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Protein-Caloric Food Restriction Affects Insulin-Like Growth Factor System in Fetal Wistar Rat

  • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Institut de Física d'Altes Energies (IFAE)

Abstract and Figures

We have previously shown that fetuses from protein-caloric undernourished pregnant rats (35% of control diet during the last week of pregnancy) at 21.5 d post coitum exhibit increased beta-cell mass. This alteration is correlated with increased insulinemia and total pancreatic insulin content, a pattern similar to that reported in infants of mild diabetic mothers. In this work, we investigated in undernourished fetuses: 1) whether availability of growth factors such as insulin, GH, and IGFs and their binding proteins (IGFBPs) could be implicated in this alteration, and 2) the beta-cell mitogenic response to IGFs in vitro. The results show that maternal undernutrition increases pancreatic IGF-I expression and islet IGF-I receptor content in undernourished fetuses, whereas hepatic IGF-I expression and serum IGF-I levels were decreased. No changes were observed in serum IGF-II, and its expression was diminished in undernourished pancreases and unchanged in the liver, compared with control fetuses. Serum levels and liver and pancreatic mRNA expression of IGFBP-1 were found to be normal in undernourished fetuses, whereas the serum concentration and abundance of IGFBP-2 mRNA in pancreas were increased. Finally, the beta-cell mitogenic response to IGFs in vitro was significantly increased in undernourished fetal islets, compared with controls. In conclusion, in undernourished fetuses the increased beta-cell mass can be related to the stimulation of replicative beta-cell response due to locally increased pancreatic IGF-I mRNA; this effect is perhaps potentiated or favored by the enhanced islet IGF-I receptor content and pancreatic IGFBP-2 gene expression.
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Protein-Caloric Food Restriction Affects Insulin-Like
Growth Factor System in Fetal Wistar Rat
M. A Martı´n, P. Serradas, S. Ramos, E. Ferna´ndez, L. Goya, M. N. Gangnerau, M. Lacorne,
A. M. Pascual-Leone, F. Escriva´, Bernard Portha, and C. A
Instituto de Bioquı´mica, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Universidad Complutense de Madrid (M.A.M., S.R.,
E.F., L.G., A.M.P.-L., F.E., C.A.), Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Complutense, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 Madrid,
Spain; and the Laboratory of Physiopathology of Nutrition (P.S., M.N.G., M.L., B.P.), Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique Unite´ Mixte de Recherche 7059, Universite´ Paris 7/D, Denis Diderot, 7525 Paris Cedex 05, France
We have previously shown that fetuses from protein-caloric
undernourished pregnant rats (35% of control diet during the
last week of pregnancy) at 21.5 d post coitum exhibit increased
-cell mass. This alteration is correlated with increased insu-
linemia and total pancreatic insulin content, a pattern similar
to that reported in infants of mild diabetic mothers. In this
work, we investigated in undernourished fetuses: 1) whether
availability of growth factors such as insulin, GH, and IGFs
and their binding proteins (IGFBPs) could be implicated in
this alteration, and 2) the
-cell mitogenic response to IGFs in
vitro. The results show that maternal undernutrition in-
creases pancreatic IGF-I expression and islet IGF-I receptor
content in undernourished fetuses, whereas hepatic IGF-I ex-
pression and serum IGF-I levels were decreased. No changes
were observed in serum IGF-II, and its expression was dimin-
ished in undernourished pancreases and unchanged in the
liver, compared with control fetuses. Serum levels and liver
and pancreatic mRNA expression of IGFBP-1 were found to be
normal in undernourished fetuses, whereas the serum con-
centration and abundance of IGFBP-2 mRNA in pancreas
were increased. Finally, the
-cell mitogenic response to IGFs
in vitro was significantly increased in undernourished fetal
islets, compared with controls. In conclusion, in undernour-
ished fetuses the increased
-cell mass can be related to the
stimulation of replicative
-cell response due to locally in-
creased pancreatic IGF-I mRNA; this effect is perhaps poten-
tiated or favored by the enhanced islet IGF-I receptor content
and pancreatic IGFBP-2 gene expression. (Endocrinology 146:
1364 –1371, 2005)
NDERNUTRITION LEADS TO an impairment of glu-
cose homeostasis, which in the mother has clear ef-
fects on the development of the fetus, especially on the fetal
pancreas. As indicated by the thrifty phenotype hypothesis
(1), the endocrine pancreas may be particularly susceptible
to the effects of poor maternal nutrition because fetal and
postnatal periods are critical for
-cell development and
maturation of pancreatic function. Several studies in this area
in experimental models with rats submitted to different pat-
terns of malnutrition have reported that maternal undernu-
trition significantly affects the pancreatic insulin stores and
-cell mass in the fetuses (2–4) and offspring neonates at
d1(5)andd4ofpostnatal life (6). In previous studies in our
model of general food restriction (65% restriction of ad libitum
food intake) (7), we have shown that fetuses from protein-
caloric undernourished pregnant rats (U) during the last
trimester of gestation at 21 d post coitum (dpc) exhibit in-
-cell mass. This alteration is correlated with in-
creased insulinemia and total pancreatic insulin content (2),
a pattern similar to that reported in infants of both mild
diabetic mothers (8) and the poorly controlled diabetic moth-
ers (9).
The IGF system includes two ligands (IGF-I and IGF-II),
two cell surface receptors, the IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs)
and IGFBP proteases (10) and is involved in normal growth,
and especially in fetal pancreas
-cell development (11).
IGF-I and -II are essential cell growth regulators, as demon-
strated by null mutation experiments (12). IGFs are synthe-
sized primarily by the liver, but they are also produced
locally by many tissues, including the pancreas in which they
act in an autocrine/paracrine manner. In the rat, IGF-II is
expressed at high levels during embryonic development, but
its expression progressively disappears in most tissues after
birth, except in brain (9). The IGF-I gene is also expressed in
a variety of fetal rat tissues, although at lower levels than the
IGF-II gene. Whereas IGF-II is the primary growth factor
involved in embryonic growth, the dominant fetal growth
regulator in late gestation is IGF-I produced by the fetal liver
and other tissues (13). IGFs have insulin-like metabolic ef-
fects and stimulate cell proliferation and differentiation, and
these mitogenic effects are mediated through interaction
with the IGF receptor (IGF-IR) or insulin receptor (14, 15).
The IGF-IR, which activates mitogenesis via pathways par-
tially identical with insulin signaling, can be triggered by
IGF-I, IGF-II, and supraphysiological concentrations of in-
sulin (16). In vitro, both IGF-I and IGF-II enhance
-cell rep-
lication, but IGF-I is a more potent mitogen on most cell types
because it is recognized by the IGF-IR with a binding affinity
of an order of magnitude greater than IGF-II (9).
First Published Online December 2, 2004
Abbreviations: BrdU, 5-Bromo-2-deoxyuridine; C, control pregnant
rat; dpc, days post coitum; IGFBP, IGF binding protein; IGF-IR, IGF
receptor; PVDF, polyvinylidene fluoride; TBS, Tris-buffered saline; U,
undernourished pregnant rat.
Endocrinology is published monthly by The Endocrine Society (http://, the foremost professional society serving the
endocrine community.
0013-7227/05/$15.00/0 Endocrinology 146(3):1364–1371
Printed in U.S.A. Copyright © 2005 by The Endocrine Society
doi: 10.1210/en.2004-0665
Both IGFs are present in serum and other extracellular
fluids associated with highly specific binding proteins,
IGFBPs, of which six have been characterized and can mod-
ulate IGFs biological actions (17). Apart from this modula-
tion, IGFBPs, mostly produced in the liver (17), may exert
intrinsic bioactivity in either the absence of IGFs (IGF-inde-
pendent effects) or the presence of IGFs without triggering
IGF-IR signaling (IGF-IR-independent effects) (18). In the
fetus, IGFs are predominantly complexed with IGFBP-1 and
-2 (19–21). During the fetal period, insulin also regulates
growth, and IGF regulation is GH independent (9).
