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Sources of acidity in lakes and streams of the United States


Abstract and Figures

Acidic (acid neutralizing capacity [ANC] < or = 0) surface waters in the United States sampled in the National Surface Water Survey (NSWS) were classified into three groups according to their probable sources of acidity: (1) organic-dominated waters (organic anions > SO4*; (2) watershed sulphate-dominated waters (watershed sulphate sources > deposition sulphate sources); and (3) deposition-dominated waters (anion chemistry dominated by inputs of sulphate and nitrate derived from deposition). The classification approach is highly robust; therefore, it is a useful tool in segregating surface waters into chemical categories. An estimated 75% (881) of acidic lakes and 47% (2190) of acidic streams are dominated by acid anions from deposition and are probably acidic due to acidic deposition. In about a quarter of the acidic lakes and streams, organic acids were the dominant source of acidity. In the remaining 26% of the acidic streams, watershed sources of sulphate, mainly from acid mine drainage, were the dominant source of acidity.
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Environmental Pollution 77
(1992) 115-122
Sources of acidity in lakes and streams of the
United States
Philip R. Kaufmann, a Alan T. Herlihy ~ and Lawrence A. Baker b
a Utah State University and b University of Minnesota, c/o USEPA Environmental Research Laboratory,
200 SW 35th St, Corvallis, Oregon 97333, USA
Acidic (acid neutralizing capacity [ANC] < 0) surface waters in the United States
sampled in the National Surface Water Survey (NSWS) were classified into three
groups according to their probable sources of acidity: (1) organic-dominated
waters (organic anions >SO* + NO3); (2) watershed sulphate=dominated waters
(watershed sulphate sources > deposition sulphate sources); and (3) deposition-
dominated waters (anion chemistry dominated by inputs of sulphate and nitrate
derived from deposition). The classification approach is highly robust; therefore,
it is a useful tool in segregating surface waters into chemical categories. An
estimated 75% (881) of acidic lakes and 47% (2190) of acidic streams are
dominated by acid anions from deposition and are probably acidic due to acidic
deposition. In about a quarter of the acidic lakes and streams, organic acids were
the dominant source of acidity. In the remaining 26% of the acidic streams,
watershed sources of sulphate, mainly from acid mine drainage, were the
dominant source of acidity.
Atmospheric deposition of acid anions derived from
fossil fuel combustion is a likely cause of chronically
acidic waters in several sensitive parts of North America
(Schindler, 1988). However, other anthropogenic activi-
ties, such as coal mining, are responsible for widespread
surface water acidification, and some surface waters are
known to be acidic because of organic acids or oxidation
of naturally exposed sulphide minerals (Huckabee
et al.,
1975). Other processes, including afforestation, natural
soil development, sulphate retention, neutral salt reten-
tion and natural hydrologic variations, may alter the
sensitivity of surface waters to acidification and may
postpone, ameliorate or exacerbate the pH depressions
that can result from anthropogenic loadings of acid
anions (e.g. Nilsson, 1982; Baker
et al.,
1988; Church
et al.,
Recent analyses of chemical data from surface water
surveys, combined with geochemical modelling and data
from other sources, have allowed interpretation of the
probable causes of acidification in streams (Herlihy
1990, 1991) and lakes (Marmorek
et al.,
1989) in
portions of the United States. This paper demonstrates
the utility of geochemical classification, in combination
Environ. Pollut.
0269-7491/92/$05.00 © 1992 Elsevier Science
Publishers Ltd, England. Printed in Great Britain
with survey data from the National Surface Water
Survey (NSWS) of the US Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), in making a national-scale interpretation
of the probable sources of current acidity in acidic
surface waters of the United States. We present a
summary of the approach and a discussion of the
robustness of the classifications used in the US National
Acid Precipitation Assessment Program's (NAPAP)
State of Science/Technology report on the Current
Status of Surface Water Acid-Base Chemistry (Baker
et al.,
1990). This approach is one of the lines of
evidence used in NAPAP's final integrated assessment
of the role of acidic deposition in surface water
National Surface Water Survey design
The NSWS (Fig. 1), conducted between 1984 and 1986,
delineated the distribution and numbers of acidic and
low-pH streams and lakes in acid-sensitive regions of the
United States. The NSWS employed a randomized
systematic sample of 500 stream reaches and 2300 lakes
to make population estimates of the chemistry in a target
P. R. Kaufmann, A. T. Herlihy, L. A. Baker
PE|C[HT ANC ~: 0 ~eq/L
[--I < II
mn ~-sz
i ~o-2ol
inn > 201
fJ' ~
" '
Fig. 1. Percentage of acidic surface waters in regions sampled by the NSWS. Lakes were sampled in all regions but the mid-Atlantic
coastal plain, the southern portion of the mid-Atlantic highlands, and the western portion of the south-eastern highlands. Streams
were not sampled in the west, upper mid-west, Adirondacks, or New England.
population of 64 000 stream reaches (224 000 km) and
28 300 lakes. To make these quantitative estimates, it
was necessary to explicitly define a target population of
lakes and streams. Target lakes were those with surface
areas between 4 and 2000 ha in the east and between 1
and 2000 ha in the west. The NSWS target stream
population consisted of stream reach segments mapped
on 1:250 000-scale US Geological Survey maps with
drainage areas less than 155 km 2. Streams were sampled
during spring baseflow (between snowmelt and leaf out,
avoiding storm episodes). Lake samples were collected
just below the surface in the deepest part of the lake
during fall mixing. Details of the NSWS have been
presented elsewhere (Linthurst
et al.,
1986; Landers
1987; Kaufmann
et al.,
1988, 1991).
Acid source classification
We classified acidic NSWS streams and lakes according
to their dominant sources of strong acid anions in order
to identify the most likely cause of acidic conditions (e.g.
natural organic acids, acidic deposition, acid mine
drainage). Acidic NSWS waters were classified into three
groups: watershed sulphate-dominated, organic-domi-
nated, and deposition-dominated, as shown in the
flowchart in Fig. 2.
