations out of the Middle East
(see Fig. 1). The migration of Neolithic farmers
Figure 1 Distribution of apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele (E4), adapted from [24,25]. Frequency of E4 is low (light
regions) in historically agriculture-based societies in the Middle East and in Central America (inset). Arrows indicate
migration of Neolithic farmers from the Middle East along the Mediterranean Sea.
691High carbohydrate diets and Alzheimer’s disease
along the Mediterranean Sea is based on historical
records and confirmed by analysis of the Y chro-
mosome [26]. However, such a migration does not
explain the low frequency of E4 found in North
American Mayan populations (0.089) [24]. The Ma-
yan civilization arose in what is present day Mexico
and Guatemala, far from the Middle East and in a
very different ecological environment. Yet, the
Mayans were similar to Middle Eastern farmers in
that they also developed an extensive agricultural
society based primarily on maize. Therefore, con-
sumption of an HC diet, either derived from corn or
wheat, may have selected against the E4 allele.
Why would E4 be deleterious to populations
consuming a HC diet? Possession of an E4 allele is
frequently associated with elevated plasma cho-
lesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels and this asso-
ciation is normally attributed to consumption of a
high-fat, high-cholesterol diet (for overview see
[27]). One interpretation of such a view is that
Neolithic farmers ate a diet much like a modern
Western atherogenic diet, rich in animal fat and
cholesterol, and that E4 was selected against by
widespread prevalence of coronary heart disease.
This seems unlikely. It is more likely that Neolithic
farmers ate little animal matter, were protein
starved, and are better characterized as “...ant-
like armies of largely vegetarian workers.” [9]. In-
stead it can be argued that HC diets and possession
of an E4 allele both suppress lipid metabolism in a
similar manner and, in combination, greatly in-
crease the risk for coronary heart disease and AD.
HC diets, ApoE and lipid metabolism
The effect of HC diets on lipid metabolism is evi-
dent in the fate of triglyceride rich lipoproteins
(TRL), such as chylomicrons and very low density
lipoproteins (VLDL) (for overview see [28]). The
rate of clearance of TRL and the type of cells that
take up free fatty acids (FFA) depends mainly on
the activity of lipoprotein lipases (LPL) and is
strongly influenced by insulin signaling [29]. It is
well recognized that HC diets elevate VLDL levels
and can result in hypertriacylglycerolemia (for re-
view see [30]). This may be due to decreased LPL
activity and fatty acid use by muscle cells [29,31].
For example, Lithell et al. [32] studied 7 men fed
either high carbohydrate (HC, greater than 70% of
calories from carbohydrate) or high fat (HF,
greater than 70% of calories from fat) diets for 3
days. Those consuming the HC diet had statistically
increased insulin levels and decreased lipase ac-
tivities relative to the HF diet. These experiments
are consistent with the proposed fuel use hierarchy
in humans, such that glucose is used preferentially
over fat [33]. In particular, HC diets inhibit the use
of fatty acids and increase the residence time of
TRL (for review see [34]).
Much like a HC diet, the ApoE4 protein increases
TRL residence time by inhibiting lipolysis. ApoE4
binds TRL much more readily than ApoE2 or ApoE3
and will displace ApoCII resulting in decreased LPL
activity (see Fig. 2(I)), for review see [35]). For
example, in a study of young men consuming a high
fat meal (39% fat calories) TRL were elevated in
both E3/E3 and E3/E4 individuals. After 6 h, TRL
returned to post-absorptive values in the E3/E3
individuals, yet remained elevated 50–80% in E3/
E4 individuals [36]. Such elevated TRL have been
observed numerous times in E4 carriers. In a meta-
analysis of different populations, E4 carriers had
significantly higher plasma triglyceride levels than
those with E3 [37]. This decreased LPL activity may
also be the cause of the increased insulin sensi-
tivity observed in E4 carriers [38] possibly due to
lowering of serum FFA levels (see Fig. 2(III)) (for
overview see [39]).
Since E4 and HC diets inhibit lipid metabolism in
a similar manner this may explain the selection
against E4 in long-time agricultural societies.
Symptoms of AD do not typically begin until the
seventh decade so it is unlikely that AD was the
selective force, instead it may have been coronary
heart disease (CHD). The very HC diet of Neolithic
farmers would have raised serum glucose and in-
sulin levels, induced lipogenesis and led to hyper-
triacylglycerolemia. This would be worsened by
possession of an E4 allele. Elevated triglycerides
increase the risk of CHD and this may have selected
against E4 in Neolithic farmers. Importantly, this
same mechanism is likely to be responsible for the
high risk of CHD in modern populations, with or
without an E4 allele.
