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Unexplained cases of sudden infant death shortly after hexavalent vaccination

  • Rostock University Medical Center
Vaccine 24 (2006) 5779–5780
Letter to the Editor
Unexplained cases of sudden infant death shortly after
hexavalent vaccination
Polyvalent vaccines like Hexavac®and Infanrix Hexa®
were developed to increase acceptance of vaccinations by
decreasing the number of necessary injections [1,2]. Com-
pared to their pentavalent predecessors, these hexavalent
vaccines additionally contain hepatitis B serum. They are
used for immunisation against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus,
influenza, poliomyelitis and hepatitis B. Hexavac®and Infan-
rix Hexa®are available in European markets since October
2000. Until April 2003, approximately 3 million children
have been vaccinated in this way and about 9 million doses
were sold in the European union during this time [3]. Chil-
dren are to be vaccinated with these vaccines at the age of 2,
4, 6 and 12–14 months.
We report six cases of sudden infant death after hexavalent
vaccination that were autopsied and examined at the Munich
Institute of Legal Medicine from 2001 to 2004.
Among those investigated children, three were male and
three female, ageing between 4 and 17 months. Five chil-
dren had been vaccinated with Hexavac®, one with Infanrix
Hexa®during the past 48 h before death. Shortly after the
vaccination, three of the children developed symptoms like
tiredness, loss of appetite, fever up to 39 C and insomnia.
All children were found dead without explanation 1–2 days
after the vaccination.
These children underwent a forensic post-mortem exam-
ination. They were assumed to be typical cases of SID
(sudden infant death) because there was no history of a
serious illness, and since all children died suddenly and
In addition to neuropathologic and histologic abnormal-
ities, all of these children showed an extraordinary brain
edema, which made them exceptional to other SID cases.
After the third of such extraordinary cases had been iden-
tified, we decided to further investigate the pathological
Abnormal neuropathologic findings were acute conges-
tion, defective blood–brain barrier, slight infiltration of the
leptomeninx by macrophages and lymphocytes, perivascu-
lar lymphocytic infiltration, diffuse infiltration of the pons,
mesencephalon and cortex by T-lymphocytes, microglia in
the hippocampus and pons, and in one case a necrosis in the
In four cases, a slight infiltration of the liver by lympho-
cytes and eosinophile granulocytes was diagnosed, in two
cases also in the lung, and in one case in the spleen.
We were able to do histological examinations at the cuta-
neous injection site in one child and found an infiltration of
the cutaneous and subcutaneous layer by lymphocytes and
eosinophile granulocytes.
Three of these six cases could be investigated concerning
increased serum levels of mast cell tryptase and IgE. Mast
cell-tryptase concentration was slightly above normal in one,
and markedly elevated in the other two children (18, 100 and
108 g/l). On the other hand, IgE levels were normal and
specific IgE against tetanus toxoid and latex could not be
Autopsy and all further investigations did not reveal other
serious abnormalities that could have lead to the deaths of the
The neuropathological findings in the investigated cases
are unlikely to explain the deaths, since early post-vaccinal
encephalopathy is mostly associated with a congestive and
edematous brain without relevant inflammatory infiltration.
Post-vaccinal encephalopathies are mentioned especially in
relation with vaccinations against pertussis [4,5]. Such cases,
however, typically show clinical symptoms like somnolence,
convulsion, headache or paresis [4]. Such or similar symp-
toms could not be found in any of the examined cases.
Increased brain weights either which result from edema
or hyperemia, and in which clinical symptoms are lacking,
are described as “benign intracranial hypertension”, and are
reported mainly after DTP-vaccinations [6].
