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Abstract and Figures

A category of stimuli of great importance for primates, humans in particular, is that formed by actions done by other individuals. If we want to survive, we must understand the actions of others. Furthermore, without action understanding, social organization is impossible. In the case of humans, there is another faculty that depends on the observation of others' actions: imitation learning. Unlike most species, we are able to learn by imitation, and this faculty is at the basis of human culture. In this review we present data on a neurophysiological mechanism--the mirror-neuron mechanism--that appears to play a fundamental role in both action understanding and imitation. We describe first the functional properties of mirror neurons in monkeys. We review next the characteristics of the mirror-neuron system in humans. We stress, in particular, those properties specific to the human mirror-neuron system that might explain the human capacity to learn by imitation. We conclude by discussing the relationship between the mirror-neuron system and language.
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19 Jun 2004 14:34 AR AR217-NE27-07.tex AR217-NE27-07.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: IKH
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2004. 27:169–92
doi: 10.1146/annurev.neuro.27.070203.144230
! 2004 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved
First published online as a Review in Advance on March 5, 2004
Giacomo Rizzolatti
and Laila Craighero
Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Sezione di Fisiologia, via Volturno, 3, Universit
a di
Parma, 43100, Parma, Italy; email:;
Dipartimento SBTA, Sezione di Fisiologia Umana, via Fossato di Mortara, 17/19,
a di Ferrara, 44100 Ferrara, Italy; email:
Key Words
mirror neurons, action understanding, imitation, language, motor
A category of stimuli of great importance for primates, humans in
particular, is that formed by actions done by other individuals. If we want to survive,
we must understand the actions of others. Furthermore, without action understanding,
social organization is impossible. In the case of humans, there is another faculty that
depends on the observation of others’ actions: imitation learning. Unlike most species,
we are able to learn by imitation, and this faculty is at the basis of human culture. In
this review we present data on a neurophysiological mechanism—the mirror-neuron
mechanism—that appears to play a fundamental role in both action understanding and
imitation. We describe first the functional properties of mirror neurons in monkeys.
We review next the characteristics of the mirror-neuron system in humans. We stress,
in particular, those properties specific to the human mirror-neuron system that might
explain the human capacity to learn by imitation. We conclude by discussing the
relationship between the mirror-neuron system and language.
Mirror neurons are a particular class of visuomotor neurons, originally discovered
in area F5 of the monkey premotor cortex, that discharge both when the monkey
does a particular action and when it observes another individual (monkey or human)
doing a similar action (Di Pellegrino et al. 1992, Gallese et al. 1996, Rizzolatti
et al. 1996a). A lateral view of the monkey brain showing the location of area F5
is presented in Figure 1.
The aim of this review is to provide an updated account of the functional
properties of the system formed by mirror neurons. The review is divided into
four sections. In the first section we present the basic functional properties of
mirror neurons in the monkey, and we discuss their functional roles in action
understanding. In the second section, we present evidence that a mirror-neuron
system similar to that of the monkey exists in humans. The third section shows
that in humans, in addition to action understanding, the mirror-neuron system
plays a fundamental role in action imitation. The last section is more speculative.
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We present there a theory of language evolution, and we discuss a series of data
supporting the notion of a strict link between language and the mirror-neuron
system (Rizzolatti & Arbib 1998).
F5 Mirror Neurons: Basic Properties
There are two classes of visuomotor neurons in monkey area F5: canonical neurons,
which respond to the presentation of an object, and mirror neurons, which respond
when the monkey sees object-directed action (Rizzolatti & Luppino 2001). In order
to be triggered by visual stimuli, mirror neurons require an interaction between a
biological effector (hand or mouth) and an object. The sight of an object alone, of
an agent mimicking an action, or of an individual making intransitive (nonobject-
directed) gestures are all ineffective. The object signicance for the monkey has
no obvious inuence on the mirror-neuron response. Grasping a piece of food or
a geometric solid produces responses of the same intensity.
Mirror neurons show a large degree of generalization. Presenting widely differ-
ent visual stimuli, but which all represent the same action, is equally effective. For
example, the same grasping mirror neuron that responds to a human hand grasping
an object responds also when the grasping hand is that of a monkey. Similarly, the
response is typically not affected if the action is done near or far from the monkey,
in spite of the fact that the size of the observed hand is obviously different in the
two conditions.
It is also of little importance for neuron activation if the observed action is even-
tually rewarded. The discharge is of the same intensity if the experimenter grasps
the food and gives it to the recorded monkey or to another monkey introduced in
the experimental room.
An important functional aspect of mirror neurons is the relation between their
visual and motor properties. Virtually all mirror neurons show congruence between
the visual actions they respond to and the motor responses they code. According
to the type of congruence they exhibit, mirror neurons have been subdivided into
strictly congruent and broadly congruent neurons (Gallese et al. 1996).
Mirror neurons in which the effective observed and effective executed actions
correspond in terms of goal (e.g., grasping) and means for reaching the goal (e.g.,
precision grip) have been classed as strictly congruent. They represent about
one third of F5 mirror neurons. Mirror neurons that, in order to be triggered, do
not require the observation of exactly the same action that they code motorically
have been classed as broadly congruent. They represent about two thirds of F5
mirror neurons.
F5 Mouth Mirror Neurons
The early studies of mirror neurons concerned essentially the upper sector of F5
where hand actions are mostly represented. Recently, a study was carried out on
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the properties of neurons located in the lateral part of F5 (Ferrari et al. 2003),
where, in contrast, most neurons are related to mouth actions.
The results showed that about 25% of studied neurons have mirror properties.
According to the visual stimuli effective in triggering the neurons, two classes of
mouth mirror neurons were distinguished: ingestive and communicative mirror
Ingestive mirror neurons respond to the observation of actions related to in-
gestive functions, such as grasping food with the mouth, breaking it, or sucking.
Neurons of this class form about 80% of the total amount of the recorded mouth
mirror neurons. Virtually all ingestive mirror neurons show a good correspondence
between the effective observed and the effective executed action. In about one third
of them, the effective observed and executed actions are virtually identical (strictly
congruent neurons); in the remaining, the effective observed and executed actions
are similar or functionally related (broadly congruent neurons).
More intriguing are the properties of the communicative mirror neurons. The
most effective observed action for them is a communicative gesture such as lip
smacking, for example. However, from a motor point of view they behave as the
ingestive mirror neurons, strongly discharging when the monkey actively performs
an ingestive action.
This discrepancy between the effective visual input (communicative) and the
effective active action (ingestive) is rather puzzling. Yet, there is evidence suggest-
ing that communicative gestures, or at least some of them, derived from ingestive
actions in evolution (MacNeilage 1998, Van Hoof 1967). From this perspective
one may argue that the communicative mouth mirror neurons found in F5 reect
a process of corticalization of communicative functions not yet freed from their
original ingestive basis.
The Mirror-Neuron Circuit
Neurons responding to the observation of actions done by others are present not
only in area F5. A region in which neurons with these properties have been de-
scribed is the cortex of the superior temporal sulcus (STS; Figure 1) (Perrett et al.
1989, 1990; Jellema et al. 2000; see Jellema et al. 2002). Movements effective in
eliciting neuron responses in this region are walking, turning the head, bending
the torso, and moving the arms. A small set of STS neurons discharge also during
the observation of goal-directed hand movements (Perrett et al. 1990).
If one compares the functional properties of STS and F5 neurons, two points
emerge. First, STS appears to code a much larger number of movements than F5.
This may be ascribed, however, to the fact that STS output reaches, albeit indirectly
(see below), the whole ventral premotor region and not only F5. Second, STS
neurons do not appear to be endowed with motor properties.
Another cortical area where there are neurons that respond to the observation of
actions done by other individuals is area 7b or PF of Von Economo (1929) (Fogassi
et al. 1998, Gallese et al. 2002). This area (see Figure 1) forms the rostral part of the
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inferior parietal lobule. It receives input from STS and sends an important output
to the ventral premotor cortex including area F5.
PF neurons are functionally heterogeneous. Most of them (about 90%) respond
to sensory stimuli, but about 50% of them also have motor properties discharging
when the monkey performs specic movements or actions (Fogassi et al. 1998,
Gallese et al. 2002, Hyvarinen 1982).
PF neurons responding to sensory stimuli have been subdivided into so-
matosensory neurons (33%), visual neurons (11%), and bimodal (somatosen-
sory and visual) neurons (56%). About 40% of the visually responsive neurons
respond specically to action observation and of them about two thirds have mirror
properties (Gallese et al. 2002).
In conclusion, the cortical mirror neuron circuit is formed by two main regions:
the rostral part of the inferior parietal lobule and the ventral premotor cortex. STS
is strictly related to it but, lacking motor properties, cannot be considered part
of it.
Function of the Mirror Neuron in the Monkey: Action
Two main hypotheses have been advanced on what might be the functional role
of mirror neurons. The rst is that mirror-neuron activity mediates imitation (see
Jeannerod 1994); the second is that mirror neurons are at the basis of action
understanding (see Rizzolatti et al. 2001).
