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The Collider Principle in Causal Reasoning: Why the Monty Hall Dilemma Is So Hard


Abstract and Figures

The authors tested the thesis that people find the Monty Hall dilemma (MHD) hard because they fail to understand the implications of its causal structure, a collider structure in which 2 independent causal factors influence a single outcome. In 4 experiments, participants performed better in versions of the MHD involving competition, which emphasizes causality. This manipulation resulted in more correct responses to questions about the process in the MHD and a counterfactual that changed its causal structure. Correct responses to these questions were associated with solving the MHD regardless of condition. In addition, training on the collider principle transferred to a standard version of the MHD. The MHD taps a deeper question: When is knowing about one thing informative about another?
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Causality in reasoning 1
The collider principle in causal reasoning: Why the Monty Hall dilemma is so hard
Bruce D. Burns and Mareike Wieth
Michigan State University
Address for correspondence:
Bruce Burns
Department of Psychology
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1117
Causality in reasoning 2
Glymour (2001) speculated that people have difficulty applying the collider principle when two
independent causal factors influence a single outcome. The principle states that such causal
factors are dependent conditional on the outcome. The Monty Hall Dilemma (MHD) has this
causal structure, so we tested the thesis that people find the MHD hard because they fail to
understand the implications of its causal structure. Four experiments showed that participants
performed better in versions of the MHD involving competition, which emphasizes causality.
This manipulation resulted in more correct responses to questions about the process in the MHD
and a counterfactual that changed its causal structure. Correct responses to these questions were
associated with solving the MHD regardless of condition. In addition, training on the collider
principle transferred to a standard version of the MHD. The MHD taps a deeper question, when
does knowing about one thing tell us about another?
Causality in reasoning 3
The collider principle in causal reasoning: Why the Monty Hall dilemma is so hard
The Monty Hall dilemma (MHD) is interesting because both the general public and experts
in probability consistently give an incorrect answer, and fail to understand why they are wrong.
Named after the host of the television show “Let’s Make a Deal”, the MHD presents three doors
to a participant who is told that behind one door is a prize, but behind the other two are worthless
items. The participant selects a door hoping it conceals the prize, and then the host always opens
one of the unselected doors. The door the contestant selected is never opened at this stage and the
host, who knows where the prize is, never opens the door concealing the prize. The participant is
then given a choice: either stay with the door initially selected, or switch to the other unopened
door. When faced with the two remaining doors, most people strongly feel that it's a 50% chance
either way, and usually stay with their first choice. However, participants have a two-thirds
chance of winning if they switch (Nickerson, 1996; Selvin, 1975a,b; for a simulation see
Shaughnessy & Dick, 1991), therefore the optimal strategy is to switch.
A number of empirical studies have tested standard versions of the MHD (Brown, Read, &
Summers, 2003; Friedman, 1998; Granberg, 1999; Granberg & Brown, 1995; Granberg & Dorr,
1998; Krauss & Wang, 2003; Page, 1998; Tubau & Alonso, 2003). We define a standard version
as one in which the problem is broadly stated as above, it is the first presentation of the problem,
and no clues are given. These previous papers reported thirteen studies using standard versions
and switch rates ranged from 9% to 23% with a mean of 14.5% (SD = 4.5). This consistency is
remarkable given that these studies range across large differences in the wording of the problem,
different methods of presentation, and different languages/cultures. Thus it appears that failure
on the MHD is a robust phenomenon unlikely to be due to confusion arising from minor aspects
of the wording or presentation of the problem.
People's resistance to the correct MHD solution suggests that their failure is not just due to
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lack of knowledge about logic or probability. After Marilyn vos Savant in 1990 published the
MHD and its correct answer in Parade magazine she reports receiving thousands of letters
commenting on her answer. Of those letters 92% of the general public disagreed with her but so
did 65% of letters with university addresses (vos Savant, 1997). Earlier Selvin (1975a) published
a solution to the MHD in The American Statistician (distributed to all members of the American
Statistical Association) but quickly follow-up because "I have received a number of letters ….
Several correspondents claim my answer is incorrect." (Selvin, 1975b) Schechter (1998, pp. 108-
109) relates that Paul Erdős, one of the greatest mathematicians of the twentieth century, rejected
the correct solution to the MHD and only a computer simulation convinced him that switching
was correct. Only after several days could a fellow mathematician make him understand why.
Thus expert knowledge of probability appears insufficient for solving the MHD, which strongly
suggests that its difficulty is because people commonly misrepresent the task.
Explanations for the MHD
Krauss and Wang (2003) provide an excellent review of the existing literature on the MHD.
They address a number of possible explanations for people’s failure on the MHD, so we will not
repeat their analysis here (see also Nickerson's, 1996, analysis of the danger of ambiguities in
experiments on the MHD).
People's strong tendency to stay rather than switch, even if they think each has an equal
chance, appears to be a more general bias that has long been noted in responses to multiple-
choice questions (Geiger, 1997; Matthews, 1929). Gilovich, Medvec, and Chen (1995) suggest
that people stay because of anticipation of regret, and Bar-Hillel and Neter (1996) presented
evidence that the reluctance to exchange lottery tickets is due to this. (Tor & Bazerman [2003]
presented a version of the MHD in which the participants made a decision about someone else
making a trade. They found that 41.4% correctly said that person should trade, but their protocols
Causality in reasoning 5
indicate that only 7.3% of the total sample reasoned correctly.) We will not address this more
general bias in this paper. However, this strong bias to stay has an important methodological
implication because it results in base-rates for staying that are much lower than 50%, allowing us
to compare switch rates to a low baseline. Participants deciding to switch appear to do so only if
they see compelling reasons to believe that switching raises the chance of winning.
Switch rates improve when participants experience multiple trials (Franco-Watkins, Derks, &
Dougherty, 2003; Friedman, 1998; Granberg & Brown, 1995; Granberg & Dorr, 1998; Tubau &
Alonso, 2003). However, people are good at frequency detection (Hasher & Zacks, 1984) so
presenting multiple trials may only teach an association between switching and winning, without
improving understanding of the problem. Granberg and Brown, Franco-Watkins et al., and
Tubau and Alonso all found little evidence that multiple trials improved reasoning about the
MHD. Some people learn the right response after multiple presentations with feedback but this
does not explain why they find the MHD so difficult to solve the first time it is presented.
Research has focused on the MHD as a failure of representation. Bar-Hillel and Falk (1982)
suggested that critical to solving the MHD is understanding that the way in which the
information was obtained is important. Falk (1992) saw it as an example of problem solvers'
failure to differentiate options. Johnson-Laird, Legrenzi, Girotto, Legrenzi, and Caverni (1999)
have argued that people fail to differentiate the options in the MHD because they create the
wrong set of mental models (three instead of six). Franco-Watkins et al. (2003) suggest that the
problem seems counterintuitive because people reinterpret the problem space once the host has
revealed a door. Both Krauss and Wang (2003) and Tubau and Alonso (2003) provided direct
evidence that presenting the MHD in ways that help participants form the correct representation
improved their performance, in particular it seems by leading them to focus less on the two doors
remaining after one was opened. This work is important and provides insight into the MHD,
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however this paper is addressing a different issue: Why is it so hard to spontaneously form the
appropriate representation once an option has been eliminated?
That people fail at problems due to misrepresentation is a point that goes back at least as far
as the Gestalt psychologists (e.g., Maier, 1931). If the MHD is just another example of how
people misrepresent problems, then it may be of limited general interest. However, we set out to
examine the MHD based on the assumption that a problem that produces such consistent failure
and resistance to the correct solution may reveal something new about reasoning.
Causality in the Monty Hall dilemma
There has been extensive empirical work on causality (for reviews see Sperber, Premack, &
Premack, 1995; Shanks, Medin, & Holyoak, 1996) showing that people often make errors when
reasoning about causes. For example, misunderstandings regarding causality can lead people to
give significance to spurious correlations (Chapman & Chapman, 1969), weigh the same
evidence differently (Pennington & Hasties, 1988), or draw incorrect conclusions about
conditional probabilities (Tversky & Kahneman, 1980). Even when people correctly identify
causal relationships, they may still fail to grasp the implications of a situation's causal structure.
Some spurious causes arise from a causal structure that can be represented by a graph in
which one factor has unidirectional causal links to two (or more) effects, for example (arrows
indicate directional causal links):
(murder rate) (summertime) (ice cream consumption)
Such common-cause structures can produce statistical dependency between two independent
factors (e.g., murder rate and ice cream consumption) despite the lack of any causal relationship
between these factors. That "correlation is not causation" is well known. Less well known are the
implications of the opposite causal structure, when two independent variables influence a third
variable. Glymour (2001, pp. 69-71) refers to such common-effect structures (to use Rehder's,
Causality in reasoning 7
2003, terminology) as collider phenomena and to their implication as the collider principle. This
principle states that for a structure containing two independent variables that are both causal with
respect to an effect, these causal variables are dependent conditional on that effect. Glymour
cites Pearl's (2000) example: Assume there are only two reasons for your car not starting, either
the fuel tank is empty and/or the battery is dead. Assume also independence, thus knowing the
tank state (empty or not) provides no information about the battery state (charged or dead), and
vice-versa. However once the outcome of the common effect is known there is a conditional
dependency between tank and battery states, because both have a causal influence on the
common effect (car starting). For example, if after your car does not start you discover the
battery is charged then the tank must be empty; but if instead you first discover that the tank is
full then the battery must be dead. Thus the two causes (tank and battery states) are dependent
conditional on the value of the effect (car starts) because this situation has a collider structure:
(state of battery) (car starting) (state of tank)
The car example of the collider principle is relatively easy, partly because the answer is
deterministic rather than probabilistic. A probabilistic example of the collider principle is
provided by Pearl (2000, p.17, though he calls this the explaining away effect). If the admission
criteria for a certain graduate school are high grades and/or special musical talent, then these two
attributes will be found to be negatively correlated amongst students at that school. This will be
true even if these attributes are uncorrelated within the general population. Once again two
independent causal factors influence a single outcome, and therefore the collider principle
predicts that the uncorrelated causes become correlated conditional on that outcome. Knowing
about one cause (i.e., grades) provides information about the other cause (i.e., musical ability) if
we know the outcome that occurred (i.e., the student has been admitted to the graduate school).
Glymour (2001, pp. 70-71) sees the MHD as evidence that people find the collider principle
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hard to apply. His claim is not that the MHD is isomorphic to the car (or graduate school)
examples, but that the causal structures for all these scenarios are collider structures. Critical to
the MHD is the following collider structure:
(Placement of prize) (Door opened by host) (Initial choice)
Application of the collider principle means that conditional on the information regarding which
door the host opened, the contestant's initial choice provides information about where the prize
was placed. This information can be used to increase the probability of winning. One third of the
time the placement of the prize and the initial choice have the same value and thus the host's
choice is less constrained, but the other two-thirds of the time the two causes determine exactly
which door the host will open. Thus the contestant wins two-thirds of the time by switching
because the host's actions reveal exactly where the prize is two-thirds of the time. If the host
could open a door with the prize behind it or open the door the contestant chose then the collider
principle would not apply and the outcome of the host's actions would be uninformative.