We considered surface waters to be dominated by
watershed sources of sulphate when the observed SO~-
concentration was more than twice as high as the
expected steady-state concentration, assuming evapo-
concentration of deposition (i.e. watershed sulphate >
deposition sulphate). The expected sulphate concentra-
tion ([SO2-kxp) was calculated for each NSWS site from
precipitation (P), run-off (R), precipitation sulphate
concentration ([SO]-]pr~), and dry sulphate deposition
as shown in eqn 1"
In the eastern United States, values for these variables
were interpolated to specific NSWS site locations by
EPA's Direct/Delayed Response Project (Church
et al.,
1989). Precipitation and run-off were based on 30-year
(1951-80) annual averages. Precipitation sulphate con-
centrations were based on volume weighted average
1982-86 data. Dry deposition estimates were obtained
from the Regional Acid Deposition Model (Chang
et al.,
1987). In other regions, dry deposition inputs were
based upon literature values; for upper mid-west and
most Florida lakes,
ratios were estimated using
lake:precipitation chloride ratios (see Baker
et aL,
Streams and lakes in which the organic anion concen-
tration was greater than the sum of the SO* (sea salt
corrected or non-marine sulphate) and nitrate concen-
trations were classified as organic-dominated. Organic
anion concentration was calculated from dissolved
organic carbon (DOC) and pH using the approach of
et al.
(1983). Chloride was not included in the
ratio since it enters watersheds as a neutral salt. If
organic anion concentrations exceed those for sulphate
and nitrate, surface water acidity is likely to be derived
from organic acids, rather than H ÷ associated with
additions of sulphate and nitrate in acidic deposition.
Sources of acidity in lakes and streams of the United States 117
NSWS Acidic Lakes and Streams ]
Table 1. Chemical characteristics (mean + SD) of acidic NSWS
streams and l=kes in different chemical dasses a
Acid source class b
Deposition Organic Watershed
dominated dominated sulphate
amount expected
Source Class
Watershed Sulphate
--I Dominated Cass
[SO4 .
NO3] / Dominated
ANC -25 + 29
pH 4.8 + 0.3
SO* 152 + 69
NO3 7 + 11
C* 146 + 91
DOC 2.4 + 2-1
Org A- 18 + 17
ANC -13 -+ 12
pH 5.0 _+ 0-3
SO* 102 + 42
NO3 2 + 3
C* 104 -+ 83
DOC 2.5 -+ 2-1
Org A- 19 + 16
-159 + 247 -280 -+ 330
4.5 + 0'6 4.4 + 0.4
40+39 2930+1960
7 -+ 16 38 + 62
290 -+ 162 2 490 + 1 620
50 -+ 61 3'5 +_ 7.1
247 + 237 91 + 128
-20_+ 19 -12_+ 10
4.7 + 0.3 5-1 + 0.3
33 "___ 22 554 + 338
2+4 7_+9
75 + 77 786 _+ 497
12 _+ 9 8-6 +_ 5.8
81 + 56 65 +_ 45
Fig. 2.
Dominated Class
Flowchart of the classification scheme used to identify
probable sources of acidity in the NSWS.
SD = standard deviation; all units are in /zeq litre -~ except
for pH and DOC (mg litre-~); * = sea salt corrected; Org
A- = estimated organic anion concentration.
b See Fig. 2.
Sulphate concentrations in near-coastal systems
(within 200 km of the ocean) were corrected for marine
(neutral) sulphate inputs based on sea salt chloride
contributions (Clio) and the sulphate : chloride ratio of
seawater. C!~a was estimated by means of regression
relationships between distance from the ocean and
observed chloride concentrations, for sites with minimal
chloride contamination from watershed activities (e.g.
road salt), as given in eqns 2 and 3 (Baker et al.,
North-eastern lakes: Ln (Cl[eo)
-- 5.35 - 0.587*Dist + O.O003*Dist 2 (2)
Mid-Atlantic streams: Ln (CI~a)
-- 5.43 - O.180*Dist + O.O0004*Dist 2 (3)
with CI~, in/zeq litre-J and Dist equal to distance from
ocean (in miles for lakes, km for streams). Concentra-
tions for surface waters in Florida and the Pacific north-
west were corrected by assuming that CI~ equals
observed chloride.
Surface waters that are not organic-dominated or
watershed sulphate-dominated were classified as deposi-
tion-dominated. The dominant source of acid anions in
these waters is atmospheric deposition of sulphate and
nitrate. Acidic waters in the deposition-dominated class
are most likely to be currently acidic due to atmospheric
Surface water chemistry
As would be expected, surface water chemistries were
distinctly different among the acid source classification
groups (Table 1). Mean sulphate concentrations in
streams and lakes dominated by watershed sources of
sulphate were an order of magnitude higher than those
in deposition-dominated sites. Similarly, organic anion
concentrations were much higher in organic-dominated
waters than in deposition-dominated waters. Sulphate
concentrations were much higher than nitrate concentra-
tions in all deposition-dominated lakes and streams
(Table 1). In waters dominated by acidic deposition, 88%
of the streams and 67% of the lakes had SO* concentra-
tions greater than base cation minus chloride concentra-
tions, indicating that H2SO4 inputs exceed the capacity
of the watershed to neutralize inputs by base cation
mobilization. This suggests that sulphate alone is suffi-
cient to cause acidic conditions in the majority of the
acidic deposition-dominated lakes and streams.
Sources of acidity in US surface waters
Overall, 8% of the streams and 4% of the lakes in the
NSWS are acidic (Baker et al., 1990). Acidic waters are
rare (<1%) in the west and south-eastern highlands and
most common in Florida (23%) and the Adirondacks
(14%, Fig. 1). Within the acidic NSWS lake and stream
P. R. Kaufmann, A. T. Herlihy, L. A. Baker
Table 2. Percentage of acidic NSWS waters in different classification groups ~
NSWS region Estimated
number of
acidic waters
Acidic waters (%)
Deposition Organic Watershed-S
dominated dominated dominated
Streams b
Mid-Atlantic highlands 2 414 56 -- 44
Mid-Atlantic coastal plain 1 334 44 54 --
Southeastern highlands 243 50 -- 50
Florida 677 21 79 --
All streams 4 668 47 27 26
New England 173 79 21 --
Adirondacks 181 100 -- --
Mid-Atlantic highlands 88 100 -- --
South-eastern highlands ....
