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Women with low libido: Correlation of decreased androgen levels with Female Sexual Function Index


Abstract and Figures

The aim of the present study was to investigate a possible correlation between decreased androgen levels and female sexual function index (FSFI) in women with low libido and compare these findings with normal age-matched subjects. In total, 20 premenopausal women with low libido (mean age 36.7; range 24-51 y) and 20 postmenopausal women with low libido (mean age 54; 45-70 y), and 20 premenopausal healthy women (mean age 32.2; range 21-51 y) and 20 postmenopausal healthy women (mean age 53.5; range 48-60 y) as controls were enrolled in the current study. Women with low libido had symptoms for at least 6 months and were in stable relationships. All premenopausal patients had regular menstrual cycles and all postmenopausal patients and controls were on estrogen replacement therapy. None of the patients were taking birth control pills, corticosteroids or had a history of chronic medical illnesses. All completed the FSFI and Beck's Depression Inventory (BDI) questionnaires. Hormones measured included: cortisol; T3, T4 and TSH; estradiol; total and free testosterone; dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S); sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). We performed statistical analysis by parametric and nonparametric comparisons and correlations, as appropriate. We found significant differences between the women with low libido and the controls in total testosterone, free testosterone and DHEA-S levels and full-scale FSFI score for both pre- and postmenopausal women (P<0.05). In addition, decreased total testosterone, free testosterone and DHEA-S levels positively correlated with full-scale FSFI score and FSFI-desire, FSFI-arousal, FSFI-lubrication and FSFI-orgasm scores (P<0.05). Our data suggest that women with low libido have lower androgen levels compared to age-matched normal control groups and their decreased androgen levels correlate positively with female sexual function index domains.
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Women with low libido: correlation of decreased androgen levels
with female sexual function index
B Turna
*, E Apaydin
, B Semerci
, B Altay
, N Cikili
and O Nazli
Urology Department, Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey
The aim of the present study was to investigate a possible correlation between decreased androgen
levels and female sexual function index (FSFI) in women with low libido and compare these
findings with normal age-matched subjects. In total, 20 premenopausal women with low libido
(mean age 36.7; range 24–51 y) and 20 postmenopausal women with low libido (mean age 54;
45–70 y), and 20 premenopausal healthy women (mean age 32.2; range 21–51 y) and 20
postmenopausal healthy women (mean age 53.5; range 48–60 y) as controls were enrolled in the
current study. Women with low libido had symptoms for at least 6 months and were in stable
relationships. All premenopausal patients had regular menstrual cycles and all postmenopausal
patients and controls were on estrogen replacement therapy. None of the patients were taking birth
control pills, corticosteroids or had a history of chronic medical illnesses. All completed the FSFI
and Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI) questionnaires. Hormones measured included: cortisol; T3,
T4 and TSH; estradiol; total and free testosterone; dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S); sex
hormone binding globulin (SHBG). We performed statistical analysis by parametric and
nonparametric comparisons and correlations, as appropriate. We found significant differences
between the women with low libido and the controls in total testosterone, free testosterone and
DHEA-S levels and full-scale FSFI score for both pre- and postmenopausal women (Po0.05). In
addition, decreased total testosterone, free testosterone and DHEA-S levels positively correlated
with full-scale FSFI score and FSFI-desire, FSFI-arousal, FSFI-lubrication and FSFI-orgasm scores
(Po0.05). Our data suggest that women with low libido have lower androgen levels compared to
age-matched normal control groups and their decreased androgen levels correlate positively with
female sexual function index domains.
International Journal of Impotence Research (2005) 17, 148–153. doi:10.1038/sj.ijir.3901294
Published online 9 December 2004
Keywords: low libido; androgen level; female sexual desire disorder; female sexual function index
Increasing interest is being shown in the role of
androgens in female health and well being; however,
the presence of androgen deficiency states and their
clinical diagnosis and management is still a con-
troversial matter.
For the last two decades, low desire has been
the most common sexual problem of women.
Female sexual dysfunction studies have started to
focus on biological and classification aspects of this
Several studies have shown a decrease in sexual
desire symptoms with androgen replacement ther-
apy where adequate levels of estrogen are present.
For several decades, testosterone has increasingly
been given to naturally postmenopausal or castrated
women when estrogen replacement did not change
decreased libido caused by a decrease in ovarian
steroid production.
A recent study has shown
that premenopausal women could have decreased
testosterone levels and still have regular menstrual
Riley and Riley
have also shown a correla-
tion between low testosterone levels and decreased
libido in younger women who complain of a lack of
sexual desire.
Since Rosen et al
developed and validated a brief
and reliable self-report measure of sexual function-
ing in women, this questionnaire has been popular
Received 13 February 2004; revised 22 September 2004;
accepted 22 September 2004
*Correspondence: B Turna, Urology Department, Ege
University Faculty of Medicine, 35100 Bornova, Izmir,
International Journal of Impotence Research (2005) 17, 148153
2005 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0955-9930/05 $30.00
in evaluating the key dimensions of female sexual
In fact, little information is available about what
constitutes an abnormal androgen level in pre- and
postmenopausal women and whether those values
directly correlate with sexual function index do-
The aim of the present study was to establish a
possible relation between serum androgen hormone
levels (total testosterone (total T), free testosterone
(free T), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S))
and Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) domains
and full-scale scores in pre- and postmenopausal
women with low libido. In addition to this, all these
findings were compared with pre- and postmeno-
pausal healthy controls.
