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Fast-Food Habits, Weight Gain, and Insulin Resistance (the CARDIA Study): 15-year prospective analysis


Abstract and Figures

Fast-food consumption has increased greatly in the USA during the past three decades. However, the effect of fast food on risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes has received little attention. We aimed to investigate the association between reported fast-food habits and changes in bodyweight and insulin resistance over a 15-year period in the USA. Participants for the CARDIA study included 3031 young (age 18-30 years in 1985-86) black and white adults who were followed up with repeated dietary assessment. We used multiple linear regression models to investigate the association of frequency of fast-food restaurant visits (fast-food frequency) at baseline and follow-up with 15-year changes in bodyweight and the homoeostasis model (HOMA) for insulin resistance. Fast-food frequency was lowest for white women (about 1.3 times per week) compared with the other ethnic-sex groups (about twice a week). After adjustment for lifestyle factors, baseline fast-food frequency was directly associated with changes in bodyweight in both black (p=0.0050) and white people (p=0.0013). Change in fast-food frequency over 15 years was directly associated with changes in bodyweight in white individuals (p<0.0001), with a weaker association recorded in black people (p=0.1004). Changes were also directly associated with insulin resistance in both ethnic groups (p=0.0015 in black people, p<0.0001 in white people). By comparison with the average 15-year weight gain in participants with infrequent (less than once a week) fast-food restaurant use at baseline and follow-up (n=203), those with frequent (more than twice a week) visits to fast-food restaurants at baseline and follow-up (n=87) gained an extra 4.5 kg of bodyweight (p=0.0054) and had a two-fold greater increase in insulin resistance (p=0.0083). Fast-food consumption has strong positive associations with weight gain and insulin resistance, suggesting that fast food increases the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.
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36 Vol 365 January 1, 2005
The frequency of obesity has risen at an alarming rate in
all age and ethnic groups in the USA.1,2 The age-
adjusted prevalence of obesity, defined as a body-mass
index (BMI) of 30 kg/m2 or greater, was 30·5% in
1999–2000 compared with 22·9% in 1988–1994, with
even higher rates in ethnic minority groups.1About two
of every three US adults and four of five African-
American women were overweight or obese in
1999–2000.1In children and adolescents, the prevalence
of being overweight rose by 50% in the past decade to
about 15%.2
The medical and economic outcomes of excessive
bodyweight are great, including an estimated
300 000 excess deaths and at least US$100 billion per
year in medical expenditures.3–6 One particularly
ominous public-health issue is the occurrence of glucose
intolerance7and type 2 diabetes in obese adolescents and
young adults.8
Because of its rapid development in genetically stable
populations, the obesity epidemic can be attributed to
environmental factors affecting diet, or physical activity
level. One potentially important dietary factor is
consumption of fast food, which can be defined as
convenience food purchased in self-service or carry-out
eating places.9,10 From its origins in the 1950s, fast food
has grown into a dominant dietary pattern, with a
current estimate of about 247 115 restaurants in the
USA.11 Consumption of fast food by children has risen
from 2% of total energy in the late 1970s to 10% of
energy in the 1990s.12
Several factors inherent to fast food as it now exists
could promote a positive energy balance11,13 and thereby
increase risk for obesity and diabetes, including:
excessive portion size, with single large meals often
approaching or exceeding individual daily energy
requirement; palatability, emphasising primordial taste
preferences for sugar, salt, and fat; high energy density;14
and high glycaemic load. Several dietary factors such as
trans-fatty acids15 and high glycaemic load16 might also
enhance risk for diabetes through energy-independent
Surprisingly few studies have investigated the effects
of fast-food consumption on energy balance or body-
weight,17–20 and most of these are of cross-sectional
design. To our knowledge, no data for fast-food
consumption and diabetes-related endpoints are
available. For these reasons, we aimed to investigate the
association between reported fast-food habits and
changes in bodyweight and insulin resistance over a
15-year period in young black and white adults in
the USA.
Lancet 2005; 365: 36–42
See Comment page 4
Division of Epidemiology and
Community Health, School of
Public Health, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN,
USA (M A Pereira PhD,
Prof D R Jacobs Jr PhD); Clinical
Research Program, Children’s
Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
(A I Kartashov PhD);
Department of Medicine,
Children’s Hospital,
300 Longwood Ave, Boston,
MA 02115, USA
(C B Ebbeling PhD,
D S Ludwig MD); Department of
Preventive Medicine,
Northwestern University
Medical School, Chicago, IL,
USA (Prof L Van Horn PhD);
University of Utah Medical
School, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
(Prof M L Slattery PhD); and
Department of Nutrition,
University of Oslo, Oslo,
Norway (Prof D R Jacobs Jr)
Correspondence to:
Dr David S Ludwig
Fast-food habits, weight gain, and insulin resistance
(the CARDIA study): 15-year prospective analysis
Mark A Pereira, Alex I Kartashov, Cara B Ebbeling, Linda Van Horn, Martha L Slattery, David R Jacobs Jr, David S Ludwig
Background Fast-food consumption has increased greatly in the USA during the past three decades. However, the
effect of fast food on risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes has received little attention. We aimed to investigate the
association between reported fast-food habits and changes in bodyweight and insulin resistance over a 15-year period
in the USA.
Methods Participants for the CARDIA study included 3031 young (age 18–30 years in 1985–86) black and white
adults who were followed up with repeated dietary assessment. We used multiple linear regression models to
investigate the association of frequency of fast-food restaurant visits (fast-food frequency) at baseline and follow-up
with 15-year changes in bodyweight and the homoeostasis model (HOMA) for insulin resistance.
Findings Fast-food frequency was lowest for white women (about 1·3 times per week) compared with the other
ethnic-sex groups (about twice a week). After adjustment for lifestyle factors, baseline fast-food frequency was
directly associated with changes in bodyweight in both black (p=0·0050) and white people (p=0·0013). Change in
fast-food frequency over 15 years was directly associated with changes in bodyweight in white individuals
(p<0·0001), with a weaker association recorded in black people (p=0·1004). Changes were also directly associated
with insulin resistance in both ethnic groups (p=0·0015 in black people, p<0·0001 in white people). By comparison
with the average 15-year weight gain in participants with infrequent (less than once a week) fast-food restaurant use
at baseline and follow-up (n=203), those with frequent (more than twice a week) visits to fast-food restaurants at
baseline and follow-up (n=87) gained an extra 4·5 kg of bodyweight (p=0·0054) and had a two-fold greater increase
in insulin resistance (p=0·0083).
Interpretation Fast-food consumption has strong positive associations with weight gain and insulin resistance,
suggesting that fast food increases the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.
For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from Elsevier Ltd
Articles Vol 365 January 1, 2005 37
The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults
(CARDIA) study is a multicentre, population-based
prospective study of cardiovascular disease risk factor
evolution in a US cohort of African-American and white
young adults. The four study centres are Birmingham,
AL, Chicago, IL, Minneapolis, MN, and Oakland, CA.