Both these hypotheses are most likely correct. However, two points should be
specied. First, although we are fully convinced (for evidence see next section) that
the mirror neuron mechanism is a mechanism of great evolutionary importance
through which primates understand actions done by their conspecics, we cannot
claim that this is the only mechanism through which actions done by others may
be understood (see Rizzolatti et al. 2001). Second, as is shown below, the mirror-
neuron system is the system at the basis of imitation in humans. Although laymen
are often convinced that imitation is a very primitive cognitive function, they are
wrong. There is vast agreement among ethologists that imitation, the capacity to
learn to do an action from seeing it done (Thorndyke 1898), is present among
primates, only in humans, and (probably) in apes (see Byrne 1995, Galef 1988,
Tomasello & Call 1997, Visalberghi & Fragaszy 2001, Whiten & Ham 1992).
Therefore, the primary function of mirror neurons cannot be action imitation.
How do mirror neurons mediate understanding of actions done by others? The
proposed mechanism is rather simple. Each time an individual sees an action
done by another individual, neurons that represent that action are activated in the
observers premotor cortex. This automatically induced, motor representation of
the observed action corresponds to that which is spontaneously generated during
active action and whose outcome is known to the acting individual. Thus, the
mirror system transforms visual information into knowledge (see Rizzolatti et al.
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Evidence in Favor of the Mirror Mechanism
in Action Understanding
At rst glance, the simplest, and most direct, way to prove that the mirror-neuron
system underlies action understanding is to destroy it and examine the lesion effect
on the monkeys capacity to recognize actions made by other monkeys. In practice,
this is not so. First, the mirror-neuron system is bilateral and includes, as shown
above, large portions of the parietal and premotor cortex. Second, there are other
mechanisms that may mediate action recognition (see Rizzolatti et al. 2001). Third,
vast lesions as those required to destroy the mirror neuron system may produce
more general cognitive decits that would render difcult the interpretation of the
An alternative way to test the hypothesis that mirror neurons play a role in action
understanding is to assess the activity of mirror neurons in conditions in which
the monkey understands the meaning of the occurring action but has no access to
the visual features that activate mirror neurons. If mirror neurons mediate action
understanding, their activity should reect the meaning of the observed action, not
its visual features.
Prompted by these considerations, two series of experiments were carried out.
The rst tested whether F5 mirror neurons are able to recognize actions from their
sound (Kohler et al. 2002), the second whether the mental representation of an
action triggers their activity (Umilt`a et al. 2001).
Kohler et al. (2002) recorded F5 mirror neuron activity while the monkey was
observing a noisy action (e.g., ripping a piece of paper) or was presented with the
same noise without seeing it. The results showed that about 15% of mirror neurons
responsive to presentation of actions accompanied by sounds also responded to the
presentation of the sound alone. The response to action sounds did not depend on
unspecic factors such as arousal or emotional content of the stimuli. Neurons re-
sponding specically to action sounds were dubbed audio-visual mirror neurons.
Neurons were also tested in an experimental design in which two noisy actions
were randomly presented in vision-and-sound, sound-only, vision-only, and motor
conditions. In the motor condition, the monkeys performed the object-directed
action that they observed or heard in the sensory conditions. Out of 33 studied
neurons, 29 showed auditory selectivity for one of the two hand actions. The
selectivity in visual and auditory modality was the same and matched the preferred
motor action.
The rationale of the experiment by Umilt`a et al. (2001) was the following. If
mirror neurons are involved in action understanding, they should discharge also in
conditions in which monkey does not see the occurring action but has sufcient
clues to create a mental representation of what the experimenter does. The neurons
were tested in two basic conditions. In one, the monkey was shown a fully visible
action directed toward an object (full vision condition). In the other, the monkey
saw the same action but with its nal, critical part hidden (hidden condition).
Before each trial, the experimenter placed a piece of food behind the screen so
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that the monkey knew there was an object there. Only those mirror neurons were
studied that discharged to the observation of the nal part of a grasping movement
and/or to holding.
Figure 2 shows the main result of the experiment. The neuron illustrated in the
gure responded to the observation of grasping and holding (A, full vision). The
neuron discharged also when the stimulus-triggering features (a hand approaching
the stimulus and subsequently holding it) were hidden from monkeys vision (B,
hidden condition). As is the case for most mirror neurons, the observation of a
mimed action did not activate the neuron (C, full vision, and D, hidden condition).
Note that from a physical point of view B and D are identical. It was therefore the
understanding of the meaning of the observed actions that determined the discharge
in the hidden condition.
More than half of the tested neurons discharged in the hidden condition. Out
of them, about half did not show any difference in the response strength between
the hidden- and full-vision conditions. The other half responded more strongly in
the full-vision condition. One neuron showed a more pronounced response in the
hidden condition than in full vision.
In conclusion, both the experiments showed that the activity of mirror neurons
correlates with action understanding. The visual features of the observed actions
are fundamental to trigger mirror neurons only insomuch as they allow the under-
standing of the observed actions. If action comprehension is possible on another
basis (e.g., action sound), mirror neurons signal the action, even in the absence of
visual stimuli.
There are no studies in which single neurons were recorded from the putative
mirror-neuron areas in humans. Thus, direct evidence for the existence of mirror
neurons in humans is lacking. There is, however, a rich amount of data proving,
indirectly, that a mirror-neuron system does exist in humans. Evidence of this
comes from neurophysiological and brain-imaging experiments.
Neurophysiological Evidence
Neurophysiological experiments demonstrate that when individuals observe an
action done by another individual their motor cortex becomes active, in the absence
of any overt motor activity. A rst evidence in this sense was already provided in
the 1950s by Gastaut and his coworkers (Cohen-Seat et al. 1954, Gastaut & Bert
1954). They observed that the desynchronization of an EEG rhythm recorded
from central derivations (the so-called mu rhythm) occurs not only during active
movements of studied subjects, but also when the subjects observed actions done
by others.
This observation was conrmed by Cochin et al. (1998, 1999) and by Altschuler
et al. (1997, 2000) using EEG recordings, and by Hari et al. (1998) using
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magnetoencephalographic (MEG) technique. This last study showed that the desyn-
chronization during action observation includes rhythms originating from the cor-
tex inside the central sulcus (Hari & Salmelin 1997, Salmelin & Hari 1994).
More direct evidence that the motor system in humans has mirror properties
was provided by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) studies. TMS is a non-
invasive technique for electrical stimulation of the nervous system. When TMS
is applied to the motor cortex, at appropriate stimulation intensity, motor-evoked
potentials (MEPs) can be recorded from contralateral extremity muscles. The am-
plitude of these potentials is modulated by the behavioral context. The modu-
lation of MEPs amplitude can be used to assess the central effects of various
experimental conditions. This approach has been used to study the mirror neuron
Fadiga et al. (1995) recorded MEPs, elicited by stimulation of the left motor
cortex, from the right hand and arm muscles in volunteers required to observe an
experimenter grasping objects (transitive hand actions) or performing meaningless
arm gestures (intransitive arm movements). Detection of the dimming of a small
spot of light and presentation of 3-D objects were used as control conditions.
The results showed that the observation of both transitive and intransitive actions
determined an increase of the recorded MEPs with respect to the control conditions.
The increase concerned selectively those muscles that the participants use for
producing the observed movements.
Facilitation of the MEPs during movement observation may result from a fa-
cilitation of the primary motor cortex owing to mirror activity of the premotor
areas, to a direct facilitatory input to the spinal cord originating from the same
areas, or from both. Support for the cortical hypothesis (see also below, Brain
Imaging Experiments) came from a study by Strafella & Paus (2000). By using a
double-pulse TMS technique, they demonstrated that the duration of intracortical
recurrent inhibition, occurring during action observation, closely corresponds to
that occurring during action execution.
Does the observation of actions done by others inuence the spinal cord ex-
citability? Baldissera et al. (2001) investigated this issue by measuring the size
of the H-reex evoked in the exor and extensor muscles of normal volunteers
during the observation of hand opening and closure done by another individual.
The results showed that the size of H-reex recorded from the exors increased
during the observation of hand opening, while it was depressed during the ob-
servation of hand closing. The converse was found in the extensors. Thus, while
the cortical excitability varies in accordance with the seen movements, the spinal
cord excitability changes in the opposite direction. These ndings indicate that,
in the spinal cord, there is an inhibitory mechanism that prevents the execution of
an observed action, thus leaving the cortical motor system free to react to that
action without the risk of overt movement generation.
In a study of the effect of hand orientation on cortical excitability, Maeda
et al. (2002) conrmed (see Fadiga et al. 1995) the important nding that, in
humans, intransitive movements, and not only goal-directed actions, determine
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motor resonance. Another important property of the human mirror-neuron system,
demonstrated with TMS technique, is that the time course of cortical facilitation
during action observation follows that of movement execution. Gangitano et al.
(2001) recorded MEPs from the hand muscles of normal volunteers while they
were observing grasping movements made by another individual. The MEPs were
recorded at different intervals following the movement onset. The results showed
that the motor cortical excitability faithfully followed the grasping movement
phases of the observed action.
