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A review of the bioavailability and clinical efficacy of milk thistle phytosome: A silybin-phosphatidylcholine complex (Siliphos®)


Abstract and Figures

Certain of the water-soluble flavonoid molecules can be converted into lipid-compatible molecular complexes, aptly called phytosomes. Phytosomes are better able to transition from a hydrophilic environment into the lipid-friendly environment of the outer cell membrane, and from there into the cell, finally reaching the blood. The fruit of the milk thistle plant (Silybum marianum, Family Asteraceae) contains flavonoids that are proven liver protectants. The standardized extract known as silymarin contains three flavonoids of the flavonol subclass. Silybin predominates, followed by silydianin and silychristin. Although silybin is the most potent of the flavonoids in milk thistle, similar to other flavonoids it is not well-absorbed. Silybin-phosphatidylcholine complexed as a phytosome provides significant liver protection and enhanced bioavailability over conventional silymarin.
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Copyright© 2005 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission. Alternative Medicine Review Volume 10, Number 3 September 2005
Alternative Medicine Review u Volume 10, Number 3 u 2005 Page 193
Certain of the water-soluble flavonoid molecules
can be converted into lipid-compatible molecular
complexes, aptly called phytosomes. Phytosomes
are better able to transition from a hydrophilic
environment into the lipid-friendly environment
of the outer cell membrane, and from there into
the cell, finally reaching the blood. The fruit of
the milk thistle plant (Silybum marianum, Family
Asteraceae) contains flavonoids that are proven
liver protectants. The standardized extract known
as silymarin contains three flavonoids of the
flavonol subclass. Silybin predominates, followed
by silydianin and silychristin. Although silybin is the
most potent of the flavonoids in milk thistle, similar
to other flavonoids it is not well-absorbed. Silybin-
phosphatidylcholine complexed as a phytosome
provides significant liver protection and enhanced
bioavailability over conventional silymarin.
(Altern Med Rev 2005;10(3):193-203)
Most of the bioactive constituents of phyto-
medicines are avonoids (e.g., anthocyanidins from
bilberry, catechins from green tea, silymarin from
milk thistle). However, many avonoids are poorly
The poor absorption of avonoid nutrients
is likely due to two factors. First, they are multiple-
ring molecules too large to be absorbed by simple dif-
fusion, while they are not absorbed actively, as occurs
with some vitamins and minerals. Second, avonoid
molecules typically have poor miscibility with oils
and other lipids, severely limiting their ability to pass
A Review of the Bioavailability and
Clinical Efcacy of Milk Thistle Phytosome:
A Silybin-Phosphatidylcholine
Complex (Siliphos
Parris Kidd, PhD, and Kathleen Head, ND
across the lipid-rich outer membranes of the entero-
cytes of the small intestine.
Water-soluble avonoid molecules can be
converted into lipid-compatible molecular com-
plexes, aptly called phytosomes. Phytosomes are bet-
ter able to transition from a hydrophilic environment
into the lipid-friendly environment of the enterocyte
cell membrane and from there into the cell, nally
reaching the blood.
The lipid-phase substances
employed to make avonoids lipid-compatible are
phospholipids from soy, mainly phosphatidylcholine
(PC). PC, the principal molecular building block of
cell membranes, is miscible both in water and in oil/
lipid environments, and is well absorbed when taken
by mouth. Precise chemical analysis indicates a phy-
tosome is usually a avonoid molecule linked with
at least one PC molecule. A bond is formed between
the two molecules, creating a hybrid molecule. This
highly lipid-miscible hybrid bond is better suited to
merge into the lipid phase of the enterocyte’s outer
cell membrane.
Phosphatidylcholine is not merely a passive
“carrier” for the bioactive avonoids of the phyto-
somes, but is itself a bioactive nutrient with docu-
mented clinical efcacy for liver disease, including
Parris Kidd, PhD – University of California, Berkeley, PhD in cell biology;
contributing editor, Alternative Medicine Review; health educator; biomedical
consultant to the dietary supplement industry.
Correspondence address: 847 Elm Street, El Cerrito, CA 94530
Kathi Head, ND Technical Advisor, Thorne Research, Inc.; Editor-In-Chief,
Alternative Medicine Review.
Thorne Research is among the supplement manufacturers that supply Siliphos
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Page 194 Alternative Medicine Review u Volume 10, Number 3 u 2005
alcoholic hepatic steatosis, drug-induced liver dam-
age, and hepatitis.
The intakes of phytosome prepa-
rations sufcient to provide reliable clinical benet
often also provide substantial PC intakes.
Phytosomes are not liposomes; structurally,
the two are distinctly different. The phytosome is a
unit of several molecules bonded together, while the
liposome is an aggregate of many phospholipid mol-
ecules that can enclose active phytomolecules, but
without specically bonding to them.
The Mechanism of Hepatic
The liver is exceptionally vulnerable to toxic
attack as hepatocytes continually sort, separate, me-
tabolize, or store a variety of substances that reach
the liver directly following absorption into the blood.
Some, such as triglycerides and fat-soluble vitamins,
are packaged by the hepatocytes into lipoprotein par-
ticles and dispatched to other tissues. Others pose a
toxic threat until they can be detoxied. The livers
position immediately “downstream” from the intes-
tine puts it at risk from food-borne toxic agents. In
addition to food-borne toxins, such as herbicide and
pesticide residues, articial preservatives, and other
synthetic food additives, the liver must deal with oth-
er toxins that enter the body via diverse routes. These
can include alcohol, cigarette-smoke toxins, street
drugs, viral and bacterial antigens, heavy metals, sol-
vent pollutants, and over-the-counter and prescription
pharmaceuticals. During the detoxication process,
glutathione, the key antioxidant in the livers paren-
chymal cells, is directly or indirectly consumed.