Materials and methods
Between October 2002 and March 2003, 107 women
from Ege University Urology and Gynecology &
Menopause Clinics were evaluated during initial
consultation of sexual dysfunction. A total of 40
women with a chief complaint of decreased sexual
desire were then selected for this study. A total of 20
premenopausal women with low libido (mean age
36.7; range 24–51 y) and 20 postmenopausal women
with low libido (mean age 54; 45–70 y) were
enrolled in the current study. Women with low
libido had symptoms for at least 6 months and were
in stable relationships. All premenopausal patients
had regular menstrual cycles and all postmenopau-
sal patients and controls were on estrogen replace-
ment therapy (ERT). Five postmenopausal patients
had a history of total abdominal hysterectomy with
bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (TAH and BSO),
whereas 15 postmenopausal patients had natural
menopause. Patients with surgical menopause were
on 0.625 mg conjugated estrogen and patients with
natural menopause were on 0.625 mg conjugated
estrogen and 2.5 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate
treatment. None of the patients were taking birth
control pills, corticosteroids or had a history of
chronic medical illnesses. Patients with a history
of classic adrenal insufficiency, thyroid disease,
major depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic
metabolic disease, radiotherapy and chemotherapy
history were excluded from the study. All the
participants indicated their weight in kilograms
and height in centimeters. All women who partici-
pated in the study signed an informed consent.
All women completed Beck’s Depression Inven-
tory (BDI) and FSFI (score range 4–95). Patients with
total BDI score over 21 were excluded (BDI score
range: 0–63). We used the FSFI questionnaire for the
study, as FSFI is a validated and reliable 19 item
questionnaire with six domains (desire (1–2), arou-
sal (3–6), lubrication (7–10), orgasm (11–13), satis-
faction (14–16), pain (17–19)), which has been
developed as a brief, multidimensional, self-report
instrument for assessing the key dimensions of
sexual function in women.
Hormones measured were cortisol; T3, T4 and
TSH; estradiol; sex hormone binding globulin
(SHBG); total and free testosterone; DHEA-S. This
was carried out in the middle of the menstrual cycle
(days 8–15) for all premenopausal women. Blood
was drawn from all women between 0800 and 1200
and stored at 201C for a period of 1–30 days until
assayed. All tests were performed in the Ege
University Endocrinology Laboratory in a single
continuous hormone assay for each hormone.
Hormones were measured by commercially avail-
able RIA kits. Total testosterone analysis was
performed by direct Automated Chemiluminescence
Sytem (Bayer Diagnostics, New York) with a normal
range of 14–76 ng/ml. Free testosterone was deter-
mined by direct analog free testosterone radio-
immunoassay (DSL-4900, TX, USA) with a normal
range of 0.6–3 pg/ml. DHEA-S analysis was carried
out by direct RIA (DSL-3500, TX, USA) with a
normal range of 35–450 mg/dl. SHBG analysis was
determined by immunoassay (DPC, Los Angeles)
with a normal range of 18–114 nmol/l. The sensitiv-
ity of the assays was expressed as a minimal amount
of the hormones distinguishable from the zero
sample with 95% probability and the intra-assay
and interassay coefficients of variation for total T,
free T, DHEA-S and SHBG were 5.8 and 6.1, 5.3 and
6, 4.5 and 5.5, and 2.8 and 6.9%, respectively.
In total, 40 healthy women from Ege University
staff were included in the study as volunteers.
Of them, 20 premenopausal (mean age 32.2; range
21–51 y) and 20 postmenopausal (mean age 53.5; range
48–60 y) healthy women formed the control group.
The total FSFI score for each patient in the control
group was above 60. None of the control patients
had a history of adrenal insufficiency, thyroid
disease, major depression, radiotherapy, chemother-
apy or any systemic chronic diseases. In addition to
this, none of the postmenopausal controls had a
history of TAH and BSO and they were all on
0.625 mg of conjugated estrogen and 2.5 mg medroxy-
progesterone acetate treatment.
Student’s t-test, Two-way analysis of variance,
Pearson correlation analysis and Spearman rank
correlation analysis were used for statistical analysis.
To show the statistically significant difference
between groups, a minimum of 40 patients and 40
controls were required to achieve 80% power for the
current study.
The mean ages of the patients population and
control group were 45.3710.9 y (range 24–70 y)
and 42.67 12.6 y (range 21–60 y), respectively. The
Correlation between decreased androgen levels and female sexual function index
B Turna et al
International Journal of Impotence Research
mean age of the 20 premenopausal patients was
36.776.9 y (range 24–51 y), whereas the mean age
of the postmenopausal patients was 5476.4 y (range
45–70 y). The mean age of the premenopausal
healthy women was 32.279 y (range 21–51 y) and
the mean age of the 20 postmenopausal healthy
women was 53.574.6 y (range 48–60 y). Mean ages
between the controls and patients did not show
statistical difference (P40.05). All of the patients
had experienced decreased libido for a period of
more than 6 months.
