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Hormonal Regulation of Plant Growth and Development

PLOS Biology

Abstract and Figures

Besides environmental factors, plant growth depends upon endogenous signals. Bill Gray examines what these hormonal signals are and how they act to regulate many aspects of growth and development.
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PLoS Biology | 1270
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September 2004 | Volume 2 | Issue 9 | e311
Phytohormones: What Are they?
Plant growth and development
involves the integration of many
environmental and endogenous signals
that, together with the intrinsic genetic
program, determine plant form.
Fundamental to this process are several
growth regulators collectively called the
plant hormones or phytohormones.
This group includes auxin, cytokinin,
the gibberellins (GAs), abscisic acid
(ABA), ethylene, the brassinosteroids
(BRs), and jasmonic acid (JA), each
of which acts at low concentrations to
regulate many aspects of plant growth
and development.
With the notable exception of the
steroidal hormones of the BR group,
plant hormones bear little resemblance
to their animal counterparts (Figure 1).
Rather, they are relatively simple, small
molecules such as ethylene gas and
indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), the primary
auxin in the majority of plant species.
The concept of plant hormones
originates from a classical experiment
on phototropism, the bending of plants
toward light, carried out by Charles
Darwin and his son Francis in 1880.
The Darwins were able to demonstrate
that when oat seedlings were exposed
to a lateral light source, a transported
signal originating from the plant apex
promoted differential cell elongation
in the lower parts of the seedling that
resulted in it bending toward the light
source. This signal was subsequently
shown to be IAA, the fi rst known plant
What Do They Do?
Virtually every aspect of plant
growth and development is under
hormonal control to some degree.
A single hormone can regulate an
amazingly diverse array of cellular
and developmental processes, while
at the same time multiple hormones
often infl uence
a single process.
examples include
the promotion
of fruit ripening
by ethylene,
regulation of the
cell cycle by auxin
and cytokinin,
induction of seed
germination and
stem elongation
by GA, and the
maintenance of
seed dormancy by
ABA. Historically,
the effects of each
hormone have
been defi ned
largely by the
of exogenous
More recently,
the isolation
of hormone
and response mutants has provided
powerful new tools for painting a
clearer picture of the roles of the
various phytohormones in plant growth
and development.
How Do They Work?
Plant biologists have been
fascinated by the regulatory capacity
of phytohormones since the time of
their discovery, and the notion that
hormone levels or responses could be
manipulated to improve desired plant
traits has long been an area of intense
interest. Perhaps the best-known
example of this is the isolation of dwarf
varieties of wheat and rice that led to
the “green revolution” in the second
half of the 20th century, which is
credited with saving millions of people
around the globe from starvation.
These dwarf varieties have shorter
stems than wild-type, making these
plants less susceptible to damage by
wind and rain. The molecular isolation
of these “dwarfi ng genes” has revealed
that they encode components of the
GA biosynthesis and response pathways
(Peng et al. 1999; Sasaki et al. 2002).
To elucidate the molecular
mechanisms underlying phytohormone
action, several researchers have
utilized the genetically facile model
plant Arabidopsis thaliana to isolate
mutations that confer altered response
to applied hormone. Molecular and
biochemical analysis of the gene
Hormonal Regulation of Plant Growth
and Development
William M. Gray
Citation: Gray WM (2004) Hormonal regulation of
plant growth and development. PLoS Biol 2(9): e311.
Copyright: © 2004 William M. Gray. This is an open-ac-
cess article distributed under the terms of the Cre-
ative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly
Abbreviations: ABA, abscisic acid; ARF, auxin response
factor; BR, brassinosteroid; GA, gibberellin; HK,
histidine kinase; IAA, indole-3-acetic acid; JA, jasmonic
acid; SCF, SKP1/Cullin/F-box protein
William M. Gray is in Plant Biology at the University
of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, United States of
America. E-mail:
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0020311
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0020311.g001
Figure 1. Chemical Structures of the Plant Hormones
A partial list of the responses elicited by each hormone
is provided below. Ethylene gas promotes fruit ripening,
senescence, and responses to pathogens and abiotic stresses.
IAA (an auxin) regulates cell division and expansion, vascular
differentiation, lateral root development, and apical dominance.
Cytokinins are adenine derivatives fi rst identifi ed by their ability
to promote cytokinesis. JA is a volatile signal that modulates
pollen development and responses to pathogen infection. The
BRs regulate cell expansion and photomorphogenesis (light-
regulated development). GAs are diterpenoid compounds that
promote germination, stem elongation, and the induction of
owering. ABA promotes seed dormancy and is involved in
several stress signaling pathways.
PLoS Biology | 1271
products defi ned by these mutations,
coupled with expression studies aimed
at identifying the downstream target
genes that mediate hormonal changes
in growth and development, has
begun to unlock some of the mysteries
behind phytohormone action. While
no hormone transduction pathway is
completely understood, we now have
a rudimentary understanding of many
of the molecular events underlying
hormone action. Several reviews
covering the individual hormone
pathways in greater detail have recently
been published (Turner et al. 2002;
Gomi and Matsuoka 2003; Himmelbach
et al. 2003; Kakimoto 2003; Dharmasiri
and Estelle 2004; Guo and Ecker 2004;
Wang and He 2004).