We can calculate the conditional correlation arising from knowing which door the host
opened. There are nine combinations of the door initially chosen and the location of the prize
but, because the host sometimes has two choices, we need to represent eighteen cases in order for
all combinations to have an equal probability of occurring. Johnson-Laird et al. (1999) pointed
out the need for such identical cases and they show six of the eighteen possible. Of course, in
twelve of the eighteen equally probable cases contestants win by switching, but the correlation
between the prize location and initial choice is zero. However once a door is opened only six
cases remain, and regardless of which door was opened the correlation between prize location
and initial choice is now r(6) = -0.33. These conditional correlations mean that once it is known
which door the host opens (and thus which six cases are still viable) the knowledge of which
door was initially chosen provides information about the location of the prize.
Causality in reasoning 9
Hypotheses and Outline
Glymour's (2001) insight that at the heart of the MHD is the collider principle provides a
possible explanation for why people find it hard to form or maintain the appropriate
representation. If failure to understand the implications of the collider principle underlies why
people find the MHD so hard, then this suggests a set of empirically testable hypotheses.
Hypothesis 1. The collider principle appears to be easier to understand in some contexts than
others, therefore if we put the MHD into such a context then participants should perform better
in terms of switch choices and correct calculations of the probability of winning if they switch.
As we will explain, competition should be such a context.
Hypothesis 2. The collider principle applies to the process by which an option is eliminated,
therefore if a competition context improves the performance of participants it should also
increase the likelihood of participants recognizing that the nature of the elimination process in
the MHD should influence their answer.
Hypothesis 3. If we present participants with a counterfactual in which we change the causal
structure, such that the collider principle no longer applies, participants given a competition
context should be more likely to indicate that this may affect their answer.
Hypothesis 4. Participants who recognize the implications of the collider principle should be
better at solving a standard version of the MHD. Thus correct answers to process questions (see
Hypothesis 2) and counterfactual questions (see Hypothesis 3) should be associated with solving
the MHD regardless of which MHD version a participant is given.
Hypothesis 5. Participants given training that helps them understand the implications of
collider principle should be better able to solve a standard version of the MHD.
We tested these hypotheses in four experiments. All experiments supported Hypothesis 1 by
showing that a competition manipulation improved performance. Experiments 2 and 3 asked
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participants about the process eliminating an option, and supported Hypotheses 2 and 4.
Experiments 3 and 4 supported Hypotheses 3 and 4 by presenting a counterfactual that changed
the MHD's causal structure. Experiment 4 supported Hypothesis 5 by giving participants training
on the collider principle. Thus we provided empirical evidence for the thesis that failure to
understand the implications of the collider principle can lead to errors in the MHD.
Before reporting these experiments we should clarify some general points. First, if people
cannot identify a problem's causal structure then they will fail to apply the implications of that
structure. However, for reasons we will elaborate on later, we think that people's failure to apply
the implications of the collider principle is not just due to the failure to understand what the
causes are. Second, we are not claiming that participants who solve the MHD will be able to
explicitly state the collider principle; rather we expected their answers to reveal an understanding
of its implications. Third, our claim is not that all the difficulties participants have with the MHD
are due to the collider principle, there is clear evidence that other manipulations not related to
causality can improve performance (e.g., Krauss & Wang, 2003). We did not attempt to
reconcile all the existing evidence regarding the MHD, instead we asked if a more fundamental
principle may contribute to why the MHD is particularly hard.
Experiment 1
In some contexts it appears to be easier to apply the collider principle. Competition may
provide such a context because people often seem to see competitions in terms of causality (Lau
& Russell, 1980; McAuley & Gross, 1983; White, 1993). Additionally, competitions may
provide situations in which people have experienced the collider principle in action. For
example, in a game between a competitor that we know has just defeated an opponent versus one
who is yet to play a game, we may well favor the victor of the completed game. People may vary
in how they explain such a preference, but to the extent that this general preference is correct
Causality in reasoning 11
(disregarding factors such as practice) it is due to the collider principle. The two independent
variables of which competitor is best and which competitor did not compete in the first game
both have an influence on which competitor loses the first game, yielding a collider structure:
(which competitor is best) (competitor losing first game) (competitor left out)
By applying the collider principle (explicitly or implicitly), once we know who won the first
game there is an association between which competitor was left out and which of the competitors
is the best of the three. There are various ways to calculate that it is better to go with the winner
of the first contest (e.g., by applying Bayes' theorem or by ordering the three competitors), but
any of these calculations succeed because of the collider structure governing such a competition.
If the best of the three competitors is guaranteed to win, then it is even possible to calculate
exact winning probabilities for the two remaining competitors. Just as in the Doors version of the
MHD, one third of the time the best competitor is initial chosen so who wins the first game is not
constrained, but the other two-thirds of the time the two causes determine exactly which
competitor wins. Thus switching wins two-thirds of the time because the first game's result
reveals exactly who represents the prize two-thirds of the time. Competition may therefore
provide us with a context in which people are able to better see how to apply the collider
principle to an analog of the standard version of the MHD.
We designed a competition version of the MHD that instantiated the exact same rules that the
host must follow when opening a door in the MHD. Three potential competitors replaced three
doors, and instead of trying to pick which of the three doors conceals a prize, the contestant tried
to win a prize by picking which of the three competitors is the one so good as to be guaranteed to
beat either of the other two. An initially selected competitor is protected from elimination by not
competing in the first match, just as the initially selected door cannot be opened by the host.
Instead of the host following the rule "Do not open the door concealing the prize, but if neither
Causality in reasoning 12
do then choose randomly", the same rule can be implemented as "The one best competitor cannot
lose the first match, but if neither is the best then who loses is random." The final choice
becomes not "stay with the initial door selected, or switch to the door not opened by the host,"
but "stay with the initial competitor selected, or switch to the competitor who didn't lose the first
match." Such a scenario contains a collider structure by Glymour's (2001) definition.
We created four isomorphic versions of the MHD: Three competition versions that used a
competitive process to eliminate an option and a noncompetition version that was intended to be
equivalent to a standard version of the MHD. By creating three different competition versions
and comparing each to the noncompetition version we reduced the risk that a consistent
competition effect could be due to a minor detail of a given scenario. The three competition
versions also varied in terms of the fairness of the competition, which we expected would vary
the success of the manipulation in increasing participants' performance. If people are better at
applying the collider principle in competitive situations, then the easier it is to see a situation in
terms of a true competition, and the more participants should decide to switch.
In the most competitive version we replaced the three doors with three boxers who would
fight a pair of bouts. One of the three boxers was so good that he was guaranteed to win any
bout. After a contestant selects one of the three boxers as his or her pick to be the best, the other
two boxers fight. The winner of the first bout will then fight the boxer initially selected, and
contestants win if they chose the winner of this second bout. However, after the first bout
contestants are offered the choice: stay with their initial selection, or switch to the winner of the
first bout. Table 1 shows that the Boxers version is formally isomorphic to the standard version
of the MHD. The critical difference is the process implementing the rules eliminating one of the
unchosen options. Both processes have collider structures, however they should differ in terms of
how easily people understand the implications of their common causal structure.
Causality in reasoning 13
The Wrestlers version was identical to the Boxers version, except that professional wrestlers
replaced boxers, and it was pointed out that professional wrestling results are pre-determined. So
although competition determines which of the unselected options is eliminated, it is not a fair
competition. We expected this to reduce the likelihood of participants understanding the causal
structure's implications and result in poorer performance than in the Boxers condition.
The Wrestlers and Boxers scenarios did not involve opening doors, which meant they
differed from standard versions of the MHD because the prize was fixed to a person rather than a
door. So the Wrestlers-D version had wrestlers defending doors, and the door concealing the
grand prize (placed there before any matches started) was defended by the "best" wrestler. If a
wrestler lost a match, then that wrestler's door was opened. Linking the wrestlers to the doors
might further reduce the perception of this as a fair competition by emphasizing that no matter
what the wrestlers do, the prize's location is fixed. So we predicted that participants would
perform more poorly in the Wrestlers-D condition than in the Wrestlers condition.
A Doors version was similar to the Wrestlers-D version, except that now what determined
which door was opened was not a competition between wrestlers, but instead was indicated by
the promoters who knew where the prize was. The wrestlers just stood in front of doors and
yelled at each other until a door was opened. The Doors version was designed to be equivalent to
any other standard versions of the MHD, yet it retained the same fighting context as the other
isomorphs. If the doors version is equivalent to other standard versions of the MHD then it
should result in switch rates comparable to those for switching in other experiments. These
switch rates however should be lower than in the three competition versions.
Switching appears to indicate that a participant has realized that the two options are not
equivalent, which is what many researchers see as the critical insight necessary for solving the
MHD. As an additional measure of performance we asked participants to give the exact
Causality in reasoning 14
probability of winning if they switched. Given that we know that people are poor at conditional
probability problems in general (for reviews, see Kahneman, Slovic, & Tversky, 1982), we
would expect most participants not to be able to give the precise probabilities even if they
understood the problem correctly. However, if our manipulations both increased switching and
led more participants to give the right probabilities, that would be good evidence that they
encouraged the correct reasoning about the MHD.
A total of 326 students in the Michigan State University subject pool participated in the
experiment in partial fulfillment of class requirements.
Materials and Procedure
Participants were randomly assigned to one of the four versions of the MHD (summarized
). Each version stated that a contestant is randomly selected at an event (either a boxing or
wrestling night) and always presented with three options, one of which represents a substantial
prize. Participants were told contestants had no knowledge that would help them make the initial
selection. After an option is selected, one of the remaining two options is always shown not to be
the critical one (prize or best competitor). The contestant then has to make a decision: stay with
the first selection, or switch to the other remaining option. Participants were told that one night
they were the randomly selected contestant, then a particular selection and result were described.
They circled their choice, "stay" or "switch," and wrote down percentages for how likely they
thought they were to win if they stayed, and how likely they would be to win if they switched.
Participants were also asked to write down why they made their choices. We originally
intended to classify participants' explanations, but we discovered that these were very difficult to
score objectively. Participants varied greatly in terms of the amount and precision of what they
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wrote. In addition they often repeated their answers or included elements of the scenario,
therefore it was rarely possible for raters to score these explanations blind to participants'
answers and conditions. Thus we decided to only use objective measures: participants' stay or
switch choice, and their explicit estimates of how likely switching would lead to success.
However in each experiment we asked participants to explain their answers in order to encourage
them to think about their responses. Some participants changed their stay/switch choice (in both
directions) after they started to write an explanation. In all experiments we also asked
participants whether they were familiar with the problem they were given. Participants circled
"yes" or "no" in response to this question and we eliminated participants who circled "yes."
