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While online, some people self-disclose or act out more frequently or intensely than they would in person. This article explores six factors that interact with each other in creating this online disinhibition effect: dissociative anonymity, invisibility, asynchronicity, solipsistic introjection, dissociative imagination, and minimization of authority. Personality variables also will influence the extent of this disinhibition. Rather than thinking of disinhibition as the revealing of an underlying "true self," we can conceptualize it as a shift to a constellation within self-structure, involving clusters of affect and cognition that differ from the in-person constellation.
The Online Disinhibition Effect
While online, some people self-disclose or act out more frequently or intensely than they
would in person. This article explores six factors that interact with each other in creating this
online disinhibition effect: dissociative anonymity, invisibility, asynchronicity, solipsistic in-
trojection, dissociative imagination, and minimization of authority. Personality variables
also will influence the extent of this disinhibition. Rather than thinking of disinhibition as
the revealing of an underlying “true self,” we can conceptualize it as a shift to a constellation
within self-structure, involving clusters of affect and cognition that differ from the in-person
Volume 7, Number 3, 2004
© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
EVERYDAY USERS on the Internet—as well as clini-
cians and researchers1–7—have noted how peo-
ple say and do things in cyberspace that they
wouldn’t ordinarily say and do in the face-to-face
world. They loosen up, feel less restrained, and ex-
press themselves more openly. So pervasive is the
phenomenon that a term has surfaced for it: the on-
line disinhibition effect.
This disinhibition can work in two seemingly op-
posing directions. Sometimes people share very
personal things about themselves. They reveal se-
cret emotions, fears, wishes. They show unusual
acts of kindness and generosity, sometimes going
out of their way to help others. We may call this be-
nign disinhibition.
However, the disinhibition is not always so salu-
tary. We witness rude language, harsh criticisms,
anger, hatred, even threats. Or people visit the dark
underworld of the Internet—places of pornogra-
phy, crime, and violence—territory they would
never explore in the real world. We may call this
toxic disinhibition.
Some types of benign disinhibition indicate an
attempt to better understand and develop oneself,
to resolve interpersonal and intrapsychic problems
or explore new emotional and experiential dimen-
sions to one’s identity.8We could even consider it a
process of “working through” as conceptualized in
psychodynamic theory, or “self-actualization” as
proposed in humanistic perspectives. By contrast,
toxic disinhibition may simply be a blind catharsis,
a fruitless repetition compulsion, and an acting out
of unsavory needs without any personal growth at
As in all conceptual dichotomies, the distinction
between benign and toxic disinhibition will be
complex or ambiguous in some cases. For exam-
ple, hostile words in a chat encounter could be a
therapeutic breakthrough for some people. In an
increasingly intimate e-mail relationship, people
may quickly reveal personal information, then
later regret their self-disclosures—feeling exposed,
Department of Psychology, Rider University, Lawrenceville, New Jersey.
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vulnerable, or shameful. An excessively rapid,
even false intimacy may develop, which later de-
stroys the relationship when one or both people
feel overwhelmed, anxious, or disappointed. Also,
in the very wide variety of online subcultures,
what is considered asocial behavior in one group
may be very à propos in another. Cultural relativ-
ity as well as the complexities of psychological dy-
namics will blur any simple contrasts between
disinhibition that is positive or negative.
Whether benign, toxic, or a mixture of both, what
causes this online disinhibition? What elements of
cyberspace lead to this weakening of the psycho-
logical barriers that block hidden feelings and
At least six factors are involved. For some peo-
ple, one or two of them produces the lion’s share of
the disinhibition effect. In most cases, however,
these factors intersect and interact with each other,
supplement each other, resulting in a more com-
plex, amplified effect.
As people move around the Internet, others they
encounter can’t easily determine who they are.
Usernames and e-mail addresses may be visible,
but this information may not reveal much about a
person, especially if the username is contrived and
the e-mail address derives from a large Internet ser-
vice provider. Technologically savvy, motivated
users may be able to detect a computer’s IP ad-
dress, but for the most part others only know what
a person tells them. If so desired, people can hide
some or all of their identity. They also can alter
their identities. As the word “anonymous” indi-
cates, people can have no name or at least not their
real name.
This anonymity is one of the principle factors
that creates the disinhibition effect. When people
have the opportunity to separate their actions on-
line from their in-person lifestyle and identity, they
feel less vulnerable about self-disclosing and acting
out. Whatever they say or do can’t be directly
linked to the rest of their lives. In a process of disso-
ciation, they don’t have to own their behavior by
acknowledging it within the full context of an inte-
grated online/offline identity. The online self be-
comes a compartmentalized self. In the case of
expressed hostilities or other deviant actions, the
person can avert responsibility for those behaviors,
almost as if superego restrictions and moral cogni-
tive processes have been temporarily suspended
from the online psyche. In fact, people might even
convince themselves that those online behaviors
“aren’t me at all.”
