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The Impact of Team Building on Communication and Job Satisfaction of Nursing Staff


Abstract and Figures

A series of team-building activities were conducted on a medical-surgical unit and their impact on staff's communication and job satisfaction was examined. Forty-four unit personnel participated in the interventions. Staff communication and job satisfaction were measured before and after the intervention. The findings linked team-building activities with improved staff communication and job satisfaction. Team-building strategies assisted the nurse leader/manager to build an effective work team by strengthening communication and interpersonal relationships so that the staff could function as a more cohesive group. Staff development consultants can help nurse managers become more effective team leaders by identifying the necessary resources and by helping to plan and coordinate team-building strategies.
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The Impact of Team Building on Communication and Job Satisfaction of Nursing Staff
By: Mary Anne Amos, Jie Hu, Charlotte A. Herrick
Amos, Hu, J. & Herrick (2005). The impact of team building on communication and job satisfaction of a
nursing staff. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development, 21(1), 10-16.
Made available courtesy of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc:
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A series of team-building activities were conducted on a medical-surgical unit and their impact on staff's
communication and job satisfaction was examined. Forty-four unit personnel participated in the interventions.
Staff communication and job satisfaction were measured before and after the intervention. The findings linked
team-building activities with improved staff communication and job satisfaction. Team-building strategies
assisted the nurse leader/manager to build an effective work team by strengthening communication and
interpersonal relationships so that the staff could function as a more cohesive group. Staff development
consultants can help nurse managers become more effective team leaders by identifying the necessary resources
and by helping to plan and coordinate team-building strategies.
In 2000, The North Carolina Center for Nursing conducted a survey and found that in many North Carolina
hospitals, vacancy rates ranged from 6% to 16 % (Letvak, 2002). Registered Nurse (RN) turnover is currently
a major problem, contributing to the critical shortage of nurses and affecting the economic stability of
hospitals (White & Rice, 2001). In 1998, the median turnover rate for RNs was 15% and the cost to hospitals
to replace a nurse was between US$42,000 and US$64,000 (Advisory Board Company, 2000). A common
factor leading to staff dissatisfaction is the perception that pay is inadequate (Flanagan & Flanagan, 2002;
Joshua-Amadi, 2002; Stamps, 1997; Yaktin, Azoury, & Doumit, 2003). White and Rice (2001) noticed two of
the most common factors in retention of nurses are job satisfaction and a positive work environment, with
good staff relationships. A study conducted by Shader, Broome, Broome, West, and Nash (2001) found a
positive association between higher rates of group cohesion and work satisfaction and a lower anticipated
turnover rate in an acute care setting. This suggests that in order to retain nursing staff in acute care, strategies
should be implemented to create cohesive work teams (Kerfoot, 2000).
The perception that the work place is supportive influences both job satisfaction and retention (Sullivan &
Decker, 2001). A study by Garret and McDaniel (2001), which explored interpersonal relationships,
environmental uncertainty, social climate, and burnout, found that social networks and a supportive workplace
were important in preventing job dissatisfaction. Leppa (1996), using the Index of Work Satisfaction (IWS),
found that a cohesive support group might compensate for other frustrations in the work environment (Huber,
2000). Leppa found that interpersonal relationships were an important part of job satisfaction and were also
associated with greater patient safety and higher quality of care.
Hinshaw, Smeltzer, and Atwood (1987) identified the work environment as an important aspect in retaining
nurses and positively affecting the quality of patient care. In their study of over 1,500 nursing staff members
(nurses and nurse assistants), they found that group cohesiveness was positively related to job satisfaction and
staying in the work setting.