Results & Discussion
Ten participants reported having seen the problem before and were dropped from all further
analysis (interestingly, only 3 switched). Only 15% of participants in the Doors condition
switched, a rate in the range found in other experiments using a standard version of the MHD.
Thus the Doors version appears comparable to those used in earlier experiments, despite the text
being longer and the context changing from a game show to a wrestling night.
Table 2 shows the percentage of participants in each condition choosing to switch. As
predicted, significantly fewer participants in the Doors condition switched than did those in the
Wrestlers-D condition, X
(1) = 10.94, p = .001 (Φ = .26), the Wrestlers condition, X
(1) = 5.49, p
= .019 (Φ = .18), and the Boxers condition, X
(1) = 17.28, p < .001 (Φ = .32). (We report effect
sizes using the phi [Φ] coefficient of association. Wickens [1989, chap. 9] discusses effect size
measures for categorical data.)
We also expected a progression of switching from the Doors to Boxers condition. The first
part of the progression, Doors verses Wrestlers-D was significant. The second part of the
progression was not as the Wrestlers-D versus Wrestlers condition did not differ, X
(1) = 1.0, p =
Causality in reasoning 16
.33. However, the last part of the progression was significant such that participants in the Boxers
condition switched more than in the Wrestlers condition, X
(1) = 7.3, p = .007 (Φ = .22).
Therefore, the proportions of participants switching largely matched our expectations: the fairer
the competition, the more likely the correct choice. The similarity of Wrestlers and Wrestlers-D
conditions suggests that fixing the prize's location was not critical.
To assess if participants could both switch and give the right probabilities of winning we
scored participants as giving the correct probability if they: 1) switched, 2) wrote down 33% (or
.33) as the chance of winning if one stayed, and 3) wrote down 66% or 67% (or .66 or .67) as the
chance of winning if one switched. The results of applying these criteria are shown in Table 2.
The proportion fitting these criteria in the Doors condition was less than that in the Wrestler,
(1) = 4.75, p = .030 (Φ = .17), and in the Boxers condition, X
(1) = 8.32, p = .004 (Φ = .23).
Our results supported Hypothesis 1; putting the MHD into a context in which people find it
easier to apply the collider principle led to better performance. Each of our three competition
versions of the Monty Hall dilemma produced a greater number of switch decisions than did the
standard version. Competition also increased the number of participants indicating the correct
percentage chance of winning if they switched (though not for the Wrestlers-D condition). Thus
presenting participants with versions of the MHD that emphasized the causal nature of the
process eliminating an option led to better performance. Additionally, manipulating the fairness
of the competition appeared to vary the size of the competition effect, as we expected. It should
be noted however that we did not independently measure "fairness of competition.”
An alternative explanation for Hypothesis 1 could be proposed. If competition implied an
ordering of the three options, then a participant might be able to reason that it is better to switch
to an option with no chance of having the worst ranking (i.e., the option not eliminated), rather
than stay with one which could still be the one with the worst ranking (i.e., the initial selection).
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An implied ordering is an interesting alternative way to calculate the answer to the MHD that
does not require any understanding of the collider principle and could be applied to standard
versions of the MHD. However in an unpublished experiment we explicitly ordered the quality
of the options in Doors and Boxers version of the MHD. We found no effect of the ordering
manipulation for either version but replicated the competition effect.
Experiment 2
Experiment 1 showed that scenarios involving competition led to improved performance on
the MHD, but it did not demonstrate why. The competition manipulation was intended to
improve performance in the MHD by leading participants to better understand the implications
of the problem's causal structure. The collider structure applies to the process by which an option
is eliminated, so participants in the competition condition should better understand that this
process is critical. Participants have little reason to differentiate the options if they do not see the
process as having importance beyond simply reducing the number of options from three to two.
Therefore in Experiment 2 we tested Hypothesis 2 by directly asking participants about the
elimination process and whether its nature influenced their answers.
Our competition manipulation was one way of improving understanding of the implications
of the MHD's causal structure, but it should not be the only way. All that should be necessary is
that the manipulation leads people to better understand the significance of an elimination process
that has a collider structure. Any such manipulation should lead to improved performance.
A manipulation that can improve performance is increasing the number of initially identical
options beyond three. A knowledgeable host then follows the same rules as in the MHD to
eliminate every other option except for the one initially chosen, and one other. Then the choice is
offered to stay with the first option or switch to the single option the host did not open.
Empirically it has been found that increasing the number of initial options to at least ten can
Causality in reasoning 18
reliably increases the amount of switching relative to a three-option MHD version (Franco-
Watkins et al., 2003; Hell & Heinrichs, 2000; Page, 1998; Sternberg & Ben-Zeev, 2001). Why
the number of options manipulation is effective has not been explored, but, similar to
competition, it should greatly increase the emphasis on the process by which options are
eliminated. Thus this manipulation should increase the number of participants switching, and the
number recognizing that the process through which an option was eliminated was important.
Therefore in Experiment 2 we tested this by manipulating both whether the scenario was a form
of competition or not, and the total number of options (3, 32, or 128).
If participants are more likely to switch when they understand the importance of the
elimination process, then this should be true in all conditions. Hypothesis 4 proposes that
switching should be associated with such understanding regardless of condition.
Three hundred and seventy-nine introductory psychology students at Michigan State
University participated in the experiment in partial fulfillment of course requirements. Nineteen
were excluded from the analysis because they indicated that they had seen the problem before.
Materials and Procedure
The 3 (number of initial options: 3-options, 32-options, 128-options) x 2 (process:
competition, noncompetition) design resulted in six conditions. Each participant was randomly
assigned to one of these six conditions and received the relevant scenario.
In the competition conditions participants read that they could win a prize by selecting the
winner of a tennis tournament. They were told they knew nothing about tennis, so they randomly
picked a player, however before the tournament started their selected player was disqualified and
the tournament was conducted without her. During the tournament players were eliminated when
Causality in reasoning 19
they lost a match, until just two players remained for the final. However, it was discovered
during the final that the allegation leading to their selected player's disqualification was false. So
it was decided to give that player the chance to win the tournament by playing the winner of the
“final.” The text emphasized that the player's actual ability had nothing to do with this decision;
it was done for reasons of basic fairness. Participants then indicated their preference: stay with
their first choice or switch to the winner of the final?
In the noncompetition condition participants were told that they were given a chance to win a
prize on a local television show. They had to try to pick the box containing a prize, and made an
initial random choice. Boxes were then brought on stage two at a time, and one was opened by
the host who knew where the prize was and never opened the box containing the prize if it was
one of the two on stage (this two-boxes-at-a-time routine was designed to parallel a knockout
tournament). Eventually just one unopened box remained, plus the original choice. Participants
were then given the choice: stay with your first choice or switch to the last unopened box?
The initial number of boxes or players presented was 3, 32, or 128. The 3-options conditions
were designed to be analogous to standard versions of the MHD. To present three options in the
knockout tennis tournament some extra information was required. In the 3-option/competition
conditions there were initially four players, but one withdrew with injury. After your player was
disqualified, the tournament winner was supposed to be the winner of the match between the
remaining two players. To emphasize that there were three possible tournament winners, it was
stated that you calculated at the start that there was a 1/3 chance of your random selection
winning the tournament. A similar statement was given in all conditions, specifying a 1/3, 1/32,
or 1/128 chance. All participants chose to stay with their first option or switch to the only other
remaining option, and specified the percentage chance of winning if they stayed or switched.
On a separate page a process question asked participants to choose between two different
Causality in reasoning 20
statements. The statement pairs differed slightly between conditions because opening boxes is
not identical to playing tennis matches. In the Competition conditions participants were asked
which of the following statements would they agree with more?
A. Now that there are just two players competing in a match, it doesn't make any difference
how player Y got to the match against player X.
B. The process by which player Y (i.e., winning the final) got to the match against player X
affected my judgment of how likely it was that player Y would win the match against Player
In the Noncompetition conditions participants chose between:
A. Now that there are just two boxes remaining, it doesn't make any difference how box Y
got to be the one you considered together with box X.
B. The process by which box Y (i.e., not being opened by a person who knows where the
prize is) got to be the one considered together with box X affected my judgment of how
likely it was that box Y would contain the prize rather than box X.
Results & Discussion
Table 3 shows the number of participants who choose to stay or switch in each condition.
Overall, more participants switched in the competition than in the random conditions, X
(1) =
24.47, p < .001 (Φ = .26), and when more options were presented, X
(2) = 37.42, p < .001. There
was a significant difference between the switch rates for 3-options and 32-options, X
(1) = 24.58,
p < .001 (Φ = .32), but not between 32-options and 128-options, X
(1) = 0.54, p = .46. There was
no evidence of an interaction between competition and number of options as a loglinear analysis
of logits found no significant interaction term, G
(2) = 0.70, p = .70. For each number of options
there was an effect of competition: 3-options, X
(1) = 6.50, p = .011 (Φ = .23); 32-options, X
= 6.19, p = .013 (Φ = .23); 128-options, X
(1) = 12.94, p < .001 (Φ = .32).
Causality in reasoning 21
Table 3 also shows that the manipulations affected answers to the process question.
Participants were more likely to indicate that the process was important when they were in the
competitive conditions, X
(1) = 24.63, p < .001 (Φ = .26), and when there were more options,
(2) = 21.85, p < .001 (again the difference between 3-options and 32-options was significant,
(1) = 10.76, p = .001 [Φ = .21], but not that between 32- and 128-options, X
(1) = 1.67, p <
.20). A loglinear analysis of logits found no significant interaction term between the options and
competition factors, G
(2) = 0.20, p = .90. The competition effect was again significant for each
level of options: 3-options, X
(1) = 6.45, p = .011 (Φ = .23); 32-options, X
(1) = 10.52, p = .001
(Φ = .30); 128-options, X
(1) = 7.15, p < .007 (Φ = .24). Thus both competition and the number
of options had the predicted effects, they increased (albeit imperfectly) the likelihood of
participants seeing the process as important.
The process question was highly associated with whether a participant decided to stay or
switch. Across conditions, 91% (157/172) of participants who switched said that the process was
important, however only 19% (35/180) of participants who stayed said it was important, X
(1) =
183.1, p < .001 (Φ = .72). This relationship between the process question and switching held for
both the competition (94% who switched agreed with the process question verse 23% who
stayed, X
[1] = 93.2, p < .001 [Φ = .74]) and noncompetition conditions (86% who switched
agreed with the process question verse 17% who stayed, X
[1] = 80.1, p < .001 [Φ = .68]). This
finding shows that understanding the importance of the process by which the final two choices
were derived was strongly associated with solving the MHD, regardless of the competition
manipulation. Furthermore, it shows that most participants who switched did so for good
reasons, not just because they were confused or picked randomly.