In many online environments, especially those
that are text-driven, people cannot see each other.
When people visit web sites, message boards, and
even some chat rooms, other people may not even
know they are present at all—with the possible ex-
ception of web masters and other users who have
access to software tools that can detect traffic
through the environment, assuming they have the
inclination to keep an eye on an individual person,
who is one of maybe hundreds or thousands of
This invisibility gives people the courage to go
places and do things that they otherwise wouldn’t.
Although this power to be concealed overlaps with
anonymity—because anonymity is the conceal-
ment of identity—there are some important differ-
ences. In the text communication of e-mail, chat,
instant messaging, and blogs, people may know a
great deal about each other’s identities and lives.
However, they still cannot see or hear each other.
Even with everyone’s identity known, the oppor-
tunity to be physically invisible amplifies the disin-
hibition effect. People don’t have to worry about
how they look or sound when they type a message.
They don’t have to worry about how others look or
sound in response to what they say. Seeing a frown,
a shaking head, a sigh, a bored expression, and
many other subtle and not so subtle signs of disap-
proval or indifference can inhibit what people are
willing to express. According to traditional psycho-
analytic theory, the analyst sits behind the patient
in order to remain a physically ambiguous figure,
revealing no body language or facial expression, so
that the patient has free range to discuss whatever
he or she wants without feeling inhibited by how
the analyst is physically reacting. In everyday rela-
tionships, people sometimes avert their eyes when
discussing something personal and emotional.
Avoiding eye contact and face-to-face visibility dis-
inhibits people. Text communication offers a built-
in opportunity to keep one’s eyes averted.
In e-mail and message boards, communication is
asynchronous. People don’t interact with each
other in real time. Others may take minutes, hours,
days, or even months to reply. Not having to cope
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with someone’s immediate reaction disinhibits
people. In real life, the analogy might be speaking
to someone, magically suspending time before that
person can reply, and then returning to the conver-
sation when one is willing and able to hear the
In a continuous feedback loop that reinforces
some behaviors and extinguishes others, moment-
by-moment responses from others powerfully
shapes the ongoing flow of self-disclosure and be-
havioral expression, usually in the direction of con-
forming to social norms. In e-mail and message
boards, where there are delays in that feedback,
people’s train of thought may progress more
steadily and quickly towards deeper expressions of
benign and toxic disinhibition that avert social
norms. Some people may even experience asyn-
chronous communication as “running away” after
posting a message that is personal, emotional, or
hostile. It feels safe putting it “out there” where it
can be left behind. In some cases, as Kali Munro, an
online psychotherapist, aptly describes it, the per-
son may be participating in an “emotional hit and
run” (K. Munro, unpublished observations, 2003).
Absent face-to-face cues combined with text
communication can alter self-boundaries. People
may feel that their mind has merged with the mind
of the online companion. Reading another person’s
message might be experienced as a voice within
one’s head, as if that person’s psychological pres-
ence and influence have been assimilated or intro-
jected into one’s psyche.
Of course, one may not know what the other per-
son’s voice actually sounds like, so in one’s mind a
voice is assigned to that person. In fact, consciously
or unconsciously, a person may even assign a visual
image to what he or she thinks the person looks and
behaves like. The online companion then becomes a
character within one’s intrapsychic world, a charac-
ter shaped partly by how the person actually pre-
sents him or herself via text communication, but
also by one’s internal representational system based
on personal expectations, wishes, and needs. Trans-
ference reactions encourage the shaping of this per-
ceived introjected character when similarities exist
between the online companion and significant oth-
ers in one’s life, and when one fills in ambiguities in
the personality of the online companion with im-
ages of past relationships, or from novels and film.
As the introjected character becomes more elaborate
and subjectively “real,” a person may start to expe-
rience the typed-text conversation as taking place
inside one’s mind, within the imagination, within
one’s intrapsychic world—not unlike authors typ-
ing out a play or novel.
Even when online relationships are not involved,
many people carry on these kinds of conversations
in their imagination throughout the day. People fan-
tasize about flirting, arguing with a boss, or hon-
estly confronting a friend about what they feel. In
their imagination, where it’s safe, people feel free to
say and do things they would not in reality. At that
moment, reality is one’s imagination. Online text
communication can evolve into an introjected psy-
chological tapestry in which a person’s mind
weaves these fantasy role plays, usually uncon-
sciously and with considerable disinhibition. Cy-
berspace may become a stage, and we are merely
When reading another’s message, one might also
“hear” the online companion’s voice using one’s
own voice. People may subvocalize as they read,
thereby projecting the sound of their voice into the
other person’s text. This conversation may be expe-
rienced unconsciously as talking to/with oneself,
which encourages disinhibition because talking
with oneself feels safer than talking with others.