Effective teams are characterized by a common purpose, clear goals, competent members, a unified
commitment, complementary skills, a collaborative climate, mutual accountability, standards of excellence,
and principled leadership (Homans, 1995; Tuckman, 1965). Teams with these characteristics develop
enthusiastic work groups, in which members share resources, information, and skills (Tuckman & Jensen,
Grohar-Murray and DiCroce (2003) claimed that team building brings a fundamental change in the way that
work in healthcare institutions is structured today, changing the work environment and the way staff perceive
it. They found that the benefits of a well-functioning cohesive team included increased productivity, improved
quality, reduced costs, reduced conflict, and increased adaptability and flexibility of both managers and
workers. Most importantly, they found that staff members were more motivated, which greatly reduced
absenteeism and staff turnover. "A team, by definition, is a motivated group of people who work together,
share resources, are committed to a common objectives through coordinated efforts, and produce a product or
service that is far superior than that of an individual alone" (p.133).
The leader/manager has the responsibility to plan, coordinate, and monitor the group's activities and to convey
a vision, inspiring team collaboration (Homans, 1995). It is important for the nurse leader/manager to
understand the principles of group dynamics in order to apply them to team building (Antai-Otong, 1997;
Blegen, 1993). Helping staff develop interpersonal skills is essential to building a cohesive team (Homans,
1995). Open communication and supportive interpersonal relationships have been consistently linked with
positive attitudes toward the work environment, which leads to job satisfaction, improved job performance,
and an increase in retention. Few studies, however, have investigated team building in relation to job
satisfaction. The current study, therefore, examined the impact of team-building strategies on communication
and job satisfaction.
Homans' social system conceptual model served as a framework for the team-building activities (Garrett &
McDaniel; 2001; Pincus, 1986). The model focuses on the relationships among members of small groups and
consists of "activities," defined as the tasks that individuals perform, "interactions," the behaviors that occur
among group members while performing the tasks, and "attitudes," the feelings individuals have toward each
other. A change in any one element produces a change in the others. Homans' model incorporates the stages of
group development identified by Tuckman (1965) and Tuckman and Jensen (1977). Stage 1, forming, is the
initial coming together; group members approach each other cautiously as they begin to understand each other.
Stage 2 includes storming and norming. Storming occurs when there are interpersonal conflicts and members
are competitive, leading to dissatisfaction. Norming occurs when the group overcomes interpersonal conflicts,
becomes cohesive, and develops structure, roles, and relationships. Stage 3, performing, occurs when members
cooperate, communicate, collaborate, and work is accomplished. Stage 4, adjourning or reforming, is the final
phase, when the group may dissolve because of a major change, the goals may have been reached or have
changed, or group members may have left and been replaced by new members, so that the group needs to
recycle to the initial stage of development (Antai-Otong, 1997; Blegen, 1993). This conceptual framework
provided a guide for developing the design of the team-building intervention.
A group pretest and posttest design was used to measure staff communication and job satisfaction before and
after receiving a team-building intervention. Pretest or baseline data were obtained using a demographic
questionnaire, a staff communication evaluation tool, and the IWS (Stamps, 1997). The subjects then attended
a team-building intervention program. Three months later, a posttest was given, using the same questionnaires.
In addition, participants completed the hospital employee perceptions survey given to all employees 2 months
after completing the team-building intervention program.
Sample and Setting
The convenience sample consisted of 44 of the 52 nurses, nursing assistants, and nursing secretaries/monitor
technicians working on a medical-surgical unit in a general hospital. Both the university and the hospital
Institutional Review Boards approved the study. An oral and a written introduction with an explanation of the
study's procedure was given to the participants, who signed an informed consent form. The subjects received
educational credit for attending the team-building intervention program. Two sessions were conducted. One
half of the participants attended each session, while the other half covered the unit. Each session was for 8
hours and the sessions were held twice, once in the fall and once in the spring. Thus, participants received a
total of 16 hours of continuing education credit. The costs of the program included staff salaries and the staff
development consultant's fee, the cost of the location, and the cost of food. US$3,200 were budgeted for the
two sessions.
