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Effects of l-tetrahydropalmatine on locomotor sensitization to oxycodone in mice


Abstract and Figures

Recent studies have shown that l-tetrahydropalmatine (l-THP), an active component of Corydolis yanhusuo, can inhibit the development of the conditional place preference induced by opioid receptor agonists, but the effects of l-THP on locomotor sensitivity induced by opioid receptor agonists have not been documented. In the present study, the effects of l-THP on locomotor sensitization to oxycodone, which is an opioid receptor agonist, were studied. Mice treated daily for 7 d with 5 mg/kg oxycodone and challenged with the same dose after 5 days of washout showed locomotor sensitization. In order to study the effects of l-THP on locomotor sensitization induced by oxycodone, l-THP was administered at doses of 6.25, 12.5, and 18.75 mg/kg, 40 min prior to treatment of oxycodone. l-THP per se did not affect the locomotor activity at the doses of 6.25, 12.5, and 18.75 mg/kg, but could antagonize the hyperactivity induced by oxycodone (5 mg/kg). Co-administration of l-THP (18.75 mg/kg), 40 min prior to oxycodone, could inhibit the development of sensitization to oxycodone. In addition, l-THP (6.25, 12.5, and 18.75 mg/kg, i.g.) dose-dependently prevented the expression of oxycodone sensitization. These results suggested that l-THP could attenuate the locomotor-stimulating effects of oxycodone and inhibit the development and expression of oxycodone behavioral sensitization.
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Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2005 May; 26 (5): 533–538
©2005 CPS and SIMM 533
Full-length article
Effects of l-tetrahydropalmatine on locomotor sensitization to oxycodone
in mice
Yan-li LIU1, 2, Jian-hui LIANG3, Ling-di YAN1, Rui-bin SU1, Chun-fu WU2, Ze-hui GONG1,4
1Beijing Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Beijing 100850, China; 2Department of Pharmacology, Shenyang Pharmaceutica
University, Shenyang 110016, China; 3Department of Neuropharmacology, National Institute on Drug Dependence, Peking University,
eijing 100083, China
Aim: Recent studies have shown that l-tetrahydropalmatine (l-THP), an active
component of Corydolis yanhusuo, can inhibit the development of the condi-
tional place preference induced by opioid receptor agonists, but the effects of l-
THP on locomotor sensitivity induced by opioid receptor agonists have not been
documented. In the present study, the effects of l-THP on locomotor sensitization
to oxycodone, which is an opioid receptor agonist, were studied. Methods: Mice
treated daily for 7 d with 5 mg/kg oxycodone and challenged with the same dose
after 5 days of washout showed locomotor sensitization. In order to study the
effects of l-THP on locomotor sensitization induced by oxycodone, l-THP was
administered at doses of 6.25, 12.5, and 18.75 mg/kg, 40 min prior to treatment o
oxycodone. Results: l-THP per se did not affect the locomotor activity at the
doses of 6.25, 12.5, and 18.75 mg/kg, but could antagonize the hyperactivity in-
duced by oxycodone (5 mg/kg). Co-administration of l-THP (18.75 mg/kg), 40 min
rior to oxycodone, could inhibit the development of sensitization to oxycodone.
In addition, l-THP (6.25, 12.5, and 18.75 mg/kg, ig) dose-dependently prevented
the expression of oxycodone sensitization. Conclusion: These results suggested
that l-THP could attenuate the locomotor-stimulating effects of oxycodone and
inhibit the development and expression of oxycodone behavioral sensitization.
Key words
l-tetrahydropalmatine; oxycodone; loco-
motor sensitization
4 Correspondence to Prof Ze-hui GONG.
Phn 86-10-6693-1620.
Received 2004-07-17
Accepted 2004-12-30
doi: 10.1111/j.1745-7254.2005.00101.x
The term ‘behavioral sensitization’ is used to describe
the augmented behavior activity produced by a given dose
of an opioid-drug after repeated intermittent injections[1].
Recently, the importance of behavioral sensitization in drug
abuse research has been realized. Studies have shown that
behavioral sensitization has a close relationship with relapse,
compulsive drug-seeking and drug-taking behaviors[2–5]. In-
vestigation of sensitization may be helpful for better under-
standing of the relapse mechanisms and for providing new
strategies for the treatment of drug addiction.
Oxycodone (4,5-epoxy-14-hydroxy-3-methoxy-17-methyl-
morphinan-6-one) is a semi-synthetic derivative of the natu-
rally occurring opium alkaloid, thebaine. Oxycodone is an
opioid receptor agonist similar to morphine[6–8]. It is reported
that the abuse potential of oxycodone is equivalent to that
of morphine[9]. It has been found that withdrawal syndrome
may occur in patients when high doses or the chronic treat-
ment of oxycodone is broken or weakened, but the effects of
oxycodone on locomotor behavior sensitivity in animals has
not been documented. Therefore, the present study was
designed to investigate whether acute injection of oxycodone
would induce hyperlocomotor activity and chronic adminis-
tration of oxycodone would induce locomotor sensitization
in mice.
l-Tetrahydropalmatine (l-THP) is an active principle of
Corydolis yanhusuo, a Chinese traditional herb used as an
analgesic[10]. It is reported that l-THP possesses a blocking
effect on dopamine D1 and D2 receptors and voltage-sensi-
tive Ca2+ channels[11]. It has been suggested in recent stud-
ies that l-THP can inhibit physical dependence in morphine-
Acta Pharmacologica Sinica ISSN 1671-4083Liu YL et al
dependent mice and significantly reduce the development
of the conditional place preference induced by morphine in
mice[12,13]. However, no research has been carried out on the
effects of l-THP on locomotor sensitization. Therefore, it is
interesting to determine whether pretreatment with l-THP
prior to administration of oxycodone would inhibit the hy-
peractivity induced by oxycodone and prevent the develop-
ment and expression of locomotor activity to oxycodone.