For some people, talking with oneself may feel like
confronting oneself, which may unleash many
powerful psychological issues.
If we combine the opportunity to easily escape or
dissociate from what happens online with the psy-
chological process of creating imaginary charac-
ters, we get a somewhat different force that
magnifies disinhibition. Consciously or uncon-
sciously, people may feel that the imaginary char-
acters they “created” exist in a different space, that
one’s online persona along with the online others
live in an make-believe dimension, separate and
apart from the demands and responsibilities of the
real world. They split or dissociate online fiction
from offline fact. Emily Finch, an author and crimi-
nal lawyer who studies identity theft in cyberspace,
has suggested that some people see their online life
as a kind of game with rules and norms that don’t
apply to everyday living (E. Finch, unpublished
observations, 2002). Once they turn off the com-
puter and return to their daily routine, they believe
they can leave behind that game and their game-
identity. They relinquish their responsible for what
happens in a make-believe play world that has
nothing to do with reality.
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The effect of this dissociative imagination sur-
faces clearly in fantasy game environments in
which a user consciously creates an imaginary
character, but it also can influence many dimen-
sions of online living. For people with a predis-
posed difficulty in distinguishing personal fantasy
from social reality, the distinction between online
fantasy environments and online social environ-
ments may be blurred. In our modern media-dri-
ven lifestyles, the power of computer and video
game imagination can infiltrate reality testing.
Although anonymity amplifies the effect of dis-
sociative imagination, dissociative imagination and
dissociative anonymity usually differ in the com-
plexity of the dissociated sector of the self. Under
the influence of anonymity, the person may at-
tempt an invisible non-identity, resulting in a re-
ducing, simplifying, or compartmentalizing of
self-expression. In dissociative imagination, the ex-
pressed but split-off self may evolve greatly in
While online a person’s status in the face-to-face
world may not be known to others and may not
have as much impact. Authority figures express
their status and power in their dress, body lan-
guage, and in the trappings of their environmental
settings. The absence of those cues in the text envi-
ronments of cyberspace reduces the impact of their
Even if people do know something about an au-
thority figure’s offline status and power, that ele-
vated position may have less of an effect on the
person’s online presence and influence. In many
environments on the Internet, everyone has an
equal opportunity to voice him or herself. Every-
one—regardless of status, wealth, race, or gender—
starts off on a level playing field. Although one’s
identity in the outside world ultimately may shape
power in cyberspace, what mostly determines the
influence on others is one’s skill in communicating
(including writing skills), persistence, the quality
of one’s ideas, and technical know-how.
People are reluctant to say what they really think
as they stand before an authority figure. A fear of
disapproval and punishment from on high damp-
ens the spirit. But online, in what feels more like a
peer relationship—with the appearances of author-
ity minimized—people are much more willing to
speak out and misbehave.
The traditional Internet philosophy holds that
everyone is an equal, that the purpose of the net is
to share ideas and resources among peers. The net
itself is designed with no centralized control, and
as it grows, with seemingly no end to its potential
for creating new environments, many of its inhabi-
tants see themselves as innovative, independent-
minded explorers and pioneers. This atmosphere
and this philosophy contribute to the minimizing
of authority.
The online disinhibition effect is not the only fac-
tor that determines how much people self-disclose
or act out in cyberspace. Individual differences play
an important role. For example, the intensity of a
person’s underlying feelings, needs, and drive level
affect susceptibility to disinhibition. Personality
styles also vary greatly in the strength of defense
mechanisms and tendencies towards inhibition or
expression. People with histrionic styles tend to be
very open and emotional, whereas compulsive peo-
ple are more restrained. The online disinhibition ef-
fect will interact with these personality variables, in
some cases resulting in a small deviation from the
person’s baseline (offline) behavior, while in other
cases causing dramatic changes. Future research
can focus on which people, under what circum-
stances, are more predisposed to the various ele-
ments of online disinhibition.
We may be tempted to conclude that the disinhi-
bition effect releases deeper aspects of intrapsychic
structure, that it unlocks the true needs, emotions,
and self attributes that dwell beneath surface per-
sonality presentations. Aman with repressed anger
unleashes his hostility online, thereby showing oth-
ers how he really feels. A shy woman openly ex-
presses her hidden affection for her cyberspace
companion. The fact that some people report being
more like their “true self” while online reinforces
this conceptual temptation. Inspired by Freud’s
archeological model of the mind, these ideas rest on
the assumption that personality structure is con-
structed in layers, that a core, true self exists be-
neath various layers of defenses and the more
superficial roles of everyday social interactions.
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However, personal and cultural values deter-
mine what are considered the “true” aspects of
one’s personality. People more readily accept as
true those traits that are regarded as positive and
productive. However, self-centered sexual and ag-
gressive tendencies, as Freud noted, also are basic
components of personality dynamics, as are the
array of psychological defenses designed to control
them. Similarly, the seeming superficial social roles
of everyday living are necessary for functioning,
thereby serving a fundamental purpose in the psy-
chology of the individual. They are stable, valuable
aspects of identity.