Florida 477 59 37 4
Upper mid-west 247 73 24 3
West 15 -- --
All lakes 1 181 75 22 3
a - no samples observed in this group.
b In the NSWS, streams were sampled at both the upper and lower ends of each reach. Data in this table
are based on upstream reach end chemistry. Estimates based on downstream reach end chemistry showed
fewer acidic systems but a similar pattern in sources of acidity, relative to upstream chemistry.
population, 75% of the lakes and 47% of the streams are
deposition-dominated (Table 2). About a quarter of
both the acidic lake and the acidic stream populations
are organic-dominated. Watershed sources of sulphate
are dominant in 26% of the acidic NSWS streams and in
only 3% of the acidic lakes.
Watershed sulphate-dominated surface waters are
found principally in streams in the mid-Atlantic and
south-eastern highlands where they account for about
half the acidic stream population (Table 2). All of these
streams show evidence of mining impacts and are acidic
primarily because of H2SO4 inputs from acid mine
drainage (Herlihy
et al.,
1990). Watershed sulphate-
dominated acidic lakes are rare in the NSWS (3% of all
acidic lakes, Table 2). In Florida, acidic, watershed
sulphate-dominated lakes are found in the southern part
of the Peninsula, in the citrus producing area. The only
acidic lake in the west (representing a population of 15
lakes) is dominated by watershed sources of sulphate due
to a geothermal spring.
Organic-dominated streams account for about half
the acidic streams in the mid-Atlantic coastal plain,
primarily in the swampy lowland areas around Chesa-
peake Bay, and most (79%) of the acidic streams in
Florida (Table 2). Organic-dominated acidic lakes com-
prise 20--40% of the acidic lake population in Florida,
New England, and the upper mid-west.
All of the acidic lakes and 56% of the acidic streams in
the mid-Atlantic highlands are deposition-dominated, as
are all of the acidic lakes in the Adirondacks (Table 2).
Organic-dominated acidic lakes are present in the
Adirondacks, but are restricted mainly to small lakes less
than the 4 ha cut-off employed in the NSWS (Baker
a/., 1990; Sullivan
et al.,
1990). Deposition-dominated
acidic streams in the mid-Atlantic coastal plain are
found in the New Jersey Pine Barrens and on hilly
outcrops in the Pennsylvania Piedmont. Deposition-
dominated acidic streams in Florida are located in the
Panhandle. Most of the acidic lakes in Florida, New
England, and the upper mid-west are deposition-
dominated. Details on the distribution and character-
istics of these classes of acidic waters are described by
et al.
(1990, 1991) and Baker
et al.
Although we classified waters into discrete categories,
the relative contributions of sources of acidity are con-
tinuously graded. Watershed sulphur sources, organic
acids and acidic deposition all contribute some degree of
acidity to every watershed, but in most cases one source
predominates. For example, a stream with 200/zeq
litre -~ of sulphate may receive 180/zeqlitre-' from
acidic deposition and 20/.~eq litre -1 from pyrite oxida-
tion in the watershed. Although watershed sources in
this example could supply 10% of the H2SOa inputs to
the system, we would still conclude that atmospheric
deposition is the dominant source of acid sulphate.
Similarly, almost all NSWS waters receive inputs of
organic anions in addition to sulphate from deposition.
Both acid inputs are neutralized to some extent by
processes in the watershed or water body. It was
impossible, in a regional survey such as the NSWS, to
Sources of acidity in lakes and streams of the United States
determine the neutralization rates for the different acid
inputs. For this reason, and because H ÷ enters surface
waters along with a mobile anion (Reuss & Johnson,
1986), our classification scheme is based on identifying
the dominant (>50%) source of acid anions in NSWS
surface waters. If organic anions are greater than
SO* + NOr, then the water is dominated by organic
acids. This does not mean that inorganic acids have
no effect, just that the effect is secondary. Similarly,
organic acids probably have some effect on deposition-
dominated systems. In the following sections, we
examine the robustness of our approach with respect
to these areas of uncertainty.
Robustness of watershed SO~4 - source classification
One indication of robustness is the clear separation in
sulphate histograms between deposition-dominated and
watershed sulphate-dominated systems. Figure 3 iUus-
E 3000
.s: 4000
<:0 0-50
0 0 0
t i Y
0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
o ~ o ,0 o o
I I I I I ! I
0 0 0 0
o ~ o o
8 o
( p.eq k -1 )
(b) ANC (l~eqlL)
0 -50
IZ~ 50-200
" 20001
~ ~ [~;~J r-l,-1
:~ 1000
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 I I I I I I I ^
= o g
oo o
o o o o o o
SO~-(p.eq L -1)
3. Frequency distribution of sulphate concentration in
acidic and Iow-ANC streams in the mid-Atlantic highlands
region of the NSWS: (a) watershed sulphate-dominated
streams and (b) deposition-dominated streams. Data are based
on upstream reach end chemistry.
trates this pattern for the mid-Atlantic highlands, which
have the highest sulphate concentrations of any NSWS
region. In this region, there are few waters with
intermediate sulphate concentrations between 250 and
500/~eq litre -~. More importantly, there is no overlap in
concentration among acidic streams in the deposition-
dominated and watershed sulphate-dominated cate-
gories. All deposition-dominated acidic streams had
SO 2- concentrations <250 p.eq litre -t, whereas all wa-
tershed sulphate-dominated acidic streams had SO~-
concentrations >450/zeq litre -l. Thus, in this case, our
classification system yields populations that are dis-
tinctly different.
Another measure of robustness is the sensitivity
of the classification to the watershed sulphur source
criteria. To evaluate this, we compared the number of
systems placed in the watershed sulphate-dominated
category using 1.5 times [SO2-]~p as the cut-off concen-
tration, rather than 2-0 times [SO2-]cxp. Out of the 881
deposition-dominated acidic lakes, only 85 were
classified as watershed sulphate-dominated with the
more restrictive sulphate cut-off. No acidic streams
changed categories with the new classification rule.
All deposition-dominated acidic streams had observed
sulphate concentrations < 1.4 times [SO~-]oxp.