Common Themes
Regulation by proteolysis has
emerged as a resounding theme
in plant hormone signaling. The
ubiquitin-mediated degradation of
key regulatory proteins has been
demonstrated, or is at least likely, for
all of the phytohormone response
pathways (Smalle and Vierstra
2004). In the case of auxin, the
response pathway is normally subject
to repression by a large family of
transcriptional regulators called the
Aux/IAA proteins (Figure 2). These
proteins dimerize with members of
the auxin response factor (ARF)
family of transcription factors, thus
preventing ARFs from activating
auxin-responsive genes (Tiwari et al.
2004). Upon an auxin stimulus, an
SCF (SKP1/Cullin/F-box protein)
ubiquitin ligase (Deshaies 1999)
containing the TIR1 F-box protein
ubiquitinates the Aux/IAA proteins,
marking them for degradation by the
26S proteasome thereby de-repressing
the response pathway (Gray et al.
2001). The hormone promotes the
Aux/IAA–TIR1 interaction; however,
the molecular mechanisms behind
this regulation are unclear. Most yeast
and animal SCF substrates must be
post-translationally modifi ed, usually
by phosphorylation, before they are
recognized by their cognate F-box
protein. Despite numerous efforts to
identify auxin-induced modifi cation of
Aux/IAA proteins, no such signal has
been discovered, raising the distinct
possibility that auxin uses a novel
mechanism to regulate SCF–substrate
Ethylene and cytokinin are both
perceived by receptors sharing
similarity to bacterial two-component
regulators. Common in prokaryotes,
but apparently restricted to plants and
fungi in eukaryotes, these modular
signaling systems involve a membrane-
bound receptor containing an
intracellular histidine kinase (HK)
domain (Wolanin et al. 2002). Ligand
binding activates the kinase, resulting
in autophosphorylation and initiation
of a series of phosphotransfer reactions
that culminates with the activation
of a response regulator protein that
functions as the effector component
of the pathway. Cytokinin signaling
appears to largely follow this paradigm
(Kakimoto 2003). Ethylene response,
however, appears more complex (Guo
and Ecker 2004).
Ethylene is perceived by a family
of fi ve receptors. ETR1 and ERS1
contain a consensus HK domain,
however, the HK domains of ETR2,
ERS2, and EIN4 are degenerate and
lack elements necessary for catalytic
activity. This fact, together with studies
of “kinase-dead” mutants of ETR1,
suggests that HK activity is not required
for ethylene response. Mutations that
abolish ethylene binding in any of the
ve receptor genes are dominant and
confer ethylene insensitivity, indicating
that the receptors function as negative
regulators of the ethylene pathway.
Genetic and molecular studies have
positioned these receptors upstream
of the Raf-like MAP kinase kinase
kinase, CTR1, which interacts with the
receptors and also acts as a negative
regulator (Figure 3). The integral
membrane protein, EIN2, and the
transcription factors EIN3 and EIL1
are positive regulators of ethylene
signaling downstream of CTR1.
Current models propose that hormone
binding inactivates the receptors,
thus resulting in down-regulation of
CTR1 activity. Since the identifi cation
of CTR1, biologists have speculated
that a MAP kinase cascade may be
involved. Only recently, however, have
putative MAP kinase kinase and MAP
kinase components of the ethylene
pathway been identifi ed (Chang 2003).
Interestingly, these kinases appear to
positively regulate ethylene response,
suggesting that CTR1 must inhibit their
function. If so, this would represent
a novel twist on the traditional MAP
kinase signaling paradigm. Precisely
September 2004 | Volume 2 | Issue 9 | e311
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0020311.g002
Figure 2. The Ubiquitin-Mediated Proteolysis of Aux/IAA Proteins Regulates Auxin Response
(A) Wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana and the axr2-1 mutant. axr2-1 is a dominant gain-
of-function mutation in an Aux/IAA gene that confers reduced auxin response. The
mutant axr2-1 protein constitutively represses auxin response because it cannot be
targeted for proteolysis by the SCF
ubiquitin ligase. The effect of the mutation
on AXR2 stability is shown in a pulse-chase experiment (inset). Wild-type and
axr2-1 seedlings were labeled with
S-methionine and AXR2/axr2-1 protein was
immunoprecipitated either immediately after the labeling period (t = 0) or following a
15-minute chase with unlabeled methionine (t = 15).
(B) A simplifi ed model for auxin response. In the absence of an auxin stimulus, Aux/
IAA proteins inhibit ARF transcriptional activity by forming heterodimers. Auxin
perception (by an unknown receptor) targets the Aux/IAA proteins to the SCF
complex, resulting in their ubiquitination and degradation, thereby de-repressing the
ARF transcription factors. Among the ARF targets are the Aux/IAA genes themselves,
which produce nascent Aux/IAA proteins that restore repression upon the pathway in a
negative feedback loop.
PLoS Biology | 1272
how the ethylene signal is transduced
to the EIN3 and EIL1 transcription
factors remains unclear. However,
the recent fi nding that ethylene
stabilizes these transcription factors,
which are targeted for degradation
by an SCF complex in the absence of
ethylene, clearly indicates a role for
the ubiquitin pathway (Guo and Ecker
2003; Potuschak et al. 2003). One of
the known targets for EIN3 is the ERF1
transcription factor, which activates
several genes involved in a subset of
ethylene responses.