We used recruitment stratification to obtain nearly equal
numbers of participants who were black and white,
young (18–24 years) and old (25–30 years), and with
more (high school or more) and less (less than high
school) education. Participants were followed up for
15 years and had six clinical examinations: in 1985–86
(baseline or year 0), 1987–88 (year 2), 1990–91 (year 5),
1992–93 (year 7), 1995–96 (year 10), and 2000–01 (year
15). More details of the CARDIA study design and
participants have been previously reported.21
We excluded participants from our analysis for the
following reasons: did not come to the year 15
examination; missing data for fast food, bodyweight, or
important covariates at baseline or follow-up; female
participants who were pregnant at baseline or within
180 days of year 15, or were breastfeeding; suspected
type 1 diabetes based on insulin treatment; and for the
insulin resistance analysis only, participants fasting for
fewer than 8 h at year 0 or year 15. Some participants
belonged to more than one of the above categories.
We used standard questionnaires to maintain
consistency in the assessment of demographics (age,
sex, ethnic origin, and education) and behavioural
information across CARDIA examination visits. The
CARDIA physical activity history questionnaire22 queries
the amount of time per week spent in leisure,
occupational, and household physical activities over the
past 12 months. We estimated total physical activity—
expressed in exercise units as a product of
intensityfrequency—at every clinical examination.
Television watching was calculated as hours per week
and was reported at the examinations at years 5, 10, and
15. We quantified education as the number of years of
school completed at every examination and cigarette
smoking status as current smoker, former, or never-
smoker at every examination.
For dietary assessment, we did a structured interview
at every CARDIA examination and included a series of
questions on dietary practices, including food
preparation, and where meals were typically eaten. Only
the year 2 examination did not include fast-food habits.
We quantified fast-food habits based on responses to the
question: “How often do you eat breakfast, lunch, or
dinner at places such as McDonald’s, Burger King,
Wendy’s, Arby’s, Pizza Hut, or Kentucky Fried
Chicken?” Responses were recorded to the nearest
frequency per week (fast-food frequency) on a
semicontinuous scale and classified as less than 1, 1–2,
or greater than 2.
To assess possible confounding or mediation, we also
used dietary data obtained at year 0 and 7 from the
CARDIA diet history,23 which queried usual dietary
practices and obtained a quantitative food frequency of
the past month. Liu and colleagues24 reported on the
reliability and validity of the CARDIA diet history in
128 young adults. As an internal validation of the fast-
food frequency question, we identified all foods that
might have been obtained at fast-food restaurants—eg,
“double cheeseburger”, “chicken nuggets”, and “french
fries”. Frequency of consumption for every food item
(times per week) was used to estimate relative intake per
week for every food. We also considered intake of other
food groups and nutrients that could confound
associations or serve as mechanisms linking fast-food
intake with weight gain and insulin resistance, including
intake (times per week) of fruit, non-starchy vegetables,
dairy, soda and sugar-sweetened beverages, whole and
refined grains, total energy (kcal/day), alcohol (mL/day),
fibre (g/1000 kcal per day), trans-fatty acids (g/day), and
percentage of energy from animal and vegetable protein
and total, saturated, unsaturated, and trans-fatty acids.
As an additional approach to adjusting for the
confounding effects of correlated lifestyle habits, we
calculated a healthy lifestyle score, modified from our
previously used measure.25 We created binary variables
based on smoking status (current smoker [scored 0], non-
smoker [scored 1]) and median cutpoints for physical
activity (low [0], high [1]), television viewing (low [1], high
[0]), saturated fat intake (low [1], high [0]), wholegrain
intake (low [0], high [1]), fruit and non-starchy vegetable
intake (low [0], high [1]), low-fat dairy intake (low [0], high
[1]), and soft drink intake (low [1], high [0]). We summed
these binary scores into the healthy lifestyle score with a
range from 0, indicating a very unhealthful lifestyle, to 8,
indicating a very healthful lifestyle.
We undertook all clinical procedures in accordance
with the CARDIA study manual of operations. For
anthropometric measures, participants were standing
and dressed in light clothing without shoes. We
measured bodyweight to the nearest 0·2 kg with a
calibrated balance beam scale, height with a vertical
ruler to the nearest 0·5 cm, and waist size with a tape in
duplicate to the nearest 0·5 cm around the minimum
abdominal girth. BMI was calculated as weight in kg
divided by height in m2.
Before every CARDIA examination, we asked
participants to fast and to avoid smoking and heavy
physical activity for the final 2 h. For measurement of
insulin and glucose concentrations, we drew blood into
vacuum tubes containing no preservative. We separated
serum by centrifugation at 4ºC within 60 min, stored it
in cryovials, and froze it at –70ºC within 90 min until
laboratory analysis. The radioimmunoassay for insulin
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38 Vol 365 January 1, 2005
required an overnight, equilibrium incubation and used
a unique antibody that has less than 0·2% crossreactivity
to human proinsulin and its primary circulating split
form Des 31,32 proinsulin (Linco Research, St Louis,
MO, USA). Masked analysis of split serum samples
resulted in a technical error of 16·6% of the mean
(r=0·98). We measured fasting glucose by the
hexokinase method at every examination. The
homoeostasis model (HOMA) for insulin resistance was
calculated as glucose (mmol/L)insulin (mU/L)/22·5.26
Statistical analysis
We did all analyses with SAS statistical software version 9
(SAS, Cary, NC, USA). To assess changes in fast-food
intake over time, and the effects of age, time, and secular
trends on fast-food intake, we used repeated measures
regression analysis (PROC MIXED). We used general
linear models (PROC GLM) to calculate adjusted means
of demographic and lifestyle factors according to category
of fast-food intake and to analyse the relation between the
independent variables (baseline fast-food frequency and
15-year change in fast-food frequency) with changes in
the dependent variables (bodyweight and HOMA insulin
resistance) over the 15-year follow-up period. For these
analyses, 15-year change in fast food was calculated as the
baseline fast-food frequency subtracted from the value of
fast-food frequency at the final follow-up examination at
year 15. We modelled many potential confounding or
mediating factors as their baseline value and their change
over time, when available.
Ethnic origin-specific multivariable linear regression
models were constructed as follows. Model 1 included
demographic covariates (sex, age [continuous years],
centre, and education [continuous years]) and the
respective baseline value [continuous] of the dependent
variable (baseline bodyweight and height when modelling
weight change, and baseline HOMA insulin resistance
when modelling HOMA). Model 2 further included non-
dietary lifestyle covariates (alcohol consumption [mL/day
at baseline and year 15], smoking status [never, former,
current at baseline and year 15], physical activity [units per
day at baseline and 15-year change], and television
viewing [h/day at year 10 and change between year 10 and
year 15]). In model 3, we added baseline values and
changes in dietary factors, including total caloric intake,
dietary fibre (g/1000 kcal at year 7 only), percentage of
calories from saturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids,
trans-fatty acids (g/day), and daily intake of soft drinks,
refined grains, wholegrains, low-fat and high-fat dairy
products, fruits, non-starchy vegetables, meat, and fish.
We also examined interactions between fast-food
frequency and ethnic origin, sex, and baseline overweight
status (BMI 25 kg/m2).
Role of the funding source
The sponsors of the study had no role in study design,
data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or
writing of the report. The corresponding author had full
access to all the data in the study and had final
responsibility for the decision to submit for publication.