Robustness of organic anion estimates
A minor amount of uncertainty enters our classification
as a result of estimating organic anion concentrations
Table 3. Percentage of acidic NSWS waters with organic
dominance using three different organic anion estimates
Region Organic anion estimate
Oliveff C s -CA b Driscoll c
Streams d
Mid-Atlantic highlands 0 0 c
Mid-Atlantic coastal plain 54 36 c
Florida 79 79 c
All streams 27 22 c
Adirondacks 0 0 0
Mid-Atlantic highlands 0 0 0
New England 21 5 5
Florida 35 18 38
Upper mid-west 24 27 23
All lakes 22 14 21
a Organic anion concentration calculated from model devel-
oped by Oliver
et al.
b Organic anion concentration calculated from anion deficit: X
cations (Ca 2+, Mg 2÷, Na ÷, K +, H +, NH~, Mn 2+, AP +) - X
anions (SO~-, NOL HCO~, CO]-, OL F-, OH-).
c Organic anion concentration calculated from Driscoll
et al.
(1989) modification of Oliver model. The Driscoll modification
was developed for NSWS lakes but not for streams.
a Stream estimates are based on upstream reach and chemistry,
as in Table 2.
P. R. Kaufmann, A. T. Herlihy, L. A. Baker
from measured DOC and pH. We used Oliver's model
et al.,
1983) to estimate organic anions, but the
classification was similar when organic anions were
calculated from anion deficits (sum of cations minus
inorganic anions) or from a region-specific modification
et al.,
1989) of the Oliver method (Table 3). In
the mid-Atlantic highlands and the Adirondacks, none
of the acidic NSWS streams and lakes are dominated by
organics, regardless of how organic anions were esti-
mated. Overall, the Oliver model gave slightly higher
estimates of organic anions. Thus, for acidic lakes, 22%
were found to be organic-dominated using the Oliver
model estimates of organic anions, compared with 14%
using the anion deficit approach or 21% using the
Driscoll modification (Table 3). Thus, we may be slightly
overemphasizing the importance of organic anions
et al.,
1990). We judged the Oliver method to be
preferable to anion deficit estimates for two reasons: (1)
the determination of anion deficits aggregates analytical
errors to substantial levels (for duplicate samples from
streams in the NSWS, the standard deviation of anion
deficit measurements was 27 #eq litre -~ or 20% of the
mean value); and (2) uncertainty in speciation of metals
(Fe, Mn, AI) affects the calculated anion deficits,
particularly for the acidic waters of concern here.
Organic influence in deposition-dominated waters
New England (L).
Adirondacks (L)-
M.A. Highlands (L).
M.A. Highlands (S).
M.A. Coastal (S)-
Florida (L)-
Florida (S).
Upper Midwest (L)-
To evaluate the importance of organic acids in deposi-
tion-dominated waters, we examined A-: (SO~4 + NO;)
ratios (Fig. 4). Organic acids probably exert very little
influence on most of the deposition-dominated acidic
streams in the mid-Atlantic highlands, where organic
anion concentrations are less than 8% of (SO~4 + NO~-)
concentrations. The organic contribution to deposition-
dominated lakes in the upper mid-west is much more
substantial, where organic anion concentrations are 20-
45% of the (SO~4 + NO~-) sum (Fig. 4). Organic influence
is more moderate in deposition-dominated acidic waters
I i i i
0'.1 0'.2 0:a o'4 0s
Org A-/(SO 4"
+ NO3)
4. Estimated organic anion concentration as a propor-
SO* plus NOr concentration in deposition-dominated
acidic NSWS lakes (L) and streams (S).
in the other NSWS regions, where ratios of median
organic anion to (SO$4 + NO;) are between 0-1 and
Neutral salt H ÷ exchange
Except in unusual circumstances, chloride loadings to
watersheds in acid-sensitive regions of the United States
do not occur as hydrochloric acid, but as inputs of
neutral salts from marine origin or application of road
de-icing compounds. However, neutral salt exchange has
been hypothesized as a mechanism of surface water
acidification in coastal surface waters. Rosenqvist (1978)
and Krug & Frink (1983) described a mechanism in
which base cations in the neutral salt solution replace H +
ions in the soil. The resultant drainage water is rendered
richer in H ÷ and thus more acidic than the solution
added to the soil.
Episodic acidification due to neutral sea salt inputs
has been observed in coastal streams (Wright
et al.,
Langan, 1989). If sea salt displacement of H ÷ were
causing chronic ANC depressions, we would expect to
see evidence that watersheds are retaining Na + and Mg 2+,
the principal base cations in sea salt. Accordingly,
surface water CI- should be enriched relative to Na ÷ and
Mg 2÷, when compared with the sea-salt molar ratios of
these ions. There were no indications of Na ÷ or Mg 2+
retention in acidic New England lakes (Sullivan
et al.,
1988) or streams in the mid-Atlantic coastal plain
(Morgan & Good, 1988; Herlihy
et al.,
1991). Neutral
salt exchange, however, may be a source of H + to some
of the acidic waters in Florida, where there is evidence of
base cation retention (Baker
et al.,
1988; Herlihy
et al.,
1991). The neutral salt acidification mechanism is not
relevant to acidic surface waters in the Adirondacks,
mid-Atlantic highlands, and upper mid-west, where C1-
concentrations are very low.
It is recognized that aggrading forests may exacerbate the
acidification of surface waters (Nilsson
et al.,
1982). The
exacerbating effect of forest growth on surface water
acidification stems from mechanisms such as base cation
and ammonium uptake by tree roots, or from increased
scavenging of atmospherically derived acid anions. How-
ever, while soils may be acidified by forest growth, it does
not appear that afforestation results in
waters unless there are mobile anions (such as sulphate or
organic anions) to transport the soil H + into the surface
water (Miller, 1989). Thus, acid anion source remains the
major factor explaining surface water acidity.
Temporal variability
We classified acidic waters using chemical data from the
NSWS, which represents autumn mixing conditions for
Sources of acidity in lakes and streams of the United States 121
lakes and spring baseflow for streams. Acid anion
composition in other seasons may be somewhat dif-
ferent. In streams draining wetlands in the mid-Atlantic
coastal plain, there is some evidence of a seasonal shift in
acid anion dominance from sulphate in the spring to
organics in the summer (Eshleman & Kaufmann, 1989).
These shifts generally coincide with summer increases in
ANC, so they do not greatly alter conclusions regarding
the sources of acidity during the spring, when stream pH
is the lowest and the most acid-sensitive developmental
stages of fish are usually present. To our knowledge,
seasonal shifts in anion dominance have not been
reported for other regions.