In conclusion, TMS studies indicate that a mirror-neuron system (a motor res-
onance system) exists in humans and that it possesses important properties not
observed in monkeys. First, intransitive meaningless movements produce mirror-
neuron system activation in humans (Fadiga et al. 1995, Maeda et al. 2002, Patuzzo
et al. 2003), whereas they do not activate mirror neurons in monkeys. Second, the
temporal characteristics of cortical excitability, during action observation, suggest
that human mirror-neuron systems code also for the movements forming an action
and not only for action as monkey mirror-neuron systems do. These properties of
the human mirror-neuron system should play an important role in determining the
humans capacity to imitate others action.
Brain Imaging Studies: The Anatomy of the Mirror System
A large number of studies showed that the observation of actions done by others
activates in humans a complex network formed by occipital, temporal, and parietal
visual areas, and two cortical regions whose function is fundamentally or predom-
inantly motor (e.g., Buccino et al. 2001; Decety et al. 2002; Grafton et al. 1996;
Gr`ezes et al. 1998; Gr`ezes et al. 2001; Gr`ezes et al. 2003; Iacoboni et al. 1999,
2001; Koski et al. 2002, 2003; Manthey et al. 2003; Nishitani & Hari 2000, 2002;
Perani et al. 2001; Rizzolatti et al. 1996b). These two last regions are the rostral
part of the inferior parietal lobule and the lower part of the precentral gyrus plus
the posterior part of the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). These regions form the core
of the human mirror-neuron system.
Which are the cytoarchitectonic areas that form these regions? Interpretation
of the brain-imaging activations in cytoarchitectonic terms is always risky. Yet, in
the case of the inferior parietal region, it is very plausible that the mirror activation
corresponds to areas PF and PFG, where neurons with mirror properties are found
in the monkeys (see above).
More complex is the situation for the frontal regions. A rst issue concerns the
location of the border between the two main sectors of the premotor cortex: the
ventral premotor cortex (PMv) and the dorsal premotor cortex (PMd). In nonhuman
primates the two sectors differ anatomically (Petrides & Pandya 1984, Tann´e-
Gariepy et al. 2002) and functionally (see Rizzolatti et al. 1998). Of them, PMv
only has (direct or indirect) anatomical connections with the areas where there is
visual coding of action made by others (PF/PFG and indirectly STS) and, thus,
where there is the necessary information for the formation of mirror neurons
(Rizzolatti & Matelli 2003).
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On the basis of embryological considerations, the border between human PMd
and PMv should be located, approximately, at Z level 50 in Talairach coordinates
(Rizzolatti & Arbib 1998, Rizzolatti et al. 2002). This location derives from the
view that the superior frontal sulcus (plus the superior precentral sulcus) represents
the human homologue of the superior branch of the monkey arcuate sulcus. Because
the border of monkey PMv and PMd corresponds approximately to the caudal
continuation of this branch, the analogous border should, in humans, lie slightly
ventral to the superior frontal sulcus.
The location of human frontal eye eld (FEF) supports this hypothesis (Corbetta
1998, Kimming et al. 2001, Paus 1996, Petit et al.1996). In monkeys, FEF lies in the
anterior bank of the arcuate sulcus, bordering posteriorly the sector of PMv where
arm and head movements are represented (area F4). If one accepts the location of
the border between PMv and PMd suggested above, FEF is located in a similar
position in the two species. In both of them, the location is just anterior to the
upper part of PMv and the lowest part of PMd.
The other issue concerns IFG areas. There is a deeply rooted prejudice that these
areas are radically different from those of the precentral gyrus and that they are
exclusively related to speech (e.g., Gr`ezes & Decety 2001). This is not so. Already
at the beginning of the last century, Campbell (1905) noted clear anatomical simi-
larities between the areas of posterior IFG and those of the precentral gyrus. This
author classed both the pars opercularis and the pars triangularis of IFG together
with the precentral areas and referred to them collectively as the intermediate pre-
central cortex. Modern comparative studies indicate that the pars opercularis of
IFG (basically corresponding to area 44) is the human homologue of area F5 (Von
Bonin & Bailey 1947, Petrides & Pandya 1997). Furthermore, from a functional
perspective, clear evidence has been accumulating in recent years that human area
44, in addition to speech representation, contains (as does monkey area F5) a mo-
tor representation of hand movements (Binkofski et al. 1999, Ehrsson et al. 2000,
Gerardin et al. 2000, Iacoboni et al. 1999, Krams et al. 1998). Taken together, these
data strongly suggest that human PMv is the homologue of monkey area F4, and
human area 44 is the homologue of monkey area F5. The descending branch of the
inferior precentral sulcus (homologue to the monkey inferior precentral dimple)
should form the approximate border between the two areas (for individual vari-
ations of location and extension area 44, see Amunts et al. 1999 and Tomaiuolo
et al. 1999).
If the homology just described is correct, one should expect that the observation
of neck and proximal arm movements would activate predominantly PMv, whereas
hand and mouth movements would activate area 44. Buccino et al. (2001) addressed
this issue in an fMRI experiment. Normal volunteers were presented with video
clips showing actions performed with the mouth, hand/arm, and foot/leg. Both
transitive (actions directed toward an object) and intransitive actions were shown.
Action observation was contrasted with the observation of a static face, hand, and
foot (frozen pictures of the video clips), respectively.
Observation of object-related mouth movements determined activation of the
lower part of the precentral gyrus and of the pars opercularis of the inferior frontal
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gyrus (IFG), bilaterally. In addition, two activation foci were found in the parietal
lobe. One was located in the rostral part of the inferior parietal lobule (most likely
area PF), whereas the other was located in the posterior part of the same lobule.
The observation of intransitive actions activated the same premotor areas, but there
was no parietal lobe activation.
Observation of object-related hand/arm movements determined two areas of
activation in the frontal lobe, one corresponding to the pars opercularis of IFG
and the other located in the precentral gyrus. The latter activation was more dorsally
located than that found during the observation of mouth movements. As for mouth
movements, there were two activation foci in the parietal lobe. The rostral focus
was, as in the case of mouth actions, in the rostral part of the inferior parietal
lobule, but more posteriorly located, whereas the caudal focus was essentially in
the same location as that for mouth actions. During the observation of intransitive
movements the premotor activations were present, but the parietal ones were not.
Finally, the observation of object-related foot/leg actions determined an acti-
vation of a dorsal sector of the precentral gyrus and an activation of the posterior
parietal lobe, in part overlapping with those seen during mouth and hand actions,
in part extending more dorsally. Intransitive foot actions produced premotor, but
not parietal, activation.
A weakness of the data by Buccino et al. (2001) is that they come from a group
study. Data from single individuals are badly needed for a more precise somatotopic
map. Yet, they clearly show that both the frontal and the parietal mirror regions
are somatotopically organized. The somatotopy found in the inferior parietal lobule
is the same as that found in the monkey. As far as the frontal lobe is concerned,
the data appear to conrm the predictions based on the proposed homology. The
activation of the pars opercularis of IFG should reect the observation of distal
hand actions and mouth actions, whereas that of the precentral cortex activation
should reect that of proximal arm actions and of neck movements.
It is important to note that the observation of transitive actions activated both the
parietal and the frontal node of the mirror-neuron system, whereas the intransitive
actions activated the frontal node only. This observation is in accord with the lack
of inferior parietal lobule activation found in other studies in which intransitive
actions were used (e.g., nger movements; Iacoboni et al. 1999, 2001; Koski et al.
2002, 2003). Considering that the premotor areas receive visual information from
the inferior parietal lobule, it is hard to believe that the inferior parietal lobule
was not activated during the observation of intransitive actions. It is more likely,
therefore, that when an object is present, the inferior parietal activation is stronger
than when the object is lacking, and the activation, in the latter case, does not reach
statistical signicance.
Brain Imaging Studies: Mir ror-Neuron System Properties
As discussed above, the mirror-neuron system is involved in action understanding.
An interesting issue is whether this is true also for actions done by individuals
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belonging to other species. Is the understanding by humans of actions done by
monkeys based on the mirror-neuron system? And what about more distant species,
like dogs?
Recently, an fMRI experiment addressed these questions (Buccino et al. 2004).
Video clips showing silent mouth actions performed by humans, monkeys, and
dogs were presented to normal volunteers. Two types of actions were shown:
biting and oral communicative actions (speech reading, lip smacking, barking).
As a control, static images of the same actions were presented.
The results showed that the observation of biting, regardless of whether it was
performed by a man, a monkey, or a dog, determined the same two activation foci in
the inferior parietal lobule discussed above and activation in the pars opercularis of
the IFG and the adjacent precentral gyrus (Figure 3). The left rostral parietal focus
and the left premotor focus were virtually identical for all three species, whereas
the right side foci were stronger during the observation of actions made by a human
being than by an individual of another species. Different results were obtained with
communicative actions. Speech reading activated the left pars opercularis of IFG;
observation of lip smacking, a monkey communicative gesture, activated a small
focus in the right and left pars opercularis of IFG; observation of barking did not
produce any frontal lobe activation (Figure 4).