Materials and methods
Animals Kunming mice, initially weighing 18–22 g, were
purchased from the Experimental Animal Center of Beijing
Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology. The animals were
fed ad libitum and were housed in a room with a controlled
ambient temperature (22±2 oC), humidity (50%±10%), and a
12-h light/dark cycle. Animals were acclimated to the hous-
ing conditions and handled for 3–4 d before experiments. All
experiments were performed between 08.00 h and 16.00 h. All
experiments were conducted according to the NIH Guide for
the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (NIH Publications
No. 80-23, revised 1996). The experimental procedures were
approved by the local Committee on Animal Care and Use.
Drugs Oxycodone, obtained from Beijing Four-Ring Phar-
maceutical Factory (Beijing), was dissolved in 0.9% saline
injected subcutaneously. l-THP, kindly provided by Profes-
sor Guo-zhang JIN (Shanghai Insititute of Materia Medica,
Chinese Academy of Sciences), was dissolved in distilled
water and administered intragastrically.
Apparatus Locomotor activity was counted automati-
cally with Small Animal Locomotion Recording Apparatus
(Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical
Science), which consisted of four boxes (20 cm in diameter
and 15 cm in height) with six photoelectric infrared sensors 2
cm above the floor of each box. The sensors detect the
movements of the mice through infrared radiation.
Experimental procedures
Acute effects of oxycodone on locomotor activity in mice
Mice were put into the test boxes immediately after treat-
ment with saline or oxycodone (1.25, 2.5, and 5.0 mg/kg, sc).
Locomotor counts were measured every 10 min for 90 min.
Development of locomotor sensitivity to oxycodone in
mice Two groups of 10 mice each were given oxycodone or
saline for 7 consecutive days, and their activity was mea-
sured for 60 min immediately after each administration. The
experimental period for the 7 d remained at approximately the
same time everyday during the daytime.
Effects of acute and chronic l-THP on locomotor activity
in mice Four groups of mice were given l-THP (6.25, 12.5,
and 18.75 mg/kg) or saline, respectively, once per day for 7
consecutive days, followed by a 5-d withdrawal period. On
d 13, all animals were challenged with saline. On d 1, 7, and
13, after 40-min treatment with l-THP or saline, the mice were
put into the test boxes and locomotor activity was moni-
tored for 60 min.
Effects of l-THP on the acute oxycodone-induced hyper-
activity in mice Five groups of mice were administered with
one of the following drug pairs: saline+saline, saline+oxyco-
done, and l-THP (6.25, 12.5, and 18.75 mg/kg)+oxycodone
with a 40-min interval between the two treatments. After the
second treatment, the mice were put into the test boxes to
record their locomotor activity for 60 min.
Effects of l-THP on the development of oxycodone
sensitization To assess the effects of l-THP on the devel-
opment of oxycodone sensitization, five groups of mice were
administered for 7 consecutive days with one of the follow-
ing drug pairs: saline+saline, saline+oxycodone, and l-THP
(6.25, 12.5, and 18.75 mg/kg)+oxycodone. The interval be-
tween l-THP and oxycodone injections was 40 min, with
l-THP given prior to the oxycodone. After 5 washout periods,
all animals were injected with oxycodone (5 mg/kg) and then
put into the test chambers to record their locomotor activity
for 60 min.
Effects of l-THP on the expression of oxycodone sensitiza-
tion Mice were injected with 5 mg/kg oxycodone for 7 con-
secutive days to induce locomotor sensitization. After 5 days
of washout, the mice were challenged with 5 mg/kg oxyco-
done, and with either saline or l-THP (6.25, 12.5, and 18.75 mg/
kg), given 40 min prior to the oxycodone challenge. The
locomotor activity of the mice was then measured for 60 min.
Statistics The results were expressed as the mean±SEM.
In experiment acute effects of oxycodone on locomotor activity
in mice and development of locomotor sensitivity to oxycodone
in mice locomotor activity was analyzed using a two-way
ANOVA. Post hoc comparisons were performed using Tukey’s
test. For the other experiments, statistical analyses were per-
formed using one-way ANOVA and a post hoc Tukey’s test.
P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Calculations
were performed using the SPSS statistical package.
Acute effects of oxycodone on locomotor activity in mice
Mice were given saline, oxycodone (1.25, 2.5, or 5 mg/kg),
then locomotor activity was monitored for 90 min. Locomo-
tor acounts showed a great difference between saline-treated
Http:// Liu YL et al
mice and oxycodone-treated mice. Oxycodone dose-depen-
dently induced locomotor response in mice during the 90-
min test session [F (treatment) (3, 33)=16.598, P<0.01; F
(treatment×time) (24, 424)=6.080, P<0.01]. During the first
and the last 10 min, there was a significant difference be-
tween the saline-treated and oxycodone-treated group (5
mg/kg, sc). The climax of oxycodone-induced hyperactivity
appeared approximately 30–40 min after the treatment of
oxycodone. The psychomotor effect of 5 mg/kg oxycodone
lasted about 90 min, and 1.25, 2.5 mg/kg oxycodone increased
locomotor activity only at some time points (Figure 1).
Development of locomotor sensitivity to oxycodone in
mice Figure 2 showed the total 60-min activity counts after
7 repeated administrations of oxycodone or saline to the
mice in the test boxes. The activity counts were dependent
on the drug [F (1,126) =20.764, P<0.01] and number of admin-
istrations [F (6,126)=73.246, P<0.01]. There was a significant
interaction between the drug given and the number of ad-
ministrations [F (6,126)=45.00, P<0.01]. The locomotor ac-
tivity showed significant enhancement in the fourth injec-
tion compared to the initial injection. There was no signifi-
cant difference among saline groups.