We classified acidic waters in the US National Surface
Water Survey into groups according to their acid anion
composition and the likely origin of their dominant
anions. Using the mobile carrier anion mechanism
(Reuss & Johnson, 1986) as a working assumption, we
interpret these classes as reflections of the probable
source of acidity in these waters. Because the groupings
were quite distinct, our major conclusions are robust and
relatively insensitive to differences in the criteria for
assessing the relative contributions of watershed sulphur
sources and estimating the concentrations of organic
Watershed sulphate sources were identified as the
probable cause of acidic conditions in 26% of the acidic
streams and 3% of the acidic lakes in the survey area.
The vast majority of the watershed sulphate-dominated
streams were acidic due to acid mine drainage and were
located in the mid-Atlantic highlands. For 22% of the
acidic lakes and 27% of the acidic streams in the NSWS,
natural organic acids were the dominant source of
acidity; in coastal lowlands, more than half of the acidic
streams were organic-dominated. An estimated 75%
(881) of the acidic lakes and 47% (2190) of the acidic
streams in the NSWS had anion chemistry dominated
by sulphate and nitrate derived from atmospheric
The research described in this article was funded by the
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This
document was prepared at the EPA Environmental
Research Laboratory in Corvallis, Oregon, through
cooperative agreements CR815168 with Utah State
University and CR813999 with the University of Minne-
sota. The manuscript has been subjected to the Agency's
peer and administrative review and approved for pub-
lication. Mention of trade names or commercial prod-
ucts does not constitute endorsement or reeommenda-
tion for use. Completion of the EPA's National Surface
Water Survey, upon which this article is based, depended
upon several years of dedicated work by many in-
dividuals. We thank M. Mitch for data analysis and J.
Mello for word processing. R. Church and S. Christie
pro-vided insightful comments on an earlier draft.
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... Acidification of lake waters has been attributed to a number of causes: i) natural acidification with the leaching of base cations from catchment soils over periods of thousands of years; ii) the acidification of rain by release of anthropogenic air pollutants into the atmosphere; iii) human modification of catchment soils and vegetation. With the realisation that more and more lakes were becoming acidified in upland areas of Europe and North America (Flower & Battarbee, 1983;Brakke et a l , 1987;Fritz et al., 1990;Charles et al., 1990), many research projects were undertaken to ascertain the sources of acidity and causes of acidification (Rosenqvist, 1981;Battarbee et al., 1985a;Gorham et al., 1986;Birks et al., 1990;Kreiser et al., 1990;Kaufmann et al., 1992). These three potential causes are now considered in more detail before the relative importance of each is assessed. ...
... The Swedish scientist Svante Oden published river and precipitation data in a newspaper article with widespread evidence of acidification of surface waters in acid sensitive areas. The scale of the phenomenon was quickly realised Kaufmann et al., 1992). The acidic components of acid deposition include SO2, NOx (oxides of nitrogen) and small amounts of hydrochloric acid, all by-products of industrial processes which are released in the atmosphere (Cresser & Edwards, 1987). ...
... Allott et a l, 1995a). Stream and lakewater levels of [S 042']* >100 peq I'1 are typically recorded in areas of high deposition (Gorham et a l, 1986;Allott et a l , 1995a;Kaufmann et al., 1992). The limited role of strong mineral acids in the Connemara lake waters corresponds to precipitation studies in the area, ...
This thesis describes a palaeolimnological investigation of lakewater acidity in peat catchments in Connemara, Ireland. The overall aim is to provide an explanation of why these surface waters are acidic and highly humic, with high measured dissolved organic carbon (DOC). This 'clean' area constitutes the largest concentration of acid sensitive waters in the country, in a region of low acid deposition. The largest forestry plantation in h-eland was established here in 1953. Palaeolimnology techniques using diatoms enable the reconstruction of historical lake water chemistry and are used here to evaluate the impacts of peat development and recent catchment afforestation on surface water acidity. Twenty-two lakes were sampled seasonally and analysed for a range of chemical determinands to establish contemporary chemistry. The results demonstrate that afforested sites tend to be more acidic with elevated levels of organic acids, distinguishing the data-set from many other training-sets. DOC was identified as a significant influence on surface sediment diatom assemblage variation. A diatom model or transfer function was derived for DOC with moderate predictive powers (r2 = 0.44, RMSEP = 1.5 mg 1-1 DOC). The model was then applied to fossil diatom data from a lake sediment core and the acidity history of the site reconstructed. A dynamically changing catchment responding to paludification of the soils and the development of blanket peat, promoted initially by climatic factors but exacerbated by anthropogenic influences was inferred from the palaeo- reconstruction. Past lake diatom inferred DOC indicates a history of dystrophication, however correlations between peat expansion and recent catchment afforestation were not established. Overall, the results highlight important implications for the use of diatom-DOC models and palaeolimnological reconstructions including complex relationship between diatoms and DOC, the importance of species habitat, and the necessity for more critical use of DOC transfer functions in future research.
... It is generally stable and varies from 8.0 to 8.25 at the global scale, especially in open oceans (Hofmann et al., 2011;Jiang et al., 2019), because of the buffering capacity provided by the excess bases in seawater (Middelburg et al., 2020). However, seawater pH values from coastal regions are highly variable (Hofmann et al., 2011), subject to numerous land-based sources such as acid surface water (Kaufmann et al., 1992), acid mine drainage from the abandoned mine sites (Cook et al., 2000;Chalkley et al., 2019), eutrophication from excess nutrient inputs (Cai et al., 2011), and effluent from industrial processes such as sea water scrubbing of flue gas (Knutzen, 1981). ...
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An unexpected event caused serious decreases in surface seawater pH from 8.1 to lower than 7.5 during a monitoring program for 26 years, giving us a rare natural experiment to examine the impacts of decreases in pH on the marine plankton communities (phytoplanktons, zooplanktons, shrimp larvae, crab larvae, fish eggs, and larvae) in the natural environment. Decreases in pH had a nonlinear effect ubiquitous on all plankton groups, leading to a reduction of approximately 50 % in their density and abundance compared to the level at pH 8.1. Non-linear responses of planktons implied the existence of specific groups more robust to decreases in pH. As pH bounced back to normal levels, the density and abundance of the plankton communities also recovered, further indicating that the negative impacts of decreases in pH on the marine plankton communities were reversible. Keywords: Seawater pH; Phytoplankton; Zooplankton; Crustacean larva, Fish larva; Fish eggs.