The livers vulnerability to toxic agents is of-
ten compounded by its efforts to detoxify them. Its so-
phisticated cytochrome P450 enzyme system evolved
to detoxify and excrete excess amounts of hormones
and other substances that are naturally produced in
the body, as well as synthetic chemicals. However,
in attempting to neutralize certain toxins, P450 en-
zymes can chemically transform such substances,
making them more toxic. The consequence can be
uncontrolled depletion of glutathione and other anti-
oxidants, resulting in hepatocyte destruction.
Silybum marianum Contains Premier
Liver-Protectant Flavonoids
The fruit of the milk thistle plant (Silybum
marianum, Family Asteraceae) (Figure 1) contains
avonoids known for hepatoprotective effects.
antioxidant capacity of silymarin substantially boosts
the livers resistance to toxic insults.
Silymarin pri-
marily contains three avonoids of the avonol sub-
class (having a fully saturated C-ring). Silybin pre-
dominates (Figure 2), followed by silydianin and
silychristin. Silybin is actually a avonolignan, prob-
ably produced within the plant by the combination of
a avonol with a coniferyl alcohol. It is now known
that silybin is the most potent of the three.
protects the liver by conserving glutathione in the pa-
renchymal cells, while PC helps repair and replace
cell membranes.
These constituents likely offer the
synergistic benet of sparing liver cells from destruc-
tion. In its native form within the milk thistle fruit,
Figure 1. Silybum marianum
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Alternative Medicine Review u Volume 10, Number 3 u 2005 Page 195
silybin occurs primarily complexed with sugars, as a
avonyl glycoside or avonolignan. Silybin has been
extensively researched and found to have impressive
bioactivity, albeit limited by poor bioavailability.
Pharmacokinetics of Silybin-
Phosphatidylcholine Complex
In 1990, Malandrino et al succeeded in im-
proving the bioavailability of silymarin extract by
complexing it with soy PC a phytosome.
quently, a more puried silybin was complexed with
PC. The intermolecular bonding of silybin with PC
proved to be specic and stable, and the resulting
molecular complex is more soluble in lipophilic, or-
ganic solvents.
This property predicts the enhanced
ability of phytosomes to cross cell membranes and
enter cells.
Animal Studies
The superior bioavailability of silybin com-
plexed with PC over non-complexed silybin has
been documented through pharmacokinetic studies
conducted in rats and humans. Figure 3 illustrates
that, in rats, a large dose of silybin given orally as
plain silymarin remained virtually undetectable
in the plasma for the six-hour experiment.
marked contrast, when the same amount of silybin
(200 mg per kg body weight) was given as Sili-
, a silybin-PC phytosome, it was detected in
the plasma within minutes, and by one hour its lev-
els had peaked. Its plasma levels remained elevated
past the six-hour mark.
The superior absorption
of the silybin from Siliphos is re-
ected in its clearance in the urine.
Figure 4 illustrates the silybin from
Siliphos remained elevated at 70
hours following oral dosing, while
the silybin given alone barely rose
above detectable levels until after
25 hours.
Siliphos has been demon-
strated to reach the liver, its target
organ. Silybin was substantially
present in bile uid two hours fol-
lowing the administration of Sili-
phos and the liver continued to
secrete silybin into the bile during the entire study.
Silybin, given as the non-complexed silymarin, was
barely detectable in the bile during the same period.
From these single-dose, bioavailability stud-
ies several key points are evident. Silybin, when taken
Figure 2. Structure of Silybin
Figure 3. Relative Plasma Levels of Total Silybin in
Rats after Dosing with Siliphos or Non-complexed
Plasma Silybin
Non-phytosome Silybin
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
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Page 196 Alternative Medicine Review u Volume 10, Number 3 u 2005
by mouth, is poorly absorbed even at a very high in-
take (200 mg/kg body weight of the rat, equivalent to
a 16-gram dose for a 176-pound human). However,
when taken by mouth as phytosomes bound to PC,
silybin is well absorbed and detected in the blood
within the rst hour.
These rat studies yielded another important
nding – that phytosomal silybin rapidly reaches the
liver, traverses the liver cells, and appears in the bile
within two hours. The amount of silybin reaching the
bile from phytosome dosing is at least 6.5 times great-
er than that from non-complexed silybin (13% versus
2%, over 24 hours).
Some portion of the phytosomal
silybin remains in the liver for at least 24 hours.
Silybin entering the body as phytosomes also
clears the body via the kidneys. It appears in the urine
within a few hours and continues to clear via the urine
for up to three days.
Human Studies
Silybin in phytosome form is also well ab-
sorbed in humans.
Pharmacokinetic studies con-
ducted with human subjects showed a pattern similar
to rats. In the early studies (1990), eight healthy vol-
unteers ages 16-26 took single 360-mg oral doses of
silybin, either as phytosomes or non-complexed sily-
The silybin from silymarin rose slightly in the
plasma beginning one hour after dosing, and declined
to minimal levels by eight hours (Figure 5, open cir-
cles). Silybin phytosome was substantially present in
the plasma by one hour, peaked around two hours,
and at eight hours was almost three times the level of
silybin from silymarin (Figure 5, closed circles). By
measuring the total area under the curve (AUC) for
Figure 4. Relative Percentages of Silybin
Recovered in the Urine after Dosing with
Phytosomal Silybin or with Silybin from
Silymarin in Rats
% Dose
Non-phytosome Silybin
Figure 5. Plasma Silybin Uptake in Healthy
0 1 2 4
6 8
0 1 2 3 4
8 12
Plasma Silybin (ng/mL)
Closed circles: Silybin taken as phytosomes
Open circles: Silybin taken as silymarin
Inset: The very high level of silybin absorption
as phytosome in one subject
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Alternative Medicine Review u Volume 10, Number 3 u 2005 Page 197
each line, it was determined that phytosomal silybin
was absorbed 4.6 times better than the non-phyto-
some silybin from silymarin.