The 3-options analog
Standard versions of the MHD present only three options, so it could be argued that
Causality in reasoning 22
increasing the number of options changes the problem. However the results from the 3-options
condition alone appear to replicate the competition effect from Experiment 1, despite a very
different cover story. More participants in the competition condition switched than did so in the
random condition. The number switching in the noncompetition condition was within the range
found in previous experiments using other standard versions of the MHD.
Analysis of correct percentages (switching and indicating the probability of winning was 66-
67%) again found that more participants in the competition condition (15%, 8/55) were correct
than in the random condition (2%, 1/63), X
(1) = 7.00, p = .008 (Φ = .24). (Equivalent analysis
for 32- and 128-option is harder to interpret because the correct answers are more difficult to
calculate and are close to 100% [97% and 99%], which participants sometimes give even when
there are only 3 options.) In the 3-option conditions it was found again that participants who
switched (25/30) were more likely to indicate that the process was important than those who
stayed (18/85), X
(1) = 36.6, p < .001 (Φ = .56).
Experiment 2 replicated the competition effect found in Experiment 1 with very different
materials, thus Hypothesis 1 was further supported. In addition, we found that competition
increased the proportion of participants recognizing that the process was important. Thus
Hypothesis 2 was supported. Competition and number of options had independent effects on
performance, but they both affected the same factor that our analysis suggests underlies their
success: the likelihood of seeing the elimination process as important. Hypothesis 4 was
supported because regardless of condition understanding the importance of the elimination
process (i.e., the process governed by the collider principle) was associated with switching.
Experiment 3
Experiment 3 directly probed whether participants understood the implications of the causal
Causality in reasoning 23
structure of the MHD. Counterfactuals have been used to investigate participants' understanding
of causality (see Spellman & Mandel, 1999), so we presented participants with a counterfactual:
what if one of the critical causal links was removed? Would this change affect their choice to
stay or switch? Such a counterfactual changes the probability of winning if they switch to 50%.
For participants who made their choice on the basis of the implications of the causal structure,
such a counterfactual should lead them to at least consider changing their answer. However for
participants who made their choices on some basis other than the causal structure, the
counterfactual should appear irrelevant. Therefore participants' reaction to this counterfactual
should be an indicator of whether they had some understanding of the implications of the
problem's causal structure (though it is no doubt an imperfect indicator) allowing us to test
Hypothesis 3. If the competition manipulations led people to be more likely to switch because it
led them to better understand the implications of the MHD's causal structure, then participants in
a competition condition should be more likely than those in a noncompetition condition to
indicate that the counterfactual might change their choice. Furthermore, if understanding the
MHD's causal structure is important for solving the problem, then irrespective of condition
participants who switched should be more likely than those who did not switch to indicate that
the counterfactual may change their answers. Thus we could test Hypothesis 4.
A process question similar to Experiment 2 was posed but with a different format. A possible
criticism of the previous process question was that it forced participants to make a choice
between just two options. Perhaps those indicating that the process was important just disliked
that answer less than the alternative. Therefore in Experiment 3 we provided more options. One
option was equivalent to Option A in Experiment 2: the process was irrelevant to their choice.
The remaining options distinguished between the process causing them to stay or to switch, and
we gave participants the choice of not agreeing with any of the options. We expected to replicate
Causality in reasoning 24
Experiment 2 thus participants in the competition condition should be less likely to agree that the
process was irrelevant to their choice and more likely to agree that the nature of the process
caused them to switch. Responding that the process was irrelevant should be more likely for
participants who decided to stay, regardless of condition, as Hypothesis 4 suggests.
Failure to apply the collider principle could have two possible reasons: 1) participants may
fail to understand that the process is causal because they think of an entity opening doors as just
a random process; 2) they may understand that the process is not random, but fail to understand
the implications of its causal structure. We have assumed that participants fail to understand the
implications of the MHD’s causal structure, but it is possible that participants who chose to stay
are not seeing the process as causal at all. To check this we asked participants to rate how
random they thought the process was. If competition led participants to see the elimination
process as more causal, then participants in the competition condition should rate the process as
more nonrandom than those in the noncompetition condition.
Gigerenzer and Hoffrage (1995) argued that people reason better with frequencies than with
percentages. This has been challenged (e.g., Kahneman & Tversky, 1996), but we decided to
avoid a possible criticism by replacing the probability questions with frequency questions. Doing
so also allowed us to ask about probabilities in a way that did not allow a valid "50%" answer.
Forcing participants to choose an answer favoring one or the other option may be a more
sensitive way to pick up any preference participants might have towards staying or switching.
Six hundred and fourteen introductory psychology students at Michigan State University
participated in the experiment in partial fulfillment of course requirements. A large sample
ensured a number of participants in the noncompetition condition who chose to switch. Nineteen
Causality in reasoning 25
were excluded from the analysis because they indicated that they had seen a problem before.
Procedure and Materials
Participants were randomly assigned to one of the two conditions: Competition or
Noncompetition, which utilized scenarios identical to the Boxers and Doors condition in
Experiment 1, respectively. Participants chose to "stay" or "switch" then indicated the chance of
winning if they switched. As explained above, we asked about the chance of winning if they
switched using a frequency format. Participants answered the following two questions by writing
a digit between 0 and 9 (of course, in the competition conditions the word "boxer" was
substituted for "door"):
Imagine that over the next nine weeks, nine people were given the same scenario and choices
(of course the prize will not always be behind the same door). Imagine that all choose to do the
same thing. If they:
- all decided to SWITCH to the other door, how many of the 9 do you think would win?
- all decided to STAY with their first choice, how many of the 9 do you think would win?
Answers were in response to nine cases because this included the correct answer (6/9) but
lacked a 50/50 point, forcing a response favoring switching or staying.
Other questions were presented on a separate page. First participants were presented with the
nonrandomness question, "The process by which Door A [Boxer A] was eliminated is best
described as…" They answered using a six-point scale from 1 (completely random) to 6
(completely nonrandom). Burns and Corpus (2004) used this scale successfully to distinguish
between scenarios differing in terms of nonrandomness. Participants were then presented with
the counterfactual question. In the Noncompetitive condition they were asked:
What if you found out that the promoter who gave the signal to open Door A had got his
notes mixed up at the last moment? So he actually had no idea where the prize was and had
Causality in reasoning 26
just opened a door completely randomly hoping it would not have the prize behind it?
Fortunately, Door A did not have the prize behind it, but would the knowledge that which
door was opened was random had any effect on how you reasoned about the problem, either
about your choice whether to STAY or SWITCH or your estimate of how many times out of
nine this choice would lead to a win?
For the Competitive condition they were asked:
What if you found out that a bout of flu had been going around the boxers, such that it was
actually completely random who would win any bout? So how good any of the boxers were
had nothing to do with the fact that Boxer A lost the first bout. Fortunately, Boxer A was not
the boxer who was guaranteed to beat any of the others boxers, but would the knowledge that
who won the first bout was random had any effect on how you reasoned about the problem,
either your choice about whether to STAY or SWITCH or your estimate of how many times
out of nine this choice would lead to a win?
In both conditions participants answered by circling "YES," "NO" or "MAYBE." The "maybe"
option was included to capture participants who recognized that the situation may have changed,
but may not be confident in calculating the consequences. Such participants should contrast with
those who think the counterfactual has changed nothing.
The process question asked participants to choose which of the following statements they
most agreed with (the relevant term for the Noncompetition condition is in brackets):
A. The actions leading up to the elimination of Boxer A [Door A] had nothing to do with
whether I was more likely to win if I decided to STAY or SWITCH.
B. The actions leading up to the elimination of Boxer A [Door A] caused me to be more
likely to win if I decided to SWITCH.
C. The actions leading up to the elimination of Boxer A [Door A] caused me to be more
Causality in reasoning 27
likely to win if I decided to STAY.
D. None of the above statements are correct. Please explain:
Very few participants gave Option D so we did not attempt to classify their responses.
Results & Discussion
As in Experiments 1 and 2, a larger proportion of participants switched in the Competition
(Boxers) condition (122/299, 41%) than in the Noncompetition (Doors) condition (38/296, 13%),
(1) = 59.2, p < .001 (Φ = .32). More participants in the Competition conditions (40/299, 14%)
switched and indicated the correct chance of winning (6/9) than in the Noncompetition condition
(5/296, 2%), X
(1) = 29.2, p < .001 (Φ = .22). Therefore we supported Hypothesis 1 again, but
using a frequency question did not appear to improve performance.
Comparisons to Krauss & Wang's results for correct reasoning
Krauss and Wang (2003, p. 14) classified 32% and 38% of their participants as indicating a
two-thirds chance of winning and using the correct mathematical reasoning in their most
effective conditions. They pointed out that this was much more than the number reported as
giving the correct percentages in an earlier report of Experiment 1 (Burns & Wieth, 2000).
However, it is hard to directly compare our data because we asked participants to indicate the
expected frequency of winning out of nine cases whereas Krauss and Wang's participants
indicate a frequency out of only three cases. Only 5% of participants in Experiment 3 gave the
extreme answers of 0/9 or 9/9, probably because most participants realized that the result is not
certain. Assuming Krauss and Wang's participants also avoided the extremes, in effect most of
them were faced with a dichotomous choice between 1/3 and 2/3. Presumably participants who
favored switching for any reason would be more likely to indicate 2/3 than 1/3. In our
experiment participants who favored switching, but did not know what the exact likelihood of
winning was, had four options other than 100% (5/9, 6/9, 7/9, 8/9). Thus those who answered 6/9
Causality in reasoning 28
probably had a good reason to choose exactly this response, as did those who answered exactly
66% or 67% in Experiment 1.
Krauss and Wang (2003, p. 11) state that in order to classify a participant as reasoning
correctly both the 2/3 answer and a written responses indicating a comprehensively derivation of
the answer was required. However no detailed criterion are given for this classification (what
constitutes a valid mathematical derivation of the answer has been disputed, see Morgan,
Chaganty, Dahiya, & Doviak, 1991). Thus it is hard to evaluate their criterion.
In an attempt to make our findings more equivalent to Kraus and Wang’s (2003) findings we
assumed that participants who answered 5/9, 6/9, or 7/9 probably would have answered 2/3 if the
only real options were 1/3 or 2/3. In the Competition condition 34% gave one of these three
responses and switched, whereas only 6% did so in the Noncompetition condition, X
(1) = 68.2,
p < .001 (Φ = .48). Regardless of condition, 75% of participants who choose to switch gave one
of these three responses, whereas only 17% of participants who decided to stay did so, X
(1) =
173.8, p < .001 (Φ = .54).
We do not expect that a different question or scoring would have changed Krauss and Wang's
(2003) patterns of result. Our point is only that it is possible that they overestimated the true
proportion of their participants reasoning mathematically well enough to give the correct
probability of winning if they switched. Ultimately though we are addressing different questions
using different scenarios that are difficult to directly compare to Krauss and Wang's.
Counterfactual Responses
Table 4 presents participants' responses to the counterfactual question. As predicted
participants in the Competition condition were more likely to indicate that if the elimination
process was random they would (or might) change their answers, X
(2) = 9.53, p = .009.
