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Linking primary care information systems and public health information networks: Lessons from the Philippines



Community-based primary care information systems are one of the building blocks for national health information systems. In the Philippines, after the devolution of health care to local governments, we observed "health information system islands" connected to national vertical programs being implemented in devolved health units. These structures lead to a huge amount of "information work" in the transformation of health information at the community level. This paper describes work done to develop and implement the open-source Community Based Health Information Tracking System (CHITS) Project, which was implemented to address this information management problem and its outcomes. Several lessons learned from the field as well as software development strategies are highlighted in building community level information systems that link to national level health information systems.
Linking Primary Care Information
Systems and Public Health Information
Networks: Lessons from the Philippines
Herman Tolentino
Alvin Marcelo
, Portia Marcelo
, Inocencio Maramba
University of the Philippines Manila College of Medicine
Department of Family and Community Medicine
Medical Informatics Unit
Community-based primary care information systems are one of the building blocks
for national health information systems. In the Philippines, after the devolution of
health care to local governments, we observed “health information system islands”
connected to national vertical programs being implemented in devolved health units.
These structures lead to a huge amount of “information work” in the transformation
of health information at the community level. This paper describes work done to
develop and implement the open-source Community Based Health Information
Tracking System (CHITS) Project, which was implemented to address this
information management problem and its outcomes. Several lessons learned from
the field as well as software development strategies are highlighted in building
community level information systems that link to national level health information
Public health informatics; Information management; Primary health care, Community networks
1. Introduction
The delivery of health care services in the Philippines was devolved to local government
units in 1998 under the Health Sector Reform Agenda (HSRA) carried out by the
Department of Health [1]. In the course of the devolution, there was not enough time to
cede health information management functions to local government units (LGUs) for them
to carry out data collection, integration and presentation in a seamless, distributed and
coordinated manner. National vertical health programs remained in place, however, each
with its own complement of logbooks, and reporting forms and protocols, and sometimes
personnel. The Philippine vertical programs include among others, Child Care and
Development, Maternal Care, the National TB Program, Family Planning, and the
Expanded Program for Immunization. In busy community health centers, data entry of
patient information over several logbooks can be inefficient and is characterized by
redundant and inaccurate entries. As early as 1995, a case study of Philippine public health
information systems by Jayasuria revealed proliferation of reports consuming 40% of the
time of field personnel, high levels of duplication and delays due to manual processing [2],
a situation that seems to have persisted for the last decade. Currently, there are no data
quality control and validation procedures where paper forms are used and community
health workers generally do not get feedback from reports that they submit. The collection
of large amounts of health data without feedback to the collectors seems to be the practice
Connecting Medical Informatics and Bio-Informatics
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Section 13: Public Health Informatics, Clinical Trials
not only in the Philippines but in other settings where national vertical programs of this
type are used [3]. Vertical programs are generally useful particularly when there is a need
to urgently address a public health problem like HIV-AIDS [4, 5] and smallpox [6] because
they can achieve economies of scale and focus resources and manpower on a specific
problem. In this particular situation, to make information management efficient and to
ensure a good supply of quality information, we needed to integrate existing interfaces to
vertical programs at the community level, as we work our way upwards for higher level
integration of information systems to the level of the city health office. In addition to the
information management situation above, an alarming trend is emerging in the Philippine
health care scene. As early as 2003, thousands of physicians nationwide, including an
undetermined number of government physicians, have been retraining as nurses to become
part of the eligible health workforce migrating to developed countries [7, 8]. Intra- and
inter-country migration of health workers potentially compromises the quality of health
service delivery by creating uneven distributions of providers in relation to populations [9].
The scenario of having health centers without doctors required that the community-based
information system should be usable by community-based or indigenous health workers.