5115 people attended the baseline examination, with 74%
retention of the surviving cohort in year 15. Those who
were not in the 15-year cohort were younger (mean
24·2 years [SD 3·7] vs 25·1 years [3·6], p<0·0001) and
more likely to be black (62·9% vs 47·1%, p<0·0001), men
(49·1% vs 44·1%, p=0·0014), and have less education
(61·0% vs 80·9%, p<0·0001) at baseline, but they did not
differ by BMI (mean 24·4 kg/m2[SD 5·2] vs 24·5 kg/m2
[5·0], p=0·2287) or frequency of fast-food visits
(2·1 times a week [2·3] vs 1·9 times a week [2·2],
p=0·1450) at baseline. After exclusion of 1443 people
who did not come to the year 15 examination, 492 who
had missing data, 223 who were pregnant or
breastfeeding, 17 with suspected type 1 diabetes, and 419
who fasted fewer than 8 h, 3031 participants could be
included in the bodyweight analysis and 2767 in the
insulin resistance analysis.
Age-adjusted fast-food frequency was relatively stable
over time in black people but fell in those who were white
(p<0·0001 for ethnic origin-time interaction; table 1).
Fast-food frequency was higher in black than in white
people (p<0·0001) and in men than in women
(p<0·0001) for every examination year. The reported fast-
food frequency in white women was notably low (table 1).
In both ethnic groups, fast-food frequency rose over
time in those with a low baseline frequency (<1 time per
week), whereas in individuals with high baseline
frequency it fell over time (table 2). The strong positive
association between fast-food frequency and consumption
of individual fast-food items, as reported during the diet
history interview (“Foods typical of fast food”), lends
support to the internal validity of the fast-food frequency
data. Individuals with high fast-food frequency were
younger than those with low frequency (table 2). No
association was seen between year 0 fast-food frequency
and year 0 bodyweight or HOMA insulin resistance in
either black or white people. Year 0 associations noted
between fast-food habits and lifestyle factors seemed to be
stronger for white people than for black individuals, with
the exception of energy intake, which was directly
associated with fast-food frequency in both populations.
1985–86 2000–01
Black men (n=647) 2·4 (0·09) 2·3 (0·09)
Black women (n=797) 1·8 (0·08) 2·0 (0·08)
White men (n=804) 2·4 (0·07) 1·9 (0·08)
White women (n=783) 1·6 (0·08) 1·3 (0·08)
Data are mean (SE) and are adjusted for age and study centre. Time, race, sex, and
timeracesex differences are significant (p<0·0001).
Table 1: Reported frequency of fast food restaurant visits (times per week)
by race, sex, and time in the CARDIA study
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Articles Vol 365 January 1, 2005 39
The healthy lifestyle score was strongly inversely
associated with fast-food intake in white but not black
people (table 2). By comparison with individuals in the
low fast-food category, those in the high category had
higher year 0 intakes of total energy, total fat, saturated
fatty acids, soft drinks, refined grains, and meat, and
lower intakes of dietary fibre. An inverse association
between fast-food frequency and cigarette smoking was
noted in black people, whereas a direct association was
recorded in white individuals (table 2). For black, but not
white, people, high fast-food frequency was associated
with high intake of trans-fatty acids. For white but not
black individuals, by comparison with those in the low
fast-food category, those in the high category had fewer
years of education, had lower physical activity levels,
watched more hours of television, consumed more
alcohol, and had a lower intake of wholegrains, fruit and
non-starchy vegetables, and reduced fat dairy products.
Table 3 includes the adjusted mean 15-year changes in
bodyweight associated with differences in year 0 fast-
food frequency and 15-year change in fast-food
frequency of three times per week. Year 0 and change in
fast-food frequency were modeled simultaneously. A
difference of three times per week was chosen because,
as table 2 shows, this difference was close to the mean
between individuals with low versus high fast-food
frequency at baseline and also approximated the mean
range in change over time in these two baseline
categories. Year 0 fast-food frequency was associated
with a rise in bodyweight in both ethnic groups,
independent of many other lifestyle factors. Even after
thorough adjustment for many possibly confounding or
mediating dietary factors in model 3, a difference in
year 0 fast-food frequency of three times per week was
associated with mean weight gains of 2·2 kg (SE 0·72) in
black people (p=0·0014) and 1·6 kg (0·55) in white
people (p=0·0064). Change in fast-food frequency over
Black people p* White people p*
<1 (n=450) 1–2 (n=508) >2 (n=486) <1 (n=625) 1–2 (n=517) >2 (n=445)
Year 0 fast-food frequency (times per week) 0·4 1·4 4·6 <0·0001 0·4 1·4 4·8 <0·0001
15-year change in fast food (times per week) 1·4 0·7 –1·8 <0·0001 0·7 0·1 –2·5 <0·0001
Foods typical of fast food (times per week)† 1·5 2·4 4·3 <0·0001 0·8 1·7 3·6 <0·0001
Age (years) 25·0 24·4 24·0 <0·0001 26·1 25·5 25·1 <0·0001
Women (%) 61·7 56·6 47·7 <0·0001 59·5 46·8 37·9 <0·0001
Bodyweight (kg)‡ 72·4 73·5 72·9 0·6506 69·8 71·5 70·8 0·1598
HOMA insulin resistance score 2·4 2·4 2·6 0·1387 1·8 2·0 1·9 0·3277
Healthy lifestyle score 3·6 3·7 3·5 0·2257 4·9 4·6 4·1 <0·0001
Education (years) 13·8 13·9 14·0 0·1723 16·0 15·5 15·5 0·0011
Physical activity (exercise units) 360 389 394 0·0713 480 454 440 0·0298
Television (h/day)§ 3·2 3·1 3·1 0·5334 1·6 1·7 1·9 0·0003
Current smokers (%) 36·2 27·7 29·5 0·0256 20·1 23·6 30·7 0·0002
Alcohol intake (mL/day) 12·3 9·9 11·7 0·7304 12·1 11·9 17·6 <0·0001
Total energy intake (kcal/day) 2829 3169 3485 <0·0001 2451 2694 2978 <0·0001
Total fat (g/day) 110·1 123·2 138·7 <0·0001 91·5 103·9 117·7 <0·0001
Total fat (% energy) 34·3 34·7 35·6 0·0006 33·2 34·5 35·4 <0·0001
Saturated fat (% energy) 13·8 14·1 14·4 0·0011 13·6 14·1 14·5 <0·0001
Trans fat (g/day) 4·2 4·3 4·8 0·0192 3·3 3·5 3·5 0·1316
Soft drink intake (times per week) 6·2 6·9 8·6 <0·0001 2·5 4·3 6·4 <0·0001
Meat intake (times per week) 10·6 12·3 13·8 <0·0001 6·8 8·9 10·8 <0·0001
Refined grain intake (times per week) 23·4 26·9 26·5 0·0114 18·9 20·0 22·1 <0·0001
Wholegrain intake (times per week) 7·7 8·3 8·7 0·1242 11·9 10·5 8·6 <0·0001
Fruit and non-starchy vegetable intake (times per week) 14·2 15·1 15·2 0·9386 22·5 19·1 16·3 <0·0001
Fibre intake (g/1000 kcal per day)¶ 7·6 7·5 6·8 <0·0001 10·2 8·7 8·2 <0·0001
Reduced-fat dairy intake (times per week) 3·6 3·9 3·5 0·8452 11·2 10·5 9·6 0·0286
Data are mean values, and are adjusted for age, sex, and study centre. Data are from year 0 except for those noted. *Highest compared with lowest fast food category. †Sum of french
fries, hamburgers, breakfast items, and chicken items reported during the CARDIA diet history interview, which may have been obtained at fast-food restaurants. ‡Bodyweight was also
adjusted for height. §Measured at year 5. ¶Measured at year 7.