It should be noted that E4 is not an inherently
damaging allele, it is only deleterious in combina-
tion with a HC diet (which is deleterious on its
own). Populations with little exposure to HC diets
have higher E4 frequencies suggesting it is not se-
lected against in these conditions [24]. Also, E4
may not be a risk factor for AD in all populations,
such as in Nigeria [40,41]. Nigerians eat consider-
ably less high-glycemic carbohydrates than at risk
populations such as the US. For example, in 1999,
Nigerians consumed 20 kg/year of sugar per capita,
compared with 74 kg/year for a typical American
(source Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations statistical database, FAOSTAT).
This may explain the low incidence of AD in Nigeria
[42] despite the relatively high frequency of E4.
692 Henderson
Prior to the development of agriculture, E2, E3 and
E4 may have been neutral alleles that arose when
our human ancestors began to eat more animal
matter, and hence more fat, and this relaxed se-
lection on apoE. The development of agriculture
then imposed a new selection on apoE reducing E4
in Middle Eastern and Mayan populations.
Overview of the etiology of AD
HC diets are proposed as the primary cause of AD
by two basic mechanisms (see Fig. 3 for overview).
The first is disturbed lipid homeostasis within the
CNS, especially decreased delivery of essential
fatty acids (EFA) (see Fig. 3(I)). This compromises
the integrity of cellular membranes, decreasing the
function of membrane proteins such as glucose
transporters and APP. The second is mild chronic
elevated insulin/IGF signaling, which accelerates
cellular damage (Fig. 3(II)). These two mechanisms
contribute to two stages of the disease. Stage I
begins when altered lipid metabolism inhibits the
function of membrane proteins such as glucose
transporters, resulting in decreased glucose utili-
zation and lowered metabolism in susceptible re-
gions of the brain. At this stage no clinical signs of
dementia are evident, yet the disease has begun.
Stage II begins when the inhibition of cellular
function can no longer be compensated for, either
due to excessive cellular damage, or age impaired
loss of homeostatic mechanisms. In stage II, acetyl-
CoA levels are lowered below critical levels, af-
fecting the production of a variety of cellular
components such as cholesterol and acetylcholine
and clinical signs of dementia become evident. The
disturbances in cholesterol metabolism result in
large scale aberrant processing of APP, decreases
in cellular trafficking, and generation of amyloid
beta peptides (Ab). As the disease progresses, the
failure to transport neurotrophin receptors and the
production of increasing amounts of Abultimately
results in large scale cell death and the charac-
teristic pathology of AD.
Stage I – essential fatty acids and
membrane function
Despite the importance of fatty acids in cerebral
neurons little de novo fatty acid synthesis occurs in
the adult brain (for overview see [43]). Most fatty
acids are imported as phospholipids or unesterified
FFA from the plasma through the use of fatty acid
transport proteins (for review see [44]). One im-
portant class of fatty acids required by the CNS are
EFA. For example, docosahexanoic acid (DHA) is
found extensively in phospholipids of neuronal
membranes (for overview see [45]). Inhibition of
lipid metabolism by HC diets may mimic dietary
Figure 2 ApoE4 and a high carbohydrate diet inhibit lipid metabolism. Bold Roman numerals indicate key points in
the model. (I) E4 preferentially binds triglyceride rich particles such as VLDL and chylomicrons reducing ApoCII binding.
(II) Decreased LPL activity inhibits delivery of FFA to astrocytes. (III) Low FFA levels increase insulin sensitivity and
further decrease LPL activity and ketone body transport. (IV) Inefficient delivery of EFA to cerebral neurons inhibits
function of glucose transporters (GLUT). (V) Decreased metabolism lowers acetyl-CoA pools and levels of ATP and
acetylcholine. (VI) Increased insulin signaling inhibits Foxo proteins from entering the nucleus and prevents activation
of stress response genes, such as antioxidant proteins. Abbreviations: LRP – LDL receptor related protein, VLDL – very
low density lipoprotein, HDL – high density lipoprotein, LPL – lipoprotein lipase, FFA – free fatty acid, MCTr –
monocarboxylate transporter, E4 – ApoE4, FATP – fatty acid transport protein, KB – ketone bodies, ACh – acetyl-
choline, ROS – reactive oxygen species.
693High carbohydrate diets and Alzheimer’s disease
deficiencies of EFA which are known to alter the
composition of neuronal membranes, disturb the
activity of membrane proteins [46], and lead to
behavioral defects such as poor performance in
learning tasks (for overview see [47]). This is con-
sistent with the growing evidence that EFA play a
role in AD. Low serum DHA levels have been im-
plicated as a significant risk factor [48,49], and
consumption of fish (a rich source of DHA and EPA)
may prevent the disease [50]. Additionally, altered
lipid metabolism may be responsible for the
extensive membrane deterioration seen in AD
In addition to metabolic changes induced by HC
diets, the development of agriculture has directly
changed the normal dietary balance of EFA. It has
been estimated that Paleolithic hunter-gatherers
ate roughly equal amounts of n6 and n3 fatty
acids [12]. However, the modern Western food
supply is much richer in n6 fatty acids due to the
use of grains both in the diet and as animal feed.