The Intervention Program
The group facilitator, a consultant in private practice, was an expert in staff development. The facilitator acted
as a consultant to the nurse manager. Together they planned the team-building program. The program included
the following topics presented by the facilitator: (a) identification of communication styles, effective
communication, and listening skills; (b) conflict resolution; (c) stress management; (d) a review of different
personality styles and suggestions for working with different personality types; (e) information about the
stages of normal group development and group dynamics. Activities included presentations by the facilitator
and other experts, group discussions, and role play. Role play was used to demonstrate the stages of group
development and to provide opportunities to practice communication skills and strategies for conflict
management. Strategies for stress management were also introduced to assist staff with self-care.
The facilitator presented the phases of group development and used group exercises to illustrate concepts. The
first stage of group development, identified by Tuckman (1965) and Tuckman and Jensen (1977) as the
forming phase, was called by the facilitator the orientation and exploration phase. Staff members practiced
listening skills to illustrate the importance of active listening during group formation. They were divided into
groups of three and instructed to tell a story to each other about an event that had happened to them in the past;
the other members were asked to repeat the story exactly as it was told. The facilitator pointed out that
listening requires energy and stressed the importance of listening intently in order to fully understand the other
The facilitator explained that in the second stage of group formation, called the storming and norming stage,
group members first become defensive and uneasy, fearing loss of control, and this may cause interpersonal
conflicts. The group was reminded that conflict during the storming phase is natural and healthy and must be
openly dealt with for effective resolution. Norming occurs when group members master the ability to resolve
conflicts. The staff was divided into small groups, and each group was given a scenario based on actual
conflicts that had occurred on the nursing unit prior to the intervention. Each group was asked to create a win-
win solution for the assigned situation.
The facilitator presented Stage 3 as the working, or the performing, phase when group members work together
collaboratively, use open communication, take risks, become more trusting, and rely on one another to get the
work done. The staff participated in an activity to learn more about each other's roles as charge nurse, staff
nurse, nurse assistant, or nursing secretary/monitor technician. Each staff group discussed one of the nursing
roles and identified responsibilities and associated stressors and problems of the role. The group was asked to
offer suggestions to make each role easier. Knowledge of all of the roles and their interdependence helped staff
to better understand each team member and the importance of each role to a well-functioning team.
The final stage discussed was the consolidation and termination phase, when members are working well
together until someone leaves the group or new members join it or major changes occur on the unit. In this
stage, labeled by Tuckman (1965) and Tuckman and Jensen (1977) as the adjourning, reforming phase, it is
necessary for the team to recycle to the initial phase of group development.
Following the presentations on group development, strategies for stress management were presented,
relaxation techniques were introduced, and a massage therapist provided recommendations to reduce stress in
the work place.
A demographic questionnaire was administered to determine staff characteristics. The Staff Communication
Evaluation Tool and the IWS were used to measure the outcomes of the team-building intervention. The Staff
Communication Evaluation Tool included eight concepts with 25 items in the following categories: open,
honest communication; recognition, respect, and trust in peers and their contributions; problem solving toward
the goals of the agency or the profession; the ability to convey constructive feedback to the peers regarding
their practice; identification of conflict; accountability for one's own role; objectivity and empathy regardless
of personal feelings; sharing of knowledge and skills with others; and support for team, system, and
organizational goals. Participants responded to items using a Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (rarely) to 5
(always). The Staff Communication Evaluation Tool had been used in the Nursing Department at this hospital
with approximately 150 people for 4 years. The tool demonstrated good reliability, with a Cronbach's alpha
coefficient of .96 in this study.
The IWS (Stamps, 1997) was used to measure job satisfaction. The two-part IWS is a 44-item scale that
contains six subcomponents: pay, autonomy, task requirements, organizational policies, interaction, and
professional status. Part A of the IWS asks respondents to rank order the importance of the six components.
Part B asks about levels of satisfaction in these six areas of work. A high level of satisfaction is reflected by
higher scores on each subscale. The reliability and validity of the instrument are well established. Construct
validity was reported for all subscales in the IWS as significantly related to the overall scale (p < .0001)
(Stamps,1997). In this study, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the total scale was .91 and for the subscales
were as follows: pay scale, .84; professional status, .77; autonomy, .76; organizational policies, .80; task
requirements, .64; nurse-to-nurse interaction, .70; and nurse-to-physician interaction, .80.