Table 2: Adjusted demographic and dietary factors by frequency of fast-food restaurant visits at year 0 (1985–86)
Fast-food variable Black people White people
b(SE) p b(SE) p
Model 1 Baseline 1·44 (0·58) 0·0126 2·68 (0·47) <0·0001
Change 0·70 (0·40) 0·0774 2·67 (0·41) <0·0001
Model 2 Baseline 1·72 (0·61) 0·0050 1·84 (0·50) 0·0013
Change 0·63 (0·42) 0·1004 1·97 (0·42) <0·0001
Model 3 Baseline 2·22 (0·72) 0·0014 1·56 (0·55) 0·0064
Change 0·74 (0·45) 0·1053 1·84 (0·44) <0·0001
Model 1 includes the following covariates: age (continuous years), study centre, sex, education (highest attained, continuous
years), baseline bodyweight (continuous), and height (continuous). Model 2 contains the extra covariates: cigarette smoking
status (never, former, current, at baseline and year change), alcohol intake (mL/day, at baseline and 15-year change), physical
activity (units per day, at baseline and 15-year change), television viewing (h/day, at year 10 and change between years 10 and
15). Model 3 contains the covariates in model 2 and dietary intake (at baseline and change between baseline and year 7) of total
energy (kcal/day), saturated fatty acids (% kcal), unsaturated fatty acids (% kcal), and trans-fatty acids (g/day), fibre
(g/1000 kcal at year 7 only), and daily servings of fruits, non-starchy vegetables, wholegrains, refined grains, soft drinks, meat,
dairy, and fish.
Table 3: Mean adjusted 15-year changes in bodyweight by three times per week year 0 differences in
fast food frequency between participants, and by three times per week 15-year change in fast food
frequency within participants
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40 Vol 365 January 1, 2005
15 years was also independently associated with changes
in bodyweight in white people (1·8 kg [SE 0·44],
p<0·0001), with a weaker association recorded in black
individuals (0·7 kg [0·45], p=0·1053). The association
between fast-food change and weight change was
stronger for white than black people (p=0·0075 for
interaction). Interaction terms between fast-food
frequency and year 0 BMI or sex were not significant.
As table 4 shows, the association between year 0 fast-
food intake and change in insulin resistance in black and
white individuals that was noted in model 2 was no
longer apparent in model 3 after adjustment for many
dietary factors that may be either confounders or on the
causal pathway. However, change in fast food was
directly associated with changes in insulin resistance in
both black and white people even after thorough
adjustment in model 3. Interaction terms between fast-
food frequency and ethnic origin or sex were not
significant. In white people only, we noted somewhat
stronger associations between fast-food habits and
changes in insulin resistance among those who were
overweight at baseline compared with those who were
normal weight at baseline (p=0·0121 for interaction
between baseline fast food and baseline overweight
status, and p=0·0042 for interaction between change in
fast food and baseline overweight status).
Adjustment for total, rather than saturated, fat intake
did not materially change these findings for either
endpoint. Percentage of energy from total fat and
saturated fat was not associated with weight gain or
insulin resistance in model 3 (p value range 0·14–0·88).
Further adjustment for the healthy lifestyle index did not
materially alter the findings (data not shown).
Figures 1 and 2 depict the joint associations of year 0
fast-food frequency (p=0·0389 for weight change and
p=0·0031 for insulin resistance) and 15-year changes in
fast-food frequency (p=0·0030 for weight change and
p=0·0001 for insulin resistance) with weight gain and
changes in insulin resistance. We recorded direct and
independent monotonic associations between both
year 0 and 15-year change in fast-food frequency and
15-year weight gain and changes in insulin resistance.
The interaction between year 0 fast food and change in
fast food was not significant for bodyweight (p=0·9340)
or insulin resistance (p=0·1461). By comparison with
the average 15-year weight gain in participants with
infrequent (<1 time per week) fast-food restaurant use at
baseline and follow-up (n=203), those with frequent
(>2 times per week) fast-food restaurant use at both
year 0 and follow-up (n=87) gained an extra 4·5 kg of
bodyweight (p=0·0054; figure 1) and had a 104% greater
increase in insulin resistance (p=0·0083, figure 2).
To further assess possible residual confounding by
physical activity and television viewing, we stratified our
models by five levels of a composite index of these two
behaviours, ranging from low activity and high
television viewing to high activity and low television
Fast-food variable Black people White people
b(SE) p b(SE) p
Model 1 Baseline 0·09 (0·14) 0·5011 0·32 (0·10) 0·0008
Change 0·26 (0·10) 0·0061 0·37 (0·08) <0·0001
Model 2 Baseline 0·22 (0·14) 0·0688 0·17 (0·10) 0·0056
Change 0·29 (0·09) 0·0015 0·28 (0·09) <0·0001
Model 3 Baseline 0·13 (0·16) 0·4112 0·04 (0·11) 0·7596
Change 0·32 (0·10) 0·0021 0·23 (0·09) 0·0127
Model 1 includes the following covariates: age (continuous years), study centre, sex, education (highest attained,
continuous years), baseline HOMA insulin resistance (continuous). Model 2 contains the extra covariates: cigarette smoking
status (never, former, current, at baseline and year 15), alcohol intake (mL/day, at baseline and 15-year change), physical
activity (units per day, at baseline and 15-year change), television viewing (h/day, at year 10 and change between years 10
and 15). Model 3 contains the covariates in model 2 and dietary intake (at baseline and change between baseline and year 7)
of total energy (kcal/day), saturated fatty acids (% kcal), unsaturated fatty acids (% kcal), and trans-fatty acids (g/day), fibre
(g/1000 kcal at year 7 only), and daily servings of fruits, non-starchy vegetables, wholegrains, refined grains, soft drinks,
meat, dairy, and fish.
Table 4: Mean adjusted 15-year changes in HOMA insulin resistance by three times per week year 0
differences in fast food frequency between participants, and by three times per week 15-year change in
fast food frequency within participants
< 1 1–2 > 2 < 0
> 1
Weight gain
15-year change
in fast-food
(times per week)
Baseline fast-food frequency
(times per week)
Figure 1: Joint association of year 0 fast-food frequency and 15-year changes
in fast-food frequency with 15-year changes in bodyweight
The model is adjusted for the same covariates as in model 2 of table 3, with
ethnic origin as an additional covariate. Cell-specific sample sizes range from 87
(>2 times per week at baseline and >1 times per week change) to 730 (>2 times
per week at baseline and <0 times per week change).
< 1 1–2 > 2
< 0
> 1
15-year change
in fast-food
(times per week)
Baseline fast-food frequency
(times per week)
HOMA change
Figure 2: Joint association of year 0 fast-food frequency and 15-year changes
in fast-food frequency with 15-year changes in HOMA insulin resistance
The model is adjusted for the same covariates as in model 2 of table 4, with
ethnic origin as an additional covariate. Cell-specific sample sizes range from 79
(>2 times per week at baseline and >1 times per week change) to 672 (>2 times
per week at baseline and <0 times per week change).