Effects of acute and chronic l-THP on locomotor activity
in mice Mice were given l-THP (6.25, 12.5, and 18.75 mg/kg,
ig) for 7 consecutive days, then subjected to withdrawal from
l-THP for 5 d. On d 13, all animals were challenged with saline.
On d 1, 7, and 13, 40 min after injection of l-THP or saline, the
mice were put into the test boxes and locomotor counts were
measured for 60 min. On d 1 and 7, there was no difference
between the l-THP groups (6.25, 12.5, and 18.75 mg/kg) and
saline group [F (3, 37)=1.360, P>0.05, F (3, 37)=0.348, P>
0.05, respectively]. On d 13, there was also no significant
difference between l-THP groups and saline groups after
administration of saline [F (3, 37)=1.532, P>0.05]. These
results indicated that acute or chronic pretreatment with
l-THP at the dose of 6.25, 12.5, and 18.75 mg/kg might not
affect locomotor activity in mice (Figure 3).
Effects of l-THP on acute oxycodone-induced hyperactiv-
ity in mice Locomotor counts were greatly increased in the
oxycodone group compared with the saline group. l-THP at
doses of 6.25, 12.5, and 18.75 mg/kg antagonized hyperac-
tivity induced by oxycodone [F (4, 60)=15.76, P<0.01]
(Figure 4).
Effects of l-THP on the development of oxycodone sensi-
tization Figure 5 showed that the psychomotor effect of
oxycodone was significantly enhanced in mice pretreated
with oxycodone (5 mg/kg×7, sc), 5 d cessation of treatment.
l-THP (6.25, 12.5 mg/kg) did not affect the magnitude of
sensitization, but there was a marked difference between
oxycodone+oxycodone group and l-THP (18.75 mg/kg)
+oxycodone+oxycodone group, indicating that l-THP
(18.75 mg/kg) greatly inhibited the development of
oxycodone sensitization [F (4, 62) =8.766, P<0.01].
Effects of l-THP on expression of oxycodone sensitiza-
tion Our protocol induced great locomotor sensitization to
oxycodone in oxycodone+oxycodone group compared to the
saline+oxycodone group. There were great differences
between oxycodone+oxycodone group and l-THP (6.25, 12.5,
18.75 mg/kg)+oxycodone+oxycodone groups [F (4, 65)=
Figure 1. Acute effects of oxycodone on locomotion in mice. Mice were
put into the test boxes immediately after treatment with saline or
oxycodone (1.25, 2.5, and 5.0 mg/kg, sc). Locomotor counts were
measured for 90 min. Mean±SEM. n=10–12. bP<0.05, cP<0.01 vs
saline group.
Figure 2. The development of locomotion sensitivity to oxycodone in
mice. Two groups of 10 mice each were given oxycodone or saline for 7
consecutive days and their locomotor activity was measured immediately
for 60 min after each administration. The experimental time remained
approximately at the same time everyday during the daytime. Mean±SEM.
n=10. cP<0.01 vs saline group. eP<0.05, fP<0.01 vs the first admin-
istration within group.
Acta Pharmacologica Sinica ISSN 1671-4083Liu YL et al
over 80 years, but its pharmacological properties are still poorly
characterized. The present results showed that the repeated
administration of oxycodone in mice induced behavioral loco-
motor sensitization similar to morphine.
l-THP, an active principle of Corydolis yanhusuo, at doses
of 6.25, 12.5, and 18.75 mg/kg per se did not affect locomotor
activity in mice treated with acute or chronic administration,
but inhibited hyperactivity, and the development and ex-
pression of locomotor sensitivity induced by oxycodone (5
mg/kg, sc).
Figure 3. Effects of acute and chronic l-THP on locomotor activity in
mice. Mice were given l-THP (6.25, 12.5, and 18.75 mg/kg) or saline
once per day for 7 consecutive days, followed by a 5-d withdrawal
period. On d 13, all mice were challenged with saline. On d 1, 7, and
13, 40 min after treatment with l-THP or saline, the mice were put
into test boxes and locomotor activity was monitored for 60 min.
n=10 in each group. Mean±SEM.
Figure 4. Effects of l-THP on the acute oxycodone-induced hyperactiv-
ity in mice. Five groups of mice were administered with one of the fol-
lowing drug pairs: saline+saline, saline+oxycodone, and l-THP (6.25,
12.5, and 18.75 mg/kg)+oxycodone with a 40-min interval between
the two treatments. After the second treatment, the mice were put
into the test boxes for recording of their locomotor activity for 60
min. n=10–12. Mean±SEM. cP<0.01 vs saline+saline group. eP<0.05,
fP<0.01 vs saline+oxycodone group.
Figure 5. Effects of l-THP on the development of oxycodone
locomotor sensitization. Mice were administered for 7 consecutive
days with one of the following drug pairs: saline+saline, saline+
oxycodone, and l-THP (6.25, 12.5, and 18.75 mg/kg)+oxycodone.
The interval between l-THP and oxycodone injections was 40 min,
with l-THP given prior to the oxycodone. After 5 washout period,
all animals were injected with oxycodone (5 mg/kg) and then put into
the test chambers to record their locomotor activity for 60 min.
n=12–14. Mean±SEM. bP<0.05, cP<0.01 vs saline+oxycodone group.
eP<0.05 vs oxycodone+oxycodone group.
Figure 6. Effects of l-THP on the expression of oxycodone
sensitization. Mice were injected with 5 mg/kg oxycodone for 7
consecutive days to induce behavioral sensitization. After 5 d of
washout, all mice were challenged with 5 mg/kg oxycodone, and with
either saline or l-THP (6.25, 12.5, 18.75 mg/kg), given 40 min prior
to the oxycodone challenge. The locomotor activity of the mice
was then measured for 60 min. n=12–14. Mean±SEM. bP<0.05 vs
saline+oxycodone group. fP<0.01 vs oxycodone+oxycodone group.