This compares with an
estimated 6.0-6.3 times better bioavailability in rats,
as calculated from plasma uptake patterns
and bile
There was substantial variability among
subjects, as reected by the broad error bars in Figure
5; one subject had extremely high absorption (see the
inset, Figure 5).
A further, multiple-dose study was conducted
with these same healthy young volunteers.
In place
of a single dose of 360 mg, phytosomal silybin was
given twice daily (120 mg every 12 hours, totaling
240 mg silybin daily) for eight days. This dosing pat-
tern maintained the same high plasma concentrations
and high total absorption attained by the single higher
dose (360 mg) given for one day. There was no de-
cline in absorption efciency after multiple days of
As conrmed for rats, in the human subjects
silybin coming from phytosomes does reach the in-
tended target organ, the liver. This was proven using
nine volunteer patients who had earlier undergone
surgical gall bladder removal necessitated by gall-
They were already “rigged” for such a
study, with bile drained via a tube. They were given
single oral doses of 120 mg silybin as silybin phyto-
some (Siliphos) or silymarin, and bile was monitored
for silybin levels. Silybin appeared in the bile and
peaked after four hours. In the case of phytosomal
silybin, the total amount recovered in the bile after
48 hours accounted for 11 percent of the total dose.
In the case of silymarin, approximately three percent
of the silybin was recovered. These data suggest a
four-times greater passage through the liver for phy-
tosomal silybin. Also, the human bile data
favorably with the human AUC data, which suggest a
4.6-times greater bioavailability from the phytosome
form than the simple extract.
A 1998 study suggests Siliphos may be more
bioavailable when taken as a liquid in softgel form.
Twelve healthy subjects were given a single dose of
80 mg silybin as phytosomes, either in softgel or two-
piece hardgel capsules, then had blood samples taken
for eight hours. Subsequently, they were crossed-over
to the opposite product and sampled again. The maxi-
mum plasma concentration attained from the softgel
was three times greater than from the hardgel. Aver-
age AUC after the rst hour for the softgel was more
than twice that for the hardgel cap, suggesting faster
absorption as well.
Clinical Efcacy of Silybin Phytosome
Findings from several studies with human
subjects indicate that silybin taken by mouth as Sili-
phos has markedly greater benet, milligram for mil-
ligram, than does non-complexed silybin from sily-
In 1991, Marena and Lampertico reported
on several studies involving a total of 232 patients
with liver disorders treated with phytosomal sily-
Daily intakes ranged from 240-360 mg silybin
in phytosome form, taken for up to 150 days between
meals. Control subjects were also treated with either
non-complexed silybin (n=49) or with placebo or no
treatment (n=117). Evaluation of efcacy was based
primarily on serum liver enzyme levels, namely as-
partate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotrans-
ferase (ALT), and gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase
(GGT). The investigators came to the conclusion that
phytosomal silybin had “signicant clinical effect.”
In the population of patients with alcoholic hepatitis,
serum AST and ALT returned to normal signicantly
faster with Siliphos than with the reference prepara-
tion of non-phytosomal silybin. In another study, pa-
tients with acute viral hepatitis (A or B types) fared
better on the phytosomal preparation compared to
placebo-treated subjects. Similar ndings emerged
for the patients with hepatitis of undetermined cause
(so-called iatrogenic cases).
In 1992, researchers at the Universities of
Milan and Bari reported on a controlled study of
chronic persistent hepatitis.
The study recruited
only patients with biopsy-conrmed hepatitis. The
drug treatments available for this condition have lim-
ited efcacy, do not work at all for many patients, and
have major adverse effects. These patients were ran-
domized to receive either 240 mg silybin phytosome
(n=31) or placebo (n=34), one capsule orally, twice
daily for three months. The phytosome group expe-
rienced signicant lowering of both serum ALT and
AST, while in the placebo group both enzyme indica-
tors worsened. The silybin treatment was well toler-
ated, with even fewer adverse events reported than
Copyright© 2005 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission. Alternative Medicine Review Volume 10, Number 3 September 2005
Page 198 Alternative Medicine Review u Volume 10, Number 3 u 2005
for the placebo group, and no patient discontinued the
trial due to adverse effects.
A short-term, 1993 pilot study, representing
a collaboration between Indena (a manufacturer of a
wide range of botanical extracts, including Siliphos)
and researchers at the University of Florence, exam-
ined the effect of silybin phytosome on 20 patients
with chronic active hepatitis (B and/or C).
this one-week trial, 10 patients received 480 mg si-
lybin daily and 10 received placebo. A reduction in
serum levels of ALT (29%), AST (25%), and GGT
(20%) was observed in the silybin group. Plasma lev-
els of silybin were markedly increased at day 7, at-
taining levels consistent with those measured in the
pharmacokinetic studies.
In the placebo group only
GGT showed a signicant decrease (8% compared to
20% in the silybin group).
