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Pharmacological properties of citrus and their ancient and
medieval uses in the Mediterranean region
Beatriz ´Alvarez Arias, Luis Ram´on-Laca
This paper reviews the pharmacological properties of Mediterranean-grown citrus species (Citrus L., Rutaceae), including citron (Citrus
medica L.), lime (Citrus × auantiifolia [Christm.] Swingle), lemon (Citrus × limon [L.] Osbeck), bitter orange (Citrus × aurantium L.) and
pomelo (Citrus maxima [Burm.] Merr.), as referred to in ancient, medieval and 16th century sources. The virtues of the species reported in
these texts were compared to those known to modern science. A much broader spectrum of pharmacological properties was recorded by
these early writers than one might expect. The use of the citron and lemon as antidotes for ‘poison and venom’ is recorded in the very
earliest material. According to modern scientific literature the citron and the bitter orange may possess anti-cancer activity, lime may have
an immunomodulatory effect in humans, and the pomelo may be useful for treating circulatory problems. Lemons might even ease hangover
symptoms. Research is required to confirm these properties.
Keywords: Citrus fruits; Pharmacological properties; Remedies
1. Introduction
Eight taxa belonging to the genus Citrus (Rutaceae) have
beentraditionally cultivatedinthe Mediterraneanregion. The
citron (Citrus medica L.) was probably the only citrus fruit
known in ancient times in Europe since the lemon (Citrus
limon [L.] Osbeck), lime (Citrus ×auantiifolia [Christm.]
Swingle), pomelo (Citrus maxima [Burm.] Merr.) and bit-
ter orange (Citrus ×aurantium L.) were all introduced into
Europe by the Muslims via the Iberian Peninsula and Sicily.
The sweet orange (Citrus ×aurantium L.), mandarin (Citrus
reticulata Blanco) and grapefruit (Citrus ×aurantium Mac-
fad.) arrived in the West between the 15th and 19th centuries
as a result of trade with British and Portuguese colonies.
This paper presents ethnobotanical information discov-
ered in ancient and medieval manuscripts during research
into the history and origin of Mediterranean-grown citrus
fruits.The obviousedibleuses ofthese fruitsare notincluded.
The information presented comes from the 5th century b.c.
up to the 16th century a.d., meaning these treatises were
published well before the advent of modern pharmacology.
Current chemical, medical, and pharmacological literature
confirms some of the uses reported by these early authors.
This work may shed light on the reliability of ancient and
medieval, i.e., empirical–pharmacological knowledge.
2. Materials and methods
The citrus taxa studied were taxonomically treated using
the synthetic proposal of Mabberley (1997), in which the
subgenus Citrus comprises four allopatric species: two trop-
ical, Citrus halimii B.C. Stone and Citrus maxima (pomelo),
and two subtropical, Citrus medica L. (citron) and Cit-
rus reticulata Blanco (mandarin). According to Barrett and
Rhodes (1976), the last three species have given rise to all the
edible citrus fruits (i.e. to Citrus ×auantiifolia [Christm.]
Swingle [lime], Citrus ×limon [L.] Osbeck [lemon], and
Citrus ×aurantium L. [orange]) via natural and deliberate
The search for the historic pharmacological uses of culti-
vated citrus plants involved the review of agricultural, botan-
ical and medical works by Greek, Roman, Muslim and Me-
dieval European authors. The Greek texts in which informa-
tion was found included a story by Democritus (5th–4th cen-
tury b.c.) told in the Deipnosophists by Athenaeus (3rd cen-
tury a.d.), Enquiry Into Plants by Theophrastus (4th century
b.c.) probably written about 310 b.c. in Babylon, and De Ma-
teria Medica written between 60 and 79 a.d. by Dioscorides.