The Continuous Employee Perceptions Survey is used annually by the hospital to assess staff satisfaction of all
hospital employees. It was administered to the subjects 2 months after the completion of the intervention on
team building. The survey includes components such as leadership, compensation and benefits, team
environment, and overall satisfaction, using a Likert-type scale. Satisfaction with the team environment was
considered a valuable outcome of the study. Scores that range from 76.0% to 100% are considered high,
acceptable scores range from 61.0% to 75.9%, negative scores range from 46.0% to 60.9%, and very negative
scores range from 20.0% to 45.9% (The Jackson Group, 2002).
The 44 participants in the study consisted of 24 nurses (55%), 13 nursing technicians (30%), and 7 nursing
secretaries/monitor technicians (15%). The mean age of the sample was 35 years (SD = 11.19) with a range
from 21 to 58 years. The average number of years of employment was 8 (SD = 7.55) with a range from 3
months to 26 years. The average number of years in nursing was 9 (SD = 8.38) with a range from 3 months to
31 years. Table 1 summarizes demographic data.
TABLE 1 Demographics of the Subjects (N = 44)
TABLE 3 Index of Work Satisfaction Component Scores (N = 44)
The staff development consultant, as an unbiased group facilitator, educator, and strategist, can be extremely
helpful to the unit manager in developing positive relationships among staff members. Team building in today's
healthcare environment is important to improve morale and enhance staff retention. A nursing unit's reputation
as a positive work environment becomes well known among other hospital employees, and this also helps to
recruit motivated and dedicated staff. Table 4 contains helpful hints for the staff development educator.
Strategies to enhance communication and provide an understanding of group dynamics and the importance of
interdependent roles promoted good working relationships. Building a successful team is essential to create a
positive work environment. Team-building activities must be ongoing; however, the nurse leader/manager
must nurture interpersonal relationships and encourage staff's efforts at effective communication. Skill
building to improve communication should be a managerial goal. With improved interstaff communication,
team members will become more comfortable in addressing issues among themselves, problem solving
together, and resolving conflicts. Promoting activities that increase teamwork will ultimately improve staff
satisfaction. Staff members who are satisfied with their work environment will want to remain on the job,
saving hospitals' money needed for staff recruitment. Retaining a stable work force will enable hospitals to
provide quality care, resulting in positive outcomes for patients and economic viability for healthcare
organizations. The staff development expert can assist the leader/manager to develop strategies for building an
effective team and helping nursing staff develop interpersonal skills and function as a cohesive group.
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... Job satisfaction, which reflects the degree of employees' contentment with their jobs, can be positively influenced by effective organizational communication. A study on surgical nurses found that such communication increased job satisfaction and promoted better teamwork among staff (Amos at al., 2005). The study conducted by Karcıoğlu et al. (2009) aimed to determine the relationship between organizational communication and job satisfaction among nurses. ...
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The study has multiple purposes. The first purpose is to measure the impact of organizational communication on organizational commitment and job satisfaction. The second purpose is to measure the impact of organizational commitment on job satisfaction. The third and final purpose is to determine the mediating role of organizational commitment in the impact of organizational communication quality on job satisfaction. The study data was obtained using a survey method from 390 healthcare workers in a state hospital in Izmir. Correlation and multiple regression analyses were conducted to determine the relationships between variables. The analysis results indicate that organizational communication has a significant and positive impact on organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Additionally, it was found that organizational commitment has a substantial and positive effect on job satisfaction. Furthermore, it was determined that organizational commitment plays a mediating role in the effect of organizational communication on job satisfaction.