24.128, P<0.01]. In all, l-THP (6.25, 12.5, and 18.75 mg/kg),
administered 40 min before the challenge doses of oxycodone,
inhibited the expression of oxycodone sensitization (Figure 6).
In our research, acute administration of oxycodone in-
creased locomotor activities in mice and those effects were
progressively enhanced by the repeated injection of
oxycodone, indicated by the development of behavioral loco-
motor activity (Figure 1). In addition, locomotor activities
were increased when the mice were treated with oxycodone
after a 7-d period of washout, which attributed to the expres-
sion phase (Figure 2). Oxycodone has been used clinically for
Http:// Liu YL et al
Behavioral sensitization consists of two phases: devel-
opment/induction and expression. There is evidence sug-
gesting that the induction and the expression of sensitiza-
tion to opioids involve different anatomical and physiologi-
cal mechanisms. The development of sensitization consists
of the immediate molecular and/or cellular effects that in-
duce behavioral sensitization and are altered by drug ac-
tions in the somatodendritic regions of the A10/A9 dopam-
ine neurons[14]. Changes in dopamine transmission within
the nucleus accumbens seems to be responsible for the ex-
pression of sensitization, which refers to the long-term con-
sequences of molecular and/or cellular effects that induce
behavioral sensitization[14]. The present results demonstrated
that pretreatment with l-THP not only inhibited the
development, but also inhibited the expression of oxycodone.
It has been hypothesized that dopamine (DA) is one of
the important neurotransmitters involved in locomotion.
Measurement of spontaneous locomotor activity has been
used to obtain preliminary information on the behavioral prop-
erties of drugs acting on dopaminergic system[15,16]. Mor-
phine is known to activate ventral tegmental area dopamine
neurons indirectly as a consequence of inhibiting non-
dopamine, presumably γ-GABA, neurons of the ventral teg-
mental area, leading to increased dopamine release in the
nucleus accumbens[17]. Direct infusions of morphine or µ-
receptor-selective peptides into the ventral tegmental area
elicit locomotion, which can be blocked by DA receptor an-
tagonist administration into the nucleus accumbens. Fol-
lowing repeated administration of morphine, there is a marked
increase in the induction of locomotor-stimulating effects of
morphine, there is general agreement that the mesoac-
cumbens DA system is the anatornical locos for sensitized
locomotion[18]. Kalivas and Stewart (1991) presented pre-
liminary results showing that either systemic or intra-ventral
tegmental area administration of sch23390 prevented sensi-
tization to systemic morphine, when the combinations were
given every other day for 8 d. They also suggested DA D1
receptor involvement in the development of morphine sensi-
tization[14]. In other studies, the blockade of the dopamine D2
receptor by haloperidol significantly antagonized the effects
of opioid on locomotor activity[19]. Thus, dopamine D1 and
D2 receptors play important roles in the acceleration of opioid
sensitization[20]. Although the mechanisms of action through
which l-THP attenuates the psychomotor effect of oxycodone
are not clear, one reason maybe relevant to dopamine D1 and
D2 receptors, which are involved in oxycodone-induced hy-
peractivity and locomotor sensitivity. l-THP, which has af-
finity for D1 as well as D2 receptors, is a dopamine receptor
antagonist[11]. l-THP may inhibit mesolimbic dopamine D1
and D2 receptors and attenuate psychomotor effects of
oxycodone. Our recent studies also showed that oxycodone
(2.5 mg/kg, sc) increased dopamine concentrations of dialy-
sates with microdialysis in the striatum of rat. l-THP (25 mg/
kg, ig) per se, did not affect dopamine release, but pretreat-
ment of rats with l-THP (25 mg/kg, ig) significantly inhibited
oxycodone-induced increases in extraceullar dopamine con-
centrations [F(3,18)=5.068, P<0.05] (Liu et al, unpublished data,
2004). These results indicate that the inhibiting locomotor
sensitivity effect of l-THP might be connected with the DA
system. l-THP could inhibit dopamine release in the
mesolimbic system, induced by oxycodone, and then inhibit
the development and expression of locomotor sensitization.
Another reason might be connected with L-type Ca2+
channels. Recent reports show that L-type Ca2+ channels
may play an important role in the development of morphine
behavioral sensitization. Co-administration with L-type Ca2+
channel blockers attenuates the development of morphine
tolerance, dependence, and sensitization, suggesting that
the L-type Ca2+ channel might play a role in morphine-in-
duced neural and behavioral plasticity[21,22]. In contrast,
L-type Ca2+ channel blockers have antidopaminergic prop-
erties[23]. L-type Ca2+ channel blockers such as nimodipine,
nifedipine, and verapamil, dose-dependently antagonize apo-
morphine-induced yawning and penile erections in rats[24,25].
Nimodipine and verapamil inhibits locomotor activity induced
by morphine[26]. Therefore, L-type Ca2+ channel blockers
could attenuate morphine-induced hyperactivity through an
antidopaminergic action. The inhibitory effect of l-THP on
the development and expression of sensitivity of oxycodone
might also be a result of the inhibitory effect of l-THP on
L-type Ca2+ channel. Previous studies show that l-THP is
also an L-type calcium antagonist. Using the patch-clamp
technique, l-THP causes both tonic and use-dependent re-
duction of Ca2+ current in single ventricular myocytes of
guinea pigs, has a moderate inhibitory effect on L-type Ca2+
current, and has inhibitory effects on [Ca2+]i in myocytes by
blocking voltage-dependent calcium channels similar to
verapamil[27–29]. Therefore, the inhibitory effect of l-THP on
L-type Ca2+ channel might be included in mechanisms of
action through which l-THP attenuated locomotor sensitiza-
tion to oxycodone.