The mean BMI values for premenopausal controls,
premenopausal patients, postmenopausal controls
and postmenopausal patients were 22.2, 23.1, 24.9
and 25.6 kg/m
, respectively. The BMI between
premenopausal controls and patients did not show
statistical difference, and similarly the BMI between
postmenopausal participants did not show any
statistical difference (P40.05). All the patients’
and controls’ SHBG levels were within normal
levels (range 36–99 nmol/l).
The means and standard deviations (s.d.) for total
testosterone, free testosterone and DHEA-S are listed
in Table 1, separated by menopausal status as well
as decade for both the patients and the control
The androgen levels in our patients were signifi-
cantly lower than our control population (Po0.05).
In Figure 1, the mean total testosterone (ng/ml)
levels for all patients and controls are given
according to menopause status and decade. There
was no statistical difference in both patients and
controls in their menopause status. Therefore,
statistical analysis was performed for patients and
controls. There was a statistical difference in both
groups for mean total testosterone levels (Po0.05).
Figure 2 shows the mean free testosterone (pg/ml)
levels for patients and controls separated according
Table 1 Androgen levels (mean7s.d.) in women with decreased libido and healthy controls
Age N Total testosterone (ng/ml) Free testosterone (pg/ml) DHEA-S (mg/dl)
Patients Control Patients Control Patients Control Patients Control
20–29 3 8 36.674.2 65731.8 0.9670.4 2.470.2 93.6730.2 274.57138.9
30–39 9 7 4076.3 60711.3 1.870.6 2.3470.1 159.4748.3 252.8773.7
40–49 7 4 52.8713.8 65719.7 1.6470.6 2.170.1 152.4758.2 2597128.6
50–59 1 1 4077.7 70713.4 2.370 2.370 103737.2 1777100.8
40–49 5 8 5274.2 6078.4 170.5 1.3570.1 109.8757.1 2307101.8
50–59 11 9 42.779 56.675.7 1.1870.5 270.2 132757.4 132.6748.9
60–69 3 3 36.6714.8 5077 1.270.3 1.970 90.6762.3 95753.7
70–79 1 3070 1.170—6870—
Figure 1 Mean total testosterone (ng/ml) levels for all patients
and controls are given according to menopause status and decade.
Figure 2 Mean free testosterone (pg/ml) levels for patients and
controls are given separated according to menopause status and
Correlation between decreased androgen levels and female sexual function index
B Turna et al
International Journal of Impotence Research
to menopause status and decade. There was a
statistical difference for menopause status for both
patients and controls (Po0.05). However, this
difference had similar effects in both groups so
there was no statistical interaction. As a result, there
was a significant difference in both groups for mean
free testosterone levels (Po0.05).
The mean DHEA-S levels for patients and con-
trols, separated by menopause status and decade,
are given in Figure 3. Statistical difference was
significant for menopausal status for both patients
and healthy women (Po0.05). However, this differ-
ence did not have a similar effect in both groups;
therefore, there was a statistical interaction. In
addition, there was no statistical difference for mean
DHEA-S levels for pre- and postmenopausal patients
(P40.05). In contrast, there was a statistical differ-
ence in mean DHEA-S levels for pre- and post-
menopausal women (Po0.05).
When age and androgen hormones were com-
pared via statistical correlation analysis, there was
no correlation between age and total testosterone
levels, whereas there was a negative correlation
between free testosterone and DHEA-S levels
The comparison for total FSFI scores between
patients and controls showed statistical difference
(Po0.05). The mean (7s.d.) total FSFI score for
patients was 63.4 (711.4), but the mean (7s.d.) total
FSFI score for healthy women was 80.6 (77.7).
When FSFI domains (desire, arousal, lubrication,
orgasm, satisfaction, pain) were compared sepa-
rately for both patients and healthy women, there
was a significant difference between the two groups
in all the components of FSFI except pain (Po0.05).
In our study population, mean (7s.d.), desire
domain scores were 5.2 (72.2), 8 (73.1), 7.5
(72.4), 4.7 (71.9), for premenopausal patients,
premenopausal controls, postmenopausal patients
and postmenopausal controls, respectively, and
there was a significant difference between patients
and healthy women (Po0.05).
We found a significant positive correlation be-
tween serum androgen levels and each FSFI do-
main, including the full-scale score with the
exception of pain. In the correlation analysis of
total FSFI scores and androgen hormones, the levels
of total testosterone, free testosterone and DHEA-S
showed a positive correlation with total FSFI scores
(Po0.05) (Figure 4a–c). Moreover, there was a
Figure 3 Mean dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA-S) levels for
patients and controls are given separated by menopause status
and decade.
Free testosterone
0 20406080
Total testosterone (ng/ml)
Patients group
Control group
Patients group
Control group
Patients group
Control group
0 200 400 600
DHEA-sulfate (ug/dl)
*p< 0.05
*p< 0.05
*p< 0.05
Figure 4 Correlation of (a) total testosterone, (b) free testosterone
and (c) DHEA-S levels with total FSFI scores.
Correlation between decreased androgen levels and female sexual function index
B Turna et al
International Journal of Impotence Research
positive correlation between total testosterone levels
and all FSFI domains except pain (Po0.05). Simi-
larly, there was a positive correlation between
DHEA-S levels and all FSFI domains except pain
(Po0.05). Free testosterone levels also had a
positive correlation with all FSFI domains except
satisfaction and pain (Po0.05).