Signal Integration and
Combinatorial Control
Long ago, plant physiologists noted
the apparent antagonistic interactions
between some of the phytohormones,
such as between auxin and cytokinin
in the regulation of root–shoot
differentiation and between GA and
ABA in germination. Other processes
are synergistically regulated by multiple
hormones. While it has long been
obvious that hormones do not function
in discrete pathways, but rather
exhibit extensive cross-talk and signal
integration with each other and with
environmental and developmental
signaling pathways, the molecular basis
for such coordinated regulation has
been unclear. Several recent fi ndings
have begun to elucidate the molecular
details of some of these events.
One example of such signal
integration was recently described
for the ethylene and JA pathways
(Lorenzo et al. 2003). Genetic studies
had previously implicated both
hormones as important regulators
of pathogen defense responses, as
well as of the wounding response
and other stress-related pathways.
Additionally, microarray analysis has
identifi ed a large number of genes
that are responsive to both hormones.
The ERF1 transcription factor was
recently found to be an intersection
point for these two signaling pathways
(Lorenzo et al. 2003). Like ethylene,
JA rapidly induces ERF1 expression,
and treatment with both hormones
synergistically activates ERF1. Induction
of ERF1 by both hormones alone or in
combination is dependent upon both
signaling pathways, and constitutive
overexpression of ERF1 rescues the
defense-response defects of both
ethylene- and JA-insensitive mutants.
These fi ndings suggest that ERF1
represents one of the fi rst signaling
nodes identifi ed in the complex web of
hormonal cross-talk.
The auxin and BR pathways also
appear to converge and mutually
regulate some developmental
processes. Both hormones promote cell
expansion, and microarray studies have
revealed that as many as 40% of all BR-
induced genes are also up-regulated by
auxin (Goda et al. 2004; Nemhauser
et al. 2004). BR is perceived by the cell
surface receptor kinase BRI1 (Wang
and He 2004). The SHAGGY/GSK3-
type kinase BIN2 acts as a negative
regulator of the pathway downstream
of the receptor. In the absence of a
BR signal, BIN2 phosphorylates the
transcription factors BES1 and BZR1,
targeting them for proteolysis by the
26S proteasome. Upon a BR stimulus,
BIN2 is inactivated, allowing BES1 and
BZR1to accumulate in the nucleus,
where they are presumably involved in
regulating BR-responsive genes.
Using combined genetic,
physiological, and genomic
approaches, Nemhauser and colleagues
(2004) were able to demonstrate that
auxin and BR regulate Arabidopsis
hypocotyl (embryonic stem) elongation
in a synergistic and interdependent
fashion. Elevating endogenous auxin
levels rendered plants more sensitive to
BR application in hypocotyl elongation
assays, and this response was dependent
upon both the auxin and BR signaling
pathways. Genetic studies suggest that
the convergence of these two pathways
occurs at a late point in hormone
signaling, perhaps at the promoters
of the many genes responsive to both
hormones. In support of this notion,
bioinformatic analysis identifi ed
distinct sequence elements that were
enriched specifi cally in the promoters
of auxin-induced, BR-induced, and
auxin/BR-induced genes.
Many Unanswered Questions
While great strides have been made
in recent years in understanding the
molecular basis of phytohormone
action, many fundamental questions
remain. Receptors and other upstream
signaling components remain to be
identifi ed for the majority of the
phytohormones. Equally important
are the elucidation of hormonal
networks and the integration of these
networks with the morphogenetic
program, such that our understanding
of hormone action can be placed in a
developmental context.
The author wishes to thank members
of his lab for helpful comments on
this manuscript. Work in the author’s
September 2004 | Volume 2 | Issue 9 | e311
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0020311.g003
Figure 3. A Model for the Arabidopsis Ethylene
Response Pathway
Ethylene is perceived by a family of
two-component receptors containing a
consensus (unshaded) or degenerate
(shaded) HK domain (H). Three of
the receptors also contain a C-terminal
receiver domain (R). The receptors
negatively regulate ethylene response
together with CTR1 in a complex on
the endoplasmic reticulum membrane.
Perception results in reduced receptor
and CTR1 activities and activation of
a MAP kinase kinase, which transmits
the signal through the EIN2 membrane
protein, ultimately resulting in the
activation of a transcriptional cascade
in the nucleus. The EIN3 and EIL1
transcription factors regulate primary
response genes including ERF1, which
activates a subset of secondary ethylene-
induced genes involved in defense
responses. EIN3/EIL1 abundance is
regulated in an ethylene-dependent
manner by SCF complexes containing
F-box proteins encoded by the ethylene-
induced genes EBF1 and EBF2. Positive-
and negative-acting components of the
pathway are indicated in green and
red, respectively. Solid lines indicate
regulation that is likely to be through
direct interactions. Dotted lines indicate
speculative interactions based on genetic
PLoS Biology | 1273
laboratory on auxin response is
supported by National Institutes of
Health grant GM067203 and the
Mcknight Foundation. 