The Roman texts that provided data were The Georgics by
Virgil (70–19 b.c.), and Natural History by Pliny (23–72
a.d.). Useful works from the Muslim world were by au-
thors who lived from Syria to al-Andalus (i.e., the Iberian
Peninsula), including A Treatise on Foodstuffs by Abu Mar-
wan (died in 1162), Umda recently attributed to Abu l-Khayr
(12th century), and A Treatise of the Dietetic Properties of
the Lemon by a Hebrew physician (Egypt, 12th century). The
latter was later translated from the Arabic into Latin by the
philosopher Andrea Alpago (1450–1520). The Medieval Eu-
ropeansource thatprovidedinformation wasA Descriptionof
Palestine written about 1219–1221 by Jacques de Vitry. The
worksexamined from the16th centurywere Workof Agricul-
tureby Gabriel Alonso de Herrera (1470–1539), published in
1513, A Treatise on Citrus by the Sevillian physician Nicol´
Monardes (1508–1588), published in 1540, and The Spanish
edition of Dioscorides’ De Materia Medica, by Andr´
es de
Laguna, published in 1555. The uses of the fruits referred to
in the above works were compared to current knowledge on
citrus pharmacology. The results are offered in the following
paragraphs and summarised in Table 1. The medical terms
used are mostly those of Sayre (1917).
3. Results
Accordingto Theophrastus,(1968pp. 310–313)ifthe fruit
ofthe citron treewas placedamong clothes, itkept themfrom
being eaten by moths. It was also useful when one had drunk
‘deadly poison’; administered in wine it acted as an emetic,
expelling the toxin. Theophrastus also records citrons being
usedas breathfresheners; theinner partof thefruit wasboiled
to form a sauce or the juice of the fruit was squeezed into the
mouth. The juice could also be prepared in other media, and
then inhaled.
Democritus wrote that this fruit should be stored like
some precious heirloom in chests containing one’s clothes to
keep them from being eaten by moths (Athenaeus, 1969, pp.
357–367).Democritus believed,as didTheophrastus, thatthe
citron, either in solid or liquid form, was an effective antidote
against all poisonous agents when taken before food. In his
workDeipnosophists, Athenaeusincluded thestoryof anum-
berof convictedcriminals in Egyptwhose punishmentwas to
be thrown into a pit of asps. After eating some of a citron be-
longing to a woman in the street, they remained unharmed by
the animals’ venom. This story seems to have inspired simi-
lar accounts by Dioscorides (1555, p. 102), Pliny (1968, pp.
484–485) Virgil (1986, pp. 124–125) and several 16th cen-
tury authors, such as Laguna (Dioscorides, 1555, p. 106) and
andezand Ram´
on-Laca,2002, pp. 159–160).
According to Democritus, the citron was a proven antidote
to every kind of poison (if eaten beforehand) since its protec-
tant properties had been recorded on many occasions, even
once when someone had taken aconite (Aconitum L., Ranun-
culaceae). Like Theophrastus, Pliny (1968, pp. 12–13) said
the fruit had an exceptionally strong scent (also a property
of the leaves), which on penetrating stored garments warded
off insects. The Parthian grandees cooked the seeds of the
fruit with their meat in order to freshen the breath, and both
the fruit and the pips were taken in wine to counteract poison
(Pliny, 1969, pp. 484–485). The pips were also prescribed for
nausea during pregnancy, and the fruit was eaten for ‘weak-
ness of the stomach’ –although apparently not very easily
without the aid of vinegar (Pliny, 1968, pp. 160–161).
Dioscorides (1555, p. 102) wrote that citron pips coun-
teracted poison and relaxed the stomach. When boiled, they
improved one’s breath, as did the juice. The fruit was use-
ful for bouts of fainting after childbirth. And again, if put in
chests with stored garments, it warded off moths.
According to Abu Marwan (1992, p. 76) people some-
times prepared a marmalade with the peel of the citron, mix-
ing it with a pinch of sugar to ensure better preservation. This
marmalade, which comforted the stomach, was also made
fromthe leaves.Abu Marwan(1992, p.76, 121)also believed
thepeel ofthe citronto actas amild antidotefor poison,that it
perfumed the breath, and that its scent ‘comforted the spirit’.
The pulp, he wrote, quenched one’s thirst, the pips cleaned
the stomach, and when applied in a poultice they cleansed
and lightened the skin. The syrup made from the peel was
thought to be a diuretic and a mild antidote for poison. The
oil obtained from the flowers and peel was used as a stomach
Herrera (1970, p. 76) believed if the leaves of the citron
wereplaced amongclothes,theygaveoffa pleasantodourand
kept moths away. He also wrote that the fruit was a remedy
against the plague, invigorated the stomach and prevented
vomiting. It was also useful as an antidote for poison, es-
pecially that of the scorpion or viper, either when drunk or
applied externally to the wound.
Laguna wrote that all citrus fruits could be used as an-
tidotes against poison, especially the juice and seeds of the
citron and lemon (Dioscorides, 1555, pp. 105–106).