Furthermore, participants who switched were more likely to indicate that the counterfactual
Causality in reasoning 29
situation would (or might) affect their answer in both the Competition, X
(2) = 46.2, p < .001,
and Noncompetition conditions, X
(2) = 11.6, p = .003. Dichotomizing between participants
thinking the counterfactual at least might affect their decision ("Yes" or "Maybe" answers)
versus those thinking it definitely would not ("No" answers), we found that 75% of participants
in the Competition condition who switched indicated that the counterfactual at least might affect
their answer, as opposed to 36% of participants in that condition who stayed, X
(1) = 43.4, p <
.001 (Φ = .38). In the Noncompetition condition, 63% of participants who switched indicated
that the counterfactual at least might affect their answer, as opposed to 37% of participants in
that condition who stayed, X
(1) = 9.75, p < .001 (Φ = .18).
Process Responses
Table 5 presents participants' process question responses. Participants in the Competition
condition (31%) were more likely than those in the Noncompetition condition (9%) to say that
the process caused them to switch, X
(1) = 44.9, p < .001 (Φ = .28). However it is unclear how to
interpret the responses of participants who chose to stay and indicated that the process caused
them to make that decision. More directly comparable between Experiments 2 and 3 are
participants who gave Response A indicating explicitly that the process had nothing to do with
their choice. Participants were more likely to give the nothing response in the Noncompetition
(63%) than the Competition (47%) condition, X
(1) = 15.0, p < .001 (Φ = .16). Again, across
conditions answering that the process had nothing to do with their choice had a clear association
with staying (67%) rather than switching (26%), X
(1) = 77.9, p < .001 (Φ = .36). Participants
who stayed were also more likely than those who switched to give the nothing response, whether
they were in the Competition (66% vs. 21%), X
(1) = 60.3, p < .001 (Φ = .45), or the
Noncompetition condition (67% vs. 42%), X
(1) = 8.32, p = .004 (Φ = .17).
Thus we again found evidence for Hypothesis 2, as the competition manipulation affected
Causality in reasoning 30
whether participants thought the process was critical. Thinking this way was strongly associated
with switching, further supporting Hypothesis 4. The relationship between switching and
viewing the process as important was weaker than in Experiment 2 perhaps due to the increased
range of answers offered. However, finding the same effects with a very different question
format adds to our confidence in Hypotheses 2 and 4.
Nonrandomness Responses
To not see the process as causal, in either scenario, would be an error that indicates that
participants misunderstood the causal structure of the problem. Only if participants understood
the problem's causal structure, can the counterfactual question be informative regarding whether
participants understood the implications of that structure (i.e., the collider principle). The
nonrandomness scale provided information regarding whether the Noncompetition scenario led
participants to think that the elimination process was random to start with (which would render
the counterfactual scenario moot). Participants in the Noncompetition condition saw the process
as more nonrandom (M = 4.2, SD = 1.5) than those in the Competition condition (M = 3.7, SD =
1.5), t(592) = 3.9, p < .001 (ω
= .02). (To provide some context to this measure, Burns &
Corpus [2004] report that participants gave a mean nonrandomness rating of 3.6 to a competition
between sales people, and a mean 2.2 rating to a coin toss.) Why participants saw the
Noncompetition version as slightly less random than the Competition version is unclear. It could
be that participants tend to regard any competition as involving an element of uncertainty
whereas in the Noncompetition version which door was opened was governed by a clear set of
rules. However critical to our thesis was that participants did not see the process in the Doors
version as more random than in the Boxers version, suggesting that the competition manipulation
did not simply lead participants to better understand that the links are causal.
To test whether participants' answers to the nonrandomness question were associated with
Causality in reasoning 31
their answers to the other questions, we performed an ANOVA on response to the nonrandom
question with factors of scenario, stay/switch choice, and counterfactual answer. As well as the
scenario effect, participants who switched rated the process more nonrandom (M = 4.22, SD =
1.5) than those who stayed (M = 3.8, SD = 1.5), F(1,578) = 11.9, p = .001 (ω
= .02). However
there was no effect of counterfactual answer, F(2,578) = 0.12, p = .88, and no interactions
approached significance. The lack of association between the nonrandomness question and the
counterfactual question suggests that they tap into different aspects of participants' understanding
of the task: whether the process is causal verse what implications that causality has.
Apart from replicating the competition effects on performance (supporting Hypothesis 1),
Experiment 3 again showed that the competition manipulation increased participants' likelihood
of seeing the elimination process as important (supporting Hypothesis 2). Answers to the process
question were again associated with switching regardless of conditions (supporting Hypothesis
4). New in the experiment was a counterfactual question that focused on a causal link that
Glymour's (2001) analysis suggests should be critical, the causal relationship from which option
represents the prize to which option is eliminated. Without this link, the collider principle does
not apply to the scenario. Participants in the competition condition were more likely to recognize
that making the elimination of an option random by removing the causal link could affect
their choice. Regardless of whether participants were in the Competition or Noncompetition
conditions, those who switched were more likely to recognize that the elimination of this causal
link might change their answer, whereas most participants who selected the "stay" choice
indicated that making this link random would have no impact on their answers. Thus Hypothesis
4 was supported. The results from the randomness scale suggest that this was not because
participants in the Noncompetition condition already viewed the process as random. These
Causality in reasoning 32
findings support our argument that an important reason why people decide to stay in the MHD is
that they fail to understand the implication of its causal structure.
Experiment 4
So far, we have shown that we can improve participants' performance through modifying the
MHD by putting it into a context in which people find it easier to apply the collider principle.
This implies that appropriate training on the collider principle should improve participants'
performance on standard versions of the MHD, as Hypothesis 5 suggests.
Experiment 4 presented a Transfer group with training on the collider principle before they
were given a standard version of the MHD. We wanted to demonstrate not just better solution
rates but also conceptual transfer measured using the counterfactual question from Experiment 3.
The transfer literature has demonstrated the difficulty in obtaining conceptual transfer (see
Detterman & Sternberg, 1993), however conceptual transfer can be improved by presenting
multiple sources (Gick & Holyoak, 1983; Spiro, Feltovich, Coulson, & Anderson, 1989). Thus
our training had more than one task, because we did not expect that a simple presentation of the
collider principle would be effective given how difficult people find both the collider principle
and the MHD. Participants in the Transfer group were given three tasks that should all help with
understanding how the collider principle applies to the MHD.
Two hundred and eighty introductory psychology students at Michigan State University
participated in the experiment in partial fulfillment of course requirements.
Procedure and Materials
Participants were randomly assigned to one of the two conditions: Transfer or Nontransfer.
Participants in the Transfer condition were first presented with the Boxer version used in
Causality in reasoning 33
Experiment 3 then they answered the stay/switch question and estimated the frequency of
winning in both cases. They were then given the following text and question:
From the point of view of maximizing your chances of picking the best boxer, you should
SWITCH to Boxer C, the one who just won the first bout. It is not certain that Boxer C will
turn out to be the best, but there is a 2/3 chance of him being the best boxer (if the best
boxer, whoever it is, is absolutely guaranteed to win against either of the other two)
People often find it hard to understand why it makes any difference whether they stay or
switch (though if you try this as an experiment at home, you will quickly discover that
switching wins more often). The essential reason is that you have learnt something about
Boxer C because he had the chance to be eliminated, but wasn't, whereas you have learnt
nothing about Boxer B who was waiting for the second bout. Therefore, on balance, it's
likely that Boxer C is the better one.
Do you really believe (be honest!) that it is better to switch to Boxer C than stay with Boxer
Transfer participants were then presented with another example of the collider principle that
made explicit the causal structure and the principle. The example was a modification of the
graduate-school example discussed earlier but presented in a way that maps better to the MHD:
Who is a good musician?
Why does knowing about Boxer C tell you something you didn't know before? In one
sense, the answer is obvious, Boxer C won. But the underlying reason is that the pattern of
causes present in the scenario: there are two causes (which boxer you initially chose, and
who is best) of a single outcome (who wins the first bout). This is called the collider
principle. We will try to explain why with a different example.
Imagine a college called Beethoven College, which is very selective so the only way to
Causality in reasoning 34
get in is to have really high SATs or be really good at music. In the general population there
is no correlations between grades and musical ability, but at Beethoven College SATs and
musical ability are negatively correlated, that is, students with high SATs tend to have
average/poor musical ability and students with high musical ability tend to have low/average
SATs (some students are high on both, but they are rare, and there is no one who is low on
both). This isn't because high SATs cause you to be bad at music but because this is an
example of the collider principle: there are two causes (high SATs and/or high musical
ability) of one effect (getting into Beethoven College). So knowing about your SATs tells me
something about your likely musical ability, if I know already that you are a student at
Beethoven College.
Imagine that you were looking for a really good musician and didn't have time to hold
auditions. There are three candidates but for some reason you know the SAT scores of two of
them. If the group were all MSU students this would not help you at all, but imagine instead
that the potential musicians were students at Beethoven College. If all you knew was which
of these two students had the higher SAT score, who should you choose: (please circle one
A. The student who had the higher of the two SAT scores.
B. The student who had the lower of the two SAT scores.
C. The student whose SAT scores is unknown.
D. They are all equally likely to be good musicians.
Does this situation seem similar to the Three Boxer problem? YES NO
(Note that SAT is a standardized test commonly used in US college admissions.) In order to
allow an easier mapping between this scenario and a standard version of the MHD the above
scenario introduced three students that map onto the three doors. To do this required a scenario
Causality in reasoning 35
that utilizes the collider principle twice. Its first application is what we initially gave as how the
graduate-school example involves the collider principle, that knowing an SAT score is
informative about musical ability, conditional on knowing that a student has been accepted at
Beethoven College. This collider structure creates a relationship between SAT and musical
ability, which are causal with regard to the outcome of being accepted, and thus gives
significance to SAT scores. The second collider structure has an outcome at its apex: which of
the known SAT scores is the higher one. There are two causal factors influencing this outcome:
which of the three students' SAT score is unknown, and which of the two known scores is higher.
(Note that no information is given about the absolute level of the scores compared.) If you know
that out of Students B and C it is Student B who has the higher SAT (and thus is equivalent to
the door opened), then that tells you that Student A (the one left out of the comparison, just as
the door initially chosen is left out) has the better chance of having the higher SAT score of the
two remaining students. Thus due to the collider structure that creates a relationship between
SAT scores and musical abilities, Student C is likely to be a better musician than Student A.
Both the Transfer and Nontransfer groups were then presented with the Doors version of the
MHD used in Experiment 3. After answering the stay/switch and frequency questions, both
groups answered the counterfactual question given in Experiment 3. Although participants in the
Nontransfer condition were not presented with anything equivalent to the Boxer version before
doing the Doors version, both groups had completed an unrelated set of written tasks before
being presented with the materials for this experiment.