For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from Elsevier Ltd
Articles Vol 365 January 1, 2005 41
viewing. These stratified models were tested in the full
cohort with adjustment as in model 3 of tables 3 and 4
(evaluated for both year 0 fast food and change in fast
food). The interaction terms between fast-food
frequency (year 0 and 15-year change) and the activity
index were not significant for weight change or for
insulin resistance (p values range 0·26–0·51). Thus,
there was a direct, albeit underpowered, association
between fast-food frequency and 15-year changes in
bodyweight and insulin resistance among all activity
categories (data not shown). In fact, there seemed to be
an especially strong association between fast-food
frequency and changes in bodyweight and insulin
resistance among the least physically active
participants—eg, a change in fast-food frequency of
three times per week was associated with a mean
increase in bodyweight of 3·9 kg (SE 0·9, n=386;
In young adult black and white men and women living
in the USA between 1985–86 and 2000–01, we recorded
strong positive associations between frequency of visits
to fast-food restaurants and increases in bodyweight and
insulin resistance, the two major risk factors for type 2
diabetes.27 By comparison with the average 15-year
weight gain in participants with infrequent fast-food
restaurant use at year 0 and follow-up, those with
frequent fast-food restaurant use at both baseline and
follow-up gained an extra 4·5 kg bodyweight and had a
two-fold greater increase in insulin resistance. The
associations seemed to be largely independent of other
potentially confounding lifestyle factors, such as
physical activity and television viewing.
Our findings accord with those of cross-sectional and
shorter prospective studies of fast food and bodyweight.
Binkley and colleagues19 reported that fast-food
consumption was independently associated with
bodyweight in a cross-sectional analysis of 16 103 adults.
French and co-workers17 reported that intake of fried
potatoes predicted 2-year weight gain in women but not
men. In a 3-year prospective observational analysis of
891 women participating in a weight loss study, fast-food
restaurant use was directly associated with bodyweight.18
The associations between fast food and insulin
resistance were not fully accounted for by adjustment for
many other lifestyle factors, energy intake, nutrients,
and food groups, raising the possibility that some
unmeasured factor inherent to fast food might be
mediating this effect. The one most obvious aspect of
fast food that might lead to weight gain is the large
portion size, with certain single-meal calorie levels
approaching total daily energy intake requirements.11,13
We attempted to control for portion size through our
adjustment for energy intake; however, energy intake
was assessed only at years 0 and 7 and is measured with
error. Therefore, residual confounding in energy intake,
and in the other nutrients and foods that we examined,
is quite likely. Independent of energy intake, many other
aspects of fast food, including direct effects of energy
density on passive overconsumption,14 might also
predispose to insulin resistance. Certain fast foods
contain large amounts of partially hydrogenated oils,
and this class of fatty acids can cause insulin resistance
and increase risk of type 2 diabetes.15 Fast food also
contains large amounts of highly refined starchy food
and added sugar, carbohydrates that have been
characterised as high in glycaemic index.28 Consumption
of a high glycaemic index or high glycaemic load diet has
been linked to risk for diabetes, independent of
bodyweight changes, in mechanistic studies,16 short-
term human trials,29,30 and observational studies,31,32
although this point remains controversial.33
The strengths of our study include: long-term
prospective study design with high rates of follow-up
over 15 years; standardised, repeated, and detailed
measurements of dietary practices; direct assessment of
specific fast-food habits, rather than proxy measures
such as meals away from home or fried foods; use of the
Nutrition Coordinating Center (University of
Minnesota) archival system, which attempts to keep pace
with the food supply, including changes in use of fats in
fast food; extensive data for covariates with which to
explore confounders and mediators of the associations
under investigation; and the demographics of the
cohort—young adult black and white men and women
from four US metropolitan areas who have been
examined during a period of life when substantial
weight gain occurs and chronic diseases arise.
The limitations of this study relate mainly to its
observational nature, with the possibility of residual
confounding precluding definitive conclusions about
causality, and to reliance on self-reported diet and other
lifestyle factors. Our conclusions are restricted to
frequency of fast-food restaurant use because we were
unable to analyse sufficiently the considerable range of
available fast-food items and their portion sizes.
Nonetheless, our results might underestimate the true
magnitude of the effect because of measurement error
and thorough adjustment for many covariates that might
be on the causal pathway—eg, food groups and
nutrients. Furthermore, several analytical issues might
have affected our results. Measurement error, if non-
differential, would tend to result in attenuated estimates
of the strength of association between fast-food intake
and the outcome variables. Similarly, analyses of
changes are limited by floor and ceiling effects in that
some people never eat fast food (so cannot decrease) or
eat most meals at fast-food restaurants (so cannot
increase). These difficulties would also tend to attenuate
noted relations compared with the true relation (such as
would be observed in a clinical trial of investigator-
controlled increase or decrease in fast-food intake). Only
data obtained in the first and last CARDIA examination
For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from Elsevier Ltd
42 Vol 365 January 1, 2005
are included in the reported analyses. Omission of
missing data or data from intermediate examination
could bias the results. To address these issues data were
also analysed by repeated measures regression analysis
with SAS PROC MIXED (data not shown), which
includes all examinations for which data are available for
every individual and properly handles correlated
observations within individuals. Because the repeated
measures regression analysis did not yield additional
insights into the data beyond that presented in the
tables, we did not present specific findings using that
more complex methodology.
In conclusion, fast-food habits have strong, positive,
and independent associations with weight gain and
insulin resistance in young black and white adults. Fast-
food consumption can be linked to adverse health
outcomes through plausible mechanisms, and results
from other studies lend support to our findings. In view
of the high and increasing rates of fast-food
consumption, further research into the effects of this
dietary pattern on public health should be given
M Pereira designed the study, directed the statistical analyses, and wrote
the first draft of the report. A Kartashov did the statistical analyses.
C Ebbeling designed the study and revised the report. L Van Horn and
M Slattery supervised collection of dietary data and revised the report.
D Jacobs Jr designed the study, provided statistical expertise, and
revised the report. D Ludwig designed the study, provided supervision,
and wrote the report.
Conflict of interest statement
We declare that we have no conflict of interest.
This work was supported by the Charles H Hood Foundation, NIDDK
grant 1R01DK59240, NCRR grant M01 RR02172, and NHLBI contracts
N01-HC-48047, N01-HC-48048, N01-HC-48049, N01-HC-48050, and
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... Regular fast food consumption was linked to increases in energy intake of 56 ~ 19 ~ kcal/day for adults and 187 kcal/day for kids, respectively (Bowman andVinyard, 2004, Christaiansen et al., 2005) [18,46] . Fast-food intake was linked to weight gains that were 0.72 kg over three years and 4.5 kg over fifteen years higher than the average weight gain (Christaiansen et al., 2005, Pereira et al., 2005 [46,47] . In addition, the fast food has low levels of carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin C (Bowman and Vinyard, 2004) [18] . ...
... Regular fast food consumption was linked to increases in energy intake of 56 ~ 19 ~ kcal/day for adults and 187 kcal/day for kids, respectively (Bowman andVinyard, 2004, Christaiansen et al., 2005) [18,46] . Fast-food intake was linked to weight gains that were 0.72 kg over three years and 4.5 kg over fifteen years higher than the average weight gain (Christaiansen et al., 2005, Pereira et al., 2005 [46,47] . In addition, the fast food has low levels of carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin C (Bowman and Vinyard, 2004) [18] . ...