At the moment, to our knowledge, there are no refer-
ence values available regarding mast cell-tryptase plasma
concentrations in children up to the age of 12 years. For
older children the 95.0 percentile is 11.4 g/l. Increased
tryptase levels were repeatedly described in SID [7,8].It
is unlikely that our children had a predisposition for an
atopic diathesis, since mast cell-tryptase plasma concentra-
tions were increased while IgE levels were normal. The
increased tryptase levels and numbers of eosinophile granu-
locytes suggest that an anaphylactic reaction developed after
the vaccination. As time to death seems comparably long for
an acute anaphylactic reaction, a delayed immune reaction
has to be discussed.
Prior to the release of hexavalent sera (in the years
1994–2000), we observed only one child out of 198 cases
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5780 Letter to the Editor / Vaccine 24 (2006) 5779–5780
with sudden unexplained infant death who died shortly after
vaccination (DTP). However, between 2001 and 2004 five of
such cases were identified in our institution among 74 chil-
dren with SID. This would indicate a 13-fold increase (the
local autopsy rate for infants is about 70%). A recent analysis
of all cases known to German authorities [9] showed death
rates that were to be expected statistically for the first day
after vaccination. As four of those 10 cases were autopsied at
Munich, although the Munich institute represents just 7.8%
of the German population, a real number of about 50 cases
might be expected, that is, 500% of the statistic figures to be
We reported these six cases to direct attention to a pos-
sibly serious vaccination side effect. So far, there is no
way to proof that these infant deaths are caused by vac-
cination. Therefore, the relation between the vaccinations
and the death of the children must remain uncertain. Nev-
ertheless, we feel that it is important to inform vaccinat-
ing physicians and pediatricians as well as parents about
such possibly fatal complications after application of hex-
avalent vaccines. Especially, physicians and pediatricians
should be also informed about the possibility of using pen-
tavalent vaccines, which seem to be associated with lesser
Finally, if broad use of hexavalent vaccines continues,
extensive studies are most likely required to assess or exclude
a relation between vaccination and death in infants.
[1] Liese JG, Stojanov S, Berut F, Minini P, Harzer E, Jow S, et al.
Large scale safety study of a liquid hexavalent vaccine (D-T-acP-IPV-
PRP-T-HBs) administered at246and12-14 months of age. Vaccine
[2] Mallet E, Fabre P, Pines E, Salomon H, Staub T, Sch¨
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[3] Keller-Stanislawski B, L¨
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ur Sera und Impf-
stoffe, 01.07.2003.
[4] Buchwald G. Postvakzinale Enzephalitis und postvakzinale
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[5] Steinmann L, Weiss A, Adelmann N, Lim N, Zuniga R, Oehlert J, et
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[6] Gross TP, Milstien JB, Kuritsky JN. Bulging fontanelle after
immunization with diphtheria–tetanus–pertussis vaccine and
diphtheria–tetanus vaccine. J Pediatr 1989;114(3):423–5.
[7] Edston E, Gidlund E, Wickman M, Ribbing H, van Hage-Hamsten
M. Increased mast cell tryptase in sudden infant death – anaphylaxis,
hypoxia or artefact. Clin Exp Allergy 1999;29:1648–54.
[8] Buckley MG, Variend S, Walls AF. Elevated serum concentrations
of -tryptase, but not -tryptase, in sudden infant death syndrome
(SIDS). An investigation of anaphylactic mechanisms. Clin Exp
Allergy 2001;31:1696–704.
[9] Kriess R, Toschke AM, Straßburger K, Kundi M, Kalies H, Nennstiel
U, et al. Sudden and unexpected deaths after the administration of
hexavalent vaccines (DTPa-IPV-HBV-Hib): Is there a signal? Eur J
Pediatr 2005;164(2):61–9.