The concept of disinhibition can lead us astray,
into thinking that what is disinhibited is a more
“true” aspect of identity than the processes of in-
hibiting and disinhibiting. But who or what is it
that does the inhibiting and disinhibiting? It is a
part or process within personality dynamics no less
real or important than other parts or processes.
This is why many psychoanalytic clinicians believe
that working with defenses and resistance—the in-
hibitors of the personality structure—is so crucial
to the success of the therapy. Even when therapy
reduces the intensity of these defenses, remnants of
them remain within the personality structure, serv-
ing an important regulatory function and some-
times evolving into productive aspects of one’s
personality independent of the affect or conflict
originally defended against.
The self does not exist separate from the environ-
ment in which that self is expressed. If someone
contains his aggression in face-to-face living, but
expresses that aggression online, both behaviors
reflect aspects of self: the self that acts non-
aggressively under certain conditions, the self that
acts aggressively under other conditions. When a
person is shy in person while outgoing online, nei-
ther self-presentation is more true. They are two di-
mensions of that person, each revealed within a
different situational context. Sometimes, as Jung
noted, these different sides of the person operate in
a dynamic polarity relative to each other. They are
two sides of the same personality dimension.
Instead of regarding the internal psychological
world as constructed in layers and juxtaposed with
an external environment, we can conceptualize it,
following traditional associationist theory, as an in-
trapsychic field containing clusters or constella-
tions of emotion, memory, and thinking that are
interconnected with certain environments. Some
constellations overlap, others are more dissociated
from each other, with environmental variables in-
fluencing those levels of integration and dissocia-
tion. Personality dynamics involve the complex in-
teractions among these facets of self and environ-
mental contexts.
The disinhibition effect can then be understood
as the person shifting, while online, to an intrapsy-
chic constellation that may be, in varying degrees,
dissociated from the in-person constellation, with
inhibiting guilt, anxiety, and related affects as fea-
tures of the in-person self but not as part of that
online self. This constellations model—which is
consistent with current clinical theories regarding
dissociation and information processing—helps ex-
plain the disinhibition effect as well as other online
phenomena, like identity experimentation, role
playing, multitasking, and other more subtle shifts
in personality expression as someone moves from
one online environment to another. In fact, a single
disinhibited “online self” probably does not exist at
all, but rather a collection of slightly different con-
stellations of affect, memory, and thought that sur-
face in and interact with different types of online
Different modalities of online communication
(e.g., e-mail, chat, video) and different environ-
ments (e.g., social, vocational, fantasy) may facili-
tate diverse expressions of self. Each setting allows
us to see a different perspective on identity. Neither
one is necessarily more true than another. Based on
a multidimensional analysis of the various psycho-
logical features of online settings, a comprehensive
theory on the psychotherapeutics of cyberspace can
explore how computer-mediated environments can
be designed to express, develop, and if necessary,
restrain different constellations of self-structure.11,12
1. Joinson, A. (1998). Causes and implications of disin-
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9. Suler, J.R. (1999). To get what you need: healthy and
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12. Suler, J.R. (2001). The future of online clinical work.
Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies 4:265–270.
Address reprint requests to:
John Suler, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
Rider University
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
13658C03.PGS 6/15/04 2:36 PM Page 326
... Further, we posit that consumers actively manage their feelings of malicious envy in response to perceived unfair advantages of others, and the public or anonymous nature of those situations significantly modulates the likelihood of engaging in revenge behaviors. Specifically, we argue that individuals are more likely to express malicious envy and seek revenge when they can do so anonymously on social media platforms and other online outlets, where consumers can remain anonymous, thereby encouraging the pursuit of revenge-seeking behavior, as predicted by the online disinhibition effect (Hancock et al. 2022;Suler 2004). ...
... We highlight the internal conflict between the desire to undermine the source of malicious envy and the risk of losing social esteem. Second, by examining the conditions under which consumers are likely to seek revenge (i.e., product reviews and social media posts; Babić Rosario, De Valck, and Sotgiu 2020; Hornik et al. 2023), we provide a more nuanced understanding of consumer revenge behaviors and the online disinhibition effect (Hancock et al. 2022;Suler 2004). We illustrate that revenge behaviors manifest not uniformly across unearned favorable advantages and extend Equity Theory (Adams 1963) by accounting for the influence of procedural injustice (Tyler 2012). ...
... Our findings are also consistent with consumer retaliation literature in online contexts, where anonymity often amplifies negative behaviors due to the online disinhibition effect (Babić Rosario, De Valck, and Sotgiu 2020; Hancock et al. 2020;Hancock et al. 2022;Suler 2004). In particular, the disinhibiting power of online environments can enable consumers to bypass typical social restraints, increasing their willingness to act on emotionally charged impulses, such as revenge-seeking, in response to perceived injustices. ...