Results and Discussion
Seventy-four participants reported having seen either the Doors or Boxers versions of the
MHD, which was a much larger proportion of participants than in the previous experiments. It
was discovered that this was because the MHD had been presented and explained to one of the
Causality in reasoning 36
classes participating in the subject pool (44 out of the 74 switched). Some participants may have
failed to report they had seen the problem, but due to random assignment this should raise switch
rates equally across conditions. However, only 12% of analyzed participants switched when
given the Doors version first (i.e., the Nontransfer group), which is indistinguishable from the
Doors condition switch rates in Experiments 1 and 3.
Table 6 presents the percentage of participants giving the switch responses to the Doors
version in both conditions, and the Boxer version in the Transfer condition. This shows that the
competition effect was again replicated: 12% of participants switched when given the Doors
version first but 44% switched when given the Boxers version, X
(1) = 26.1, p < .001 (Φ = .36).
More importantly for this experiment, more participants switched in the Doors version (36%) in
the Transfer than the Nontransfer condition, X
(1) = 16.7, p < .001 (Φ = .28).
Frequency responses
For the Doors version, more participants (13/103) in the transfer condition indicated the
correct frequency of winning if they switched (6/9 if switched and 3/9 if stayed) than in the
Nontransfer condition (6/103), but this difference was not quite statistically significant, X
(1) =
2.84, p = .092 (Φ = .12). However, if we used the criterion of whether a participant indicated that
switching would lead to a win 5, 6 or 7 times out of 9, then giving this response and switching
was more likely for participants in the transfer condition (33/103) than the nontransfer condition
(10/103), X
(1) = 15.5, p < .001 (Φ = .27).
It could be argued that some Transfer participants may have switched simply because they
were told that switching was correct for the Boxer version, so by making switching part of the
criteria for the correct frequency for the Doors version we may have overestimated the
performance of the transfer group relative to the nontransfer group. Therefore we calculated the
number of participants giving the 5/9, 6/9 or 7/9 answers regardless of whether they stayed or
Causality in reasoning 37
switched. (Some participants who stayed may give such answers either because they think it a
50% chance so 5/9 is as likely as 4/9, or simply because they are confused.) These answers were
still more likely for participants in the Transfer condition (43/103) than the Nontransfer
condition (19/103), X
(1) = 13.3, p < .001 (Φ = .25).
Counterfactual responses
As in Experiment 3, answering "yes" or "maybe" to the counterfactual question was
associated with switching in a Doors version of the MHD. Of the total deciding to stay 47% gave
one of these answers, whereas of those who decided to switch 76% gave one of these answers,
(1) = 12.1, p < .001 (Φ = .24). Thus Hypothesis 4 was again supported.
Table 7 presents the frequencies of each counterfactual answer for the Transfer and
Nontransfer conditions. Participants in the Transfer condition were more likely to give the "yes"
or "maybe" response to the counterfactual questions (61%) than were those in the Nontransfer
condition (47%), X
(1) = 4.40, p = .036 (Φ = .15). Unlike the stay/switch question which
participants had been given already in the Boxers version, nothing like the counterfactual
question had been presented in the training procedure. This suggests that better performance on
the counterfactual question is due to conceptual transfer.
Individual training tasks
Participants in the Transfer condition were presented with three training tasks, each related to
helping participants understand the collider principle. Our question was not which task would be
most effective at helping participants solve the Doors version of the MHD. Nonetheless each
task had a question associated with it that tested understanding, so we investigated whether
success with particular tasks differentially predicted switching in the Doors version of the MHD.
Table 8 reports how well Transfer participants answered the training task questions and the
correlations of these answers with switching in the Doors version of the MHD, and with each
Causality in reasoning 38
other. All three questions correlated positively with switching, but none was statistically
significantly. However, if we added up how many of the three questions participants answered
correctly, we found a significant correlation with switching in the Doors version, r(101) = .23, p
= .019. Thus we had no evidence that one training task was more effective than the others at
leading to switching, even though completing the whole training procedure increased switching.
Experiment 4 indicated that giving participants training on the collider principle resulted in
better performance in a standard version of the MHD. Transfer participants were not only more
likely to switch, but also showed conceptual transfer by correctly answering a counterfactual
question that required them to understand the implications of the MHD’s causal structure. Thus
this experiment supported Hypothesis 5 and provided converging evidence that one reason for
people's poor performance is that they fail to understand the implications of its causal structure.
The finding that participants could answer the more conceptual counterfactual question after
being given the training procedure is good evidence that training helped participants understand
the MHD's causal structure. However the large rise in the number of Transfer participants
deciding to switch in the Doors version need not be dismissed as a trivial example of surface
transfer. Although we told participants that switching was best for the Boxer version, simply
telling participants that they should switch and explaining why, only raised the switch rate from
44% to 62%. This is consistent with the observation that the MHD is a stubborn problem that is
somewhat impervious to statements of the correct answer. However this experiment did not give
a clear indication as to which of the three training tasks was most effective at increasing the rate
at which participants answered the Doors version of the MHD correctly.
General Discussion
The growing number of empirical studies of the MHD seems predicated on the assumption
Causality in reasoning 39
that something interesting must explain people's failures. In many reasoning tasks people make
consistent errors, but normally once it is explained to them people will accept that they have
made an error. Piattelli-Palmarini (1994, p. 161) regards the MHD as the most expressive
example of a "cognitive illusion" into which even knowledgeable people get trapped. The power
of the MHD to stir strong disagreement whenever it is presented to a skeptical public, or even a
knowledgeable one, makes it unusual. (The closest comparison may be the strong reaction to
Gilovich, Vallone & Tversky's [1985] debunking of the hot hand in basketball, but see Burns,
2004.) Previous studies have shown that participants misrepresent the MHD and if given clues to
the correct representation they will do better. However these studies have provided relatively
little evidence regarding what general principles might explain why it is particularly hard to
correctly represent the MHD. Glymour (2001) put the MHD into the broader framework of
causal reasoning (Burns & Wieth [2000] also made this suggestion) which allows the MHD to be
used to test an interesting claim: that people find it difficult to reason with the collider principle.
Our experiments provide the first empirical evidence that at the heart of the MHD is a causal
reasoning problem by supporting the five hypotheses we derived from the claim that the MHD is
difficult because it requires people to understand the implications of the collider principle. Thus
the results of the four experiments provide support for Glymour's (2001) speculation that the
MHD is hard because it requires understanding the implications of its causal structure.
Interpretation of Results
When presenting earlier versions of this research we have encountered various queries to our
interpretation of the data. It is worthwhile specifying why we think our interpretation holds up
and how the set of experiments addresses these queries.
Why is competition effective? With any complex written material it is impossible to determine
exactly how participants interpret it. Thus it could be asked whether our competition effect is due
Causality in reasoning 40
to something unrelated to it invoking the collider principle (explicitly or implicitly). However,
our consistent finding of a competition effect with each one of the four different competition
scenarios suggests that the improved performance is not just due to some quirk of an individual
scenario. The competition scenario in Experiment 2 in particular differs greatly from the others.
It has been suggested that it is "obvious" that people should favor the winner of the first
competition, but this begs the questions of why is it obvious that the winner of one game is likely
to be better than another competitor who was not involved in that game? When we question
people about why they think it is obvious they usually do not get further than stating that the
winner is better, which is repeating the fact that they favor that competitor to win. Excluding
factors due to having competed (e.g., fatigue, practice), the winner of the first game should be
favored against a competitor who has not yet competed only because this is an application of the
collider principle (or a generalization of it). We have not determined whether people are better at
applying the collider principle to competition because they think of it in terms of causality, or
because it is a specific situation in which they have experience with the collider principle.
It was important to test predictions derived from the causal analysis for manipulations other
than competition. Experiment 2 showed that manipulating the number of options improved
performance on the MHD also increased participants’ recognition of the importance of the
elimination process governed by the collider phenomenon. Experiment 4 showed that training
relevant to the collider principle increased performance on a standard version of the MHD.
Effect Sizes for Switching. Labeling the MHD as a cognitive illusion seems to imply that a single
factor should provoke an "Aha!" response and make the illusion disappear. However even if
solving the MHD were purely a matter of giving people the right representation, then this would
not necessarily imply that it will easily disappear. Weisberg and Alba (1981) showed that having
the right representation of a problem is a prerequisite to solving an insight problem (the nine-dot
Causality in reasoning 41
problem), not a guarantee of success. Krauss and Wang (2003) and Tubau and Alonso (2003)
showed that manipulating participants' representation did not make the MHD easy, which is
consistent with our claim that there is a further reason (i.e., failure to understand the implications
of its causal structure) underlying the difficulty in correctly representing the MHD.
The number of participants switching in our experiments was often around 50%, but this
should not be interpreted as evidence that participants were simply responding randomly because
the bias against switching is a strong one. Switching was strongly associated, regardless of
condition, with the process questions in Experiments 2 and 3, and the counterfactual question in
Experiments 3 and 4. This suggests that participants who switch are not just confused or acting
randomly, instead they usually switch for meaningful reasons that are consistent with our
explanation of what is necessary for understanding the MHD. Conversely some people may be
able to give the right answer to the MHD without an understanding of what underlies the right
answer. They however may be like someone who can apply a statistical formula without
understanding, and therefore fails to recognize when it produces a ridiculous result.
The Dangers of Failures to apply the Collider Principle
This paper is the first empirical support for Glymour's (2001) analysis of the difficulty of the
MHD as due to it involving the collider principle. However there is no reason to think the MHD
is unique as a failure to apply the collider principle, even if it is a strong case. It is possible that
other unexplained reasoning errors may be due to failures to apply the collider principle.
An example of the collider principle in epidemiology is Berkson's (1946) paradox: two
diseases may be found to be correlated amongst hospital patients but be unrelated in the general
population. Many studies of diseases focus on hospital admissions, thus this paradox is a serious
problem as it can lead to health researchers wasting resources on investigating what look like
promising leads. There is no statistical fix to this problem, as it is fundamental if the sample is
Causality in reasoning 42
selected from hospital populations. Thus over 750 citations can be found of Berkson's paper
since 1970. Yet Schwartzbaum, Ahlbom, and Feychting (2003) still felt the need to publish a
review of Berkson's paper to accompany Sadetzki, Bensal, Novikov, Modan (2003) paper on the
consequences of using hospital controls to establish cancer etiology. Unlike these papers, Pearl
(2000, p. 17) points out that Berkson's paradox arises due to a causal structure in which two
independent causes (the two diseases) can both produce a single outcome (hospital admission).
He uses different terms but states the collider principle as clearly as Glymour (2001) does.
Berkson's paradox does not only apply to physical diseases. Clarkin and Kendall (1992)
defined comorbidity as the "occurrence at one point in time of two or more DSM-III-R disorders"
(p. 904) and suggest that it is "an emerging and essential concern for both theoretical
understanding of psychological disturbances and treatment planning." (p. 904) A decade later
Jensen (2003) echoed this sentiment. However Lilienfeld (2003) pointed out that care must be
taken because of the purely mathematical consequences of the fact that an individual with two
disorders can seek treatment for either disorder. Thus Berkson's paradox could produce what
looks like evidence of comorbidity. Therefore Lilienfeld suggested it is important when seeking
evidence of comorbidity to take into account biases in how people ended up in the sample.