B. Zinka
E. Rauch
A. Buettner
R. Penning
Institut f¨ur Rechtsmedizin der Universit¨at M¨unchen
Institute of Legal Medicine, Frauenlobstrasse 7a
D-80337 M¨unchen, Germany
F. R u ¨
Klinik und Poliklinik f¨ur Dermatologie und Allergologie
der Universit¨at M¨unchen-Innenstadt, Frauenlobstrasse 9
80337 M¨unchen, Germany
Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 89 5160 5163
fax: +49 89 5160 5144
E-mail address:
(B. Zinka)
Available online 10 May 2005
... That same year, scientists associated with the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Munich, Germany (Zinka et al.) [54] reported that 6 children "were found dead without explanation" 1-2 days after hexavalent vaccination. The children underwent a forensic post-mortem examination: "In addition to neuropathological and histologic abnormalities, all of these children showed an extraordinary brain edema…. ...
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Although there is considerable evidence that a subset of infants has an increased risk of sudden death after receiving vaccines, health authorities eliminated "prophylactic vaccination" as an official cause of death, so medical examiners are compelled to misclassify and conceal vaccine-related fatalities under alternate cause-ofdeath classifications. In this paper, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database was analyzed to ascertain the onset interval of infant deaths post-vaccination. Of 2605 infant deaths reported to VAERS from 1990 through 2019, 58 % clustered within 3 days post-vaccination and 78.3 % occurred within 7 days post-vaccination, confirming that infant deaths tend to occur in temporal proximity to vaccine administration. The excess of deaths during these early post-vaccination periods was statistically significant (p < 0.00001). A review of the medical literature substantiates a link between vaccines and sudden unexplained infant deaths. Several theories regarding the pathogenic mechanism behind these fatal events have been proposed, including the role of inflammatory cytokines as neuromodulators in the infant medulla preceding an abnormal response to the accumulation of carbon dioxide; fatal disorganization of respiratory control induced by adjuvants that cross the blood-brain barrier; and biochemical or synergistic toxicity due to multiple vaccines administered concurrently. While the findings in this paper are not proof of an association between infant vaccines and infant deaths, they are highly suggestive of a causal relationship.
... However, considering that peaks in the incidence of SD occur at the age range when routine vaccination occurs, it would not be unlikely to observe such a temporal association by chance [25,26]. Several studies and assessments have since concluded that there is no causal relationship between immunization with DTPa-HBV-IPV/Hib (or other vaccines) and SD [2, [27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36] and that immunization may rather have a protective effect [30,31,37]. Accordingly, the data from our observed-toexpected analysis on SD did not show an increased risk of SD following administration of DTPa-HBV-IPV/Hib. ...
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Introduction This paper reports 17 years of passive safety surveillance of routine use of the pediatric hexavalent diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis-hepatitis B-inactivated poliovirus-Haemophilus influenzae type b-conjugate vaccine (DTPa-HBV-IPV/Hib, Infanrix hexa, GSK). Methods Global post-licensure passive surveillance data collected in GSK’s central safety database since DTPa-HBV-IPV/Hib’s launch (2000) are described. Results The most common spontaneously reported adverse events (AEs) after DTPa-HBV-IPV/Hib vaccination in children were fever (reporting rate: 7.74/100,000 doses distributed), crying (2.62/100,000), injection site erythema (1.87/100,000) and swelling (1.28/100,000). A review of extensive limb swelling did not reveal any safety concerns. An observed-to-expected analysis did not show an increased risk of sudden death after DTPa-HBV-IPV/Hib vaccination, in line with previous observations. The analyses confirmed that increases in spontaneous reporting proportions of convulsions with/without fever and hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes after co-administration of DTPa-HBV-IPV/Hib and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine remained small and their clinical significance unknown. The most common vaccination errors were mistakes in the vaccination schedule. Reporting of preparation errors (mostly reconstitution) was low and did not impact the vaccine’s benefit-risk profile. Conclusions Seventeen years of post-licensure experience confirms confidence in the safety profile of DTPa-HBV-IPV/Hib in routine use, with a favorable benefit-risk profile in infants and toddlers.