In conclusion, the present data indicates that l-THP at-
tenuated psychomotor effects of oxycodone, and the devel-
opment and expression of locomotor sensitivity of oxyco-
done. The exact mechanisms of the inhibitory effect of
l-THP on oxycodone sensitivity need further investigation.
Acta Pharmacologica Sinica ISSN 1671-4083Liu YL et al
We thank Prof Guo-zhang JIN for kindly providing l-THP.
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... Notably, higher doses (10-15 mg/kg) attenuate the behavioral effects of methamphetamine [61]. The apparent increase in paw retraction thresholds observed in our study is not attributed to the locomotor effects of l-THP since prior studies report that acute or chronic doses of over 9 mg/kg did affect open field test performance [39,61]. Moreover, our assessment of locomotor activity during 72 h withdrawal demonstrates no impairment in locomotion in animals displaying increased pain sensitivity ( Figure S1). ...
... However, future inquiries into the ability of l-THP to mitigate the motivating properties of morphine and aversive states during withdrawal will further our understanding of its effects in OUD treatment. Adding to the established body of literature [30,[37][38][39][40][41], the present findings suggest that l-THP could be a valuable non-opioid pain management option during and after opioid detoxification. These findings suggest that l-THP could potentially contribute to the successful long-term management of OUD in clinical populations. ...
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Effective pain control is an underappreciated aspect of managing opioid withdrawal, and its absence presents a significant barrier to successful opioid detoxification. Accordingly, there is an urgent need for effective non-opioid treatments to facilitate opioid detoxification. l-Tetrahydropalmatine (l-THP) possesses powerful analgesic properties and is an active ingredient in botanical formulations used in Vietnam for the treatment of opioid withdrawal syndrome. In this study, rats receiving morphine (15 mg/kg, i.p.) for 5 days per week displayed a progressive increase in pain thresholds during acute 23 h withdrawal as assessed by an automated Von Frey test. A single dose of l-THP (5 or 7.5 mg/kg, p.o.) administered during the 4th and 5th weeks of morphine treatment significantly improves pain tolerance scores. A 7-day course of l-THP treatment in animals experiencing extended withdrawal significantly attenuates hyperalgesia and reduces the number of days to recovery to baseline pain thresholds by 61% when compared to vehicle-treated controls. This indicates that the efficacy of l-THP on pain perception extends beyond its half-life. As a non-opioid treatment for reversing a significant hyperalgesic state during withdrawal, l-THP may be a valuable addition to the currently limited arsenal of opioid detoxification treatments.
... Preclinical studies agree that OXY exhibits many of the characteristics of an addictive substance. For instance, animal studies show that OXY exposure induces conditioned place preference [18][19][20][21][22][23] , is readily intravenously self-administered [24][25][26][27][28] , induces behavioral sensitization 29 and in some, but not all studies, OXY solutions are preferred over water via oral consumption [30][31][32] . Moreover, OXY exhibits the hallmark action of stimulating mesolimbic dopamine release 33 . ...
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Inter-relationships between pain sensitivity, drug reward, and drug misuse are of considerable interest given that many analgesics exhibit misuse potential. Here we studied rats as they underwent a series of pain- and reward-related tests: cutaneous thermal reflex pain, induction and extinction of conditioned place preference to oxycodone (0.56 mg/kg), and finally the impact of neuropathic pain on reflex pain and reinstatement of conditioned place preference. Oxycodone induced a significant conditioned place preference that extinguished throughout repeated testing. Correlations identified of particular interest included an association between reflex pain and oxycodone-induced behavioral sensitization, and between rates of behavioral sensitization and extinction of conditioned place preference. Multidimensional scaling analysis followed by k-clustering identified three clusters: (1) reflex pain, rate of behavioral sensitization and rate of extinction of conditioned place preference (2) basal locomotion, locomotor habituation, acute oxycodone-stimulated locomotion and rate of change in reflex pain during repeated testing, and (3) magnitude of conditioned place preference. Nerve constriction injury markedly enhanced reflex pain but did not reinstate conditioned place preference. These results suggest that high rates of behavioral sensitization predicts faster rates of extinction of oxycodone seeking/reward, and suggest that cutaneous thermal reflex pain may be predictive of both.
... Preclinical studies agree that OXY exhibits many of the characteristics of an addictive substance. For instance, animal studies show that OXY exposure induces conditioned place preference [18][19][20][21][22][23] , is readily intravenously self-administered [24][25][26][27][28] , induces behavioral sensitization 29 and in some, but not all studies, OXY solutions are preferred over water via oral consumption [30][31][32] . Moreover, OXY exhibits the hallmark action of stimulating mesolimbic dopamine release 33 . ...
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Inter-relationships between pain sensitivity, drug reward, and drug misuse are of considerable interest given that many analgesics exhibit misuse potential. Here we studied rats as they underwent a series of pain- and reward-related tests: cutaneous thermal reflex pain, induction and extinction of conditioned place preference to oxycodone (0.56 mg/kg), and finally the impact of neuropathic pain on reflex pain and reinstatement of conditioned place preference. Oxycodone induced a significant conditioned place preference that was extinguished throughout repeated testing. Correlations identified of particular interest included an association between reflex pain and oxycodone-induced behavioral sensitization, and between rates of behavioral sensitization and extinction of conditioned place preference. Multidimensional scaling analysis followed by k-clustering identified three clusters: (1) reflex pain and the rate of change in reflex pain response throughout repeated testing, (2) basal locomotion, locomotor habituation, and acute oxycodone-stimulated locomotion, and (3) behavioral sensitization, strength of conditioned place preference, and rate of extinction. Nerve constriction injury markedly enhanced reflex pain but did not reinstate conditioned place preference. These results support the notion that behavioral sensitization relates to the acquisition and extinction of oxycodone seeking/reward, but suggest that generally cutaneous thermal reflex pain poorly predicts oxycodone reward-related behaviors except for behavioral sensitization.