Because there is considerable evidence that endocrine fac-
tors such as insulin, GH, and IGFs contribute to
-cell growth
as well as its maturation and function throughout life (9), that
IGF actions can be modulated by locally produced IGFBPs
(22), and that the IGF system is highly responsive to nutri-
tional status (23), the purpose of the present study was to
investigate in U fetuses at the end of fetal life (21.5 dpc): 1)
the circulating levels of insulin, GH, IGFs, and IGFBP-1 and
-2; 2) the expression of IGFs and IGFBP-1 and -2 mRNAs in
liver and pancreas; 3) the islet content of IGF-IR; and 4) the
in vitro mitogenic effect of IGFs in isolated fetal islets.
Materials and Methods
Animals and diets
Wistar rats bred in our laboratory under a controlled temperature and
artificial dark-light cycle (from 0700 to1900 h) were used throughout the
study. Females were caged with males, and mating was confirmed by
the presence of spermatozoa in a vaginal smear. Each dam was housed
individually from the 14th day, and maternal food restriction was es-
tablished. All animals were fed a standard laboratory diet (19 g protein,
56 g carbohydrate, 3.5 g lipid, and 4.5 g cellulose per 100 g, plus salt and
vitamin mixtures) and were divided into two groups. Control (C) preg-
nant dams were fed ad libitum, and the U group received 35% of the food
intake of a pregnant control during the third part of pregnancy, which
corresponds to the crucial period for fetal rat pancreas development.
Water was given ad libitum. Food intake of control and U rats was
previously reported (7). On 21.5 dpc dams were put under ip pento-
barbital anesthesia (4 mg/100 g body weight). The fetuses were obtained
from four to seven different litters per group. Fetal blood (pooled from
two to three fetuses) was obtained after axillary artery incision of fetuses
while still connected to the maternal circulation. Plasma or serum were
separated by centrifugation and stored frozen at 20 C until analyzed.
Pancreases (pooled from five fetuses) and a piece of liver (from each
fetus) were rapidly excised, frozen in liquid nitrogen, and then stored
at 70 C until RNA preparation. Isolated islets from fetal pancreases
were obtained from seven to nine different dams from each group,
frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at 70 C until IGF-IR protein
determination. In this study the sex of the fetuses was not considered.
All studies were conducted according to the principles and proce-
dures outlined in the National Institutes of Health Guidelines for Care
and Use of Experimental Animals.
Determination of plasma insulin, glucose, and GH levels
Plasma insulin was determined with a rat insulin RIA (LINCO Re-
search, Inc., St. Louis, MO) with rat insulin used for the standard curve.
Sensitivity of 0.1 ng/ml was achieved with overnight equilibrium using
a 100-
l serum sample. The coefficients of variation within and between
assays were 10%. Aliquots of 10
l obtained from 30
l Ba (OH)
deproteinized blood were used to determine glucose by a glucose ox-
idase method (Boehringer-Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany). GH was
determined in the plasma of fetuses with a rat GH
I assay system
(Biotrak; Amersham Life Science, Amersham, UK). The RIA was carried
out according to the kit protocol. The sensitivity of the assay was 1.6
ng/ml. The intra- and interassay variations were 3.0 and 10.5.%,
Determination of serum IGF-I and -II
IGF-I in serum was measured by enzyme immunoassay using a rat
IGF-I enzyme immunoassay kit (Diagnostic Systems Laboratoires, Web-
ster, TX). The method incorporates a sample pretreatment to avoid
interference from IGFBPs. The intra- and interassay variations were 6.5
and 9.4%, respectively. For measurement of serum IGF-II, recombinant
human IGF-II was labeled by a modified chloramine T method (24). The
specific activity achieved was 90 –175
g. Before IGF-II determi-
nation, serum IGFBPs were removed by standard acid gel filtration. This
method has proved to be the most reliable one for use with rat serum
in developing stages (24, 25). The rat liver membrane receptor assay for
IGF-II was carried out as previously described (24). The coefficients of
variation within and between assays were 8.4 and 9.9%. Recombinant
human IGF-II (R&D Systems, Abingdon, UK) was used for iodination.
Western immunoblotting and determination of serum
IGFBP-1 and -2
Western immunoblots for enhanced chemiluminescence were per-
formed in polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) Immobilon-P membranes
(Millipore, Madrid, Spain). PVDF membranes were blocked with 5%
(wt/vol) nonfat dry milk for 60 min in Tris-buffered saline [TBS; 0.01
mol/liter Tris and NaCl 0.15 mol/liter (pH 8)] with 0.05% Tween 20.
Membranes were then incubated with a 1:100 dilution (as suggested by
the manufacturer) of affinity-purified goat polyclonal antirat IGFBP-1 or
rat IGFBP-2 from Santa Cruz Biotechnology (Palo Alto, CA). In the same
buffer (TBS-Tween 20 plus 5% nonfat dry milk) at 4 C overnight, after
which the membrane was washed three times for 10 min in TBS-Tween
20. After a 1-h incubation at room temperature with a 1:1000 dilution of
antigoat Ig G-horseradish peroxidase in TBS-Tween 20 plus 5% nonfat
dry milk, the membrane was washed three times with TBS-Tween 20 and
finally once with TBS alone. Antigen-antibody complexes were detected
after an enhanced chemiluminescence (hyperfilm enhanced chemilu-
minescence; Amersham, Madrid, Spain).
Preparation of total RNA
Total RNA was isolated from fetal pancreases and livers with TRIzol
reagent according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Invitrogen Life
Technologies, Carlsbad, CA). RNA concentration was determined by
absorbance at 260 nm. Samples were electrophoresed through 1.1%
agarose and 2.2 mol/liter formaldehyde gels and then stained with
ethidium bromide to render the 28S and 18S ribosomal RNA visible and
thereby confirm the integrity of the RNA and normalize the quantity of
RNA in the different lanes. A pT7 RNA 18S antisense (Ambion, Austin,
TX) was used for lane loading control.
Rat IGF-I and -II and IGFBP-1 and -2 cDNAs were kindly provided
by Drs. C. T. Roberts Jr. and D. LeRoith (National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD). Rat IGF-I cDNA ligated into a pGEM-3 plasmid (Pro-
mega Biotech, Madison, WI) was linearized with HindIII, and an anti-
sense riboprobe was produced by T7 RNA polymerase. The size of the
protected fragment represented in the figures (IGF-Ib) was 386 bp. Rat
IGF-II cDNA ligated into a pGEM-3 plasmid was linearized with HindIII
and incubated with T7 RNA polymerase to generate a riboprobe that
recognized a fragment of 700 bp. Rat IGFBP-1 cDNA, ligated into a
pGEM-3 plasmid, was linearized with HindIII and incubated with T7
RNA polymerase to generate an antisense riboprobe that recognizes two
fragments of 300 and 700 bases. Rat IGFBP-2 cDNA, ligated into a
pGEM-4Z plasmid (Promega), was linearized with HindIII and incu-
bated with SP6 RNA polymerase to generate a 550-base antisense ribo-
probe devoid of pGEM-4Z complementary sequences. pT7 RNA 18S was
incubated with T7 RNA polymerase to produce a 109-nucleotide runoff
transcript, 80 nucleotides of which are complementary to human 18S
ribosomal RNA. (
P)-uridine 5-triphosphate was purchased from ICN
(Nuclear Iberica, Madrid, Spain). The Riboprobe Gemini II core system
(Promega) was used for the generation of RNA probes.
Solution hybridization/RNase protection assay
Solution hybridization/RNase protection assays were performed as
previously described (18, 19). Autoradiography was performed at 70
Martı´n et al. Undernutrition Affects IGF System in Fetal Rat Endocrinology, March 2005, 146(3):1364–1371 1365
C against a Hyperfilm MP film between intensifying screens. Bands
representing protected probe fragments were quantified using a scan-
ning densitometer (Molecular Dynamics, Sunnyvale, CA) and accom-
panying software. RNase-A and -T1 were purchased from Roche diag-
nostics (Barcelona, Spain).
