Leisure time physical activity improves health.
The aim of this study was to analyze association between leisure time physical activity level and subjective health state in adults.
We have analyzed level of recreational physical activity and subjective health state in representative sample of 1029 adult people in Lodz including 488 men and 541 women. Physical activity assessment was carried out by the interviewer-administrated Seven-Day Physical Activity Recall (SDPAR). Indeed physical activity, subjective health state and physical fitness determined by maximal oxygen output (VO(2max)) was assessed in 271 objectively healthy people. Subjective health state was determined by visual analogue score taken from standardized questionnaire EuroQol 5D. RESULTS. More than half of subjects (60.8%) did not participate in leisure time sport activities. The number of those who had from 1 to 999 kcal/week, on sport was 23.4%. Only 15.,8% participants spent on leisure time physical activity more than 1000 kcal/week. In both groups (total n = 1029 and healthy people n = 271) subjects with 0.0 kcal/week energy expenditure on leisure time sport activities reported significantly lover subjective health state scores comparing to people with higher especially 1000-1999 kcal/week energy expenditure. In this study significant correlation was found for energy expenditure on leisure time physical activity and subjective health state (in group n = 1029 r = 0.03, p < 0.0001 and in group n = 271 r = 0.4, p < 0.0001).
This study demonstrates that 80.4% of subjects did not achieve the level of physical activity recommended by experts in health promotion and prevention of cardiovascular and other chronic diseases. Level of leisure time physical activity influence subjective health state in adults.