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This paper explores the dynamics between malicious envy, anonymity, and consumer revenge behaviors, specifically under conditions of perceived unfairness related to access to desirable products or services. Utilizing a theoretical framework based on impression management, we conducted three experimental studies to examine how individuals balance their retributive desires with the need to maintain social approval, particularly focusing on the settings—public versus anonymous—where these behaviors manifest. Our findings reveal how malicious envy acts as a mediator between perceived injustices and revenge behaviors. Moreover, the current research highlights that anonymity, or the lack thereof, significantly influences the likelihood of retaliatory actions, with more punitive actions occurring under conditions that protect consumers' self‐presentation. These insights contribute to our understanding of malicious envy and impression management in consumption settings by illustrating how the public or anonymous nature of actions can modulate the interplay between malicious envy and the desire for revenge. For marketing practitioners, the findings suggest that strategies involving consumer engagement, particularly those that could evoke envy, should carefully consider the potential for negative anonymous feedback.
... 16 Gedrag van mensen, zoals zorgverleners en psychisch kwetsbare patiënten, kan online eerder disinhibitie vertonen dan in de fysieke wereld. 17 Sociale media kunnen derhalve een drempelverlagende rol hebben, waar behandelaren alert op moeten zijn. 18 ...
... Welke beperkingen zijn ambulant mogelijk op basis van signaleringsplannen en zelfbindingsverklaringen? Hoeveel waarde heeft het behoud van een sociaal wenselijk imago online en daarmee de digitale identiteit van de patiënt?21 In hoeverre dienen uitlatingen op sociale media tijdens psychose te worden gereguleerd, gecontroleerd of gereviseerd?17,[22][23][24] Het zijn tal van vragen, nog onderbelicht gebleven, in wetenschappelijk onderzoek, eventuele richtlijnen en de klinische praktijk van de psychiatrie. ...
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Veel patiënten gebruiken sociale media. De zorgverantwoordelijke kan dit gebruik beperken als vorm van verplichte zorg volgens de Wet verplichte GGZ (Wvggz). Wij beschrijven welke gedragingen van patiënten op sociale media aanleiding waren tot het beperken van hun telecommunicatie. Wij vonden 38 uitspraken sinds de invoering van de Wvggz. Beperkingen van sociale media via de Wvggz worden vooral toegepast bij patiënten met manisch psychotische verschijnselen bij verschillende nadelen (onder andere obsessie, bedreiging, belaging). Signaleringsplannen en zelfbindingsverklaringen kunnen het socialemediagebruik beperken bij dreigende decompensatie en zelf schadend gedrag. Monitoring van dit mediagebruik verbetert mogelijk diagnostiek en risicotaxatie.
... While this debate continues, researchers have attempted to establish the scientific value and relevance of a number of different traditional theories emanating from the field of criminology, psychology, and sociology, including, for example, the General Theory of Crime (GTC) [44], Routine Activity Theory (RAT) [45], Social Learning Theory (SLT) [46,47], Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) [48,49], Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (RST) [50], and flow theory [51,52]. These efforts were followed by the establishment of more contemporary theories in cyberpsychology, such as the Online Disinhibition Effect (ODE) [53]. The ODE is a key construct in cyberpsychology and behavioral science which argues that individuals may behave differently within a cyber context than they would in the physical world as a result of feeling disinhibited. ...
... The ODE is a key construct in cyberpsychology and behavioral science which argues that individuals may behave differently within a cyber context than they would in the physical world as a result of feeling disinhibited. The feeling of disinhibition is heightened by a perceived sense of anonymity when online [53,54]. ...
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Background: Over the course of the last decade, cybercrime has become a significant global concern. A comprehensive approach to crimes that occur in cyber contexts needs to address not only the technological aspects of cybercrime but also the human elements. Therefore, the aim of the current research is twofold: first, to gain an in-depth understanding of the pathways that lead to criminal hacking behavior through interviews with current or former criminal hackers, and second, to explore how the lived experiences of these individuals fit within theoretical explanations of hacking. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a sample of ten current and former criminal hackers. Participants for this study were recruited through social media and hacker forums. Interviews were conducted from November 2023 to March 2024. Data collected during the interviews were analyzed through a process of thematic analysis. Focusing on the lived experiences of these hackers, a “pathway of hacking” behavior, expanding upon those proposed in research emanating from Europe, was identified. Findings: Notably, the current study found that young males who are curious and creative in childhood, experience destabilizing events, and develop an early interest in technology are well placed to follow the pathway to criminal hacking behavior. Online gaming was identified as a possible gateway to criminal hacking activities. A sense of overcoming a challenge, being elite, and having “control over the machine” encourages youth to continue criminal hacking activities. In addition to the identification of a criminal hacking pathway, an integration of existing cyberpsychological, psychological, criminological, and sociological theories is presented to provide a theoretical explanation for the initiation, continuation, and desistence of criminal hacking behavior. This work represents the first effort to present an integration of theories (e.g., Social Learning, General Theory of Crime, Flow, and the cyberpsychological theoretical construct of the “Online Disinhibition Effect”) based on the stages of the criminal hacking pathway.