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The analysis of Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) is important in a balanced epidemiological evaluation of vaccines and in the issues related to vaccine injury compensation programs. The majority of adverse reactions to vaccines occur as excessive or biased inflammatory and immune responses. These unwanted phenomena, occasionally severe, are associated with many different endogenous and exogenous factors, which often interact in complex ways. The confirmation or denial of the causal link between an AEFI and vaccination is determined pursuant to WHO guidelines, which propose a four-step analysis and algorithmic diagramming. The evaluation process from the onset considers all possible “other causes” that might explain the AEFI and thus exclude the role of the vaccine. Subsequently, even if there was biological plausibility and temporal compatibility for a causal association between the vaccine and the AEFI, the guidelines ask to look for any possible evidence that the vaccine could not have caused that event. Such an algorithmic method presents several concerns that are discussed here, in the light of the multifactorial nature of the inflammatory and immune pathologies induced by vaccines, including emerging knowledge of genetic susceptibility to adverse effects. It is proposed that the causality assessment could exclude a consistent association of the adverse event with the vaccine only when the presumed "other cause" is independent of an interaction with the vaccine. Furthermore, the scientific literature should be viewed not as an exclusion criterion but as a comprehensive analysis of all the evidence for or against the role of the vaccine in causing an adverse reaction. Given these inadequacies in the evaluation of multifactorial diseases, the WHO guidelines need to be reevaluated and revised. These issues are discussed in relation to the laws that, in some countries, regulate the mandatory vaccinations and the compensation for those who have suffered serious adverse effects.
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The analysis of Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) is important in a balanced epidemiological evaluation of vaccines and in the issues related to national vaccine injury compensation programs. If manufacturing defects or vaccine storage and delivering errors are excluded, the majority of adverse reactions to vaccines occur as excessive or biased inflammatory and immune responses. These unwanted phenomena, occasionally severe, are associated with many different endogenous and exogenous factors, which often interact in complex ways. The confirmation or denial of the causal link between an AEFI and vaccination is determined pursuant to WHO guidelines, which propose a four-step analysis and algorithmic diagramming. The evaluation process from the onset considers all possible “other causes” that can explain the AEFI and thus exclude the role of the vaccine. Subsequently, even if there was biological plausibility and temporal compatibility for a causal association between the vaccine and the AEFI, the guidelines ask to look for any possible evidence that the vaccine could not have caused that event. Such an algorithmic method presents some concerns that are discussed here, in the light of the multifactorial nature of the inflammatory and immune pathologies induced by vaccines, including emerging knowledge of genetic susceptibility to adverse effects. It is proposed that the causality assessment could exclude a consistent association of the adverse event with the vaccine only when the presumed "other cause" is independent of an interaction with the vaccine. Furthermore, the scientific literature should be viewed not as an exclusion criterion but as a comprehensive analysis of all the evidence for or against the role of the vaccine in causing an adverse reaction. These issues are discussed in relation to the laws that, in some countries, regulate the mandatory vaccinations and the compensation for those who have suffered serious adverse effects.