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September 2004 | Volume 2 | Issue 9 | e311 | e285
Open access, freely available online
... However, there are few studies on internode development in Chinese cabbage. Internode elongation could result from cell proliferation and cell extension, which are controlled by both hormone and genetic factors [5,6]. There have been some studies on internode development in other crops, such as rice. ...
... Hormones affect many aspects of seedling development, ranging from seed germination to flowering [6]. CK promotes stem growth by positively regulating cell division [17], and the plant hormone GA represses the DELLA protein in favor of GID1 to advance internode elongation in plants [11,18]. ...
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Two important traits of Chinese cabbage, internode length and budding time, destroy the maintenance of rosette leaves in the vegetative growth stage and affect flowering in the reproductive growth stage. Internodes have received much attention and research in rice due to their effect on lodging resistance, but they are rarely studied in Chinese cabbage. In Chinese cabbage, internode elongation affects not only the maintenance of rosette leaves but also bolting and yield. Budding is also an important characteristic of Chinese cabbage entering reproductive growth. Although many studies have reported on flowering and bolting, studies on bud emergence and the timing of budding are scarce. In this study, the mutant lcc induced by EMS (Ethyl Methane Sulfonate) was used to study internode elongation in the seedling stage and late budding in the budding stage. By comparing the gene expression patterns of mutant lcc and wild-type A03, 2280 differentially expressed genes were identified in the seedling stage, 714 differentially expressed genes were identified in the early budding stage, and 1052 differentially expressed genes were identified in the budding stage. Here, the transcript expression patterns of genes in the plant hormone signaling and clock rhythm pathways were investigated in relation to the regulation of internode elongation and budding in Chinese cabbage. In addition, an F2 population was constructed with the mutants lcc and R500. A high-density genetic map with 1602 marker loci was created, and QTLs for internode length and budding time were identified. Specifically, five QTLs for internode length and five QTLs for budding time were obtained. According to transcriptome data analysis, the internode length candidate gene BraA02g005840.3C (PIN8) and budding time candidate genes BraA02g003870.3C (HY5-1) and BraA02g005190.3C (CHS-1) were identified. These findings provide insight into the regulation of internode length and budding time in Chinese cabbage.
... The outcomes of this research is similar to the results of the comprehensive analysis of shoot culm and the study of auxin-related genes of Phyllostachys edulis by Zhang et al. [59]. Physiological processes during plant growth, like seedling hypocotyl elongation and plant height growth, are jointly regulated by a series of phytohormones, such as auxin, cytokinin, etc., which also reveals the intricate interactions and feedback regulation among different plant hormones [60]. ...
... Additionally, this gene family regulates the expression of JAZ family genes by ABA, indicating that the effect of endogenous phytohormones on plant growth is not solely determined by the individual hormone levels but rather by the synergistic effects of multiple hormones working in concert to comprehensively coordinate seedling growth and development (Figure 7). Furthermore, phytohormone regulation is influenced by the relevant gene expressions in signal transduction pathways, and seedling growth is subject to bidirectional feedback regulation between hormone-related genes and the external environment [60]. Dong et al. through their research on the heterologous expression of potato PP2C in Arabidopsis demonstrated that there is a mutual signaling interaction between auxins and ABA to regulate plant apical dominance. ...
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Plant height plays a crucial role in both the structure and quality of plants. Pinus yunnanensis is a distinctive species of the forest found in Southwest China, where the height of the plants significantly influences both yield performance and plant architecture. Although the phenotypes of P. yunnanensis seedlings with different plant heights were quite different at their seedling stage, the molecular mechanisms controlling the seedling differentiation remain poorly understood. This study is aimed to investigate the underlying mechanisms of P. yunnanensis seedling differentiation using phenotypic, transcriptomic, and endogenous phytohormone analyses. The P. yunnanensis seedlings were categorized into three grades, i.e., Grades A, B, and C, by mean ± 1/2 standard deviation method (H ± 1/2σ), and the seedling height and ground diameter were measured. We conducted the measurements of endogenous hormone levels in the young shoot apexes of seedlings at different grades during the fast-growth period (March). The DEGs were identified through transcriptome sequencing and analyzed by qRT-PCR validation. Significant differences were observed in the content and ratio of endogenous phytohormones among various grades of P. yunnanensis seedlings (p < 0.05). The ABA content in Grade A was prominently more than that in Grades B and C, and the order of the content of auxins was Grade B > C > A. Furthermore, when compared to Grade A, the ratios of auxins/CTKs, auxins/ABA, CTKs/ABA, and (auxins + CTKs)/ABA exhibited significant increases in Grades B and C. Moreover, GO functional annotation analysis indicated the more pronounced enrichment of DEGs in molecular functions. KEGG metabolic pathway analysis revealed notable differences in enrichment pathways between the pairwise comparisons. The “plant hormone signal transduction” pathway exhibited enrichment in the two groups, followed by “plant–pathogen interaction” pathway in the organism system that was enriched in the three groups. In addition, the results for endogenous phytohormone metabolism pathways indicate a significant up-regulation in the expression of AUX1, while AHP and PP2C exhibited significant down-regulation. To sum up, we aimed at investigating the underlying mechanisms of P. yunnanensis seedling differentiation using phenotypic, transcriptomic, and endogenous phytohormone analyses. The results suggested that individual phytohormones have a limited capacity to regulate gene expression, and seedling differentiation results from the combined regulation of multiple hormones. In addition, several candidate genes associated with phytohormone biosynthesis and signal transduction pathways were identified, including AUX1, GH3, AHP, B-ARR, PP2C, etc., which provided candidate genes for the following hormone-related gene overexpression and knockout experiments. These findings provide insights into the molecular genetic control of seedling height growth of P. yunnanensis.