Collider phenomena may be at the heart of other reasoning problems. For example, the
collider principle could be seen as at the core of a fundamental dispute over how to conduct
scientific research: what can be concluded about a hypothesis from the rejection of an alternative
hypothesis? Oaksford and Chater (1994, 1996) point out that Popper (1959) argued that
experiments could only falsify, never confirm, general laws. Thus scientists should focus on
falsification, because no matter how often an alternative hypothesis is falsified this does not
support the original hypothesis. Oaksford and Chater point out that contemporary philosophers
of science reject falsification as inaccurate history of science and unworkable. Instead they apply
Causality in reasoning 43
Bayesian approaches to confirmation to derive a new understanding of the Wason selection task
(though their approach has been criticized, e.g., Laming, 1996). Oaksford and Chater's approach
suggests that causal reasoning may be important in a range of reasoning tasks. Furthermore the
collider principle may apply to scientific reasoning, as there is an analogy to the MHD.
Imagine three hypotheses (A, B, C) regarding a phenomenon. Assume that the three are
mutually exclusive but one can be shown to be correct (or at least correct in the sense that only
the other two will be rejected). Further assume that only two hypotheses can be tested in a single
experiment but that any such experiment can definitively reject one of the two hypotheses tested.
This situation is isomorphic to the MHD. If Experiment 1 tests Hypotheses A and B, and it
rejects B, then Experiment 2 is more likely to reject Hypothesis C than Hypothesis A. This is
because the situation has a collider structure:
(Which hypothesis is correct) (Hypothesis rejected in Exp. 1) (Hypotheses tested)
Of course usually there are more than three hypotheses, and those hypotheses may not be
mutually exclusive. However this is analogous to increasing the number of doors and giving the
doors nonuniform values: it still pays to switch.
Generalization of collider phenomena makes clear why participants failed to see the
elimination process as more causal in the Competition than in the Noncompetition version of the
MHD in Experiment 3. Participants do not perform better in the Competition version because
they see it as causal; they do so because the context helps them see the implications of the causal
structure. When epidemiologist cite Berkson's paradox they are not suggesting that doctors do
not understand what diseases put people in hospital, they are pointing out the perils of not
understanding the implications of there being two unrelated diseases that can do this.
Pearl (2000, p. xiii) points out that making proper inferences about causality is the central
Causality in reasoning 44
aim of the physical, behavioral, social, and biological sciences. However, if even simple collider
structures can lead to difficulties for experts in statistics, then it may not be surprising that Pearl
also observes that we have difficulty understanding causality. Collider phenomenon may be
difficult to reason about because they relate to a fundamental question: under what circumstances
can information about one entity tell us something about another entity? The answer depends on
the causal structure of the situation, which is not always easy to determine. Thus the explanation
underlying why the MHD is so hard may be an important principle whose influence on reasoning
has not been explored by psychology. An implication of this analysis is that selection biases
(e.g., Berkson's paradox) can be much more dangerous than is generally thought, because they
exploit a blind-spot in people's understanding of the implications of causality.
This paper is the first experimental investigation of failure on a problem due, at least partly,
to a failure to understand the implications of the collider principle. In general, more examination
of reasoning in terms of causality may be fruitful, and focusing on causality may open up
interesting new avenues for future research into reasoning.
Causality in reasoning 45
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Author Note
Bruce D. Burns, Department of Psychology; Mareike Wieth, Department of Psychology.
We would like to thank Fernanda Ferreira, Stefan Krauss, Raymond Nickerson, David Shanks,
Regina Vollmeyer and three anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on earlier drafts of this
paper. A preliminary report of the results of Experiment 1 was presented at the Forty-First
Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA, November 2000.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Bruce Burns, Department
of Psychology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1117. Electronic mail may
be sent via Internet to
Causality in reasoning 52
All materials are available from the authors by request.
Causality in reasoning 53
Table 1.
Illustration of the isomorphism between the standard (Doors) version of the MHD, and the
competition (Boxers) version.
Doors version Boxers version
1. A decision maker tries to win a prize by
picking which of three doors conceals a
1. A decision maker tries to win a prize by
picking which of three boxers is unbeatable.
2. Choose one door randomly. 2. Choose one boxer randomly.
3. One of the other two doors is opened 3. One of the other two boxers loses a bout
between them.
4. The door concealing the prize cannot be
opened in line 3.
4. The one unbeatable boxer cannot lose the
bout in line 3.
5. If neither of the two doors in line 3 conceals
the prize, then which door is opened is
5. If neither of the two boxers in line 3 is
unbeatable then who loses is random.
6. Two doors remain, the one chosen in line 2
and the door remaining after line 3. Soon the
prize will be revealed. One door must
conceal the prize.
6. Two boxers remain, the one chosen in line 2
and the winner of the bout in line 3. They
will now fight to reveal who is the best. One
of them must be unbeatable.
7. Decision maker stays with the door first
chosen, or switches to the door not opened
in line 3.
7. Decision maker stays with the boxer first
chosen, or switches to winner of the bout in
line 3.
8. Correct choice in line 7 wins the prize. 8. Correct choice in line 7 wins the prize.
Causality in reasoning 54
Table 2
Percentages of participants choosing to switch, and percentages correctly stating the probability
of wining if they switch for each condition of Experiment 1. Exact proportions are given in
parentheses based on the number of participants giving the answer out of the total number of
participants in a condition.
Door Wrestlers-D Wrestlers Boxers
Switch rates 15%
State correct probability
of winning
Causality in reasoning 55
Table 3
Percentage of participants choosing to switch, and percentage saying “yes” to the process
question (indicating that the process was important) in each condition of Experiment 2 (exact
proportions are given in parentheses). Note that some participants did not answer the process
3-options 32-options 128-options Total
Switching responses
Competition 36%
Noncompetition 15%
“yes” to process question
Competition 50%
Noncompetition 27%
Causality in reasoning 56
Table 4
Frequencies of responses in Experiment 3 to the counterfactual question by stay/switch decision
in each condition.
stay switch Total
Competition condition
Counterfactual YES 25 48 73
Response MAYBE 38 42 80
NO 112 30 142
Total 175 120
Noncompetition condition
Counterfactual YES 35 12 47
Response MAYBE 59 12 71
NO 163 14 177
Total 257 38
Causality in reasoning 57
Table 5
Frequencies of responses in Experiment 3 to the process question by stay/switch decision in each
stay switch Total
Competition Condition
Causal None 117 25 142
Response Switch 10 83 93
Stay 36 6 42
other 13 6 19
Total 176 120
Noncompetition Condition
Causal None 171 16 187
Response Switch 9 18 27
Stay 64 2 66
other 13 2 15
Total 257 38
Causality in reasoning 58
Table 6
Percentage of participants choosing to switch in each group for each version of the MHD in
Experiment 4 (exact proportions given in parentheses). Only the Transfer group attempted the
Boxers version.
Nontransfer group Transfer group
Doors Boxers Doors
Causality in reasoning 59
Table 7
Frequencies of responses in Experiment 4 to the counterfactual question in each condition.
Transfer Nontransfer
Counterfactual YES 26 14
Response MAYBE 37 34
NO 40 52
Causality in reasoning 60
Table 8
Correlations in Experiment 4 for correct responses to training task questions and whether
Transfer condition participants switched together with statistical significance levels in
parentheses. Percent answering each question correctly (and what the correct response was) is
also reported.
Really believe
you should switch
in Boxers
College problem
problem like
doors problem
Doors switch .08 (p=.43) .17 (p=.08) .14 (p=.16) .15 (p=.14)
Boxer switch .57 (p=.43) .11 (p=.29) .18 (p=.07)
Really believe you
should switch in
Boxers problem
.14 (p=.17) .11 (p=.26)
Beethoven College
problem correct
.21 (p=.03)
Percent correct
"lower SAT"
... However, the vast majority of people shows a strong tendency to stick with their initial choice (Burns & Wieth, 2004;Friedman, 1998;Granberg, 1999a;Granberg & Brown, 1995;Granberg & Dorr, 1998). Cross-cultural research revealed that sticking percentages range between 79% and 87% (Granberg, 1999a). ...
... Fourth, the numbers of options are mentioned, demonstrating that most studies included three alternatives analogous to the classic MHD. A limited number of studies increased the number of options significantly, up to 100 (Stibel et al., 2009) and 128 (Burns & Wieth, 2004) alternatives. Finally, the number of MHD trials are mentioned, showing that most studies investigated just one MHD trial, whereas other studies let participants solve repeated MHD trials. ...
... Second, several studies manipulated the number of options (i.e., more doors) in the MHD (Burns & Wieth, 2004;Franco-Watkins et al., 2003;Saenen et al., 2015a;Stibel et al., 2009). A participant's intuition that the initial choice is the correct one will be less probable with an increased number of options, because the difference between the prior probabilities to initially choose the correct versus wrong option becomes larger. ...
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The Monty Hall dilemma (MHD) is a difficult brain teaser. We present a systematic review of literature published between January 2000 and February 2018 addressing why humans systematically fail to react optimally to the MHD or fail to understand it. Based on a sequential analysis of the phases in the MHD, we first review causes in each of these phases that may prohibit humans to react optimally and to fully understand the problem. Next, we address the question whether humans’ performance, in terms of choice behaviour and (probability) understanding, can be improved. Finally, we discuss individual differences related to people’s suboptimal performance. This review provides novel insights by means of its holistic approach of the MHD: At each phase, there are reasons to expect that people respond suboptimally. Given that the occurrence of only one cause is sufficient, it is not surprising that suboptimal responses are so widespread and people rarely understand the MHD.
... 4 Although research has demonstrated that human performance in the MHD can improve through repeated exposure, typical performance is still well below optimal. Several studies increased the number of options available for selection to provide additional performance improvements (Burns & Wieth, 2004;Franco-Watkins et al., 2003;Saenen et al., 2015;Stibel et al., 2009;Watzek et al., 2018;reviewed by Saenen et al., 2018). Increasing the number of available options raises the likelihood that switching will result in reinforcement when all but two options have been eliminated. ...
... Saenen et al. (2015) implemented three conditions, each with an increasing number of cups (3/10/50), then compared performance across 10 trials. Stibel et al. (2009) examined whether performance on a single trial improved by including conditions that gradually increased the number of boxes available, ranging from 5 to 10. Burns and Wieth (2004) increased their total number of options to 128 for a single trial, while Franco-Watkins et al. (2003) implemented doors ranging from 3 to 10 for three trials. Each study found that switching rates increased as a function of more available options. ...