... For example, forum users report that interacting online can offer personalized care through peers that cannot be provided by health care professionals [26]. Forum users may also experience the "online disinhibition effect," a phenomenon whereby individuals say and do things online that they would not typically say and do in face-to-face interactions [27], facilitated by open-ended discussion and time for reflection. In contrast, surveys are undertaken by researchers to collect data that may or may not have direct benefits to participants and are subject to time or response constraints. ...
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Background In bipolar disorder (BD), mania may be self-induced by manipulation of specific precipitants, as reported in case studies. Another potential source of information on the self-induction of mania is the online postings of users with lived experience of mania. Objective The primary aim of this study is to examine the range of methods used to self-induce mania or hypomania described by users of online forums with self-reported BD. Second, we summarize the motivations of users to engage in these behaviors. Methods We conducted an observational study of online forum posts that discussed self-induction of mania or hypomania, either in the posters themselves or observed firsthand in others. Posts were identified using Google advanced search operators, then extracted and coded for content in NVivo (version 12 for Mac; QSR International). A total of 44 online forum threads were identified discussing self-induced mania (n=25) or hypomania (n=19). These forums contained 585 posts by 405 usernames, of which 126 usernames discussed methods for self-induction across 327 posts (number of methods per username: median 2, IQR 1-4; range 1-11). Results In total, 36 methods were grouped by the authors. The most frequently reported were sleep reduction (n=50), caffeine (n=37), and cessation of medication (n=27). Twenty-six usernames reported their motivation to self-induce mania or hypomania; almost three-quarters (n=19) reported a desire to end a depressive episode. Almost a third of usernames (118/405) explicitly discouraged other forum users from self-inducing mania or hypomania. Conclusions Online forums provide an additional and valuable source of information about triggers for mania that may inform relapse prevention in BD. The online forum conversations investigated were generally responsible and included cautionary advice not to pursue these methods.
... Al igual que en otros contextos en la Red, la exposición pública y sensación de anonimato en los juegos en línea favorece comportamientos tóxicos, desde insultos y acoso a otras actitudes incívicas como jugar mal de forma intencionada (Shen et al., 2020). Si bien este efecto de desinhibición tóxico (Suler, 2004) resulta frecuente en entornos de juego con personas desconocidas (Shen et al., 2020), tiene un importante componente sexista y misógino (Neto et al., 2017). Así, como recoge Amores (2018), las jugadoras con nick o voz femenina reciben diariamente hasta treinta veces más mensajes amenazantes o con contenido sexualmente explícito que los masculinos. ...
Introducción/propósito/objetivos, Los videojuegos han pasado de una subcultura a un producto de entretenimiento mainstream, con la consecuente multiplicación y diversificación de públicos. Desde una perspectiva crítica los videojuegos continúan perpetuando una cultura masculina altamente tóxica, que sitúa a las mujeres en el lugar de “Otro” convirtiéndolas en foco de su hostilidad. En esta línea el presente estudio tiene por objeto conocer las experiencias de las jugadoras en los entornos de juego, así como profundizar en su autopercepción y posicionamiento dentro de la comunidad gamer. Metodología. Para ello se ha optado por el desarrollo de un grupo de discusión con jugadoras experimentadas, cuyo interés por los videojuegos les ha llevado a su elección como ámbito de especialización académico-profesional. Resultados. La violencia y toxicidad a la que se enfrentan las mujeres jugadoras en entornos de juego afecta tanto a su experiencia como a su participación de la comunidad, propiciando su inhibición o autoexclusión. Incluso fuera de línea, la persistencia de determinados esterotipos de género va a propiciar la infravaloración de las mujeres como jugadoras, estudiantes y profesionales. Discusión/aportación/originalidad de la contribución. Si bien dicho estudio se sitúa en la línea de trabajos previos sobre género y videojuegos, su carácter cualitativo así como la dupla entidad de las participantes como jugadoras y futuras profesionales permitió constatar el peso de la comunidad y su toxicidad en su identificación como gamers o la persistencia de estereotipos de género en su entorno, que afectan tanto a su experiencia de juego como a su especialización académico-profesional.