This has greatly altered the ratio of dietary n6to
n3 fatty acids from roughly 1:1 for Paleolithic
hunter-gatherers to 20:1 for a modern diet. The
n6 fatty acids compete for desaturases used by
n3 fatty acids to produce products such as DHA,
essentially lowering their levels (for review see
One class of protein known to be effected by EFA
levels are glucose transporters. For example, rats
raised on a n3 deficient diet for three months
exhibit a 30–35% decrease in glucose uptake in the
cortex, hippocampus and SCN compared to ad lib
fed controls, due to inefficient function of glucose
transporters [54]. Such decreases in cerebral glu-
cose utilization are one of the earliest signs of AD
and are evident in at risk populations well before
clinical signs of dementia occur, particularly in E4
carriers [55]. Yet, at this early stage, poor cogni-
tive performance may be masked by recruiting
larger regions of the brain to accomplish mental
tasks [56]. As the disease progresses, inhibition of
glucose use worsens (for overview see [57]), and at
some point declines to where recruitment can no
longer compensate for energy loss (Fig. 3(IV)). This
is the beginning of Stage II.
Stage II – metabolism, cholesterol and
Cerebral neurons are normally considered to derive
acetyl-CoA almost exclusively from glucose. As
glucose utilization worsens it will begin to deplete
neuronal acetyl-CoA pools leading to decreased
synthesis of acetylcholine (Fig. 3(IV)) and the well
recognized cholinergic defects found in AD [58].
Another less obvious, but perhaps more important,
consequence of lower acetyl-CoA levels is altera-
Figure 3 HC diet and Alzheimer’s disease model overview. Light and shaded areas indicate stages of the disease.
Bold Roman numerals highlight major mechanisms of disease progression. (I) HC diet and ApoE4 contribute to de-
creased lipid metabolism in central nervous system, altering the function of glucose transporters and amyloid pre-
cursor protein (APP). (II) Chronic excessive insulin/IGF signaling inhibits the functioning of Foxo proteins thereby
increasing cellular damage.
694 Henderson
tions in cholesterol homeostasis (Fig. 4(II)). The
human brain contains large amounts of unesterified
cholesterol, roughly 25% of the total amount in the
body. Unlike FFA, cholesterol is synthesized de
novo within neuronal cells from condensation of
acetyl-CoA and is part of a complex regulatory
process of cholesterol homeostasis (for review see
[59]). Disturbance in this process has been impli-
cated in several neurological disorders, including
AD. For example, allelic variation in the cyp46 gene
(a cholesterol 24-hydroxylase) has been identified
as a risk factor [60] and decreased cholesterol
levels are found in affected regions of the brain
One important protein that is sensitive to dis-
turbances in cholesterol homeostasis is APP
(Fig. 4(III)). Early onset AD is frequently associated
with mutations in three genes; APP, presenilin 1
(PS1) and presenilin 2 (PS2). These mutations lead
to aberrant processing of the APP protein and ac-
cumulation of the Abpeptide (for review see [2]).
Recent evidence has suggested that excess cho-
lesterol leads to increased APP cleavage. Diet in-
duced hypercholesterolemia increases the levels of
Aband amyloid deposits in the CNS of transgenic
mouse models of AD [62,63]. Addition of excess
cholesterol to cells in culture increases Abpro-
duction, while depleting cells of cholesterol de-
creases Abproduction (for overview see [64]).
Also, treating animals with cholesterol lowering
drugs (statins) decreases the levels of Abin the
blood [65] and may decrease the risk of developing
AD up to 70% [66]. Yet, most statin drugs do not
cross the blood brain barrier and are predicted to
have a weak, if any, effect on cerebral cholesterol
production (for overview see [67]).
Alternatively, statins may protect against AD by
improving cerebral lipid metabolism. In addition to
inhibition of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA re-
ductase, statins have other physiologic effects,
such as vasodilatory and anti-inflammatory. Im-
portantly, statins also cause a reduction in circu-
lating TRL by increasing the levels of lipoprotein
lipase while also decreasing apolipoprotein C-III (an
inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase) [68]. Therefore
statins may directly counteract the effects of HC
diets by increasing the activity of LPL.