Fetal rat islet preparation and islet culture with IGFs
Fetal islets from undernourished and control rats were prepared
according to Hellerstro¨m et al. (26) as previously described (27). At the
end of the 6-d culture period, 40 fetal islets in each group were collected
under a stereomicroscope and further cultured for2dinRPMI 1640
medium (BioWhittaker, Verviers, Belgium) supplemented with 2
mmol/liter glutamine (BioWhittaker), 1% heat-inactivated fetal bovine
serum (BioWhittaker), and 100 ng/ml IGF-I (R&D Systems) or 100
ng/ml IGF-II (R&D Systems). The culture dishes were kept at 37 C in
a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO
in air. The complete culture me
dium was changed every other day.
Determination of IGF-IR
The islet content of IGF-IR was analyzed by Western blot. Protein
extracts were obtained from islets cultured for 6 d sonicated in a ho-
mogenization buffer [10
m leupeptin, 2 mm O-vanadate, 2 mm ben-
zamidine, 10
m aprotinin, and 2 mm phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride in
12.5 mm EGTA, 1.25 mm EDTA, and 0.25% Triton X-100 (pH 7.6)]. Equal
amounts of protein (70
g) were separated on a 10% sodium dodecyl
sulfate-polyacrylamide gel. Proteins were then electrophoretically trans-
ferred to PVDF filters and probed with the antibodies against the IGF-IR
-subunit sc-713 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology). The rest of the Western
blot procedure was as described for IGFBP determinations, using a 1:500
dilution of anti-IGF-IR antibody.
-Cell replication
To measure
-cell replication in isolated fetal islets, 5-bromo-2-
deoxyuridine (BrdU) (Amersham International) was incorporated in
newly synthesized DNA and therefore labeled replicating cells. In each
group of fetal islets, 1 h before the end of islet cultures, BrdU was added
at 100
mol/liter final concentration. Thereafter, islets were collected
under stereomicroscope, fixed, and then processed for serial sections as
previously described (27). Islet sections were doubled stained for BrdU,
using a cell proliferation kit (Amersham International) and insulin.
Sections were incubated with a mouse monoclonal antibody anti-BrdU
diluted in a nuclease solution (according to the kit protocol) for1hat
room temperature and washed with Tris 0.05 mol/liter (pH 7.6). There-
after they were incubated with an affinity-purified peroxidase anti-
mouse IgG and stained with 3,3-diaminobenzidine-tetra-hydrochloride
using a peroxidase substrate kit. Sections were then incubated with
guinea pig antiinsulin antibody for1hasdescribed above and then with
alkaline phosphatase-conjugated goat antiguinea pig IgG for 45 min
(Dako, Trappes, France). The activity of the antibody-alkaline phospha-
tase complex was revealed with an alkaline phosphatase substrate kit
(Valbiotech, Paris, France). Sections were mounted in Eukitt (Labonord,
Templemars, France). On these sections,
-cells showed red cytosol, and
-cells appeared with brown nuclei. A mean of 250
were counted per islet at a final magnification of 1000. The proportion
of BrdU-positive
-cell nuclei to total
-cell nuclei was calculated. The
result represents the percentage
-cell replicative rate in a 1-h interval
(BrdU labeling index of
Statistical analysis
All data are presented as means se. The difference between two
mean values was assessed using Student’s unpaired t test. For multiple
comparisons, significance was evaluated by ANOVA, followed by the
protected least significant difference test. P 0.05 was considered sta-
tistically significant.
Biological characteristics of undernourished and control
fetuses at 21 dpc
Food restriction of pregnant rats during the third week of
gestation provoked a significant decrease in body weight in
their fetuses, compared with those in controls (Table 1). U
pancreases and U livers used for RNase protection assay
(determination of IGF and IGFBP mRNA expression)
showed a significant lower weight than control pancreases
and livers, respectively. In contrast, the weights of pancre-
ases and livers relative to their body weight were not dif-
ferent between the two groups of fetuses (milligrams per
gram) (3.91 0.02 in C vs. 3.89 0.05 in U and 55.7 0.4
FIG. 1. A, Serum concentrations of
IGF-I and -II in C and U fetuses at 21.5
dpc. B, Serum IGFBP-1 and -2 levels in
C and U fetuses at 21.5 dpc. Left panel,
Representative Western immunoblot of
IGFBP-1 and -2 in C and U fetuses.
Right panel, Densitometric measure-
ments of bands from Western immuno-
blot are expressed as percent of the cor-
responding control values. White bars,
control fetuses; black bars, undernour-
ished fetuses. Values are means SE for
11–12 observations in each group. Fe-
tuses were obtained from five to seven
different litters. *, P 0.05.
TABLE 1. Biological characteristics of fetuses at 21 d gestation from control (C) or undernourished (U) mothers
Body weight
Pancreas weight
Liver weight
Plasma glucose
(mg/100 ml)
Plasma insulin
Plasma GH
C 4.9 0.3 20.1 0.4 268.3 22.4 50.9 2.8 166.0 10.9 92.2 5.5
U 4.1 0.2
17.5 0.5
231.6 21.7 51.5 1.9 209.4 11.5
99.2 5.3
Data are means SE for 14–20 observations in each group. Fetuses were obtained from four to seven different litters.
P 0.05 relative to control fetuses.
1366 Endocrinology, March 2005, 146(3):1364 –1371 Martı´n et al. Undernutrition Affects IGF System in Fetal Rat
in C vs. 56.1 0.5 in U, respectively). No change in glycemia
was found in undernourished fetuses, but a significant in-
crease in plasma insulin was observed in this group, com-
pared with controls. Plasma GH concentration was similar in
the two groups of fetuses.
Serum levels of IGFs and IGFBPs in undernourished and
control fetuses
Serum levels of IGF-II in control fetuses at 21 dpc were
higher (P 0.05) than those of IGF-I in the same rats (128
11 ng/ml, n 11, vs. 72.7 2.9 ng/ml, n 12) (Fig. 1). Similar
serum IGF-II levels were observed in U and C fetuses at 21
dpc. However, serum IGF-I levels in U fetuses were reduced,
compared with control levels. Serum IGFBP levels were ex-
pressed as percent of corresponding control fetuses. Serum
IGFBP-2 levels in U fetuses were significantly increased,
compared with control fetuses. No change in serum IGFBP-1
was observed between the two groups of fetuses.
Liver IGF and IGFBP mRNA expression in undernourished
and control fetuses
Densitometric measurements of protected probe frag-
ments are expressed as percent of the corresponding control
fetuses (Fig. 2). Liver IGF-I mRNA expression in U fetuses
was significantly decreased as compared with control fe-
tuses, but no change in liver IGF-II expression was observed
between the two groups of fetuses. Finally, liver IGFBP-1 and
-2 mRNA expression were similar in U and control fetuses.
Pancreas IGF and IGFBP mRNA expression in
undernourished and control fetuses
Densitometric measurements of protected probe frag-
ments are expressed as percent of the corresponding control
fetuses (Fig. 3). Pancreas IGF-II mRNA expression in U fe-
tuses was significantly decreased, compared with control
fetuses, whereas IGF-I mRNA expression was significantly
increased in pancreas. IGFBP-1 mRNA expression was sim-
ilar in the two groups of fetuses, but IGFBP-2 mRNA ex-
FIG. 2. A, RNase protection assay of liver IGF-I and -II mRNA tran-
scripts in C and U fetuses at 21.5 dpc. Densitometric measurements
of protected probe fragments are expressed as percent of the corre-
sponding C fetuses. B, RNase protection assay of liver IGFBP-1 and
-2 mRNA transcripts in control and U fetuses at 21.5 dpc. Densito-
metric measurements of protected probe fragments are expressed as
percent of the corresponding C fetuses. 18S ribosomal antisense as-
sayed in the same samples is shown beneath the IGF and IGFBP
bands; and designate riboprobe lanes treated with or without
RNases, respectively. Representative experiments are shown in the
figure. White bars, C fetuses; black bars, U fetuses. Values are
means SE for five to eight observations in each group. Fetuses were
obtained from four to six different litters. *, P 0.05.
FIG. 3. A, RNase protection assay of pancreas IGF-I and -II mRNA
transcripts in C and U fetuses at 21.5 dpc. Densitometric measure-
ments of protected probe fragments are expressed as percent of the
corresponding C fetuses. B, RNase protection assay of pancreas
IGFBP-1 and -2 mRNA transcripts in C and U fetuses at 21.5 dpc.