This study also measured
serum malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, a byproduct
of lipid peroxidation. Although serum MDA fell in
the silybin group, it was not statistically signicant.
In another, very small pilot study, eight pa-
tients with chronic active hepatitis (B and/or C) were
treated with phytosomal silybin, at 240 mg silybin
for two months.
Liver enzymes ALT and AST were
signicantly reduced, while reductions in GGT and
MDA did not attain statistical signicance. As with
the patients in the previous study, baseline MDA lev-
els were very high when the study began. The nd-
ings from these two small pilot studies suggest that
phytosomal silybin is a valuable component of an in-
tegrated approach to managing active infection with
hepatitis B and/or C viruses. These ndings deserve
replication in larger and longer studies.
Data particularly useful in establishing dos-
ing recommendations came from a larger 1993 hepa-
titis trial at the University of Pavia involving 54 pa-
Patients with chronic hepatitis of either viral
or alcoholic origin were randomly assigned to one
of three groups. One group (n=19) received phyto-
somal silybin at 160 mg daily; another group (n=17)
received 240 mg daily; and the third group (n=18)
received 360 mg daily. The trial lasted two weeks,
with enzyme indicator testing done after weeks 1 and
2. Despite the short duration of the trial, AST was sig-
nicantly lowered by all dosages. At the two higher
doses of 240 and 360 mg daily (but not at 160 mg
daily) ALT and GGT were also signicantly lowered.
Furthermore, at the two higher doses a dose-effect re-
lationship was seen for AST and GGT (although not
for ALT) the higher the dose, the greater the de-
crease in liver enzymes. These differences were evi-
dent after one week. In this trial, four of 60 patients
experienced adverse effects and two dropped out of
the 360-mg group before the end of the rst week.
The researchers concluded that using phytosomal si-
lybin, an intake of 160 mg silybin daily (one 80-mg
capsule twice daily, taken between meals) provided
a good maintenance intake. They suggested that for
better and more reliable results the 240-mg daily in-
take might be appropriate. For more difcult cases
the 360-mg intake of phytosomal silybin might be
indicated, although there is greater possibility of ad-
verse effects.
A small, double-blind trial, published only in
abstract form, suggested phytosomal silybin might be
useful against hepatitis C in chronically infected pa-
tients who did not benet from interferon treatment.
Ten patients who had failed to measurably respond to
recombinant interferon alpha 2b (3 million units three
times weekly for six months) were studied according
to a crossover, randomized, double-blind trial design.
After 6-12 months of interferon withdrawal, patients
were randomly assigned to receive either phytosom-
al silybin (360 mg silybin daily) or placebo for two
months. After a one-month washout period subjects
were crossed over to the other treatment. After sta-
tistical analysis, the phytosomal silybin was found to
signicantly lower both ALT and AST, while the pla-
cebo failed to do so.
Phytosomal silybin is likely safe for cirrhotic
patients. Researchers at the University of Padua col-
laborated with Indena to study uptake of silybin phy-
tosome in 10 patients with compensated liver cirrho-
sis (Child’s Grade A).
The patients rst received a
single daily dose of 120 mg silybin phytosome, and
blood silybin levels were monitored. This was fol-
lowed by a multiple dose study in which patients re-
ceived a 120-mg dose twice daily for eight days. The
patients were found to absorb the silybin phytosome
as well as healthy subjects, although there was great
variability from patient to patient.
In this study, the prole of data from the
eight-day dosing period did not show signicant dif-
ferences from the rst day’s data.
From this nding
the researchers concluded that (on average) patients
Copyright© 2005 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission. Alternative Medicine Review Volume 10, Number 3 September 2005
Alternative Medicine Review u Volume 10, Number 3 u 2005 Page 199
were not accumulating silybin in poorly functioning
livers, nor were any clinically adverse effects report-
ed. Such short-term experience does not prove the
supplement is safe for long-term use by a liver-com-
promised population. Another study by this group on
cirrhotic patients (n=9) used a higher dose of silybin
as phytosome (360 mg) for one day.
Great inter-pa-
tient variability was found, with no clinically adverse
effects. Since hepatitis patients can develop adverse
effects at this high intake,
such short-term experi-
ence does not prove the supplement is safe for long-
term use by patients with cirrhosis.
Animal Studies on
complex has been shown to
offer liver protection in labo-
ratory rats. Rats fed the toxic
solvent carbon tetrachloride
or the potentially liver-toxic
acetaminophen developed
abnormally elevated levels
of AST and ALT. When high-
dose silybin (as Siliphos) was
administered along with the
toxic insult, the liver enzymes
were signicantly reduced
(Figure 6).
Protective effects of
phytosomal silybin were ob-
served using rats pre-exposed
to toxins such as praseo-
dymium, galactosamine, and
the mushroom poisons phal-
loidin and alpha-amanitin.
This correlates with decades
of clinical observations that
silybin improves survival of
humans exposed to deathcap
mushroom (Amanita sp.) and
other toxic mushrooms.
Correlating with the
human trial ndings that sily-
bin protects the liver against
alcohol toxicity,
blocked some adverse effects
of ethanol in animal studies.
For example, ethanol fed to
rats in high doses raises liver
triglyceride (TG) levels. High TG levels are a proven
risk factor for cardiovascular disease in humans. One
study showed high-dose Siliphos fed to rats along
with ethanol signicantly blocked ethanol’s TG-el-
evating effect (Figure 7).