Abmay not be the only toxic result of aberrant
APP processing. APP is proposed to function as a
membrane cargo receptor for kinesin-I during ax-
onal transport, delivering several cellular factors,
including Bace (beta secretase), Ps1 (Presenilin 1),
and the neurotrophin receptor TrkA [69–71]. Mu-
tations in APP and the presenilins, as well as dis-
turbed cholesterol homeostasis, may lead to
premature cleavage of APP and inhibition of cel-
Figure 4 Lipid homeostasis and APP. Bold Roman numerals indicate key points in the model. (I) High carbohydrate
diets inhibit efficient lipid delivery to the brain, inhibiting function of glucose transporters and lowering acetyl-CoA
pools. (II) Low EFA and acetyl-CoA levels inhibit cholesterol metabolism and membrane function and integrity. (III)
Inability to maintain lipid homeostasis results in improper processing of APP and Abgeneration. Premature cleavage of
APP results in failure to deliver neurotrophin receptors to cell surface and cell death. (IV) Accumulation of toxic Ab.
Abbreviations: EFA – essential fatty acid, MCTr – monocarboxylate transporter, KB – ketone bodies.
695High carbohydrate diets and Alzheimer’s disease
lular trafficking [72]. Failure to deliver neurotro-
phin receptors would lead to widespread neuronal
cell death (Fig. 4, for review see [73]). In fact,
inhibiting NGF in the brains of mice results in an
age dependent pathology very similar to AD [74].
Stage I/II – insulin/IGF signaling and
HC diets are well known to increase glucose and
insulin levels in humans [31] and this elevated in-
sulin signaling may lead to rapid aging of suscep-
tible tissues. In mammals and lower organisms
there is growing evidence that insulin/IGF signaling
modulates lifespan (for overview see [75]). For
example, reducing the caloric intake of mice and
rats reduces insulin/IGF levels and increases life
span (for review see [76]). More direct evidence
comes from the observation that mice heterozy-
gous for the IGF-1 receptor live 33% longer than
their wild-type littermates [77] and mice lacking
the insulin receptor in fat cells live 18% longer
The insulin-like signaling pathway shows re-
markable conservation across phyla. In both nem-
atodes and mammals insulin/IGF signaling
negatively regulates the activity of the Foxo family
of transcription factors by sequestration in the
cytoplasm (for review see [79,80]). Activation of
Foxo proteins increases stress resistance and lon-
gevity in mice and nematodes [75]. The long-lived
p66shc()/)) mouse may have increased Foxo ac-
tivation and increased resistance to oxidative
stress [81]. Activation of FKHR (a Foxo protein)
increases expression of stress response genes, such
as Gadd45a, a gene involved in DNA repair [82]. It
has been proposed that insulin/IGF signaling func-
tions, via Foxo proteins, to adjust metabolism and
ultimately lifespan in response to nutritional and
environmental cues [83,84]. Low food availability
will increase the proportion of Foxo in the nucleus
and increase the expression of a variety of stress
resistance genes, resulting in more stress resistant
longer lived individuals. High food availability will
decrease the expression of stress genes, resulting
in less stress resistant shorter lived individuals.
The mammalian brain is well supplied with in-
sulin receptors where insulin appears to signal
abundant food and not trigger glucose uptake as it
does in muscle and fat [85,86]. For example,
chronic infusion of insulin into the brains of ba-
boons reduces food intake [87], while inhibition of
the insulin receptor in the brains of mice in-
creases food intake [88,89]. Therefore, the strong
increases in postprandial glucose and insulin levels
induced by HC diets may continuously signal that
nutrients are plentiful, exclude Foxo from the nu-
cleus, and accelerate aging of susceptible neurons
(Fig. 3(VI)). This condition will be exacerbated in
E4 individuals who are more insulin sensitive.
Treatment and prevention
This hypothesis suggests several treatment and
preventative measures that may be beneficial for
AD and other disorders resulting from what can be
collectively called the “Neolithic Syndrome”.
Such treatment may be especially effective in
The Paleolithic prescription
A modified “Paleolithic prescription” [90] may
prevent AD. The Paleolithic prescription proposes a
change in diet and activity to a level more similar
to our Late Paleolithic ancestors, and emphasizes
reducing fat and increasing dietary fiber as the keys
to better health [90,91]. However, the inhibition of
lipid metabolism by HC diets may be the most
detrimental aspect of modern diets. Therefore,
reducing dietary intake of high-glycemic carbohy-
drates and increasing protein, fiber and fat would
be preferred. Similar diets appear to reduce the
risk of AD [92]. Since HC diets are proposed to be
the primary cause of AD regardless of apoE geno-
type, such a diet would generally reduce the risk of
AD. However, this diet is predicted to be particu-
larly beneficial to carriers of apoE4, and suggests
that individuals should “eat right for your apoE
type”. Dietary change would be the preventative
treatment of choice, since it would not only lower
the incidence of AD, but many other harmful con-
ditions. Yet such a change would require dramatic
decreases in carbohydrate intake (to < 30% of daily
caloric intake) and would be difficult to implement
without drastic changes in dietary thinking.
