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Effects of Triclosan on Various Aquatic Organisms



Triclosan (2,4,4'-trichloro-2'-hydroxydiphenyl ether) is widely used as an antibacterial agent in various industrial products, such as textile goods, soap, shampoo, liquid toothpaste and cosmetics, and often detected in wastewater effluent. However, there is a paucity of data on the toxicity of triclosan and its effects on aquatic organisms. In this study, the acute toxicity of triclosan to the Microtox bacterium (Vibrio fischeri), a microalga (Selenastrum capricornutum), a crustacean (Ceriodaphnia dubia) and fish (Danio rerio and Oryzias latipes) was examined. As a result, the MicrotoxR bacterium, crustacean and fish had similar sensitivities towards triclosan toxicity (i.e., IC25 from 0.07 to 0.29 mg/L triclosan). In contrast, the microalga was about 30-80-fold (IC25 = 0.0034 mg/L triclosan) more sensitive to triclosan toxicity than the bacterium and fish. Therefore, triclosan is quite highly toxic to aquatic animals, and is particularly highly toxic to the green alga used as a test organism in this study. This result indicates that triclosan exerts a marked influence on algae, which are important organisms being the first-step producers in the ecosystem; therefore, the possible destruction of the balance of the ecosystem is expected if triclosan is discharged into the environment at high levels.
... This process entails the co-assembly of molecules of surface-active chemicals like Pluronic-123 with guest silicate particles to build an ordered mesoporous silicon structure. This procedure may be performed in both aqueous and non-aqueous solutions (i.e., hydrothermal and solventhermal processes, or evaporation-induced self-assembly processes (EISA)) [19][20][21][22][23][24][25]. The pattern is then removed by digesting the materials (typically above 350°C for at least 3 hours to eliminate any organic components) or extracting with a solvent (using acidic solution or organic solvents). ...
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Real media that are encountered in hydrocarbon production industry are normally represented by systems, comprised of at least two phases, of which one is dispersed and distributed in another. As it is known, production, gathering, preparation and transport of oil and natural gas are based on multiphase technology, comprised of lifting the hydrocarbons from the formation to the surface, transport to the separation facilities, separation and intrafield transport of multiphase mixtures, consisting of oil, natural gas, formation water and mechanical particles. This article strives to determine the optimal work regimes of production of gaslift systems based on the relations between production rates and gas pressure in cylindrical flows. Knowing the parameters of the well borehole as well as the parameters of the produced fluid and gas injection rates it is possible to determine the optimal flow regime as a derivative of a function of pressure losses versus production rates (ΔP/Q). This function is called the flow hydraulic characteristic, and it is this function, by optimizing which an optimal flow regime of the gaslift operated well can be achieved. Estimation the hydraulic characteristic relies heavily on calculation of pressure losses of the gaslift producing well. These losses consist of two independent factors: gravitational and frictional. Frictional pressure losses have linear dependence versus the flow rate, while gravitational losses exhibit an inverse, hyperbolic, correlation to changes in flow rate. To get the full picture of the pressure loss both aspects must be accurately calculated from the given field data. In order to do so, it is important to estimate real gas content of the multiphase flow, which is a complex function of direction and velocity of the multiphase flow, gas and liquid flow rates, gas slippage, etc. Once the pressure losses have been calculated it is comparatively simple to optimise the gas flow rate to adjust the hydraulic characteristic, guiding the gaslift production process towards optimal production rates. Keywords: Gaslift, multiphase flow, pressure losses, joint transport, gas content.
... This process entails the co-assembly of molecules of surface-active chemicals like Pluronic-123 with guest silicate particles to build an ordered mesoporous silicon structure. This procedure may be performed in both aqueous and non-aqueous solutions (i.e., hydrothermal and solventhermal processes, or evaporation-induced self-assembly processes (EISA)) [19][20][21][22][23][24][25]. The pattern is then removed by digesting the materials (typically above 350°C for at least 3 hours to eliminate any organic components) or extracting with a solvent (using acidic solution or organic solvents). ...
В течение длительного времени в результате промысловых наблюдений и обследований определялись причины как постепенных, так и внезапных отказов нефтепромыслового оборудования. По результатам обследования изношенных деталей во время эксплуатации с учетом режимов работы оборудования устанавливались возможные причины отказов оборудования, с изучением качественного состояния и свойств отказавших деталей. Были собраны статистические данные отказов нефтепромыслового оборудования. Полученные данные охватывают в основном: буровые и нефтепромысловые насосы высокого давления; буровые лебедки; роторы и вертлюги буровых установок; элементы фонтанной арматуры; устьевой шток скважинной насосной установки; насосные штанги и насосно-компрессорные трубы; передвижные подъемные установки для текущего и капитального ремонта скважин. В статье рассмотрены основные причины отказов деталей и составных частей нефтепромыслового и бурового оборудования Ключевые слова. буровые и нефтепромысловые насосы, лебедки, ротор, вертлюг, фонтанная арматуры; устьевой шток скважинной насосной установки; насосные штанги и насосно-компрессорные трубы; передвижные подъемные установки для текущего и капитального ремонта скважин.