Densitometric measurements of protected probe fragments are ex-
pressed as percent of the corresponding C fetuses. 18S ribosomal
antisense assayed in the same samples is shown beneath the IGF and
IGFBP bands; and designate riboprobe lanes treated with or
without RNases, respectively. Representative experiments are shown
in the figure. White bars, C fetuses; black bars, U fetuses. Values are
means SE for six to eight observations in each group. Fetuses were
obtained from six to eight different litters. *, P 0.05.
Martı´n et al. Undernutrition Affects IGF System in Fetal Rat Endocrinology, March 2005, 146(3):1364–1371 1367
pression was significantly increased in U, compared with
control fetuses.
Islet content of IGF-IR
The abundance of IGF-IR protein was evaluated in islets
from control and undernourished fetal rats. As shown in Fig.
4, islet IGF-IR content was significantly increased (40%) in U
fetuses, compared with control fetuses.
In vitro mitogenic effect of IGFs in isolated fetal islets
The number of
-cells per isolated fetal islet from U rats
was similar to that in control rats (361 39
-cell/islet, n
15, vs. 335 24
-cell/islet, n 14) (Fig. 5). BrdU labeling
index of
-cells in absence of IGF was similar in control and
U-isolated fetal islets (0.97 0.11%, n 14, and 1.21 0.13%,
n 12, respectively). Addition of IGF-I or -II to the control-
isolated fetal islets significantly increased (1.61 0.10%, n
12, and 1.67 0.12%, n 12, respectively) the
-cell repli-
cation above the basal values (without IGF). In control islets,
no difference was observed between the in vitro mitogenic
effect of IGF-I or -II. Similarly, addition of IGF-I or -II to the
U-isolated fetal islets significantly enhanced (2.68 0.14%,
n 12, and 3.00 0.22%, n 12) the
-cell replication above
the basal values (without IGF), but in this condition the
-cell mitogenic response to IGFs in vitro was sig-
nificantly more elevated in U, compared with the response
in control islets. Moreover, no difference was observed be-
tween the in vitro mitogenic effect of IGF-I and -II in U islets.
In a previous work, we demonstrated that a 65% protein-
caloric food restriction during the last trimester of gestation
led to an increase in
-cell mass and hyperinsulinemia in the
fetuses at 21.5 d of gestation (2). These results differ from
those described in fetuses from pregnant rats submitted to a
low-protein food intake (3, 28) as well as from those sub-
mitted to a hypocaloric food restriction less severe than 65%
of the diet (4). However, in accordance with the literature (4,
29), from4doflife, we observed decreased
-cell mass and
hypoinsulinemia, which persisted until adult age (6). Be-
cause in our model of general food restriction the
-cell mass
is increased in undernourished fetuses, the aim of this work
was to investigate whether availability of growth factors
such as insulin, GH, and IGFs and their IGFBPs could be
implicated in this alteration. In this study we found that
maternal undernutrition increased both pancreatic IGF-I
mRNA expression and islet IGF-IR protein content in U
fetuses and enhanced replicative
-cell response to IGFs in
isolated undernourished fetal islets. IGFs are locally pro-
duced by pancreas, in which they act in an autocrine or
paracrine manner and are involved in the regulation of islet
growth and differentiation (9). Thus, increased expression of
IGF-I in pancreas and IGF-IR protein content in islets could
play a role in the increased
-cell mass in U fetuses.
The IGF axis is highly responsive to nutritional status (23).
Most studies on nutritional regulation of IGF-I have focused
on the liver, and all such studies, including the relatively few
that investigated nonhepatic tissues, have shown that un-
dernutrition decreased IGF-I mRNA expression and protein
abundance in the neonatal and adult period (23, 30) as well
as in the fetal period (19, 31). The decrease of hepatic IGF-I
mRNA expression observed in U fetuses is in accordance
with the above-mentioned studies. In addition, in U fetuses
serum IGF-I levels are reduced, probably the result of the
decreased liver IGF-I mRNA expression. This is in agreement
with previous studies in which nutrient restriction reduced
the circulating levels of IGF-I (19, 31, 32). Furthermore, in U
fetuses the reduced IGF-I serum levels is GH independent
because serum concentration of GH is normal. By contrast,
we observed that serum IGF-II and liver IGF-II mRNA ex-
pression were both unaffected by general food restriction.
This is also in agreement with previous reports in which the
concentration of circulating IGF-II as well as its mRNA abun-
dance appeared reduced or unaffected by maternal malnu-
trition (19, 24, 32). These data along with other findings (33)
indicated that IGF-I is more affected by changes in maternal
nutrition than IGF-II, irrespective of the cause or nature of the
nutrient deficit.
In the present study, we found that pancreatic IGF-I ex-
pression is increased in U fetuses, and it is known that IGF-I
is produced by fetal and neonatal rat pancreatic islets (34).
Therefore, the elevated IGF-I expression in pancreas of U
fetuses could be the result of the increased
-cell mass ob-
served in these fetuses at this stage (2). However, in this work
we also observed that pancreatic IGF-II expression is reduced
in U fetuses. Thus, the increased pancreatic IGF-I expression
in U fetuses cannot be attributed solely to the increased
mass observed at this stage. This pattern of reduced IGF-II
FIG. 4. Islet content of IGF-IR protein in C and U fetuses at 21.5 dpc.
Results show a representative Western blot in which each lane con-
tained 70
g of protein extracted from isolated islet. Densitometric
measurements of bands from Western immunoblot are expressed as
percent of the corresponding control values. White bars, C fetuses;
black bars, U fetuses. Values are means SE. Fetal islets were ob-
tained from seven to nine independent islet cultures. *, P 0.05.
FIG. 5. BrdU labeling index of
-cells in isolated fetal islets from C
and U rats. Isolated fetal islets obtained after6dofculture were
further cultured for 2 d without (white bars) or with 100 ng/ml IGF-I
(striped bars) or 100 ng/ml IGF-II (black bars). Values are means
SE. BrdU labeling index was determined in each condition in 12–17
isolated fetal islets. Fetal islets were obtained from three to seven
independent islet cultures.
, P 0.05 relative to fetal C and U islets
without IGFs;
, P 0.05 relative to fetal control islets.
1368 Endocrinology, March 2005, 146(3):1364 –1371 Martı´n et al. Undernutrition Affects IGF System in Fetal Rat
expression and increased
-cell mass differs from observa-
tions in fetuses from maternal protein restriction (35) or in
fetuses from Goto-Kakizaki rats, which spontaneously de-
velop type 2 diabetes without obesity (36). It seems that the
influence of maternal undernutrition in our conditions is
markedly different in the pancreas from liver, in which nu-
tritional deficiency decreases IGF-I expression. Thus, the ef-
fect of maternal undernutrition on the fetal IGF-I expression
may be tissue specific. Further investigation is necessary to
understand how nutritional regulation of IGF-I expression
differs between the liver and the developing pancreas.
There are few studies about the influence of nutritional
restriction on pancreatic IGF-I mRNA expression. Consistent
with our observation of increased pancreas IGF-I in U fe-
tuses, Calikoglu et al. (37) reported that undernutrition in-
creased brain IGF-I mRNA expression in mice during brain
development and that local expression of IGF-I may serve
partly to protect the brain from the nutritional insult. Ac-
cordingly, the local expression of IGF-I may protect the en-
docrine pancreas in U fetuses from deleterious effects of
maternal undernutrition during fetal period. Our result is
also consistent with findings that refer to the protective ef-
fects of IGF-I against cytokine-mediated
-cell death in vitro
(38, 39) or against the oxidative and apoptotic effects of
streptozotocin in vivo (40).