EFA repletion diet
Increasing evidence has implicated consumption of
fish (a source of EFA) as protective against AD [50].
For individuals in Stage I or II, an EFA repletion
regime, consisting of high doses of EFA, may re-
plenish EFA in neuronal membranes and prevent
and/or treat the disease [93]. In particular, ele-
vation of n3 EFA may allow for more efficient
696 Henderson
function of glucose transporters and the APP
Ketone body treatment
While increasing fatty acid metabolism may help
prevent the disease, by the time clinical dementia
is diagnosed (Stage II) irreparable damage may
have occurred and reversal will be difficult. One
strategy that might be effective is direct elevation
of acetyl-CoA levels using ketone bodies (KB). In-
creasing acetyl-CoA levels will provide a substrate
for acetylcholine and cholesterol synthesis and can
be used in the TCA cycle [94]. A simple way to el-
evate plasma KB levels is through consumption of
medium chain triglycerides, which are readily me-
tabolized to KB. We have found that exogenous
administration of medium chain triglycerides in-
creased cognitive performance in early stage non-
E4 AD patients [95].
Increasing fatty acid metabolism
Drugs that increase the use of fatty acids, espe-
cially in glia, may be beneficial for AD. This may
explain the beneficial effects of statins (as dis-
cussed) and non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDS) [96]. NSAIDS function, in part, as PPAR-
gamma agonists. Increasing PPAR-gamma activity
increases the expression of genes associated with
fatty acid metabolism such as FATP (for review see
[97]). Other drugs may have similar effects. Fibrate
drugs, such as Bezafibrate, ciprofibrate, fenofi-
brate and Gemfibrozil may also prove beneficial.
Fibrates act as PPAR-alpha agonists and like statins
they increase lipoprotein lipase, apoAI and apoAII
transcription and reduce levels of apoCIII, thereby
increasing lipid availability to the brain [98].
AD is a devastating neurodegenerative disorder
that will reach epidemic proportions in the next 50
years. While tremendous progress has been made
in our molecular understanding of the disease, no
effective treatments exist. Much of the current
research centers on modulating the processing of
the APP protein and correcting the imbalance be-
tween Abproduction and clearance. This approach,
while promising, has many drawbacks. Altering the
processing of APP may affect other proteins such as
Notch and is technically difficult [99]. Here it is
argued that the primary event leading to the de-
velopment of AD is consumption of an evolution-
arily discordant HC diet. This hypothesis predicts
that relatively simple preventative measures, such
as lowering the consumption of starchy carbohy-
drates and increasing EFA in the diet will be ef-
fective. Yet, in practice this may be difficult
without sufficient public awareness. Other treat-
ments may also be effective, such as ketone body
therapy, EFA repletion diets, and statin drugs.
Hopefully, in the future more research will focus
on the role of diet in AD.
This work is dedicated to Florence Tomlins Hen-
derson. I wish to thank members of the Johnson lab
for critical reading of the manuscript and active
discussion. I am grateful to Dr. Thomas Johnson for
allowing me the time and freedom to pursue my
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... Therefore, dietary intervention has become an increasingly important part of CCD therapy as the beneficial influence of diet and DS on CCD has been described by various authors [36,37] and is especially effective, if given at an early stage [38]. In regard to the reduced glucose metabolism of the aging brain, supplementation with medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) can have a positive and long-lasting influence on a dog's cognition [39][40][41] as these triglycerides are converted readily into the ketone bodies beta-hydroxybutyrate, acetone, and acetoacetate by the liver and the astrocytes in the brain; thus, serving as an alternative energy source for the brain [19][20][21]42]. ...
Full-text available
Simple Summary Canine cognitive dysfunction is considered the canine equivalent to human Alzheimer’s disease. It is a growing concern in veterinary medicine, as it affects many aged dogs. Dietary intervention with different diets and supplements may improve clinical signs and prevent further degeneration. Using an online questionnaire, we found that even though few owners were willing to change their dog’s main diet, many of them added supplements such as oils and vitamins. Consulting a veterinary surgeon when using dietary supplements is important as it allows for evidence-based recommendations to be made. Abstract Canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD) is becoming increasingly recognized in veterinary medicine, as dogs live longer and with CCD being highly prevalent among the elderly dog population. Various studies have shown that diet and dietary supplementation can positively influence the clinical signs of CCD, especially if given at an early stage. The aim of this study was to investigate owner use of dietary supplements (DSs) in dogs with age-related behavioral changes. An observational study based on an online questionnaire for owners of dogs with age-related behavioral changes was performed. Out of a total of 394 owners who completed the survey, after noticing age-related behavioral changes, over half of the dogs received DSs (54%), whereas only 8% reported changing their dog’s base diet. The most used DS was fish oil (48%). The use of DSs should be discussed with and monitored by veterinary surgeons since many geriatric patients have multi-morbidities, may have specific nutritional requirements and receive multi-faceted medications.