Figure 6. Silybin as Siliphos® Partially Protects against Experimental
Liver Damage from Carbon Tetrachloride (top panel) or Acetaminophen
(bottom panel)
250 mg/kg p.o. x 3
(as silybin)
250 mg/kg p.o. x 3
400 mg/kg p.o. x 3
-induced liver damage
-induced liver damage
Liver damage was monitored as blood levels of the standard
indicator enzymes AST and ALT.
Acetaminophen Siliphos®
400 mg/kg p.o.
(as silybin)
400 mg/kg p.o.
640 mg/kg p.o.
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In vitro Studies
Silybin’s potent
antioxidant activity is
thought to account for
much of its liver protec-
tion. One accepted ex-
perimental system for
generating free radicals
and calibrating antioxi-
dants is the NADPH/iron
effect on membranes
prepared from rat liver
cells. In this system, iron
pulls electrons from the
electron-rich NADPH
molecule and the resul-
tant molecules are used
to peroxidize cell mem-
branes. The main end-product of the membrane
breakdown is MDA. Silybin added to this “test tube”
system can block the formation of MDA
(Figure 8).
The silybin effect in blocking
MDA is dose-dependent, with increas-
ing concentrations of silybin having pro-
gressively greater blocking effect. Such
dose-dependency makes the effect more
relevant to the intact body. In liver pa-
renchymal cells isolated from rats, sily-
bin used in phytosome form entered the
cells and protected against MDA forma-
tion from a variety of peroxidative toxins,
including ADP/iron, cumene hydroper-
oxide, allyl alcohol, and bromotrichloro-
Similar protection against per-
oxidation was observed in rats pretreated
with the silybin-PC complex prior to the
cells being isolated. Other research con-
rms silybin can actually trap free radi-
cals within the membranes of liver cells,
as such reactive molecular fragments are
being generated from carbon tetrachloride
and methylhydrazine.
Figure 7. Phytosomal Silybin Partially Protects against Alcohol-induced
Increase of Liver Triglycerides
Ethanol Siliphos®
200 mg/kg p.o. x 5
(as silybin)
200 mg/kg p.o. x 5
mg triglycerides/100 g liver
Ethanol-induced liver damage
Figure 8. In vitro, Silybin Protects Rat Hepatocyte Membranes
from Free Radical Peroxidative Attack
µmoles MDA / mg protein
0 10 20 min
0.5 µM silybin
2.0 µM silybin
5.0 µM silybin
Note the dose-dependent, increased protection from
increasing concentrations of silybin.
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Safety and Tolerability of Silybin-PC
This phytosomal form of silybin has been
studied for safety.
Overall, it is well tolerated in
humans. According to researchers Marena and Lam-
healthy volunteers (total number not dis-
closed) received 360 mg silybin-phytosome complex
three times daily for three weeks without adverse
effect. They also reported treating 232 patients with
“liver disorders” for up to four months with either
240 or 360 mg daily, concluding that the tolerability
of the silybin-PC preparation was excellent. Minor
adverse effects (nausea, heartburn, dyspepsia, tran-
sient headache) were reported in 12 patients (5.2%
of the total studied), compared with 8.2 percent of
patients who received non-complexed silybin and 5.1
percent of patients on placebo. The phytosomal sily-
bin produced no clinically relevant blood changes in
these patients.
Phytosomal silybin has also proven safe in
traditional toxicological tests. Oral acute toxicity is
>5,000 mg per kg in rats, dogs, and monkeys. After
13-week, subacute toxicity studies, the preparation
was found safe for rats and monkeys at oral doses up
to 2,000 mg per kg per day. In 26-week chronic toxic-
ity studies, oral doses up to 1,000 mg per kg per day
were well tolerated in rats and dogs. In another 26-
week oral toxicity study, rats were fed a daily 2,000
mg per kg dose of Siliphos, equivalent to 160 g daily
for a 176-pound (80 kg) human. As published by In-
dena, body weight, liver weight, and enzyme indica-
tors of liver damage (AST, ALT) remained within the
normal, healthy range of the untreated control rats.
Pharmacological studies in mice, rats, and dogs in-
dicate phytosomal silybin does not adversely affect
central nervous system, cardiovascular, or respiratory
functions, and does not inuence stomach emptying
or intestinal motility, at oral doses as high as 1,000
mg per kg. The silybin-PC complex had no evident
adverse effects on reproduction in rats, and showed
no mutagenic effects in several test systems.
Conclusion and Future Research
Silybin-PC complexed as a phytosome pro-
vides signicant liver protection and enhanced bio-
availability over conventional silymarin when taken
orally. Phytosomal silybin is more rapidly absorbed
than silymarin, perhaps more so when taken in soft-
gels. It is also absorbed at least four times more com-
pletely than silymarin, reaching the liver rapidly and
appearing in the bile within a few hours. While sily-
marin must be taken at doses of approximately 420
mg daily to achieve benet, phytosomal silybin (Sili-
phos) can produce benet at intakes as low as 120 mg
daily, but can be safely administered at doses of 240-
360 mg daily. Since adverse effects are possible at the
higher intakes, monitoring would seem prudent for
subjects having ongoing intakes above 240 mg daily.
In addition to direct hepatoprotective effects,
silybin has iron-chelating capacity that could be in-
vestigated for management of chronic iron overload.
It is also under active investigation for cancer preven-
tion and management,
and has entered a Phase I
clinical trial for treatment of prostate cancer.