The actions of IGF-I are predominantly local during fetal
and early postnatal life (41). Thus, the locally expressed IGF-I
in U pancreases may stimulate
-cell mass growth in an
autocrine/paracrine manner. This idea is consistent with the
induction of
-cell replication by IGF-I treatment in vitro (42)
and the in vivo observations that signaling through IGF-IR
-cell development and proliferation (43). More-
over IGF-I is an effective stimulus for inducing differentiated
-cell growth (44). The mitogenic signaling is me-
diated by the IGF-IR present on pancreatic islet cells (44, 45)
and requires the recruitment of phosphatidylinositol 3-
kinase and growth factor binding protein 2 to insulin recep-
tor substrate-2, resulting in the activation of MAPK and
. The present study shows that maternal undernutri
tion increased a 40% the islet content of IGF-IR in U fetuses,
compared with controls, and this may favor the mitogenic
action of locally expressed pancreatic IGF-I in U fetuses.
Thus, autocrine or paracrine interaction of IGF-I with IGF-IRs
in islets, and activation of IGF-I signaling pathway would
contribute to increase the
-cell mass in U fetuses. In this line
we have seen in our laboratory (Martı´n, M. A., E. Ferna´ndez,
F. Escriva´, and C. A
lvarez, unpublished data) that under-
nutrition evokes a higher phosphorylation of P70
Unlike the mitogenic effect of IGF-I on other mammalian
cells (46), in the pancreatic
-cell, an IGF-I-induced mitogenic
response is glucose dependent (42). Glucose itself can stim-
-cell mitogenesis in a manner dependent on glucose
metabolism (42, 44). In accordance with this, in our model of
maternal undernutrition, glucose oxidation in the
-cell is
increased in U fetuses, compared with control fetuses (47).
This is of particular importance because in pancreatic
glucose provides a permissive environment for IGF-I-
-cell proliferation (42, 44) and may favor the mi-
togenic effect of locally expressed IGF-I in U fetuses. In ad-
dition, in our model of maternal undernutrition, fetal plasma
insulin is significantly increased in U fetuses, compared with
C fetuses, and islet insulin content and abundance of insulin
mRNA in the pancreas are increased and more insulin is
secreted in response to secretagogues (2, 47). The increased
-cell mass probably plays a relevant role in these effects.
These observations suggest that local IGF-I mRNA expres-
sion in the pancreas might lead to increased
-cell mass and
hyperinsulinemia. Furthermore, insulin as well as IGF-I and
-II also contribute to the regulation of
-cell growth, function,
and survival (9). It is possible that increased plasma insulin
levels, acting via insulin receptor or IGF-IR, could also con-
tribute to increased
-cell mass in U fetuses. Thus, a coop-
erative action between insulin and IGF-I leading to increased
-cell mass may have developed in U fetuses.
It is worth noting that, in other studies, maternal food
restriction (50%) increased fetal corticosterone levels and
decreased fetal pancreatic insulin and
-cell mass, suggest-
ing a negative role of glucocorticoids in fetal
-cell devel-
opment (48). Although the glucocorticoid status has not been
assessed in this study and a rise of glucocorticoids in U
fetuses cannot be ruled out, increase of both insulin levels
and pancreatic IGF-I mRNA expression at 21.5 dpc could
counteract the effect of high glucocorticoid levels on
mass. However, it cannot be excluded that a possible increase
of glucocorticoids in our maternal model of malnutrition
may affect the fetal programing of intrauterine development
inducing a predisposition to later dysfunctions and diseases
such as coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
In view of the reported ability of IGFBPs to modulate IGF
bioactivity, we examined serum and tissue expression of
IGFBP-1 and -2 in U fetuses. IGFBP-1 can either inhibit or
potentiate the actions of IGF-I (12). In the present study, we
report normal serum concentration and liver and pancreatic
gene expression of IGFBP-1 in U fetuses. This result agrees
with a previous study by Muaku et al. (32), using protein
restriction. Instead, an increase in fetal serum IGFBP-1 and
liver IGFBP-1 mRNA levels has been reported in growth-
retarded fetuses after maternal fasting (20), maternal protein
malnutrition (31), caloric restriction (49), or fetal growth re-
tardation induced by dexamethasone (50). Interestingly,
plasma insulin was found reduced in these animal models.
Insulin appears to play a major role in regulating IGFBP-1
gene transcription, i.e. IGFBP-1 transcription is high in dia-
betic animals and rapidly reduced to normal values after
insulin treatment both in neonatal (51) and adult (52, 53) rats.
In our model of maternal undernutrition, insulin is increased
in the plasma of U fetuses (2). Thus, the hyperinsulinemic
status of U fetuses could counteract the IGFBP-1-reducing
effects of undernutrition and/or increased glucocorticoids, if
they were, and might help to normalize the IGFBP-1 levels.
In the case of glucocorticoids, a dominant effect of insulin vs.
dexamethasone on the regulation of IGFBPs has been noted
in cultured hepatocytes (54).
Unaltered liver mRNA expression of IGFBP-2 found in U
fetuses is consistent with the few changes in liver IGFBP-2
mRNA observed in fetuses from experimental diabetic (24)
or undernourished mothers (19, 31). In contrast, increased
serum levels and pancreatic mRNA expression of IGFBP-2
were found in U fetuses. In general, IGFBP-2 appears to
inhibit IGF actions, in particular those of IGF-II, possibly
Martı´n et al. Undernutrition Affects IGF System in Fetal Rat Endocrinology, March 2005, 146(3):1364–1371 1369
related to its higher affinity for this peptide (12). Other than
modulating IGF actions, IGFBPs may exert intrinsic bioac-
tivity in either the absence of IGFs or the presence of IGFs
without triggering IGF-IR signaling. In particular, IGFBP-2 is
mitogenic for uterine endometrial epithelial cells and osteo-
sarcoma cells independently of IGF action (55, 56). In addi-
tion, several mechanisms of IGFBP-2 interaction with cells
have been reported (18). The consequence of IGFBP-2 bind-
ing for cell function is still unknown, but it may serve to
concentrate IGFs near IGF-IRs because IGFBP-2 can increase
IGF-stimulated proliferation in some cell types (57, 58). Con-
sistent with these observations, it is possible that the in-
creased pancreatic mRNA expression of IGFBP-2 found in U
fetuses could locally contribute to the increase of
-cell mass
through IGF-independent effects and/or favoring the mito-
genic actions of locally produced IGF-I.
Finally, we tested the possibility that a direct biological
action of IGFs on fetal U
-cell was increased. Our in vitro
results show that IGF-I and -II stimulate the
-cell replication
in fetal control islets in accordance with a previous demon-
stration (40). But addition of IGF-I or -II to the U-isolated
islets significantly increased the
-cell replication, compared
with IGF-I- or IGF-II-exposed control fetal islets. These ef-
fects were obtained with a submaximal IGF-II concentration
and a maximal IGF-I concentration based on our evaluation
of circulating levels and in vitro data, respectively (42, 59). It
is well established that the mitogenic effects of IGFs are
mediated mainly through interactions with the IGF-IR (12).
In this study we show that U fetuses expressed more IGF-IR
protein in islets. Thus, this increase in the number of recep-
tors may favor or potentiate the mitogenic response to IGF-I
and -II in U islets.
In summary, the increased
-cell mass found in U fetuses
at 21.5 dpc could be the result of the stimulation of
replication due to locally increased IGF-I in the pancreas, and
this effect is perhaps potentiated or favored by the elevated
number of IGF-IR and/or the enhanced pancreatic IGFBP-2
gene expression. Therefore, our study suggests that local
expression of IGF-I and IGF-IR may serve in part to protect
the endocrine pancreas in U fetuses from the impact of ma-
ternal undernutrition during the fetal period. However, in-
-cell mass and hyperinsulinemia at an early stage
could be an initial event for diabetes onset in adult age. In this
context, our model of maternal undernutrition provides an
opportunity to assess early and long-term effects under
physiological conditions.
The authors thank Susana Fajardo for her invaluable technical help.
Received May 25, 2004. Accepted November 19, 2004.
Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Dr. Carmen
Alvarez, Departamento de Bioquı´mica y Biologı´a Molecular, Facultad de
Farmacia, Universidad Complutense, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 Ma-
drid, Spain. E-mail:
This work was supported by Grants BFI2001-2125 and BFI2002-00253
from Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologı´a, Spain, and the France/Spain
Program for Science (Cooperation Franco-Espagnole Centre National de
la Recherche Scientifique/Consejo Superior Investigaciones Cientı´ficas;
projects 5249 and 7963).