... The brain can use ketone bodies for energy when blood levels of ketones rise sufficiently, typically after several days of fasting or after several weeks of adherence to a low-carbohydrate and high-fat (ketogenic) diet [52,53]. Fatty acid oxidation (FAO) can provide an alternative fuel source in the brain when glucose metabolism is impaired or in hypometabolic conditions [54,55]. ...
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The brain is a highly dynamic organ that requires a constant energy source to function normally. This energy is mostly supplied by glucose, a simple sugar that serves as the brain’s principal fuel source. Glucose transport across the blood–brain barrier (BBB) is primarily controlled via sodium-independent facilitated glucose transport, such as by glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) and 3 (GLUT3). However, other glucose transporters, including GLUT4 and the sodium-dependent transporters SGLT1 and SGLT6, have been reported in vitro and in vivo. When the BBB endothelial layer is crossed, neurons and astrocytes can absorb the glucose using their GLUT1 and GLUT3 transporters. Glucose then enters the glycolytic pathway and is metabolized into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which supplies the energy to support cellular functions. The transport and metabolism of glucose in the brain are impacted by several medical conditions, which can cause neurological and neuropsychiatric symptoms. Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), epilepsy, traumatic brain injury (TBI), schizophrenia, etc., are a few of the most prevalent disorders, characterized by a decline in brain metabolism or hypometabolism early in the course of the disease. Indeed, AD is considered a metabolic disorder related to decreased brain glucose metabolism, involving brain insulin resistance and age-dependent mitochondrial dysfunction. Although the conventional view is that reduced cerebral metabolism is an effect of neuronal loss and consequent brain atrophy, a growing body of evidence points to the opposite, where hypometabolism is prodromal or at least precedes the onset of brain atrophy and the manifestation of clinical symptoms. The underlying processes responsible for these glucose transport and metabolic abnormalities are complicated and remain poorly understood. This review article provides a comprehensive overview of the current understanding of hypometabolism in AD and potential therapeutic targets.
... Upon autopsy, extensive neuritic plaque and neurofibrillary tangles are found in the brain, as well as gross structural changes, such as loss of neurons in the hippocampus, cortex, hypothalamus and other areas. 62 The past decade has seen the adoption of the first class of medications that improve the cognitive symptoms of this disorder -the cholinesterase inhibitors. These drugs provided symptomatic relief. ...
Background & Objectives: Cognitive impairment is a multidimensional concept that subsumes the attention and concentration, learning and memory, problem-solving ability, visuospatial abilities, mental flexibility, psychomotor efficiency and manual dexterity. Nootropic agents like Piracetam and anticholinesterase inhibitors are commonly used for improving memory, mood and behavior. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the nootropic efficacy of Menthol on learning and memory employing exteroceptive and interoceptive behavioral model in young and aged mice. Methods: Menthol (100, 200, 400 mg/kg, s.c.) was administered to young and aged mice. Swiss mice (young and aged) were used in the present study, Elevated plus maze, Morris water maze were the exteroceptive behavioral models and scopolamine, β-amyloid, natural aging induced amnesic models were used to assess the nootropic potential of Menthol. To delineate the mechanism by which menthol exerts cognitive impairment and protect the brain, various biochemical parameters such as neurotransmitter level (Nor-adrenalin, Dopamine, adrenalin, 5-HT), whole brain amino acid (Glutamate, Glycine, Alanine), antioxidant activity (lipid peroxidation and glutathione) were determined. Piracetam (200omg/kg, i.p.) was used as a standard nootropic drug. Results: Menthol (100, 200, 400 mg/kg, s.c.) produced significant improvement in learning and memory. However, pretreatment with Menthol (200 and 400 mg/kg, s.c.) for 7 days significantly exhibited improvement in short term memory. Menthol (100mg/kg, s.c.) administered for 10 days profoundly exhibited improvement in long term XIV memory. It also inhibited brain acetyl cholinesterase activity, improved glutathione level, and decreased lipid peroxidation levels in brain of young and aged mice. Menthol was also beneficial for maintaining optimum neurotransmitter and aminoacid concentrations in mice. Conclusion: The present findings suggest that Menthol has neuroprotective, nootropic and anti acetyl cholinesterase and antioxidants activity. Hence it can be used for treatment and management of primary symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Keywords: Acetylcholine, β-amyloid, Learning, Memory, Menthol, Neurotransmitters, Nootropic, Piracetam, Scopolamine.