... Eleven studies (13.25%) evaluate group-level changes designed to to improve interpersonal and working relationships among employees (Amos et al., 2005;Bergman et al., 2015;DiMeglio et al., 2005;Glisson et al., 2006Glisson et al., , 2012Kanste et al., 2010;Nielsen & Randall, 2009Tran et al., 2010;Tsirikas et al., 2012;Workman & Bommer, 2004;Yeatts & Cready, 2007). Unlike interventions that prompt work teams to change their work processes (see lean management), these interventions aim to change the organisational culture or communication and coordination among employees, and thereby enhance well-being. ...
Digital forensic investigators (DFI) are involved in examining computers, mobile phones and other electronic devices containing images and text related to child abuse, violence, terrorist activities and other distressing activities. Identifying, classifying and preparing evidence for courts is time-consuming and may delay cases coming to court. Police forces are under pressure to reduce a backlog of electronic devices requiring investigation (Forensic Capability Network, 2023) and the need to recruit more skilled DFIs. In response to the shortage in DFIs, the national police Forensic Capability Network (FCN) is developing digital forensic apprenticeships for young people based on a College of Policing (2023) role profile aimed at people aged 18 and over. Concerns were raised with the FCN on the potential harm that could be caused to young forensic investigators employed in a role that exposes them to distressing images. This paper describes the examination of evidence from neurobiology and psychological surveillance to provide advice to the FCN on the organisational duty of care to DFI apprentices under Health & Safety and Discrimination & Equality legislation.
... Petugas kesehatan juga ditemukan lebih puas dengan pekerjaan mereka. Sebuah penelitian menemukan perawat yang berhasil melalui upaya membangun tim lebih puas dengan pekerjaan mereka (Amos et al., 2005) Berdasarkan kajian literatur yang dilakukan terdapat beberapa riset gap yang didapatkan diantaranya adalah kesenjangan hasil penelitian terdahulu, DDimana hasil penelitian (Lawasi & Triatmanto, 2017); (Lestari & Golo, 2021) dan (Triadhi, 2021) menunjukan secara parsial kerjasama tim tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja tenaga kesehatan. Sedangkan hasil penelitian (Hasibuan, 2017); (Riana, 2019) ...
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The level of public health cannot be separated from the quality of health services so that high hospital accreditation status is needed considering that hospital accreditation reflects the high and low quality of services that hospital administrators can provide to their patients. This requires optimal human resource management to improve the performance of hospital health workers. One of the dominant factors in the performance of health workers is positive organizational behavior, namely through teamwork. Teamwork describes actions that are planned and managed optimally by each member of the organization to maximize performance. For this reason, this research was carried out to test the influence of the dimensions of the teamwork variable on the performance of hospital health workers. A total of 10 dimensions and 30 indicators were used with a survey method carried out by distributing Google forms. The population in this study was four government hospitals in Banten province using a proportional random sampling method of 150 respondents. The research results show that the 30 indicators used to measure dimensions and latent variables have good validity and reliability. The results of the inner model analysis show very high goodness of fit index values for each dimension which describes high suitability or no discrepancy between the observed values and the expected values in the research model. The results of hypothesis testing showed that the sixteen hypotheses constructed had T-statistic values > 1.96 and P-values < 0.05 so all hypotheses were accepted. The results of this research also found a novelty where the teamwork variable was more dominantly influenced by the comporting dimension, while the health worker performance variable was more dominantly influenced by the assurance dimension. Considering the very high results of the influence of each dimension and the influence of exogenous to endogenous, this is an input for hospital management to be able to improve interpersonal relationships through improving good teamwork in work teams to create conducive conditions and increase employee performance
... Furthermore, it has been reported that during the pandemic there were high levels of anxiety amongst Ward Managers (Middleton et al., 2021). This may have been detrimental to effective leadership practices, such as good communication within nursing teams (Amos, Hu, & Herrick, 2005) and may perhaps have been a factor in the slow spread of information to staff about the WardSonar tool. In addition, issues within ward leadership may have inadvertently cultivated unhelpful power dynamics such as those noted in the ethnographic observations (see Table 2, week 6). ...
