The research includes the current calendar efficiently extracts some
organic solvents (ethanol , Ethyl acetate and hexane) and secondary
metabolites crude ( alkaloids , phenols and terpenes) of Citrullus
colocynthis L. , Rubus sanctus Shreb and Lycium barbarum L. on some of
the biological aspects of Musca domestica under laboratory conditions at
30±1°C and relative humidity of 65±5% .
The extract ethanol plants tested was the Supreme influential in the
destruction of roles immature insect , ahead of R.sanctus in the ratio Almaah
for the destruction of eggs amounted to 90.00 %, and the highest
concentration of 20 mg/ml , compared with control which amounted 22.79%
followed by leaf L.barbarum then C . colocynthis , amounting to 67.45 % ,
72.31 % Respectively Moreover, the extracts of organic solvents three
recorded the proportion of perdition mentioned Baltrkizalaaly , either with
Aktherhsasah of larval stages other for all the st respect to larval stages was 1
extracts was the highest rates of destruction of larval stages of the three using
the R.sanctus and the highest concentration of 20 mg /ml , where the
percentage loss 90.00 % of all larval stages and organic solvents all while
were similar murder rate achieved by extracts ethylacetate for plant
amounted to 90.00 nd and 2
st C.colocynthis and L.barbarum for phases 1
for C.colocynthis and rd mg/ml while the % ( 56.31 , 85.56 ) for 3
L.barbarum respectively , in the hexane extract, 90.00 %, 81.00 %, 77.84 % ,
and for Atoaralamzkorh respectively for C.colocynthis while the 51.20 %,
65.55 %, 90.00 % for the L.barbarum for same extract and concentrate the
same . The average rates of perdition cumulative roles is of 100 %
concentration of 20 mg/ml of plants tested all and organic solvents all
Compared with the control which is limited to the ( 8-16) % . Rose for growth
roles immature than 10 days in the control treatment to ( 16.00 , 16.67 , 26.67
) a day to extractalcohol for R.sanctus and L.barbarum and C.colocynthis ,
respectively, in the concentration 10 mg/ml while the total (26.00 ,
22.67,11.67) day to extract ethylacetate plant R.sanctus and C.colocynthis and
L.barbarum, respectively , in either extract hexane amounted to 12.67 day for
plant C.colocynthis and L.barbarum while the 13.00 to R.sanctus and with the
same emphasis mentioned . confined weights virgins of plants tested in the
extract ethanol between ( 0.20 - 0.22) g in the control treatment while the
value of 0.13g of R.sanctus and L.barbarum in concentration 10 mg/ml while
the 0.14g of C.colocynthis while the value of the extract ethylacetate (0.14,
0.13, 0.12) g of R.sanctus and C.colocynthis and L.barbarum respectively at
the same concentration mentioned above. either in the extract of hexane was (
0.14 , 0.12 , 0.11) g of the plants mentioned in a row . reached the productivity
of female 21.00 to extract alcohol for R.sanctus in focus 10 mg/ml while the
total ( 65.00 , 61.33) eggs/female plant L.barbarum and C.colocynthis
respectively Compared with control which ranged between ( 220.33-250.00 )
eggs/female either in extract ethylacetate was ( 65.83 , 53.13,29.33 ) egg /
Female of R.sanctus and C.colocynthis and L.barbarum respectively while the
as for the effect of extracts of total (69.33, 68.00,51.67 ) egg / Female hexane
secondary metabolites raw plants tested has achieved extract phenolic
compounds raw C.colocynthis highest rate of destruction of the eggs was
85.44 % in the concentration 20 mg/ml followed by Abstract mentioned plant
L.barbarum by loss of 76.44 % and finally the R.sanctus by the destruction of
the amount of 63.94%in the same concentration aforementioned
As for the effect of extracts of vehicles above in the
destruction of larval stages of the three has the effect was clear where
achieved the highest rates of murder of Atwar larval result of exposure to
extract phenolic plants all in concentration 20 mg/ml as well as with extracts
of rd Terpenes and alkaloid concentration mentioned above except Maabdah 3
resistance to extract each of the a forementioned C.colocynthis and
L.barbarum where the loss ratios were developed for the mentioned 85.56 %
and 69.53 %, respectively . The average rates of perdition cumulative roles is
of 100 % of the plants all and compounds secondary all and concentration 20
mg/ml compared with the control which is limited to the ( 18-12)% amounted
to a period of growth between ( 15.67,16 , 0.0) a day to extract alkaloid of
R.sanctus and L.barbarum and C.colocynthis respectively concentration 10
mg/ml compared with control of 10 days . while the(19.33, 16.67, 15.33)day
of the extract Terpenes for plant L.barbarum and C.colocynthis and R.sanctus
in a row and the same concentration either in extract phenolic stood at (0.26,
18.33,17)day of C.colocynthis and L.barbarum and R.sanctus respectively.
Decreased weights virgins than 0.20 g in the control treatment to ( 0.12 , 0.011
, 0.10) g of extract alkaloid of R.sanctus and C.colocynthis and L.barbarum
respectively in focus 10 mg/ml while the value of (0.11, 0.14,0.15) g of
Lbarbarum and R.sanctus , and C.colocynthis respectively in terpenes axtract .
either in the phenolic extract of (0.10, 0.12 ,0.14,) g C.colocynthis and
L.barbarum and R.sanctus in a row and the concentration of the above
mentioned. The average productivity in the alkaloid extract ( 52.33 , 50.24,0.0
) egg / Female of R.sanctus and C.colocynthis and L.barbarum respectively in
focus 10 mg/mL Compared with the control which is limited to the ( 224-223
) egg/female while the productivity ( 48.33,41.67 , 11.67 ) egg /Female for
Terpiens extract L.barbarum and R.sanctus and C.colocynthis respectively.
for what amounted to the phenolic extract (55.00,48.33, 29.67) egg/female
respectively and with the same focus mentioned above.
According to the spectral studies (IR spectra and UV. Spectra ) contain plants
tested on several phenoliccompounds.