Abu Marwan (1992, p. 91) believed lime pickle improved
the appetite, invigorated the stomach and acted as an antidote
against poison.
According to a Hebrew physician living in Egypt in the
12th century (Ebenbitar, 1583, pp. 6–11), the peel, pulp and
seed of the lemon had different virtues and uses. The peel
invigorated the stomach, whetted the appetite, helped one
to digest food, provided better breath, improved the smell
Table 1
Ancient and medieval uses of the citrus cultivated in the Mediterranean region
Species Active ingredients Properties and uses cited in
ancient and medieval sources Actions recognised in current
Citrus medica L. Peel: essential oil (monoterpene
hydrocarbons [limonene], 5–6%
citral +dipentene) (Font Quer,
1992, p. 434). Pulp: flavonoid
glycosides (hesperidine) (Font
Quer, 1992, p. 434), Vitamin C
(Ajaiyeoba et al., 2003). Pip:
tetranortriterpenoids (limonin,
limonol, and nomilinic acid)
(Govindachari et al., 2000).
Pollen: purine alkaloids (caffeine,
theophylline) (Kretschmar and
Baumann, 1999)
Leaf: digestif (AM), insect
repellent (P, H). Fruit: antiemetic
(H), antitoxic (T, D, Di, V, P, H,
L), insect repellent (T, D, P),
remedy against plague (H),
stomach tonic (P, H), tonic (D).
Peel: digestif and tonic (AM).
Syrup from peel: antitoxic and
diuretic (AM). Essential oil from
flower and peel stomachic (AM).
Pulp: antitoxic (L), pulmonary
sedative (T, Di, P). Pip:
antiemetic (Di, P), antitoxic (P,
AM, Eb, L), digestif (Di),
hygienic (AM), purgant (AM),
pulmonary sedative (Di, P).
Leaf: remedy against febrile
illnesses? (Ajaiyeoba et al.,
2003). Peel: aromatic and tonic
(Font Quer, 1992). Pulp: remedy
against febrile illnesses?
(Ajaiyeoba et al., 2003). Pip:
anti-cancer activity? (Tian et al.,
Citrus ×auantiifolia
(Christm.) Swingle Leaf: essential oil (Pertiwi,
1992). Peel: essential oil
(sesquiterpene hydrocarbons
[␣-santalene, ␥-curcumene,
-selinene and germacrenes A,
B, C, D], monoterpene
hydrocarbons (sabinene,
␥-pinene, limonene),
monoterpene alcohols (linalool,
terpinen-4-ol, ␣-terpineol),
␥-terpinene, esters, monoterpene
aldehydes, aliphatic aldehydes,
pectinesterase (Syamsuhidayat
and Hutapea, 1991; Dugo et al.,
1997; Limyati and Juniar, 1998;
Mondello et al., 1998;
Contreras-Esquivel et al., 1999;
Feger et al., 2000). Pulp: sucrose,
protein components (Echeverr´
1992; Gharagozloo and Ghaderi,
2001). Flavonoids and saponines
(Limyati and Juniar, 1998).
Fruit pickle: antitoxic (AM),
appetizer (AM), and stomachic
Leaf: antibacterial (Pertiwi,
1992). Fruit: antimicrobial
(Syamsuhidayat and Hutapea,
1991; Limyati and Juniar, 1998;
Rodrigues et al., 2000). Pulp:
immunomodulatory effect?
(Gharagozloo and Ghaderi,
Citrus ×limon (L.)
Osbeck Flower: purine alkaloids
(caffeine, theobromine,
theophylline, paraxanthine)
(Kretschmar and Baumann,
1999). Peel: essential oil (2.5%
maximum [(+)-limonene, canfen,
citral, citronelal, felandren,
pinene, terpinol], coumarins
(bergamotin, limetin),
(neohesperidosides, rutinosides),
Vitamin C, carotenoids,
mucilage, calcium oxalate
(Arteche Garc´
ıa, 1998). Pulp:
pectin, sugars, organic acids
(ascorbic, citric, malic),
citroflavonoids (Arteche Garc´
Fruit: digestif (L), remedy against
plague (Di). Boiled with sugar or
honey, fruit digestif (L). Peel
antitoxic (Eb), appetizer (Eb),
cardiac tonic (Eb), digestif (Eb,
L), elixir (Eb), hygienic (Eb),
pulmonary sedative (Eb),
removes palate phlegm (Eb),
stomachic (Eb). Pulp:
antihelmintic (L), antilithic (L),
antipyretic (Eb, AJ), appetizer
(JV), cholagogue (Eb), cures
boils and throat, uvula and tonsil
abscesses (Eb), purgant (Eb),
remedy against drunkenness (AJ,
Eb), stomach anti-inflammatory
(Eb), vascular stimulant (Eb).