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Martı´n et al. Undernutrition Affects IGF System in Fetal Rat Endocrinology, March 2005, 146(3):1364–1371 1371
... It is now well accepted that fetuses in response to a mild hyperglycemic intrauterine environment exhibit compensatory increases in β-cell mass [52], pancreatic insulin content [52] and hyperinsulinemia [52]. Moreover, expression of IRS-2 [53], pancreatic IGF-1 [54], and islet IGF-1R [54] are also increased. At this stage, insulin and IGF-1 act as growth factors on fetuses resulting in macrosomia [36]. ...
... It is now well accepted that fetuses in response to a mild hyperglycemic intrauterine environment exhibit compensatory increases in β-cell mass [52], pancreatic insulin content [52] and hyperinsulinemia [52]. Moreover, expression of IRS-2 [53], pancreatic IGF-1 [54], and islet IGF-1R [54] are also increased. At this stage, insulin and IGF-1 act as growth factors on fetuses resulting in macrosomia [36]. ...
Full-text available
Objective: Type 2 diabetes (T2D) occurs by deterioration in pancreatic β-cell function and/or progressive loss of pancreatic β-cell mass under the context of insulin resistance. α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) may contribute to insulin sensitivity but its role in the pathogenesis of T2D remains undefined. We investigated whether the systemic lack of α7 nAChR was sufficient to impair glucose homeostasis. Methods: We used an α7 nAChR knock-out (α7-/-) mouse model fed a standard chow diet. The effects of the lack of α7 nAChR on islet mass, insulin secretion, glucose and insulin tolerance, body composition, and food behaviour were assessed in vivo and ex vivo experiments. Results: Young α7-/- mice display a chronic mild high glycemia combined with an impaired glucose tolerance and a marked deficit in β-cell mass. In addition to these metabolic disorders, old mice developed adipose tissue inflammation, elevated plasma free fatty acid concentrations and presented glycolytic muscle insulin resistance in old mice. Finally, α7-/- mice, fed a chow diet, exhibited a late-onset excessive gain in body weight through increased fat mass associated with higher food intake. Conclusion: Our work highlights the important role of α7 nAChR in glucose homeostasis. The constitutive lack of α7 nAChR suggests a novel pathway influencing the pathogenesis of T2D.
... In one model, maternal under-nutrition decreased pancreatic Igf2 expression and was associated with increased INS cell mass (Martin et al. 2005). In contrast, another study demonstrated that maternal undernutrition increased pancreatic Igf2 expression with no alteration in INS cell mass (de Miguel-Santos et al. 2010). ...
... Thus, the lack of consistency between studies makes it difficult to determine the precise role of Igf2 in the pancreatic phenotype and INS:GLU cell ratio. Some differences may be related to compensatory increases in Igf1 expression that could lead to increased INS cell mass (Martin et al. 2005). Igf1 expression was not different in our study. ...
Full-text available
Malnutrition in utero (IU) could alter pancreatic development. Reported here are the effects of high fat diet (HFD) during pregnancy on fetal growth and pancreatic morphology in an 'At Risk' animal model of metabolic disease, the glucose transporter 4 heterozygous mouse (G4+/-). Wild type (WT) female mice mated with G4+/- males were fed HFD or control (CD) diet for 2 weeks prior to mating and throughout pregnancy. At embryonic day18.5 fetuses were sacrificed and pancreata isolated for analysis of morphology and expression of genes involved in insulin-cell development, proliferation, apoptosis, glucose transport and function. Compared to WT CD, WT HFD fetal pancreata had a 2.4 fold increase in the number of glucagon cells (p=0.023). HFD also increased glucagon cell size by 18% in WT pancreata compared to WT CD. Compared to WT CD, G4+/- CD had an increased number of insulin cells, and decreased insulin and glucagon cell size. Compared to G4+/- CD, G4+/- HFD fetuses had increased pancreatic gene expression of Igf2, a mitogen and inhibitor of apoptosis. Expression of genes involved in proliferation, apoptosis, glucose transport and insulin secretion were not altered in WT HFD compared with G4+/- HFD pancreata. In contrast to WT HFD pancreata, HFD exposure did not alter pancreatic islet morphology in fetuses with GLUT4 haploinsufficiency; this may be mediated in part by increased Igf2 expression. Thus, interactions between IU diet and fetal genetics may play a critical role in the developmental origins of health and disease.
... IGF-1 plays an important role in proliferation, cell cycle progression, and cell survival at the cellular level. Evidence for the involvement of the IGF family in beta cell development is as follows: (1) IGFs are mitogenic for beta cells 8) ; (2) IGFs act as cell survival factors by inhibiting beta cell apoptosis 8) ; (3) IGFs and their binding proteins are produced in fetal and adult pancreata 9) ; (4) IGF-2 overexpression in transgenic mice causes islet hyperplasia 10) ; and (5) undernourished fetuses with an increased beta cell mass have locally increased pancreatic IGF-1 expression 11) . ...
Dysregulation of growth and inflammatory mediators might contribute to defective tissue homeostasis and healing, as commonly observed in sedentary lifestyles and in conditions such as diabetes mellitus and periodontitis. Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease characterized by extensive bone resorption. Sodium fluoride (NaF) causes proliferation and differentiation, and modulates the activity of growth factors. In this study, we investigated the effects of NaF on insulin-like growth factor (IGF) 1 and 2 in Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rats, a spontaneous model of type 2 diabetes induced by Porphyromonas gingivalis, an important colonizer of the oral cavity that has been implicated in periodontitis. NaF strongly inhibited the P. gingivalis-induced alveolar bone loss. That effect was accompanied by decreased levels of TNF-α IL-1β, and RM4, which were up-regulated in P. gingivalis-induced diabetes model. Consistent with the anti-inflammatory effect, NaF inhibited osteoclast markers, the receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL) and Cathepsin K protein expression. IGF-1, -2 was strongly expressed by periodontal ligament, fibroblasts, particularly those in areas close to cementum and bone surfaces in NaF-treated groups. In the periodontal ligament, strong staining was noted in the fiber bundles inserting into alveolar bone and cementum. Our findings suggest the mechanism of IGF signaling by which NaF alters periodontal tissue repair in type 2 diabetes. © 2015 The Hard Tissue Biology Network Association Printed in Japan, All rights reserved.
... All the foetal hormones known to stimulate intrauterine growth are altered in concentration by changes in maternal nutrient or oxygen availability in a species-specific and insult-specific manner (Tables 2 and 3). Maternal fasting, undernutrition or isocaloric low-protein diets reduce foetal circulating concentrations of insulin, IGFs and T 4 in association with foeto-placental growth restriction in mice, rats and guinea pigs [6,47,[68][69][70][71][72][73][74]. In sheep and baboons, foetal plasma IGFs and insulin are also decreased by maternal undernutrition but only when food intake is 60% or less of control values, and even then, this does not always result in IUGR [75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85]89]. ...
Purpose of review: Size at birth is critical in determining life expectancy with both small and large neonates at risk of shortened life spans. This review examines the hormonal and nutritional drivers of intrauterine growth with emphasis on the role of foetal hormones as nutritional signals in utero. Recent findings: Nutrients drive intrauterine growth by providing substrate for tissue accretion, whereas hormones regulate nutrient distribution between foetal oxidative metabolism and mass accumulation. The main hormonal drivers of intrauterine growth are insulin, insulin-like growth factors and thyroid hormones. Together with leptin and cortisol, these hormones control cellular nutrient uptake and the balance between accretion and differentiation in regulating tissue growth. They also act indirectly via the placenta to alter the materno-foetal supply of nutrients and oxygen. By responding to nutrient and oxygen availability, foetal hormones optimize the survival and growth of the foetus with respect to its genetic potential, particularly during adverse conditions. However, changes in the intrauterine growth of individual tissues may alter their function permanently. Summary: In both normal and compromised pregnancies, intrauterine growth is determined by multiple hormonal and nutritional drivers which interact to produce a specific pattern of intrauterine development with potential lifelong consequences for health.