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Accessible Summary What is known on the subject Mental health wards can feel unsafe. We know that patients and staff have different ideas about what makes a hospital ward safe or unsafe. Patients are often the first to know when the atmosphere on a ward becomes tense, but often, no one asks them for their views. Patients and staff are experts and should be included in discussions about how to make wards safer. What this paper adds to existing knowledge We got together with some service users and staff, and made an app that helps patients to tell staff when they are not feeling safe on a mental health ward. We tried it out on six wards and we asked patients and staff what they thought. The app was easy to use and most people liked the look of it. Patients said staff did not talk with them enough and so they liked using the app. However, some staff said they could tell how patients were feeling without an app and so they did not need it. Ward managers told us that staff were often very busy and did not always have time to use the app. What are the implications for practice This app could help staff know straightaway when patients do not feel safe on the ward, so that they can act quickly to calm things down. To make the most of the app, staff need to get used to it and bring it into ward routines. Abstract Introduction Safety improvement on mental health wards is of international concern. It should incorporate patient perspectives. Aim Implementation and evaluation of ‘WardSonar’, a digital safety‐monitoring tool for adult acute mental health wards, developed with stakeholders to communicate patients' real‐time safety perceptions to staff. Method Six acute adult mental health wards in England implemented the tool in 2022. Evaluation over 10 weeks involved qualitative interviews (34 patients, 33 staff), 39 focused ethnographic observations, and analysis of pen portraits. Results Implementation and evaluation of the WardSonar tool was feasible despite challenging conditions. Most patients valued the opportunity to communicate their immediate safety concerns, stating that staff had a poor understanding of them. Some staff said the WardSonar tool could help enhanced ward safety but recognised a need to incorporate its use into daily routines. Others said they did not need the tool to understand patients' safety concerns. Discussion Foreseeable challenges, including staff ambivalence and practical issues, appeared intensified by the post‐COVID‐19 context. Implications for Practice The WardSonar tool could improve ward safety, especially from patients' perspectives. Future implementation could support staff to use the real‐time data to inform proactive safety interventions.
... Furthering, external involvement should be managed effectively has it has been known to be a problem from way back in team leadership. The leaders require 'safe space' for leadership practice (Amos et al., 2005). For organisations to be effective in leadership external interference and micromanagement should be kept at the minimum as was indicated by Henri Fayol the father of scientific management who discussed the 14 principles and emphasized the importance of unity of command (Rodrigues, 2001). ...
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Abstract: Healthcare leadership is crucial for addressing the complex challenges faced by healthcare systems in Zambia. By investing in leadership development programs, Zambia can equip its healthcare leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to create positive change within the public health system. Effective leadership is required if healthcare organisations are to perform better in the 21st century. The study set out to understand the current practices of healthcare leadership development and determine authentic leadership program that build capacity and capabilities; the human-related factors influence on leadership development, and organisational factors that support leadership development. 14 Healthcare leaders were the participants in the study. The multi-paradigm approach was chosen. The study was conducted using a post-positivist, interpretivist-constructivist ontological and epistemological framework. The data was gathered using a thorough literature analysis and questionnaire surveys as part of a mixed-method research design. The study findings showed that leadership program development build capacity and competencies in leaders, human factors are an important factor in leadership development, and that the organisational structure and systems are critical factors in supporting leadership development. However, the findings indicated that leadership development is not supported and leaders in healthcare organisations are not trained. The implications include: - Policy consideration for investment in healthcare leader and leadership development; Practical - Organisations to consider supporting internal leadership development; and Future research- focus on evaluating healthcare leadership effectiveness, and evaluation of strategies utilized in training healthcare leaders. Keywords: leadership development program, leadership, healthcare, human-related factors, organisation factors
... Furthering, external involvement should be managed effectively has it has been known to be a problem from way back in team leadership. The leaders require 'safe space' for leadership practice (Amos et al., 2005). For organisations to be effective in leadership external interference and micromanagement should be kept at the minimum as was indicated by Henri Fayol the father of scientific management who discussed the 14 principles and emphasized the importance of unity of command (Rodrigues, 2001). ...