It is in this context that in 2003 we conceptualized the project and submitted a proposal for
funding to PANASIA-ICT [10] to implement the Community Health Information Tracking
System, or CHITS (, a primary health care information system. The
backdrop of this proposal is a bigger goal to build a national health information
infrastructure within the next five years. The community-based information system can
contribute to this bigger goal by improving health information management at the
community level.
We deemed the following four objectives important for project success:
1. To design and develop a generic, reusable, open-source framework for community
level health information systems for primary health care services
2. To determine the feasibility of integrating vertical programs at the community level.
3. To enable and empower community health center staff to use this community based
health information system through the development of certificate training courses
for community-based data managers.
4. To harness community resources for the sustainability of health information
management activities
2. Methodology
Lorenzi enumerated four cornerstones of health informatics [11] and we deemed it
important to embellish these to address the objectives above as follows:
Cornerstone 1: Producing structures to represent data and knowledge so that complex
relationships may be visualized. To develop a generic, reusable, open-source framework for
primary care level information systems (first objective) and integrate vertical programs at
the community level (second objective), we needed to: (1) create an information system
architecture based on conceptual data models revolving around national vertical programs
and primary health care services at the community level; (2) build software functionality
around data models directly related to health care services and vertical programs; and, (3)
design this architecture such that it protects the health information system from extensive
code and database revisions that may arise without software modularity.
Cornerstone 2: Developing methods for acquisition and presentation of data so that
overload can be avoided. To carry out integration of data collection, integration and
presentation activities of the different vertical programs at the user interface level and
eliminate paper reporting (second objective), we needed to examine all health center forms
and logbooks identified with the different vertical programs and subsequently map out
intersecting and unique data elements for each program.
Cornerstone 3: Managing change among people, process and information technology so
that the use of information is optimized. To empower community health center staff (third
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Section 13: Public Health Informatics, Clinical Trials
objective), we needed to: (1) determine work motivation factors; and (2) immerse ourselves
in the milieu of health center activities for six weeks. To meet the fourth objective, aside
from building rapport and a working relationship with the local government units, we
needed to: (1) set up partnerships with external resources to create a “bandwagon effect”;
and, (2) build external alliances around the project to create an ecosystem of similar
applications that support project objectives.
1 km
Figure 1 - Map of Pasay City showing the location of the two health centers in the study
Cornerstone 4: Integrating information from diverse sources to provide more than the
sum of the parts and integrating information into work processes so that it can be acted
upon when it can have the largest effect. To address the first and second objective, we
needed to (1) employ modular, object-oriented software development methods and adapted
open-source software created by other developers for integration; (2) model the application
from health center workflows and consider the paper-based forms and logbooks as our
closest “competition”; and (3) design the application to support vertical and horizontal
health information exchange, and incorporate report-generation features to make sure
community health workers can make use of the health data that they generate at their level.
To develop and implement CHITS, these methods were applied to two health centers
(Lagrosa and Malibay), each with an average coverage of 10,000 families and located in a
progressive local government unit with which our university had established a
memorandum of understanding for student deployments in community health centers.
Figure 1 shows the map of the local government unit of Pasay City where the two health
centers are located.
3. Results
We describe the project outcome below according to the objectives previously enumerated.
To design and develop a generic, reusable, open-source framework for primary care level
health information systems. We had earlier developed a modular information system
architecture called the Generic Architecture for a Modular Enterprise (GAME) Engine [12]
that can serve as an applications development platform for other software development
projects. This software engine runs on Linux, Apache Web Server, MySQL database and
the PHP Scripting Language. GAME makes extensive use of previously published open-
source code libraries like JPGRAPH for object-oriented graph display and FPDF, a PDF-
generation engine for creating the summary reports. Using this platform, software
development was carried out, resulting in the development of 44 software components
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together with lookup data libraries, including ICD10 Diagnosis Coding. Among these
modules is a Clinical Reminders module that enables health center staff to send mobile
phone Short Messaging System (SMS) messages, which are generated from system
templates, and sent to patients to remind them of follow-up visits and encourage
compliance with medication intake, particularly for tuberculosis treatment. New software
modules, software upgrades and data dictionaries are uploaded as compressed files and
automatically incorporated into the system. The CHITS application currently runs in an
intranet environment with a Pentium 4 class server and 3 scaled down Pentium 4
workstations costing about $1,900 at 2003 hardware prices. For the first time since CHITS
became operational in one health center, submission of electronic reports has become part
of the health ministry procedures for quality accreditation.