... Acute injections of OXY [60][61][62] or vapour exposure 63 to opioids induce hyperactivity, which are thought to reflect increased dopamine release in the NAc. [64][65][66] To examine this, we equipped our home cages with PIR sensors to detect locomotor activity during the selfadministration protocol ( Figure 3A,B). ...
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Use of prescription opioids, particularly oxycodone, is an initiating factor driving the current opioid epidemic. There are several challenges with modelling oxycodone abuse. First, prescription opioids including oxycodone are orally self‐administered and have different pharmacokinetics and dynamics than morphine or fentanyl, which have been more commonly used in rodent research. This oral route of administration determines the pharmacokinetic profile, which then influences the establishment of drug‐reinforcement associations in animals. Moreover, the pattern of intake and the environment in which addictive drugs are self‐administered are critical determinants of the levels of drug intake, of behavioural sensitization and of propensity to relapse behaviour. These are all important considerations when modelling prescription opioid use, which is characterized by continuous drug access in familiar environments. Thus, to model features of prescription opioid use and the transition to abuse, we designed an oral, homecage‐based oxycodone self‐administration paradigm. Mice voluntarily self‐administer oxycodone in this paradigm without any taste modification such as sweeteners, and the majority exhibit preference for oxycodone, escalation of intake, physical signs of dependence and reinstatement of seeking after withdrawal. In addition, a subset of animals demonstrate drug taking that is resistant to aversive consequences. This model is therefore translationally relevant and useful for studying the neurobiological substrates of prescription opioid abuse. Mice readily orally self‐administer oxycodone and escalate intake over time. This oral self‐administration results in features of opioid use disorder including physical withdrawal signs, drug seeking in extinction and continuation of intake despite negative consequences. This model provides a high‐throughput option for well‐powered studies to model features of prescription oxycodone abuse in mice.
... Females were weighed weekly throughout the course of the experiment, and the dose of OXY was adjusted to continue to provide a dose of 5 mg/kg. This dose and route of administration (IP) was used based on past findings that showed such concentrations mimic those achieved in humans with OUD (46)(47)(48). No ill effects were noted in mice treated with OXY or saline control IP injections. ...
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Opioid drugs are commonly prescribed analgesic to pregnant women. Direct exposure to such drugs may slow gut motility, alter gut permeability, and affect the gut microbiome. While such drugs affect gut microbiome in infants, no study to date has determined whether developmental exposure to such drugs results in longstanding effects on gut microbiota and correspondingly on host responses. We hypothesized developmental exposure to oxycodone (OXY) leads to enduring effects on gut microbiota and such changes are associated with adult neurobehavioral and metabolic changes. Female mice were treated daily with 5 mg OXY/kg or saline solution (control [CTL]) for 2 weeks prior to breeding and then throughout gestation. Male and female offspring pups were weaned, tested with a battery of behavioral and metabolic tests, and fecal boli were collected adulthood (120 days of age). In females, relative abundance of Butyricimonas spp., Bacteroidetes, Anaeroplasma spp., TM7, Enterococcus spp., and Clostridia were greater in OXY versus CTL individuals. In males, relative abundance of Coriobacteriaceae, Roseburia spp., Sutterella spp., and Clostridia were elevated in OXY exposed individuals. Bacterial changes were also associated with predictive metabolite pathway alterations that also varied according to sex. In males and females, affected gut microbiota correlated with metabolic but not behavioral alterations. The findings suggest that developmental exposure to OXY leads to lasting effects on adult gut microbiota that might affect host metabolism, possibly through specific bacterial metabolites or other bacterial-derived products. Further work is needed to characterize how developmental exposure to OXY affects host responses through the gut microbiome. IMPORTANCE This is the first work to show in a rodent model that in utero exposure to an opioid drug can lead to longstanding effects on the gut microbiota when examined at adulthood. Further, such bacterial changes are associated with metabolic host responses. Given the similarities between rodent and human microbiomes, it raises cause for concern that similar effects may become evident in children born to mothers taking oxycodone and other opioid drugs.
... Females were weighed weekly throughout the course of the experiment, and the dose of OXY was adjusted to continue to provide a dose of 5 mg/kg. This dose and route of administration (intraperitoneal) was used based on past findings that showed such concentrations mimic those achieved in humans with OUD (Liu et al., 2005;Zhang et al., 2009;Szumlinski et al., 2020). No ill. ...
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Opioid drugs are increasingly being prescribed to pregnant women. Such compounds can also bind and activate opioid receptors in the fetal brain, which could lead to long-term brain and behavioral disruptions. We hypothesized that maternal treatment with oxycodone (OXY), the primary opioid at the center of the current crisis, leads to later neurobehavioral disorders and gene expression changes in the hypothalamus and hippocampus of resulting offspring. Female mice were treated daily with 5 mg OXY/kg or saline solution (control; CTL) for two weeks before breeding and then throughout gestation. Male and female offspring from both groups were tested with a battery of behavioral and metabolic tests to measure cognition, exploratory-like, anxiety-like, voluntary physical activity, and socio-communication behaviors. qPCR analyses were performed for candidate gene expression patterns in the hypothalamus and hippocampus of OXY and CTL derived offspring. Developmental exposure to OXY caused socio-communication changes that persisted from weaning through adulthood. Such offspring also showed cognitive impairments, reduced voluntary physical activity, and weighed more than CTL counterparts. In the hippocampus, prenatal exposure to OXY caused sex-dependent differences in expression of genes encoding opioid receptors and those involved in serotonin signaling. OXY exposure induced changes in neuropeptide hormone expression and the epigenetic modulator, Dnmt3a, in the hypothalamus, which could result in epigenetic changes in this brain region. The findings suggest cause for concern that consumption of OXY by pregnant mothers may result in permanent neurobehavioral changes in their offspring. Further work is needed to determine the potential underpinning epigenetic mechanisms.