... Resources are allocated to a syconium as a unit (Jandér et al. 2012) and then distributed among the occupants. While seeds are strong resource sinks (Wardlaw 1990), galls are also strong sinks Whitham 1991, 1997), and in g trees, can in uence allocation to a syconium (Kulkarni et al. 2024 Phytohormones, the key signalling molecules in plants that mediate almost all physiological processes in plants (Gray 2004), regulate resource allocation, a mechanism that maintains mutualisms. Sink competition and interaction between the sinks are also mediated by phytohormones (Morris 1995). ...
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In some mutualisms involving plants, photoassimilates are provided as rewards to symbionts. Endophagous organisms often manipulate host plants to increase access to photoassimilates. Host manipulations by endophagous organisms that are also mutualists are generally less understood. We show host plant manipulations by symbionts and the role of phytohormones, i.e. the auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), and the cytokinin trans -zeatin ( t Z), in the brood-site pollination mutualism between fig trees and pollinator fig wasps. In this interaction, pollinator wasps pollinate Ficus flowers within a closed inflorescence called a syconium, in exchange for flowers that develop into galls nourishing pollinator offspring. To examine host manipulation by pollinator galls, we compared growth hormones released by syconial occupants within three experimentally produced treatment groups of syconia: S (containing only seeds), G (containing only pollinator galls) and SG (containing seeds and pollinator galls). We harvested syconia from each treatment in the early and mid-phases of syconial maturation when maximal growth occurs and measured hormone levels Hormone levels were reduced by mid-phase in general; however, they were mostly sustained in G syconia in the mid-phase, suggesting that galls manipulate the host to continuously access resources. We found no difference in IAA and t Z levels of S and G syconia. IAA concentrations were higher in SG syconia. From the perspective of the maintenance of the mutualism, syconium volume and hormone concentrations were highest when both seeds and galls were present (SG treatment), indicating that joint control by both partners over allocation of resources to syconia.
... Plant growth regulators (PGRs) are signalling molecules involved in plant growth and development. The regulation of cellular and developmental processes can be determined by one or a combination of molecules [2]. The most studied and relevant PGRs in growth and development processes are auxin, cytokinin, ethylene, abscisic acid, gibberellin, brassinosteroid, salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, strigolactone and polyamines [3]. ...
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Extreme events of climate change are increasing, such as droughts and heat waves, causing limitations on growth and yield in relevant food crops, as well as threatening global food security. Brassinosteroids (BRs) are natural or synthetic steroids with significant properties that promote plant growth and development. In the current world scenario, research and solutions that can improve plant tolerance to climate change are strategic to ensure food security. The distinctiveness and novelty of this review lie in its comprehensive and detailed approach to the role of BRs in plants under biotic and abiotic stresses. We consolidate information on the action mechanisms on specific organs, providing detailed experimental conclusions of these plant growth regulators, including also commercial products and concentrations tested aiming to mitigate the adverse effects of the stresses. This practical approach highlights the potential of BRs in agriculture and plant protection against stresses. Additionally, our review presents results with plant models and essential food crops, focusing on multidisciplinary approaches and using physiological, biochemical, nutritional, anatomical and agronomic tools to explain the mechanisms of action of brassinosteroids in plants exposed to abiotic and biotic stresses.
... Previous studies revealed the involvement of these genes in cell elongation and division and root and seed development (Ahmad, et al. 2020;Herzog, et al. 1995). Furthermore, GASAs are key genes involved in regulating plant hormone signaling pathways (Zhang, et al. 2022;Gray 2004). Under stress conditions, GASAs are involved in the plant response to stress by regulating the water balance, ion balance, antioxidant capacity and cell membrane protection (Roxrud, et al. 2007;Sun, et al. 2013). ...
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The gibberellic acid-stimulated Arabidopsis (GASA), a gibberellin-regulated short amino acid family, has been extensively investigated in several plant species and found to be critical for plant growth and development. However, limited research has been reported in cotton. In this study, we identified 38 GhGASAs that were dispersed across 18 chromosomes in upland cotton, and all of these genes had a GASA core domain. Transcriptome expression patterns and qRT‒PCR results revealed that GhGASA9 and GhGASA14 exhibited upregulated expression not only in the floral organs but also in the leaves of early-maturity cultivars. The two genes were further functionally characterized by virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) and the budding and flowering times after silencing the target genes were later than those of the control (TRV:00). Exogenous application of GA 3 made the flowering period of the different fruiting branches more concentrated compared with that of the water-treated group (MOCK). Interestingly, allelic variation was detected in the coding sequence of GhGASA14 between early‐maturing and late‐maturing accessions, and the frequency of this favorable allele was greater in high-latitude cotton varieties than in low-latitude ones. Additionally, a significant linear relationship was observed between the expression level of GhGASA14 and flowering time among the 12 upland cotton accessions. Taken together, these results indicated that GhGASA14 may positively regulate flowering time and respond to GA 3 . These findings could lead to the use of valuable genetic resources for breeding early‐maturing cotton varieties in the future.