To determine the feasibility of integrating vertical programs at the end user level. To
integrate the vertical program “information system islands,” we used the incremental
development approach [13] (Figure 2), developed a single interface for vertical program
modules, and integrated report generation tools for the end-user. Figure 3 shows how
modules are positioned in CHITS. We involved the health center staff in interface
development, and successfully streamlined their workflow as far as vertical programs are
concerned. Most importantly, we were able to eliminate “paper forms” by six months.
Figure 2 - Modular and incremental software development. Modules built incrementally and tested
in a live environment over time, the red arrows indicating incremental buildup of each module
(adapted from Heeks [13]).
To enable and empower health center staff to use this community based health information
system through the development of a professionalized training course for community-based
data managers. We studied health center culture and social organization using a scaled
down ethnographic approach [14, 15] and worked with health center staff for six weeks.
We were able to build relationships and an environment of mutual trust, enabling us to have
smooth interactions with the health center staff. We incorporated capacity building to
present a benevolent face to potential and obstinate change management areas, such as
quality-adverse data habits. The end users became effective trainors themselves, proudly
showing off not only their certificates but also their skills. This provided us with a possible
solution to the problem of training staff from other health centers through “on-the-job”
training. This also enables us to develop cohorts of technically-enabled end-users. Except
for the health center physician module, community health workers operated most of the
software modules from health center workstations.
To harness community resources for the sustainability of health information management
activities. We were also able to create strategic alliances around CHITS. One example is
the Tuberculosis (TB) registry vertical program which attracted the Philippine Coalition
Against TB (PhilCAT), a well-funded implementing arm of the WHO Directly Observed
Therapy for Short-Course Strategy chemotherapy (DOTS) for tuberculosis control.
Between July and August 2004, two demonstration sessions were conducted for the city
health offices of two neighboring local government units (the cities of Parañaque and
Marikina). These LGUs have subsequently initiated CHITS deployment and secured their
own internal and external funding. In the hardware area, the Advanced Science and
Technology Institute (ASTI, of the Department of Science and
Incremental changes
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Technology (ASTI, a government agency) developed a plug-in PC card that incorporates a
GSM modem which enables CHITS to send clinical reminders and receive data by SMS.
To support and complement CHITS implementation, we proposed two other projects to the
national government: the National Telehealth Project, called BuddyWorks, and the
Philippine National Health Information Infrastructure Project, to link health information
stakeholders and enable information exchange. Both projects were subsequently funded
through the e-government program of the national government and actually form part of the
initial activities of the emerging Department of Information and Communications
Technology. These projects provide a primary care and public health informatics
environment where CHITS becomes an integral component.
Figure 3 - Flow of information from user interface, processing within modules and reorganization
of information to health ministry vertical programs in CHITS. Only selected modules and vertical
programs are shown here.