... Additionally, the increased portion sizes, calorie content, and sodium levels in fast food over the past 30 years may have exacerbated the obesity epidemic through these platforms (Stephens et al., 2020). The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study, a large prospective longitudinal study of 3031 young people who were followed up for 15 years, revealed a twofold increase in insulin resistance among those who consumed fast food at least twice per week (Pereira et al., 2005). ...
... Importantly, the effect of unhealthy dietary habits in youth can have long-term health effects. For instance, they have been associated with an increased risk of obesity [16,17], cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes [18][19][20], and cancer [21,22] in later adulthood. ...
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Consumption of fast-food in adolescence is detrimental to mental and physical health. However, data on the temporal trends of fast-food consumption in this population are scarce, particularly from non-Western or non-high-income settings. Therefore, we aimed to examine this trend in representative samples of school-going adolescents aged 12–15 years from 18 countries in Africa, Asia, and the Americas, which were predominantly low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Data from the Global School–based Student Health Survey (GHSH) 2009–2017 were analyzed. Fast-food consumption referred to eating from a fast-food restaurant at least once in the past 7 days. The prevalence of fast-food consumption was calculated for each survey, and crude linear trends within each country were examined by linear regression models. Data on 74,055 students aged 12–15 years were analyzed (mean (standard deviation (SD)) age: 13.9 (1.0) years; 49.2% boys). The mean prevalence of fast-food consumption was 52.7%. Of the 18 countries included in the study, significant increasing, decreasing, and stable trends were observed in 5, 2, and 11 countries, respectively. The most drastic increases were observed in Morocco between 2010 (44.2%) and 2016 (62.2%) and Lebanon between 2011 (64.6%) and 2017 (77.1%). Significant decreasing trends were observed in Kuwait between 2011 (90.5%) and 2015 (75.1%) and Samoa between 2011 (78.9%) and 2017 (67.3%). The prevalence of fast-food consumption is overwhelmingly high among adolescents globally. Decreasing trends were only observed in two countries (Kuwait and Samoa). These data suggest that global strategies to tackle fast-food consumption among adolescents are urgently required.
... Extensive studies have delved into the links between fast-food consumption, the abundance and accessibility of fast-food outlets, and their impact on the rates of obesity and overweight [9,10,13,[25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37]. Meanwhile, the density and accessibility of recognized health-food providers like supermarkets, fresh fruit vendors, and vegetable markets are found to be beneficial for weight management [38][39][40]. ...
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The rise in online-to-offline (O2O) take-out food consumption has become a global urban phenomenon. While links between general fast-food consumption and increased risks of overweight and obesity are well-documented, the specific relationship with O2O take-out food has not been thoroughly examined. This study aims to fill this research gap by investigating the impacts of take-out food consumption on the risks of being overweight and obese among urban residents. A cross-sectional online survey was conducted between April and July 2022. 716 adult respondents from the metropolitan areas of Shanghai and Suzhou were recruited. Being overweight and obese were measured using self-reported weight and height. Frequencies and preferences of O2O take-out food consumption behaviors were measured using the validated questions designed based on Food Frequency Questionnaires and Dietary Screeners, respectively. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire’s short form measured the physical activity level. Cronbach’s alpha and Expletory Factor Analysis were used to assess the reliability and validity of the O2O take-out food-related dietary questions. Binary logistic regression models are developed to examine associations between O2O take-out food consumption behaviors and being overweight or obese, adjusting for individual factors, physical activity level, and non-O2O take-out food consumption. The results indicated a direct correlation between frequent O2O take-out consumption and higher risks of overweight and obesity (odds ratio 1.087, 95%CI 1.068~1.106). The preference for ordering Western-style fast-food positively contributed to being overweight and obese (odds ratio 1.071, 95%CI 1.046~1.095). Conversely, a preference for Chinese-style fast food initially appeared to reduce these risks, although the association diminished when accounting for fruit and vegetable consumption. This study represents a pioneering exploration into the effects of O2O take-out food on overweight and obesity. The study results identified an association between the habitual use of O2O take-outs and an increased propensity for being overweight and obese.
... Despite the link between habitual overconsumption of takeaway food and weight gain, we did not observe a corresponding increase in adiposity over time [28]. This absence of a detectable increase might be explained by the short time lag between overconsumption and weight gain. ...
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Objective This study builds on prior findings that link increased availability of takeaway food outlets in home, workplace, and commuting environments to greater takeaway consumption and adiposity. Using longitudinal data, we examine associations of takeaway availability at baseline with changes in consumption and adiposity between baseline and follow‐up. Methods We analyzed data from the Fenland Study, with baseline data from 2005 to 2015 and follow‐up from 2015 to 2020. Takeaway outlet availability within 1 mile of participants' home and workplace addresses, based on 2011 local authority data, was assessed. Outcomes included takeaway food consumption (from a food frequency questionnaire) and body fat percentage (measured via dual‐energy x‐ray absorptiometry) at follow‐up. Results Among 7581 participants (mean [SD] age, 49.3 [7.4] years) with a mean follow‐up of 6.7 years, no positive association was found between takeaway outlet availability at baseline and changes in consumption or body fat percentage. However, among the 12 associations tested, the highest combined home–workplace availability of takeaway outlets, compared with none, was associated with a 0.68 decrease in body fat percentage (95% CI: 0.24–1.12). Conclusions Although takeaway outlet availability was linked to greater consumption and adiposity at baseline, it did not predict changes over time, underscoring the complexity of dietary behaviors and their relationship with the neighborhood food environment.
... Given that the factors contributing to the suboptimal control of hyperlipidemia are obscure and intricate, it is reasonable to speculate that residual disease mechanisms exist that current lipid-lowering medications may not fully address. A plethora of studies have attributed high-fat and high-energy diets as the main causative factors in hyperlipidemia, being responsible for the imbalance of energy supply and consumption (Pereira et al., 2005). Therefore, the inhibition of lipid synthesis holds promise for the prevention of hyperlipidemia development. ...
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Background High-fat diet (HFD)-induced hyperlipidemia, which is associated with gut microbiota disturbances, remains a major public health challenge. Glycerolipid metabolism is responsible for lipid synthesis and is thus involved in the development of hyperlipidemia. However, possible association between the HFD-modulated gut microbiome and the glycerolipid metabolism pathway remains unclear. Methods Hamsters were fed a HFD for 4 weeks to establish a hyperlipidemia model. Fecal, plasma and liver samples collected from hamsters fed a HFD or a normal chow diet (NCD) were used for integrative metagenomic and untargeted metabolomic analyses to explore changes in the composition and functions of the gut microbiota, and relevant metabolites. Spearman rank correlation analysis was used to explore correlations between gut microbes and circulating glycerolipid metabolites, gut microbes and lipids, and circulating glycerolipid metabolites and lipids. Results The gut microbial composition of HFD hamsters showed significant alterations at the phylum, genus, and species levels that were skewed toward metabolic disorders compared with that of NCD hamsters. Functional characterization by KEGG analysis identified enrichment of the glycerolipid metabolism pathway in the gut microbiome of HFD hamsters. Plasma and liver metabolomics further indicated the upregulation and enrichment of glycerolipid metabolites in HFD hamsters. The Faecalibaculum, Allobaculum, and Eubacterium genera were positively correlated with plasma glycerolipid metabolites and lipid indices. Conclusion The findings of this study suggest an association between glycerolipid metabolism and the HFD-modulated gut microbiome that is involved in the development of hyperlipidemia.