Our results have primarily shown that both pre-
women and postmenopausal women with low
libido have decreased levels of total testosterone,
free testosterone and DHEA-S levels compared
to age-matched healthy volunteers with comparable
BMI and menopause status. Secondly, healthy
women reported higher FSFI scores compared
to the women with low libido. Lastly, all androgen
levels positively correlated with FSFI domains
except pain.
It is worth noting that the figures in this study do
not show standard deviations.
Tazuke et al
found no change in total testoster-
one in postmenopausal women on estrogen therapy
but found lower free testosterone and DHEA-S
levels. In contrast, Guay and Jacobson
did not
find any significant differences between the free T
and DHEA-S levels in postmenopausal women on
ERT or not. As this is a controversial issue, we
selected postmenopausal patients on ERT so that
possible hormonal imbalances could not be attrib-
uted to estrogen alone. It is important to note that
postmenopausal patients in our study are a hetero-
geneous group, as five (one quarter) of the post-
menopausal cases had a history of TAH and BSO.
Therefore, this fact might impinge on androgen
levels independently, as will the taking of estrogen
alone vs estrogen and progesterone hormone ther-
The second group of patients we studied were
otherwise healthy premenopausal women with low
sexual desire. As low sexual desire might be caused
by other factors such as oral contraceptives, corti-
costeroids, depression and chronic medical ill-
nesses, we ensured our selected patient and
control groups did not have any of these condi-
Laumann et al
evaluated the incidence of sexual
dysfunction both in men and women and found that
the mean incidence of decreased sexual desire in
women was 32%. Guay and Jacobson
then estab-
lished that 70% of women complaining of decreased
libido have lower testosterone levels. These results
indicate that this problem is not rare. In fact,
Munarriz et al
have shown that treatment for
androgen insufficiency and female sexual dysfunc-
tion by androgen replacement therapy is safe and
The absence of precise definitions of androgen
deficiency, unknown normal ranges for androgens
and nuances in the sensitivity of the various assays
have made research on androgens and libido in
women difficult to interpret. For this reason, we
compared our findings with a similar healthy group.
In addition, establishing normal ranges of testoster-
one in women is difficult, and also free and
bioavailable testosterone assays are new and there
are numerous variations in technique. The normal
ranges created by the companies producing the RIA
kits are often made using a limited number of
patients. Although a larger patient and control
population must be enrolled to try and obtain
ultimate conclusions, we found significant differ-
ences on androgens between the two groups
As described earlier, blood was withdrawn in the
midcycle between 0800 and 1200. The reason for
this is that most researchers feel that androgens
elevate to a peak near midcycle during this morning
Several reports seem to underline a significant
decline in androgens throughout the life span and
a significant impact of the body weight over the
hormonal profile and sexual activity; our patients
and controls were accurately matched for both age
and BMI.
Androgens in the female are derived from the
adrenal gland (25%), the ovary (25%) and periph-
eral conversion of precursor hormones (50%).
suggested by Guay and Jacobson,
the fact that both
testosterone and DHEA-S are decreased in these
patients brings up the possibility that there may be a
decreased conversion in DHEA-S from its precursor
FSFI was designed to be a clinical trials assess-
ment instrument that addresses the multidimen-
sional nature of female sexual function. The
comparison for total FSFI scores between patients
and controls showed statistical difference (Po0.05).
In the comparison of patients and healthy women,
there was a significant difference between the two
groups for all the components of FSFI except pain
(Po0.05). One possible criticism of our study might
be that postmenopausal patients were heteroge-
neous (constituted of both surgical and natural
menopause patients) to allow direct comparison of
the patients and controls.
Recently, Nappi et al
showed the positive
relationship between serum allopregnanolone and
free T levels and each FSFI domain including the
full-scale score except pain.
Similarly in our study, FSFI scores and androgen
hormone correlation analysis showed that total
testosterone, free testosterone and DHEA-S levels
had positive correlation with total FSFI scores and
each FSFI domain except pain.
In conclusion, our data suggest that women with
low libido have lower androgen levels compared to
Correlation between decreased androgen levels and female sexual function index
B Turna et al
International Journal of Impotence Research
age-matched normal control groups. We found that
this problem also occurs in younger regularly
menstruating women who are not on oral contra-
ceptives. As all postmenopausal women in our
study were on ERT, the low libido in these patients
could well be attributed to decreased androgens.
These women with apparently normal ovarian
function might be suffering from adrenal deficiency
as DHEA-S is produced from the adrenal gland.
Lastly, it is possible to evaluate decreased androgen
levels using self-report questionnaires.
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Correlation between decreased androgen levels and female sexual function index
B Turna et al
International Journal of Impotence Research
... This might suggest that androgens synthetized by the adrenal cortex could be of some importance for maintaining sexual motivation in women. Indeed, clinical studies have found that premenopausal women as well as women in menopause complaining of low sexual desire have lower serum concentration of total and free testosterone than women not complaining about their level of desire [21]. Several other studies have found support for the notion that testosterone is important for female sexual functions [22]. ...