4. Discussion
Designing community-based health information systems is a challenging task that involves
simultaneous work along technical, social, political, and financial fronts. Chandrasekhar
enumerates systemic constraints related to a developing country’s economic status that are
breeding grounds for skepticism towards the potential of information and communications
technologies (ICTs) to have a positive impact on health services delivery. First, an
overwhelming majority is likely not to have access to technology. Second, inadequate
education would ensure people do not have adequate levels of competence or confidence to
take part in transformational activities [16]. By using the rich library of open-source tools
available online, by integrating capacity building, and harnessing external, national and
local government political and funding support, we hope to have addressed these systemic
In this project, we have developed a generic, reusable, open-source framework and a
community-based health information system that integrated vertical programs at the
community level. There are three lessons we learned from this project: First, by paying
close attention to health center culture and immersing ourselves in the end-user's social
context, we captured an accurate model of their organizational and personal realities, and
were able to gain insight into their needs and requirements. We then applied these insights,
together with the health center information and data model, into software code – in a
process called evolutionary software development using a modular approach with
incremental introduction of change [13]. These insights were also applied to the design of a
certificate data management course for community health workers that brought out their
Notifiable Diseases
Maternal Care
Child Care
Maternal Care
Child Care
Maternal and
Child Health
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Section 13: Public Health Informatics, Clinical Trials
potential to be able to manage the change brought about by technology and allowed us to
“indoctrinate” them about the importance of data quality and the bigger information
ecosystem where health center data and information belong. Second, open-source software,
aside from enabling us to decrease implementation costs, provided an environment for
software code transparency for peer-review purposes and fostered shared learning.
Traditional proprietary software development otherwise hides internal processes as it
happens in a software “blackbox.” Third, we discovered that it is important to have a
heightened awareness of the “ecosystem” in which the health information system will
function. Included in this ecosystem are the people who will make it work (community
health workers), the people who make things possible, logistically and politically, and the
enabling environment to use the system and derive benefits from it.
In the end, implementing this system became a battle for “hearts and minds” as we created
and managed change in implementing a community-based health information system, first,
by looking at how the people involved viewed things from their perspective, and then by
giving them the software and knowledge tools to manage the change.
5. Acknowledgements
The authors wish to thank the local government unit of Pasay, the physicians and staff of the Lagrosa and
Malibay Health Centers, and the faculty and staff of the Department of Family and Community Medicine for
their support in implementing the project. The authors also wish to thank PANASIA-ICT, IDRC
(International Development and Research Centre of Canada) and UNDP (United Nations Development
Programme) for funding support to implement this project. Herman thanks Michael McNeill of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention for providing insight into the menagerie of words that can be used to
express the collaborative nature of the project.
6. References
[1] Department of Health, Philippine Government. Philippine Health Sector Reform Agenda (HSRA). URL:
[2] Jayasuria R. Health informatics from theory to practice: lessons from a case study in a developing country.
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[3] Anonymous. An integrated approach to communicable disease surveillance. WHO Weekly Epidemiological Record
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[4] Kanshana S, Simonds RJ. National program for preventing mother-child HIV transmission in Thailand: successful
implementation and lessons learned. AIDS. 2002 May 3;16(7):953-9. Review.
[5] Kilmarx PH, Supawitkul S, Wankrairoj M, Uthaivoravit W, Limpakarnjanarat K, Saisorn S, Mastro TD. Explosive
spread and effective control of human immunodeficiency virus in northernmost Thailand: the epidemic in Chiang
Rai province, 1988-99. AIDS. 2000 Dec 1;14(17):2731-40.
[6] Henderson DA. Victory over smallpox: interview with Donald A. Henderson. Popul Rep L. 1986 Mar-Apr(5):L172-
[7] Fleck F. Should I stay or should I go [News]. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. August 2004; 82(8):634.
[8] Jaymalin M. DOLE chief sees silver lining in exodus of doctors, nurses abroad. URL: Last accessed: 3/14/2005.
[9] Bach S. Migration patterns of physicians and nurses: still the same story? Bulletin of the World Health
Organization. August 2004; 82(8): 624-625.
[10] PANASIA-ICT web site. URL: See also URL:
[11] Lorenzi N. The cornerstones of medical informatics. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
2000; 7:204-205.
[12] GAME Engine Sourceforge Web Site
[13] Heeks R. Failure, Success and Improvisation of Information Systems Projects in Developing Countries. Institute for
Development Policy and Management. Document last viewed at URL: January 2002.
[14] Friedman C. Subjectivist approaches to evaluation. In Evaluation Methods in Medical Informatics. Springer, New
York. 1997; 205-221.