Introduction: Asthma is common, affecting up to 8% of adults in the United States. Several studies have shown an association between poorer diet and asthma. Despite the prevalence of fast-food consumption in the Western diet, research examining fast food consumption and asthma is limited. Objective: This study aimed to examine the association between fast food consumption and asthma-related emergency room visits among adults with asthma in California from 2011-2016. Methods: This cross-sectional study focused on 11,561 adults with asthma in California. Publicly available data from the California Health Interview Survey was used. The independent variable included fast food consumption, and the dependent variable was emergency room visits due to asthma. This study used logistic regression models and controlled for sex, race, self-reported overall health, BMI, and current smoking status. Survey weights were applied to ensure the analysis represented the general population. Results: Consumption of fast food ≥3 times per week was associated with increased odds of emergency room visits for asthma among adults with asthma in California (unadjusted model: OR = 1.64 CI: 1.13-2.40, p = 0.01; adjusted model: ORadj =1.53, CI: 1.03-2.26, p = 0.03). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that high consumption of fast food among adults with asthma may result in higher odds of asthma-related emergency room visits. Thus, decreasing fast food consumption may benefit adults with asthma by reducing emergency room visits.
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Objective: To examine prospectively the relationship between glycemic diets, low fiber intake, and risk of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Design: Cohort study. Setting: In 1986, a total of 65173 US women 40 to 65 years of age and free from diagnosed cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes completed a detailed dietary questionnaire from which we calculated usual intake of total and specific sources of dietary fiber, dietary glycemic index, and glycemic load. Main outcome measure: Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Results: During 6 years of follow-up, 915 incident cases of diabetes were documented. The dietary glycemic index was positively associated with risk of diabetes after adjustment for age, body mass index, smoking, physical activity, family history of diabetes, alcohol and cereal fiber intake, and total energy intake. Comparing the highest with the lowest quintile, the relative risk (RR) of diabetes was 1.37 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.09-1.71, P trend=.005). The glycemic load (an indicator of a global dietary insulin demand) was also positively associated with diabetes (RR= 1.47; 95% CI, 1.16-1.86, P trend=.003). Cereal fiber intake was inversely associated with risk of diabetes when comparing the extreme quintiles (RR=0.72, 95% CI, 0.58-0.90, P trend=.001). The combination of a high glycemic load and a low cereal fiber intake further increased the risk of diabetes (RR=2.50, 95% CI, 1.14-5.51) when compared with a low glycemic load and high cereal fiber intake. Conclusions: Our results support the hypothesis that diets with a high glycemic load and a low cereal fiber content increase risk of diabetes in women. Further, they suggest that grains should be consumed in a minimally refined form to reduce the incidence of diabetes.
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Fast food has become a prominent feature of the diet of children in the United States and, increasingly, throughout the world. However, few studies have examined the effects of fast-food consumption on any nutrition or health-related outcome. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that fast-food consumption adversely affects dietary factors linked to obesity risk. This study included 6212 children and adolescents 4 to 19 years old in the United States participating in the nationally representative Continuing Survey of Food Intake by Individuals conducted from 1994 to 1996 and the Supplemental Children's Survey conducted in 1998. We examined the associations between fast-food consumption and measures of dietary quality using between-subject comparisons involving the whole cohort and within-subject comparisons involving 2080 individuals who ate fast food on one but not both survey days. On a typical day, 30.3% of the total sample reported consuming fast food. Fast-food consumption was highly prevalent in both genders, all racial/ethnic groups, and all regions of the country. Controlling for socioeconomic and demographic variables, increased fast-food consumption was independently associated with male gender, older age, higher household incomes, non-Hispanic black race/ethnicity, and residing in the South. Children who ate fast food, compared with those who did not, consumed more total energy (187 kcal; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 109-265), more energy per gram of food (0.29 kcal/g; 95% CI: 0.25-0.33), more total fat (9 g; 95% CI: 5.0-13.0), more total carbohydrate (24 g; 95% CI: 12.6-35.4), more added sugars (26 g; 95% CI: 18.2-34.6), more sugar-sweetened beverages (228 g; 95% CI: 184-272), less fiber (-1.1 g; 95% CI: -1.8 to -0.4), less milk (-65 g; 95% CI: -95 to -30), and fewer fruits and nonstarchy vegetables (-45 g; 95% CI: -58.6 to -31.4). Very similar results were observed by using within-subject analyses in which subjects served as their own controls: that is, children ate more total energy and had poorer diet quality on days with, compared with without, fast food. Consumption of fast food among children in the United States seems to have an adverse effect on dietary quality in ways that plausibly could increase risk for obesity.
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Context The prevalence of obesity and overweight increased in the United States between 1978 and 1991. More recent reports have suggested continued increases but are based on self-reported data.Objective To examine trends and prevalences of overweight (body mass index [BMI] ≥25) and obesity (BMI ≥30), using measured height and weight data.Design, Setting, and Participants Survey of 4115 adult men and women conducted in 1999 and 2000 as part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), a nationally representative sample of the US population.Main Outcome Measure Age-adjusted prevalence of overweight, obesity, and extreme obesity compared with prior surveys, and sex-, age-, and race/ethnicity–specific estimates.Results The age-adjusted prevalence of obesity was 30.5% in 1999-2000 compared with 22.9% in NHANES III (1988-1994; P<.001). The prevalence of overweight also increased during this period from 55.9% to 64.5% (P<.001). Extreme obesity (BMI ≥40) also increased significantly in the population, from 2.9% to 4.7% (P = .002). Although not all changes were statistically significant, increases occurred for both men and women in all age groups and for non-Hispanic whites, non-Hispanic blacks, and Mexican Americans. Racial/ethnic groups did not differ significantly in the prevalence of obesity or overweight for men. Among women, obesity and overweight prevalences were highest among non-Hispanic black women. More than half of non-Hispanic black women aged 40 years or older were obese and more than 80% were overweight.Conclusions The increases in the prevalences of obesity and overweight previously observed continued in 1999-2000. The potential health benefits from reduction in overweight and obesity are of considerable public health importance.