Sudden infant deaths might be attributable to adverse reaction to vaccination, but separating them from coincidental occurrences is difficult. This study retrospectively investigated vaccination-related details and postmortem findings for 57 cases of sudden death in children 2 years or younger. Data were extracted from autopsy files at the Department of Forensic Medicine, Tokai University School of Medicine. Vaccination histories were available in 50 cases based on the maternity passbook. Of the 32 cases in which any vaccines were administered, 7 infants (21.9%) had received immunization within 7 days of death. The most frequent vaccine cited as the last immunization before death was Haemophilus influenzae B. Although a temporal association of vaccines with sudden death was present for two 3-month-old and one 14-month-old infants in whom death occurred within 3 days of receiving the H. influenzae type b and other vaccinations, a definitive relationship between the vaccine and death could not be identified. Histopathological examinations revealed pneumonia and upper respiratory infection as contributing to death in their cases. Moreover, all 3 cases showed hemophagocytosis in the spleen and lymph nodes, which are similar features to hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Judgment of the disorders as truly related to vaccination is difficult, but suspicious cases do exist. Forensic pathologists must devote more attention to vaccination in sudden infant death cases.This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CCBY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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The identification of two new clinical syndrome: “The Post Hexavalent Vaccination Sudden Infant Death Syndrome ”, (PHVSIDS) and the Post Vaccination ASIA Syndrome (PVAS), irrefutably confirmed by the scientific literature and for PHVSIDS from autopsies of newborns died without pathologies inducing a life risk, calls for an urgent revision of the criticized WHO AEFI algorithm for assessing adverse reactions to vaccines. PVAS syndrome , taking in account the delayed auto-immunity reactions, is a risk also for adult population. Moreover a multiple antigens’ inoculation induces depression of the natural and adaptive immunity via the NK cells suppressing antigen presenting cells (APC), inducing the inhibition of TCell effectors priming . In Italy from 1999 to 2004 there has been a slaughter of 52 new-borns after hexavalent vaccination without taking in account 55 (44%) deaths of immunized children for cardiac arrest of 121 SIDS. The PHVSIDS and PVAS call public health for a new person-centered vaccination schedule, submitted to the paediatrician’s clinical evaluation , reducing the vaccines number within the first year of life to the essence with a distanced mono-antigenic inoculation and starting a health policy promoting breast feeding ,natural immunity and a healthy life quality for all.
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The World Health Organisation (WHO) has recently revised how adverse events after immunization (AEFI) are classified. Only reactions that have previously been acknowledged in epidemiological studies to be caused by the vaccine, are classified as a vaccine-product–related-reaction. Deaths observed during post-marketing surveillance are not considered as “consistent with causal association with vaccine”, if there was no statistically significant increase in deaths recorded during the small Phase 3 trials that preceded it. Of course, vaccines that caused deaths in the control-trials stage would not be licensed. After licensure, deaths and all new serious adverse reactions are labelled as ‘coincidental deaths’ or ‘unclassifiable’, and the association with vaccine is not acknowledged. The resulting paradox is evident. The definition of causal association has also been changed. It is now used only if there is “no other factor intervening in the processes.” Therefore, if a child with an underlying congenital heart disease (other factor), develops fever and cardiac decompensation after vaccination, the cardiac failure would not be considered causally related to the vaccine. The Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety has documented many deaths in children with pre-existing heart disease after they were administered the Pentavalent vaccine. The WHO now advises precautions when vaccinating such children and this has reduced the risk of death. Using the new definition of causal association, this relationship would not be acknowledged and lives would be put at risk. In view of the above, it is necessary that the AEFI manual be revaluated and revised urgently. AEFI reporting is said to be for vaccine safety. Child safety (safety of children) rather than vaccine safety (safety for vaccines) needs to be the emphasis.
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Aim To review the available literature pertaining to fatalities following vaccine administration and, in particular, cases of vaccine-related fatal anaphylaxis. Method The MEDLINE database was systematically searched up to March 2016 to identify all relevant articles pertaining to fatal cases of anaphylaxis following vaccine administration. Results Six papers pertaining to fatal anaphylaxis following vaccination were found relevant. Mast cell tryptase and total IgE concentration was assessed exclusively in one case. Laryngeal edema was not detected in any of these cases, whereas eosinophil or mast cell infiltration was observed in lymphoid organs. In one case, immunohistochemical investigations using anti-tryptase antibodies allowed pulmonary mast cells and degranulating mast cells with tryptase-positive material outside to be identified. Conclusion In any suspected IgE-mediated fatal anaphylactic cases, biochemical investigations should be systematically performed for forensic purposes. Splenic tissue should be routinely sampled for immunohistochemical investigations in all suspected anaphylaxis-related deaths and mast cell/eosinophil infiltrations should be systematically sought out in the spleen, myocardium, and coronary artery wall. The hypothesis of fatal anaphylaxis following vaccination should be formulated exclusively when circumstantial data, available medical records, laboratory investigations, and autopsy or histology findings converge in a consistent pattern. The reasonable exclusion of alternative causes of death after all postmortem investigations is also imperative in order to establish or rule out a cause-and-effect relationship between vaccine administration and any presumptive temporarily-related death.