[15] Myers M. Investigating information systems with ethnographic research. Communications of the Association for
Information Systems. December 1999; 2(23).
[16] Chandrasekhar CP, Gosh J. Information and communications technologies and health in low income countries: the
potential and constraints. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2001; 79(9): 850-855.
[17] Clements P [editor]. Constructing Superior Software, Software Quality Institute Series. MacMillan Publishing,
USA, 2000. Page 59.
Address for Correspondence:
Herman D. Tolentino, MD, Medical Informatics Unit, University of the Philippines, College of Medicine, 547
Pedro Gil Street, Manila, Philippines 1000, Email:
Connecting Medical Informatics and Bio-Informatics
R. Engelbrecht et al. (Eds.)
ENMI, 2005
Section 13: Public Health Informatics, Clinical Trials
... In the past, the Philippine Department of Health (DOH) has been testing different methodologies in an attempt to improve its health information system (Valmero, 2011;DOH, 2013;Health Metrics Network, 2007;Tolentino, Marcelo, Marcelo & Maramba, 2005). Part of these methodologies is to include modern technologies as a tool for facilitating a faster and more accurate data gathering process. ...
... Embracing technological change is a gradual process and social acceptance of such change could take time before it can be fully embraced by its users. In fact, the local government units are still used in collecting, processing, and analyzing health data manually despite the integration of health information technologies (Tolentino, Marcelo, Marcelo & Maramba, 2005;Health Metrics Network, 2007;Marcelo & Canero, 2010). ...
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Technology has been integrated into various levels at the rural health systems by both government and non-government agencies. The study aimed to identify the factors influencing adoption of Wireless Access for Health (WAH) by rural health workers and how it influences the perception of health workers regarding the health-seeking behavior of their clients. Some selected rural health workers from 11 Philippine municipalities responded to a survey adopted from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) questionnaire. Correlation analysis and one-way analysis of variance were used to test the relationships between the variables. Results showed that to establish high adoption of WAH among rural health workers, interventions must ignite appreciation among health workers as regard to the importance and relevance of the technology to their work (performance expectancy). Support from the health managers and local chief executives of the municipalities, both administrative (social influence) and logistical (facilitating conditions) are necessary for them to adopt the technology. There is also perceived increase in facilities-based deliveries and deliveries by skilled birth attendants in the municipalities after installation of WAH.
... Accountability interventions vary by type and region. Certain regions such as India and the Philippines (Shah and Vergara, in press; Tolentino et al., 2005) have been successful in developing fiscal and budget tracking mechanisms, while other areas and regions have been more successful in the development of social accountability mechanisms (Jayaratne, 2004). In addition to the potential outcomes and impact of such accountability initiatives, this SR is also concerned with delineating those factors that affect the evaluation of successes by aid recipients themselves. ...
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The Systematic Review was commissoned by Australia Aid. Its aim was to identify those interventions which have had impact on community accountability and inclusive service delivery. The review was guided by an understanding of community accountability that is grounded in a rights based approach and recognises the importance of community participation and giving ‘voice’ to people who are normally excluded from social engagement. It was interested in interventions directed at community accountability, enhanced processes and fiscal accountability. The results are focused on women, children, rural areas and tribal groups in Africa.
... Products such as ClearHealth [11], MirrorMed [12], OSCAR [13], OpenClinica [14] have shown that open source is a viable alternative to proprietary products. Other projects such as iPATH [15], OpenMRS [16], DHIS [17], MEDICAL [18] and CHITS [19] have shown that FLOSS also works well in developing countries and emerging economies. Despite these success stories there is limited adoption of FLOSS in health care in many parts of the world, and the adoption rate particularly in Europe is very low. ...