Human behavior in cyber space is extremely complex. Change is the only constant as technologies and social contexts evolve rapidly. This leads to new behaviors in cybersecurity, Facebook use, smartphone habits, social networking, and many more. Scientific research in this area is becoming an established field and has already generated a broad range of social impacts. Alongside the four key elements (users, technologies, activities, and effects), the text covers cyber law, business, health, governance, education, and many other fields. Written by international scholars from a wide range of disciplines, this handbook brings all these aspects together in a clear, user-friendly format. After introducing the history and development of the field, each chapter synthesizes the most recent advances in key topics, highlights leading scholars and their major achievements, and identifies core future directions. It is the ideal overview of the field for researchers, scholars, and students alike.
Human behavior in cyber space is extremely complex. Change is the only constant as technologies and social contexts evolve rapidly. This leads to new behaviors in cybersecurity, Facebook use, smartphone habits, social networking, and many more. Scientific research in this area is becoming an established field and has already generated a broad range of social impacts. Alongside the four key elements (users, technologies, activities, and effects), the text covers cyber law, business, health, governance, education, and many other fields. Written by international scholars from a wide range of disciplines, this handbook brings all these aspects together in a clear, user-friendly format. After introducing the history and development of the field, each chapter synthesizes the most recent advances in key topics, highlights leading scholars and their major achievements, and identifies core future directions. It is the ideal overview of the field for researchers, scholars, and students alike.
Human behavior in cyber space is extremely complex. Change is the only constant as technologies and social contexts evolve rapidly. This leads to new behaviors in cybersecurity, Facebook use, smartphone habits, social networking, and many more. Scientific research in this area is becoming an established field and has already generated a broad range of social impacts. Alongside the four key elements (users, technologies, activities, and effects), the text covers cyber law, business, health, governance, education, and many other fields. Written by international scholars from a wide range of disciplines, this handbook brings all these aspects together in a clear, user-friendly format. After introducing the history and development of the field, each chapter synthesizes the most recent advances in key topics, highlights leading scholars and their major achievements, and identifies core future directions. It is the ideal overview of the field for researchers, scholars, and students alike.
Human behavior in cyber space is extremely complex. Change is the only constant as technologies and social contexts evolve rapidly. This leads to new behaviors in cybersecurity, Facebook use, smartphone habits, social networking, and many more. Scientific research in this area is becoming an established field and has already generated a broad range of social impacts. Alongside the four key elements (users, technologies, activities, and effects), the text covers cyber law, business, health, governance, education, and many other fields. Written by international scholars from a wide range of disciplines, this handbook brings all these aspects together in a clear, user-friendly format. After introducing the history and development of the field, each chapter synthesizes the most recent advances in key topics, highlights leading scholars and their major achievements, and identifies core future directions. It is the ideal overview of the field for researchers, scholars, and students alike.
Human behavior in cyber space is extremely complex. Change is the only constant as technologies and social contexts evolve rapidly. This leads to new behaviors in cybersecurity, Facebook use, smartphone habits, social networking, and many more. Scientific research in this area is becoming an established field and has already generated a broad range of social impacts. Alongside the four key elements (users, technologies, activities, and effects), the text covers cyber law, business, health, governance, education, and many other fields. Written by international scholars from a wide range of disciplines, this handbook brings all these aspects together in a clear, user-friendly format. After introducing the history and development of the field, each chapter synthesizes the most recent advances in key topics, highlights leading scholars and their major achievements, and identifies core future directions. It is the ideal overview of the field for researchers, scholars, and students alike.
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This article proposes a dimensional model for conceptualizing the various approaches to conducting psychotherapy in cyberspace, including "cybertherapy" involving the internet, local networks, and stand-alone computers. As compared to in-person therapy, computer-mediated therapy is unique in how it offers the opportunity to interact with clients via different pathways, each one having its unique pros and cons, each one involving a different type of relationship between client and therapist. The model explores the communication features of five dimensions: synchronous/asynchronous, text/sensory, actual/imaginary, automated/interpersonal, invisible/present. The various dimensional elements can be combined and sequenced in a variety of ways in order to design a therapeutic encounter that addresses the specific needs of individual clients.