... This process entails the co-assembly of molecules of surface-active chemicals like Pluronic-123 with guest silicate particles to build an ordered mesoporous silicon structure. This procedure may be performed in both aqueous and non-aqueous solutions (i.e., hydrothermal and solventhermal processes, or evaporation-induced self-assembly processes (EISA)) [19][20][21][22][23][24][25]. The pattern is then removed by digesting the materials (typically above 350°C for at least 3 hours to eliminate any organic components) or extracting with a solvent (using acidic solution or organic solvents). ...
Məqalədə boru kəmərlərindəki qüsurların və korroziya yerlərinin dağıdıcı olmayan nəzarət üsulları ilə təyin edilməsi metodları təhlil edilməklə hər bir metodun üstünlükləri və çatışmazlıqları verilmiş, bunun üçün istiqamətlənmiş ultrasəs dalğalardan istifadə edilməsi məqsədəuyğun hesab edilmişdir. Açar sözlər: boru kəmərləri, qüsur, korroziya, obyekt, nəzarət, dağıdıcı olmayan nəzarət, metod
... This process entails the co-assembly of molecules of surface-active chemicals like Pluronic-123 with guest silicate particles to build an ordered mesoporous silicon structure. This procedure may be performed in both aqueous and non-aqueous solutions (i.e., hydrothermal and solventhermal processes, or evaporation-induced self-assembly processes (EISA)) [19][20][21][22][23][24][25]. The pattern is then removed by digesting the materials (typically above 350°C for at least 3 hours to eliminate any organic components) or extracting with a solvent (using acidic solution or organic solvents). ...
The main direction of the automation of the wastewater treatment process are considered, the main blocks of mechanical and biological treatment of wastewater are shown, the entire technological treatment process and the general treatment process is described, including the reusing of disinfected water after the chlorinator. The issues of energy saving in the aeration station were investigated, the main concepts in this field were analyzed, and a structural scheme was proposed reflecting the issues to be solved and applied for the purpose of energy management (energy management) in the station. It was noted that general energy saving measures include equipping pump motors with frequency converters and soft start devices, using alternative and renewable energy, using the energy of liquid flows, connecting and opening electrical devices and apparatus with a program and a light sensor, sewage entering the station It can include the production of electricity using the temperature and output gases or the heating of auxiliary buildings and the production of energy due to the processing (incineration) of sludge and garbage obtained in the cleaning process. Considering of the complete structure of the management system of the wastewater treatment process the control algorithm was proposed. In addition to the energy management subsystem, the system includes local management-adjustment tools and subsystems necessary to manage the cleaning process itself. Keywords: wastewater, control system, energy management subsystem, control algorithm, fuzzy control.
... TCS has raised concern because high concentrations of this emerging pollutant can disrupt the balance of the ecosystem by killing microalgal species, an essential group of first-step producers in the terrestrial and marine biotopes. For example, TCS pollution has shown the highest sensitivity to algal species [21][22][23]. TCS has also been found to shift the composition of the biofilms forming in rivers, particularly the prokaryotic species, by killing a more significant proportion of the bacterial species compared to fungal and other species there [24,25]. With respect to more significant aquatic life, TCS has been found to impair the lipid metabolism of zebrafish embryos [26]. ...
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Environmental pollution remains one of the most challenging problems facing society worldwide. Much of the problem has been caused by human activities and increased usage of various useful chemical agents that inadvertently find their way into the environment. Triclosan (TCS) and related phenolic compounds and derivatives belong to one class of such chemical agents. In this work, we provide a mini review of these emerging pollutants and an outlook on the state-of-the-art in nanostructured adsorbents and photocatalysts, especially nanostructured materials, that are being developed to address the problems associated with these environmental pollutants worldwide. Of note, the unique properties, structures, and compositions of mesoporous nanomaterials for the removal and decontamination of phenolic compounds and derivatives are discussed. These materials have a great ability to scavenge, adsorb, and even photocatalyze the decomposition of these compounds to mitigate/prevent their possible harmful effects on the environment. By designing and synthesizing them using silica and titania, which are easier to produce, effective adsorbents and photocatalysts that can mitigate the problems caused by TCS and its related phenolic derivatives in the environment could be fabricated. These topics, along with the authors’ remarks, are also discussed in this review.