Impaired brain function, excessive inflammation, and autoimmune manifestations are common in autism. Aluminum (Al), the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant, is a demonstrated neurotoxin and a strong immune stimulator. Hence, adjuvant Al has the necessary properties to induce neuroimmune disorders. Because peripheral immune stimuli in the postnatal period can compromise brain development and cause permanent neurological impairments, the possibility that such outcomes could also occur with administration of Al vaccine adjuvants needs to be considered. In regard to the risk of adjuvant toxicity in children, the following should be noted: (i) children should not be viewed as “small adults” as their unique physiology makes them more vulnerable to toxic insults; (ii) in adult humans Al adjuvants can cause a variety of serious autoimmune and inflammatory conditions including those affecting the brain, yet children are routinely exposed to much higher amounts of Al from vaccines than adults; (iii) compelling evidence has underscored the tight connection between the development of the immune system and that of the brain. Thus, it appears plausible that disruptions of critical events in immune development may also play a role in the establishment of neurobehavioral disorders; (iv) the same immune system components that play key roles in brain development appear to be targeted for impairment by Al adjuvants. In summary, research data suggests that vaccines containing Al may be a contributing etiological factor in the increasing incidence of autism.
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A mouse model for encephalopathy induced by pertussis immunization has been described; it has features that closely resemble some of the severe reactions, including seizures and a shock-like state leading to death, occasionally seen after administration of Bordetella pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine. Susceptibility to encephalopathy maps to genes of the major histocompatibility complex and correlates as well with the genetic regulation of the level of antibody response to bovine serum albumin. In this study we have investigated which bacterial determinant is responsible for the encephalopathy. Two lines of evidence implicate pertussis toxin as the active bacterial component. Single-site mutants of B. pertussis with single affected virulence factors were tested. A mutant that produces a defective pertussis toxin had greatly diminished capacity to induce encephalopathy, whereas a hemolysin- and adenylate-cyclase-deficient avirulent mutant had the same activity in the mouse model as a virulent strain. Purified pertussis toxin plus bovine serum albumin was tested and found to induce the lethal encephalopathy, demonstrating that the toxin was the critical constituent of B. pertussis responsible for encephalopathy.
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Unlabelled: Deaths in temporal association with vaccination of hexavalent vaccines have been recently reported. The objective of this paper is to assess whether these temporal associations can be attributed to chance. Standardised mortality ratios (SMR) for deaths within 1 to 28 days after administration of either of the two hexavalent vaccines in the 1st and 2nd year of life were determined using the respective annual rates for sudden unexpected deaths (SUDs) from the national vital statistics. The distribution of SUD cases and the vaccination uptake by month were estimated from surveys and sales figures for the individual vaccines. Sensitivity analyses were performed to account for limitations in the data sources. For one of the vaccines, Vaccine B, all SMRs were well below one. For the other, Vaccine A, SMRs exceeded one insignificantly on the 1st day after vaccination in the 1st year of life. In the 2nd year of life, however, the SMRs for SUD cases within 1 day of vaccination with vaccine A were 31.3 (95% CI 3.8-113.1; two cases observed; 0.06 cases expected) and 23.5 (95% CI 4.8-68,6) for within 2 days after vaccination (three cases observed; 0.13 cases expected). Extensive sensitivity analyses could not attribute these findings to limitations of the data sources. Conclusion: These findings based on spontaneous reporting do not prove a causal relationship between vaccination and sudden unexpected deaths. However, they constitute a signal for one of the two hexavalent vaccines which should prompt intensified surveillance for unexpected deaths after vaccination.