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One of the consequences of sexual behavior is reproduction. Thus, this behavior is essential for the survival of the species. However, the individual engaged in sexual behavior is rarely aware of its reproductive consequences. In fact, the human is probably the only species in which sexual acts may be performed with the explicit purpose of reproduction. Most human sexual activities as well as sex in other animals is performed with the aim of obtaining a state of positive affect. This makes sexual behavior important for wellbeing as well as for reproduction. It is not surprising, then, that sexual health has become an increasingly important issue, and that knowledge of the basic mechanisms controlling that behavior are urgently needed. The endocrine control of sexual behavior has been extensively studied, and although it is established that gonadal hormones are necessary, some controversy still exists concerning which hormone does what in which species. The brain areas necessary for sexual behavior have been determined in almost all vertebrates except the human. The medial preoptic area is crucial in males of all non-human vertebrates, whereas the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus is important in females. Modulatory functions have been ascribed to several other brain areas.
... Such dysfunction is usually related to decreases in sex hormone (estrogens and androgens) concentrations. Some studies have reported that decreased sexual activity in postmenopausal women is associated with decreased testosterone levels [7,8]. Treatment with estradiol can increase the libido of postmenopausal women by acting on the central nervous system [9]. ...
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The flower of Abelmoschus manihot L. is mainly used for the treatment of chronic kidney diseases, and has been reported to have bioactivities such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antidepressant activities. This study used wild-type adult zebrafish as an animal model to elucidate the potential bioactivity of A. manihot flower ethanol extract (AME) in enhancing their sexual and reproductive functions. Zebrafish were fed AME twice a day at doses of 0.2%, 1%, and 10% for 28 days, and were then given the normal feed for an additional 14 days. The hormone 17-β estradiol was used as the positive control. Sexual behavioral parameters such as the number of times males chased female fish, the production of fertilized eggs, and the hatching rate of the fertilized eggs were recorded at days 0.33, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 42. The expression levels of sex-related genes—including lhcgr, ar, cyp19a1a, and cyp19a1b—were also examined. The results showed that the chasing number, fertilized egg production, and hatching rate were all increased with the increase in the AME treatment dose and treatment time. After feeding with 1% and 10% AME for 28 days, the chasing number in the treated group as compared to the control group increased by 1.52 times and 1.64 times, respectively; the yield of fertilized eggs increased by 1.59 times and 2.31 times, respectively; and the hatching rate increased by 1.26 times and 1.69 times, respectively. All three parameters exhibited strong linear correlations with one another (p < 0.001). The expression of all four genes was also upregulated with increasing AME dose and treatment duration. When feeding with 0.2%, 1%, and 10% AME for 28 days, the four sex-related genes were upregulated at ranges of 1.79–2.08-fold, 2.74–3.73-fold, and 3.30–4.66-fold, respectively. Furthermore, the effect of AME was persistent, as the promotion effect continued after the treatment was stopped for at least two weeks. The present findings suggest that AME can enhance the endocrine system and may improve libido and reproductive performance in zebrafish.
... Androgens also play an important role in healthy female sexual function, especially in stimulating libido and sexual interest and in maintaining desire. There have been a number of studies that have shown a correlation between testosterone levels and sexuality of women (Bolour and Braunstein, 2005;Turna et al., 2005). Female mice treated with exogenous testosterone showed aggressive behaviour against male mice which might make them less attractive or even refused by males. ...
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One of the approaches to the control of rodent pests is the use of anti-fertility compounds such as synthetic steroids, estrogens, progestins, androgens, chemical compounds, and natural plant extracts. The aim of this approach is to lower the population size of pests by reducing the natality rather than by increasing mortality. Male (20) and female (40) albino mice were orally administered testosterone at 25 mg/kg for 35 days. The males were allowed to mate with females to estimate the fertility index. After the end of treatment, mice were sacrificed, blood was collected for biochemical analysis, and sex organs were dissected out for histological preparations. Administration of testosterone has significantly increased the body weight and decreased the gonad weight in both sexes. It drastically affected the histology of testes and ovaries, causing a reduction in the sperm count and motility with a parallel reduction in the acid phosphatase activity. It also directly reduced the concentration of free testosterone and estradiol in both sexes without any apparent effect on LH or FSH hormones. It increased the total cholesterol in males only and elevated the triacylglycerols and glucose levels in both sexes. The administration of testosterone to males, females, or both reduced the fertility index to zero. The mating success was also reduced from 80 to zero when both the males and females were administered with testosterone. The synthetic testosterone had antifertility effects on both sexes of albino mice and therefore, it could be used in the pest control of mice.
... Androgens also play an important role in healthy female sexual function, especially in stimulating libido and sexual interest and in maintaining desire. There have been a number of studies that have shown a correlation between testosterone levels and sexuality of women (Bolour and Braunstein, 2005;Turna et al., 2005). Female mice treated with exogenous testosterone showed aggressive behaviour against male mice which might make them less attractive or even refused by males. ...
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Puberty is a crucial phase for the development of female sexual behavior. Growing evidence suggests that stress during this period may interfere with the development of sexual behavior. However, the neural circuits involved in this alteration remain elusive. Here, we demonstrated in mice that pubertal stress permanently disrupted sexual performance without affecting sexual preference. This was associated with a reduced expression and activation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) in the ventrolateral part of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMHvl). Fiber photometry revealed that VMHvl nNOS neurons are strongly responsive to male olfactory cues with this activation being substantially reduced in pubertally stressed females. Finally, treatment with a NO donor partially restored sexual performance in pubertally stressed females. This study provides insights into the involvement of VMHvl nNOS in the processing of olfactory cues important for the expression of female sexual behavior. In addition, exposure to stress during puberty disrupts the integration of male olfactory cues leading to reduced sexual behavior.