... This is particularly a concern when the RR values are only slightly greater than one when relatively small proportions of observed biological variability are explained by the study variables, and if the sample size is relatively small (40 sites in our case). In these cases, it is useful to use a weightof-evidence approach based on six factors for supporting conclusions (Kaufmann, Herlihy, & Baker, 1992;). ...
Conditions in freshwater ecosystems are responsible for maintaining biodiversity and other ecosystem services. Identifying and understanding how anthropogenic disturbances affect biotic conditions are important steps in rehabilitating and protecting environmental quality. The relative risk, relative extent, and attributable risk approaches are used to determine ecosystem conditions in ecological monitoring programs conducted across large spatial extents. Our study was conducted in the Pandeiros River basin, which is a protected area in Minas Gerais, Brazil, that contains 233 km of mapped streams that were perennial and accessible. Field sampling was conducted in the dry period (April and June 2016) at 40 randomly selected sites. Ten multimetric indices (MMIs), previously determined to be sensitive in this river basin, were calculated. All the physical habitat disturbance metrics were significantly correlated with the MMIs. The risk of finding poor MMI scores was 1.6–1.7 times higher at sites with a high integrated disturbance index (IDI) or local disturbance index (LDI) score. Pasture was the most extensive disturbance, affecting 40.8% of the stream length, followed by 40.1% for low bed stability, 29% for fine substrates (<16 mm), 24.4% for high IDI scores, and 21.7% for high LDI scores. This is useful to know for five reasons: (1) standardized MMIs can assess environmental quality. (2) MMIs clarify that both catchment and local disturbances may represent serious risks to aquatic assemblages. (3) MMIs indicate which disturbances represent the most risk by comparing MMI scores against disturbance scores. (4) MMI risk assessments facilitate choosing the most appropriate mitigation actions. (5) Our results suggest environmental conservation actions for similar river basins.
... Acid mine drainage (AMD) arising mainly from the oxidation of pyrite and other sulfide minerals is a major environmental problem in many countries (e.g. Kaufmann et al., 1992; Banks et al., 1997; Olías et al., 2004). AMD solutions are characterized by their strong acidity and high concentrations of sulfate, Fe, Al and associated trace metals such as Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, Co and Cd (e.g. ...
Column experiments, simulating the behavior of passive treatment systems for acid mine drainage, have been performed. Acid solutions (HCl or H2SO4, pH 2), with initial concentrations of Fe(III) ranging from 250 to 1500 mg L−1, were injected into column reactors packed with calcite grains at a constant flow rate. The composition of the solutions was monitored during the experiments. At the end of the experiments (passivation of the columns), the composition and structure of the solids were measured. The dissolution of calcite in the columns caused an increase in pH and the release of Ca into the solution, leading to the precipitation of gypsum and Fe–oxyhydroxysulfates (Fe(III)–SO4–H+ solutions) or Fe–oxyhydroxychlorides (Fe(III)–Cl–H+ solutions). The columns worked as an efficient barrier for some time, increasing the pH of the circulating solutions from 2 to ∼6–7 and removing its metal content. However, after some time (several weeks, depending on the conditions), the columns became chemically inert. The results showed that passivation time increased with decreasing anion and metal content of the solutions. Gypsum was the phase responsible for the passivation of calcite in the experiments with Fe(III)–SO4–H+ solutions. Schwertmannite and goethite appeared as the Fe(III) secondary phases in those experiments. Akaganeite was the phase responsible for the passivation of the system in the experiments with Fe(III)–Cl–H+ solutions.
... Anthropogenic activities such as fossil fuel combustion and acid mine drainage (AMD), terrestrial processes such as oxidation of natural sulfides and presence of natural organic acids, and atmospheric deposition through precipitation of strong mineral acids are all potential sources of acidification of surface waters (Kaufmann et al. 1992). Low alkalinity and pH in surface waters have been shown to negatively impact endemic aquatic species such as benthic invertebrates (Kratz et al. 1994) and fish (Bulger et al. 1995). ...
... Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a persistent environmental problem in mining regions around the world (Younger 1997;Lottermoser 2010). AMD is generated when previously buried sulfide minerals in ores are exposed to water and oxygen during mining operations (Kaufmann et al. 1992). In the Appalachian region of the United States, one little studied legacy from two centuries of coal mining is the existence of AMD barrens created by massive overland flow of acidic discharges from underground abandoned mines (Demchak et al. 2004). ...
Acid mine drainage (AMD) barrens result from destruc- tion of vegetation within AMD flow paths. When exposed to air, soluble iron in AMD undergoes oxidation and hydrol- ysis to form ferric iron (oxyhydr)oxides which accumulate on soil surfaces. A restoration experiment was conducted at a 50-year-old AMD barrens created by discharge from an abandoned underground coal mine. The objective was to determine whether vegetation could be established by altering rather than removing surface layers of acidic pre- cipitates at a site representative of other mining-degraded areas. Three zones in the barrens were identified based on moisture content, pH (2.7–3.3), and thickness of pre- cipitates (0–35cm). Our hypothesis was that application of the same reclamation method to all zones would fail to sustain >70% vegetative cover in each zone after four growing seasons. The method consisted of applying 11 t/ha lime and 27 or 54 t/ha compost before rototilling (top 15 cm) and mulching with oat straw containing viable seeds for a nurse crop. Lime-only plots were included for com- parison, and all amended plots were sown with a mine reclamation seed mix. Oats, sown species, and indigenous species dominated cover in the first, second, and fourth growing seasons, respectively. In the fourth year follow- ing reclamation, compost-amended plots had >70% cover and improved soil properties in all three zones, providing evidence to reject our hypothesis. Vegetative restoration of AMD barrens did not require removal of highly acidic pre- cipitates, since they could be transformed at low-cost into a medium that supports indigenous plants.
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Blanket peatlands cover substantial areas of Great Britain and Ireland. The uses to which peatlands are put are governed by economic considerations without full regard for the ecological consequences.
Among the non-point sources of natural water pollution the precipitation has the greatest effect on the hydrogeochemical conditions of the surface, soil, and groundwater. Regional, long-term, and constant pollution of snow melt and rain water by oxides of various acids, sulphates, hydrogen ions, heavy metals, and other toxicants result in accumulation and migration of various pollutants, as well as in intensification of negative processes in the soil, vadose zone, and aquifers.