A propos de 9 cas de bombement de la fontanelle apres vaccination DT ou DTC, et bien qu'une relation de cause a effet ne puisse encore etre affirmee, les praticiens devraient etre avertis de ce phenomene et communiquer les cas qu'ils pourraient eventuellement rencontrer
Increased concentrations of mast cell tryptase in post mortem blood have frequently been observed in sudden infant deaths but the cause of this has not yet been clarified. The aim was to evaluate factors (immunological, morphological and anamnestic data) behind the observed increase in mast cell tryptase in sudden infant deaths with elevated tryptase. Mast cell tryptase and total immunoglobulin (Ig) E were measured in post mortem sera from 44 infants younger than 1.5 years. Radioallergosorbent tests were performed for possible allergens (mixture for relevant food allergens, Phadiatop and latex). IgG subclasses, IgM, and complement factors (C3, C4 and factor B) were measured with radial immunodiffusion. Mast cells, labelled with antibodies against mast cell tryptase, were counted in the lungs and heart. The circumstances of death and medical history of the deceased infant and family were obtained through police and hospital records. In 40% of the SIDS cases tryptase was elevated (>10 microg/L). Total IgE in serum was increased in 33% compared with clinical reference values but showed no association with mast cell tryptase. RAST tests were positive in three cases. In one of these cases both tryptase and total IgE were elevated. The only variable that was associated with high tryptase values was prone position at death (P < or = 0.05 ). Allergy or asthma in the family were alleged in 50% of the cases, but was not associated with elevated tryptase or IgE. Children with elevated total IgE also displayed high concentrations of IgG1 and IgG2. Infants who died in the spring had significantly higher IgE than the others (P < or = 0.05). The results do not support the hypothesis that the elevated tryptase concentrations in sudden infant death are caused by allergy. The association between prone position at death and elevated tryptase could hypothetically be explained by mast cell degranulation due to, for example, a hypoxic stimulus in these infants.
The immunogenicity and safety of a new liquid hexavalent vaccine (diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis-inactivated polio vaccine-hepatitis B-polyribosyl ribitol phosphate conjugated to tetanus protein; Hexavac; Aventis Pasteur MSD, Lyon, France) are compared with those of reference vaccines [diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis-inactivated polio vaccine reconstituting lyophilized purified Haemophilus influenzae polysaccharide conjugated to tetanus protein vaccine (Pentavac; Aventis Pasteur MSD) and hepatitis B vaccine (H-B-Vax II; Aventis Pasteur MSD)] injected separately at the same visit in a prospective multicenter, comparative, open label trial. Infants were randomized to receive Hexavac (n = 423) or Pentavac and H-B-Vax II (n = 425) as a primary immunization series at 2, 4 and 6 months of age. Seroprotection and seroconversion rates against all antigens at 1 month after the primary series were compared between the two vaccine groups with 95% confidence intervals (CI0.95) and were considered clinically equivalent (not inferior) when the upper limit of the 95% confidence interval on the difference (reference, hexavalent) was below predefined differences. Hexavac met and surpassed the pre-defined criteria for clinical equivalence to Pentavac and H-B-Vax II given concomitantly. It elicited similar seroprotection and seroconversion rates against all antigens. Seroprotection and seroconversion rates obtained 1 month after the third dose of Hexavac were >90% for all antigens. The postimmunization antibody geometric mean titers (GMT) for hepatitis B and purified Haemophilus influenzae polysaccharide were about 2-fold higher in infants who received the reference vaccines than in infants who had received Hexavac. GMTs for poliovirus antibodies tended to be enhanced in infants vaccinated with Hexavac. GMTs for all other antigens were very similar among both groups. Hexavac was generally well-tolerated. At least one local reaction was reported in 20.3% of Hexavac injections compared with 15.8% at the Pentavac injections site and 3.8% at the H-B-Vax II injections site. These reactions were generally mild and transient. At least one systemic adverse event was reported in 45.7% of Hexavac injections compared with 42.2% of Pentavac and H-B-Vax II injections (mild fever, irritability and drowsiness were most frequently reported). The frequency of adverse events was not significantly different between groups. No vaccine-related serious adverse event occurred during the study. This liquid hexavalent vaccine was generally well-tolerated and provided immune responses adequate to be protective against six infectious diseases with a single injection, given at 2, 4 and 6 months of age.