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Two studies examined hypotheses derived from a Social Identity model of Deindividuation Effects (SIDE) as applied to social influence in computer-mediated communication (CMC) in groups. This model predicts that anonymity can increase social influence if a common group identity is salient. In a first study, group members were primed with a certain type of social behavior (efficiency vs. prosocial norms). Consistent with the model, anonymous groups displayed prime-consistent behavior in their task solutions, whereas identifiable groups did not. This sug- gests that the primed norm took root in anonymous groups to a greater extent than in identifiable groups. A second study repli- cated this effect and showed that nonprimed group members con- formed to the behavior of primed members, but only when anony- mous, suggesting that the primed norm was socially transmitted within the group. Implications for social influence in small groups are discussed. This article is concerned with processes of social influ- ence in groups communicating by means of computers. A common feature of communication via e-mail and the Internet is the relative anonymity of contact with others, especially in initial interactions. In two studies, we inves- tigate the effect of visual anonymity on social influence in computer-mediated communication (CMC). In the process, we address basic issues of general concern to social psychology and examine the effects of this increas- ingly popular communication medium. Deriving predic- tions from the Social Identity model of Deindividuation Effects (SIDE) (Reicher, Spears, & Postmes, 1995), we try to show in the first study that anonymity can enhance the influence of a primed norm. The second study in- vestigates evidence for the transmission of this norm in the interaction between group members who are
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A wide variety of deviant behavior may arise as the population of an online multimedia community increases. That behavior can span the range from simple mischievous antics to more serious expressions of psychopathology, including depression, sociopathy, narcissism, dissociation, and borderline dynamics. In some cases the deviant behavior may be a process of pathological acting out - in others, a healthy attempt to work through. Several factors must be taken into consideration when explaining online deviance, such as social/cultural issues, the technical infrastructure of the environment, transference reactions, and the effects of the ambiguous, anonymous, and fantasy-driven atmosphere of cyberspace life. In what we may consider an "online community psychology," intervention strategies for deviant behavior can be explored along three dimensions: preventative versus remedial, user versus superuser based, and automated versus interpersonal.
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Spectacular growth in availability of sexually explicit material on the Internet challenges sexual science to study antecedents and consequences of experience with such content. The current analysis attempts to provide a conceptual and empirical context for emerging work in this area. Our discussion begins with a summary of some of what has been learned from existing research concerning sexually explicit materials in contexts other than the Internet, and considers lessons from this work that may inform emerging research concerning Internet sexuality. A social psychological theory, the Sexual Behavior Sequence (Byrne, 1977), is then applied in an initial effort to conceptualize a number of antecedents and consequences of experience with Internet sexuality. Discussion closes with consideration of an agenda for future research concerning antecedents and consequences of experience with Internet sexually explicit materials.
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Three studies examined the notion that computer mediated communication (CMC) can be characterised by high levels of self-disclosure. In Study one, significantly higher levels of spontaneous self-disclosure were found in computer-mediated compared to face-to-face discussions. Study two examined the role of visual anonymity in encouraging self-disclosure during CMC. Visually anonymous participants disclosed significantly more information about themselves than non-visually anonymous participants. In Study three, private and public self-awareness were independently manipulated, using videoconferencing cameras and accountability cues, to create a 2x2 design (public self-awareness (high and low) x private self-awareness (high and low). It was found that heightened private self-awareness, when combined with reduced public self-awareness, was associated with significantly higher levels of spontaneous self-disclosure during computer-mediated communication.
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The purpose of this online hypertext book is to explore the psychological dimensions of environments created by computers and online networks. It is intended as an evolving conceptual framework for understanding the various psychological components of cyberspace and how people react to and behave within it. You can find the latest version of "The Psychology of Cyberspace" by clicking here: John Suler vom Department of Psychology der Rider University beschreibt mit Hilfe seines Online-Buches die psychologischen Elemente und Dimensionen virtueller Umgebungen. Die einzelnen Artikel des Buches können nicht nur sequentiell gelesen werden, sie sind auch über ein eigenes Verzeichnis zu erreichen. Schuler bietet einen sehr umfassenden Überblick über die psychologischen Implikationen virtueller Räume. Die aktuellste Version des von "The Psychology of Cyberspace" finden Sie unter der URL
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Online casinos have sprung up practically overnight into a multi-million dollar business, attracting a large number of gamblers worldwide. This article focuses on unique and psychologically significant factors that are involved in Internet gambling behavior, in comparison to traditional gambling procedures. Several of the aspects of Internet gambling, which are believed to facilitate excessive online gambling, are examined here in depth. These include the practical ease of access to online gambling and the anonymity and privacy of gambling from one's own home, as well as other factors. An overview of the graphical interface of several typical virtual casinos shows how seductive and realistic the online casino experience can be. The psychologically derived methods used by Internet casinos to make online gambling attractive, accessible, and easily operated are delineated. A review of the literature related to excessive traditional gambling behavior is used as a basis for analysis of online gambling behavior, in order to assess the extent of virtual gambling. The global nature of the Internet, combined with the limited, if not impossible, ability of local governments to effectively regulate or ban online gambling, will have profound psychological and social consequences. Studies of the effects on the psychological welfare of communities that underwent introduction to traditional casino gambling are reviewed, and evaluation is made about how virtual gambling might have negative social influence worldwide.
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One's passion for the Internet can be healthy, pathologically addictive, or somewhere inbetween. Where a person falls on that continuum is determined by the cluster of needs that are being fulfilled by his or her Internet use and how the internet addresses those needs. This article suggests eight factors that can help clarify the healthy or unhealthy qualities of one's commitment to cyberspace activities, as well the effect of those activities on the person's underlying needs. It then explores the types of needs addressed by internet use. The "integration principle" is proposed as a rule of thumb for assessing pathological and healthy Internet use.