Background: Suboptimal nutrition accompanied by chronic low-grade increases in circulating cytokine levels is more common in elderly people. We explored the improvement in nutritional status, especially in the level of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and its relationship with changes in circulating cytokine levels, after providing extra protein and energy content to community-dwelling older adults at risk of undernutrition. Methods: Sixty nondiabetic subjects, aged ≥65 years and living independently in a community for elderly people, with a serum pre-albumin level ≤30 mg dL(-1) and a body mass index <25 kg m(-2) , were recruited. The subjects were followed for a 2-week pre-intervention period, during which they maintained routine dietary habits. This was followed by an intervention period, during which they received oral nutritional supplementation for 2 weeks. Results: Following 2 weeks of intervention, there were significant increases in total lymphocyte count (TLC) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1, pre-albumin and transferrin compared to baseline. Body weight and mid-arm circumference significantly increased without alteration of tricep skinfold thickness at the end of the intervention. There was a significant reduction in interleukin (IL)-6 levels and a trend toward a decrease in the tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α levels. At baseline, age was negatively correlated with IGF-1 levels and positively correlated with IL-6 and TNF-α levels. The change (▵, from baseline) in IGF-1 level was positively correlated with age and negatively correlated with ▵IL-6 and ▵TNF-α. Conclusions: A 2-week intervention with oral nutritional supplementation improved nutritional status and decreased circulating cytokine levels. Specifically, ▵IGF-1 was negatively correlated with changes in pro-inflammatory cytokine levels in community-dwelling elderly people at risk of undernutrition. ( NCT02656186).
Introduction: The ‘thrifty phenotype’ hypothesis of metabolic programming posits that fetal developmental plasticity moulds growth and metabolism appropriate to nutritional availability in utero, producing in times of nutritional scarcity a metabolic phenotype that minimizes energy expenditure and maximizes storage of scarce calories. This improves the chances of survival to term and to reproduction, but at a cost of maladaptive consequences should the postnatal environment be discordant. Such developmental programming allows phenotypic adaptation to environmental changes over a single generation which may or may not persist over a few generations – a flexible, fast counterpart to natural selection. How mechanistically could an environmental change such as in utero nutritional availability alter the developmental programme of gene expression? Genetic mutation and selection is far too slow, rare and permanent. However, epigenetic alterations, which can result in stably inherited phenotypes without an associated change in coding sequence are perfectly poised to form a cellular memory of an in utero insult. Imprinted genes are a unique class of approximately 80 genes that which are expressed predominantly from one chromosome in a parental-origin-dependent manner and are attractive candidates for key players in developmental programming for the following reasons: first, imprinted genes have been shown to regulate the development of key metabolic organs, function postnatally in the control of metabolic axes, and to be exquisitely vulnerable to dosage modulation.
Introduction: An adverse intrauterine environment may program the fetus for metabolic and cardiovascular disease in childhood and later in life. In particular, the ability of the maternal supply line to provide oxygen and nutrients to the growing placenta and fetus represents a key factor determining fetal outcome. The placenta constitutes the interface between the maternal and fetal circulations, serving as an immune barrier as well as the organ for exchange and metabolism of nutrients between mother and fetus. The placenta also controls maternal metabolism during pregnancy by secreting a variety of hormones into the maternal circulation. A large number of studies has now shown that variations in maternal diet (amount and composition) can alter fetal growth and/or development and program the fetus for later disease. In order to affect the fetus, perturbations in maternal nutrient availability must be transmitted across the placenta and there is an increasing awareness that the placenta responds to and modulates changes in the ability of the mother to provide nutrients. Therefore, the placenta is in a powerful position to influence fetal development by changes in expression and activity of, for example, specific nutrient transporters that affect fetal growth. Altered fetal growth (intrauterine growth restriction [IUGR] and fetal overgrowth) in human pregnancy is associated with specific changes in placental amino acid transporters, which may cause changes in fetal growth rate and mediate programming of the fetus.
Regional differences in modern human facial features are present at birth, and ontogenetic allometry contributes to variation in adults. However, details regarding differential rates of growth and timing among regional groups are lacking. We explore ontogenetic and static allometry in a cross-sectional sample spanning Africa, Europe and North America, and evaluate tempo and mode in two regional groups with very different adult facial morphology, the Khoisan and Inuit. Semilandmark geometric morphometric methods, multivariate statistics and growth simulations were used to quantify and compare patterns of facial growth and development. Regional-specific facial morphology develops early in ontogeny. The Inuit has the most distinct morphology and exhibits heterochronic differences in development compared to other regional groups. Allometric patterns differ during early postnatal development, when significant increases in size are coupled with large amounts of shape changes. All regional groups share a common adult static allometric trajectory, which can be attributed to sexual dimorphism, and the corresponding allometric shape changes resemble developmental patterns during later ontogeny. The amount and pattern of growth and development may not be shared between regional groups, indicating that a certain degree of flexibility is allowed for in order to achieve adult size. In early postnatal development the face is less constrained compared to other parts of the cranium allowing for greater evolvability. The early development of region-specific facial features combined with heterochronic differences in timing or rate of growth, reflected in differences in facial size, suggest different patterns of postnatal growth. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
A substantial body of evidence suggests that an abnormal intra-uterine milieu elicited by maternal metabolic disturbances as diverse as malnutrition, placental insufficiency, diabetes and obesity may be able to programme susceptibility of the foetus to later develop chronic degenerative diseases such as obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes (T2D). As insulin-producing cells have been placed centre stage in the development of T2D, this review examines developmental programming of the beta-cell mass (BCM) in various rodent models of maternal protein restriction, calorie restriction, overnutrition and diabetes. The main message is that whatever the initial maternal insult (F0 generation) and whether alone or in combination, it gives rise to the same programmed BCM outcome in the daughter generation (F1). The altered BCM phenotype in F1 females prohibits normal BCM adaptation during pregnancy and, thus, diabetes (gestational diabetes) ensues. This gestational diabetes is then passed from one generation (F1) to the next (F2, F3 and so on). This review highlights a number of studies that have identified epigenetic mechanisms that may contribute to altered BCM development and beta-cell failure, as observed in diabetes. In addition to their role in instilling the programmed defect, these non-genomic mechanisms may also be involved in its intergenerational transmission.
A previous study from our laboratory showed that maternal food restriction (MFR) delays thermoregulation in newborn rats. In neonates brown adipose tissue (BAT) is essential for thermogenesis due to the presence of uncoupling proteins (UCPs). The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of MFR on the UCPs mRNA and protein expression in BAT and skeletal muscle (SM) of the newborn rat. Female Wistar EPM-1 control rats (CON) received chow ad libitum during pregnancy, whereas food-restricted dams (RES) received 50% of the amount ingested by CON. Fifteen hours after birth, the litters were weighed and sacrificed. Blood was collected for hormonal analysis. BAT and SM were used for determination of UCPs mRNA and protein expression, and Ca2+-ATPase sarcoplasmic reticulum (SERCA1). RES pups showed a significant reduction in body weight and fat content at birth. MFR caused a significant increase in the expression of UCP1 and UCP2 in BAT, without changes in UCP3 and SERCA1 expression in BAT and SM. No differences between groups were found for leptin, T4 and glucose levels. RES pups showed increased insulin and decreased T3 levels. The delay in development of thermoregulation previously described in RES animals appears not to result from impairment in thermogenesis, but from an increase in heat loss, since MFR caused low birth weight in pups, leading to greater surface/volume ratio. The higher expression of UCP1 and UCP2 in BAT suggests a compensatory mechanism to increased thermogenesis.
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At late fetal age (21.5 days postcoitum [dpe]), GK rats present a severely reduced beta-cell mass compared with Wistar rats. This anomaly largely antedates the onset of hyperglycemia in GK rats. Thus, the beta-cell mass deficit could represent the primary defect leading to type 2 diabetes in the adult. The aim of this work was to investigate, in GK fetuses at the end of fetal age (21.5 dpe), whether impaired availability of growth factors such as insulin, growth hormone, and IGFs and their IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs) could be instrumental in this anomaly. Although it confirms that GK fetuses are hypoinsulinemic despite enhanced plasma glucose level due to maternal hyperglycemia, the present study shows for the first time that IGF-2 expression in the liver and pancreas and IGF-2 serum levels are decreased in GK fetuses. Serum level as well as liver and pancreatic mRNA expression of IGFBP-2 were found to be normal in GK fetuses, whereas serum level and liver mRNA expression of IGFBP-1 were increased. Finally, we found that the maximal beta-cell mitogenic response to IGFs in vitro is kept intact, therefore suggesting that the direct biological action of IGFs on fetal GK beta-cells is not grossly impaired. In conclusion, in GK fetuses at 21.5 dpc, the defective IGF-2 production appears to be an early landmark in the pathological sequence leading to retardation of beta-cell growth in the fetal GK rat.