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The over-prescription of opioid analgesics is a growing problem in the field of addiction, which has reached epidemic-like proportions in North America. Over the past decade, oxycodone has gained attention as the leading opioid responsible for the North America opioid crisis. Oxycodone is the most incriminated drug in the early years of the epidemic of opioid use disorder in USA (roughly 1999–2016). The number of preclinical articles on oxycodone is rapidly increasing. Several publications have already compared oxycodone with other opioids, focusing mainly on their analgesic properties. The aim of this review is to focus on the genomic and epigenetic regulatory features of oxycodone compared with other opioid agonists. Our aim is to initiate a discussion of perceptible differences in the pharmacological response observed with these various opioids, particularly after repeated administration in preclinical models commonly used to study drug dependence potential.
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Opioids are the most common medications for moderate to severe pain. Unfortunately, they also have addictive properties that have precipitated opioid misuse and the opioid epidemic. In the present study, we examined the effects of acute administration of oxycodone, a μ-opioid receptor (MOR) agonist, on Ca2+ transient activity of medium-sized spiny neurons (MSNs) in freely moving animals. Ca2+ imaging of MSNs in dopamine D1-Cre mice (expressing Cre predominantly in the direct pathway) or adenosine A2A-Cre mice (expressing Cre predominantly in the indirect pathway) was obtained with the aid of miniaturized microscopes (Miniscopes) and a genetically encoded Cre-dependent Ca2+ indicator (GCaMP6f). Systemic injections of oxycodone (3 mg/kg) increased locomotor activity yet, paradoxically, reduced concomitantly the number of active MSNs. The frequency of Ca2+ transients was significantly reduced in MSNs from A2A-Cre mice but not in those from D1-Cre mice. For comparative purposes, a separate group of mice was injected with a non-Cre dependent Ca2+ indicator in the cerebral cortex and the effects of the opioid also were tested. In contrast to MSNs, the frequency of Ca2+ transients in cortical pyramidal neurons was significantly increased by oxycodone administration. Additional electrophysiological studies in brain slices confirmed generalized inhibitory effects of oxycodone on MSNs, including membrane hyperpolarization, reduced excitability, and decreased frequency of spontaneous excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic currents. These results demonstrate a dissociation between locomotion and striatal MSN activity after acute administration of oxycodone.
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To review the research progress of pure opioid receptor agonist oxycodone. The research progress of oxycodone in terms of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, adverse reactions, clinical application, combined medication and new progress in clinical application was summarized by referring to the literature. Oxycodone is a semi-synthetic thebaine derivative of opioid alkaloids, and is a pure opioid μ and κ receptor agonist. The main action sites are the central nervous system and visceral smooth muscle. Due to its advantages of low adverse reactions, good analgesic effects, and a wide range of safe doses, the drug has been widely used in the control of acute and chronic postoperative pain, as well as malignant and non-malignant pain. Since the end of the 20th century, researchers have begun to formulate antipyretic analgesics, opioid receptor agonists, opioid receptor antagonists, dopamine receptor antagonists and other drugs with oxycodone in different proportions to enhance the analgesic effect. At the same time, it can reduce the dosage of oxycodone and reduce its adverse reactions, so as to achieve the purpose of limiting opioid abuse. With the continuous research on the efficacy and safety of oxycodone in the perioperative period at home and abroad, oxycodone has become the only dual-opioid potent analgesic that can be used in clinical work.
The tetrahydroprotoberberines (THPBs) have been shown to be a novel class of dopamine (DA) receptor antagonists. In the present study, the possible role of these compounds as neuron membrane pump inhibitors was investigated by studying their effect on synaptosomal uptake of [3H]DA and [3H]5-HT into various areas of the rat brain. In the striatum, the IC50 values for d-tetrahydropalmatine (d-THP), l-tetrahydropalmatine (l-THP), l-stepholidine(l-SPD) and nomifensine in inhibiting [3H]DA uptake were respectively 43 ± 14, 150 ± 49, 111 ± 11 and 0.17 ± 0.10 μmol/L. In the hypothalamus, the IC50 values for inhibition of [3H]5-HT uptake were 24 ± 5 μmol/L for d-THP, 48 ± 7 μmol/L for l-THP, 80±6 mol/L for l-SPD and 0.20 ± 0.08 μmol/L for imipramine. The ratios of IC50 values in the reserpinized (R) rats to IC50 values in the control (C) for THPBs in the inhibition of [3H]DA uptake were similar to that of nomifensine, but were quite different to that of reserpine, for which IC50 (R) for [3H]DA uptake inhibition was three times that of the control. Among the THPBs only d-THP appeared to be potent to inhibit synaptosomal uptake of [3H]DA, acting probably at the neuronal membrane instead of the membrane of intracellular storage granules. However, l-SPD and l-THP were predominantly acting on DA receptors.