... HvleckRLK80 (12 motifs), HvleckRLK16 (11 motifs), and HvleckRLK95 (12 motifs) dominantly shared most of the predicted HR motifs in their promoter region, indicating a strong hormonal response in plants. Phytohormones, known as plant growth regulators, play signifcant roles either individually or coordinately in plant growth and development [128][129][130]. Furthermore, we predicted the presence of LTR (28.54), ...
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Lectin receptor-like kinases (LecRLKs) are a significant subgroup of the receptor-like kinases (RLKs) protein family. They play crucial roles in plant growth, development, immune responses, signal transduction, and stress tolerance. However, the genome-wide identification and characterization of LecRLK genes and their regulatory elements have not been explored in a major cereal crop, barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Therefore, in this study, integrated bioinformatics tools were used to identify and characterize the LecRLK gene family in barley. Based on the phylogenetic tree and domain organization, a total of 113 LecRLK genes were identified in the barley genome (referred to as HvlecRLK) corresponding to the LecRLK genes of Arabidopsis thaliana. These putative HvlecRLK genes were classified into three groups: 62 G-type LecRLKs, 1 C-type LecRLK, and 50 L-type LecRLKs. They were unevenly distributed across eight chromosomes, including one unknown chromosome, and were predominantly located in the plasma membrane (G-type HvlecRLK (96.8%), C-type HvlecRLK (100%), and L-type HvlecRLK (98%)). An analysis of motif composition and exon-intron configuration revealed remarkable homogeneity with the members of AtlecRLK. Notably, most of the HvlecRLKs (27 G-type, 43 L-type) have no intron, suggesting their rapid functionality. The Ka/Ks and syntenic analysis demonstrated that HvlecRLK gene pairs evolved through purifying selection and gene duplication was the major factor for the expansion of the HvlecRLK gene family. Exploration of gene ontology (GO) enrichment indicated that the identified HvlecRLK genes are associated with various cellular processes, metabolic pathways, defense mechanisms, kinase activity, catalytic activity, ion binding, and other essential pathways. The regulatory network analysis identified 29 transcription factor families (TFFs), with seven major TFFs including bZIP, C2H2, ERF, MIKC_MADS, MYB, NAC, and WRKY participating in the regulation of HvlecRLK gene functions. Most notably, eight TFFs were found to be linked to the promoter region of both L-type HvleckRLK64 and HvleckRLK86. The promoter cis-acting regulatory element (CARE) analysis of barley identified a total of 75 CARE motifs responsive to light responsiveness (LR), tissue-specific (TS), hormone responsiveness (HR), and stress responsiveness (SR). The maximum number of CAREs was identified in HvleckRLK11 (25 for LR), HvleckRLK69 (17 for TS), and HvleckRLK80 (12 for HR). Additionally, HvleckRLK14, HvleckRLK16, HvleckRLK33, HvleckRLK50, HvleckRLK52, HvleckRLK56, and HvleckRLK110 were predicted to exhibit higher responses in stress conditions. In addition, 46 putative miRNAs were predicted to target 81 HvlecRLK genes and HvlecRLK13 was the most targeted gene by 8 different miRNAs. Protein-protein interaction analysis demonstrated higher functional similarities of 63 HvlecRLKs with 7 Arabidopsis STRING proteins. Our overall findings provide valuable information on the LecRLK gene family which might pave the way to advanced research on the functional mechanism of the candidate genes as well as to develop new barley cultivars in breeding programs.
... Phytohormones are signaling molecules present in plants that occur in extremely low concentrations and play a major role in plant growth, development, reproduction, and fitness. Abscisic acid (ABA), ethylene (ET), jasmonates (JA), and salicylic acid (SA) are some of the stress-responsive phytohormones, while auxin (AUX), brassinosteroids (BRs), cytokinins (CK), and gibberellins (GA) are growth promoting phytohormones (Gray 2004;Verma et al. 2016). Phytohormones control specific features of the plant-circadian system, though in distinct ways. ...
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Main conclusion Molecular mechanisms of biological rhythms provide opportunities to harness functional allelic diversity in core (and trait- or stress-responsive) oscillator networks to develop more climate-resilient and productive germplasm. Abstract The circadian clock senses light and temperature in day–night cycles to drive biological rhythms. The clock integrates endogenous signals and exogenous stimuli to coordinate diverse physiological processes. Advances in high-throughput non-invasive assays, use of forward- and inverse-genetic approaches, and powerful algorithms are allowing quantitation of variation and detection of genes associated with circadian dynamics. Circadian rhythms and phytohormone pathways in response to endogenous and exogenous cues have been well documented the model plant Arabidopsis. Novel allelic variation associated with circadian rhythms facilitates adaptation and range expansion, and may provide additional opportunity to tailor climate-resilient crops. The circadian phase and period can determine adaptation to environments, while the robustness in the circadian amplitude can enhance resilience to environmental changes. Circadian rhythms in plants are tightly controlled by multiple and interlocked transcriptional–translational feedback loops involving morning (CCA1, LHY), mid-day (PRR9, PRR7, PRR5), and evening (TOC1, ELF3, ELF4, LUX) genes that maintain the plant circadian clock ticking. Significant progress has been made to unravel the functions of circadian rhythms and clock genes that regulate traits, via interaction with phytohormones and trait-responsive genes, in diverse crops. Altered circadian rhythms and clock genes may contribute to hybrid vigor as shown in Arabidopsis, maize, and rice. Modifying circadian rhythms via transgenesis or genome-editing may provide additional opportunities to develop crops with better buffering capacity to environmental stresses. Models that involve clock gene‒phytohormone‒trait interactions can provide novel insights to orchestrate circadian rhythms and modulate clock genes to facilitate breeding of all season crops.