These results indicated that actions made by other individuals could be recog-
nized through different mechanisms. Actions belonging to the motor repertoire
of the observer are mapped on his/her motor system. Actions that do not belong
to this repertoire do not excite the motor system of the observer and appear to be
recognized essentially on a visual basis without motor involvement. It is likely that
these two different ways of recognizing actions have two different psychological
counterparts. In the rst case the motor resonance translates the visual experi-
ence into an internal personal knowledge (see Merleau-Ponty 1962), whereas
this is lacking in the second case.
One may speculate that the absence of the activation of the frontal mirror area
reported in some experiments might be due to the fact that the stimuli used (e.g.,
light point stimuli, Gr`ezes et al. 2001) were insufcient to elicit this personal
knowledge of the observed action.
An interesting issue was addressed by Johnson Frey et al. (2003). Using event-
related fMRI, they investigated whether the frontal mirror activation requires the
observation of a dynamic action or if the understanding of the action goal is
sufcient. Volunteers were presented with static pictures of the same objects be-
ing grasped or touched. The results showed that the observation of the goals of
hand-object interactions was sufcient to activate selectively the frontal mirror
In this experiment, pars triangularis of IFG has been found active in several
subjects (see also Rizzolatti et al. 1996b, Grafton et al. 1996). In speech, this sector
appears to be mostly related to syntax (Bookheimer 2002). Although one may be
tempted to speculate that this area may code also the syntactic aspect of action
(see Greeneld 1991), there is at present no experimental evidence in support of
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this proposal. Therefore, the presence of activation of pars triangularis lacks, at
the moment, a clear explanation.
Schubotz & Von Cramon (2001, 2002a,b) tested whether the frontal mirror re-
gion is important not only for the understanding of goal-directed actions, but also
for recognizing predictable visual patterns of change. They used serial predic-
tion tasks, which tested the participants performance in a sequential perceptual
task without sequential motor responses. Results showed that serial prediction
caused activation in premotor and parietal cortices, particularly within the right
hemisphere. The authors interpreted these ndings as supporting the notion that se-
quential perceptual events can be represented independent of preparing an intended
action toward the stimulus. According to these authors, the frontal mirror-neuron
system node plays, in humans, a crucial role also in the representation of sequential
information, regardless of whether it is perceptual or action related.
Imitation of Actions Present in the Observer’s Repertoire
Psychological experiments strongly suggest that, in the cognitive system, stimuli
and responses are represented in a commensurable format (Brass et al. 2000,
Craighero et al. 2002, Wohlschlager & Bekkering 2002; see Prinz 2002). When
observers see a motor event that shares features with a similar motor event present
in their motor repertoire, they are primed to repeat it. The greater the similarity
between the observed event and the motor event, the stronger the priming is (Prinz
These ndings, and the discovery of mirror neurons, prompted a series of ex-
periments aimed at nding the neural substrate of this phenomenon (Iacoboni et al.
1999, 2001; Nishitani & Hari 2000, 2002).
Using fMRI, Iacoboni et al. (1999) studied normal human volunteers in two
conditions: observation-only and observation-execution. In the observation-only
condition, subjects were shown a moving nger, a cross on a stationary nger, or
a cross on an empty background. The instruction was to observe the stimuli. In the
observation-execution condition, the same stimuli were presented, but this time
the instruction was to lift the right nger, as fast as possible, in response to them.
The most interesting statistical contrast was that between the trials in which
the volunteers made the movement in response to an observed action (imitation)
and the trials in which the movement was triggered by the cross. The results
showed that the activity was stronger during imitation trials than during the other
motor trials in four areas: the left pars opercularis of the IFG, the right anterior
parietal region, the right parietal operculum, and the right STS region (see for this
last activation Iacoboni et al. 2001). Further experiments by Koski et al. (2002)
conrmed the importance of Brocas area, in particular when the action to be
imitated had a specic goal. Gr`ezes et al. (2003) obtained similar results, but only
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when participants had to imitate pantomimes. The imitation of object-directed
actions surprisingly activated PMd.
Nishitani & Hari (2000, 2002) performed two studies in which they investigated
imitation of grasping actions and of facial movements, respectively. The event-
related MEG was used. The rst study conrmed the importance of the left IFG
(Brocas area) in imitation. In the second study (Nishitani & Hari 2002), the authors
asked volunteers to observe still pictures of verbal and nonverbal (grimaces) lip
forms, to imitate them immediately after having seen them, or to make similar lip
forms spontaneously. During lip form observation, cortical activation progressed
from the occipital cortex to the superior temporal region, the inferior parietal lobule,
IFG (Brocas area), and nally to the primary motor cortex. The activation sequence
during imitation of both verbal and nonverbal lip forms was the same as during
observation. Instead, when the volunteers executed the lip forms spontaneously,
only Brocas area and the motor cortex were activated.
Taken together, these data clearly show that the basic circuit underlying im-
itation coincides with that which is active during action observation. They also
indicate that, in the posterior part of IFG, a direct mapping of the observed action
and its motor representation takes place.
The studies of Iacoboni et al. (1999, 2001) showed also activationssuperior
parietal lobule, parietal operculum, and STS regionthat most likely do not reect
a mirror mechanism. The activation of the superior parietal lobule is typically not
present when subjects are instructed to observe actions without the instruction to
imitate them (e.g., Buccino et al. 2001). Thus, a possible interpretation of this
activation is that the request to imitate produces, through backward projections,
sensory copies of the intended actions. In the monkey, superior parietal lobule and
especially its rostral part (area PE) contains neurons that are active in response
to proprioceptive stimuli as well as during active arm movements (Kalaska et al.
1983, Lacquaniti et al. 1995, Mountcastle et al. 1975). It is possible, therefore,
that the observed superior parietal activation represents a kinesthetic copy of the
intended movements. This interpretation ts well previous ndings by Gr`ezes et al.
(1998), who, in agreement with Iacoboni et al. (1999), showed a strong activation
of superior parietal lobule when subjects tasks were to observe actions in order
to repeat them later.
An explanation in terms of sensory copies of the intended actions may also
account for the activations observed in the parietal operculum and STS. The rst
corresponds to the location of somatosensory areas hidden in the sylvian sulcus
(Disbrow et al. 2000), whereas the other corresponds to higher-order visual areas
of the STS region (see above). Thus, these two activations might reect somatosen-
sory and visual copies of the intended action, respectively.
The importance of the pars opercularis of IFG in imitation was further demon-
strated using repetitive TMS (rTMS), a technique that transiently disrupts the
functions of the stimulated area (Heiser et al. 2003). The task used in the study
was, essentially, the same as that of Iacoboni et al. (1999). The results showed
that following stimulation of both left and right Brocas area, there was signicant
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impairment in imitation of nger movements. The effect was absent when nger
movements were done in response to spatial cues.
Imitation Learning
Broadly speaking, there are two types of newly acquired behaviors based on im-
itation learning. One is substitution, for the motor pattern spontaneously used by
the observer in response to a given stimulus, of another motor pattern that is more
adequate to fulll a given task. The second is the capacity to learn a motor sequence
useful to achieve a specic goal (Rizzolatti 2004).
The neural basis of the capacity to form a new motor pattern on the basis of
action observation was recently studied by Buccino et al. (G. Buccino, S. Vogt, A.
Ritzl, G.R. Fink, K. Zilles, H.J. Freund & G. Rizzolatti, submitted manuscript),
using an event-related fMRI paradigm. The basic task was the imitation, by naive
participants, of guitar chords played by an expert guitarist. By using an event-
related paradigm, cortical activation was mapped during the following events:
(a) action observation, (b) pause (new motor pattern formation and consolidation),
(c) chord execution, and (d) rest. In addition to imitation condition, there were three
control conditions: observation without any motor request, observation followed
by execution of a nonrelated action (e.g., scratching the guitar neck), and free
execution of guitar chords.
The results showed that during the event observation-to-imitate there was ac-
tivation of a cortical network that coincided with that which is active during
observation-without-instruction-to-imitate and during observation in order not to
imitate. The strength of the activation was, however, much stronger in the rst con-
dition. The areas forming this common network were the inferior parietal lobule,
the dorsal part of PMv, and the pars opercularis of IFG. Furthermore, during the
event observation-to-imitate, but not during observation-without-further-motor-
action, there was activation of the superior parietal lobule, anterior mesial areas
plus a modest activation of the middle frontal gyrus.
The activation during the pause event in imitation condition involved the same
basic circuit as in event observation-of-the-same-condition, but with some impor-
tant differences: increase of the superior parietal lobule activation, activation of
PMd, and, most interestingly, a dramatic increase in extension and strength of the
middle frontal cortex activation (area 46) and of the areas of the anterior mesial
wall. Finally, during the execution event, not surprisingly, the activation concerned
mostly the sensorimotor cortex contralateral to the acting hand.