With food, pulp antiemetic (Eb),
prevents dizziness (Eb), and tonic
(Eb). With wine, pulp remedy
against drunkenness (Eb). With
bezoar, pulp juice antitoxic (Eb).
Pips antitoxic (Eb).
Fruit: analgesic, antianaemic,
antiemetic, antiesclerotic,
antipyretic, antiseptic, demulcent,
moisturizing, remineraliser and
vulnerary (Arteche Garc´
1998). Antitoxic? (Otero et al.,
2000a, b). Pulp: antidiarrhoeic,
diuretic, intestinal mucosa
protector, local haemostatic,
vascular stimulant and protectant,
vitaminic (Arteche Garc´
ıa, 1998).
Peel antiseptic, carminative,
diuretic, eupeptic, vascular
stimulant and protector, vitaminic
(Arteche Garc´
ıa, 1998).
Table 1 (Continued)
Species Active ingredients Properties and uses cited in
ancient and medieval sources Actions recognised in current
Citrus ×aurantium L. Leaf: essential oil (0.2–0.4%)
(monoterpene hydrocarbons
[limonene], alcohols [linalol,
nerol, and methyl antranilate]),
tetranortriterpenoids (limonin)
(Arteche Garc´
ıa, 1998;Font
Quer, 1992, p. 435; Hou et al.,
2000a). Flower: essential oil
(0.05–0.5%) (monoterpene
hydrocarbons [limonene],
alcohols [linalol, nerol, and
methyl antranilate]) (Arteche
ıa, 1998). Fruit: flavanone
(Hou et al., 2000b). Peel:
essential oil (2%) (monoterpene
hydrocarbons [limonene
{90%}]), bitter (naringoside,
neohesperidoside) and non-bitter
(hesperidoside, rutoside, and
sinensetoside) flavonoids,
furanocoumarins, meranzin,
nobiletin, tangeretin,
flavonoid-glycosides (hesperidin,
neohesperidin, naringin,
narirutin, rhoifolin), mineral salts,
pectin, organic acids (ascorbic,
citric, malic) (Tsuchida et al.,
1996; Arteche Garc´
ıa, 1998).
Distillation from flowers cardiac
stimulant (L), digestif (H, L),
stomachic (L), and tonic (L).
With honey or sugar, flowers
cardiac stimulant (L). Peel
ingredient of digestion-aiding
preserves (L). Pulp: eliminates
greenness of jaundice (H). Wood:
woodworm repellent (H).
Leaf: anti-cancer activity? (Tian
et al., 2001), antispasmodic,
sedative, and tranquilliser
(Arteche Garc´
ıa, 1998). Flower:
antispasmodic, sedative, and
tranquilliser (Arteche Garc´
1998). Peel: appetizer,
cholagogue, demulcent, eupeptic,
reduces cholesterol, tonic,
vascular stimulant (Arteche
ıa, 1998).
Citrus ×maxima
(Burm.) Merr. Flower: purine alkaloids
(caffeine, theobromine,
theophylline, and paraxantine)
(Kretschmar and Baumann,
1999). Peel: flavanone (Hou et
al., 2000b), flavonoid-glycosides
(naringin), naringenin (Hou et al.,
2000a). Coumarin compounds
(xanthyletin, xanthoxyletin, and
suberosin (Teng et al., 1992a;
Teng et al., 1992b).
Pulp: antitoxic (L), appetizer
(JV), cardiac stimulant (L), and
stomach tonic (L).
Antiplatelet action of coumarin
compounds from fruit essence?
(Teng et al., 1992a). Essential oil
from fruit antibacterial?
(Ontengco et al., 1995).