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Streams in the Appalachian Mountain area of the mid-Atlantic receive some of the largest acidic deposition loadings of any region of the United States. A synthesis of the survey data from the mid-Appalachians yields a consistent picture of the acid base status of streams. Acidic streams, and streams with very low acid neutralizing capacity (ANC), are almost all located in small (<20 km2), upland, forested catchments in areas of base-poor bedrock. In the subpopulation of upland forested systems, which comprises about half the total stream population in the mid-Appalachian area, data from various local surveys show that 6-27% of the streams are acidic, and about 25-50% have ANC less than 50 mueq L-1. After excluding streams with acid mine drainage, National Stream Survey estimates for the whole region show that there are 2330 km of acidic streams and 7500 km of streams with ANC less than 50 mueq L-1. Many of the streams with base flow ANC less than 50 mueq L-1 become acidic during storm or snowmelt episodes. Sulfate from atmospheric deposition is the dominant source of strong acid anions in acidic mid-Appalachian streams. Their low pH (median, 4.9) and high levels of inorganic monomeric aluminum (median, 129 mug L-1) leached through soils by acidic deposition are causing damage to aquatic biota. Quantification of the extent of biological effects, however, is not possible with available data. Localized studies have shown that stream water ANC is closely related to bedrock mineralogy. Attempts to quantify this relationship across the mid-Appalachians, however, were frustrated by the lack of adequate scale geologic mapping throughout the region. Sulfate mass balance analyses indicate that soils and surface waters of the region have not yet realized the full effects of elevated sulfur deposition due to watershed sulfate retention. Sulfur retention is likely to decrease in the future, resulting in further losses of stream ANC.
An assessment has been made of the probable impact upon freshwater solute chemical composition of increasing woodland cover in Scotland using native species appropriate to natural woodland. Mineral soil acidification is likely as a consequence of tree growth where the soil parent material is a rock of low base status such as quartzite, granite or old sandstone, and will, in turn, contribute to freshwater acidification. Additional atmospheric pollutant or sea salt trapping by trees will exacerbate drainage water acidification. Acidity of surface horizons depends upon the underlying mineral soil composition, acid deposition and tree species, and all three factors should be taken into consideration, along with increased water interception loss, when assessing afforestation impact on stormflow water. The interception factor is, however, less important in wetter areas than drier regions. The spatial distribution of soil characteristics relative to the stream channel is very important, and in areas with acidification-sensitive soils, buffer zones of adequate width may be used to combat water acidification. Ground rocks such as gabbro may be more appropriate than conventional liming materials for the management of such strips, to avoid excessively high surface soil pH values.
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The authors examined anion composition in National Stream Survey (NSS) data in order to evaluate the most probably sources of current acidity in acidic and low acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC) streams in the eastern US. Acidic streams that had almost no organic influence (less than 10% of total anions) and sulfate and nitrate concentrations indicative of evaporative concentration of atmospheric deposition were classified as acidic due to acidic deposition. These acidic streams were located in small (<30 km{sup 2}) forested watersheds in the Mid-Atlantic Highlands (an estimated 1,950 km of stream length) and in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain (1,250 km). Acidic streams affected primarily by acidic deposition but also influenced by naturally occurring organic anions accounted for another 1,180 km of acidic stream length, and were located in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, plateau tops in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast Highlands, and the Florida Panhandle. The total length of streams acidic due to acid mine drainage in the NSS (4,590 km) was about the same as the total length of acidic streams likely affected by acidic deposition (4,380 km). Acidic streams whose acid anion composition was dominated by organics were located in Florida and the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain. In Florida, most of the acidic streams were organic dominated, whereas about half of the streams in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain were organic dominated. Organic-dominated acidic streams were not observed in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast Highlands.
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After the completion of a highway construction project in Great Smoky Mountains National Park in 1963, a fish kill was noted in a small stream draining an area of roadbed fill. After 10 years, the stream remained devoid of fish for at least 8 km downstream from the fill. The downstream water had a pH of 4.5 to 5.9; upstream from the fill the pH was 6.5 to 7.0. The rock material in the fill contains iron sulfide minerals. Other streams in the area flowing on the sulfide-rich rocks also showed low pH values. Survivability tests and stream surveys showed that brook trout cannot tolerate conditions in the stream below the road fill or in a stream flowing over natural outcrops of the same rock used in construction of the road fill. Native salamanders were also adversely affected downstream from the road fill. Chemical analyses of stream water and leaching tests indicated that lowered pH and increased sulfate and metals concentrations derived from the leaching of the sulfide-rich rocks were responsible for the trout and salamander mortalities.
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To assess the regional acid-base status of streams in the mid-Atlantic and southeastern United States, spring base flow chemistry was surveyed in a probability sample of 500 stream reaches representing a population of 64,300 reaches (224,000 km). Approximately half of the streams had acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC) ≤ 200 μeq L−1. Acidic (ANC ≤ 0) streams were located in the highlands of the Mid-Atlantic region (southern New York to southern Virginia, 2330 km), in coastal lowlands of the Mid-Atlantic (2600 km), and in Florida (462 km). Acidic streams were rare (less than 1%) in the highlands of the Southeast. Inorganic monomeric aluminum (Alim) concentrations were highest in acidic streams of the Mid-Atlantic Highlands where over 70% of the acidic streams had Alim greater than 100 μg L−l, a concentration above which deleterious biological effects have frequently been reported. Dissolved organic carbon concentrations were much higher in lowland coastal streams, compared with inland streams. Our data support a hypothesis that atmospheric sources and watershed retention control regional patterns in streamwater sulfate concentrations. Most stream watersheds retain the vast majority of the total nitrogen loading from wet deposition. The data suggest, however, that some deposition nitrogen may be reaching streams in the Northern Appalachians. These results show that acidic surface waters are found outside the glaciated northeastern portions of the United States and that watershed sulfate retention is not sufficient to prevent acidic conditions in some Mid-Atlantic Highlands streams.