Conference Paper
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Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) is a process of software development, a method of licensing and a philosophy. Although FLOSS plays a significant role in several market areas, the impact in the health care arena is still limited. FLOSS is promoted as one of the most effective means for overcoming fragmentation in the health care sector and providing a basis for more efficient, timely and cost effective health care provision. The 2008 European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI) Special Topic Conference (STC) explored a range of current and future issues related to FLOSS in healthcare (FLOSS-HC). In particular, there was a focus on health records, ubiquitous computing, knowledge sharing, and current and future applications. Discussions resulted in a list of main barriers and challenges for use of FLOSS-HC. Based on the outputs of this event, the 2004 Open Steps events and subsequent workshops at OSEHC2009 and Med-e-Tel 2009, a four-step strategy has been proposed for FLOSS-HC: 1) a FLOSS-HC inventory; 2) a FLOSS-HC collaboration platform, use case database and knowledge base; 3) a worldwide FLOSS-HC network; and 4) FLOSS-HC dissemination activities. The workshop will further refine this strategy and elaborate avenues for FLOSS-HC from scientific, business and end-user perspectives. To gain acceptance by different stakeholders in the health care industry, different activities have to be conducted in collaboration. The workshop will focus on the scientific challenges in developing methodologies and criteria to support FLOSS-HC in becoming a viable alternative to commercial and proprietary software development and deployment.
Objective: To quantitatively and qualitatively describe some of the challenges faced by the Philippines' health insurance programme, PhilHealth, in the era of Universal Health Coverage. Methods: A descriptive study using a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative data were collected from various sources and semi-structured interviews were conducted among staff of relevant organisations. We focused particularly on the enrolment process among eligible individuals and the system of reimbursement in five local government units (LGUs). Results: The proportion of individuals enrolled as 'poor' exceeded the number officially assessed as being poor by 1-11 times in almost all of the LGUs evaluated. Interviews revealed 'politically indigent' individuals, i.e., the enrolment of non-poor individuals as poor. Several health centres were not receiving reimbursements from PhilHealth, likely due to structural and political deficiencies in the process of claiming and receiving reimbursements. Conclusion: The composition of the sponsored and indigent membership groups requires closer examination to determine whether people who are truly marginalised are left without health coverage. PhilHealth also needs to improve its reaccreditation and reimbursement systems and processes so that health centres can appreciate the benefits of becoming PhilHealth-accredited service providers.
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The health status of Filipinos has improved dramatically over the last 40 years, with a two-thirds drop in infant mortality, lower prevalence of communicable diseases and life expectancy to over 70 years. However, the country is grappling with considerable inequities in access to health care. Despite the creation of a national health insurance agency, PhilHealth, in 1995, out of pocket payment levels are high. A major reform was introduced in 2010 to increase the number of poor families covered by PhilHealth and to reduce or eliminate co-payments. Current and future challenges for the health care system include staff retention, service delivery inefficiencies, the rise in noncommunicable diseases and the challenge of reaching populations in remote areas.
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The CHITS (Community Health Information and Tracking System), the first electronic medical record system in the Philippines that is used widely, has persevered through time and slowly extended its geographic footprint, even without a national policy. This study describes the process of CHITS development, its enabling factors and challenges affecting its adoption, and its continuing use and expansion through eight years of implementation (2004 to 2012) using the HOT-fit model. This paper used a case study approach. CHITS was developed through a collaborative and participative user-centric strategies. Increased efficiency, improved data quality, streamlined records management and improved morale among government health workers are benefits attributed to CHITS. Its longevity and expansion through peer and local policy adoption speaks of an eHealth technology built for and by the people. While computerization has been adapted by an increasing number of local governments, needs of end-users, program managers and policy-makers continue to evolve. Challenges in keeping CHITS technically robust, up-to-date and scalable are already encountered. Lack of standards hampers meaningful data exchange and use across different information systems. Infrastructure for electricity and connectivity especially in the countryside must be established more urgently to meet overall development goals specially. Policy and operational gaps identified in this study have to be addressed using people-centric perspective and participatory strategies with the urgency to achieve universal health care. Further rigorous research studies need be done to evaluate CHITS' effects on public health program management, and on clinical outcomes.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2004 called for the use of electronic health record (EHR) systems for the scaling of HIV/AIDS management of United Nations' Millennium Development Goals related diseases. The use of EHR as a means of building the capacity of health workers and the integration of EHR with the legacy health management information system was proposed as a way of building a holistic information system. To achieve this, the provision of internet connectivity and computers in different health settings was recommended. Community Based Health Workers (CBHWs), as important actors in the provision of essential primary healthcare in developing countries, require access to their patients' medical records in order to provide quality and effective health care. Therefore, the distribution of EHR integrated with legacy systems through mobile/wireless information and communication technologies could provide means of providing remote and located access to CBHWs. The use of mobile technologies for extending enterprise knowledge to this group of health workers for supporting their daily activities is recently proposed by the WHO. This paper will build on this proposition through a case study evaluation of a failed implementation and use of a mobile EHR system from a developing country. A major finding of this paper is the need to carry out pre-implementation evaluation before the introduction of integrated mobile EHR with CBHWs in developing countries.