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The effects of dexamethasone (Dex) on insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and IGF binding protein (IGFBP)-1 production were investigated in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes. Dex enhanced the secretion of IGFBP-1 as measured by ligand blot analysis but did not show any prominent effect on immunoreactive IGF-I secretion. EC50 of Dex on IGFBP-1 secretion was calculated to be 3 x 10(-8) M. The content of IGFBP-1 mRNA in the cells increased greatly in the presence of Dex but the IGF-I mRNA content did not change significantly under the same conditions. Insulin showed the opposite effect of Dex by decreasing the production of IGFBP-1 and the cellular content of IGFBP-1 mRNA. This effect of insulin was observed also with Dex in the medium. These results show that the gene expression of IGF-I and IGFBP-1 is differently regulated by glucocorticoids and insulin in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes. The results most possibly explain the in vivo effects of glucocorticoids and insulin in regulation of IGF-I and IGFBP-1 production by liver.
Infants of diabetic mothers show features of hyperinsulinism. The offspring of rat and rabbit has shown that diabetic mothers have hyperfunction of the endocrine pancreas. The aims of this study were to investigate the morphologic and functional behavior of the rat fetal and neonatal endocrine pancreas in experimental diabetes and to correlate these findings with the data in man. The fetuses and newborn rats of experimental diabetic mothers showed morphologic and ultrastructural changes in the endocrine pancreas. Islet hypertrophy and β cell hyperplasia were constantly present, but the β cells of fetuses of severely diabetic mothers were degranulated. The ultrastructural changes indicated hyperfunction in the β cells of fetuses of diabetic mothers. The morphologic changes mentioned were similar to those seen in human diabetic pregnancy.
Detailed studies of the maturation of stimulus-secretion coupling of the pancreatic B-cell requires a supply of isolated fetal islets, which has so far been difficult to obtain. To overcome this problem we have maintained minced and mildly collagenase-digested fetal rat pancreatic glands (21.5 days gestational age) in tissue culture to enable degeneration of the acinar part, leaving the endocrine cells in an isolated and surviving state. Indeed, after 1 wk in culture there was a complete separation between acinar and endocrine cells with the appearance of numerous discrete islets and the disappearance or dedifferentiation of the exocrine cells. Isolated islets were either free floating or attached on top of a monolayer of fibroblast-like cells. Their number after 1 wk in culture was estimated as about 90 per explanted fetal pancreas and a total yield of about 5000 isolated islets was easily achieved. Both light and electron microscopic examinations showed an excellent structural preservation with a marked predominance of well-granulated B-cells. Numerous islets of the same weight as the measured in cultured islets of adult rats were regularly found after 1 wk in culture. The insulin concentration of the cultured fetal islets was related to the glucose concentration of the growth medium. A similar relationship was found with respect to the insulin release in response to glucose. Thus, fetal islets cultured for 8 days in growth media containing 11.1 or 22.2 mM glucose showed a marked and significant insulin response to glucose in batch-type incubations at the end of the culture period. By contrast, the glucose stimulation of insulin release was insignificant in islets cultured at 5.5 or 2.8 mM glucose. When the culture period was confined to 1 day, there were no effects of glucose on the insulin release irrespective of the glucose concentration of the growth medium. It is concluded that the present technique for tissue culture of fetal rat pancreas makes it possible to isolate substantial amounts of fetal islets predominantly composed of B-cells. The transition in vitro from a poor glucose sensitivity to an adult-type insulin response indicates that the technique can be used in further detailed studies of the molecular mechanisms involved in the growth and development of the pancreatic B-cell.
Altered gene expression and/or actions of the insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) have been implicated in the mediation of both pre- and postnatal growth retardation secondary to glucocorticoid excess. To investigate this possibility, we assessed the gene expression of the IGFs, the type I IGF receptor, and IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs) in 20-day gestation liver and lung of growth-retarded fetuses whose mothers were treated with dexamethasone (DXM; 100 micrograms, ip, daily) on gestation days 15-19 (gestation = 21-22 days). DXM treatment in dams produced fetal growth retardation without decreasing litter size (32% decrease in fetal body weight). Both fetal liver and lung demonstrated decreased wet weight (48% and 47%, respectively) and DNA content (65% and 51%, respectively) compared to control animals. Our results suggest that increased expression of IGFBP-1, and possibly IGFBP-2, is involved in mediating the marked growth retardation. As assessed by solution hybridization assays and Northern blot analysis, there was an 8.5-fold increase in IGFBP-1 mRNA expression in the livers of DXM-treated fetal animals compared to that in sham-injected controls (P less than 0.002). IGFBP-2 mRNA expression was also increased (60%) in fetal liver, whereas IGFBP-3 was decreased (57%). In fetal lung, IGFBP-1 transcript abundance was also higher in DXM-treated fetal animals. Serum concentrations of IGFBP-1, but not those of IGFBP-2, were increased (approximately 4-fold) in the DXM-treated fetuses, as quantified by [125I]IGF-I ligand blotting and IGFBP-2 immunoblotting. Because hypoinsulinemia increases the expression of IGFBP-1 and -2, serum insulin concentrations were measured and found to be decreased in the DXM-treated fetuses (24 microU/ml) compared to control values (72 microU/ml). Analysis of mRNA expression for IGF-I, IGF-II, and the type 1 receptor transcripts did not support a role for decreased IGF or IGF receptor expression in the etiology of DXM-mediated growth retardation. IGF-I was unchanged in both liver and lung, and IGF-II transcripts were increased by 31% in liver and unchanged in lung of DXM-treated fetal animals. Northern analysis of hepatic and lung poly(A) RNA demonstrated no evidence for independent regulation of specific-sized IGF transcripts. Further, type 1 IGF receptor RNA abundance increased 42% in fetal liver and was unchanged in lung. Because IGFBPs may modulate IGF action, these results suggest that increased IGFBP-1, and possibly IGFBP-2, expression may be of importance in the etiology of DXM-induced fetal growth retardation.
Glucose tolerance and insulin effects on glucose production and utilization by various tissues were studied in 70-day-old anesthetized rats submitted to food restriction from the fetal stage. Basal and glucose-induced plasma insulin levels were reduced in food-restricted rats without alterations in glucose tolerance. Insulin action was quantified by using the euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp technique. Glucose turnover rates were measured by using D-[6-3H]glucose. Exogenous insulin failed to decrease glucose production in food-restricted rats. Weight-related whole body glucose utilization was higher in restricted rats than in controls both in the basal (21.9 +/- 0.7 vs. 9.4 +/- 0.6 and hyperinsulinemic states (37.5 +/- 1.1 vs. 14.0 +/- 1.2 Local glucose utilization by peripheral tissues was estimated by a 2-deoxy-D-[1-3H]glucose technique. In both basal and hyperinsulinemic conditions glucose utilization was increased in various adipose and muscle tissues of the food-restricted rats as compared with the controls. Thus we conclude that food restriction leads to an increase in the insulin-mediated glucose uptake by various peripheral tissues and to insulin resistance in the liver.
In this contribution we put forward a novel hypothesis concerning the aetiology of Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus. The concept underlying our hypothesis is that poor fetal and early post-natal nutrition imposes mechanisms of nutritional thrift upon the growing individual. We propose that one of the major long-term consequences of inadequate early nutrition is impaired development of the endocrine pancreas and a greatly increased susceptibility to the development of Type 2 diabetes. In the first section we outline our research which has led to this hypothesis. We will then review the relevant literature. Finally we show that the hypothesis suggests a reinterpretation of some findings and an explanation of others which are at present not easy to understand.