Female Arousal and Orgasm: Anatomy, Physiology, Behaviour and Evolution is the first comprehensive and accessible work on all aspects of human female sexual desire, arousal and orgasm. The book attempts to answer basic questions about the female orgasm and questions contradictory information on the topic. The book starts with a summary of important early research on human sex before providing detailed descriptions of female sexual anatomy, histology and neuromuscular biology. It concludes with a discussion of the high heritability of female orgasmicity and evidence for and against female orgasm providing an evolutionary advantage. The author has attempted to gather as much information on the subject as possible, including medical images, anonymized survey data and previously unreported trends. The groundbreaking book gives a scientific perspective on sexual arousal in women, and helps to uncover information gaps about this fascinating yet complex phenomenon.
Objective: Increasing age and menopausal transition increase the risk of sexual dysfunction. Sexual dysfunction is common in women experiencing menopause before the age of 40 years, whereas evidence on sexual function in women experiencing menopause in their mid-40s is scarce. We aimed to investigate sexual function in 46-year-old women in relation to their menopausal status. Methods: This study cross-sectionally evaluated sexual function of women in a prospective population-based Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (NFBC1966). A 46-year follow-up study of NFBC1966 included a broad questionnaire evaluating health, lifestyle, and life situation, as well as menstrual history and sexual function, and blood sampling analysis including follicle stimulating hormone and free androgen index (FAI). The participants were divided into two groups by their menopause status, defined by follicle-stimulating hormone and menstrual history. We performed logistic regression models in which parameters of sexual function were dependent factors and climacteric status, self-reported health, FAI, relationship status, smoking, and education level were independent variables. Results: The study population included 2,661 women. In regression models, more advanced climacteric status was associated with higher frequency and difficulty level of low sexual desire and vaginal dryness (odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals: 2.80 [2.12-3.71], 3.22 [2.43-4.27], 3.83 [2.82-5.20], 3.75 [2.75-5.12], respectively), lower frequency of sexual thoughts (1.34 [1.02-1.75]), and higher frequency of problems with intercourse (2.35 [1.51-3.66]). Lower FAI and poorer health were associated with impaired sexual function. Conclusions: The current study suggests that women experiencing menopausal transition in their mid-40s are at risk of impaired sexual function.
Background and objective: Obesity is prevalent and has a negative impact on women's health, including sexual dysfunction. Recent review articles suggest improvement in Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and proportion of female sexual dysfunction (FSD) among women with obesity after bariatric surgery. Methods: We pooled data from 16 observational studies involving 953 women. The study outcomes were mean FSFI scores and proportion of FSD before and after bariatric surgery. We also sub-analyzed whether age and duration of follow-up affected these outcomes. Results: The mean age of the subjects was 39.4 ± 4.2 years. Body mass index (BMI) showed significant reduction postoperatively (p < 0.0001). Bariatric surgery led to significant improvement in total FSFI score (p = 0.0005), and all sexual domains except pain. Bariatric surgery reduced the odds of having FSD by 76% compared with those who did not undergo operation (OR 0.24, 95% CI = 0.17, 0.33, p < 0.0001). Our sub-analysis demonstrated a significant reduction in the proportion of FSD for patients <40 years of age. The improvement of total FSFI scores and reduction in proportion of FSD remained significant within the first 12 months after surgery. Univariate meta-regression showed that BMI was not a significant covariate for improvement of FSFI scores (β = 0.395, p = 0.1, 95% CI = 0.884, 0.095). Conclusions: Bariatric surgery is shown to improve sexual function scores and prevalence of FSD. This is especially significant among women <40 years of age. This benefit remained significant within the first year after surgery. This appears to be an additional benefit for these patients.
Background The benefits of treatment with testosterone (T) in women with loss of desire suggest that low androgens may distinguish women with sexual dysfunction (SD) from others; however, evidence on this point is lacking. Aim To answer the question: is there an association between endogenous levels of androgens and sexual function in women? Methods An extensive search was performed in MEDLINE, Embase and PsycInfo. Four separate meta-analyses were conducted for total T, free T, Free Androgen Index (FAI), and Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS). Cohort, cross-sectional, and prospective studies were included. Outcomes The main outcome was the association between endogenous androgens and sexual desire. Global sexual function was considered as a secondary outcome. The effect measure was expressed as standardized mean difference (SMD). Results The meta-analysis on total T included 34 studies involving 3,268 women, mean age 36.5 years. In 11 studies, a significant association was found between sexual desire, measured by validated psychometric instruments, and total T (SMD = 0.59 [0.29;0.88], P < 0.0001), with a moderate effect. The association with global sexual function (n = 12 studies) was also significant (SMD = 0.44 [0.21;0.67], P <0.0001). Overall, total T was associated with a better sexual function (SMD = 0.55 [0.28;0.82)], P < 0.0001), with similar results obtained when poor quality studies were removed. Age showed a negative relationship with the overall outcome. No differences were found when stratifying the studies according to menopausal status, type of menopause, age at menopause, use of hormonal replacement therapy, relationship status, method for T measurement, phase of the menstrual cycle or use of hormonal contraception. The meta-analysis of T derivatives (free T and FAI) also showed a significant, moderate association with sexual desire. In contrast, DHEAS seems not to exert any significant influence on desire, whilst showing a positive association with global sexual function. Clinical Implications Endogenous androgens show a moderate association with a better sexual function in women; however, the role of psychological, relational and other hormonal factors should not be overlooked. Strengths & Limitations This represents the first attempt at meta-analyzing data available on the topic. A significant publication bias was found for total T. Conclusion There appears to be a moderate association between total T and sexual desire/global sexual function, which is confirmed, although weak, in studies employing liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Similar results on desire were obtained for free T and FAI. DHEAS only showed a positive association with global sexual function. More research is needed. Maseroli E and Vignozzi L. Are Endogenous Androgens Linked to Female Sexual Function? A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Sex Med 2021;XX:XXX–XXX.