AJ= Abu l-Khayr; AM = Abu Marwan; D=Democritus; Di= Dioscorides; Eb =Ebenbitar; H= Herrera; JV = Jacques de Vitry; L= Laguna; P=Pliny;
T =Theophrastus; V = Virgil.
accompanying belching, and strengthened the heart. He also
believeditto havebezoaricpropertiesand thusitacted against
the effects of consumed or external poisons, that it was use-
ful in personal hygiene, and that it helped remove phlegm
adhered to the palate. The juice, he wrote, relieved stom-
ach inflammation, improved the blood and alleviated fevers,
cured boils, abscesses of the throat, uvula, and tonsil, and
also cleaned the liver and stomach. Mixed with food, it could
be employed as a tonic against dizziness and used to prevent
vomiting and nausea. Taken after wine, it prevented drunken-
ness.Combined with abezoar,he believedit counteracted the
effects of all kinds of consumed poisons and could even act
against viper and scorpion venoms. The seeds of the lemon
and citron were thought to counteract the effect of poisons
too. Syrup of lemon was believed to have similar virtues,
even when combined with that of other plants such as quince
(Cydonia oblonga Miller, Rosaceae) or mint (Mentha sp.,
Abu l-Khayr (1990, pp. 443–444) wrote that sweet lemon
juice was beneficial for drunkenness and fevers.
According to Jacques de Vitry (Gallesio, 1811, p. 255),
both lemon and pomelo juice were served in Palestine in
summer with meat and fish, since they were refreshing and
whetted the appetite.
The lemon was once thought to cure the plague (Laguna
in Dioscorides, 1555, pp. 105–106). Lemon juice could be
prepared as a syrup called acredine citri, which quenched
one’s thirst and at the same time fought off fever. Boiled with
sugar or honey, lemons were thought act as digestifs – the
same as citron and lemon peel. Lemon juice, it was believed,
could purge one’s face of pimples and other spots. When
drunk, it was thought to kill intestinal worms, and to dissolve
kidney stones and gravel.
Herrera (1970, p. 178) wrote that a distillation which in-
vigoratedthe stomachcould bemadefrom orangeflower.The
same was thought to be true of orange flowers prepared with
honey or sugar. He also believed orange wood kept wood-
worm at bay, and that orange juice made the face smooth and
eliminated the greenness of jaundice.
Laguna (Dioscorides, 1555, pp. 103,105–106) recorded
that agua de azahar (orange blossom water) was obtained
from the orange flower, which is particularly fragrant. This
product was thought to be a tonic for the heart and stomach,
and was therefore very useful for treating bouts of fainting
after childbirth. The flowers of the bitter orange, when boiled
with honey and sugar, are recorded as strengthening the heart
and stomach. Preserves that comforted the stomach could be
made from the peel.
4. Discussion
Recentstudies suggest thatboth theseeds of thecitron and
the leaves of the bitter orange might have anti-cancer activity
due to their limonin content. Limonoids have been shown to
inhibit the growth of oestrogen -negative and -positive recep-
tor human breast cancer cells in culture (Tian et al., 2001).
Limonin significantly slows the proliferation of MCF-7 tu-
mour line cells (responsible for breast cancer in vivo). This
inhibitory action depends on the dose of limonin used and the
duration of exposure. Further work is needed, however, to es-
tablish the mechanism underlying this effect, especially with
respectto thehigh concentrationsneededto induceapoptosis.
Both the leaves and juice of the citron are commonly em-
ployed by the Yoruba people of south-western Nigeria for the
treatment of febrile illnesses (Ajaiyeoba et al., 2003), a use
not recorded in the ancient literature. Vitamin C is similarly
added to remedies in orthodox medical practice. The Malaria
Research Group of the University of Ibadan (Nigeria) is cur-
rently trying to determine the effectiveness of citron in the
treatment of the malaria.
Modern literature has nothing to say about the use of the
citron as an insect repellent (or to prevent garments from be-
ingeaten bymoths). However,according toParuet al.(1995),
squashed lime leaves applied to the skin kept off anopheline
and culicine mosquitoes —vectors of malaria— in experi-
ments performed in the Wosera area, Papua New Guinea.
They suggest “this low-technology control method may be
included in the range of options for householders in order
to reduce mosquito nuisance and improve their standard of
Govindachari et al. (2000) tested limonin, limonol and
nomilinic acids from the citron for their antifungal activity
against Puccinia arachidis, a groundnut rust pathogen, and
showed them to be effective in reducing the emergence of red
Lime leaves contain an oil which acts against Staphy-
lococcus aureus and Escherichia coli (Pertiwi, 1992, cited
by Limyati and Juniar, 1998). This is not surprising since
saponins, flavonoids and the oil from the lime have been
recorded as antimicrobial compounds (Syamsuhidayat and
Hutapea, 1991; Limyati and Juniar, 1998). In experiments
performed in Guinea-Bissau, limes were shown to pre-
vent or reduce food-borne transmission of Vibrio cholerae.