These data show that the nodal centers for new motor pattern formation co-
incide with the nodal mirror-neuron regions. Although fMRI experiments cannot
give information on the mechanism involved, it is plausible (see the neurophys-
iological sections) that during learning of new motor patterns by imitation the
observed actions are decomposed into elementary motor acts that activate, via
mirror mechanism, the corresponding motor representations in PF and in PMv and
in the pars opercularis of IFG. Once these motor representations are activated,
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they are recombined, according to the observed model by the prefrontal cortex.
This recombination occurs inside the mirror-neuron circuit with area 46 playing a
fundamental orchestrating role.
To our knowledge, there are no brain-imaging experiments that studied the
acquisition of new sequences by imitation from the perspective of mirror neurons.
Theoretical aspect of sequential learning by imitation and its possible neural basis
have been discussed by Arbib (2002), Byrne (2002), and Rizzolatti (2004). The
interested reader can nd there an exhaustive discussion of this issue.
Gestural Communication
Mirror neurons represent the neural basis of a mechanism that creates a direct
link between the sender of a message and its receiver. Thanks to this mechanism,
actions done by other individuals become messages that are understood by an
observer without any cognitive mediation.
On the basis of this property, Rizzolatti & Arbib (1998) proposed that the mirror-
neuron system represents the neurophysiological mechanism from which language
evolved. The theory of Rizzolatti & Arbib belongs to theories that postulate that
speech evolved mostly from gestural communication (see Armstrong et al. 1995,
Corballis 2002). Its novelty consists of the fact that it indicates a neurophysiological
mechanism that creates a common (parity requirement), nonarbitrary, semantic link
between communicating individuals.
The mirror-neuron system in monkeys is constituted of neurons coding object-
directed actions. A rst problem for the mirror-neuron theory of language evolution
is to explain how this close, object-related system became an open system able to
describe actions and objects without directly referring to them.
It is likely that the great leap from a closed system to a communicative mir-
ror system depended upon the evolution of imitation (see Arbib 2002) and the
related changes of the human mirror-neuron system: the capacity of mirror neu-
rons to respond to pantomimes (Buccino et al. 2001, Gr`ezes et al. 2003) and to
intransitive actions (Fadiga et al. 1995, Maeda et al. 2002) that was absent in
The notion that communicative actions derived from object-directed actions is
not new. Vygotski (1934), for example, explained that the evolution of pointing
movements was due to attempts of children to grasp far objects. It is interesting
to note that, although monkey mirror neurons do not discharge when the monkey
observes an action that is not object directed, they do respond when an object is
hidden, but the monkey knows that the action has a purpose (Kohler et al. 2002).
This nding indicates that breaking spatial relations between effector and target
does not impair the capacity of understanding the action meaning. The precondition
for understanding pointingthe capacity to mentally represent the action goalis
already present in monkeys.
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A link between object-directed and communicative action was also stressed by
other authors (see McNeilage 1998, Van Hoof 1967; for discussion of this link
from the mirror neurons perspective, see above).
Mirror Neurons and Speech Evolution
The mirror neuron communication system has a great asset: Its semantics is in-
herent to the gestures used to communicate. This is lacking in speech. In speech,
or at least in modern speech, the meaning of the words and the phono-articulatory
actions necessary to pronounce them are unrelated. This fact suggests that a nec-
essary step for speech evolution was the transfer of gestural meaning, intrinsic to
gesture itself, to abstract sound meaning. From this follows a clear neurophysio-
logical prediction: Hand/arm and speech gestures must be strictly linked and must,
at least in part, share a common neural substrate.
A number of studies prove that this is true. TMS experiments showed that the
excitability of the hand motor cortex increases during both reading and spontaneous
speech (Meister et al. 2003, Seyal et al. 1999, Tokimura et al. 1996). The effect is
limited to the left hemisphere. Furthermore, no language-related effect is found in
the leg motor area. Note that the increase of hand motor cortex excitability cannot be
attributed to word articulation because, although word articulation recruits motor
cortex bilaterally, the observed activation is strictly limited to the left hemisphere.
The facilitation appears, therefore, to result from a coactivation of the dominant
hand motor cortex with higher levels of language network (Meister et al. 2003).
Gentilucci et al. (2001) reached similar conclusions using a different approach.
In a series of behavioral experiments, they presented participants with two 3-D
objects, one large and one small. On the visible face of the objects there were either
two crosses or a series of dots randomly scattered on the same area occupied by
the crosses. Participants were required to grasp the objects and, in the condition
in which the crosses appeared on the object, to open their mouth. The kinematics
of hand, arm, and mouth movements was recorded. The results showed that lip
aperture and the peak velocity of lip aperture increased when the movement was
directed to the large object.
In another experiment of the same study Gentilucci et al. (2001) asked par-
ticipants to pronounce a syllable (e.g., GU, GA) instead of simply opening their
mouth. It was found that lip aperture was larger when the participants grasped
a larger object. Furthermore, the maximal power of the voice spectrum recorded
during syllable emission was also higher when the larger object was grasped.
Most interestingly, grasping movements inuence syllable pronunciation not
only when they are executed, but also when they are observed. In a recent study
(Gentilucci 2003), normal volunteers were asked to pronounce the syllables BA
or GA while observing another individual grasping objects of different size. Kine-
matics of lip aperture and amplitude spectrum of voice was inuenced by the
grasping movements of the other individual. Specically, both lip aperture and
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voice peak amplitude were greater when the observed action was directed to larger
objects. Control experiments ruled out that the effect was due to the velocity of
the observed arm movement.
Taken together, these experiments show that hand gestures and mouth gestures
are strictly linked in humans and that this link includes the oro-laryngeal move-
ments used for speech production.
Auditory Modality and Mirror-Neuron Systems
If the meaning of manual gestures, understood through the mirror-neuron mech-
anism, indeed transferred, in evolution, from hand gestures to oro-laryngeal ges-
tures, how did that transfer occur?
As described above, in monkeys there is a set of F5 mirror neurons that discharge
in response to the sound of those actions that, when observed or executed by the
monkey, trigger a given neuron (Kohler et al. 2002). The existence of these audio-
visual mirror neurons indicates that auditory access to action representation is
present also in monkeys.
However, the audio-visual neurons code only object-related actions. They are
similar, in this respect, to the classical visual mirror neurons. But, as discussed
above, object-related actions are not sufcient to create an efcient intentional
communication system. Therefore, words should have derived mostly from as-
sociation of sound with intransitive actions and pantomimes, rather than from
object-directed actions.
An example taken from Paget (1930) may clarify the possible process at work.
When we eat, we move our mouth, tongue, and lips in a specic manner. The
observation of this combined series of motor actions constitutes the gesture whose
meaning is transparent to everybody: eat. If, while making this action, we blow
air through the oro-laryngeal cavities, we produce a sound like mnyam-mnyam,
or mnya-mnya, words whose meaning is almost universally recognized (Paget
1930). Thus through such an association mechanism, the meaning of an action,
naturally understood, is transferred to sound.
It is plausible that, originally, the understanding of the words related to mouth
actions occurred through activation of audio-visual mirror neurons related to in-
gestive behavior (see Ferrari et al. 2003). A fundamental step, however, toward
speech acquisition was achieved when individuals, most likely thanks to improved
imitation capacities (Donald 1991), became able to generate the sounds originally
accompanied by a specic action without doing the action. This new capacity
should have led to (and derived from) the acquisition of an auditory mirror system,
developed on top of the original audio-visual one, but which progressively became
independent of it.
More specically, this scenario assumes that, in the case discussed above,
the premotor cortex became progressively able to generate the sound mnyam-
mnyam without the complex motor synergies necessary for producing ingestive
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action, and, in parallel, neurons developed able to both generate the sound and
discharge (resonate) in response to that sound (echo-neurons). The incredibly
confusing organization of Brocas area in humans, where phonology, semantics,
hand actions, ingestive actions, and syntax are all intermixed in a rather restricted
neural space (see Bookheimer 2002), is probably a consequence to this evolutive
Is there any evidence that humans possess an echo-neuron system, i.e., a system
that motorically resonates when the individual listens to verbal material? There
is evidence that this is the case.
Fadiga et al. (2002) recorded MEPs from the tongue muscles in normal volun-
teers instructed to listen carefully to acoustically presented verbal and nonverbal
stimuli. The stimuli were words, regular pseudowords, and bitonal sounds. In the
middle of words and pseudowords either a double f or a double r were em-
bedded. F is a labio-dental fricative consonant that, when pronounced, requires
slight tongue mobilization, whereas r is linguo-palatal fricative consonant that,
in contrast, requires a tongue movement to be pronounced. During the stimulus
presentation the participants left motor cortices were stimulated.
The results showed that listening to words and pseudowords containing the dou-
ble r determines a signicant increase of MEPs recorded from tongue muscles
as compared to listening to words and pseudowords containing the double f and
listening to bitonal sounds. Furthermore, the facilitation due to listening of the r
consonant was stronger for words than for pseudowords.