This paper presents a biopsychological theory of drug addiction, the 'Incentive-Sensitization Theory'. The theory addresses three fundamental questions. The first is: why do addicts crave drugs? That is, what is the psychological and neurobiological basis of drug craving? The second is: why does drug craving persist even after long periods of abstinence? The third is whether 'wanting' drugs (drug craving) is attributable to 'liking' drugs (to the subjective pleasurable effects of drugs)? The theory posits the following. (1) Addictive drugs share the ability to enhance mesotelencephalic dopamine neurotransmission. (2) One psychological function of this neural system is to attribute 'incentive salience' to the perception and mental representation of events associated with activation of the system. Incentive salience is a psychological process that transforms the perception of stimuli, imbuing them with salience, making them attractive, 'wanted', incentive stimuli. (3) In some individuals the repeated use of addictive drugs produces incremental neuroadaptations in this neural system, rendering it increasingly and perhaps permanently, hypersensitive ('sensitized') to drugs and drug-associated stimuli. The sensitization of dopamine systems is gated by associative learning, which causes excessive incentive salience to be attributed to the act of drug taking and to stimuli associated with drug taking. It is specifically the sensitization of incentive salience, therefore, that transforms ordinary 'wanting' into excessive drug craving. (4) It is further proposed that sensitization of the neural systems responsible for incentive salience ('for wanting') can occur independently of changes in neural systems that mediate the subjective pleasurable effects of drugs (drug 'liking') and of neural systems that mediate withdrawal. Thus, sensitization of incentive salience can produce addictive behavior (compulsive drug seeking and drug taking) even if the expectation of drug pleasure or the aversive properties of withdrawal are diminished and even in the face of strong disincentives, including the loss of reputation, job, home and family. We review evidence for this view of addiction and discuss its implications for understanding the psychology and neurobiology of addiction.
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Progress has been made over the last 10 years in determining the neural mechanisms of sensitization induced by amphetamine-like psychostimulants, opioids and stressors. Changes in dopamine transmission in axon terminal fields such as the nucleus accumbens appear to underlie the expression of sensitization, but the actions of drugs and stressors in the somatodendritic regions of the A10/A9 dopamine neurons seem critical for the initiation of sensitization. Manipulations that increase somatodendritic dopamine release and permit the stimulation of D1 dopamine receptors in this region induce changes in the dopamine system that lead to the development of long-term sensitization. However, it is not known exactly how the changes in the A10/A9 region are encoded to permit augmented dopamine transmission in the terminal field. One possibility is that the dopamine neurons of sensitized animals have become increasingly sensitive to excitatory pharmacological and environmental stimuli or desensitized to inhibitory regulation. Alternatively, changes in cellular activity or protein synthesis may result in a change in the presynaptic regulation of axon terminal dopamine release.
The question of addiction specifically concerns (1), the process by which drug-taking behavior, in certain individuals, evolves into compulsive patterns of drug-seeking and drug-taking behavior that take place at the expense of most other activities and (2), the inability to cease drug-taking; the problem of relapse. In this paper current biopsychological views of addiction are critically evaluated in light of the “incentivesensitization theory of addiction”, which we first proposed in 1993, and new developments in research are incorporated. We argue that traditional negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement, and hedonic accounts of addiction are neither necessary nor sufficient to account for compulsive patterns of drug-seeking and drug-taking behavior. Four major tenets of the incentive-sensitization view are discussed. These are: (1) Potentially addictive drugs share the ability to produce long-lasting adaptations in neural systems. (2) The brain systems that are changed include those normally involved in the process of incentive motivation and reward. (3) The critical neuroadaptations for addiction render these brain reward systems hypersensitive (“sensitized”) to drugs and drug-associated stimuli. (4) The brain systems that are sensitized do not mediate the pleasurable or euphoric effects of drugs (drug “liking”), but instead they mediate a subcomponent of reward we have termed incentive salience (drug “wanting”). We also discuss the role that mesolimbic dopamine systems play in reward, evidence that neural sensitization happens in humans, and the implications of incentive-sensitization for the development of therapies in the treatment of addiction.
This paper presents a biopsychological theory of drug addiction, the ‘Incentive-Sensitization Theory’. The theory addresses three fundamental questions. The first is: why do addicts crave drugs? That is, what is the psychological and neurobiological basis of drug craving? The second is: why does drug craving persist even after long periods of abstinence? The third is whether ‘wanting’ drugs (drug craving) is attributable to ‘liking’ drugs (to the subjective pleasurable effects of drugs)? The theory posits the following.
The previous decade has witnessed a major expansion of knowledge of the role played by voltage-sensitive calcium channels in the function of the central nervous system. Significant progress in the field has been made possible with the broadening use of organic calcium channel inhibitors (CCIs, Ca2+ antagonists), until recently considered almost exclusively as peripherally active antianginal and antiarrhythmic drugs. CCIs, however, do penetrate the blood-brain barrier from the periphery. Autoradiographic studies have established a highly heterogeneous distribution of CCI recognition sites within the brain. The existing evidence suggests that CCIs have marked psychotropic properties. The profile of their central activity is unique and spans a wide range of effects. Nevertheless, question regarding potentially confounding potent peripheral effects of these drugs remain. This paper reviews the psychopharmacology of CCIs, concentrating on preclinical data, but including supportive clinical and biochemical evidence as well. It focuses on these drugs' antidepressant, antidopaminergic (neuroleptic-like), anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effects. CCIs may also modify the reinforcing properties of some addictive drugs.
Progress has been made over the last 10 years in determining the neural mechanisms of sensitization induced by amphetamine-like psychostimulants, opioids and stressors. Changes in dopamine transmission in axon terminal fields such as the nucleus accumbens appear to underlie the expression of sensitization, but the actions of drugs and stressors in the somatodendritic regions of the A10/A9 dopamine neurons seem critical for the initiation of sensitization. Manipulations that increase somatodendritic dopamine release and permit the stimulation of D1 dopamine receptors in this region induce changes in the dopamine system that lead to the development of long-term sensitization. However, it is not known exactly how the changes in the A10/A9 region are encoded to permit augmented dopamine transmission in the terminal field. One possibility is that the dopamine neurons of sensitized animals have become increasingly sensitive to excitatory pharmacological and environmental stimuli or desensitized to inhibitory regulation. Alternatively, changes in cellular activity or protein synthesis may result in a change in the presynaptic regulation of axon terminal dopamine release.