... Both endogenous and exogenous signals regulate plant growth and development, and hormones, which are one of the major endogenous signals in plants, can respond rapidly to external stimuli [8]. Strigolactones (SLs) are carotenoid-derived terpenoid lactones that are produced in plant roots and transported up the stem to various parts of the plant, regulating multiple stages of plant growth and development [9]. ...
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Dwarfing is one of the common phenotypic variations in asexually reproduced progeny of banana, and dwarfed banana is not only windproof and anti-fallout but also effective in increasing acreage yield. As a key gene in the strigolactone signalling pathway, DWARF53 (D53) plays an important role in the regulation of the height of plants. In order to gain insight into the function of the banana D53 gene, this study conducted genome-wide identification of banana D53 gene based on the M. acuminata, M. balbisiana and M. itinerans genome database. Analysis of MaD53 gene expression under high temperature, low temperature and osmotic stress based on transcriptome data and RT-qPCR was used to analyse MaD53 gene expression in different tissues as well as in different concentrations of GA and SL treatments. In this study, we identified three MaD53, three MbD53 and two MiD53 genes in banana. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that D53 Musa are equally related to D53 Asparagales and Poales. Both high and low-temperature stresses substantially reduced the expression of the MaD53 gene, but osmotic stress treatments had less effect on the expression of the MaD53 gene. GR24 treatment did not significantly promote the height of the banana, but the expression of the MaD53 gene was significantly reduced in roots and leaves. GA treatment at 100 mg/L significantly promoted the expression of the MaD53 gene in roots, but the expression of this gene was significantly reduced in leaves. In this study, we concluded that MaD53 responds to GA and SL treatments, but “Yinniaijiao” dwarf banana may not be sensitive to GA and SL.
... Unfavorable conditions, like high salinity, cold or drought stress, are important challenges in agriculture as they reduce the yields of crop plants (Munns et al., 2012). Plant hormones play a key role in environmental acclimation by inducing many biochemical and physiological changes to control both biotic and abiotic stresses (Gray, 2004 However, the involvement of PP2Cs (ABI1/ABI2) in regulation of flowering time has remained unknown. ...
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The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) is an important regulator of plant growth and development and plays a crucial role in both biotic and abiotic stress responses. ABA modulates flowering time but the precise molecular mechanism remains poorly understood. Here we report ABA INSENSITIVE 2 (ABI2), as the only phosphatase from ABA-signaling core that positively regulates the transition to flowering in Arabidopsis. Loss-of-function abi2-2 mutant shows significantly delayed flowering both under long day (LD) and short day (SD) conditions. Expression of floral repressor genes such as FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) and CYCLING DOF FACTOR 1 (CDF1) was significantly up-regulated in abi2-2 plants while that of the flowering promoting genes FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) and SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS 1 (SOC1) was down-regulated. Through genetic interactions we further found that ost1-3 and abi5-1 mutations are epistatic to abi2-2, as both of them individually rescued the late flowering phenotype of abi2-2. Interestingly, ABA INSENSITIVE 5 (ABI5) phosphorylation and protein stability were enhanced in abi2-2 plants suggesting that ABI2 dephosphorylates ABI5, thereby reducing protein stability and the capacity to induce FLC expression. Our findings therefore uncovered the unexpected role of ABI2 to promote flowering by inhibiting ABI5-mediated FLC activation in Arabidopsis.
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The chronic food shortage that was feared after the rapid expansion of the world population in the 1960s was averted largely by the development of a high-yielding semi-dwarf variety of rice known as IR8, the so-called rice 'green revolution'. The short stature of IR8 is due to a mutation in the plant's sd1 gene, and here we identify this gene as encoding an oxidase enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of gibberellin, a plant growth hormone. Gibberellin is also implicated in green-revolution varieties of wheat, but the reduced height of those crops is conferred by defects in the hormone's signalling pathway.
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Histidine protein kinases (HPKs) are a large family of signal-transduction enzymes that autophosphorylate on a conserved histidine residue. HPKs form two-component signaling systems together with their downstream target proteins, the response regulators, which have a conserved aspartate in a so-called 'receiver domain' that is phosphorylated by the HPK. Two-component signal transduction is prevalent in bacteria and is also widely used by eukaryotes outside the animal kingdom. The typical HPK is a transmembrane receptor with an amino-terminal extracellular sensing domain and a carboxy-terminal cytosolic signaling domain; most, if not all, HPKs function as dimers. They show little similarity to protein kinases that phosphorylate serine, threonine or tyrosine residues, but may share a distant evolutionary relationship with these enzymes. In excess of a thousand known genes encode HPKs, which are important for multiple functions in bacteria, including chemotaxis and quorum sensing, and in eukaryotes, including hormone-dependent developmental processes. The proteins divide into at least 11 subfamilies, only one of which is present in eukaryotes, suggesting that lateral gene transfer gave rise to two-component signaling in these organisms.