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Context While recent pharmacological advances have generated increased public interest and demand for clinical services regarding erectile dysfunction, epidemiologic data on sexual dysfunction are relatively scant for both women and men. Objective To assess the prevalence and risk of experiencing sexual dysfunction across various social groups and examine the determinants and health consequences of these disorders. Design Analysis of data from the National Health and Social Life Survey, a probability sample study of sexual behavior in a demographically representative, 1992 cohort of US adults. Participants A national probability sample of 1749 women and 1410 men aged 18 to 59 years at the time of the survey. Main Outcome Measures Risk of experiencing sexual dysfunction as well as negative concomitant outcomes. Results Sexual dysfunction is more prevalent for women (43%) than men (31%) and is associated with various demographic characteristics, including age and educational attainment. Women of different racial groups demonstrate different patterns of sexual dysfunction. Differences among men are not as marked but generally consistent with women. Experience of sexual dysfunction is more likely among women and men with poor physical and emotional health. Moreover, sexual dysfunction is highly associated with negative experiences in sexual relationships and overall wellbeing. Conclusions The results indicate that sexual dysfunction is an important public health concern, and emotional problems likely contribute to the experience of these problems.
Sexual dysfunction, primarily low libido, is common among women. The prevalence appears to increase with age from the mid-20s and acutely following ovariectomy. There are multiple influences on libido and frequency and enjoyment of sexual activity in women. However, androgens appear to be important determinants of female sexual desire and low circulating levels are associated with diminished libido. The decline in physiological circulating androgen levels in women commences in the mid-20s, and androgen levels continue to fall in a manner unrelated to the menopause. Hence androgen insufficiency should be considered as a possible cause of low libido in premenopausal as well as postmenopausal women, and particularly in women who have experienced an iatrogenic menopause. We, and others, have demonstrated improvements in sexuality and well-being in postmenopausal women with testosterone therapy, over and above the effects of postmenopausal estrogen replacement given alone. Whether these clinical effects of testosterone therapy are physiological or pharmacological is not known.
To investigate the role of androgens in increasing bone density and improving low libido in postmenopausal women, we have studied the long-term effects of estradiol and testosterone implants on bone mineral density and sexuality in a prospective, 2 year, single-blind randomised trial. Thirty-four postmenopausal volunteers were randomised to treatment with either estradiol implants 50 mg alone (E) or estradiol 50 mg plus testosterone 50 mg (E&T), administered 3-monthly for 2 years. Cyclical oral progestins were taken by those women with an intact uterus. Thirty-two women completed the study. BMD (DEXA) of total body, lumbar vertebrae (L1–L4) and hip area increased significantly in both treatment groups. BMD increased more rapidly in the testosterone treated group at all sites. A substantially greater increase in BMD occurred in the E&T group for total body (P < 0.008), vertebral L1–L4 (P < 0.001) and trochanteric (P < 0.005) measurements. All sexual parameters (Sabbatsberg sexual self-rating scale) improved significantly in both groups. Addition of testosterone resulted in a significantly greater improvement compared to E for sexual activity (P < 0.03), satisfaction (P < 0.03), pleasure (P < 0.01), orgasm (P < 0.035) and relevancy (P < 0.05). Total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol fell in both groups as did total body fat. Total body fat-free mass (DEXA, anthropometry, impedance) increased in the E&T group only. We concluded that in postmenopausal women, treatment with combined estradiol and testosterone implants was more effective in increasing bone mineral density in the hip and lumbar spine than estradiol implants alone. Significantly greater improvement in sexuality was observed with combined therapy, verifying the therapeutic value of testosterone implants for diminished libido in postmenopausal women. The favourable estrogenic effects on lipids were preserved in women treated with T, in association with beneficial changes in body composition.
Estrogen replacement therapy is widely used to treat menopausal symptoms and prevent osteoporosis. The mechanism of these and other estrogen effects is currently under investigation. We studied the plasma steroid hormone and sex hormone binding globulin levels in frozen plasma obtained from 977 women aged 50 to 79 years from 1972 to 1974. Almost all of the 301 women who reported current use of noncontraceptive estrogen were taking conjugated estrogen by mouth; none reported use of a progestin. Women taking estrogen were significantly younger, thinner, and more likely to smoke cigarettes than women not taking estrogen. Sex hormone binding globulin and all endogenous hormones except testosterone were negatively correlated with age; estradiol was positively and cortisol and sex hormone binding globulin were negatively associated with obesity. After adjusting for age and obesity, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, androstenedione, and free testosterone were significantly lower in women currently taking estrogen than in women not using estrogen. These differences were independent of cigarette smoking. As expected, estrogens (including free estradiol), sex hormone binding globulin, and cortisol levels were higher in treated than untreated women. The possibility that some of the benefits and risks of replacement estrogen are secondary to altered adrenal steroid metabolism and androgen levels needs further evaluation.