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... [70][71][72] The basic structure of phytosomes as nano drug delivery carrier or vesicles and they are similar to the liposome then the difference between the liposome and phytosomes is shown in Figure 6 as below followings These innovative nano drug carriers have gained prominence in the field of pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals due to their ability to address the challenges associated with the poor solubility and absorption of certain phytoconstituents. [73][74][75] The several marketed products of the phytosomes with different route of administration shown as per the Table. 6 as below description Phytosomes are already being used to treat a variety of diseases, and there are many other phytosomal products in development. ...
... : The list of marketed products of liposomes with its route of administration and applications[70][71][72][73][74][75][76] ...
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The field of pharmaceutical science and drug delivery has seen a remarkable transformation in recent years, marked by the emergence of diverse advanced approaches in the development of Novel Drug Delivery Systems (NDDs) and their associated carriers. Nanocarriers are tiny particles that can be used to deliver drugs to the body. They are typically less than 100 nanometres in diameter, which is about 1,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair. NDDs play a pivotal role in enhancing the therapeutic efficacy, safety, and patient compliance of pharmaceuticals. The research community has increasingly focused on creating novel drug delivery systems to address the limitations of conventional drug administration methods. The diversification of these approaches is notable, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of pharmaceutical sciences. NDDs can be used to deliver drugs to specific sites in the body, control the rate of drug release, and protect drugs from degradation. Carriers play an important role in NDDs. The main highlights of the review articles in to focus on the diverse nano drug carriers including niosome, liposome, aquasome, nanoparticles (NPs) and phytosomes with their marketed available different products with their specified disease targeting.
... Moscarella et al. [13] developed silicide phytosome from the Silybum marianum plant, which was tested in rats for its antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities against liver oxidative damage caused by CC14 and paracetamol (high doses) [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24]. Silipide protects hepatocytes from oxidative damage by inhibiting lipid peroxidation and scavenging reactive oxygen species, which may be the mechanism. ...
... Kidd et al. [10] prepared silybin and substitute silymarin flavonoids oligoynes from phyllanthus niruri, curcumin and pertaining diphenol curcuminoids, herbal tea flavan-3-ol catechins, and nigella sativa proanthocyanin combined (including catechin and epicatechin monomers and oligomers) with poor bioavailability and their complexation into phytosomes to overcome this drawback, and it was reported that conversion into phytosomes has improved for each of those preparations. In phytosome technology, individual polyphenol molecules and one or more molecules of the phospholipid phosphatidylcholine establish intermolecular connections (PC). ...
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“Phyto” refers to a plant, whereas “some” refers to something that looks like a cell. The other term for it is herbosomes. This is a brand-new, patented technique that mixes phospholipids with systematic herbal extracts or moisture phytocomponents to produce lipid-consistent tiny composites that significantly increase absorption and bioavailability. Phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidylethanolamine are frequently used phospholipids. Plant-derived therapies have gained notoriety and acceptance in the worldwide drug trade as safe and effective alternatives to contemporary synthetic medications as a result of their complex and unpleasant interactions. According to World Health Organization (WHO), more than 80% of people around the world believe in herbal remedies. Active ingredients originating from plants have been used to treat a number of diseases since the dawn of time. Natural plant extracts that are active have been proven to have strong pharmacological effects in vitro but limited in vivo absorption. Poor absorption has been addressed in a number of ways, including the creation of emulsions, liposomes, and nanoparticles, as well as the alteration of chemical structures and administration as prodrugs. Phytophospholipid complexes, also known as phytosomes, have emerged as a promising tactic to increase the bioavailability of active ingredients among the possible approaches.
... This method can also be applied to pharmaceutical formulations meant for oral cavity therapy, where contact durations are quite short. This is because phospholipid increases the product's adherence to surfaces it comes into touch with (Parris and Kathleen, 2005;Gupta et al, 2007). ...
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Phytosomes are vesicular drug delivery systems which are complexes between herbal material and natural phospholipids proven to be beneficial in providing good absorption and better bioavailability over herbal conventional extracts. This study was carried out to evaluate the antibacterial activity of phytosomal gels formulated with aqueous extract of cassia alata leaf. The crude drug was extracted using cold maceration and concentrated. The crude extract was evaluated for its antibacterial activity using antibacterial sensitivity test against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, by measuring the inhibitory zone diameter (IZD). The phytosomal herbal gel was evaluated for viscosity, pH, extrudability and spreadability. The pH values of the formulated gels were in the range of 5.46-7.53, the viscosity ranged between 11,567 to 70,333 mPa s. The 200 mg and 400 mg samples of the crude extract gave IZD values of 10.5 mm and 15 mm for S. aureus and 15mm and 17 mm for E. coli. Corresponding concentrations of phytosomal gels of Cassia alata (PG1-PG3 containing 200mg Cassia alata) and (PG4-PG6 containing 400 mg Cassia alata) gave higher IZD of 21.5-27 mm for S. aureus and 19-24.5 mm for E. coli. Phytosomes of Cassia alata was successfully formulated. The in vitro antibacterial activity of Cassia alata was improved with the incorporation of phytosomes giving better profile than the crude extract and the plain gel against S. aureus and E. coli. This enhanced activity can possibly be harnessed for the treatment of skin condition in which these pathogens are implicated in the aetiology.
... 66 Today, this complex is known under the trademark Siliphos ® and entered the second phase of clinical testing as a drug for the treatment of liver diseases. 72 The second most frequent micellar drug delivery system is the complex silibinin-phosphatidylcholine-vitamin E (trademark Realsil ® ), which is in the Phase III of clinical trials for the treatment of a steatosis or NASH. 73,74 D-α-tocopherol supplementation alone leads to a decrease of collagen α1(Ι) gene expression both in vitro and in vivo in the liver of normal mice and in cultured hepatic stellate cells. ...