Healthcare leadership is crucial for addressing the complex challenges faced by healthcare systems in Zambia. By investing in leadership development programs, Zambia can equip its healthcare leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to create positive change within the public health system. Effective leadership is required if healthcare organisations are to perform better in the 21st century. The study set out to understand the current practices of healthcare leadership development and determine authentic leadership program that build capacity and capabilities; the human-related factors influence on leadership development, and organisational factors that support leadership development. 14 Healthcare leaders were the participants in the study. The multi-paradigm approach was chosen. The study was conducted using a post-positivist, interpretivist-constructivist ontological and epistemological framework. The data was gathered using a thorough literature analysis and questionnaire surveys as part of a mixed-method research design. The study findings showed that leadership program development build capacity and competencies in leaders, human factors are an important factor in leadership development, and that the organisational structure and systems are critical factors in supporting leadership development. However, the findings indicated that leadership development is not supported and leaders in healthcare organisations are not trained. The implications include:-Policy consideration for investment in healthcare leader and leadership development; Practical-Organisations to consider supporting internal leadership development; and Future research-focus on evaluating healthcare leadership effectiveness, and evaluation of strategies utilized in training healthcare leaders.
... It was also found that healthcare workers are more satisfied with their work. A study found nurses who make successful team-building efforts are more confident, satisfied, and comfortable with their work [15]. ...
Interdisciplinary nursing teamwork enhances an important model for patient health-care delivery. Patient care and effective safety depend on a multidisciplinary team of professionals in healthcare. Unfortunately, the field currently lacks an evidence-based framework for effective teamwork that can be integrated into medical education and practice across health professions. This article aims to describe the importance of multidisciplinary teamwork as a nursing competence in coronary and critical care. It discusses identifying common challenges to teamwork in healthcare and evidence-based strategies for quality improvement initiatives. As physicians and nurses provide parts of patient care, coordinating the various treatments and interventions is critical to preventing errors and fragmenting care. Tensions, misunderstandings, and conflicts arising from differing opinions and interests can interfere with effective communication and inter-disciplinary collaboration. It is appropriate to conduct new studies to approach agent management and also, to develop and implement collaboration and cooperation as a potential integrating tool between agents and their knowledge in the context of holistic care, as well as qualification and vocational training to working in the coronary care unit.
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Aujourd’hui, il est plus que nécessaire de mettre la qualité de vie au travail (QVT) au centre des préoccupations de tous les acteurs en santé. La Société française de médecine d’urgence, au travers de sa commission évaluation qualité (RIS2 Q), propose ce guide de réflexions. Il trouve ses sources dans une revue de la littérature transversale, dans des recherches autant quantitatives que qualitatives, ainsi que dans l’expérience de terrain des professionnels de santé. En cela, il ne peut être considéré comme un référentiel de bonnes pratiques ou de recommandations qui nécessitent une méthodologie particulière. Il apporte une réflexion pour permettre un ‘à venir’, et renforcer le sens de notre vocation à soigner en confiance. La QVT ne peut pas être sacrifiée au nom d’un présent contraint. Vivre son quotidien de soignant de façon apaisée autant privée que professionnelle, permet de se transcender d’autant plus dans la crise.