Amyloid-(A) protein is densely deposited in the brain in Alzheimer's disease (AD), a neurodegenerative condition that also causes memory loss and dementia. There is neuronal destruction and deterioration of neural connections in the cerebral cortex region of the brain in Alzheimer's disease, as well as significant loss of brain mass. It is critical to review medication history, family history, and symptoms when diagnosing Alzheimer's dementia. Alzheimer's disease symptoms usually appear after the age of 65, but the types of Alzheimer disease that run-in families occur earlier. When Alzheimer's disease progresses to its later stages, a person's physical functioning is frequently impacted. This can manifest as problems with balance or weakness, as well as swallowing difficulties; all of these symptoms may have serious consequences. There is overwhelming evidence that suggests dietary factors may contribute to the onset of Alzheimer's disease and aging- related cognitive decline. Nutrition and diet are therefore crucial in reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease. The brain may be protected from oxidative and inflammatory damage by dietary supplements of antioxidants, polyunsaturated fatty acids, B complex vitamins, essential minerals, and polyphenols, according to epidemiological research. This review mainly focuses on nutritional management of Alzheimer disease.
Diabetes and its complications, Alzheimer's disease (AD), and Parkinson's disease (PD) are increasing gradually, reflecting a global threat vis-à-vis expressing the essentiality of a substantial paradigm shift in research and remedial actions. Protein glycation is influenced by several factors, like time, temperature, pH, metal ions, and the half-life of the protein. Surprisingly, most proteins associated with metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders are generally long-lived and hence susceptible to glycation. Remarkably, proteins linked with diabetes, AD, and PD share this characteristic. This modulates protein's structure, aggregation tendency, and toxicity, highlighting renovated attention. Gut microbes and microbial metabolites marked their importance in human health and diseases. Though many scientific shreds of evidence are proposed for possible change and dysbiosis in gut flora in these diseases, very little is known about the mechanisms. Screening and unfolding their functionality in metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders is essential in hunting the gut treasure. Therefore, it is imperative to evaluate the role of glycation as a common link in diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases, which helps to clarify if modulation of nonenzymatic glycation may act as a beneficial therapeutic strategy and gut microbes/metabolites may answer some of the crucial questions. This review briefly emphasizes the common functional attributes of glycation and gut microbes, the possible linkages, and discusses current treatment options and therapeutic challenges.
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Over a hundred years of study on the favourable effect of ketogenic diets in the treatment of epilepsy have contributed to a long-lasting discussion on its potential influence on other neurological diseases. A significant increase in the number of scientific studies in that field has been currently observed. The aim of this paper is a widespread, thorough analysis of the available scientific evidence in respect of the role of the ketogenic diet in the therapy of neurological diseases such as: epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), multiple sclerosis (MS) and migraine. A wide range of the mechanisms of action of the ketogenic diet has been demonstrated in neurological diseases, including, among other effects, its influence on the reduction in inflammatory conditions and the amount of reactive oxygen species (ROS), the restoration of the myelin sheath of the neurons, the formation and regeneration of mitochondria, neuronal metabolism, the provision of an alternative source of energy for neurons (ketone bodies), the reduction in glucose and insulin concentrations, the reduction in amyloid plaques, the induction of autophagy, the alleviation of microglia activation, the reduction in excessive neuronal activation, the modulation of intestinal microbiota, the expression of genes, dopamine production and the increase in glutamine conversion into GABA. The studies discussed (including randomised controlled studies), conducted in neurological patients, have stressed the effectiveness of the ketogenic diet in the treatment of epilepsy and have demonstrated its promising therapeutic potential in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), multiple sclerosis (MS) and migraine. A frequent advantage of the diet was demonstrated over non-ketogenic diets (in the control groups) in the therapy of neurological diseases, with simultaneous safety and feasibility when conducting the nutritional model.
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Studies in invertebrates have led to the identification of a number of genes that regulate lifespan, some of which encode components of the insulin or insulin-like signalling pathways. Examples include the related tyrosine kinase receptors InR (Drosophila melanogaster) and DAF-2 (Caenorhabditis elegans) that are homologues of the mammalian insulin-like growth factor type 1 receptor (IGF-1R). To investigate whether IGF-1R also controls longevity in mammals, we inactivated the IGF-1R gene in mice (Igf1r). Here, using heterozygous knockout mice because null mutants are not viable, we report that Igf1r(+/-) mice live on average 26% longer than their wild-type littermates (P < 0.02). Female Igf1r(+/-) mice live 33% longer than wild-type females (P < 0.001), whereas the equivalent male mice show an increase in lifespan of 16%, which is not statistically significant. Long-lived Igf1r(+/-) mice do not develop dwarfism, their energy metabolism is normal, and their nutrient uptake, physical activity, fertility and reproduction are unaffected. The Igf1r(+/-) mice display greater resistance to oxidative stress, a known determinant of ageing. These results indicate that the IGF-1 receptor may be a central regulator of mammalian lifespan.