Similar results were obtained by Watkins et al. (2003). By using TMS tech-
nique they recorded MEPs from a lip (orbicularis oris) and a hand muscle (rst
interosseus) in four conditions: listening to continuous prose, listening to nonverbal
sounds, viewing speech-related lip movements, and viewing eye and brow move-
ments. Compared to control conditions, listening to speech enhanced the MEPs
recorded from the orbicularis oris muscle. This increase was seen only in response
to stimulation of the left hemisphere. No changes of MEPs in any condition were
observed following stimulation of the right hemisphere. Finally, the size of MEPs
elicited in the rst interosseus muscle did not differ in any condition.
Taken together these experiments show that an echo-neuron system exists in
humans: when an individual listens to verbal stimuli, there is an activation of the
speech-related motor centers.
There are two possible accounts of the functional role of the echo-neuron sys-
tem. A possibility is that this system mediates only the imitation of verbal sounds.
Another possibility is that the echo-neuron system mediates, in addition, speech
perception, as proposed by Liberman and his colleagues (Liberman et al. 1967,
Liberman & Mattingly 1985, Liberman & Wahlen 2000). There is no experimental
evidence at present proving one or another of the two hypotheses. Yet, is hard to
believe that the echo-system lost any relation with its original semantic function.
There is no space here to discuss the neural basis of action word semantics.
However, if one accepts the evolutionary proposal we sketched above, there should
be two roots to semantics. One, more ancient, is closely related to the action
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mirror-neuron system, and the other, more recent, is based on the echo-mirror-
neuron system.
Evidence in favor of the existence of the ancient system in humans has been
recently provided by EEG and fMRI studies. Pulvermueller (2001, 2002) com-
pared EEG activations while subjects listened to face- and leg-related action verbs
(walking versus talking). They found that words describing leg actions evoked
stronger in-going current at dorsal sites, close to the cortical leg-area, whereas those
of the talking type elicited the stronger currents at inferior sites, next to the motor
representation of the face and mouth.
In an fMRI experiment, Tettamanti et al. (M. Tettamanti, G. Buccino, M.C.
Saccuman, V. Gallese, M. Danna, P. Scifo, S.F. Cappa, G. Rizzolatti, D. Perani
& F. Fazio, submitted manuscript) tested whether cortical areas active during
action observation were also active during listening to action sentences. Sentences
that describe actions performed with mouth, hand/arm, and leg were used. The
presentation of abstract sentences of comparable syntactic structure was used as a
control condition. The results showed activations in the precentral gyrus and in the
posterior part of IFG. The activations in the precentral gyrus, and especially that
during listening to hand-action sentences, basically corresponded to those found
during the observation of the same actions. The activation of IFG was particularly
strong during listening of mouth actions, but was also present during listening of
actions done with other effectors. It is likely, therefore, that, in addition to mouth
actions, in the inferior frontal gyrus there is also a more general representation
of action verbs. Regardless of this last interpretation problem, these data provide
clear evidence that listening to sentences describing actions engages visuo-motor
circuits subserving action representation.
These data, of course, do not prove that the semantics is exclusively, or even
mostly, due to the original sensorimotor systems. The devastating effect on speech
of lesions destroying the perisylvian region testies the importance in action un-
derstanding of the system based on direct transformation of sounds into speech
motor gesture. Thus, the most parsimonious hypothesis appears to be that, during
speech acquisition, a process occurs somehow similar to the one that, in evolution,
gave meaning to sound. The meaning of words is based rst on the old nonverbal
semantic system. Subsequently, however, the words are understood even without
a massive activation of the old semantic system. Experiments, such as selective
inhibition through TMS or electrical stimulation of premotor and parietal areas,
are needed to better understand the relative role of the two systems in speech
This study was supported by EU Contract QLG3-CT-2002-00746, Mirror, EU
Contract IST-2000-28159, by the European Science Foundation, and by the Italian
Ministero dellUniversit`a e Ricerca, grants Con and Firb RBNEO1SZB4.
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Figure 1 Lateral view of the monkey brain showing, in color, the motor areas of the
frontal lobe and the areas of the posterior parietal cortex. For nomenclature and definition
of frontal motor areas (F1–F7) and posterior parietal areas (PE, PEc, PF, PFG, PG, PF op,
PG op, and Opt) see Rizzolatti et al. (1998). AI, inferior arcuate sulcus; AS, superior arcu-
ate sulcus; C, central sulcus; L, lateral fissure; Lu, lunate sulcus; P, principal sulcus; POs,
parieto-occipital sulcus; STS, superior temporal sulcus.
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Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2004.27:169-192. Downloaded from
by University of Colorado - Boulder on 10/18/07. For personal use only.
Figure 2 Mirror neuron responses to action observation in full vision (A and C) and
in hidden condition (B and D). The lower part of each panel illustrates schematical-
ly the experimenters action as observed from the monkey’s vantage point. The
asterisk indicates the location of a stationary marker attached to the frame. In hid-
den conditions the experimenters hand started to disappear from the monkey’s
vision when crossing this marker. In each panel above the illustration of the experi-
menters hand, raster displays and histograms of ten consecutive trials recorded are
shown. Above each raster, the colored line represents the kinematics of the experi-
menters hand movements expressed as the distance between the hand of the exper-
imenter and the stationary marker over time. Rasters and histograms are aligned with
the moment when the experimenter’s hand was closest to the marker. Green vertical
line: movement onset; red vertical line: marker crossing; blue vertical line: contact
with the object. Histograms bin width = 20 ms. The ordinate is in spike/s. (From
Umiltà et al. 2001).
Rizzolatti.qxd 6/19/2004 3:39 PM Page 2
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2004.27:169-192. Downloaded from
by University of Colorado - Boulder on 10/18/07. For personal use only.
Figure 3 Cortical activations during the observation of biting made by a man, a
monkey, and a dog. From Buccino et al. 2004.
Rizzolatti.qxd 6/19/2004 3:40 PM Page 3
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2004.27:169-192. Downloaded from
by University of Colorado - Boulder on 10/18/07. For personal use only.
Figure 4 Cortical activations during the observation of communicative actions. For
other explanations see text. From Buccino et al. 2004.
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by University of Colorado - Boulder on 10/18/07. For personal use only.
May 24, 2004 18:55 Annual Reviews AR217-FM
Annual Review of Neuroscience
Volume 27, 2004
NEURONS, Jonathan M. Blagburn and Jonathan P. Bacon 29
and Heather E. Wheat 53
Ralph J. Greenspan 79
NEURONAL FUNCTIONS, Raul R. Gainetdinov, Richard T. Premont,
Laura M. Bohn, Robert J. Lefkowitz, and Marc G. Caron 107
V. Reggie Edgerton, Niranjala J.K. Tillakaratne, Allison J. Bigbee,
Ray D. de Leon, and Roland R. Roy 145
THE MIRROR-NEURON SYSTEM, Giacomo Rizzolatti and Laila Craighero 169
and Ren
e Hen 193
Aaron DiAntonio and Linda Hicke 223
HIPPOCAMPUS IN VITRO, Roger D. Traub, Andrea Bibbig,
Fiona E.N. LeBeau, Eberhard H. Buhl, and Miles A. Whittington 247
THE MEDIAL TEMPORAL LOBE, Larry R. Squire, Craig E.L. Stark,
and Robert E. Clark 279
and Dean V. Buonomano 307
Zhigang He and Vuk Koprivica 341
Dmitri B. Chklovskii and Alexei A. Koulakov 369
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2004.27:169-192. Downloaded from
by University of Colorado - Boulder on 10/18/07. For personal use only.
May 24, 2004 18:55 Annual Reviews AR217-FM
and Michael A. Long 393
Kevan A.C. Martin 419
Patrick Lemaire, and Yasushi Okamura 453
udhof 509
PLASTICITY MECHANISMS, Edward S. Boyden, Akira Katoh,
and Jennifer L. Raymond 581
and Leonardo Chelazzi 611
THE HUMAN VISUAL CORTEX, Kalanit Grill-Spector and Rafael Malach 649
and Shaowu Zhang 679
SOCIAL BRAIN, Thomas R. Insel and Russell D. Fernald 697
DEGENERATION IN ALS, Lucie I. Bruijn, Timothy M. Miller,
and Don W. Cleveland 723
Subject Index 751
Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 1827 767
Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 1827 772
An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Neuroscience chapters
may be found at
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2004.27:169-192. Downloaded from
by University of Colorado - Boulder on 10/18/07. For personal use only.
... However, we decisively distance ourselves from the idea of modularizing central systems (amodal and superordinate to various, even complex, systems). Additional theories, such as those of mirror neurons (Rizzolatti and Craighero, 2004) and neural reuse (Anderson, 2010), have also reinforced the shift away from the Fodorian paradigm. ...
... The MNS has also been suggested to be a pivotal component of a larger associative network (Traxler, 2013). In addition, the MNS has been found to underpin complex actions (Molnar-Szakacs and Overy, 2006), language (Rizzolatti and Craighero, 2004), and emotional expressions (Bastiaansen et al., 2009). ...