... Aldehydes, alcohols, and acids are readily biodegradable and generally present low to moderate toxicity for aquatic organisms (LC50/EC50 10-100 mg/L; Tolls et al., 2009). Triclosan (EH index of 14) has its use restricted in cosmetics because of safety concerns for human health (Shrestha et al., 2020;Weatherly & Gosse, 2017) as well as to the environment (Olaniyan et al., 2016;Tatarazako et al., 2004;Yueh & Tukey, 2016 surfactants do not pose a risk to aquatic ecosystems (Cowan-Ellsberry et al., 2014). In this study, the anionic surfactants sodium laureth sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate/ disodium laureth sulfosuccinate, and sodium lauryl sulfate had an EH index of 4, and they do not raise concerns related to impacts on aquatic environments caused by their rapid biodegradation and low potential for bioaccumulation. ...
The cosmetic industry has been committed to promoting less hazardous products to reduce the environmental impacts of cosmetic ingredients. This requires identifying safer cosmetic ingredients for developing cosmetic formulations that are less harmful to the environment. However, one of the challenges in developing eco-friendly cosmetics relies on integrating all environmental hazard (EH) information of cosmetic ingredients to select the most eco-friendly ones (i.e., ingredients least harmful to the aquatic environment). Thus, we developed a hazard scoring tool (IARA matrix), which integrates data on biodegradation, bioaccumulation, and acute aquatic toxicity, providing a hazard index to classify cosmetic ingredients (raw materials) into categories of EH (low, moderate, high, or very high). The classification of the IARA was based on parameters established by Cradle to Cradle (C2C), the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), and European Regulation 1272/2008, considering the most conservative values of each source. The Leopold matrix was employed as a model for the tool, using a numerical scale from 0 to 6 (lowest to highest EH). According to the IARA, we have successfully demonstrated that ultraviolet (UV) filter ingredients have the highest EH out of 41 cosmetic ingredients commonly used for rinse-off products. In addition to UV filters, triclosan (bactericide) and dimethicone (emollient) presented the second-highest EH for aquatic ecosystems, and humectants presented the lowest hazard index. By applying the IARA in the case study of rinse-off products, we have estimated that the aquatic hazard of cosmetic products can be reduced 46% by identifying less hazardous ingredients and combining them into a cosmetic formulation. In summary, the IARA tool allows the estimation of the EH of cosmetic ingredients, provides safer products, and helps achieve sustainability for cosmetic products. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2023;00:1-17. © 2023 SETAC.
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The study investigates the impact of bisphenol A (BPA) on the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis, focusing on growth performance, reproductive output, oxidative stress responses, and lipid metabolism genes. High BPA levels disrupted peak daily offspring production, leading to oxidative stress and increased superoxide dismutase and catalase activities. The research identified distinctive MGAT and DGAT genes in B. plicatilis, B. rotundiformis, and B. koreanus, enhancing our understanding of lipid metabolism in these species. BPA exposure significantly altered MGAT and DGAT expression, with feeding status affecting these regulatory patterns. When food was unavailable, BPA reduced DGAT2 and MGAT2a expression. However, under feeding conditions, DGAT2 and MGAT1 levels increased, indicating that nutritional status and BPA exposure interact to affect gene expression
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Triclosan (TCS) is an antibacterial agent commonly used in personal care products. Due to its widespread use and improper disposal, it is also a pervasive contaminant, particularly in aquatic environments. When released into water bodies, TCS can induce deleterious effects on developmental and physiological aspects of aquatic organisms and also interact with environmental stressors such as weather, metals, pharmaceuticals, and microplastics. Multiple studies have described the adverse effects of TCS on aquatic organisms, but few have reported on the interactions between TCS and other environmental conditions and pollutants. Because aquatic environments include a mix of contaminants and natural factors can correlate with contaminants, it is important to understand the toxicological outcomes of combinations of substances. Due to its lipophilic characteristics, TCS can interact with a wide range of substances and environmental stressors in aquatic environments. Here, we identify a need for caution when using TCS by describing not only the effects of exposure to TCS alone on aquatic organisms but also how toxicity changes when it acts in combination with multiple environmental stressors.
The microtox® as alternative assay in the acute toxicity assessment of water pollutants Microtox® acute toxicity test protocol Endpoints for responses of fish to chronic toxic exposures
  • De Zwart
  • D Slooff
De Zwart, D. and Slooff, W. (1983): The microtox® as alternative assay in the acute toxicity assessment of water pollutants. Aquat. Toxicol. 4: 129-138. Microbics Cooperation (1992): Microtox® acute toxicity test protocol. Suter, G.W. and Rosen, A.E. (1987): Endpoints for responses of fish to chronic toxic exposures