The Monty Hall dilemma (MHD) is a probability puzzle in which humans consistently fail to adopt the optimal winning strategy. The participant chooses between three identical doors, behind one of which is a valuable prize. After the participant makes their initial decision, the host reveals that there is nothing behind one of the two remaining doors, then asks the participant if they would like to stay with their originally selected door or switch to the remaining unopened door. The optimal choice is to switch to the previously unchosen door, which increases the probability of winning from 33% to 67%. Despite this basic solution, humans repeatedly perform suboptimally. Previous attempts to improve performance by increasing the number of available doors have been successful (Burns & Weith, 2004; Franko-Watkins et al., 2003; Saenen et al., 2015; Stibel et al., 2009; Watzek et al., 2018). However, prior studies that examined whether this improved performance could generalize to different contexts have been inconclusive (Franko-Watkins et al., 2003; Watzek et al., 2018). To examine whether human performance can generalize across two computerized variations of the MHD, the present study explored how previous experience involving trials presented with eight options affects switching percentages in subsequent trials with three options. The results replicated findings from previous studies, which demonstrated that switching rates increased as a function of more available options. The findings also revealed participants can successfully generalize their behavior when returning to three-option trials. Further exploration of the MHD is needed to determine why performance generalization occurs in certain contexts but not others.
... The MHD, for example, when articulated differently, sometimes results in different choices. For example, Burns and Wieth (2004) recast the MHD as a competition, in which one of three boxers is superior and cannot lose. Although the underlying mathematical structure of the problem was the same as in the classical formulation, as was the optimal solution, their human participants were more likely to use the optimal approach than when presented with the classic three-door version. ...
... Based on the results of Experiments 2 and 3, it appears that instruction set can be a determinant of success in the SP, just as it is in the MHD (Burns & Wieth, 2004). Here, we suggest that the important part of the instruction set is what determines a win: relative rank, or absolute rating. ...
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The secretary problem is a notorious mathematical puzzle in which one attempts to hire the best available candidate from a pool of known size. Under specific constraints, the problem has an ideal solution, but it is difficult for humans to solve. In particular, humans generally consider too few options from the available pool and in doing so make inferior hires. Three experiments investigated pigeons' and humans' choices on a version of the secretary problem. Pigeons performed suboptimally by choosing too soon, but suffered only limited costs to their rate of earned reinforcement. Depending on the instruction set, human participants approximated either prior suboptimal human results or current pigeons' results. These results may provide some insight into what makes the problem difficult to solve and how the secretary problem connects with decisions in the real world. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).
... Overwhelmingly, participants choose to stay with their initial selection even though, under certain conditions, the chances of winning the car improve by switching to the unopened door (e.g., Burns & Wieth, 2004). This behavior might be explained by two phenomena: erroneous mathematical reasoning and psychological peculiarities of the decisionmaking process. ...
... Expect students to overwhelmingly choose the no-switch strategy. Over the last 10 times this exercise was taught, the class average percentage of students who would switch was 20% (minimum, 11%; maximum, 29%; SD, 6%), consistent with other reported tests of the MHP (e.g., Bennett, 2018;Burns & Wieth, 2004). The next step is to uncover students' rationales for their answers. ...
Popular game shows offer educators the opportunity to develop active‐learning exercises that provide students with a real‐world connection to analytical reasoning and methods. We describe a classroom assignment developed for quantitative business courses based on the Monty Hall Problem (MHP), a probability puzzle with ties to the long‐running television game show Let's Make a Deal. Through a holistic view of the MHP, we provide instructors with various avenues to use the MHP as a comprehensive experiential learning exercise with multiple opportunities for individual and class discussions and exercises. Instructors adopting our multifaceted approach to the MHP will expose students to myriad analytical tools including probability, decision trees, and Monte Carlo simulation as well as to cognitive biases that can affect the decision‐making process. Among the unique contributions of our work is its focus on the commonly held MHP assumptions. Specifically, we challenge students to articulate conditions inherent to the MHP solution and assess their appropriateness in context. By relaxing one or more of those assumptions, and observing differences in solutions, students become attuned to the importance of knowing and assessing conditions that underlie all quantitative decision‐making tools.
... Such likelihoods explain why it is more probable that the unselected and unopened door conceals the prize. However, most untrained participants erroneously stick with their initial choice and think the remaining two doors have equal probabilities of concealing the prize (Burns and Wieth, 2004). ...
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This article introduces a new violation of a law of probability, likelihood neglect bias . The bias occurs when one is (i) aware that some evidence is more likely given one hypothesis rather than another but (ii) that evidence does not cause them to raise their probability for the former hypothesis relative to the latter. The Monty Hall problem illustrates this bias, although the bias is potentially present in other contexts as well. Unlike previous studies, the present study shows that incorrect responses to the problem are attributable to failure to realize the implications of likelihoods (i.e., likelihood neglect) instead of unawareness of what the likelihoods are. Likelihood neglect is also distinguished from other biases which it is occasionally confused with, and a theoretical explanation of likelihood neglect is proposed. Experimental results further indicate that a new approach—the mental simulations approach—showed a large effect in reducing likelihood neglect and increasing correct probabilities when encountering the Monty Hall problem. The approach also increased correct probabilities for a new modification called the ‘new Monty Hall problem’, unlike two prominent alternative approaches to the original Monty Hall problem. The new Monty Hall problem also illustrates that humans can fail to recognize objectively strong evidence for a hypothesis if they neglect likelihoods.
... As Pearl and Mackenzie recently (2018) document, this generated an unexpected controversy when it appeared in a puzzle column by Marilyn vos Savant (1990), who argued that switching doors doubles the contestant's chances of winning. She illustrated her solution with a small table like that shown in Table 1 (Burns & Wieth, 2004;vos Savant, 1997), most arguing that once the host opened a door, the prize was equally likely to be behind the original door and the unopened door. ...
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We review a quartet of widely discussed probability puzzles – Monty Hall, the three prisoners, the two boys, and the two aces. Pearl explains why the Monty Hall problem is counterintuitive using a causal diagram. Glenn Shafer uses the puzzle of the two aces to justify reintroducing to probability theory protocols that specify how the information we condition on is obtained. Pearl, in one treatment of the three prisoners, adds to his representation random variables that distinguish actual events and observations. The puzzle of the two boys took a perplexing twist in 2010. We show the puzzles have similar features, and each can be made to give different answers to simple queries corresponding to different presentations of the word problem. We offer a unified treatment that explains this phenomenon in strictly technical terms, as opposed to cognitive or epistemic.
... Across 13 studies that used standard versions of the MHD, participants overwhelmingly (M = 85.5%, SD = 4.5) chose not to switch doors (Burns & Wieth, 2004). However, people who switch doors actually double their chances of winning the car (see below). ...
The Monty Hall Dilemma (MHD) is a simple probability puzzle famous for its counterintuitive solution. Participants initially choose among three doors, one of which conceals a prize. A different door is opened and shown not to contain the prize. Participants are then asked whether they would like to stay with their original choice or switch to the other remaining door. Although switching doubles the chances of winning, people overwhelmingly choose to stay with their original choice. To assess how experience and the chance of winning affect decisions in the MHD, we used a comparative approach to test 264 college students, 24 capuchin monkeys, and 7 rhesus macaques on a nonverbal, computerized version of the game. Participants repeatedly experienced the outcome of their choices and we varied the chance of winning by changing the number of doors (three or eight). All species quickly and consistently switched doors, especially in the eight-door condition. After the computer task, we presented humans with the classic text version of the MHD to test whether they would generalize the successful switch strategy from the computer task. Instead, participants showed their characteristic tendency to stick with their pick, regardless of the number of doors. This disconnect between strategies in the classic version and a repeated nonverbal task with the same underlying probabilities may arise because they evoke different decision-making processes, such as explicit reasoning versus implicit learning.
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This article outlines a theory of naive probability. According to the theory, individuals who are unfamiliar with the probability calculus can infer the probabilities of events in an extensional way: They construct mental models of what is true in the various possibilities. Each model represents an equiprobable alternative unless individuals have beliefs to the contrary, in which case some models will have higher probabilities than others. The probability of an event depends on the proportion of models in which it occurs. The theory predicts several phenomena of reasoning about absolute probabilities, including typical biases. It correctly predicts certain cognitive illusions in inferences about relative probabilities. It accommodates reasoning based on numerical premises, and it explains how naive reasoners can infer posterior probabilities without relying on Bayes's theorem. Finally, it dispels some common misconceptions of probabilistic reasoning.
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The study of heuristics and biases in judgment has been criticized in several publications by G. Gigerenzer, who argues that “biases are not biases” and “heuristics are meant to explain what does not exist” (1991, p. 102). This article responds to Gigerenzer's critique and shows that it misrepresents the authors' theoretical position and ignores critical evidence. Contrary to Gigerenzer's central empirical claim, judgments of frequency—not only subjective probabilities—are susceptible to large and systematic biases. A postscript responds to Gigerenzer's (1996) reply.
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Human reasoning in hypothesis-testing tasks like Wason's (1966, 1968) selection task has been depicted as prone to systematic biases. However, performance on this task has been assessed against a now outmoded falsificationist philosophy of science. Therefore, the experimental data is reassessed in the light of a Bayesian model of optimal data selection in inductive hypothesis testing. The model provides a rational analysis (Anderson, 1990) of the selection task that fits well with people's performance on both abstract and thematic versions of the task. The model suggests that reasoning in these tasks may be rational rather than subject to systematic bias.
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This summary blends the commentaries from the 6 articles in the special section on comorbidity. Included is a discussion of various definitions of comorbidity, the merits and demerits of a hierarchical diagnostic system, and consideration of the extent, patterning, and nature of comorbidity. Directive comments with reference to future intervention planning mention both assessment (distinguishing overlapping constructs) and treatment (sequencing and treatment manuals) issues.
The use of Bayes nets and graphical causal models in the investigation of human learning of causal relations, and in modeling and inference in cognitive psychology. In recent years, small groups of statisticians, computer scientists, and philosophers have developed an account of how partial causal knowledge can be used to compute the effect of actions and how causal relations can be learned, at least by computers. The representations used in the emerging theory are causal Bayes nets or graphical causal models. In his new book, Clark Glymour provides an informal introduction to the basic assumptions, algorithms, and techniques of causal Bayes nets and graphical causal models in the context of psychological examples. He demonstrates their potential as a powerful tool for guiding experimental inquiry and for interpreting results in developmental psychology, cognitive neuropsychology, psychometrics, social psychology, and studies of adult judgment. Using Bayes net techniques, Glymour suggests novel experiments to distinguish among theories of human causal learning and reanalyzes various experimental results that have been interpreted or misinterpreted—without the benefit of Bayes nets and graphical causal models. The capstone illustration is an analysis of the methods used in Herrnstein and Murray's book The Bell Curve; Glymour argues that new, more reliable methods of data analysis, based on Bayes nets representations, would lead to very different conclusions from those advocated by Herrnstein and Murray. Bradford Books imprint