Full-text available
The concept of modularity in neuropsychology remains a topic of significant debate, especially when considering complex, non-innate, hyper-learned, and adaptable modular systems. This paper critically examines the evolution of cognitive modularity, addressing the challenges of integrating foundational theories with recent empirical and theoretical developments. We begin by analyzing the contributions of Sternberg and Fodor, whose foundational work established the concept of specialized, encapsulated modules within cognitive processes, particularly in the domains of perception and language. Building on this, we explore Carruthers’ theory of massive modularity, which extends the modular framework to broader cognitive functions, though we reject its application to central amodal systems, which are overarching and resistant to modularization. We also evaluate recent discoveries, such as mirror neurons and the neural reuse hypothesis, and their implications for traditional modularity models. Furthermore, we investigate the dynamic interactions between the Default Mode Network (DMN), Central Executive Network (CEN), and Salience Network (SN), highlighting their roles in shifting between automatic and controlled states. This exploration refines existing theoretical models, distinguishing innate systems, genetically predisposed ones, and those hyper-learned through working memory, as exemplified by the three-level model of Moscovitch and Umiltà. We address the blurred boundary between domain-specific and domain-general systems, proposing modular versus non-modular states—indexed by automaticity and mandatoriness—as key discriminators. This systematization, supported by empirical literature and our own research, provides a more stable framework for understanding modular systems, avoiding interpretive confusion across varying levels of complexity. These insights advance both theoretical understanding and practical applications in cognitive science.
... Neuroscience research has identified the mirror neuron system (MNS) as a potentially crucial neural substrate for empathy. Mirror neurons, sited in the prefrontal cortex and the insula of the brain, develop during infancy and childhood and are lacking when there are relational problems like autism [31]. Their key feature is that they modulate their activity when an individual executes a specific motor act and when they observe the same/similar act performed by another individual. ...
... Their key feature is that they modulate their activity when an individual executes a specific motor act and when they observe the same/similar act performed by another individual. Therefore, mirror neurons facilitate our learning by enabling us to understand and imitate the actions and behavior of those we observe [31]. A recent systematic review provides an overview of the empirical studies investigating the relationship between putative MNS activity and empathy in healthy populations. ...
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Background/Objectives: One of the problematic situations dermatologists face with their patients is communicating dismal diagnoses. Examples are the diagnosis and prognosis of skin cancers like melanoma and Merkel cell carcinoma and the disclosure of the chronic nature of a disease that requires long-term therapies or can lead to scarring or disfiguring conditions. Likewise, receiving a diagnosis of a sexually transmitted infection can be a shocking event that can also put into question the patient’s relationship with his/her partner/partners. Some oncology and internal medicine protocols have been developed to support delivering distressing information. Regrettably, no consensus guidelines exist in dermatology, sexually transmitted infections, or other medical specialties. Methods: The protocols available in the literature to guide the disclosure of a dismal diagnosis have been reviewed in the present work. Results: The different protocols consist of several steps, from 5 to 13, and most of them are summarized by acronyms, such as “SPIKES”, “ABCDE”, and “BREAKS”. The frameworks are listened to and explained in the manuscript. Conclusions: These communication models are suggested to be adapted to dermatology and sexually transmitted infections. Indeed, several studies demonstrated that training in communication skills and techniques to facilitate breaking bad news may improve patient satisfaction and physician comfort.
... Система зеркальных нейронов (СЗН) активируется как при наблюдении, так и при выполнении действий. СЗН была идентифицирована как ключевой нейронный механизм, связывающий восприятие и выполнение действий, способствующий обучению через подражание у людей и пониманию действий у животных [1]. СЗН функционирует путем преобразования наблюдаемых действий в «моторный код», позволяя легко переводить визуальную информацию в соответствующую моторную активность [2,3]. ...
... СЗН функционирует путем преобразования наблюдаемых действий в «моторный код», позволяя легко переводить визуальную информацию в соответствующую моторную активность [2,3]. Современны е методы визуализации, такие как функциональная магнитно-резонансная томография и интракраниальные нейрофизиологические записи у обезьян, выявили активность зеркальных нейронов в определенных областях мозга, в частности в вентральной премоторной коре (область F5 у обезьян) и нижней теменной доле [1,4,5]. У людей неинвазивные методы стимуляции мозга, особенно транскраниальная магнитная стимуляция (TMС), сыграли ключевую роль в изучении СЗН. ...
Background . Mirror neurons (MN) are integral to linking the perception of actions with their execution, activating during both action observation and execution. While extensive research has elucidated their functional roles, the temporal dynamics of MN responses in humans remain insufficiently understood. Aim . To investigate the temporal profile of MN activity during hand movement observation using transcranial magnetic stimulation at at different time intervals (0, 320, 640, 1000, 1320, 1640 ms from the beginning of the demonstrated movement, time ranges from 1000 to 1640 ms correspond to the time interval after the end of the movement). Materials and methods. Twenty right-handed participants underwent neuronavigated transcranial magnetic stimulation targeting the left primary motor cortex during the observation of hand movements. Motor evoked potentials were recorded from the first dorsal interosseous and abductor digiti minimi muscles at various time points relative to movement onset. Results . A three-way interaction between movement type, muscle, and time was observed. Muscle-specific responses and intermuscular differences became prominent at 640 ms, extending into post-movement periods (1000, 1320, 1640 ms). Notably, excitatory responses were seen in muscles corresponding to the observed action, while unrelated muscles exhibited inhibitory patterns, intensifying over time. Conclusion . These findings reveal a complex excitatory-inhibitory interplay in the MN system, resembling motor surround inhibition. The extended temporal activity of MN suggests their role in processing action completion and potential outcomes. This study provides novel insights into MN dynamics and underscores the relevance of these mechanisms for motor rehabilitation strategies. Further research is required to explore MN activity at extended time points.
... The relation between neuron can be modeled with a limited number of differential equations, in fact, these equations describe the average activity of a population of neurons and single neurons and predict the underlying nerves performance (for example the firing rate, membrane potential and …). In the brain network, neuron is known as neural cell and communicate with other neurons through synapses [1,2]. A neuron consists of a soma, dendrites and a single axon. ...
Conference Paper
The brain is one of the most complex and sensitive organs of the body. The complexity of the brain and its activities can be modeled with mathematical approaches and examined at various scales, one can extend from the dynamics of a single neuron for neural activity to neural network activity. These microscopic (single neuron) and macroscopic (collective neuron) dynamics are a way of understanding the complexity of brain activity. In this article, we presented different dynamic models of the brain neurons and discussed the different parameters of the models. Finally, we focused on the selected model of Hindmrash-Rose more and assessed the nonlinear dynamical behavior.
... Par exemple, les mêmes neurones peuvent être activés lors de la réalisation d'une action par un animal, mais aussi quand l'animal perçoit cette action, cette fois réalisée par un autre animal. De telles observations peuvent être considérées comme la base neuronale des comportements incarnés de sociabilité et d'empathie [13] . À un niveau plus abstrait, il a été proposé que les processus dynamiques du cerveau soient basés sur des boucles de traitement prédictives et rétroactives (respectivement feed-forward et feedback), similaires à celles décrites pour le contrôle moteur. ...
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Вступ. Соціально-трудові відносини відіграють важливу роль у забезпеченні ефективного функціонування будь-якої організації. У сучасних умовах динамічних змін на ринку праці, зростання конкуренції та постійного впровадження інновацій виникає необхідність глибокого розуміння факторів, які впливають на конфліктність у робочих колективах. Конфлікти на робочому місці можуть мати різноманітні причини та наслідки, впливаючи як на продуктивність праці, так і на психоемоційний стан працівників. Дослідження нейропсихологічних аспектів конфліктів у соціально-трудових відносинах є відносно новою, але перспективною галуззю. Нейропсихологічні фактори, такі як функціонування дзеркальних нейронів та розвиток теорії розуму, можуть суттєво впливати на здатність індивідів до ефективної комунікації, емпатії та розуміння емоцій і намірів інших людей. Такі аспекти відіграють ключову роль у запобіганні конфліктам та їх ефективному вирішенні. Матеріали та методи. Теоретико-методологічний базис дослідження складають наукові праці як зарубіжних, так і вітчизняних вчених. В основу дослідження було покладено критичний та науковий аналіз, методи наукового узагальнення та систематизації, індукції та дедукції, що дало змогу сформувати висновки та рекомендації. Результати і обговорення. У статті досліджуються нейропсихологічні фактори, що впливають на конфліктність у соціально-трудових відносинах, а також методи запобігання та управління конфліктами. Основна увага приділяється ролі нейропсихологічних факторів в розумінні емоцій та намірів інших людей, що є критично важливим для ефективної комунікації та уникнення конфліктів. Автором проаналізовано когнітивні упередження та дефіцити емпатії як ключові фактори, що збільшують ризик виникнення конфліктів. Описано методи, спрямовані на вдосконалення комунікаційних процесів і розвиток навичок ефективного вирішення конфліктів через навчання та тренінги. Впровадження системи раннього виявлення конфліктів, медіації та модерації вказується як дієвий підхід для запобігання конфліктам та їх ескалації. Висновки. Результати дослідження підкреслюють необхідність розвитку соціально-психологічних навичок працівників для створення гармонійного робочого середовища та зниження рівня конфліктності у соціально-трудових відносинах. Kлючові слова: нейропсихологія, соціально-трудові відносини, конфліктність, дзеркальні нейрони, когнітивні упередження, емпатія, комунікаційні процеси, управління конфліктами, медіація, модерація, соціально-психологічні навички.