They may therefore be considered an effective protectant
against cholera when added to food (Rodrigues et al.,
The essential oil of the pomelo shows in vitro activity
againstStaphylococcus aureusATCC25923and Escherichia
coli ATCC 25922, and was found to have significant po-
tential as a broad-spectrum antibacterial raw material for
galenic preparations (Ontengco et al., 1995). From exper-
iments performed in vitro, it is known that concentrated
lime juice extract has immunomodulatory effects on acti-
vated human mononuclear cells, perhaps due to the pro-
teinsitcontains (Echeverr´
ıa,1992;Gharagozloo andGhaderi,
Modern scientific literature confirms the antipyretic and
digestive properties of the lemon fruit recognised by the
above medieval authors, as well as its virtues in combating
nausea and loss of appetite (Arteche Garc´
ıa, 1998). It has
also been found useful in the treatment of hepatobiliar dyski-
nesia, oxiurasis, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, phlebitis, and
No confirmation exists that a preparation of lemon
juice and sugar can treat drunkenness, but due to its
antiemetic, analgesic, and diuretic properties, the fruit pulp
might accelerate the elimination of aldehydes, the com-
pounds responsible for hangovers. The second author tried
a solution made of lemon juice, water, salt and sodium
bicarbonate which relieved the symptoms of hangover
The lemon is used by traditional healers for treating
snake bites in north-western Colombia. Otero et al. (2000a,b)
showed that the ethanolic extract of ripe lemon fruits was sig-
nificantly active against the lethal and haemorrhagic effects
of Bothrops atrox venom when administered to mice. If it
could be shown that lemons can act as an antidote against
snake venom in humans, this would provide an interesting
alternative to the sera currently used.
Due to a lack of current literature on the lime and
pomelo, the virtues afforded this fruit by medieval authors
could not be confirmed. However, the experiments of Teng
et al. (1992a) show that the coumarin compounds in the
pomelo—xanthoxyletin and suberosin—inhibit the aggrega-
tionby rabbitplateletsand theirrelease ofATP.It mightthere-
fore be useful in the treatment of problems such as thrombo-
sis.However,confirmationof the inhibitionof humanplatelet
aggregation is still required.
The digestive and tonic virtues attributed to the bitter or-
ange by medieval authors are confirmed by the recent litera-
ture (Arteche Garc´
ıa, 1998).
5. Conclusions
Ancientand medievalsources reporta muchbroader spec-
trum of pharmacological properties and uses of cultivated
citrus species than might be expected from modern scientific
literature. As frequently occurs, the more common a plant
is, the less well its properties are known. In the absence of
synthetic drugs, ancient and medieval physicians had to rely
upon the properties of plants, in the same way that healers do
nowadays, and they recognised the pharmacological value of
cultivated citrus species. The citron, and perhaps other citrus
fruits, might be useful as antidotes against certain venoms.
Concentrated lime juice may have an immunomodulatory ef-
fect in humans. The citron and bitter orange appear to show
anti-cancer activity. The coumarin compounds found in the
pomelo may be useful for treating circulatory problems such
as thrombosis. Due to its antiemetic, analgesic, and diuretic
properties, it is likely that lemon pulp can ease the symptoms
ofhangovers. Furtherresearch isneeded, however,to confirm
these possibilities.
The authors wish to thank Florentino Fern´
andez (Instituto
de Ense˜
nanza Secundaria, Gri˜
on [Madrid]), and Expiraci´
ıa (Escuela de Estudios ´
Arabes [CSIC], Granada, for the
translations of the Latin and Arabic texts, Bel´
en Est´
(Universidad Aut´
onoma de Madrid), Andrea Costa, Jes´
noz and Julita Navarro (Real Jard´
ın Bot´
anico [CSIC]) for
their help with the literature search and toxicological data,
J. Hii (Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research,
Madang) for his help with the literature search, and Shuji
Taniguchi (Oita University) for his help with bibliographi-
cal data. Adrian Burton reviewed the English version of the
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ıa S´
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