The International Development Research Centre's (IDRC's) “Information and Communications Technologies for Development” (ICT4D) program supports research on the use of information and communications technologies (ICTs) in health systems – often referred to as electronic health or eHealth. Since the late 1990s, IDRC's eHealth research portfolio has been driven by priorities stated by researchers and practitioners from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Specifically, these studies respond to a clear and steady demand for applied research on how the use of ICTs could influence changes in behavior, service delivery, planning and policies at different points and at different levels of a health system. The scope of the studies extended beyond the financial bottom line to include ones that examine varied experiences of integrating eHealth in different health systems contexts. This chapter presents lessons and outcomes from IDRC-supported eHealth projects that helped strengthen the capacities of researchers and research networks, influence policies and practices and shape the body of literature on eHealth from a LMIC perspective. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines eHealth as the use of ICTs for health in order to accomplish a wide variety of tasks, such as treating patients, pursuing research, educating students, tracking diseases and monitoring public health. Although the term “eHealth” is increasingly recognized by many working in the field of health, this was not the case when IDRC's ICT4D program first started supporting projects in the early 1990s. These research projects – based in communities across Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) – examined a broad range of research questions about the expected and unexpected influences that ICTs have had on health services and health outcomes. © 2013 International Development Research Centre. All Right Reserved.
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Ethnographic research is one of the most in-depth research methods possible. Because the researcher is at a research site for a long time -and sees what people are doing as well as what they say they are doing – an ethnographer obtains a deep understanding of the people, the organization, and the broader context within which they work. Ethnographic research is thus well suited to providing information systems researchers with rich insights into the human, social, and organizational aspects of information systems. This article discusses the potential of ethnographic research for IS researchers, and outlines the most important issues that need to be considered in selecting this method.
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The changes in the health care system over the next decade are goint to make the last 20 years seem like good old days of relative stability. We will continue to see new drugs, new devices, and new techniques; however, the true megachanges of the next decade will center on gathering, managing, and using clinical information. This prediction will prove true for all the health care areas—administrative, clinical, teaching, and research. In health care today, we see pressures for improved access, demands for greater …
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This paper outlines the potential offered by technological progress in the information and communication technologies (ICTs) industries for the health sector in developing countries, presents some examples of positive experiences in India, and considers the difficulties in achieving this potential. The development of ICTs can bring about improvements in health in developing countries in at least three ways: as an instrument for continuing education they enable health workers to be informed of and trained in advances in knowledge; they can improve the delivery of health and disaster management services to poor and remote locations; and they can increase the transparency and efficiency of governance, which should, in turn, improve the availability and delivery of publicly provided health services. These potential benefits of ICTs do not necessarily require all the final beneficiaries to be reached directly, thus the cost of a given quantum of effect is reduced. Some current experiments in India, such as the use of Personal Digital Assistants by rural health workers in Rajasthan, the disaster management project in Maharashtra and the computerized village offices in Andhra Pradesh and Pondicherry, suggest creative ways of using ICTs to improve the health conditions of local people. However, the basic difficulties encountered in using ICTs for such purposes are: an inadequate physical infrastructure; insufficient access by the majority of the population to the hardware; and a lack of the requisite skills for using them. We highlight the substantial cost involved in providing wider access, and the problem of resource allocation in poor countries where basic infrastructure for health and education is still lacking. Educating health professionals in the possible uses of ICTs, and providing them with access and "connectivity", would in turn spread the benefits to a much wider set of final beneficiaries and might help reduce the digital divide.