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Silibinin, a bioactive component found in milk thistle extract (Silybum marianum), is known to have significant therapeutic potential in the treatment of various liver diseases. It is considered a key element of silymarin, which is traditionally used to support liver function. The main mechanisms of action of silibinin are attributed to its antioxidant properties protecting liver cells from damage caused by free radicals. Experimental studies conducted in vitro and in vivo have confirmed its ability to inhibit inflammatory and fibrotic processes, as well as promote the regeneration of damaged liver tissue. Therefore, silibinin represents a promising tool for the treatment of liver diseases. Since the silibinin molecule is insoluble in water and has poor bioavailability in vivo, new perspectives on solving this problem are being sought. The two most promising approaches are the water-soluble derivative silibinin-C-2’,3-dihydrogen succinate, disodium salt, and the silibinin-phosphatidylcholine complex. Both drugs are currently under evaluation in liver disease clinical trials. Nevertheless, the mechanism underlying silibinin biological activity is still elusive and its more detailed understanding would undoubtedly increase its potential in the development of effective therapeutic strategies against liver diseases. This review is focused on the therapeutic potential of silibinin and its derivates, approaches to increase the bioavailability and the benefits in the treatment of liver diseases that have been achieved so far. The review discusses the relevant in vitro and in vivo studies that investigated the protective effects of silibinin in various forms of liver damage.
... First, the multi-ring structures of natural compounds are too large that limits the absorption of drug by passive diffusion or non-active absorption. Second, the poor aqueous or lipid solubility of these phyto compounds prevents the permeation of drug through the outer membrane of gastrointestinal cells 5,6 . Active phytoconstituents isolated from natural sources have been shown excellent in vitro pharmacological activity, but poor in vivo performance. ...
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A variety of huge number of phytoconstituents isolated from the parts of plant or whole plants having the wide spectrum of pharmacological activity. But these phytoconstituents, despite having excellent in vitro bioactivity, but fails to show no in vivo activity actions, due to their limited lipid or aqueous solubility, Improper molecular size, improper permeation through biological mucosa or destruction in gastric or gut environment. So that the potential use of these herbal based drugs are limited due to their poor absorption and poor bioavailability after topical or oral administration. Over the past century, the great advancement has been made for development of novel drug delivery systems (NDDS) of phytoconstituents and herbal extracts such as Nanotechnology based formulation, liposomes, niosomes, transferosomes, ethosomes Phytophospholipid complex (phytosomes) and microparticle, etc has been developed. Novel potential phytophospholipid complexation methods have been developed by the formulation researcher to enhance the therapeutic activity of plant based drugs. In this method complexation of phytoconstituents with phospholipids in different molar ratio results into the development of novel herbal drug delivery system “phytophospholipid complex”. From the earlier research the formulation scientists have been proved that phytophospholipid complex show better pharmacokinetic and pharmacological profile than conventional herbal extracts. This review article highlights about the phospholipd as a carrier, current and future scenario of phytophospholipid complex and its potential application in hepatoprotection. Keywords: Herbal Drug Delivery, Phospholipis, Phospholipid Complex, Hepatotoxicity, Hepatoprotection
... Phytosomes are intricate combinations of phospholipids and natural active phytochemicals ( Figure 6). They are formed by reacting phosphatidylcholine (or similar hydrophilic polar head groups) with plant extracts in a solvent (aprotic solvent) [102]. These formulations demonstrate enhanced pharmacological and pharmacokinetic characteristics in comparison to conventional preparations. ...
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Inflammation is a vascular response that occurs when the immune system responds to a range of stimuli including viruses, allergens, damaged cells, and toxic substances. Inflammation is accompanied by redness, heat, swelling, discomfort, and loss of function. Natural products have been shown to have considerable therapeutic benefits, and they are increasingly being regarded as feasible alternatives for clinical preventative, diagnostic, and treatment techniques. Natural products, in contrast to developed medications, not only contain a wide variety of structures, they also display a wide range of biological activities against a variety of disease states and molecular targets. This makes natural products appealing for development in the field of medicine. In spite of the progress that has been made in the application of natural products for clinical reasons, there are still factors that prevent them from reaching their full potential, including poor solubility and stability, as well limited efficacy and bioavailability. In order to address these problems, transdermal nanovesicular gel systems have emerged as a viable way to overcome the hurdles that are encountered in the therapeutic use of natural products. These systems have a number of significant advantages, including the ability to provide sustained and controlled release, a large specific surface area, improved solubility, stability, increased targeting capabilities and therapeutic effectiveness. Further data confirming the efficacy and safety of nanovesicles–gel systems in delivering natural products in preclinical models has been supplied by extensive investigations conducted both in vitro and in vivo. This study provides a summary of previous research as well as the development of novel nanovesicular gel formulations and their application through the skin with a particular emphasis on natural products used for treatment of inflammation.
... "Phyto" denotes a plant and "some" describes something that resembles a cell. Herbosomes, also known as phytosomes are vesicular drug delivery systems that improve the bioavailability of low-soluble medicines [9,10] . Phosphatidylcholine (or any other hydrophilic polar head group) and plant extracts react in an aprotic solvent to form phytosomes [11][12][13] . ...