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Part I Understanding Nursing Management And Organizations Chapter 1 Introducing Nursing Management Chapter 2 Designing Organizations Chapter 3 Delivering Nursing Care Chapter 4 Leading, Managing, Following Chapter 5 Initiating and Implementing Change Chapter 6 Managing and Improving Quality Chapter 7 Understanding Power And Politics Part II Learning Key Skills In Nursing Management Chapter 8 Thinking Critically, Making Decisions, Solving Problems Chapter 9 Communicating Effectively Chapter 10 Delegating Successfully Chapter 11 Building And Managing Teams Chapter 12 Handling Conflict Chapter 13 Managing Time Part III Managing Resources Chapter 14 Budgeting And Managing Fiscal Resources Chapter 15 Recruiting And Selecting Staff Chapter 16 Staffing and Scheduling Chapter 17 Motivating And Developing Staff Chapter 18 Evaluating Staff Performance Chapter 19 Coaching, Disciplining, and Terminating Staff Chapter 20 Reducing Turnover, Retaining Staff Chapter 21 Managing Absenteeism and Other Staff Problems Chapter 22 Preventing Workplace Violence Chapter 23 Handling Collective-Bargaining Issues Part IV Taking Care Of Yourself Chapter 24 Managing Stress Chapter 25 Advancing Your Career
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The purpose of this review was to examine published research on small-group development done in the last ten years that would constitute an empirical test of Tuckman's (1965) hypothesis that groups go through the stages of "forming," "storming," "norming," and "performing." Of the twenty-two studies reviewed, only one set out to directly test this hypothesis, although many of the others could be related to it. Following a review of these studies, a fifth stage, "adjourning," was added to the hypothesis, and more empirical work was recommended.
George C. Homans's classic volume The Human Group was among the first to study the small group as a microcosm of society. It introduced a method of analysis and a set of influential theories that cut across areas of specialization on the personality, community, and industry. The study of even the smallest groups is extremely complex, with the simplest associations involving an abundance of actions, relationships, emotions, motives, ideas, and beliefs. Homans concentrates on certain activities and processes he observes in five carefully selected and differentiated case studies and from them draws common patterns and ideas that serve as the bases of testable propositions. He divides his cases into static and dynamic groups. In all five cases, Homans selects comparable phenomena for analysis with a contextually different emphasis and elaboration each time. His results demonstrate that, different as these groups are, their behavior reveals fundamental similarities and social uniformities. A ground-breaking and authoritative work when it was first published in 1950, The Human Group continues to Inform and invigorate the study of small groups in sociology, psychology, management, and organizations.
The creation of innovative retention strategies will be a major focus for nursing administration as a shortage of nurses recurs and turnover of staff becomes a problem. A recent study provides information on which to formulate retention strategies. The findings suggest that retention strategies, to be effective, need to be targeted specifically to particular conditions of the nursing staff, e.g., educational preparation and the clinical service on which staff are functioning. The authors outline their research findings and the innovative strategies that have been constructed.
The creation of innovative retention strategies will be a major focus for nursing administration as a shortage of nurses recurs and turnover of staff becomes a problem. A recent study provides information on which to formulate retention strategies. The findings suggest that retention strategies, to be effective, need to be targeted specifically to particular conditions of the nursing staff, e.g., educational preparation and the clinical service on which staff are functioning. The authors outline their research findings and the innovative strategies that have been constructed.
This field study of 327 professional nurses at an east coast teaching hospital investigated the effects of nurses' satisfaction with different facets of organizational communication on their job satisfaction and job performance. The author found that certain aspects of communication (e.g., communication with supervisor, communication climate, personal feedback, and communication with top-level executives) are influential contributors to nurses' job satisfaction and, to a lesser extent, to nurses' job performance. The author suggests a number of ways nurse executives can increase the communication effectiveness of their nursing staffs.
The relative impact of various nursing care delivery models and management interventions on nurse satisfaction was assessed in 37 New Jersey hospitals. Nurses ranked pay as the most important factor, followed by autonomy and professional status. Changes in scores between pilot and comparison units were significantly different for satisfaction with interactions and task requirements. Change in satisfaction with interaction was significant for all initiatives in aggregate, as well as for each of the five types of initiatives separately. The change in satisfaction with task requirements was significant for all initiatives taken as a group and for those units that implemented reorganization, computer, and education initiatives. Even among nurses who eventually liked the new environment there was a period of initial dissatisfaction. (C) Williams & Wilkins 1994. All Rights Reserved.