We investigated the role of hypothalamic insulin signaling in the regulation of energy balance and insulin action in rats through selective decreases in insulin receptor expression in discrete hypothalamic nuclei. We generated an antisense oligodeoxynucleotide directed against the insulin receptor precursor protein and administered this directly into the third cerebral ventricle. Immunostaining of rat brains after 7-day administration of the oligodeoxynucleotide showed a selective decrease of insulin receptor protein within cells in the medial portion of the arcuate nucleus (decreased by ∼80% as compared to rats treated with a control oligodeoxynucleotide). Insulin receptors in other hypothalamic and extra-hypothalamic areas were not affected. This selective decrease in hypothalamic insulin receptor protein was accompanied by rapid onset of hyperphagia and increased fat mass. During insulin-clamp studies, physiological hyperinsulinemia decreased glucose production by 55% in rats treated with control oligodeoxynucleotides but by only 25% in rats treated with insulin receptor antisense oligodeoxynucleotides. Thus, insulin receptors in discrete areas of the hypothalamus have a physiological role in the control of food intake, fat mass and hepatic action of insulin.
Rapid progress in deciphering the biological mechanism of Alzheimer's disease (AD) has arisen from the application of molecular and cell biology to this complex disorder of the limbic and association cortices. In turn, new insights into fundamental aspects of protein biology have resulted from research on the disease. This beneficial interplay between basic and applied cell biology is well illustrated by advances in understanding the genotype-to-phenotype relationships of familial Alzheimer's disease. All four genes definitively linked to inherited forms of the disease to date have been shown to increase the production and/or deposition of amyloid β-protein in the brain. In particular, evidence that the presenilin proteins, mutations in which cause the most aggressive form of inherited AD, lead to altered intramembranous cleavage of the β-amyloid precursor protein by the protease called γ-secretase has spurred progress toward novel therapeutics. The finding that presenilin itself may be the long-sought γ-secretase, coupled with the recent identification of β-secretase, has provided discrete biochemical targets for drug screening and development. Alternate and novel strategies for inhibiting the early mechanism of the disease are also emerging. The progress reviewed here, coupled with better ability to diagnose the disease early, bode well for the successful development of therapeutic and preventative drugs for this major public health problem.
This chapter focuses on caloric restriction (CR) mimetics. Serious efforts have been made to develop interventions that mimic CR's effects on aging. Ideally, such mimicry would reproduce all the actions of CR. In practice, interventions that produce one or more of CR's effects on physiological processes, pathological processes, or longevity are referred to as “CR mimetics.” Studies on CR mimetics have two goals. One, such studies may yield information on mechanisms responsible for the anti-aging actions of CR. Two, the information derived from such studies may lead to the development of interventions that could modulate the aging processes in humans. The ability to increase, decrease, or eliminate the functioning of a specific mouse gene provides a powerful tool for the experimental generation of CR mimetic models. Such models have the potential of being invaluable for research on the basic mechanisms by which CR retards aging processes and extends longevity. Many chemical agents have been found to have some effects that are similar to those of CR. However, much more needs to be done to establish any as a CR mimetic within the context of gerontology.
The deposition of beta -amyloid (A beta) in neuronal plaques is believed to be crucial for the initiation and progression of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Studies in vitro have shown that inhibiting cholesterol metabolism with lovastatin, or its active metabolite lovastatin acid, lowers A beta production. To examine the effects of lovastatin on A beta in vivo, human subjects who had elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol were treated during a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study with 10, 20, 40 or 60 mg once-daily doses of a controlled-release formulation of lovastatin, or matching placebo. Serum A beta concentrations were measured before and after up to 3 months of treatment. Mean and median changes from baseline in serum A beta concentrations showed a dose-dependent decrease, and analysis of variance indicated that treatment was statistically significant (p < 0.0348). Differences between the 40- and 60-mg dose groups and placebo were statistically significant (Dunnett's p less than or equal to 0.05).
The apolipoprotein E type 4 allele (APOE-epsilon 4) is genetically associated with the common late onset familial and sporadic forms of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Risk for AD increased from 20% to 90% and mean age at onset decreased from 84 to 68 years with increasing number of APOE-epsilon 4 alleles in 42 families with late onset AD. Thus APOE-epsilon 4 gene dose is a major risk factor for late onset AD and, in these families, homozygosity for APOE-epsilon 4 was virtually sufficient to cause AD by age 80.