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दूध का काढा और पायस जडी-बूर्टयोिं के गुण प्राप्त करने के प्राचीन आयुवेर्दक सिंरूपण (भैषज्य कल्पनाएिं ) हैं। दूध में प्रोटीन और र्लर्पि (वसा, मलाई) होते हैं, जो जडी-बूर्टयोिं में उपलब्ध हाइिर ोफोर्बक और हाइिर ोर्फर्लक फाइटोके र्मकल्स दोनोिं को घोल में प्रर्वष्ट कराने के आदशज माध्यम हैं। दूध के प्रोटीन और र्लर्पि, बायोएक्टिव पदार्ों को रक्त में पहिंचाने के र्लए वाहक की तरह काम करते हैं, तर्ा इनकी क्टथर्रता और जैवउपलब्धता बढाते है। आयुवेर्दक ग्रिंर्ोिं में अनेक दूध-काढोिं (क्षीरपाक) का उल्लेख र्कया गया है, जो र्क औषध के प्रभाव को बढावा देते हैं और प्रर्तरक्षा कायों में व्रृक्टि करने का साधन प ् रदान करते हैं। क्षीरपाक के र्नमाजण में अिंतर्नजर्हत सूत्रीकरण र्सिािंतोिं का उपयोग करके अनेक शारीररक र्वकारोिं को सुधारने के और शारीररक प्रणालीगत कायों को अनुकू र्लत करने के र्लए कई नए फॉमूजलेशन को तैयार र्कया जा सकता है।
Therapeutic Insights into Herbal Medicine through the Use of Phytomolecules offers a comprehensive exploration of the pharmacological potential of plant-derived compounds. The book provides an in-depth look at the therapeutic applications of phytomolecules in various health conditions. It begins with an analysis of bioactive phloroglucinol compounds and progresses to cover plant-based approaches for managing rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, cancer, neurological disorders, and antiviral activity. The volume also covers the molecular mechanisms of flavonoids, the preclinical pharmacology of Indian medicinal herbs, and the neuroprotective role of andrographolide in Parkinson's disease. Designed to inform and inspire, this book is ideal for researchers, clinicians, and students interested in the therapeutic potential of natural products.
A smart transport procedure known as "Phytosome advancement" has been created to concede phospholipid and water-dissolvable phytoconstituent the capacity to cooperate synergistically. The phospholipid molecule, made out of two fat-dissolvable tails and a water-solvent head, assumes a pivotal part in this cycle. Going about as an emulsifying subject matter expert, it uses its double dissolvability qualities to work with the mix with natural concentrates. The consequence of this blend is the upgrade of the bioavailability of lipid-dissolvable drugs, empowering quicker and more successful assimilation. The meaning of this article lies in its compact outline of both a unique drug conveyance framework and vesicular prescription conveyance frameworks. It plans to give a complete comprehension of different perspectives, including the presentation and clarification of Phytosome, the advantages and detriments related with this conveyance methodology, significant properties to consider, strategies for planning, portrayal procedures, and the wide cluster of uses it offers in the field of medication. It is trusted that this extended substance will help perusers in procuring a more profound comprehension of Phytosome development and its likely ramifications in further developing medication conveyance proficiency.
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Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is one of the most important support nutrients for the liver. PC is a phospholipid, a large biological molecule that is a universal building block for cell membranes. A cell's membranes are its essence: they regulate the vast majority of the activities that make up life. Most liver metabolism occurs on cell membranes, which occupy about 33,000 square meters in the human. More than 2 decades of clinical trials indicate that PC protects the liver against damage from alcoholism, pharmaceuticals, pollutant substances, viruses, and other toxic influences, most of which operate by damaging cell membranes. The human liver is confronted with tens of thousands of exogenous substances. The metabolism of these xenobiotics can result in the liver's detoxicative enzymes producing reactive metabolites that attack the liver tissue. Dietary supplementation with PC (a minimum 800 mg daily, with meals) significantly speeds recovery of the liver. PC has also been shown to be effective against alcohol's liver toxicity in well-controlled studies on baboons. PC has other qualities that enhance its usefulness as a dietary supplement. PC is safe, and is a safer means for dietary choline repletion than choline itself. PC is fully compatible with pharmaceuticals, and with other nutrients. PC is also highly bioavailable (about 90% of the administered amount is absorbed over 24 hours), and PC is an excellent emulsifier that enhances the bioavailability of nutrients with which it is coadministered. PC's diverse benefits and proven safety indicate that it is a premier liver nutrient.
Eight patients (two men and six women; mean age, 54.6 + 5 years) with viral chronic active hepatitis were treated with silipide (IdB1016), a new silybin-phosphatidylcholine complex, for 2 months. After treatment with IdB1016, serum malondialdehyde levels decreased by 36%, and the quantitative liver function evaluation, as expressed by galactose elimination capacity, increased by 15%. A statistically significant reduction (P < 0.05) of transaminases was also seen. These results suggest that silipide may be effective in improving the biochemical and quantitative indices of hepatic function in patients with chronic active hepatitis.
Silybin, a natural occurring flavolignan isolated from the fruits of Silibum marianum, has been reported to exert antioxidant and free radical scavenging abilities. It was suggested to act also as an iron chelator. The complexation and protonation equilibria of the ferric complex of this compound have been studied by potentiometric, spectrophotometric and electrochemical techniques. The formation of the complex silybin–Ga(III) in anhydrous DMSO-d6 has been studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy on silybin–Fe(III) complex confirm all data obtained by 1H NMR spectroscopy. The experimental results show that silybin binds Fe(III) even at acidic pH. Different ternary complexes were observed at increasing methoxide ion concentration and their stability constants have been calculated. The results show the possible role of silybin in relation to the chelation therapy of chronic iron overload, as occurs in the treatment of Cooley’s anemia.