A study was conducted to assess the safety of a new, liquid hexavalent vaccine (Hexavac, Aventis Pasteur MSD, Lyon, France) in a large population of 1783 children in Germany vaccinated at 2, 4, 6 and 12-14 months of age. Immediate reactions, local and systemic reactions, and serious adverse events (SAEs) were monitored. The frequencies of redness > or = 2 cm and swelling > or = 2 cm were 6.7 and 7.1% after all doses of the primary series combined and 13.4 and 12.0% following the booster dose, respectively. Transient swelling of the entire thigh was reported in seven infants after all doses of the primary series (0.1%) and in four children after the booster dose (0.2%). The most frequent systemic adverse events within 3 days after vaccination were irritability (19.3% after primary series and 13.2% after booster) and fever > or = 38.0 degrees C (15.4% after primary series and 28.5% after booster). Fever above 40.0 degrees C was reported in 0.1% of the infants post-primary series and in 0.9% of the children after the booster immunization. Only 3 of 144 SAE were considered to be vaccine related and were seen to resolve spontaneously and without sequelae. The liquid hexavalent vaccine was generally well tolerated when given to children as a primary immunization series at 2, 4 and 6 months and as a booster dose at 12-14 months.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, (SIDS) or cot death, remains the most common category of post-perinatal death in the UK. By definition, the cause of death is unknown, but a long-standing theory is that some of these deaths could be the result of anaphylaxis. To investigate the potential contribution of anaphylactic mechanisms to deaths in infancy by determining relative levels of alpha- and beta-tryptases and both total and allergen-specific IgE in sera from groups of infants whose deaths were attributed to SIDS or to other causes. Serum samples were collected at the time of post-mortem examination from infants whose death was classed as SIDS (n = 40) and from a comparison group in which cause of death had been established (n = 32). Serum tryptase concentrations were measured with a radioimmunoassay with monoclonal antibody G5 which detects primarily beta-tryptase or an ELISA with antibody AA5 which has equal sensitivity for alpha- and beta-tryptases. Levels of total IgE and IgE specific for casein, beta-lactoglobulin, house dust mite and moulds were determined. Analysis of the results of the two assays for tryptase indicated that levels of the beta-like tryptase (the form secreted on anaphylactic degranulation) were significantly higher in serum from infants with SIDS compared with those whose death was explained. There was no evidence for an increase in serum levels of alpha-tryptase (the variant secreted constitutively from mast cells). Total levels of serum IgE did not differ between the two groups and, reflecting the low circulating IgE concentrations in infancy, an elevation in IgE specific for the panel of allergens was not detected. In a proportion of SIDS victims there may be increased serum levels of beta-like tryptase, a marker for anaphylaxis. The failure to detect an increase in alpha-tryptase would suggest that mast cell hyperplasia is not a feature of cot death. The nature of the inciting agents remains unclear, but anaphylaxis deserves serious consideration as a possible cause of sudden death in infancy.
Sudden and unexpected deaths after the administration of hexavalent vaccines (DTPa-IPV-HBV-Hib): Is there a signal?
  • R Kriess
  • A M Toschke
  • K Straßburger
  • M Kundi
  • H Kalies
  • U Nennstiel
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Todesfä in zeitlichem Zusam-menhang mit Sechsfachimpfung. Informationen fü medizinische Fachkreise des Paul-Ehrlich-Instituts, Bundesamt fü Sera und Impf-stoffe, 01
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Keller-Stanislawski B, Lö J. Todesfä in zeitlichem Zusam-menhang mit Sechsfachimpfung. Informationen fü medizinische Fachkreise des Paul-Ehrlich-Instituts, Bundesamt fü Sera und Impf-stoffe, 01.07.2003.