Both the adrenal and the ovary contain the biosynthetic pathways necessary for androgen synthesis and secretion. The fetal ovary is not very active but the fetal adrenal is an important source of DHAS. However the secretion of DHAS declines markedly after birth and until puberty there is little androgen secretion by either the adrenal or the ovary. Post-pubertally, the adrenal secretes DHAS, DHA, delta 4-A and T from the reticularis and probably the fasciculata. This secretion is under ACTH control, at least in part, but apparently also under control of another pituitary polypeptide tentatively called 'adrenal androgen secretory hormone'. THe adrenal secretion rates are in the range of 7-14 mg/day for DHAS, 3-4 mg/day for DHA, 1-1.5 mg/day for delta 4-A and 50 micrograms/day for T. Androgen secretion from the ovary arises in part from the theca cells of the follicle, the corpus luteum and the stromal cells, under LH control, and will vary somewhat during the normal menstrual cycle. The ovarian secretion rate in the follicular phase is 1-2 mg/day for DHA, 1-1.5 mg/day for delta 4-A and about 50 micrograms/day for T. In the peri-ovulatory period the secretion rate of delta 4-A can rise to 3-3.5 mg/day but there appears to be little change in the secretion of DHA and T. The normal ovary does not secrete significant amounts of DHAS. In about 50% of post-menopausal women the ovaries continue to secrete some T but little delta 4-A or DHA.
To investigate the role of androgens in increasing bone density and improving low libido in postmenopausal women, we have studied the long-term effects of estradiol and testosterone implants on bone mineral density and sexuality in a prospective, 2 year, single-blind randomised trial. Thirty-four postmenopausal volunteers were randomised to treatment with either estradiol implants 50 mg alone (E) or estradiol 50 mg plus testosterone 50 mg (E&T), administered 3-monthly for 2 years. Cyclical oral progestins were taken by those women with an intact uterus. Thirty-two women completed the study. BMD (DEXA) of total body, lumbar vertebrae (L1-L4) and hip area increased significantly in both treatment groups. BMD increased more rapidly in the testosterone treated group at all sites. A substantially greater increase in BMD occurred in the E&T group for total body (P < 0.008), vertebral L1-L4 (P < 0.001) and trochanteric (P < 0.005) measurements. All sexual parameters (Sabbatsberg sexual self-rating scale) improved significantly in both groups. Addition of testosterone resulted in a significantly greater improvement compared to E for sexual activity (P < 0.03), satisfaction (P < 0.03), pleasure (P < 0.01), orgasm (P < 0.035) and relevancy (P < 0.05). Total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol fell in both groups as did total body fat. Total body fat-free mass (DEXA, anthropometry, impedance) increased in the E&T group only. We concluded that in postmenopausal women, treatment with combined estradiol and testosterone implants was more effective in increasing bone mineral density in the hip and lumbar spine than estradiol implants alone. Significantly greater improvement in sexuality was observed with combined therapy, verifying the therapeutic value of testosterone implants for diminished libido in postmenopausal women. The favourable estrogenic effects on lipids were preserved in women treated with T, in association with beneficial changes in body composition.
To investigate the efficacy of esterified estrogens alone and combined with oral androgen on sexual function and menopausal symptoms in postmenopausal women. Twenty postmenopausal women dissatisfied with their estrogen or estrogen-progestin therapy volunteered to enter a double-blind, randomized trial in which they received either oral esterified estrogens or esterified estrogens + androgen for eight weeks after a single-blind, placebo, lead-in period. Sexual function was assessed with a questionnaire used in the Yale midlife survey, and plasma levels of estradiol, estrone, sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and beta-endorphin were measured at two- to four-week intervals. Estrogen-androgen therapy significantly improved sexual sensation and desire after four and eight weeks of double-blind treatment in comparison to previous estrogen therapy and postplacebo baseline assessments. Plasma levels of estradiol and estrone increased significantly in all patients as compared to the postplacebo baseline and decreased in comparison to circulating estrogen concentrations on previous therapy. Relative proportions of free and bound steroid hormone exhibited contrasting shifts during estrogen and estrogen-androgen therapy. SHBG increased in the estrogen group and decreased in the estrogen-androgen group, leading to lower amounts of free androgens during estrogen therapy and increased free androgen levels during estrogen-androgen therapy. Since proportions of free (bioavailable) ovarian steroids would correlate inversely with plasma protein binding capacity, the beneficial effects of oral estrogen-androgen therapy on sexual sensation and desire may be due either to the administered androgen or to the increased availability of endogenous and exogenous androgens, particularly in the central nervous system. Sexual desire, satisfaction and frequency in postmenopausal women taking hormonal therapy were improved significantly by combined estrogen-androgen therapy but not by estrogen or estrogen-progestin therapy. Sexual function improved with estrogen-androgen therapy even though circulating estrogen levels were lower than those measured during previous estrogen therapy. This leads to the conclusion that androgens play a pivotal role in sexual function but that estrogens are not a significant factor determining levels of sexual drive and enjoyment.