... a Schematic human brain, sagittal section; b 9chematic human brain, external view. PFC prefrontal cortex [10,15,21,22, S23, S25, S29, S31, S53, S58, S63, S76, S82, S91-S93, S98, S110], VPFC ventral prefrontal cortex, including the orbitofrontal cortex [8,[11][12][13], S33, S37, S85, S87, S88, S95, S99, S104, S105], DLPFC dorsolateral prefrontal cortex [10,24,26, S43, S108, S109], Wernicke's area [20, S89], Hippocampus [18, 19, S58, S82, S85, S91, S94, S96, S98, S110, S111], Amygdale [S122], ACC anterior cingulate cortex [10, 25, S25, S120, S121], Adrenergic transmission has been hypothesized to play a role in suicide. The main findings related to the decreased noradrenalin levels in the brainstem and increased α2adrenergic receptor densities due to a noradrenaline deficit [11]. ...