With this chapter we turn a corner. The previous four chapters have dealt almost exclusively with objectivist approaches to evaluation. These approaches are useful for answering some, but by no means all, of the interesting and important questions that challenge investigators in medical informatics. The subjectivist approaches, introduced here and in Chapter 9, address the problem of evaluation from a different set of premises as first discussed in Chapter 2. These premises derive from philosophical views that may be unfamiliar and perhaps even discomforting to some readers. They challenge some fundamental beliefs about scientific method and the validity of our understanding of the world that develops from objectivist research. They argue that, particularly within the realm of evaluation of information resources, the kind of “knowing” that develops from subjectivist studies may be as useful as that which derives from objectivist studies. While reading what follows, it may be tempting to dismiss subjectivist methods as informal, imprecise, or “subjective.” When carried out well, however, these studies are none of the above. They are equally objective, but in a different way. Professionals in informatics, even those who choose not to conduct subjectivist studies, can come to appreciate the rigor, validity, and value of this work.
Implementation of IT in developing countries has had successes and failures. The theory of successful implementation has mainly been researched in developed countries. There is now evidence that there are other issues that are of importance to developing country health systems. Case studies allow us to identify pitfalls that implementors can fall into. The implementation of a computerized Field Health Information System in the Philippines provides insight into some factors of importance. While there are similarities to issues in developed countries, there are also many differences.
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) epidemic began in Asia later than most in other regions but then spread very rapidly. Upper northern Thailand was severely affected, with among the highest infection rates in Asia. The first 12 years of the HIV epidemic in Chiang Rai, Thailand's northernmost province are described. HIV infection was not reported in Chiang Rai until 1988 but, within a few years more than half of the brothel-based female sex workers and one in six of 21-year-old male Royal Thai Army conscripts from the province were HIV infected. Infection rates in Chiang Rai have since declined following an aggressive prevention campaign, but the number of AIDS cases continues to mount, along with profound demographic, social and economic effects.
To describe the development, components, and initial uptake of Thailand's national program for preventing mother-child HIV transmission. Historical review, interpretation of experience, national program monitoring. Public health system, Thailand. Policymakers, clinicians, HIV-infected pregnant women. Voluntary counseling and HIV testing of pregnant women; short-course zidovudine for HIV-infected women and their infants and formula feeding for infants. Program components implemented and program uptake. Research, monitoring and evaluation of pilot projects, training, and policy-making provided the information, experience, infrastructure, and guidance to develop a program for preventing mother-child HIV transmission that was implemented in all Ministry of Public Health hospitals in Thailand in 2000. A national system was established to monitor program implementation. Monitoring reports were received from 669 hospitals in 65 provinces for the period October 2000 through July 2001. During this period, 93% of 318 721 women who gave birth were tested for HIV; 69% of 3958 HIV-infected women giving birth received zidovudine; and 86% and 80% of the 3865 children born to HIV-infected women received zidovudine and infant formula, respectively, through the program. A national program for preventing mother-child HIV transmission was successfully implemented in Thailand. Early monitoring indicates good program uptake. Lessons learned from implementing this program include the importance of paying attention to counseling, communication, and training in the program, and using pilot projects and focused monitoring and evaluation data to guide the program development, expansion, and improvement.