Acidity consequent on root uptake was calculated as the excess cation accumulation in both stems and all above-ground tree components in a range of forest types, and values were derived for acidity resulting from the accumulated humus. In addition data from one pine stand was used to construct models of rate of accumulation of excess cations in trees and humus throughout the forest rotation. Rates of hydrogen ion production reaches a maximum very early in the life of a forest and the average annual permanent acidification resulting from removal of harvested material covers a wider range than either measured inputs in rainfall, including throughfall and stemflow, or estimated weathering rates. However, it is suggested that because rainwater inputs are episodic, include a mobile anion and may be channelled through the profile, whereas root generated acidity varies only gradually, does not involve the movement of an anion and occurs in intimate contact with the soil surfaces, rainwater acidity is the more likely to lead to streamwater acidification whereas root uptake will primarily acidify the soil. /// Динамика кислотности, создающаяся в результате корневого всасывания, рассчитывалаь как аккумуляция избитка катионов в стволе и других надземных частях деревьев в ряду типов леса; результаты использованы для определения кислотности в накапливающемся гумусе. Кроме того, использовали данные по одному сосняку для построения моделей скорости аккумуляции избытка катионов деревьями и гумусом в ходе смены лесных пород. Скорость образования ионов водорода достигает максимума на ранних этапах развития леса, а средне-годовая перманентная ацидификация в результате удаления созревшего матириала колеблется в более широких пределах, чем величины постеплений с осадками, включая просачивание и стволовой сток и скорости выщелачивания. Однако, это показывает, что так как поступления с осадками эпизодичны, они содержат подвижные анионы и могут просачиваться по профилю почвы, а кислотность, создаваемая активностью корней, изменяется постепенно, не увеличивает подвижности анионов и тесно связана с поверхностью почвы; кислотность осадков наиболее вероятно влияет на ацидификацию текучих вод, а корневая активность - прежде всего на кислотность почвы.
Bulk precipitation chemistry in the New Jersey Pinelands from July 1984 to July 1986 was influenced by both marine and continental air masses. The marine air masses were less acidic and dominated by Cl−, Na+, and Mg+2 while the continental air masses were high in ions typical of acid rain in the northeastern United States (SO4−2, H+, and NO3−). Over the same period, Pinelands streams draining undisturbed watersheds were acidic and very low in dissolved substances. The dominant ions were Na+ and Cl−, followed by SO4−2, Mg+2, H+, and Ca+2. Streams draining watersheds disturbed by residential and agricultural development exhibited elevated concentration of Ca+2, Mg+2, K+, SO4−2, and NO3−, and lower H+. The altered levels of each of these ions was directly related to inputs from human activities and illustrated the sensitivity of Pinelands ecosystems to disturbance. Using Cl− as a tracer, enrichment factors were calculated for the major solutes. In undisturbed streams the enrichment factors showed that Na+ and K+ were passed through the system and that H+, Ca+2, NH4+, NO3−, and SO4−2 were retained. Of the measured materials only Mg+2 was exported from undisturbed streams, although previous work has shown that iron, aluminum, and organic matter are also exported. The retention of SO4−2 was probably related to sulfate reduction in the extensive wetland systems of the Pinelands. These data strongly support earlier work that suggested sediment weathering in the Pinelands contributes few of the measured ionic constituents to stream discharge. Undisturbed Pinelands stream chemistry appears to be highly dependent on precipitation input and is modified primarily by biological activity within this ecosystem.
Volume IV contents: Appendices (Model calibration/confirmation reports, Watersheds simulated by ETD, ILWAS, and MAGIC, Uncertainty estimates confidence bounds for model projections).
Major ion chemistry data collected as part of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Eastern Lake Survey was examined to evaluate the mechanisms and extent of alkalinity regulation in 37 undisturbed, soft-water lakes in Florida. Comparison of major ion-Cl ratios in atmospheric deposition and in lake water shows the reactions resulting in retention of sulfate and nitrate are the dominant sources of alkalinity; production of organic acids and ammonium retention are the major alkalinity-consuming processes. Based on average reactions, enrichment of major cations accounted for only 12% of net alkalinity generation in the study lakes. In general, calcium and potassium were depleted in low-ANC lakes, presumably by in-lake sinks, and were enriched in most higher ANC lakes by ground water inputs. Differences in alkalinity among these lakes reflect hydrologic factors and the proximity of clay and carbonate deposits to the lake bed. Overall, net-alkalinity generation nearly balanced H+ predicted from evaporative concentration of atmospheric acid inputs; the close balance suggests that the alkalinity status of these lakes is very sensitive to changes in atmospheric loadings and groundwater alkalinity inputs.
There is considerable uncertainty concerning the role of naturally occurring organic solutes in the acidification of surface waters. To provide a preliminary assessment of this process, we evaluated water chemistry data obtained from the US EPA Eastern Lake Survey (ELS). A wide range of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and organic anion concentrations were evident across acid-sensitive lake districts in the Eastern US. In particular, lakes in Maine, the Upper Midwest and Florida contained high concentrations (greater than 1000 gmol C · L−1) of DOC. High concentrations of organic anions, estimated by discrepancy in charge balance in several subregions, suggest that dissociation of naturally occurring organic acids could significantly reduce the ANC of dilute surface waters. Unfortunately, analysis of acidification by organic solutes is complicated by uncertainty in H+ dissociation characteristics. Input of organic acids with weakly acidic pK a values do not alter acid neutralizing capacity (ANC), while strongly acidic organic functional groups dissociate completely and decrease ANC. As a first step to assess the acid/base characteristics of naturally occurring organic solutes, we calibrated the Oliver et al. (1983) model, using a reduced version of the ELS data set. This model explained 94% of the observed variability in organic anion concentration in this data set. However, model parameters obtained from the ELS calibration were somewhat different than values provided by Oliver et al. (1983), based on potentiometric titrations of pre-concentrated organic acids. The discrepancy in model parameters has implications for estimating organic anion concentrations in water using the Oliver et al. (1983) model. Finally, data from the ELS indicates that across glaciated regions of the eastern US, concentrations of DOC and organic ions were negatively correlated with SO inf2−p4. This trend would appear to be consistent with the hypothesis that inputs of strong acids immobilize organic acids, resulting in a shift of surface water acidification by organic acids to strong acids.
A water sample was collected from each of 1612 lakes. This subset of lakes was selected from within three regions of the eastern U.S. (the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and Southeast) expected to exhibit low buffering capacity. Each region was divided in subregions. Subregions were further stratified by alkalinity map class. A suite of chemical variables and physical attributes thought to influence or be influenced by surface-water acidification was measured for each lake. The results of these measurements and data analyses are described in the report.