Bilişsel nörobilim son yıllarda dikkatini bir zamanlar felsefenin klasik temaları olan (öz) bilinç ve özneler-arasılık konularına çevirmiştir. Burada sosyal biliş kendi-öteki ayrımı ve kendi-öteki değişimi ile ilgili bilişsel performanslar için genel bir terim olarak kullanılmaktadır. Hastalık/bozukluk fenomenleriyle de ilgili olan önemli bir ayrım, sezgisel-önrefleksif ya da çıkarımsal-refleksif olarak gerçekleşebilen süreçlerin aşamalarıyla ilgilidir. Eğer bu sosyal bilişsel süreçler öznel olarak deneyimlenebilir ve üzerine düşünülebilirse, sosyal bilinçten de makul bir şekilde söz edilebilir. Bilinçli olunmayan ve bilinçli süreçler birbiriyle iç içedir ve sosyal biliş performansımızı meydana getirirler. Bu noktada sosyal nörobilim de ilgili nöral mekanizmalar ile tanımlanmak istenen bu sosyal performansların, doğa (bilimleri) çerçevesinde açıklanabileceği varsayımı ile kurulmuştur.
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The close integration between visual and motor processes suggests that some visuomotor transformations may proceed automatically and to an extent that permits observable effects on subsequent actions. A series of experiments investigated the effects of visual objects on motor responses during a categorisation task. In Experiment 1 participants responded according to an object's natural or manufactured category. The responses consisted in uni-manual precision or power grasps that could be compatible or incompatible with the viewed object. The data indicate that object grasp compatibility significantly affected participant response times and that this did not depend upon the object being viewed within the reaching space. The time course of this effect was investigated in Experiments 2-4b by using a go-nogo paradigm with responses cued by tones and go-nogo trials cued by object category. The compatibility effect was not present under advance response cueing and rapidly diminished following object extinction. A final experiment established that the compatibility effect did not depend on a within-hand response choice, but was at least as great with bi-manual responses where a full power grasp could be used. Distributional analyses suggest that the effect is not subject to rapid decay but increases linearly with RT whilst the object remains visible. The data are consistent with the view that components of the actions an object affords are integral to its representation.
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The location and possible function of the human frontal eye-field (FEF) were evaluated by reviewing results of cerebral blood-flow (CBF) and lesion studies. A remarkable consistency was found regarding the rostro-caudal (Y: from -6 to 1 mm) and dorso-ventral (Z: from 44 to 51 mm) location of the FEF, as defined by the CBF method within a standardized stereotaxic system (the zero point for all X, Y and Z coordinates coinciding with the anterior commissure, Talairach and Tournoux [Co-planar Stereotactic Atlas of the Human Brain, Georg Thieme, Stuttgart, 1988]. In contrast, there was a marked variability along the mediolateral axis (X: from -24 to -40 mm for the left hemisphere and from 21 to 40 mm for the right hemisphere). The human FEF is thus located either in the vicinity of the precentral sulcus and/or in the depth of the caudalmost part of the superior frontal sulcus. In either case, this location challenges the commonly held view of the FEF being located in Broadmann's area 8. With regard to FEF function, the results of CBF studies failed to support a role for the FEF in the cognitive aspects of oculomotor control, such as the execution of anti-saccades. Blood-flow activation data are consistent in this respect with the results of lesion studies. It is proposed that future research on FEF function in human subjects may benefit from focusing on the visuomotor rather than the cognitive aspects of oculomotor control.
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This experiment was designed to investigate the neural network engaged by the perception of human movements using positron emission tomography. Perception of meaningful and of meaningless hand actions without any purpose was contrasted with the perception of the same kind of stimuli with the goal to imitate them later. A condition that consisted of the perception of stationary hands served as a baseline level. Perception of meaningful actions and meaningless actions without any aim was associated with activation of a common set of cortical regions. In both hemispheres, the occipito-temporal junction (Ba 37/19) and the superior occipital gyrus (Ba 19) were involved. In the left hemisphere, the middle temporal gyrus (Ba 21) and the inferior parietal lobe (Ba 40) were found to be activated. These regions are interpreted as related to the analysis of hand movements. The precentral gyrus, within the area of hand representation (Ba 4), was activated in the left hemisphere. In addition to this common network, meaningful and meaningless movements engaged specific networks, respectively: meaningful actions were associated with activations mainly located in the left hemisphere in the inferior frontal gyrus (Ba 44/45) and the fusiform gyrus (Ba 38/20), whereas meaningless actions involved the dorsal pathway (inferior parietal lobe, Ba 40 and superior parietal lobule, Ba 7) bilaterally and the right cerebellum . In contrast, meaningful and meaningless actions shared almost the same network when the aim of the perception was to im itate. Activations were located in the right cerebellum and bilaterally in the dorsal pathway reaching the prem otor cortex. Additional bilateral activations were located in the SMA and in the orbitofrontal cortex during observation of meaningful actions.
An interdisciplinary overview of current research on imitation in animals and artifacts. The effort to explain the imitative abilities of humans and other animals draws on fields as diverse as animal behavior, artificial intelligence, computer science, comparative psychology, neuroscience, primatology, and linguistics. This volume represents a first step toward integrating research from those studying imitation in humans and other animals, and those studying imitation through the construction of computer software and robots. Imitation is of particular importance in enabling robotic or software agents to share skills without the intervention of a programmer and in the more general context of interaction and collaboration between software agents and humans. Imitation provides a way for the agent—whether biological or artificial—to establish a "social relationship" and learn about the demonstrator's actions, in order to include them in its own behavioral repertoire. Building robots and software agents that can imitate other artificial or human agents in an appropriate way involves complex problems of perception, experience, context, and action, solved in nature in various ways by animals that imitate. Bradford Books imprint
This book proposes a radical alternative to dominant views of the evolution of language, and in particular the origins of syntax. The authors argue that manual and vocal communication developed in parallel, and that the basic elements of syntax are intrinsic to gesture. They draw on evidence from areas such as primatology, anthropology, and linguistics, to present a groundbreaking account of the notion that language emerged through visible bodily action. They go on to examine the implications of their findings for linguistic theory and theories of the biological evolution of the capacity for language. Written in a clear and accessible style, Gesture and the Nature of Language will be indispensable reading for all those interested in the origins of language.
Imitation guides the behaviour of a range of species. Scientific advances in the study of imitation at multiple levels from neurons to behaviour have far-reaching implications for cognitive science, neuroscience, and evolutionary and developmental psychology. This volume, first published in 2002, provides a summary of the research on imitation in both Europe and America, including work on infants, adults, and nonhuman primates, with speculations about robotics. A special feature of the book is that it provides a concrete instance of the links between developmental psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive science. It showcases how an interdisciplinary approach to imitation can illuminate long-standing problems in the brain sciences, including consciousness, self, perception-action coding, theory of mind, and intersubjectivity. The book addresses what it means to be human and how we get that way.
Imitation guides the behaviour of a range of species. Scientific advances in the study of imitation at multiple levels from neurons to behaviour have far-reaching implications for cognitive science, neuroscience, and evolutionary and developmental psychology. This volume, first published in 2002, provides a summary of the research on imitation in both Europe and America, including work on infants, adults, and nonhuman primates, with speculations about robotics. A special feature of the book is that it provides a concrete instance of the links between developmental psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive science. It showcases how an interdisciplinary approach to imitation can illuminate long-standing problems in the brain sciences, including consciousness, self, perception-action coding, theory of mind, and intersubjectivity. The book addresses what it means to be human and how we get that way.
The species-specific organizational property of speech is a continual mouth. open-close alternation, the two phases of which are subject to continual articulatory modulation. The cycle constitutes the syllable, and the open and closed phases are segments - vowels and consonants, respectively. The fact that segmental serial ordering errors in normal adults obey syllable structure constraints suggests that syllabic "frames" and segmental "content" elements are separately controlled in the speech production process. The frames may derive from cycles of mandibular oscillation present in humans from babbling onset, which are responsible for the open-close alternation. These communication-related frames perhaps first evolved when the ingestion-related cyclicities of mandibular oscillation (associated with mastication [chewing] sucking and licking) took on communicative significance as lipsmacks, tonguesmacks, and teeth chatters - displays that are prominent in many nonhuman primates. The new role of Broca's area and its surround in human vocal communication may have derived from its evolutionary history as the main cortical center for the control of ingestive processes. The frame and content components of speech may have subsequently evolved separate realizations within two general purpose primate motor control systems: (1) a motivation-related medial "intrinsic" system, including anterior cingulate cortex and the supplementary motor area, for self-generated behavior, formerly responsible for ancestral vocalization control and now also responsible for frames, and (2) a lateral "extrinsic" system, including Broca's area and surround, and Wernicke's area, specialized for response to external input (and therefore the emergent vocal learning capacity) and more responsible for content.