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Cross-talk between ethylene and jasmonate signaling pathways determines the activation of a set of defense responses against pathogens and herbivores. However, the molecular mechanisms that underlie this cross-talk are poorly understood. Here, we show that ethylene and jasmonate pathways converge in the transcriptional activation of ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTOR1 (ERF1), which encodes a transcription factor that regulates the expression of pathogen response genes that prevent disease progression. The expression of ERF1 can be activated rapidly by ethylene or jasmonate and can be activated synergistically by both hormones. In addition, both signaling pathways are required simultaneously to activate ERF1, because mutations that block any of them prevent ERF1 induction by any of these hormones either alone or in combination. Furthermore, 35S:ERF1 expression can rescue the defense response defects of coi1 (coronative insensitive1) and ein2 (ethylene insensitive2); therefore, it is a likely downstream component of both ethylene and jasmonate signaling pathways. Transcriptome analysis in Col;35S:ERF1 transgenic plants and ethylene/jasmonate-treated wild-type plants further supports the notion that ERF1 regulates in vivo the expression of a large number of genes responsive to both ethylene and jasmonate. These results suggest that ERF1 acts downstream of the intersection between ethylene and jasmonate pathways and suggest that this transcription factor is a key element in the integration of both signals for the regulation of defense response genes.
Auxin regulates many aspects of plant growth and development. Auxin is known to regulate gene expression through degradation of the AUX/IAA proteins, short-lived nuclear proteins that regulate gene transcription. The AUX/IAA proteins are degraded through the action of a ubiquitin protein ligase called SCFTIR1. Auxin promotes the interaction between AUX/IAA proteins and SCFTIR1 in a soluble extract, suggesting that the auxin receptor is a soluble factor. These studies also indicate that the auxin-induced AUX/IAA–SCFTIR1 interaction does not depend on phosphorylation or hydroxylation of AUX/IAA proteins. Although the mechanism of auxin-induced AUX/IAA–SCFTIR1 interaction is not yet clear, auxin might induce a modification in TIR1, AUX/IAA proteins or an adaptor protein that is required for the interaction.
Protein degradation is deployed to modulate the steady-state abundance of proteins and to switch cellular regulatory circuits from one state to another by abrupt elimination of control proteins. In eukaryotes, the bulk of the protein degradation that occurs in the cytoplasm and nucleus is carried out by the 26S proteasome. In turn, most proteins are thought to be targeted to the 26S proteasome by covalent attachment of a multiubiquitin chain. Ubiquitination of proteins requires a multienzyme system. A key component of ubiquitination pathways, the ubiquitin ligase, controls both the specificity and timing of substrate ubiquitination. This review is focused on a conserved ubiquitin ligase complex known as SCF that plays a key role in marking a variety of regulatory proteins for destruction by the 26S proteasome.
World wheat grain yields increased substantially in the 1960s and 1970s because farmers rapidly adopted the new varieties and cultivation methods of the so-called 'green revolution'. The new varieties are shorter, increase grain yield at the expense of straw biomass, and are more resistant to damage by wind and rain. These wheats are short because they respond abnormally to the plant growth hormone gibberellin. This reduced response to gibberellin is conferred by mutant dwarfing alleles at one of two Reduced height-1 (Rht-B1 and Rht-D1) loci. Here we show that Rht-B1/Rht-D1 and maize dwarf-8 (d8) are orthologues of the Arabidopsis Gibberellin Insensitive (GAI) gene. These genes encode proteins that resemble nuclear transcription factors and contain an SH2-like domain, indicating that phosphotyrosine may participate in gibberellin signalling. Six different orthologous dwarfing mutant alleles encode proteins that are altered in a conserved amino-terminal gibberellin signalling domain. Transgenic rice plants containing a mutant GAI allele give reduced responses to gibberellin and are dwarfed, indicating that mutant GAI orthologues could be used to increase yield in a wide range of crop species.
The plant hormone auxin is central in many aspects of plant development. Previous studies have implicated the ubiquitin-ligase SCF(TIR1) and the AUX/IAA proteins in auxin response. Dominant mutations in several AUX/IAA genes confer pleiotropic auxin-related phenotypes, whereas recessive mutations affecting the function of SCF(TIR1) decrease auxin response. Here we show that SCF(TIR1) is required for AUX/IAA degradation. We demonstrate that SCF(TIR1) interacts with AXR2/IAA7 and AXR3/IAA17, and that domain II of these proteins is necessary and sufficient for this interaction. Further, auxin stimulates binding of SCF(TIR1) to the AUX/IAA proteins, and their degradation. Because domain II is conserved in nearly all AUX/IAA proteins in Arabidopsis, we propose that auxin promotes the degradation of this large family of transcriptional regulators, leading to diverse downstream effects.