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Context Components of the insulin resistance syndrome (IRS), including obesity, glucose intolerance, hypertension, and dyslipidemia, are major risk factors for type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Although diet has been postulated to influence IRS, the independent effects of dairy consumption on development of this syndrome have not been investigated.Objective To examine associations between dairy intake and incidence of IRS, adjusting for confounding lifestyle and dietary factors.Design The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study, a population-based prospective study.Setting and Participants General community sample from 4 US metropolitan areas of 3157 black and white adults aged 18 to 30 years who were followed up from 1985-1986 to 1995-1996.Main Outcome Measure Ten-year cumulative incidence of IRS and its association with dairy consumption, measured by diet history interview.Results Dairy consumption was inversely associated with the incidence of all IRS components among individuals who were overweight (body mass index ≥25 kg/m2) at baseline but not among leaner individuals (body mass index <25 kg/m2). The adjusted odds of developing IRS (2 or more components) were 72% lower (odds ratio, 0.28; 95% confidence interval, 0.14-0.58) among overweight individuals in the highest (≥35 times per week, 24/102 individuals) compared with the lowest (<10 times per week, 85/190 individuals) category of dairy consumption. Each daily occasion of dairy consumption was associated with a 21% lower odds of IRS (odds ratio, 0.79; 95% confidence interval, 0.70-0.88). These associations were similar for blacks and whites and for men and women. Other dietary factors, including macronutrients and micronutrients, did not explain the association between dairy intake and IRS.Conclusions Dietary patterns characterized by increased dairy consumption have a strong inverse association with IRS among overweight adults and may reduce risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Figures in this Article Risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease is affected by a number of medical and lifestyle factors. In recent years, increasing attention has been focused on a constellation of risk factors termed the insulin resistance syndrome (IRS), also known as the metabolic syndrome or syndrome X.1- 2 In this syndrome, obesity, insulin resistance, and hyperinsulinemia are thought to cause glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia (low serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and high serum triglyceride concentrations), hypertension, and impaired fibrinolytic capacity.3 An increasing incidence of IRS in all racial, ethnic, and social class groups in the United States can be inferred from the increasing prevalence of obesity4- 5 and type 2 diabetes6- 8 over the last 3 decades. Recently, this syndrome has been observed in youth,9- 11 and age-adjusted prevalence among adults has been estimated at 24%.12 An increase in the prevalence of IRS may partly explain the recent plateau or increase in cardiovascular disease rates, after several decades of decline.13 Although various environmental influences, including smoking and physical inactivity, are known to promote insulin resistance, the effect of dietary composition on IRS is poorly understood. For most of the past 3 decades, the US Department of Agriculture and the American Heart Association have recommended low-fat diets in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Recently, however, some have questioned these recommendations out of concern that high-carbohydrate consumption might promote IRS.14- 17 Other dietary factors that have been linked to components of IRS include the ratios of monounsaturated or polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids,15,18- 19 dietary fiber,20- 21 and glycemic index.22- 24 Dairy consumption is another dietary factor that might affect IRS. Milk intake has decreased significantly over the past 3 decades25- 27 as the prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes has increased. Epidemiologic and experimental studies suggest that dairy products may have favorable effects on body weight in children28 and adults.29- 31 In addition, dairy and/or calcium may decrease the risk for hypertension,32- 33 coagulopathy,34 coronary artery disease,35- 36 and stroke.37- 38 An inverse cross-sectional association between dairy intake and IRS was observed in men but not in women although the influence of physical activity, fruit and vegetable intake, and other lifestyle factors was not considered.39 The purpose of this study was to examine, in a prospective fashion, the independent association between dairy consumption and IRS, after taking into account physical activity level, macronutrient and fiber intake, and other potentially confounding variables.
Objective. —To examine prospectively the relationship between glycemic diets, low fiber intake, and risk of non—insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.Desing. —Cohort study.Setting. —In 1986, a total of 65173 US women 40 to 65 years of age and free from diagnosed cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes completed a detailed dietary questionnaire from which we calculated usual intake of total and specific sources of dietary fiber, dietary glycemic index, and glycemic load.Main Outcome Measure. —Non—insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.Results. —During 6 years of follow-up, 915 incident cases of diabetes were documented. The dietary glycemic index was positively associated with risk of diabetes after adjustment for age, body mass index, smoking, physical activity, family history of diabetes, alcohol and cereal fiber intake, and total energy intake. Comparing the highest with the lowest quintile, the relative risk (RR) of diabetes was 1.37 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.09-1.71, Ptrend=.005). The glycemic load (an indicator of a global dietary insulin demand) was also positively associated with diabetes (RR=1.47; 95% CI, 1.16-1.86, Ptrend=.003). Cereal fiber intake was inversely associated with risk of diabetes when comparing the extreme quintiles (RR=0.72,95% CI, 0.58-0.90, Ptrend=.001). The combination of a high glycemic load and a low cereal fiber intake further increased the risk of diabetes (RR=2.50, 95% CI, 1.14-5.51) when compared with a low glycemic load and high cereal fiber intake.Conclusions. —Our results support the hypothesis that diets with a high glycemic load and a low cereal fiber content increase risk of diabetes in women. Further, they suggest that grains should be consumed in a minimally refined form to reduce the incidence of diabetes.
Validity and reliability of a short physical activity history were assessed in two studies. Validity was studied in 2766 women and 2303 men, participants in CARDIA, a biracial study. Ages ranged from 18 to 30 years. The activities performed in the past 12 months by >= 50 per cent of participants were walking/hiking, nonstrenuous sports, shoveling/lifting during leisure, running/ jogging and home maintenance/gardening. Validity was indirectly assessed by studying the relationships of total activity to skinfold thickness, total caloric intake, duration on a self-limited maximal exercise test, and high density lipoprotein cholesterol. Less than perfect correlation are expected since physical activity is not the only factor affecting the validation criteria and since physical activity patterns change over time within each person. Comparing the highest physical activity quartile to the lowest physical activity quartile, mean level of sum of three skinfolds was 10.7 mm less for women (correlation coefficient (r) = -0.15, P < 0.001) and 6.9 mm less for men (r = -0.12, P < 0.001); mean level of caloric intake was 158 kcal more for women (r = 0.07, P < 0.001) and 875 kcal more for men (r = 0.21, P < 0.001); mean level of duration on treadmill was 132 seconds more for women (r = 0.36, P < 0.001) and 95 seconds more for women (r = 0.25, P < 0.001); and mean level of high density lipoprotein cholesterol was 4.8 mg/dL more for women (r = 0.13, P < 0.001) and 3.2 mg/dL more for men (r = 0.11, P < 0.001). Reliability was studied in a separate population by comparing questionnaire results in an initial telephone administration with results obtained two weeks later (N = 129). Similar types and amounts of activity were reported in this group as in the group studied for validity. Test-retest correlation coefficients for three summary scores ranged from 0.77 to 0.84, and were at least 0.57 for each of the 13 activity groupings queried. This questionnaire typically takes 5-10 minutes to administer. It yields moderately detailed information about type and amount of usual leisure time physical activity.
mericans are eating out more than ever as their incomes rise, time for cook- ing becomes scarce, and dining out becomes more affordable. These fac- tors that have favored dining out are expected to continue boosting con- sumer demand for food away from home. Although Americans have become increasingly conscientious about nutrition, they seem to be less atten- tive to the importance of nutrition when they eat out. One reason may be that information on the nutri- tional content of foods away from home is not readily apparent or available to consumers. Another rea- son may be that consumers could pay more attention to taste, price, or entertainment value than nutrition when eating out. The nonprofit consumer advocacy group, Center for Science in the Public Interest, has called attention to the high fat, saturated fat, and sodium contents of many menu items in popular restaurants, fast- food establishments, and movie the- aters. But their study captures only part of a wide range of food choices facing consumers when they eat out. This study analyzes data from the USDA's 1995 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII). The results show that away-from- home foods are generally higher in fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium, and lower in fiber and cal- cium than home foods. Consequent- ly, the increasing popularity in din- ing out may be a barrier for Amer- icans to improve the nutritional quality of their diets. A major advantage of the CSFII